Oma the Demonic (2022)

Horror, Scary, Halloween Movie Collection.

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Oma the Demonic (2022)

Post by bunniefuu »

Come in. The items in this room

will fascinate you.


We'll be in trouble

if the host finds out.

Don't worry, honey.

They will never know.

I am an expert on this.

All right.

You are so beautiful

wearing this crown.

What do you think?

This house is great, isn't it?

I'd like to stay here, Kevin.

Your dream will come true, Salwa.

You will live in this house.





I have it with me.

The notebook and

the reference books are with me.

Yes, Teacher Luna.

See you later. Goodbye.


Grandma Ana.

"Come back."

"Come back."

Please submit

today's practical report...

by the end of next week.

Thank you, Sir.










Who are you?

Help me!

Who are you?


Who are you?

Come home.







- Lun, where are you?

I am here.

- Lun!


What's wrong with you?


A woman just called my name.

She asked me to come back.

And she asked for help.

Suddenly I was in front

of grandma's house.

Do not frighten me, Viona.

You better help me.

This report is not yet ready.

Come on.

Vi, you really

don't want to tell me?

I'm your friend.

I want to know what happened.

I don't know, Lun.

I've been having glimpses

of grandma's house lately.

As if I was called to come back.

Come back?

What do you mean by come back?

Vi, you've been talking

about grandma ever since.

Whose grandmother?

My grandma.

Mother to my mom.

When I was a little,

I lived with my grandma.

Since coming to Jakarta...

my mother has

never mentioned grandma...

or visited her at her house.

The last time I heard

my grandma was sick.

My grandfather died shortly after

my grandma gave birth to my mother.

That's all.

You've never

been there since then?

My mother said nothing everytime

I asked her to take me there.

That's fine.

You should visit your grandma on

your own if you know the address.

That's my plan.

I have the address.

Should I go now?


Are you serious?

Can't you wait?

It's not that far.

Only three or four hours

from Jakarta.

Come on.

Tomorrow is the weekend.

And we have completed

all assignments.

Wait a minute.

Let me think first.

One, two, three.


My love!


Let me tell you

something right away.

I'm giving you and ultimatum.

Do you want to follow me and send

Viona to find her grandmother...

or do you want

to call it quits between us?

Honey, next time

give me a harder choice.

If I had to choose,

it's obvious that I'd go with you.

Thank you.

But let me take my bag.

All right.

- Wait for me.


Don't be late.

I'm going to miss you.

It disgusts me to see you two.

I'll wait in the car.

What's wrong with you?

Why, Vi?

Let's go now.

Come on.

You drive the car.

Hurry up, Vi.




Where are we, Vi?

I don't even know.

My map didn't work

when I got here.


You're right.

Mine too.

- Strange, right?

Yeah, mine too.

Let's pull over.

I'm going to ask that man.


Excuse me, may I use this route

to Forbidden Village?

Forbidden Village?

- Yes.

This route will take you

a long way.

You'd better turn right

at the intersection there.

It will be a lot closer.

But can I continue on this route?

Yes, if you insist.

However, do not take

the route at night.

It's dangerous.

Thank you.

- You are welcome.

Come on.

It's getting dark.

Remember what

he warned us about, Vi.

It's getting dark.

We can't use the route at night.

You have to drive fast

but please be careful.

All right.

What's wrong with you?

- What happen?

I saw the woman

at the lab earlier.

The woman at the lab?

Where is she?

I can see no one.

It's just your imagination.

- She was here.

Viona, maybe you bumped

into an ethereal creature.

You'd better crush it all the way.

Really, I saw someone.

I'm not seeing

any ethereal creatures.

All right then.

You have to be careful.

Be careful?

Don't you remember

telling me to drive fast?

Yes, I asked you to drive fast,

but not to crash into anything.

How's the car?

I think we'll have to walk

the rest of the way.

The radiator broke.


What's wrong?

Look at that.

What is it?

What is it?

There is nothing there.

- Yes.

Let's go.

Come on.

It's getting dark.

Maybe you are tired.

Come on.

I think we are close.


Let's ask him.


- Mister!



- Mister!

We have to find the way

on our own.

This is it.

This is the house.

Are you sure?

- Yes.

I still remember this house.

There is a bell.

But no one answered.

I don't think anyone

is in the house.

Let's try open the gate.

- Can it be opened?

Be careful, dear.





Grandma Ana.

Grandma, I...

I know.

You are Viona, my granddaughter.

I have been waiting for you

for a long time.

Come on.

I have something for you.

Wait for a while.



What are you doing?

Come in.


It's just the wind.

This is it.

When you were little,

you loved to eat this.

Is that true?

If I fed you...

you can't stop eating it.

I miss you so much.

I have been waiting for...

my granddaughter

for a long time.

I'm sorry, grandma.

I should pay you more visits.

Do not be shy.

All right.

They are my friends,

Luna and Jeff.

I'm Jeff.

I'm Luna.

Try it. It's very delicious.

I'm not lying. Try it.

Why can't I turn on my phone?

You can't turn your phone on too?


Why don't you turn on the light?

Why are you using kerosene lamp?

The light cannot be turned on.

Oh my God.

Since when?

Didn't you ask for help

changing the light bulb...

or do you not have

a replacement bulb?

Do you want me to find it?

Where can I buy it here?

It's not about the bulb.

This house has been

without power for a long time.


Why didn't you call my mom?

I can come here to help you.

It's okay.

I don't need it.

I am old now.

I don't require

the world any longer.

I'm sorry, grandma...

for not caring enough about you.

Don't be sad.

My granddaughter can't be sad.

Don't cry.

Remember what I used to say?

You will be much more lovely

if you laugh.

But if you cry,

you will look awful.


But I'm a big girl now.

I'm still lovely even

I'm crying.

If you're a big girl then...

let's follow me to the kitchen.

Let's boil water

to make hot tea.

Jeff, you can stay here.

All right, grandma.

Vi, your grandma

is really smart.

When I am old,

can I be like her?

You know the answer.

- I know.


- No.

You are very clever!



Look at that chair.

That is grandma's rocking chair.

She used to read books there

until she fell asleep.

Do not forget.

The water is boiling.

If you wish to drink,

you can do it on your own.

I'm going to my room now.

All right, grandma.

Come on.




Are you okay?

We are fine. Why?

I heard a voice

while I was at the front.

What voice?


Perhaps I misheard something.

I want to get a drink.






Are you okay?

It's okay.

Are you and Jeff fighting?

I don't know, Vi.

I have no problem with Jeff.

When I came in,

I saw your grandmother.

All of a sudden, Jeff stood

in front of me and choking me.

I think he is possessed.

Please, Lun.

Do not start it again.

I think he had a seizure.

Seizures you say?

Vi, I know Jeff.

He has no seizures.

After all...

you won't choke other persons

due to seizures.

In fact...

I think this house

is the reason.

There is a strong

mystical vibe to this house.

Luna, can you stop talking

about the mystical world?

You are educated.

You should know that mysticism

is simply an outdated way...

of explaining something

they don't comprehend.

If you keep going like this,

you will look like a fool...

who can't tell the difference

between reality and illusion.

Like a person whose brain

has been damaged...

due to dr*gs.


Forgive me.

Forgive me. I am sorry.

I shouldn't say that.

I swear, I didn't mean anything.

I just want to calm you down.

I don't want you

to get sick again...

and have cramps.

Forgive me.

Forgive me.

You know, right?

I'm taking neurology course

because of you.

Because I want to heal you.

I know.

You are the best friend

I have ever had.

You're always by my side.

You were constantly with me when

my mother didn't care about me.

I am very lucky

to have a friend like you.

Forgive me.

Forgive me

if I'm a burden to you.

Not at all.

Being friends with you

has never been a burden for me.

Forgive me.

He is resting.

Do not disturb him.


Why, grandma?

- Nothing, I'm fine.

No, you're not.

Let me take you to your room.

Can you go alone, Vi?

- Yes.

You should spend the night here.

It's late now.

Jeff still hasn't recovered.

I still miss you.

I wants you to stay here

for a long time.

All right.

My friends and I will spend

the night here.

Go sleep to your room.




Why are there boards covering

every window and door?

You can't open it.

This place is full of bad people.

I nail every door

and window shut...

so no one can get in.

So that people think

this house is empty.

May I use your phone?

For what?

- I couldn't turn on my phone.

Jeff's phone and his tablet too.

Give me your phone.

- My phone is off.

Since we were at the bridge.

I think it ran out of battery.

I don't think so.

Then what is the reason?



Stop overthinking about it.

Let's sleep.

Come on.


This used to be

my mother's room.

I'm sure Annika

and I used to sleep here.

I wish I could be

a child again sometimes.

There's nothing much to worry.

You don't have a photo of

yourself with your father, Vi?

My father died when

my mother gave birth to Annika.

That's why my mom decided

to moved to Jakarta...

and forget the memories

with my father and this house.

I admire my mother.

She raised us and sent us

to school without my father.

You should be like your mom.

Your mother is a strong woman.

I am very impressed.

You're wrong.

But why?

There's one thing

I've never told anyone.

My mother once said...

that my grandma was

treated in a mental hospital.

My grandfather passed away...

shortly after my grandma

gave birth to my mother.

When Annika was born...

my father died too.

A few years ago...

my mother is being treated

in a mental hospital...

because she wanted to k*ll

her boss for no reason.

I'm scared.

I guess I'm just

biding my time...

to experience the same thing.

Now I understand...

why you have never believed

in mystical things.

You have to be patient.

Annika, Viona!

Mom, I want to go for a moment.

- Where are you going?

I want to return the book.

My friend is waiting at the gate.

Where is your sister?

Perhaps she hasn't returned yet.

Lun, sorry that we had

to spend the night here.

It's okay.

I just don't know how

to explain it to my mom.

Me too.

I admire your grandmother.

She is old.

But she can still look after

herself and this big house.

That's why I feel so guilty.

My mother used to tell me...

she has been working

since she was young...

because my father died.

I'm sure grandma helped my mother

in caring for me and Annika.

But now I don't even know

that she is sick.

I'm scared, Vi.

I worry that she is keeping

her illness a secret from us.

Perhaps you were called

to come here because she is ill...

and the house is in poor shape.


I think the same thing.

But Vi...

I don't understand

what happened with Jeff.

I became more and

more afraid to face him.


Vi, I'm talking to you!

Are you sleeping?

Come with me to get a drink.

I'm parched.

I'm sleepy.

Go get it yourself.


Jeff, help me!

Just now...


What's wrong with you?




Jeff is in my dream!

It's okay, it's just a dream.


Don't get out of here.

- Grandma!



- Take her to her room.



Actually, what's wrong with you?

Have you seen a doctor?

Okay then.

You should rest.

Do not leave this house.

There are many

bad people out there.



Now I'm even more terrified.

Lun, we need

to find Jeff immediately.

I should get out of this house

and get grandma's medicine.

All right.

I'll come with you.

I don't want to be here alone.

I'm afraid.

I'll come with you.

Lun, I need you

to look after my grandma.

Please, Vi. I'm scared.

Don't go, Vi.

Let's have a look.

Maybe someone needs help.

Don't, Vi.

Maybe this is just a trap.

We have to look.

- Vi!

Maybe someone needs help.

There is someone crying.

Anyone up there?

Anyone up there?

Vi, we better get down.

Vi, come on.

Someone is crying inside.

Who's inside?

Don't, Vi. We better get down.

We need to know

why she is crying.



Who's there?


Help me!

Vi, help me!

What did I say?

I said this house is haunted.

Now we must get out of here.

Sorry, Lun.

I hope we will find Jeff outside.

Let's go now.


Make her go, Vi.

This gate is open!

The bell is on the ground.

This is a bad sign.

Calm down.

Hold me.




What's that?

Guys, there's a big problem!

What is it?

The bell at the old house

is on the ground.

Tell the others.

I'm going to inform the shaman.

Peace be upon you.

- Peace be upon you too.

Rahim, please tell the others.

I will do the same.

Wait, Vi.

I'm tired.

Jeff is gone.

Now we have to go

to a place we don't know.

This is great.

- Luna, we have no choice.

My grandma can't help us.

We must now be certain

of our decision.

Let's look for help.


I really don't know what to do.

This village is

like a ghost village.

There are no occupants.


I think we should knock on

one of the houses around here.

We ask for help

and spend the night there.


Hello, anyone home?

Hello, anyone home?

It seems that the locals are not

used to being visited by strangers.

They should not treat us

this way. We are women.

They show absolutely no mercy.

Not everyone thinks like you.

Hello, anyone home?

Let's try another house.




Where is she now?

All right.

Thank you.

Are you sure the bell fell?

That's dangerous.

It's true.

I saw it with my own eyes.

The gate is wide open!

Look at that.

What did I tell you?

It's there.


Now sprinkle this...

at every corner.

I'm going to fix the bell.

- Okay.

Slow down, Vi.

It's slippery.

Do you remember?

We walked across this bridge.

We just came out from the car.

Do you remember?

I do, Lun.

So, we are getting near

to the car.

How about we sleep

in the car tonight?

Come on.

- Vi.

Why? Come on.


- What?


- My car!

There has been an accident

on Jalan Cijulang...

and three people were k*lled.

"Thanks for the information."

"Please secure the location."

"Take the victims

to the nearest hospital."

The victims will be taken

to the nearest hospital.

What a pity.

Sir, when did

this accident happen?

This afternoon, ma'am.

All died?

How many people died?

The victims have been lifted

from the gorge.

Now their identity

are being identified.

"Secure the location.

And put the police line."

The accident happened

during the day.

All victims have been located

and are being evacuated.

We have died.

I don't want to die.

Vi, I don't want to die.

I don't want to die, Vi.





We're dead, Vi.

We are dead!

I've been waiting for you

for a long time.

Mom, let's sleep.

Hold on.

Come on.


Vi, your eyes.

My eyes, Lun!


Your eyes.

Mom, let's sleep.

It's late, mom.




Mom, Viona is gone.

Let's sleep.



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