Cellphone (2023)

Horror, Scary, Halloween Movie Collection.

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Horror, Scary, Halloween Movie Collection.
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Cellphone (2023)

Post by bunniefuu »

I love you.

I love you too.

I had a dream last night.

I was in a forest

with giant trees

and magnificent things.

But I couldn't see any of it

because I was this little speck

on the ground.

I don't know,

like an ant or something.

And all I could see

was the mud I was sitting in.

That was it.

That's all there was.

Hello there.

- Did you-- did you make it okay?

- Yes.

The key was right

where you said it would be.


I'm sorry I wasn't there

to greet you myself,

show you around.

Oh, it's okay.

Uh, does anyone

ever call you Winnie?

No, not really.

Oh, well then, okay.

I won't presume

to call you that then.

How are you liking the house?

Oh, it's--

it's beautiful.


I thought you'd like it.

It's over 150 years old.

The house was originally an inn.

That's why

there are so many doors.

- Oh, whoa.

- Yeah.

Listen, I--

I really do appreciate

you looking after the place

for me.

I appreciate you letting me.

It's a gorgeous house.

Well, you'll be, uh,

perfectly safe there, Wynne.

Thank you.

Yeah, I will personally

make sure of it.

I'm in the city,

but you can call me anytime.

Day or night. All right?

-Whenever. You hear me?

-Will do.

- I hate making the bed.

- I know.

But you have to make the bed

to be able to get in it.

Actually, no, you don't.



- Wynne?

- Yes, hi.

Everything okay?

You sound like

you've seen a ghost.

Oh, no.

Everything's fine.

Well, if you see Betty,

tell her I said hi.

- Betty?

- The ghost.

Legend has it

she died mysteriously

in the house,

and now she floats around

and spooks everyone.


Anyhow, uh, I--

I was calling to let you know

that sometimes

the power goes out,

and I wanted you to know

how to use the generator.

Oh, yeah.

I'd love to know that.



No, no, no.

See, you want to stir it


Not clockwise.

That way

you aren't wasting any time.

Wynne, look out!




How are you?

I don't know.

I was hoping

that being in a different place

would distract me,

but it hasn't yet.

I'm worried

I'll always feel this way.

I know. But you won't.

You just need to allow yourself

time to grieve.

How can I when it was my fault?

It wasn't your fault.

No one thinks that.

I was driving.

Do you remember

that time

when we were kids and you made

the Big Dipper house

out of cardboard?


Didn't have roof,

so I could look

at the Big Dipper at night.

You worked

really hard on it.

Took you a long time.

Pillows, constellations

drawn in crayons on the sides

and stuff.

A moon-shaped door.

But you worked

the hardest on that telescope.

We made everyone

in the neighborhood

eat Pringles for a week

for those cans.


It was an amazing telescope.

Even if it wasn't magnifying


And then I broke it.

Ziggy ran out

in front of my bike,

so I swerved

and crashed my bike into it.

- And you broke your arm.

- Yeah.

And I ruined your creation.

It was an accident though.

I see what you did there.

You didn't get mad at me,

which is rare for a kid.

You were easy on me.

So, be easy on yourself.

- Yeah.

- I'm sorry.

I-- I-- I gotta go.

-You know, I'm here for you.

-I know.

I thought

you were gone.

I'm right here.

So, have you, um,

perfected the bouquet toss yet?

'Cause we all know

that's the most important part

of the wedding day.

Uh, yeah, it absolutely is.






this reminds me of the 1997

Chinese monster film,

Sunny Factory,

where the hero gets himself

in this compromised situation,

not in a factory

like the title would suggest.

Well, it's either

Sunny Factory or Homer's

tale of Ulysses

at sea with the sirens.

But I don't have any wax.

You know what I mean?

What I'm trying to say is,

I'm completely vulnerable here.

-Who are you?

-Of course. Who am I?

Here I am just scared

of this strange woman,

possibly a siren,

interrupting my nightly dive

for copper wiring,

which retail costs way more

than I'm willing to spend.

Way more than I can even make.

I'm just a man of the land.

Why can't we all

just live off the land?

And, of course, to get my fix

of mechanic fantasies

here too...

when, in actuality,

I'm just a guy

that's working

on this old truck

for the past ten years

with no real progress.

Just the thrill of driving her

for five minutes

before tinkering again.

Have you ever had a truck

set on fire

while you're driving

down the road?

It's not even my truck.

Although, I have one of my own,

I have been given permission.

So, I guess it's sort of

like therapy,

but that sounds way too clich.

If you don't tell me

who you are,

I'm gonna call the police.


Yeah, I know. His name is Carl.

When you picture a cop,

you just picture a Carl

and we've got him.

He's on duty tonight.

You should give him a call.

I don't know

what he's been up to

since I last saw him.

Cody Mallard hit a deer,

and the damn thing didn't die.

Sad, really.

Carl was already on the scene

when I drove by...

they were just standing around

this poor creature

panting for life.

The deer, not Carl.

Although he is known

to break a sweat

just sitting in his car.

Luckily, I had my machete

in the back of my truck,

which was really lucky

because I had taken it out

only a few days prior

to sharpen it.

But I still had to hack

and hack and hack

at the deer's jugular

while it just jerked

with every hack

and put her outta her misery.

I think Cody

might've kept the head,

and I think Carl

might've kept the body from me.

But who knows

if he even had the proper time

to butcher it.

I mean,

he was on call that night.

Oh, that's Lucy. Sorry.

She's a cat,

and I'm scaring you.

I should really

make this very clear.

I am the one

that should be scared here.


'Cause I don't know you.

I've been coming over here

for years,

I grew up in this town,

I know everyone in this town,

I helped put

the extra support beams

up in this barn.

And I've never seen you before.

You're the stranger.

I'm Chris.

I'm here because one, wiring,


the carburetor needs rebuilt,

and three,

because I need a tool...

to cut free...

a raccoon that was trapped

in a badger trap.

Now, I'm not here to hurt you.

Which I realize

is exactly what the k*ller says.

So, to show you that

I'm gonna be leaving very soon.

I'm Wynne.

I'm watching the house for Bob.


-I'm Wynne.

-Oh, Bob Morton. Yes.

I met him

when everything happened.

A creepy dude.

Don't know much about him

before that, though.

Jim was the one

looking after this place

before he passed away.

No kid for Jim,

so next of kin was Bob,

who I guess

is some sort of distant cousin

or maybe his brother,

I don't know.

Jim was a man of few words.

Good guy, but few words.

He loved this place though.

Bob just gets people

to stay here.

Hey, you really scared me.

Fair enough,

didn't know anyone was here,

but I take full blame.

And since I am here,

I'd prefer if you let me know

when you're stopping by.

I can do that.

But you really should have had

a w*apon in your hands.

You're a woman

alone in the country.

Why'd you even come out here?

I, um...

I thought I saw someone.

Was it Betty?

Because you have to know

she isn't real.

She's just a gho--

Oh, it was me.

Duh. It was me. Of course.

But you thought

it was someone else.

Death is hard.

It'll haunt you every day

if you let it.

You learn

to live in joy with it.

Found it.

I am sorry I didn't catch that.

If you want to dispose

of a body,

here's the number for the local

sanitation department.

No, no, no, no, no.

Come on.

- Hello.

- Hey there.

Are you okay?

Everything okay with you?


Just let my dinner

get a little too smokey.

And the-- the alarm went off.


Oh, I love

a good smoked brisket.



I'm just calling, you know,

see how you were settling in.

You know, it's a bummer

that those windows

don't open, huh?


Yeah, I'm settling in

- just fine.

- Good.

Um, so I found this picture

of a couple

that I think used to live here.

Do you know where they live?

I thought

I might send it to them.

Oh, well,

there's been so many people

that have come and gone.

I mean, I'd have to see it.

They say they want

to experience farm life,

but then obviously

it doesn't suit them

because they never stay

too long.


- Right?

- Yeah.


Here, you drive.

Nice catch.

It's all in the phone, Wynne.

It's all in the phone.

Oh, God. No.

Don't believe

everything you see.

I need you so badly.

Come here.

- Hey.

- Hey.

What are you doing here?

The thing about small towns

is that

there aren't very many roads.

I travel all the same places

but don't have any patterns.

You know what I mean?

Why do people say that?

You don't know what I mean yet,

it's just filler.

Anyway, the patterns

are an important note

because it means

I drive by this house

all times of the day.


I don't need to have patterns

'cause my life and my days

are spent how I want to

under crippling anxiety,

thinking about the universe

and feeling like I have answers,

but then I don't,

and the cycle continues

on and on like that.

Ah, patterns.

They're everywhere.



Thales argued that everything

came from water,

but nothing he ever said

was written down.

Sure, Aristotle

could have mentioned him,

but he could have misinterpreted

what he meant.

That's not the point,

the point is,

you've been here

since October 11th,

and it took me until today

to realize

you don't have a car.

Which means

you're getting around

some other way.

But I thought about this.

Now, I'm not looking

at the driveway

every minute of the day.

And it's perfectly feasible

that you could've got a Lyft

or Uber or what have you,

left, and come back

in a window I didn't drive by,

but you've got this sad girl,

dark energy about you,

and my suspicion is that

you're afraid of driving.

And the hypothesis took a while

to arrive at

because at first,

who-- who doesn't have a car?

Or perhaps your car

is too run down

to make the trip

from wherever you came from,

and the Uber, Lyft lifestyle

is very prevalent.

But look, none of that matters.

The point is,

I don't know

what you're eating or how,

because the only thing nearby

is a gas station mart.

So, I'm here

to take you to the store

because whatever's keeping you

from the store

isn't going away anytime soon,

and I'm worried

you're gonna die.


to quote Mean Girls...

get in, loser,

we're going shopping.

I thought I told you to tell me

when you're stopping by.

I did. I honked.

All right. I'll be there.

-Do you ever--

-Not right now.


is for listening to music.

There was a clown

driving the ambulance.

-What are you talking about?


You didn't say

anything before that.

-I didn't say anything out loud?


Forget it, the joke takes

too long to set up anyway.

Oh, by the way,

I got you this

because I assume

you didn't take my advice

and get yourself a w*apon,

which most people don't.

And though this may seem girly,

I assure you the pain

that can inflict

is truly horrifying

and long-lasting.

Don't play with it.

You didn't spray yourself,

did you?

The video was called

"Mace Face" and it got 17 views.

-A lot of views.

-A lot of views.

I am so sorry.

That sounds horrible.

It just feels so real.

I mean, I can understand

the nightmares,

but seeing all that stuff

with Liam, I'm telling you.

This has gotta be the PTSD.

It's like your brain

is playing tricks on you.

But it's like

he's actually here.

I mean, I know he's not,

but it's just...

it's so real.

And the phone...

What-- what--

what about the phone?

Nothing, I just...

I wish I could be there

to give you a hug.

Wynne, it's okay

to have bad days.

You just need to get through

the next five minutes.

I know. You're right.

The nightmares

and visions sound terrible.

But I believe

you can get through this.

You're stronger than you think.

I'm just not trusting

my judgment.

And my facial twitch

is coming back and I just...

I'm not doing good.

Uh, I'm sorry.

They're calling about my car.

I have to take this.

I'll call you back.

I love you so much.

What? What do you wanna show me?


listen, I'm sorry to bother you.

Oh, it's okay.

All right, Wynne, listen,

it's a box marked "Taxes 1992."

I wish I could tell you

where to look, but, uh,

all I know

is it's down there.

Um, Wynne,

there's something else

I need to tell you.

I knew that couple

in the photo.

Brian and Jeanie.

It was a tragedy.

People believe he k*lled her

and then k*lled himself,

but, you know, I knew the kid.

He wouldn't do that.

They were m*rder*d.

Probably by some drifter.

I mean, I feel responsible

'cause I never fixed

the lock on the back door.

Oh, it's okay, it's fixed now.

I'm so sorry I didn't tell you.

I just didn't want to scare you.

You're perfectly

safe there, Wynne.

I mean,

you don't need to be afraid.

It's always been

a sleepy country town.

And it's gonna stay that way.

Sometimes life

just throws you a curveball.

You know that?

Oh, here it is.

Oh. Eureka.

I knew you'd find it.

- You wanted 1992?

- Yep. That's it.

That's the year

they came after me.

Uh, well, I'm gonna need

both hands to grab the box.

I gotta go.


Well, listen, thanks.

Appreciate it.

You got it.

- Hello?

- Hey.

- Chris?

- Yes.

What are you doing in the house?

The back door was open,

so I came in,

but I remembered to knock.

- From inside the house?

- Yes.

Did you just text me?


I don't have a phone.

It studies you, it--

it listens to you,

I don't-- I don't trust it.

Plus, I listen to myself,

I wouldn't want to subject

anything else to that.

Look, it's really weird

talking through the door,

and I know you're probably upset

about the knocking thing,

there's so many rules

about the knocking.

I will knock on every door

from now on.

Why do you have a g*n?

A g*n?

This is a Brown Bess, Wynne.

It's a musket,

an authentic musket,

may I have you, from 1762.

We're going sh**ting today.

Come on.

-Oh, no.


This is loose. It's fine.

It's just cosmetic.

There's a tool in the basement

that I can use to fix it.

That's the magical thing

about this place.

Whatever you need

is already here.

All right.

First things first.

What's that for?

Our targets.

For multiple reasons.

One, tin cans are a clich.

I would use pop cans

because they're more accurate,

but it's just a lot to handle.

Two, we can draw on them.

And three...

I love milk, so I had

a bunch of these lying around.

- What are we drawing?

- Your worst fears.

- Why?

- Just do it.

A spider? Really?

Okay. Lame. Whatever.

-I'm afraid of spiders.

-I ate a spider once.

Come on, Wynne.

Gimme something unique to you.

Try again.

You're afraid of diving boards?

No. Heights.

Oh, no.

What do you mean "Oh, no"?

You're just drawing

and mentally googling

these average fears

and drawing them on here.


I will draw it for you.

Draw what?

Fears don't go away

on their own, Wynne.

You have to go to w*r with them.

A little close, don't you think?

"A little close."


The Brown Bess

are notoriously bad shot.

Sure they taught soldiers

to raise it up

and look down the barrel,

but it was all for show.

The b*llet just goes

wherever it wants.

You know, they had trouble

hitting a man within 50 feet?

Plus, it's super satisfying

when you hit a milkie.

I wouldn't wanna

deprive you of that.

All right.

There are ten steps

when it comes

to firing a musket.

You must follow all ten

or else you just have

a ten-pound club in your hands.

First, we level the fire--

Oh, whoa.

Sorry. No.

Safety first.

Take these.

There you go.

Put those on.

Good. All right.

Now put these on.

Put all these on.

It's a lot.

I feel fabulous.

The g*n will be very loud.

You'll see a spark

and some flames

come out of the touch hole.

Don't worry about that.

You'll probably be fine.



Let me just--

let me just finish this.

The yelling

was getting on my nerves.

Okay. Next, paper cartridge.

Contrary to popular belief,

only fueled and romanticized

by TV and film...

they didn't typically use

powder horns.

The soldiers anyway,

they used these,

paper cartridge.

Lead b*llet at the bottom,

approximately 100 grains

of black powder, wrap it up.

Rolling these

is a fun pastime of mine

when I'm...

watching Rick and Morty.

Where did you learn

all this stuff?


All right, so...

you cast your bow--

Or, excuse me, sorry,

you half cock.

Open your cartridge.

Use some of the black powder

to load the pan,

but not all of it.

Now you cast your bow...

charge with the b*llet,

the powder,

the paper, all of it,

just dump it in there.

Draw your ramrod.

And you nail best

like a sailor leaving for sea

and you don't know

when you'll turn.

-Like this?


you return your ramrod.

And we now have

a fully loaded g*n.

That's right.

I know.

Saying safety first.

All right.

Next step is gonna be

what makes it go live,

so to speak.

Full cock.

Ready? Visors down.

Aim. Step back.



-Now it's your turn.


All right. Ready?

-Visors down.


Aim. Fiber.


That was exhilarating.

-Feels good, doesn't it?


-Can we do it again?

-Uh, yeah. All right.



-Whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa.


You forgot

to take the ramrod out.

Wynne, remember,

you can't miss any steps.

-There are so many steps.


And imagine doing this

under the pressure of the enemy

100 feet away.

They were expected to load

three cartridges in a minute.


All right. There you go.

You're good now.


All right. Ready?


-Visors down.




Are you okay?

Hey, there.

You drive.

You drive.


what's wrong?

I'm scared.

And I miss you.

It's gonna be okay.

I can't do this without you.

It's okay.

I'm right here.

No, you're not.

That's why

you can't set the mace down.

You scared me to death!

Why do you keep doing this?

It's not okay.

I can see that.

Which sounds a lot

like "I can see."

That's crazy.

And they mean the same thing.

Who doesn't keep soap

in the kitchen?

I told you

not to come in here unannounced.

I'm sorry.

I knocked on the door

and called your name.

I assumed you heard me

and were gonna meet me in

the kitchen, which we did.

Please do not come

in this house unannounced.

But I did announce it.

My hands

were just covered in oil

and the situation

felt very desperate.

Please do not come

in this house

unless I've acknowledged

you're here.

I can do that.

Where's your truck?

I didn't even hear it.

I parked out

by the old shed.

I was working out there

all night.

Even tripped a fuse

at one point.

Anyway, I thought

we should go on a ride today.

Can I wash my hands now?

What are you doing?

I'm getting in the truck.

You're driving.

-I'm not driving.


-You know I can't.

-You're ready.

I'm not doing well.

Look, you look fine to me.

Take these.

You are gonna do great.

This is good.

We're in the vehicle.

-I don't like this.

-We're just sitting here.

Getting used to it.

Why don't you touch

the steering wheel?

Chris, I don't wanna do this.

I'm telling you,

you can do it.

I know you can.

Just touch the steering wheel.

See how it feels.

See, it's not so bad.

This is--

this is what we do.

We just take, uh, small steps.

Next, we turn on the engine.

I don't want to.

Wynne, look at me.

I believe in you.

Listen to her hum.

How do you feel about

driving a few feet?


You got this.




I told you

I wasn't ready to drive.

I told you

I didn't wanna do this.

Why do you keep making me do

all these things

I don't wanna do?

Stop it.

Stop it.

Stop doing this.

It's not real, Wynne.

It's not real.

Hey, it's me.

I was calling

to encourage you.

I know

Bob left his truck for you,

but don't feel

pressure to drive.

It's okay to take

your time with that.


give me a call back

if you want.

Love you.

Fear lives in the future.

What we're afraid of,

it's not in the past.

Something that might happen.

We're afraid

of a loved one dying.

We're afraid that we won't have

enough money to pay our bills.

We're afraid

that life won't go as planned.

All of those

are in the future.

See, fear is real

It's our imaginations


bad outcomes in the future.

But the outcome of fear,

it's not in the present.

I think that's why


The only fear-- We have to...

...it is fear itself.

Fear is a lie.

Don't believe it.

Don't give in.

Fear lives in the future.

But you...

you live

in the present.

There you are.

I saw Brian stabbing Jeanie.

I saw him stabbing her.

He was hanging right there.


-On the phone.

He was hanging right there.

-On your phone?

-On Brian's phone.

Brian's phone?

I found it in the ashes.


No. No, of course.

It's just like my phone.

Of course, it's not there.

I'm telling you it was.

I saw it.

I keep seeing these things

on my phone and now his.

Bob is wrong.

They weren't m*rder*d.

Oh, God. Look. Here.

He even wrote it.

He even wrote it.

It says right here.

He says he was going to die.

I don't trust myself

right now.

I still keep seeing Liam

everywhere too.

But I k*lled him.

I k*lled him.

Just like Brian k*lled Jeanie.

I don't know what's going on.

I-- I feel like


is purposely tormenting me.

And I deserve it.

I-- I don't know.

I'm scared to death

and I-- I can't escape

my own thoughts.

I saw us dead.

We're going to die.

I saw us dead.

Whoa. Hey, hey, hey.

I saw us.

Come with me.

Come over here.

Maybe it's a bit misplaced

to give it to you right now,

but I brought this to apologize

to you for making you drive.

I'm sorry.

I have this tree

in my front yard

that I get to see

in high gale winds.

And it's unbelievable

what this thing goes through

during a storm.

And you would never know

until you see it.

Most of the time

it's perfectly calm,

enjoying the sunshine.

But I just love knowing

it survived those storms

because, then, I don't worry

so much if another storm comes.

Wynne, I think

this storm's gonna pass.

The note.





I won't let myself hurt you.

"I want you to know...

it's not your fault.

And I love you.

I could never...

get it right."


Phone showed left.

I'm right, not left.

I'm right.


Try it.


I love you.

Come here.

Everything's gonna be okay.


It was a Tuesday afternoon.

What was?

You were in the parking lot

talking to someone

just laughing and smiling,

holding your groceries.

The bag of chips on top

was so close to falling out

because of

all your animated movements.

And you didn't even notice.

I don't know

what shined brighter that day.

You or the sun.

And just as I was walking by,

it was as if this--

this invisible force

just knew my heart's desire.

Knocked that bag of chips

on the ground

just so I could pick 'em up.

The day we met.

I know it sounds foolish to say,

but I don't care.

'Cause I knew

in that moment...

that I never wanted to

spend another day

without you in my life.

Me too.


every single moment

before then, just...

just felt like

it was conspiring

to get me in that parking lot

on that day.

And my prayers

were answered, Wynnie.

I got to spend

the rest of my life with you.

This wasn't how

it was supposed to happen.

It was supposed to be us...

not just me.

We had a whole life

planned together.

I know.

But when I think about that girl

in the parking lot on that day,

so vibrant

in an ordinary world.

The girl

I fell in love with.

I know

that's who you are always,

with or without me.

There is joy after this,

I promise.

But now...

right now, I need you

to shine out and fight.

You can do this.

You have it in you.

There's something

I need to tell you.

What's that?

It wasn't your fault.

It was an accident.

I don't blame you.

But now I have to go.



I love you.

I love you so much, Wynnie.






Oh, no.

I'm not here to k*ll you.


...I did try my best

to get you to do it for me.

It was you doing

all those things?


But all thanks to you.

What do you mean?

Well, without you...

I'd just be stuck

in the ether.

You see,

your fears gave me life.

And I thank you for it.

And really...

I was only showing you

who you really are.

We both know

there's only one of us

in this room.

What are you talking about?

You know.

Only one of us

has actually...

k*lled someone.


...I've done a lot of things

that I'm not proud of

but no one has ever died

at the work of my hands.

I'm not a m*rder*r.

You're a monster!

Oh. Oh.

Now, that hurt.

You're only saying that

because you can't possibly

accept that you are one.

But I'm you.

So maybe...

I am a monster.


I am a m*rder*r.

Or maybe...

I'll k*ll you

and then I'll live

out in the world as you,

and no one

will know the difference.

Where is it?


Wynne, I'm walking into

your house now.

I'm giving you a warning,

just like you made me promise.

I messed up a couple times,

but I-- I've learned my lesson

and I'm now the most announced

guest you've ever had.

I'm walking

up the back porch now.

Seven steps.

Wynne, are you home?

Of-- of course, you're home.

Wait. Nope.

You want me to knock.

I'm gonna knock now.

Chris. You can't be here.

Chris, you need to leave.

You've gotta stop

greeting me this way.

- No, Chris.

- I found this.

I think it belongs

to one of these doors here.

No. Yes. See, I knew it.

But this isn't missing anything.

Where did this come from?

Wait, we've got to

get to the bottom of this.

Chris, leave.

You okay?

I know

it's going to sound crazy.

Well, I'm crazy.

And you know what they say?

You can't fight

crazy with crazy.

Or is it that you shouldn't--

'Cause it's-- to me,

it seems like

if you're gonna fight something,

you gotta match it.

Or at least outmatch it,

and in terms of crazy--


Things have been happening.

Dark things.

I thought it was me,

but it's just someone

or something

that looks just like me.

Now I know that it's the one

doing all the terrible things,

but I don't know

what to do, Chris.

I don't know how to get away.

I don't know how to fight it.

Oh, well,

I have a lot of questions.

Like, what is "It"?

But first I wanna let you know

that I believe you

and we'll figure this out.

That's what

I was hoping to hear.

Thank you.

Chris, stop!

Don't trust it.

Okay. Uh, um...

you have a-- you have a t--

Oh, okay.

You step back. Oh.

All right. I see.

I see. This is-- this is--

this is classic.

Honestly, this is very good.

The way

that you've set this up, Wynne.

Well, Wynne which--

which-- which-- which Wynne?


Because this is the--

this is the twin thing.

The-- the-- the--

the early 2000's.

I've seen the movies.

You know, where there's--

the twins which are real.

I-- this is a good setup,

especially with the creepy,

uh, you know, Brian's phone

and-- and,

ah, there's a doppelganger

of me,

it looks like me.

That's good.

Honestly, it's--

it is very scary.

The work

that you've done is incredible.


You know, I did-- I was scared

a little bit right here.

Um. Oh, wow. Wow. Okay.

So which...


...um-- um, Wynne is really--


what is your-- what is-- which--

which is Wynne?

Which twin--

this is-- this sounds silly.

Which twin is Wynne?

No, I don't have a twin.

I don't know what it is.

I'm Wynne.

That is something else.

It's lying! It's me, Chris.

You have to believe me.

Chris, look at me. You know me.

You need to leave here.

It isn't safe.

This is--

this is incredible.

Honestly, you guys

have done so well.


I see. Okay. All right.

I get the pattern.

I understand the game now.

I understand the game.


Let's play the game.

Um, I gotta give, like,

the-- the-- the--

the quintessential question,

the real Wynne would answer.

Correct? Okay.

Um, what did I give you

the other day?

A tree.

It's not gonna work

because whenever

I had my phone on me,

it was listening

and watching.

- Forget it.

- Of course.

-Get out of here, Chris.

-Ah, shit!


it's a mirror image.

What does that mean?

I mean, I guess

that's a good justification.

Wow, you guys

really did the work.

Why would you do all this work?

A w*apon. A w*apon. w*apon.

w*apon. w*apon.

I heard it too. You stay back.

Chris, shh. It's me.

I don't have a w*apon.

I'm not gonna hurt you.

Is that what

it sounded like when I said it?

You think I believe it's now you

just 'cause you said that?

Okay. That's true.

What can I show you?

How can I convince you?

That's your problem.

Oh. Look.

Remember when I cut myself?

See? Look, Chris, it's me.

That cut is on your left hand.

And you cut your right.

You're lying.

Chris, you're wrong.

I'm right-handed.

I cut with my right hand

so I would cut my left hand.

No, I know what I saw.

You're lying.

You think I'm an idiot?

- Well, I think you're an idiot.


Chris, where did you put it?


Did no one teach you

not to run into a maze?

You're just

a dumb little mouse.

I'm not gonna hurt you.

I just wanna talk to you.

But just in case.

You know, Wynne,

I am actually helping you.

You've been

a burden to everyone.

And I can help you with that.

Die, bitch.

You missed a step.

Come on, Wynne.

You can come out.

The g*n's not even loaded.

Come on.

Aw, what a shame.

We both know you'll never drive.

Bad things happen

when you do.

Why you'd run

to where you saw yourself dead

is beyond me.

You know

I can't stay here, right?

I know.

Did I ever tell you

the story of Henry?


It's another tree story.

Henry was a sequoia tree.

And like all the sequoias,

he was tall and strong.

In fact, he was the tallest

of all the trees in the forest.

His branches reached up

far above the others,

up into the clear blue sky.

Henry had

a bird's eye view

that went on for miles,

so he would describe

the different sunsets

to the shorter trees below.

Though they couldn't experience

the vivid sky the way he did,

Henry used such poetic prose

that all the living creatures

of the forest

got to enjoy the sunsets.

This lush Eden went on like this

for centuries.

Until one night,

Henry saw something red hot

falling from the sky.

Sticking out further

than the others,

a tiny spark landed

in his branches

igniting into fierce flames.

The fire consumed Henry,

turning him to ash.

When the forest awoke

the next morning,

a blanket of sadness

took hold.

Everyone stared at the embers

with a heavy heart.

But then something

truly magical happened.

The heat from the fire

opened a seed

that had fallen

from Henry's branches,

causing them to take root.

From death came new life.

Other trees grew tall

and reached the clear sky

experiencing it as Henry did.
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