10x05 - Body of Work: Part 1

Episode transcripts for the TV show, "Silent Witness". Aired: 21 February 1996 – present.*
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British crime drama television series produced by the BBC, which focuses on a team of forensic pathology experts and their investigations into various crimes.
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10x05 - Body of Work: Part 1

Post by bunniefuu »

Suspect sighted.
He's alone.

Where the hell is she?


Get the bag.

Where is she, Fish? Who?
Kelly Wetherby. Where is she?

Kelly's gone home. What you doing?
What've you done with her?

What d'you mean, what've I done with
her? She's gone home.
What do you mean?

She's gone home about half an hour
ago. Aah! How did she get home?

She got the bus.
I saw her to the bus stop.

You are not going out
of my sight until you tell
me where you have been!

Yeah! Yeah! I know! I know!
Life as I know it is now over.


You gave me a fright.
What are you doing here?

I heard you'd asked the CSM
if you could come back.

What is it? A partial footprint.

Looks like oil, motor oil. There's a
patch of it in the street outside.

SOCO stacked up the mail when we
arrived. It must have been covered.

This is dated the 1st, which means
that it probably arrived on the 2nd

and was then covered
by all this junk mail.


So, let's say this arrived on
the 6th, the day she was found.

The 5th... The 4th,
the day she probably died.

The 3rd...
The 2nd, there's our footprint...

The 1st and the 31st,
the day she injured her shin.

So someone was here. Someone was
here two days after she was injured.

If someone did come here,
what were they looking for that was
worth leaving an old lady to die?

Well, we know it wasn't money,

or an antique clock.

It's empty.
Forensics cleaned everything out.

Careful. Hang on.

You think someone att*cked her
with the ladder?

These things are monsters
at the best of times, and this
one's come loose on one side.


What have you got?
This is Chris Duncan's s*ab wound.

This is the wound
on Alison Garland's wrist.

This is the knife that Fish got
rid of before he was arrested.

Now this knife did not
cause either of those two wounds.

Might have had another knife.
Yeah. He could have had a whole
set of knives for all I know!

Ferguson might have more luck. Yeah.

Is this your knife?

You're a real celebrity,
Fish, aren't you?

No, I mean it.

When you walked out on that roof
the other day,

kids looked up at you
like you were a god or something.

Real cool.

Too cool to go to class, too cool
to kick a football around,

too cool to talk to us.

But not too cool
for fingerprints, eh?

Yeah, it was my knife. So what?

And I want it back, as well.

And Sylvana changed her statement,

so you've lost your alibi
for Alison's m*rder.

'You know, I'm a bit
of a celebrity, too, in my field.

'But it's taken me
30 years to get where I am,
and you do it in 30 seconds.

'Well, you wouldn't understand
about that, would yer?

'That's right. No, I wouldn't.'

But you've still got all that
time ahead of you.

And when you come out
of prison, son,

you're going to be old, like me.

Alison Garland and Hannah Duncan
were sharing a room on the school
field trip, weren't they?

We reckon Chris Duncan caught you
sneaking in to their room for a
quickie and gave you a good beating.

Chris Duncan deserved to die!

And Alison Garland?
Did she deserve to die too?

Or did you just have to shut her up?
Is that why you k*lled her?
Why did you k*ll her?

I didn't k*ll Alison.

We had fun. She was a sweet girl.

So, where were you?

I was out shoplifting.

In the mall.

'That's why I got Sylvana
to say that I was with her.

'Lots of cameras in the mall.

'If they didn't pick you up,
you weren't there.'

I was there.

And Duncan?

I didn't k*ll him.

Do you know who did?

Gerard, do you know
who k*lled Chris Duncan?

I don't know who k*lled...


I just keep hearing...

Duncan's voice all the time.

What do you mean, hearing his voice?


I came into Alison's room
and he was on top of her.

At first I thought
it was Alison, but...

..it was Hannah.

He was having sex
with his own daughter.

And he was talking to her
as if everything was normal.

But that's not normal though, is it?
No, son.

That's not normal.

'It'll be OK.

'You go back to sleep now.

'It's OK. You go back to sleep now.


You haven't seen Hannah by any
chance, have you? No. Sorry, Miss.

Have you seen Hannah?
I haven't seen her.

I saw her by the tree a minute ago.

Did you have any reason to suspect
that your husband was abusing
your daughter, Mrs Duncan?

Mrs Duncan?



Hello, John. They're going to speak
to Hannah in a minute.

They won't let me see her.

Well, when it's over
they'll let you take her home, OK?


Keeping quiet didn't
do us any good, did it?

John, is there something
you want to tell the police?

Do you want to tell me?

I was packing my bags
to go back to university

and Hannah came into my room.

She told me she and Dad
had been having sex.

I said something like,

"What's this I hear about some funny
business between you and Hannah?"

I tried to say it casually.


Mum told me to go back to uni,

she'd deal with it.

That was the last time I saw my dad.

I should have said something.

I should have done something.
I should have got her out of there.


..what you did or didn't do
isn't important.

What matters is what you do now.

You know Kay trained as a nurse
before the w*r?

She volunteered and was posted
to Tobruk and fell in love

with one of her patients,
Second Lieutenant Michael Standish.

She was the same age as me.

Standish rejoined his unit

and he sent her love letters every
day for months -

Monte Cassino, D-day.

He was blown up by a landmine
in the Ardennes

during the Battle of the Bulge.

We still don't know why Kay
wanted to go in the loft.

It doesn't really matter.
She probably just wanted to look
at boxes of old photos and letters.

And we can't explain the footprint?


Nothing. Shh.

I think I know who our intruder is.

Hannah, I know this
must be very hard for you.

Just take your time

and tell us about you and your dad.

My dad's dead.

There's nothing more to say.
How does that feel?

Like the end of everything.

I don't understand why you want me
to talk now it's all over.

But I want to help. You are helping.

It was a bad day.


So she went to the showroom.

Who went to the showroom?

And the king said
that she wasn't a slag

and he hugged her

and he said she was beautiful,

And he kissed her eyes.

He kissed away her tears.

After, that he'd made
a stupid, stupid mistake.

The next few days were terrible.

So she went to the magic motor
showroom to sort things out.

He, he said that he loved her...

..then all the princess
had to do was shout "stop"

and he would stop
whatever we were...

..we were doing...

..and it would all go back
to how it was before "it".

The princess didn't want
the king on the trip

and sure enough
they were all but caught.

But you know that, don't you?

It's OK. I just...

need to know what you know.

And now...

Well, he's gone.

And it all seems so long ago.

I must look like the most terrible
victim here.

I don't want to be a victim.

He's the one that's dead.

And anyway,

she had Supernova...

..who'd do anything for her.

And so on.

What's the time?

I need to get going.

Ten to four.
You should have asked me before.

I didn't realise
you were so interested.

Mr Owen.

Hello, Stephen. Hi.

We've got a couple of boxes of loft
contents we need you to sign for.

Why did you ask me to bring Stephen?

We wondered if you both
could help us solve a puzzle.

Do you know much about this clock?

No, not really. My mother
would never let me touch it.

It says on the fascia
that it's an eight-day clock.

Is that right, Stephen? Yes.

It's just it's been more
than eight days

since your mother
injured her shin.

It should've stopped by now.

I wound it up.


Stephen, do you mind
letting us talk?

I'd like to stay.

Let's go and see if there are any
biscuits in the kitchen, shall we?


We went to the Chelsea game
last week.

Afterwards, we were practically
going past the front door

and Stephen wanted to see his gran.

Why did he get sent off?
I don't know why he got sent off.

You'll have to ask
the referee, mate.


Look, you hang on here a minute, OK?


Mum? Hello?


Get out!

Get out!

I thought she was disorientated
from waking up.

I told her we'd come back
another time. I thought we would.

To tell you the truth, I just wanted
to get the hell out of there.

She made me feel like an intruder.

It always felt like that between us.

I just thought things were best left
as they were till the morning

when the care people came in.

She shouldn't have
been living on her own.

I should have been stronger.

Taken control of the situation.

Done something.
That's what Mum always says.

Your Mum's right.

I just thought that one day,

we'd have this big conversation,

get everything out in the open
and then we could move on.

Why didn't you tell us?

I felt guilty.

Come on, mate.

Thank you.

It makes me feel like calling
my granny. You should.

Good night, Martin. Bye, Walter.

So, who or what the hell
is Supernova?

Maybe part of her fantasy world.

Hello, Mum, I didn't hear
you come in. Hello, Leo. Hi.

Dad called.
He wants you to ring him back.

He'll be in the office until 3am
our time. I'm going to go next door.

What does your husband
think of all this?

My ex.

He's in New York.

We are a very modern family.

Miranda gets great holidays.

And are you married?

My wife and daughter died
18 months ago.

In a car accident.

I'm sorry.

Shall we eat?

I'll get it!

Oh, hi, Kelly. Hiya.
Is your mum in right now?

Mum, it's for you.

Hiya. Hiya. Are you busy right now?

I really need to talk to you.

It's Kelly. I need to see her.
Would you rather I...

No. We'll eat later, shall we?

What have you been watching?

Not much.

Are you staying for dinner?

That's the plan, yeah.

Well, don't get too excited.
She can't cook.

And, well, this is the first time
I've ever been this close.

How long do you think
I should leave it?

Leave what?

Till I put out for Fish.

And what would you like to do?

Come on then? What?

Just pick someone. I don't really
know how this programme works.

You just nominate someone.

Oh, right, OK.

How about Katrina,
or whatever her name was? Alice.

Alice. The two young, pretty girls.
Were they pretty?

Right, what's the number?

Er, hang on a second, coming up..

Yeah. 0900 1 800 303.

What do I win?

Nothing! They might
win a kitchen, though.


Thanks. Bye-bye.

It was terrible when Dad left.

But before I'd got
used to that, I was excluded.

What for?

Silly things, really.

Like...me and my friends
doing each others' homework.

There's nothing wrong
with friends doing things
for each other, is there?

Doesn't sound like
a cardinal sin, no.

What doesn't sound
like a cardinal sin?

They felt it was difficult
for Mum to do her work
with her own daughter in the school.

They only said it wasn't ideal,
and her grades were slipping.

Shall we eat? Sure.

Of course, my grades!

Kelly begged me for a session
and then gave me an hour of boys,
fashion and music.

Sounds frustrating. No...typical.

They all talk about everything

except the one thing they
really want to tell you.


Hello? What?!


Walter Best, deputy head of Willow
Hill School. Yeah, I know who he is.

Er, it looks like two s*ab
wounds to the neck.

Attacker came up from behind him, I
should think. w*apon been found? No.

Could it be the same blade
that was used on the other victims?

Possibly. Can't tell yet.
How far away from here
was Alison Garland m*rder*d?

Couple of hundred yards away.

Leo, we've got a fingerprint
on the rucksack.

Bill, can we get him
bagged up now, please?

Two s*ab wounds.

One through the shoulder.

The other has passed through
both the carotid and the jugular.

Angle of entry suggests...

one blow was struck while the victim
was upright, the other...

while he was prone.

Blade was serrated.

Width is right.

First look,

I'd say it's almost certain
these wounds were caused

by the same kind
of knife that k*lled
Chris Duncan and Alison Garland.

There is also a jagged wound

to the palm of his right hand,

which he probably raised
to defend himself.

Nikki, can you make sure that
his prints are compared with
the print on the rucksack? Sure.

There's some residue
under his fingernails.

Looks like it might be skin,

possibly from his attacker.

The fingerprints on the rucksack
are all Best's, except for one.

We ran it through NAFIS,
but no match.

It looks small. Female?

Or a little finger.
Leo, the DNA taken from the skin

under Walter Best's nails has
no match on the criminal database,

but the mitochondrial DNA
has a direct match to Mary Duncan.

Could someone translate, please?

Mitochondrial DNA is different
from nuclear DNA in that

it's always passed down identically
from mother to child.

It narrows it down
to a group of relatives.

Which puts Mary Duncan right
back in the picture, doesn't it?

What about the children?
Hannah certainly had
a motive for k*lling her father.

Could she have any history with
Alison Garland we don't know about?

She wasn't in the country
when they were k*lled.

Everyone who has a motive also has
an alibi,

and everyone who doesn't
have an alibi doesn't have a motive.

Chris Duncan.

Lots of s*ab wounds.

Loss of control by the k*ller.
The attack was frenzied and angry.

Alison Garland... Almost certainly
k*lled with the same knife,

but the MO is utterly different.

Because the k*ller was trying to
simulate su1c1de,

the attack was planned,
premeditated. Walter Best...

Also att*cked from behind.

Yeah, also stabbed, but this time,
it was limited and controlled.

Well, it may be the same knife,

but it's different K*llers.

Hannah Duncan's locker...

253. On the end.

Oh, yeah.

Hannah Duncan?

Have they arrested her?

The police are looking for her now.

John Duncan thought that she
had gone to bed early,

but she must have slipped out.

Thing is, she was in France when
her father and Alison were m*rder*d.

So who's she working with?

Her mother, her brother?

Her friends?

Well, Alison Garland's m*rder
was a defining MO.

It had a planned,
calculated quality to it.

But why on earth would Hannah Duncan
want to k*ll Walter Best?

Her father, maybe, but...

She might as well have
m*rder*d a complete stranger.


That's it! What?

They were swapping murders.

'Well, it may be the same knife,

'but it's different K*llers.

'Was there any particular
reason for this, Kelly?

'Yeah. Alison was an evil troll.

'I don't want to be a victim.

'He's the one that's dead.

'And anyway, she had Supernova,

'who would do anything for her.'

As we know, Hannah Duncan was in
France for the first two murders.

Yes. She had a motive
for k*lling her father, Chris Duncan.

Yes. And she had the opportunity
to k*ll Walter Best.

Yes. So, first off,
is there a girl who had a motive
for k*lling Alison Garland

and the opportunity
to k*ll Chris Duncan?


'Kelly Wetherby?'

She was bullied by Alison.

We also know that at the
time of Alison's death,
she was in a session with Caroline.

And she was also at Caroline's house
the night of Best's m*rder.

What we don't know is where she was
at the time of Duncan's death.

Therefore the third person
k*lled Alison...

..Who had the motive

for k*lling Walter Best.

'You know Supernova's coming?'

But she's at school.
Yeah, right, like that'll stop her.

So, you did it then?

Do you feel weirded out?

Did you miss Hollyoaks last night?

I mean, it doesn't matter because
they'll just repeat it again on E4.

We don't get E4.

Send that to my phone, I can use it.

You're so clever!

Did you tell her about her Dad?

What we did to him?

Not now. Besides,
Hannah did this one on her own.

Yes, but I... Shut up.

He was evil.

I know.

What did he do...Best?

Just that you never really
told us what he did.

Does it matter what he did?

He cast me out into
the In Between World.

There, is that enough?

How old are you? I'm 27.

That's ã4.50.

You're incredible.
You're unbelievable.

Mum? Hi. It's me.

School finished early.
Miranda, can you go home?

Sorry, Mum. It's a bad signal.

Look, we're going down The Crypt.

Are you going to be there
all afternoon? Yes. Pardon. Yes!

Hannah, you're crying.

When we first met, you said
you wished you could cry.

It's all over, isn't it?

That's why we're all out together.

Yes. Pretty much.

If I do get caught,
I'll find a way to end it all.

I know you will.

Oh, look! Look.

If I do one,

one more!

Give me the bloody sword then.

Leave your jacket,
I'll wait for you.

Just one question.

How come it has to be
another one of yours, again?

You will come back
and I will love you forever.

But there are cameras
and people who will see me.

Only if you want to seen.

You will not get caught.

We are fighting evil.


I need help...

I'm just... It's just I'm...

I'm in a bit of trouble.

I don't know, it's just...

Things have just got
a bit out of hand.

I'm sorry.


Hey, hey, where you going?

Nowhere, Fish. Bloody nowhere.

Did you k*ll Alison?


Yeah, sort of.

Just give me the knife, Kelly.

Caroline, are you all right?

I'm fine. Are you sure? Yes.

I don't want Miranda out.
Where is she?

She's with her friends,
some place called The Crypt.

Don't worry.
Don't worry, I'll pick her up.

Supernova told him

we knew about
what he'd done to Perfect Ten.

You mean Hannah Duncan?

He just went mad.

He att*cked Supernova
just like she said he would.

So Supernova said
I had to smite him.

Who's Supernova, Kelly?

I remember
looking at Alison in class.

It was weird.

I felt...high.

I wanted to tell her

that Supernova was waiting for her.

To do it for me. Kelly.

Then Perfect Ten smote the teacher.

And that was Supernova's choice.

Kelly, I can't make any promises...

..but we will try and make
things easier for you...

..if you tell us who Supernova is.


What's funny, Kelly?


That's what Supernova said -
that you'd try and trick us.

It's OK.

You don't know any different.


'Smite him!'


What are we looking for?





Your mum asked me to give you a lift.
She's worried about you.

That's a first.

Nothing. Walter Best doesn't seem
to have done anything to anyone,

apart from teach geography
again and again.

What about last year? Is there
someone's report we haven't seen
or something? This is last year's.

He recommended that Miranda Anscombe
be moved to another school.

Is that a motive?

Is she very disturbed?

Who knows?

She was badly shaken, but not hurt.
Bit of a shock for all
of us, to be honest.

Mmm. It's terrible.

Are you OK? Yeah, I'm fine.

Are you sleeping with my Mum?



But you want to, don't you?

Have you been drinking?

Yeah. So?

Are you my father?

No. Can you do your seatbelt up?

What was she like, your daughter?

How old was she when she died?

She was a bit younger than you.

When was her birthday?

Erm, a few days ago, as it happens.
Could you do your belt up?

What was she really like? I don't
really want to discuss her,

if you don't mind.


Not coming in then?
No, I don't think I am.

I suppose I'd better
get on with my homework.

If I were you, I'd drink
lots of water and get to bed.

Hi. You OK? Yes. Are you sure?

Yes. Thank you. Can you come in?

I think I'd better get back,
actually. I'll give you a call.


OK, thanks. Bye.

Miranda Anscombe's school had 500cc
of methylated ether stolen

from their science room store
last week.

'But there's nothing wrong
with friends doing things
for each other, is there?'

'What was she like, your daughter?'

'How old was she when she died?'

Sit down, Mum.

Sit down!

Ask me how I'm feeling, please.

Ask me how I feel!

Ask me!

How do you feel?

Every other kid,
you know how they're feeling,
but I have to say things.

I have been saying things.

Every time I see
something different.

I'm surprised
you didn't see it too.

'When was her birthday?
How old was she when she died?

'What was she really like?'

I'm going to make you very,
very proud, mother.

All your sacrifices
are going to be worthwhile.

30,000 hits
in 45 minutes on my blog.

We got photos, pictures, everything.


And we've had the time of our lives.

Hannah Duncan cried today.

Isn't that amazing?

I will not be a victim.

Oh, Jesus!

Have you called an ambulance?

Caroline, have you
called an ambulance?

Help me get her arms up. That's it.
Hold them, hold them.

Down a bit and tight.
Tight as you can.



Hi, Leo. It's Nikki.
I've just got back to the office.

I heard what happened and I just
wanted to check you were all right.

Give us a call, if you can.

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