11x07 - Double Dare: Part 1

Episode transcripts for the TV show, "Silent Witness". Aired: 21 February 1996 – present.*
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British crime drama television series produced by the BBC, which focuses on a team of forensic pathology experts and their investigations into various crimes.
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11x07 - Double Dare: Part 1

Post by bunniefuu »

# I hold you closely

# You push me away

# I want forever

# You just want today

# Give me your fingers

# Wash out your mouth

# Bit off my tongue
on this bloody couch... #




Are you ready?

I can't believe I'm doing this.
Where's your coat?

I must have packed it.
You're going to get soaked.

Let's go. Anna, it's pelting.

Anna, don't be stupid,
you are going to get soaked.



Where are we going?!

Where are we going?

Tell me, I don't
know where to take you. Shit.

There's blood everywhere. We've got
to get to a hospital.
Tell me where to take you?

Shit. We've got to get to a hospital.
The pain. I haven't got a mobile.

Take my phone. Quick.

Oh, Ahh...

I've called 999. They're on their
way. Can you push at all?


Can you hear me?
There's petrol leaking.

You've got to get out.

Oh, it's going to blow.
Oh, no!


Hey. Got a real treat for you this
morning, Dr Alexander.

Fried to a crisp.

Are you the SIO? Anna Holland.

She's only been out two months.

She was under Police Protection.
Carla Masters was
her protection officer.

Apparently, she was in a
safe house just up the road.

How can you be sure?

DS Masters was driving her.

She, er,

she's been taken to hospital.

Still alive?

What does it matter? It matters
because we need to find out what...

You listen to me, Anna Holland
finally got what was coming to her.

Please, Detective.
A roasting in hell.

You won't do it. I dare you.
I double dare you.

The, er,

van driver thinks
they were both alive.

Where's the safe house?

Half mile, that way.

Come on, I'll take you over.

I'll walk, thanks.

Was that really
Anna Holland in there?

We are making our enquiries.

So I risked my life for
Anna bloody Holland?

Are you sure you don't
want me to drive you?

Quite sure, thanks. You were
the pathologist. Right? For the
defence. There's blood.


At the safe house.

Why the fu...
why didn't you say so before?

Same as it ever was -

everyone knows what happened,

the police, the barristers,
the so-called experts.

Over here - I want these preserved.

They all know Holland was
as guilty as Drage and all she got
was four years.

At the time of the m*rder
Anna Holland was just a kid.
She barely knew Michael Drage.

She bloody well dared him to do it.

You got some blood on the wall here.

Here you are.

Looks like a running shoe. Really?

One of the neighbours said she heard
shouting around two this morning.

How did anyone know she was here?

I have long forgiven
both Michael Drage and Anna
Holland for the m*rder of my wife.

I was determined that my
family should not become imprisoned
by hatred and revenge.

Never the less, you must be
pleased that she's dead. Why must I?

She goaded Drage into stabbing your
wife... No-one should rejoice
in Anna's death.

She was a young woman
who had her whole life ahead of her.

Come on, boys, let's go.

That was Jason Colebrook responding
to the news that Anna Holland,
accused four years ago of

brutally stabbing his wife,
was k*lled earlier this morning in a
car accident.

The police
are as yet making no comment...

What are you going to tell her? As
senior forensic pathologist,

I've been advised to carry
out the post mortem on Anna Holland.

Anna Holland was just 17 when
she dared Michael Drage to m*rder
the next person they saw...

That next person was
Paula Colebrook and her two sons.
I dare you, I double dare you.

Drage and Holland then followed her
home where she was repeatedly

And you're going to
act on that advice?


Yes, I am. In the hope of protecting
Nikki from what will almost certainly
be another personal onslaught.

You don't think that's a
decision for her to make? Morning.

Ah, Nikki... This is Detective
Inspector Glynn, he's the SIO.

Do you or do you not want to
do the PM on Anna Holland?
Of course. Why wouldn't I?

That's very helpful, thanks Harry.

What is?

The coroner has advised me...

To take me off the case?

They don't want you making the same
mistakes, love.
You've seen the media scrum?

Bollocks, Leo, that's got
nothing to do with it.

Dr Alexander?

Dan? Just as I remember you.

This is, um, Detective
Sergeant Jennings.

Detective Inspector,
if you don't mind.

What are you doing here? It'd
appear that Miss Holland was k*lled
whilst under police protection.

That's all we bloody need -
the Professional Standards Team.

Um... Dan was on the original case.

So, when's kick off? If you're
referring to the post mortem on
Anna Holland,

I'm afraid Dr Alexander
won't be conducting it. Can we talk
about this, please?

I thought Dr Alexander
was assigned to this case.
You were at the scene of crime?

The coroner has advised Professor
Dalton he should carry it out.

If you'll excuse us for a couple of
minutes... Whatever happens, there'll
need to be a second post mortem.

On behalf of the police.
And for that purpose,
I'd like to ask Dr Alexander.

Would it be better if
I spoke to the coroner?

If I remember rightly, last time
you dealt with Anna Holland,
you had a pretty torrid time of it.

If I remember rightly, you
stood by me then as I expect
you to stand by me now.

Even the teeth have been
shattered by the heat.

Anna Holland's DNA is on file,
I presume.


We better take a muscle sample then.

Peter? What? Scalpel, please?

Sorry, Professor Dalton...

I remember this.

From the trial.
She kept touching it.

Like a nervous thing.

Make sure that gets off to the lab
soon as possible, will you?

What do you make of this?

Looks like a s*ab wound.
That's what I thought.
She was stabbed?

Was that the cause of death?

It would explain the blood
outside the safe house.

You mean she was dead
before the car went up in flames?

Sorry to disappoint you, but there's
a good chance she bled to death.

I'm not sure you can draw
that conclusion actually...

If you look at the deep tissue

you can see it's cherry red,
indicating carbon monoxide exposure.

Meaning? It looks like she was
alive when the fire started.


If she was stabbed outside,
it would explain why
Masters drove off so fast.

I'll go over to the hospital
later and see what kind of wounds
were inflicted on DS Masters.

I'll come with you.
You don't have to. I know.

He clearly doesn't trust you.

The wound is approximately
five centimetres in length...

impacting the femur...

..and a couple of
millimetres in width.

Palms of the hands

haven't been burnt.

Probably because of heat contraction.

How was she found in the car?

According to the van driver,
she was lying face down.

I suppose she could have been
gripping her legs, to stop
the bleeding.

I'm not sure we can draw
that conclusion, can we?

Given the severity of the burns
to the inner and upper thigh.

Is it possible that we might
find a trace of the attacker's DNA?

We'll do our best.

Palpable fractures to the skull.

My God,
she was well and truly plummed.

Look, I am aware you have no faith
in the British justice system,

but Anna Holland was tried
and found not guilty of m*rder.

She served her time and was a
free young woman with every
right to live a normal life.

But she was found and stabbed.

m*rder*d. And it's because
of people like you... Me? Me?

It wasn't ME
who let her get off with m*rder.

What, you're saying I...?

DI Jennings, if your colleague can't
keep his opinions to himself I'll
write... Please, Leo...

I shall personally write to the
commissioner and ask for him to be
removed from this investigation.

I'm sorry.

DI Glynn...

he's a good copper...

It's been a long
morning with a good copper.

I thought Drage and Holland was in
the past, but when I heard the

Some cases never quite leave
you, I guess.

Why did you never return my calls?

After the way you
spoke to me at the trial?

That was in the heat of the moment.
I was...

upset, disappointed.


..in me.

It's not
you I was disappointed in, Nikki.


Nikki, darling. Good to see you.

What are you doing here?

Victor Alexander, Nikki's father.


This really is impressive, Niks.

got some calls to make, I'll be...

Don't let me interrupt anything.
It's fine.

So this is where my
little girl works.

Dad, please.
What are you doing here?

Oh, sorry about just
turning up like this.

You know me.

No, I was just passing and I
remember you said you worked here.

Why didn't you just call?

I haven't got your number.

Anyway, if I had called
would you have agreed to see me?

Oh, Nikki, I had a word with DI
Glynn. There really was no need.

Oh, yes, there was. He should keep
his personal opinions to himself.

The boss?

I can't believe you've done this.

Done what? What do you want?

A close friend of mine
had an accident and died...

I thought, perhaps...

What? I want a second post mortem.

Dad, I can't get involved with that
and, to tell you the truth,
I'm not sure I really want to.

Nikki? DS Masters' car
is ready for inspection.

Right, would you tell Leo?
We'll go straight away.

I can give you some names and
numbers if you want a second
post mortem,

or you
should talk to your solicitor.

Well, that's something at least.

Well, I don't know what you expect
from me. Is there a back door?
The press are gathering outside.

I'm quite happy to go out of the
front. In fact, I think we should.

My number's at the bottom.

Call me next time, before
you just turn up. Thanks Niks,

good to see you, darling.

Er... Is Leo coming?

He'll meet us down there.


Sorry. After you. No, no, please.

Shall we take my car? Yes.

Oh, er, Victor Alexander.

Nikki's father. Oh, hello, Hi, I'm
Harry Cunningham, her colleague.

Nikki suggested I
should talk to you. Oh, did she?
Sorry, she didn't say anything.

No, I'm not surprised -
rushed off her feet, poor girl.

Since Anna came out of prison,
she had to be moved three times.

Why exactly?

The press were
determined to find her.

Offering inducements, paying for
information, photos.

It must have been getting difficult
finding her anywhere safe for her.

The whole country knew
what she looked like.

The whole country wanted her dead.

Well, that should make our
job a whole lot easier.



What about a contract k*lling?

Contract K*llers don't tend to
use knives, they get a Smith and
Wesson for a hundred quid and bang.

DS Masters'...

I presume?

She was probably calling for
back-up, lost control for a

If it wasn't a random sighting, who
else would know where she was?

DS Masters, obviously.

Currently in hospital fighting
for her life because SHE was
trying to protect Anna Holland.

Unlikely then, that it
was her who told anyone.

I'll check with Witness Protection,
but it'll be down to one or two
officers who knew the exact details.

Their computers all have special
security codes.

Who wanted Anna Holland
dead more than anyone else? More
than you, you mean?

Jason Colebrook? Bingo.

I thought he was setting up a
charitable foundation for young
people like Drage and Holland.

Do you remember what he
was like after the trial?

Yeah, he wanted to, er, what was it,
"cut her open with a knife
and rip out her black, evil heart."

And who could blame him?

From what I can gather,
Anna Holland was on her way out of
the country to have facial surgery.

If anyone wanted to k*ll her, this
was going to be their last chance.

I dare you. I double dare you.

TV: The story has taken a gruesome
twist with the publication in
several newspapers of...

Daddy? Mummy's on the TV again.
..leaked pictures of Anna
Holland's badly burned body.

The pictures are understood to
have been taken on a mobile phone

in the mortuary in which her
post mortem was taking place.

They will be a cause of considerable
embarrassment for the coroner...
I told you, Jamie.

I want to watch it.
Well, I don't, thank you very much.

What's that?

Is Mummy in there as well?

I double dare you.

Kim...my wife.

I guess Nikki never
mentioned I remarried.


In fact, I'm pretty certain
she doesn't mentioned me
at all unless she has to.

We have something of a complicated
relationship, me and Niks.

I haven't been a model father.

Neither was I a particularly
good husband to her mother.

I do believe people can change...

..and I met Kim...

Such a shame...

she had her whole life ahead of her.

In fact, we used to joke about when
I died, what she'd wear at my
funeral... And, how did she die?

Well, that's what
I want to find out.

This is a copy of the
coroner's verdict.

Meningitis? Yeah.

Just over six months ago.

So what exactly do you want me to do?

A second post mortem.
And why's that?

A few weeks before she died,

she was on her bike, going to work.

She was always really careful,
wore a helmet and everything.

Anyway, she was turning a corner
and a bus, one of those long ones,

came by and cut her up and
knocked her to the ground.

But there were witnesses -
I've got their names and addresses.

Surely the coroner took all
of this into consideration.
Yes, he did.

But I think he was wrong.

After the accident, she was always
having these blinding migraines and
dizzy spells.

Sounds like the early
symptoms of meningitis.

I'm convinced it had something
to do with the accident.

Kim Freeman?

Yeah. Her maiden name.

She didn't get round to changing it.

Nikki gave me some other numbers to
try, but obviously she suggested
I come to you first but,

course, if you're too busy,
I'll quite understand.

What do you think
now that Anna Holland is dead?

Do you still think you were
right all those years ago?

Can you please get out of the way.
How do you feel now that Anna Holland
is dead?

Do you feel responsible
for getting her off?


REPORTER: Mrs Holland, have you
come to identify your daughter's


I remember you at the trial.

You were the only one who had
anything nice to say about Anna.

I gave evidence for the defence.

That's right. You defended her.

Not sure how you
could do that, really?

We all know what must have happened.

I must warn you, the condition
of your daughter's body...

I well know what my daughter's body
looks like -
it's in all the bloody papers.

I'm sorry I don't know how.
I'm not blaming you.

When you can watch S*ddam Hussein
being hanged on the six o'clock
news. This should never have...

I want to pay my last respects,
that's all.

No-one else is going to do it,
are they?

Take your time.

Let me know when you're ready.

Is she all like this?

One of her hands
wasn't as badly burnt.

A hand,

is that all?

We found this.

Used to be mine.

I gave it to Anna on
her sixteenth birthday....

..to keep her safe.

And barely a year later...

I can't do this, I'm sorry.

Would you like some water? No.

You can confirm that
this was your daughter's?

Do you still believe she had nothing
to do with stabbing that woman?

The evidence... There was
something I never told the police.

At the time of the trial,

I hated what my daughter had done,

but a mother stands by her child.

It's instinct.

What didn't you tell
the police, Mrs Holland?

When Anna was younger,

she used to cut herself.



What have you been doing?


You disgust me.

I hate you, I hate you!

She was obsessed with knives.

I had to hide them in the house.

So your daughter
threatened to s*ab you?

And this was before
she met Michael Drage?

When I was told what had happened...

I, I wasn't really very surprised.

Which is terrible. I know.

I'm sorry.

I only wanted to protect her.

Yes, I quite agree, sir.

All right.

The coroner?

Have you seen this?

There's a film apparently,
on the internet. Yeah. I know.

Taken with a mobile phone.

Mrs Holland has
identified her daughter,

well, the St Christopher...


Are you all right?

Mrs Holland was very
upset about the photos.

I'm going to take an injunction out.
Too late. It's already out there.

Professor Ibrahim?
You made the papers, I see.

There but for the grace of God...
How has the Coroner taken it?

Doctor Alexander.

Are you really getting yourself
involved with Anna Holland again?

I asked her to, given her
previous experience in the case.

That's very commendable.

But I must say I am surprised.

After everything that
happened last time.

I still can't believe you swayed
the jury like you did. I didn't
sway the jury. The evidence...

I'm sorry. I've just brought a
body over for Dr Cunningham
and I am already six minutes late.

Oh, I'm sorry to ask you, but I
need to check with everyone, that man
you were speaking to yesterday?

Before we went to inspect the car.

Oh. That was my father.

What does he want, your father?

A friend of his has died
and he wanted me to do
a second post mortem.

You couldn't possibly. I know.

That's what I told him.

Would you like me to have
a word with him?

I think I can deal
with my own father.


Professor Leo Dalton for DS Masters.

Hello. How's she doing?

She's stable but critical.

Where shall we start? 50% burns,
both ankles broken,

rib fractures, contusions.

In the past few hours her
temperature has risen rapidly,

followed by her pulse and, um,
her BP has dropped...

95 over 55.

Tachycardic, over 105.


Blood cultures were taken. As you
can see, her abdomen has distended.

She's had an abdominal X-ray?

We're awaiting review from the
surgeon. She's due for theatre
this afternoon. Any s*ab wounds?

It's difficult to determine,
considering the extent of the burns.

Is that how Anna Holland died?

Well, that's what
we're trying to find out.

I couldn't believe
that photo in today's paper -

it's a wonder DS Masters
got out alive.

You should expect more security.

Hmm. If you need anything,
just call.

There's some small cuts.

Looks like she put up a fight.

Her attacker may well
have been injured himself.

There's evidence of old scarring
on the side of the hand.



Mrs Holland told me that
Anna had a fixation with
knives when she was younger.


She used to cut herself.

Mrs Holland
didn't mention it before,
afraid it might sway the jury.

Didn't anybody notice?

Presumably the wounds
were mostly superficial

and she may well have stopped it
after she left home.

Well, plenty of teenagers
self harm, doesn't mean
they go on to be murderers.


but Mrs Holland also said
that Anna threatened her.

With a knife?

Now, that might
well have swayed a jury.

Dr Alexander simply
misinterpreted the evidence.

The blood spatters
found on Anna Holland indicated

that she was next to Paula Colebrook
as she was being stabbed,

not three metres across the room
with the children.

You know her explanation
for how the microscopic droplets

got onto Holland's clothing?

The patio door was open
and the wind carried them.

Clouding of the pia and arachnoid,

congestion of the cortical vessels

and pus collections over the
surface of the hemispheres.

Bacterial meningitis.
The cause of death.

Did you locate the source.
Any PM microbiology?

It was a routine Coroner's case.

Nasopharyngeal in origin. The
woman had a normal immune system.

Excuse me...

I'm gonna need some X-rays here.

What on earth for?

Sorry to disturb you Mr Colebrook,
I wondered if we might have a word.

Do you think I k*lled Anna Holland?

We need to eliminate
you from our enquiries.

We can organise someone
to look after the children.

My mother will have to come down.

We have a family liaison officer.

Do you have any idea what my boys
are going through right now?

I'm sorry.
You're simply doing your job.

I want this k*ller caught
as much as you do.

I'll call my mother.

How's she doing? Sorry, you are...?

Adam Masters, her husband, I've
just been told you're taking her to
surgery. Oh, we're not her surgeons.

We're forensic pathologists.
No... She...! No, no, no -

we're investigating the death
of Anna Holland. We came to see
your wife to compare injuries.

I thought you meant...
Sorry. Sorry.

I didn't know till this morning
it was Anna Holland she was
looking after.

It's the nature of the business,
I suppose. Utmost secrecy.

Is it possible that someone
could have found out
who she was protecting?

No, not from Carla, no way.

Though, I have to admit, when I
found out it was Anna Holland...

I assume your wife would only agree
to take on the job if she felt
she could deal with it.

Don't get me wrong,
Carla's a real professional, but...

..look at her now...

This is what she gets for dedicating
her whole life to the job...

all the papers full of bloody
Anna Holland and not a word
about how brave my Carla was!

Ah, Mr Masters...

we're taking your wife down now.

Coffee. Oh, thanks.

What are you doing?

Just reacquainting myself
with the Paula Colebrook case.

According to your evidence
Anna Holland didn't take part
in the attack

because of blood spatters
on her clothing.

Which were identical
to the blood splatters
found on the two children.

Which suggests that she was standing
with the children whilst Michael
Drage was stabbing their mother.


Are we going through the whole trial
again? No, no, no, I just want to
get it clear. As you well know,

blood spatters often are extremely
contentious. What about these
microscopic particles?

How come they ended up
on Anna's clothing?

The patio doors were open.

And the breeze
blew in the droplets...

To where Anna was with the children.

Except that the children
didn't get the droplets on them.

No. Which is one of the reasons
Professor Ibrahim told the court that
she believed Anna wasn't standing

with the children but was next to the
body, taking part in the stabbing.

Seems a reasonable supposition.

Are you saying that my
supposition wasn't reasonable?

All the rest of the blood
found on Anna's top was clotted,

suggesting that it got there three
or four minutes after Paula died.

I still don't think there's anything
that puts Anna definitively next to
Paula when she was being stabbed.

Again, Professor Ibrahim argued
that the clotting was due to the
viscose top Anna was wearing.

The way the blood congeals
on viscose is very similar
to post mortem blood droplets.

You don't think that's possible?

It's possible.

Look, four years ago you were
absolutely certain

that your interpretation
of the evidence was right.

Four years ago, I thought
you agreed with me.

I did. However the court was told
that Anna had no interest

in knives, that it was unlikely
she was carrying a knife.

We now know that was not the case.
That doesn't alter the evidence.

It might explain the large number
of s*ab wounds sustained by Paula
Colebrook. Only one knife was found.

Anna could have used that. She was
standing over two metres away.

The blood spatters evidence
may not have changed
but the circumstances have.

Are you saying that you
think my interpretation
of the evidence was wrong?

No. No, not wrong.

Well, what then?
More questionable.

I was at home with my children, who
are my only witnesses, but I'd rather
you didn't ask them questions.

How well did you know
Anna Holland, Mr Colebrook?

I could say that, after my wife and
mother, she's possibly been the
most important woman in my life

but that would sound cynical.

In the last few years,
I got to know her quite well.

You went to see her in prison?

I did. Yes.

I also went to see Michael Drage.

So too both of their parents, though
neither were very keen to see me.

Too ashamed.

And after she left prison?

Excuse me... I've got it.

What's she doing here?
We need a sample of your DNA.

Look who it is.

Hi. Hello.

You remember Mr Colebrook?
Of course.

I, um, I owe you
an apology, Doctor.

As I remember, I was very
discourteous to you after the trial.

I said some things concerning Anna,
that I now regret.

In answer to your earlier question,
Anna sent me an email,
via my solicitor,

asking me to meet with her.

I decided not to. Not because I
didn't want to but because I felt
it might breach her security.

She told you where she was living?

No, no, no. I, er, I told her not to.

I was wondering, Mr Colebrook,

if you have a pair of trainers?

Well, yes, of course.

If it's not too inconvenient,
we'd like to have them for analysis.

Could you open your mouth, please?

Do you think me capable
of m*rder, Dr Alexander?

I think anyone of us
is capable of m*rder.

That's one of the saddest
things I've ever heard.

Is that your job talking?

How did you get the bruising
to your face?

My son. He threw a toy at me.

He has these moments of...

How to explain?

It's amazing how violent
a nine-year-old can get.


A knife obsession?

She also threatened her.

With a knife? Had we been able
to mention that in court...

It still doesn't change the evidence
at the scene of the crime.

Why don't we go have a look?

At the house, where it happened.

But... It was a rented property.
Since the m*rder, no-one's touched
it. What would be the point?

It might put your mind at rest.

I'm not sure,
I'll think about it.

You sent it to a friend
as a private joke?!

He didn't believe she was dead.

It...it wasn't meant
to get into the papers.

Well, it did.
And all over the internet.

I'm sorry.

It won't happen again. No, it won't.

You're suspended
until further notice.

How did you know it was Peter?

I didn't. He came to me.

I'd better call the Coroner.

You all right?


How are you getting on?

My past seems to be
rapidly catching up with me.

That's because you're slow.

Oh, I did, I did that
second post mortem.

What? On Kim.

You told your father
to speak to me...


You didn't?
No, what did he say to you?

Well, his wife had died
of meningitis. His wife?

He had a wife? He was married?!
Yeah. To Kim.

You didn't know?

I don't believe it.

This is SO typical.

What was she like? Kim?
Well, she's...

You should...
Well, you should probably talk
to your father about it.

What? Well, she was quite young,

younger than you, in fact.

How does my father
always do this to me?!

I'm sorry, I really thought
I was doing you a favour.

Is there anything else
I should know? What else did he say?
No, no...

I don't understand him, he was
talking very fondly of you...

He was very warmly remembering
how happy you used to be
in South Africa.

How happy we were in South Africa?

Yeah, we WERE happy.

Did he mention anything
about how he left us?

No. No, no, he didn't tell you
how he just bloody well disappeared

when I was 11 and my mother
filed a missing person's,

only to discover that he'd
gone bankrupt and left the country.

But that he'd managed to sell
the house before he left
so we had to move

and I had to leave school and
I didn't hear anything from him
for seven months

only to get a card with
a ten rand note in it saying...

"Happy Christmas, Niks,
love, Dad."

They've found the knife.

Our m*rder w*apon.

Certainly looks like it. There's
a trail of blood going this way.

As you can see, this is where
the majority of blood was found.

Pity about the rain...
We could have got better forensics.

But we've also discovered another
trail of blood leading over here.

Two people?

DS Masters almost certainly
parked her car over here.

So I think we can assume
she drove off that way...

..as our k*ller - K*llers? -

walked off in these two directions.

Throwing the knife
before driving away.

Do we know where DS Masters
was taking Anna Holland?

Gatwick. She was flying to Canada
first thing the following morning.

It's all right for some.

Somebody must have known she was here
and leaving that night.

According to Jason Colebrook,
Anna sent him an email.

She also contacted her mother.

Oh. She didn't mention that.

And she sent two letters
to Michael Drage.


Why would she write to him?
At the trial she said
he'd threatened to k*ll her.

And we all know
she couldn't have been lying.

If she emails Colebrook,
presumably there's a computer
in the house. No.

There's an small internet cafe
just up the road.

So she could have been recognised.

You really think this was random?

Someone might have seen her,
got hold of a knife.

What if Michael Drage set it up?
From prison, you mean?

Well, it wouldn't be that difficult.

As you keep reminding us,
half the country wanted her dead.

She told the court
it was all his idea.

Which implies that she was
lying through her teeth.

Is this about Anna?

I understand she wrote to you?

Why have you come to see me?

Do you still have those letters?

She said she was sorry.

To you?

Is that her, is it,
in all the papers?

When's the funeral?

You won't be invited.

Why not?

When you first met Anna,
did she have a knife?


So you never saw her with one?

Only mine.

She gave me a tattoo.

Did you know where she was staying,
after coming out of prison?

Do you think it was me?

They think it was me.

DC Kate Dickerson.
I'll show you the body.

Best offer I've had all day.

This way!

According to the neighbours,
the house has been empty for months.

An elderly couple lived here.

Mr and Mrs Binefa.

She went over to help
in the civil w*r or something.

Came back and got married.
Very romantic.

Are you working on
the Anna Holland case?

Don't you start! Is it true
she was stabbed through the heart?

Yeah. Yeah, but it didn't k*ll her,

she just woke up on the slab...

Down here? Yeah.

Any idea who made the call?
Still trying to trace it.

A man or a woman?

Man. "The Binefas have things
buried that might be of interest."

What do you reckon?
Well, she's almost certainly dead.

And look, there's, erm...

roots growing through her feet.

Brambles, I think we should be able
to estimate how many seasons

they've been here
by measuring them... Hold on.

May, 2003.
You can tell that by just...?

Tube ticket.

Has the whole garden been scanned?
And the house.

Didn't the man on the phone mention
"buried things", plural?

Could there be more than one body?

I've got permission
to go back to the house.

We could take a look tomorrow.

You OK?

What if I was wrong...

and Anna was more involved
with Paula Colebrook's m*rder
than I thought?

You don't really think that?

Anna comes out of prison
and decides,

before she leaves the country,
to tell Jason everything...

How she helped to s*ab his wife...

how she got away with m*rder.

"And as the boys ran away,
the building started to collapse
with a great loud crash.

"And the monster and the wicked witch
couldn't escape

"and they were never seen again."

Again? It's late.

You better be getting to bed.

Are you going out, Daddy?

No. Of course not.

You did the other night.

Just for a few minutes.

Hours and hours, more like.

I'm not going anywhere.

I promise.

You get to bed now.



# ..I hear the tick of a b*mb
All your hair in a fuse

# You ask me for a light

# To blow away... #
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