10x08 - Supernova: Part 2

Episode transcripts for the TV show, "Silent Witness". Aired: 21 February 1996 – present.*
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British crime drama television series produced by the BBC, which focuses on a team of forensic pathology experts and their investigations into various crimes.
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10x08 - Supernova: Part 2

Post by bunniefuu »

Ingenious bit of parking.

Yeah, isn't it? Traffic logged it
first thing on Saturday.

The doors are unlocked,
and the keys are in the ignition.

So why didn't they steal all of it?
t*nk's empty.



Trade plates? Yes.

It's an Irish import. It's new
and it's not been registered.

It'll take a while to get an ID.
You know it's connected to the...?

Yes. There's blood
on the front seats.


What a shame. Why?

Such a nice car. Where's the body?

Hello, Charlie. Hello, Leo.

How you doing? Not bad, not bad.

Now, this is Alison Garland.

Her fellow pupils found her
in their lunch break.

How old is she? 14.

She was last seen alive
in her Maths lesson,
which finished at one o'clock.

Was found here at 1.30.

Rigor hasn't set in yet.

So the timescale fits.

And this was in her hand.

Multi-bladed penknife.

And we found
some cannabis in her pocket.

'Daddy, stop it. That tickles.'

How long do you think
he's been here?

No signs of decomposition.
Couple of days at most.

Is that puke?


No ID.

Right, I'd love to be able
to tell you that he had a crash,

smashed himself up, vomited,
staggered out of the car and fell.

But... There's no damage to the
car and the airbags are intact.

And it doesn't explain that
there's a lot of blood and
I can't see any cuts on his front.

Oh, dear.

Dear, dear.

Which seat was the blood on?

Passenger, mostly. Right.

Stabbed, transported, dumped.

Body is that of an adolescent girl.

Appearance consistent
with the stated age of 14.

Breasts are fully developed. She has
some bruising on her upper left arm.

And there is a transverse scar
pattern on her lower left arm.

These look self-inflicted.

There is also what appears to be
a ragged incision
over the radial artery.

There are also trail marks
around the wound,

suggesting that the blade was
serrated, consistent with
the penknife found in her hand.

No evidence to the contrary.

There is some bruising
to the left breast.

Yes, and there are some tiny
red marks to the inner thighs.

Possible signs of recent
sexual activity.

I think I'd better take
a full range of sex swabs
to check for semen and DNA.

So, she had sex with someone
before her death.

Or she was r*ped.
Couldn't live with what had happened.

Either way...


Hi. Coffee?

When did you first have sex?

I was just 15. Really?

Way too young, I know.

Is that because you wanted to or
because you felt you should, or...?

Both, I guess.


It's just something
I don't know anything about.

Girls that age...
Well, you're not really supposed to.


Sounds like I got off lightly.


Leo Dalton.


Yes. New case come in. All yours.



Just in there.



Hi, DI Vincent? Upstairs.


Hello. Hiya.

Is the body up there?

No, no. When we got here
the ladder was down,

so maybe the intruder
was looking for something.

It's just a load of old junk
up there now.

Detective Inspector Vincent.

Nikki Alexander, pathologist.

It's through here.

Her name's Kay Owen.

78 years old.
Local newsagent called us.

She was worried she hadn't been in
for a few days. Did she live alone?

Yes. There's a son
we're trying to contact.

Bruises and abrasions

to her face and neck.

Her clothes have been torn.

Time of death?

Well, I have to do the PM.
But I'd say a couple of days.

It's a nasty head wound.

I'm thinking burglary by deception.

There's been a guy running
around pretending he's
a meter reader from the Gas Board.

Has he ever been violent before?
No, but maybe he's escalating.

Escalating? It'd be great to catch
him. This is my first case as SIO.

I don't want to screw it up.

Did anybody know Alison at all?

Were you in Alison's class?

..Anything about Alison?

Did you know Alison?

Did you know Alison?

Can you tell us anything about her?
Leave him alone!

Did you know Alison?
Yes. Was she in your class?
Yes, she was a friend.

When was the last time
you saw her? Just at school.

Is there any reason why you think
that this might have happened?

I don't know.
She's going to be missed.

Can you give me any more information?

Did you know Alison?

Did anybody know Alison?

We're not a failing school.

We used to be a failing school
but now we're an average school.

But average is still
very, very difficult.

I saw her here on Friday.

She was signing up to volunteer
as a class rep for next year.

Why would she sign up
as a class rep if...?

Oh, this is Dr Caroline Anscombe,
psychologist attached to the school.

Superintendent Ferguson.
Leo Dalton, pathologist.

Do we know what happened to her?

We can't be certain yet,
but the evidence so far suggests
that she k*lled herself.

There is evidence
that she had a sexual encounter

shortly before she died. We need
to establish whether or not...

This is Walter Best, my deputy.

Superintendent Ferguson.

Leo Dalton.

We need to find out as much
as we can about Alison Garland's
movements yesterday morning.

She spent the lesson
gossiping with her friends,
so she seemed perfectly normal.

What time did she leave?

It was about one...

Did you know her, Dr Anscombe?

Yes. I met her twice.

Both routine matters. There was
an incident in the playground and
a misunderstanding on a school trip.

I really don't believe
she k*lled herself.

She'd been cutting her wrists
for quite a long time.

I'm just saying that maybe you didn't
know her as well as you thought.

Well, thank you, Dr Anscombe.

This is a shock.

A terrible tragedy.

We can only feel a desperate regret

at the loss of a valued pupil
at such a young age.

At this time, our thoughts
are with Alison's family.

And with you, her friends.

Now, the police will want
to talk to some of you.

And, for the rest, if you know
anything, please come forward.

Detective Superintendent Ferguson
here informs me

there's a letterbox outside
the drama studio incident room

should you wish to leave a note.

That's all.

Now, go back to your classrooms
and wait for your teachers there.

Who would do this?

I'm afraid
you can't touch her, Mr Owen.



'I tried to get Mum to move out
closer, but she wouldn't.'

She just laughed when we suggested
the idea of sheltered accommodation.

When did you last see
your mother, Mr Owen?

It must have been

six or seven weeks ago. I can give
you an exact date later if you want.

We'd been talking for ages
about coming down.

But we never seemed
to have the time.

And you said you were at work
on the day she died. Yes.

One of those team-building weekends.

You know, all that guff about the
company being one big happy family.

All right, mate? Yes.

Thanks for looking after him.
That's OK. This is my son, Stephen.


When he heard what had happened,
he insisted on coming along.

My dad says I can't see my gran.

Well, the thing is, she wasn't
very well just before she died

and she probably doesn't
really look like she used to.

Maybe she'd want you to remember
her as she was when she was alive.

She used to let me wind the clock up
and we'd watch old films together.

We'll come back later, yeah? OK.

Dad... Mmm?


Did someone k*ll her? Um...

We're going to try and find out
what happened.

Come on then.

Is she really dead then?

How many? One, two, three,
four, five, six, seven, eight.

This is going to be a stubborn
stain, isn't it?

We've got an ID on the trade plates.

His name's Chris Duncan.

That is a crinkle-cut chip.

Quite distinctive, aren't they?

Duncan Prestige Motors.

Must have eaten it shortly before he
died. Might help with time of death.

Can I help?


Chris hasn't been in for three days.

Isn't that a bit unusual?

No. He often goes on sales trips.

Are any of your cars missing? No.

What, they're all here?

Yes. Well, apart from the 280.

The boss sometimes
takes it home at night.

So when exactly
did you last see him?


I left about six. He told me
he'd close up. And did he?


Yes. I came in Saturday morning.
The place was locked up as usual
and the alarms were set.

Does your workshop always smell
so strongly of disinfectant?

I don't know.
Maybe someone spilt something.

A lot of blood here.

The chip shop owner reckons
that Chris Duncan was in there
last Friday at seven.

So he went across the road,
he bought his chips, he came back.

He had his chips.

Whoever k*lled him, locked up
the showroom and knew the codes
to set the alarms. Right.

So who would know those codes?
Only two of the staff, and
they've got alibis. Anybody else?

The family?

Well, she kind of used to follow us
around. She was sweet.

Yes, she was a friend, but she never
really had a lot to say for herself.

Kind of quiet, but I think
she wanted to be one of us.

Yeah...she was a nice girl.

She's going to be missed.

Oh, I didn't offer you tea.
It's fine, thanks.

No. It's OK. I can make some.

When did you last see your husband,
Mrs Duncan?

Um, it was, um...Friday morning.

He was supposed to be back at eight.

Did he seem all right to you?
Anything wrong?

When he didn't come home,
what did you do?


I watched television
and then I went to bed.

It didn't strike you as odd
when he wasn't back in the morning?

No, Chris has always been
a workaholic.

If the children wanted to see him,
they had to go to the showroom.

And lately he's been away a lot.

He's, um...
Sometimes for days on end.

He said... He told me
he needed some time on his own.

And it's quite common, isn't it,

you know, with men of Chris's age

to feel that life hasn't quite
turned out as they'd hoped?

Is there any other family
we should contact?

No, I'll have to...
I'll have to tell the children.

Are they here?

No. My daughter Hannah is in France
on an exchange visit.

And my son is at university
in Bristol.

Would you like someone to...?
No. I can manage.

Thank you.

Would you like some tea?
It's fine, thank you.

Goodbye, Mrs Duncan. Bye.

The blonde one is Alison Garland.

The other girl's name
is Kelly Wetherby.

She's one of the pupils I counsel.


Did she mention
she was being bullied?

Yes. But she didn't name names.

You didn't think to ask.

I asked if she wanted it reported.

My job is to help Kelly
to fight her own battles.

Wherever she goes, there will
always be Alison Garlands.

Well, there's one less now.

This wound to the back of the head
looks severe enough to have
caused loss of consciousness.

Minor cuts and abrasions
to the elbows.

There is a large wound
on her left shin

which looks infected.

This is the bruising to the arm
and this is the wound to the shin.

The injuries to the arm
are recent and probably occurred
at the time of death.

The yellowing around the
shin wound suggests it occurred
more than 18 hours earlier,

maybe three or four days
before death.

The injury was healing,
but it wasn't going well.

So what are you saying?

I think we have two sets of events.

And whatever struck the shin
seems to have left a pattern.

Pattern? What kind of pattern.


Distinct parallel lines.

I found out her son pays
a care company to help her.

There's supposed to be
a girl coming in every day.

We're trying to locate her.

Either way, as far as the as*ault
goes, we still think a doorstep con
is the most likely explanation.

I don't think so.
If someone came knocking

pretending to be the gas board,
they'd have been disappointed.

There's no way she'd have been able
to get up and answer the door.

Which means whoever did this
had a key.

Why didn't you tell us? Let her
speak for herself, Mr Wetherby.

Did she do this often, Kelly? Yeah.

How often?

Once a month? Once a week?

Once a day? The middle one.

What was the school doing
about this, huh?

Dad! Mr Wetherby, please.

Was there any particular reason
for this, Kelly?


Alison was an evil troll.

Why didn't you tell me
it was Alison?

Cos then...

Well, this would have happened.

He would have gone into the school
and made a huge fuss

about everything and then Alison
would have k*lled me.




They've clearly never heard
of Jamie Oliver here.

Do you still think
she k*lled herself?

I think it's a good possibility, yes.

What, big strong bullies don't k*ll
themselves, only their victims do?

Even I know
it's more complicated than that.

Do you have children?
So what do you think happened?

I don't know.
But I wouldn't jump to conclusions.

I'm not jumping to conclusions.

I'm just saying... Some lad just
pitched up at the gates and sold
a bunch of CDs to the press.

Who was it? Gerard Brown.

Apparently he told them that
Alison Garland was his bitch

and that all the songs
were about his love for her.

How romantic. Do you know him? Yes.

But everybody here calls him Fish.


What's going on?

Why's he called Fish?

Because he doesn't like
to be called Gerard.

You all right there?

I'm not sure you're supposed
to be up here, are you?

Did you have sex
with Alison Garland yesterday?

We found a sample of semen
on her body.

You didn't use a condom.

Well, maybe I did have sex
with her then.

What time did you meet her?

Ten. Half-ten.

She wanted to buy some grass,

And you left when?

About ten minutes later.

Ten minutes.

A fine romance!

It was payment in kind.
We had an arrangement.

And you didn't do anything
that made her unhappy, did you?

Everything I did made her very,
very happy.

Can you tell me
how you had sex with her?

How did you hold her?
What position were you in?

What's the matter with you?
I ain't telling you that!
I'm afraid you have to.

Did you hold her arms?

Did you hold her by the waist?

How tightly...?
Look, she was up for it, all right?

Did I say that she wasn't?

So where were you between midday
and two o'clock yesterday?

Another meeting. Sylvana.

I think you'll find her in History.

Can I go now? No.

Because I'm holding you
on suspicion of r*pe
while we wait for a semen match.

We don't want you doing a runner.

Oh, and we'll need some DNA
for confirmation, OK?

Use that for DNA,
you little pervert!

What, man?

Chris Duncan's stomach contents
consisted of chicken, chips
and chocolate.

And this is an analysis of the
vomit we found on his jacket.

Tofu. Bio yogurt.

Brown rice.

What did you have to eat
on Friday night, Mrs Duncan?

I don't remember. Was it something
like tofu, rice and yogurt?

They showed up in the chemical
analysis we did of the vomit
found on your husband's body.

Can you explain that, Mrs Duncan,
or do we have to wait for your DNA
to do that for us?

Will you keep my children
out of this?

Is that a confession
that you m*rder*d your husband?

I'd like to speak to my lawyer.


Kay? Who are you?

Rosa Cassalle, I'm her carer.

What's happened?

Fish is my boyfriend.

Sylvana, I'm sorry, but he claims
to have had sex

with Alison Garland yesterday
morning shortly before she died.

We're holding him
on suspicion of r*pe.


I'm not going to call her a slag,
because she's dead.

And I'm sorry.

I really am.

But it was so obvious
she was an unhappy person.

He also claims that he was with you
at the time of Alison's death.

Is that right?

I met him about ten to one.

We went for a burger.
He paid for my fries

and then we went back
when we heard about Alison.

Why would Fish need to r*pe anyone?

I mean, you've seen him.

GIRL: What have we got here then?





This is my daughter, Miranda.

You told me to catch the bus and
meet you outside half an hour ago.

I'm sorry. It's been chaos here.

This is Leo Dalton.
He's a pathologist.

Can I have a word? Sorry.

I thought you should know
that Fish has been detained.

The semen found on Alison's body
matches his DNA.

So they had sex? Or he r*ped her.

Fish. A r*pist? It's possible.

You obviously don't think so,
surprise, surprise.
He's not a violent type.

Well, may be not in public, no.

You clearly think I don't know
anything about these kids.

'Her name's Rosa Cassalle.'

She's works for the care company
looking after Kay.

I thought you might have some
questions relating to Kay's injuries.

I got a warrant to search her flat
and we found this.

Her son confirms it belonged to Kay.

But if Rosa's the burglar, why would
she want to come back to work?

Where have you been, Miss Cassalle?


Who can confirm your whereabouts?

I was working with a photographer
in Kirkbride...

to build up a modelling portfolio.

Kay said if I didn't give it a try,
I might regret it
for the rest of my life.

And you lied to the care company.


How was Kay when you left?

She was fine.

Well, not fine. Her back.

It gave her pain the whole time.

But she never liked
to take too many dr*gs.

She really needed residential care.

I did everything for her while I was
here. That was pretty rough on you?

Not really.

I loved her.

Last time I was there, she gave me
one of those machines to make tea.

I drink coffee,

but she wanted me to have it.


Who is it? It's Leo.

Hi, have you got a second? Yes.

Um, I'm not quite sure
how or why, but we seem to have
got off to a bad start.

Peace. Thank you.

Come in.

It's Leo.

Hi, Leo. Hi. How you doing?

Fine, thanks.

Sorry. I didn't mean to sabotage
your evening.

No, no.


Gerard Brown, Fish, claims he had
consensual sex with Alison.

We can't prove otherwise.
He says they had sex

at ten o'clock, and a witness gives
him an alibi for the time of death.

Sit down. Oh, thanks.

If the motive or even part of
the motive for Alison
k*lling herself is being r*ped,

it seems strange that she went back
to class and then k*lled herself.
Well, teenagers are strange.

Well, you're arguing
against yourself now.

No. My reasons for her not k*lling
herself are different from yours.

The point is we agree.

Or I assume we agree?

You see, I know everything there
is to know about Alison the body.

But if I were to be certain
about cause of death,

I need to know about Alison
the schoolgirl and at the moment,
I'm going round in circles.

Why did she cut herself?
Is it an act of despair?

Maybe it is, maybe it isn't.
It depends on the cuts.

Yes, I thought you might say that.

In which case...

..feel free to say no,
but I need to ask you a favour.

Are you looking for anything
in particular?

Or do you want me to
just leave you to it?


Sorry, this is my sister. Ma'am.

I'm afraid we're going to ask you
to identify your father's body.

We'd normally ask your mother,

Can I come?

No, you can't.

Mum wouldn't want that.

Sorry about all this.
It has to be done.


We found this in the cupboard. Mmm.

Definitely blood.

She kept it.

I can't believe she kept the frame.

You know what she's like.

If you want to talk about it...

..now would be a good time.

Do you know how this
came to be broken?

I've been away at university.

Don't know anything about it.

I've just come back from
a French exchange trip.


I think I prefer my office
to yours.


There are over 30 separate marks.
These have almost entirely healed.

Could be a couple of months ago.

This one is more fresh,
say a fortnight.

When girls cut themselves,

it's about communicating something.
Same as an eating disorder?

Yes, but it's rarely
a prelude to su1c1de.

This is completely opposite of that.

And yet none of these wounds
is more recent than two weeks.

They were healing.
She'd stopped cutting.

Is that the...?

The fatal wound,
which is different to anything else
she had done before.

But you see,
even if cutters do k*ll themselves,
they don't normally use a knife.

That would be somehow inappropriate.

It would take an enormous act of
willpower to inflict a cut that deep.

She would have had to really
want to do it.

She'd stopped cutting
a fortnight ago.

It means she was feeling happier.

Wasn't it about a fortnight ago
that she started talking about
a boy called F... Fish?

She met Fish, maybe fell in love...

and didn't feel the need
to cut any more.

In which case, you're right.

She didn't k*ll herself.

Can I help?

I want to see the body,
but my brother won't let me.

You shouldn't be here.

If you have any more information
about Alison,

you should talk
to the police at the school.

We're here about my dad.

I'm Hannah, Chris Duncan's daughter.


I think that's blood.

She can't move because of the
injury to her shin. OK, but...

So, she goes to get out of the bed
and this, which is on wheels,
would have been next to the bed.

So she would have lent on this
and it would have shot sideways
and carried her with it.

I think she grabbed
at the dressing table,

but her hand landed on the cloth
and it slid out under her weight,

and it carried her with it,

and she would have turned
and slipped on the carpet

and hit her head on the chest
of drawers as she went down.

No burglary. No as*ault.

Thank you for clarifying things.

I paid through the nose
for those care people to come in.

We must have a case for negligence.

If you think that's what
she would have wanted.

I'll talk to my solicitor.

Come on, Stephen.

So that's it then. Nearly.

We've established cause of death.

But I can't sign off
on the post mortem report yet.

We still haven't accounted
for the injury to her shin.

Well, I'd better be getting back
to the station. Thanks, Nikki.

Chris Duncan is m*rder*d, yeah?

Less than 24 hours later, Alison
Garland, a girl in the same school,

not to mention the same class as his
daughter, is also found m*rder*d.

That's one hell of a coincidence.

Are you now saying
she was m*rder*d?

I'm not convinced that Alison
Garland's wound was self-inflicted.
Why not?

Forensics are ambiguous,
to say the least.

Added to which the psychology
that self-harm leads to su1c1de
just doesn't add up.

Well, the psychology, eh.

I know it's not hard evidence, but...

I've had tech run up the wounds
on Chris and Alison
on their dissection microscope -

should show up more than
the standard PM.

Now, this is Alison's wound...

..and this is Chris's wound.

It's the same knife. Hmm.

Can you check the knife found in
her hand against one of his wounds?

No match. What?

Have you tried it against
one of her own wounds?

No match again.

Where are you going? I want to find
Alison Garland's tox report.

How can Alison's death be m*rder?

You don't just sit there quietly
and let someone slit your wrists,
do you?

The tox report
shows traces of a volatile,
such as ether or chloroform.

The k*ller must have used that
to subdue her.

And apart from the knife,
what else links them?

It's the school.

Well, I've just released Fish on
bail pending further investigation.

Caroline's not convinced that
he r*ped her. Caroline's not running
this investigation, is she?

You know as well as I do we can't
prove r*pe. The only witness is dead.

He's got an alibi for the time
of Alison's death.

He's got no reason for k*lling
Chris Duncan. That we know of.

Perhaps the key to this
is the Duncan family.

How are my children?

The vomit on your husband's body
contains your DNA, Mrs Duncan.

So I must have k*lled him, then.

Are you confessing to the m*rder
of Christopher Duncan?



What can you tell us about
Alison Garland?

Who? We have strong evidence that
your husband and Alison Garland
were m*rder*d with the same w*apon.

So if you k*lled your husband,
you k*lled Alison as well.

I don't have anything else to say.

John, these are DNA readouts.

This is your father
and this is from the blood

on that broken picture
we found in your hallway.

They're not a match.

This is not your father's blood.

But it's very close.
It's a close relative.

A parent, or a sibling, or a child.

And it's male.

Please will you take your hat off?

Will you bend your head down?

Would that be consistent
with having your head
smashed into a glass frame?

Yes, it would.

Tell us what happened, John.

We had a row...

a couple of weeks ago, when I was
back from university the last time.

What was the row about?

Cars, I think.

Yes, that was it.

Cars. You had a row about cars.

What about cars? I dunno. Five
minutes later, it was all forgotten.

Why didn't you tell us
about this before, John?

John Duncan
has an alibi for both murders.

He was in his college bar
right under the CCTV cameras.

And we've got 20 Karmic witnesses
who'll testify

Mary Duncan was teaching yoga
when Alison was k*lled.

So, neither of them could have k*lled
Alison Garland and Chris Duncan.

What is Mary playing at?

She may not have k*lled them,
but she knows something.

Does she know John has an alibi?

No. She hasn't had any contact with
her family since she was arrested.

Where do you think John was
on Friday night?

He was at college.

He wasn't at home. That's right.

We can prove it.

These are stills from the CCTV
cameras at his college.

You thought he did it, didn't you?

He didn't? No.


When Chris didn't come home
that night, I went to the showroom

and found his body...

lying face down on the ground.

Yes, I thought it was John.

So, I cleaned up all the blood.

I locked up.

I got the body in the car.

I don't think I really knew
where I was going to take it.

I thought maybe...

a rubbish tip,

or a gravel pit
or something like that.

Anyway, before I could figure out
what to do, I ran out of petrol.

I managed to get the body
down this bank.

I'm quite strong, you see.

Don't think I really knew
what I was doing.

I just hoped...


he wouldn't be found.

Why did you think your son
had k*lled your husband?

Can I go now, please? No.

We need to verify your story.

And then we'll think what charges
we can bring against you

for wasting our time.

So that's all we've got.

The knife and the school
are the only connection.

Chris Duncan

was a parent volunteer
on a school field trip last year.

A pupil told me in confidence
that Duncan caught Fish

trying to sneak
into Alison's room and hit him.

I spoke to the staff informally.

Talked to Fish.

He laughed in my face.
Said I was crazy.

And Alison, of course,
denied everything.

So I thought it was a rumour.

The trip to Yorkshire?

Yes, there were real problems
finding enough adults to go along.

Was Chris Duncan asked to come
or did he volunteer?

Oh, no, he volunteered. He also
rounded up a whole bunch of parents.

Here's the rooming list. Thanks.

Hey! Hey, you!


Gerard Brown was in some kind of
relationship with Alison Garland.

And tried to sneak into her room
on the field trip. OK.

So, Fish is angry with Duncan, but
angry enough to want to k*ll him?

And what's the motive
for k*lling Alison?

Who's his alibi?

Sylvana, if we discover that
you've been holding something back,

you could be charged
with assisting an offender.

This is a m*rder investigation,

I didn't meet him at one. No?

I saw him later,

after we found Alison.

I was upset,
so we went for a walk, somewhere.

I don't know. And is that
when he asked you to lie for him?


It... It just seemed like

such a small thing
to keep him interested.

I really liked him

and...now he's going to hate me.

Kelly Wetherby wasn't at
the school gates this evening.

Her father's reported her missing.

What? One of the pupils said she
was going to meet up with Fish.

I'm alerting all cars.


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