Cult k*ller (2024)

Horror, Scary, Halloween Movie Collection.

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Cult k*ller (2024)

Post by bunniefuu »

Thanks, Connie.

She arrived first,

sat waiting for 30 minutes

and boyfriend shows up.

They usually hang,

have some drinks, then head out.

A romance.


Come on, guys.

We can't stop now.

A few more and who knows...

And who knows what might happen.

No, no, not enough for that yet.

Come on, pay up.

What's all that?

She comes through

every week or so,

talks to guys,

gets 'em to buy her drinks,

disappears before anything bad

can happen.

As long as there's no trouble,

I let it slide.


Besides, she tips good

with other people's money.

-A little dark?

-Sure thing.

He's coming over.

-I know.

-Can I have another round?

Who the f*ck are you?

I'm gonna need you

to give me that camera.


-I could have-

-I know you are Dexter Conell.

Yeah. One of four partners

at Conell, Ajax and O'Connor.

Yeah. You know,

I've been hired by your firm.

I mean, to say your partners,

including your wife, Elizabeth.

Yeah. Just to see who

you are stepping out with.

And you, you are Ashley, right?



You're the mail girl?

I'm an assistant, actually.

Yeah, well,

just some advice, Ashley,

don't fall for the first

swinging d*ck douche bag,

especially, if they own

the firm. You know?

You're better than that.

Listen, you son of a bitch,

you have no right

to be invading my privacy.

You don't have an expectation

of privacy in public, no.

But I do have something for you.

Here, you've been served.


Go, go.

Maybe it's better

if you just head for the door

and don't make it any worse

than it already is.

You saw that?

Man was threatening.

Yeah, definitely threatening.

Hey, thanks.

No, I mean, thank you

for telling the girl to leave.

-Oh, no. No worries.


All right, boys,

this is the last round.

After this, I'm leaving.

Not if we don't let you leave.

Oh, baby, that is a road

you do not want to go down.

And I'm calling you baby,


I don't remember

any of your names.

You all just look

the same to me.

But after I leave,

whatever you do,

don't follow me,

because as f*cked up as I am,

I could cause each and every one

of you serious...

physical harm.


-You want me to call the law?

-No, not yet.

Let our friend go

and we won't hurt you.


Oh, hey!


Go away, old man!

Old man? Wow.

So, now what are you gonna do?

There's nothing really

you can do. I have the g*n.

I would drop the baton.

Good, thank you.

Now take your friends

and get the f*ck out of here.

Yes, sir.

Thank you, eh?

Thank you very much.

I'm just gonna

get my bag there, so...

-Right then.

-Are you okay?


That was...

'Cause in there you carried

yourself a bit differently,

so you... I mean,

that was quite...

That was quite impressive.

Well... are you happy of...

living a life...

that leads you

to situations like that?


You know, kind of pathetic.


-Don't you think?



Well, most people would say,

"You're welcome.

Have a nice life."

But you, you have

a "you're a piece of shit"

-bedside manner.

-No, no, no, no.

I didn't say that

you are a piece of shit

because you are not one.

You're a drunk.

And one day

it'll k*ll you, slowly, it will.

Are you tired of being a drunk?

This cocktail thing, man,

you know, 20 odd years

in Dublin,

get through that,

go back to where I grew up,

become Detective Sergeant,

and spent a few years

like that yank Andy Griffith.

No. Worst thing Andy ever faced

was a town drunk.

You had rich people

getting themselves k*lled.

Yeah, and some other rich people

running interference.

Then out of nowhere,

my lead investigator

or my only investigator,

gets a job consulting,

three times the pay.

Maybe they'll offer me a job.

So, listen, uh,

I know you are bringing me

on this site, man.

Isn't stuff like this

need to be approved by...

your superintendent

or the bureau?

No, we need to keep this

on the down low.

There's too many

important people

that don't want this

be looked at,

so no one's

gonna investigate it.

I'll come by at 930

and go over today's interviews.

I can't figure

these bastards out.

-Some hinky shit.


Wanna grab your bag

from the office?

No, I'm gonna go

back to the room

and just take a nap.



-See you later.

-See ya. Bye.

Excuse me.

You thought you could find me?

I found you first.




Sorry, what?

Oh, um,

I don't need your address.

No, I don't need

to write it down.

I know where it is.


I'm two hours away. I'll need...

I'll need three hours.

I'll be there at 9:00. Bye.




One year.


Who would've thunk?


I have faith.

Well, I'm glad you did

'cause sometimes I wondered.

When you wondered, you called.

That's how this works.

I know they gave you

the one last night, but...

I think this one might be a...

a better fit.

If you want it, of course.

Grateful I'm not dead.

That's perfect.

No, I will not bloody cry.

Thank you.

You're a dickhead.


You worked for Tallini

for how long?

Three years, and a couple

of years before that

doing research.

I'm quite good at research.

Yeah, he mentioned that,

information studies.

He spoke about me?

Yeah. Yes, Information Studies.

He was also my sponsor and...

um, last night I f*cked it up.

No, it happens. I don't judge

and neither would he.

If you want there's a place

nearby to take a meeting.


What I really want is

to pick up Mikeal's case.

I owe Mikeal

for a thousand things,

and I really think

that I would be good at this,

and I promise you

that I am ready to take on--

Detective Sergeant.

Good morning.

It appears you and I

need to have

yet another conversation

about this--

this little witch hunt

you're orchestrating

against my client.

This witch hunt

you're referring to

is an investigation

into the m*rder

of one of your clients

who's also a golfing buddy,

and I don't know,

secret sect member,


Well, the only relationship

germane to this conversation

is that of solicitor and client,

and my clients

are private people.

They don't take very well

to your little private Gestapo.

God, witch hunt, Gestapo,

is there any other metaphors

you wanna throw

into this conversation?


I don't know, maybe.

Let me introduce you

to Cassie Holt.


She's a colleague

of my late friend

and private Gestapo,

Mikeal Tallini.

I'm sorry, did you say late?

He was stabbed to death,

much like your former client.

And his wounds were excessive,

much like your former client.

Jesus, my... my deepest

sympathies for your loss.

Yeah, maybe now you'll...

you'll call off this

absurd little investigation.

Well, you see, I can't now


it's an international crime.

I'm sorry, what?

The laws on the m*rder

of a law enforcement officer

extend past service and borders.

So, if I make

one phone call here,

it's gonna rain investigators

all over the f*cking place.

And I'm sure their departments

will be interested in a cabal.

Yeah, Victor,

I've read up on your history

wherein you had investigators

close this case prematurely,

which now might be related

to the m*rder

of a brother investigator.

I hereby appoint you,

Cassie Holt,

special investigator

to the m*rder of Mikeal Tallini.


Actually, while you're here,

Victor, would you mind?

We need a witness

while she signs.

Absolutely. Do you want me to--

Go f*ck yourself!

I'll show myself out.

Yeah, please do.

Sharon, actually,

would you mind

witnessing this because...Yeah.

And get her ID'd up. Thanks.

Well, there she is.

-It's about god damn time.

-What do you want?

Well, he's hired

another f*cking PI.

Hmm. Really?

Some girl who used

to work for Tallini...


-...who turns out is dead.

Did you have anything

to do with that?

No. Categorically not.

Had no idea.

You're sure about that?


I don't like you bastards enough

to help you without being paid.

The feeling

is absolutely mutual.

You're in it

just as deep as the rest of us.

If one of us goes down,

you remember

what I've got on you.

Oh, spare me the threats,

tough guy.

Do you want me to find out

what I can on this new PI?



-Give me a couple of hours.

-I will.

So, what do you think?

I make it official?

Well, I thought you'd never ask.

Wait, are we getting married



-...are you offering me a job?

No. Married one time.

One time only.

No, no,

this is about work, you tonta.

Tonta? Hardly.

You have seen

the better part of the job

over the last couple of years.

Now I'll show you

how to run a business,

fine tune investigation,

and how to protect yourself,

how to sh**t.

I get a g*n?

Eh! Keep it down.

But, yeah,

you can carry it and--


-Once licensed. Okay? Yeah.


-This is easy to hide.


Nasty little b*ll*ts that go

and can f*ck up someone's day.

Open it.

Open it. Right. Okay.

-Heavier than it looks.

-Oh, God.

-Easy to sh**t.

-Yeah. Okay. Right.




Sorry. Sorry,

I didn't hear you, what?

Are you packing?

Well, I'm a single girl

living in a shitty part of town,

and my best friend

was just m*rder*d,

so yeah, I'm packing, why?

Is it a Walther

with the letter E on the grip?

It is.

How did you know?

It's Ellie's, Mikeal's wife.

That I did not know.

Here's notes on the interviews

Mikeal tried to conduct.

Let's just bring you

up the speed.

We're gonna have

so much fun tonight.

Come here.

We're not gonna hurt you,

just come here.



Now, outside of punctuality,

you need to learn hierarchy.

See, you work for me.

You don't call me

and tell me where to meet you.

Oh, I'd be happy

to come to your office,

but someone might see us.

Makes it a little bit

more difficult,

one of your buddies

decides to accidentally

-k*ll someone again.

-Ah, Jesus. That was one time.

Now do you want

this profile or not?

-Let's hear it.


It's Catherine Elate Holt.

She's 35 years old

born in London.

She went to LCC

for her Library Science degree.

She worked

at a couple city libraries,

-but got fired for being drunk.


After being fired,

she moved here,

became an AA member,

met Tallini.

He became her sponsor,

and he eventually

started hiring her

for doing some

of his small jobs.

Have you got a picture of her?



He's probably f*cking her.

She had reoccurring sexual abuse

by her step-grandfather,

started at a young age

up until university.

She came home for the break.

He tried again.

-She kicked his ass.


No one told the old man

that she's taking

Brazilian jiu-jitsu.

He went away

for a couple of years.

Well, his solicitor

was probably shite.

Those allegations

are easy enough to deflect.

Well, she started hiding

her phone in secondary school

and started videotaping

the assaults.


Do you want deeper?

No, this is good enough.

Just gives us a heads up

who we're dealing with.

She's not as experienced

as Tallini, see?

So, I'm not that worried.

Oh. There's your money.

Yeah. Thank you.

Give it to me.

And we left the pub

late afternoon,

Mikeal went west

towards his hotel,

and I went home.

I can't.


Look, I know it's hard, but...


you build up these compartments

and I'm not sure

if it's healthy, but it works.

All right, photo number three

shows how the body was found.

The positioning

leads us to believe

that the k*ller

came from behind.

The decedent, Mikeal, turned

and he was stabbed

eight times.

And after he hit the ground,

the coup de grace

was the cutting

of the carotid artery.

His pockets were gone through,

his phone and his room key

were taken.

His ID was left beside the body,

and his g*n was left

in the holster.

Yes, they didn't take the g*n.

That doesn't make sense.

No, it does not.

It was also incredibly ballsy

to attack him in broad daylight.

I... I...

Well, I suppose

we should go to the hotel.


Why can't I go?

Mainly because my man

doesn't have the value

to pay for two investigators.

Second, I need you

to run the office

while I am down there.

-But it's a m*rder.

-Mm. Yeah.

You said that hardly

ever happens in our world.

The last time

a private investigator

solved a m*rder

was like never, ever.

What if some hard boiled

film noir shit happens?

Like what?

Well, I don't know,

you've seen movies.

No, none of that is gonna happen

because those things

don't happen in real life.

All I'm gonna do is interview

friends of the dead guy,

just to see

if they have any idea

of who wanted

their friend k*lled.

That's it.

Meanwhile, you run the office

for the week I am gone,

continue tracking the--

the money trail

and that construction thing,

and when I am back, well,

we'll present it

to the client's solicitor

and we get paid, and that's it.


-But I'm officially protesting.

-Noted and filed. Yeah.

-And you have to promise me.

-No, no, no.

If some film noir shit happens,

I'll call you.



-All right.




Hi. Cassie.

Nice to meet you.

Hi, Cassie. Glenn.

-Nice to meet you.

-Hi, Glenn.

Glenn, thanks for

sitting out here.

How's it going?

This is Cassie.

She worked with Tallini.

Yeah, we just met. Yeah.

Yeah. She's gonna be

helping us out here.

Okay. Perfect.

Picked this up last night.

Ah, good call. Anything weird?

Did you go in?

I did not. Nope.

Just sat up on it and watched.

Okay, cool.

Right, well, then we're gonna go

check out the room

and you go ahead,

go home, get some rest.

-Will do.

-Nice to meet you.

Nice to meet you.

Whatever they were looking for,

I'm guessing they didn't find.

What time did your man get here?

Got here right at 10:00.

I got the call at 8:00

that Mik's body been found.

Then covering the crime scene,

realized that the phone and key

had been taken,

sent Glenn over.

Should have had him enter.


They must have come here

right after k*lling him.

Hello, Cassie Holt.

So, this is the m*rder house?

This is where

Mikeal was investigating?

Yeah, this is it.

John Abernathy.

So, what's his story?

Oh, he's part of the remaining

old money in this area.

Like most of them,

living on past family glory.

Don't think he's ever worked

a day in his life.

He's a widower, for a couple

of decades now, at least.

What the hell is this?

May I help you, sir?

Yeah. I've come to show

my investigator the crime scene.


that won't be possible.

I'm sorry, say that again.

We're unable to let you

into the house.

Uh. Active m*rder investigation,

crime scene.

Is any of this computing

with you, pal?

The predicament

isn't lost on me, sir.

But our instructions

were quite clear.

No one enters without a warrant.

-Do you have a warrant, sir?

-Who hired you?

I'm afraid

I'm not liberty to say, sir.

Look, you're not getting in.

So, go ahead and go.

Sir, I'm gonna tell

your buddy here

to take his finger

off the trigger

and render that w*apon safe

or it's gonna hurt

coming back out of his ass.

I will f*cking m*rder you,


She's a little excited,

so pay attention to me, closely.

Now remove the g*n,

drop the magazine,

and rack the slide to clear it.

Do it now.


Your boy got anything else?

No, just the r*fle.

Just a r*fle. Okay. Yeah.


At least you have an amount

of professional about you.

Ditch these two,

or they're gonna

get you k*lled someday.

And that's the stupidest thing

I've ever heard.

We're gonna go get a warrant,

and we're gonna go

into this crime scene.

We'll be back tomorrow morning.

Alert who ever hired you.

You hungry?

-Thank you.


"I'll f*cking m*rder you,


-It got his attention.

-That it did.

Are you actually gonna

get a warrant

to go into a house

you have every right to enter?

No, not at all.

-You're gonna go in on your own.


So, what's it like

being a private investigator?

I never intended to be one.

I was in the Interpol

for 26 years,

retired and had other plans,

you know?


Ellie got sick, died, yeah.

So, I knew if I didn't find

something to do,

loneliness and boredom

would take me out.

So, I got the license,

started working, and...

It's not terribly different

than what I was doing before,

you know.

Paper trails, interviews,

all that.


Get beat up in alleys,

bring down crooked governments,

bad women with hearts of gold

and turbo hot bodies.

Yeah, sure. Yeah.

I wish. Yeah. Yeah.

I read all of those books

when I was growing up,

you know, but... they're fun

and complete bullshit.


-Now, first of all,

forget everything

you see in movies.

The job is almost always boring.

You sit up for hours,

watching something

with binoculars.

You get really good at peeing

in a bottle.

Yeah. It's-- It is what it is.

You know?

Plus side, you-- you work when

you want or you need to, and...

money is, uh...

decent. So, yeah.

That sounds perfect.


-Sign me up.

Are you serious?

Well, I need a job

and I'm good with searches,

data sheets and stuff.

You know, I'm a trained

librarian. Remember?

Okay, we-- we-- we--

We-- we can talk about it

and try it out.

'Cause you had me

at peeing in a bottle.

It will be spectacular.

I can't pee in a bottle.

Okay, so the assholes

are outside.

I'm guessing they're not

allowed in the house.

Would you let them?


So, I'm gonna swing

around the other side

and see if I can find

a place to go in.

Oh, my God.

That was close. Woo!


I'm gonna make a dash for it.

Wish me luck.

Good luck.


g*dd*mn it.

-What is it?

-This one's locked as well.

Well, we can

call it off. Find another way.

No, let me see if I can

pick the lock.

If I learned

anything from Mikeal,

this will be my virgin effort.

-I'm in.


-That was quick.

-That was quick, wasn't it?

Everything looks as it should.

It's like the Garda

were never here.

Where was

old man Abernathy k*lled?

m*rder file says


towards the end of the hall.

-Going upstairs.

-Copy that.

Nothing unusual so far.

Like I suspected,

a complete whitewash.

Investigators made the book

and got out.

Old world money

trying to make this go away.


It looks like certain contents

have been removed.

What the hell?

The file says nothing

was removed into evidence,

except for the mattress.

He was k*lled in bed, wasn't he?


Yeah. The bed's here.

No mattress, no box springs.

Isn't there a lot of blood

in the pictures?

Yeah, everywhere.

There's no more blood.

It feels like the investigators

haven't done anything.

This room should have been

thoroughly upturned,

and it's like

it hasn't been touched.

Did it say anything

about a hidden room?

There's not supposed to be

any hidden rooms.

Stand by.


What is it?

Are you okay?

I've never seen anything

like this in my life.

I'll send you a picture.


That's where I'd sleep

when they brought me over here.

Hang up.

Hey, Bob, I'll, uh...

I'll call you back

in a second, okay?

Glenn, grab Sam and Alex,

we're heading

to the Abernathy house!

Hey, Cassie Holt.

It's pretty much soundproof

in there.

You cry, you scream,

it doesn't bother anybody else

in the house.

I slept in there the night I

k*lled him for old times' sake.

Who are you?

I'm Jamie.

What are you doing here?

The guys outside wouldn't let

the Detective Sergeant and I in

to look around.

-You broke in.


That's not very legal.

Did you k*ll Mikeal?

I did.

Yeah, I thought

he was working for them.

It was before I knew more.

I-- I've seen you

with the sergeant,

like he was, looking for me,

instead of them.

I may have been premature.

-You f*cking think?


Cassie Holt.

We don't need them

in here right now.


that Tallini guy...

He your boyfriend?



No, no. Nothing like that.

He helped me

out of a bad stretch and...

Well, he gave me a purpose.

And a few days ago

I let him down,

so now I'm looking for you.

In actual fact,

if you want to know,

he's the only man I've ever met

who didn't try to f*ck me.

I don't know what that's like.


I'm sorry about your friend.

I'm gonna k*ll you.

I can't be mad at that.

We're alike, you and I.

Like hell we are.

No, not that.

Someone did

something to us that--


and detain these men.

You called for help.

You sneaky...



Okay. Jamie Elizabeth Douglas.

January 11th, '94. Look me up.

-f*ck me.

-What happened?

-It's a girl.

-What? Who is?

Mikeal's k*ller,

k*lled Abernathy.

It's a g*dd*mn girl.

She just admitted it to me.

What? Okay, right.

Just calm down.

Look at me. Look at me.

Now what did she look like?

I couldn't really see her.

She was 5'6".

She had a hoodie, brown hair.

Rest of the house is clear.

All right. Just stay down there.

No one comes in.

She said, "You could be in there

crying and screaming,

and you wouldn't bother

anyone else in the house."

What happened with her

and Abernathy? I mean, I know--

-She knew who I was!


Victor Harrison's out here,

-raising holy hell.

-Of course he is.

Just keep him there!

I'll be right down.

All right, photograph every inch

of this sick shit.

-You have two minutes.


Mr. Harrison, as I've stated,

you will not be entering

at this time.

McMahon. What the f*ck

are you doing in my house?

We received a call

from a concerned citizen

about men with g*ns.

So, we detain them

to ascertain why they were here

and why they were armed.

Further investigation,

we discovered that

-the back door was open.

-Men with g*ns?

Well, I don't care

if the whole f*cking place

is lit up like a Christmas tree

and every door

and window is open.

You've no business

inside my house.

Your house?

I thought this was

John Abernathy's home,

been in his family

a few generations.

Well, he died and left it to me.

Anyway, it's none

of your g*dd*mn business.

Mr. Harrison,

you will address me

as Detective Sergeant, sir,

or not at all.

Are we understood on that?

Uh. Well, I, I apologize, sir.

It's been

a very stressful time, sir.

I miss my f*cking friend, sir.

I understand.

I'll be back down

to get them out shortly,

-just so you know.

-Oh, they're not under arrest.

No, we're just gonna

have a little chat,

but I have a feeling one of 'em

-is gonna sing like a bird.

-Do you, now?

Mr. Harrison?


Jamie Douglas sends her regards.

Well, I don't know who that is.

Well, how about that.


the guy who messed with you,

-he was your--


Yeah. Right. Let me guess.

As far as everyone was

concerned, a great guy, right?

-Pretty much.


That's the...

the predator's strength,

his camouflage.

The drooling, howl at the moon,

crazy predator exist,

but you know, they are rare.

This one makes the news.

But these look like...

everyone else out there.

But they're missing the thing

that make human beings human.


It started when I was eight.

And it lasted all the way

till I went to university,

which is a long time.

And I was there a year.

And as well as school,

I learned to

take care of myself,

uh, ju-jitsu and Krav Maga,

at the same time, daily.

So I was sore.

No, I was f*cking sore.

Not a victim anymore.

No, never again.

After a year,

I came home for Christmas and...

that night

sure as shit,

he was at my door, drunk...

"Hey, baby."

And he reaches for me...

And... arm bar,

like hyper-extended it,

twisted it with my left hand

and broke his f*cking elbow

with my left hand,

and the sound

of that bone breaking

was so f*cking glorious,

I can't tell you

how f*cking glorious it was.

I wanted to break

every f*cking bone in his body,

but I didn't.


You didn't.

You didn't let the monster win.


You stayed a human being.

You protected yourself.

When the threat was over,

you stopped.

What happened then?

He went away.

And my family abandoned me,

even after

they'd seen the evidence.

Meaning the videos, right?

Yeah, so they're dead to me.

You know, just because

they're related to you,

doesn't mean

you have to like them.

You make your own family, right?


I don't remember who that is.

She was the one

who stayed with us the longest.

See if that jogs your memory.


The screamer.

She stole from us when she left.

Marty left things unattended.

That brings up

an excellent question.

Where is Marty?

You stole his phone.

Hey, Cassie Holt.

Hello, Jamie.

What are you doing?

Oh, you know.

This is exciting.

The private investigator

talking to the m*rder suspect.

Well, I mean,

you're not exactly a suspect.

I guess not.

And here you are.

So, let me tell you

a little story.

When I was 14,

my mother's boyfriend

did stuff to me...

he shouldn't have.

And when I told dear old Mom,

she hit me.

Right. Mine too.

She told me I was horrible

and let it continue.

So, I never mentioned it again.

I thought so.

Those of us with secrets,

we can tell.

So, what happened?

Oh. I ran away.

Slummed it on the streets

of New York as a teenager.

Eventually got myself

to London, and...

wound up begging

on the streets in Dublin.

This lady comes up.

She's... older,

pretty, and offers

to buy me food.

But then we talk.

Okay. That's different.

And I'm hungry so...

She was the worst of them

in their dirty little club.

Well, I've invited Wallace here.

I wondered why she was here.

She's not even

supposed to be here.

I'm here for the reason

that I usually am,

to clean up your shit.

That was an accident.


what do you suggest we do

in this situation?

Wallace and I

have discussed it, and...

we think it's best

if we all just leave.


I'm not leaving.

And neither should anyone else.

We built this entire part

of the country.

Actually, your grandfathers

and your great-grandfathers

built this part of the country.

Listen, we've discussed it,

and I agree, I think

we should all just go away,

until she's caught

or k*lled.

Could we just k*ll them both?

k*ll them both?

From what you say,

they're obviously

working together.

Maybe even that first one.

Except Jamie gutted him.

She's obviously deranged.

Well, it's...

it's possible the Holt girl

could be convinced

to drop the case.

Boys you hired,

put the fear of God in her,


But Jamie...

I think we...

we can all agree

she should just go away.

I mean, Jesus Christ,

fallout from what she knows,



she did draw first blood.

She what?

You guys both own

this playhouse here

and she drew the first blood?

Somewhere during the meal,

-I'm getting sleepy...


I woke up in a cage.

And I didn't wear clothes

for the next five years.

Oh, my God.

I don't really believe in God.


No, I understand.

Do you, believe in God?


Yeah, I can't, actually.

So, we all agree that the boys

should scare the Holt girl

to convince her to leave town.

Okay, I'll tell them.

They're gonna need a little bit

more for this though.


Yeah, that's fine.

Just get her out here.

I'm so bored.

We need something to play with.

I understand

your need to get revenge.

Believe me, I do get it.

But you don't have to k*ll them.

If you let us put them away,

you can let them

be scared for a change.

They're scared now, Cassie Holt.

I know,

but you've let the monster win.


I chose to be a monster.

They're vile.

And horrible.

The wife is the worst.

The husband is weaker,

in comparison to her.

He likes choking.

They all tease him

for accidentally k*lling

a little boy.


The solicitor...

He's just a sleaze.


And so were the other two.

Sorry, wait a second,

the other two?

Oh. See? That's what they call

a plot twist, Cassie Holt.

I will talk to you later.

I gotta go do some monster shit.

What's up? You sounded frantic

on the phone.

She's done it again.

She's k*lled another one.

She has? Who is it? Where?

I don't know.

-Then how do you know?

-She called me? She told me.

-She called?

-Yeah, on Mikeal's phone.

At Abernathy's house,

she said keep your phone on,

so I did and she called.

Do you think

you might have mentioned this?

I'm telling you now. She told me

she k*lled another one.

All right. Okay. Okay, okay.

Just take a deep breath and...

...tell me about the call.

-Sick little clubhouse.


And did she give any indication

as to where or what that is?

No, she mentioned it like that


They have companies everywhere.

Together or otherwise.

Maybe look into holdings,

property taxes.


-Their companies and others,

find a connection between them.

Do you really think that

she k*lled another one of them

or is she full of shit?

Oh, no, I think she did it.

She was delighted to tell me

and she tried to make it sound

like it was a slip.

Tell you what.

Let's stir the pot a little.

We need another plaything.

No, Dottie.

No, not now.

Not for a good long while.


Ah, hell. I'm sorry.

What now, McMahon?

Have you done a headcount

on all your surviving buddies?

Anyone missing?

Haven't heard from Marty

in a while. Why do you ask?

What the f*ck!?



Something freaked him

the f*ck out there.

I think I have an idea

of what that might be.

Hello, Cassie Holt.

What did you just do?

I told you.

Monster shit.

Monster shit.

How'd you know?

We were on the phone

with the solicitor

when something happened.


-The Detective Sergeant and I.


-I'm on speaker?


Hi, Detective Sergeant.

Quite the investigator

you got here.

You would make both our jobs

easier if you'd just come in

and we could

put them away together.

Well, I'm not exactly

what they'd call

a sympathetic witness.

Maybe not.

But bad people

did bad things to you

and they need to be punished.

They're being punished.


come in.

We can do it.

It's sweet you think so.

-Gotta go.

-Wait, wait,

before you leave,

just tell us about this place.

-The playhouse?


Yeah. Okay.

Well, that's what they call it.

You can find it, Cassie Holt.

I have faith in you.

Ooh. Look for Wallace,

works for the solicitor,

takes care of problems.

All right.

I'm actually gonna go now.

I'll be around.

Over the years

I've seen criminals fixate

on their pursuers

for any number of reasons.

They think they're best friends,

or they think

they're Holmes and Moriarty.

The way you two have gone on,

it's just the most bizarre thing

I've ever seen.


She must recognize

a shared experience,

although, I've never been

through anything like she had.

I'm sure Mikeal

told you about that stuff.

No. No, not at all.

He would never

share things like that.

I just had a feeling that

there's something in your past.

You know, hunches, signs.


I have signs?

That's a bummer.

I had a handle on the drinking

till the bastard called.

Who called?

Your abuser.

You know, "I'm sorry"

and "I didn't mean to hurt you."

And then, he said "baby doll,"

which is what he said during,

and I just lost it,

you know, I hung up

and walked straight

into a bottle,

which is where you found me,

halfway into letting

Mikeal down.

-No, no, you didn't.

-Sorry, I'm freezing. I just...

Just got a real shiver.

The thing is,

if I saw this girl's story

in an article or in a movie,

I would've been

fully supportive of it.

Believe me,

I understand the desire.

If she hadn't k*lled Mikeal,

I would not care.

But she did.

Yes, so for that,

we'll catch her.

But the other side,

that's your end.

I understand fighting

the monster.

I did it and I won,

but it's way tempting.


That's Mikeal.

We talked

about the monsters and...

how they get inside you.

He was a good teacher.

Yeah. He was.

I'm gonna head back

to the office.

Do you need a lift?

Oh, no, I'm fine.

My car's in the back.

I'm gonna stay

and do some research,

see if I can find anything

on Wallace and the playhouse.

Okay, so here's my logins

for the databases.

If I were able

to find information

through what might be called...

-extralegal means.



Well, it wouldn't be admissible,

but if it steers us

to something that could be...

All right,

Victor Harrison, Esquire.


You people and your passwords.


Wallace is on the payroll...

for quite the hefty sum.


Proprietor of Wallace.

So, what did you learn?

I learned I suck.

Well, everyone sucks

at first. You know?

Not getting discouraged is...

that's the trick, all right?


Now when you started jiujitsu...

-I sucked.

-Yeah. But now?

-Well, I don't suck.


Let's go again.

Now remember,

slow is smooth.

Smooth is fast.

Correct. Go.

Yeah. Open.

Boom. Hey... Slow, slow.

Here you go.

And now change. Here you go.

One. Two.

Help me, man. Help me!

We're only supposed

to scare you.

If I don't k*ll you, it won't be

because I didn't try to.

Oh, shit.

Your dreams and mind should

fight it out to see who's worse.

You were doing great

until he kicked you in the twat.

"Thank you, Jamie.

I'm glad I'm not dead."


I'd much rather them dead

than me.

Thank you.

Why am I tied up?

Some people are grumpy

when they wake up.


Well, that's badass.

Oh, f*ck.

Where's all my stuff?

It's in here.

And if you suddenly have to go,

I won't believe you.

When does this end?

When I've done them all.

And then what?

What else

do I have to live for?

They've ruined me

for anything normal.

It doesn't actually have

to be like this, you know,

because McMahon and I

can build a case.

One of them will flip.

One of them always flips.

That Wallace lady, the, uh...


for the solicitor.

I've done some research on her

and the playhouse

is owned by a company she runs.

I knew you'd find it.

But she doesn't own it.

They've got something on her,

I don't know what.

She never participated.

At least not with me.

She might be hard to find now,

but don't worry,

I didn't k*ll her.

There was no reason to.

We just talked.

What the hell...?

What, you crazy bitch?!

Is that petrol?

Crazy people

really hate being called crazy.

You remember me?

Do you know how petrol works?

Sparks and fumes.

Yeah, you would burn too.


Okay. Be cool.

I'm gonna put this down.

-Mm. I prefer the back seat.

-Okay, back seat it is.

Good job.

Now, there are some items

I'm looking for

and I have some questions.

You're gonna answer 'em.

If I don't like your answers...

I cook us.

If I'm happy with your answers,

you leave and you stop

hanging out with nasty people.


You're a piece of shit,

but you're a piece of shit

that didn't do anything to me,

so I'm giving you

a second chance.


Pet-- Petrol then, petrol.



I mean...

I had to get her attention,

and once I did, she...

got real chatty.

How else do you think I knew

it was gonna happen to you?

Well, I don't know. So...

so you...

you said you told Wallace

that you were looking

for things. What are they?

Pictures, videos.

They documented everything,

not just me.

It's the truth. It's the truth.

Okay. So... Right. So, how many

times has that gone off?

A few times.

It is your sergeant.

I'm sure it is because you left

a huge crime scene

and I should be over there.

So, the thing is, Jamie,

is that I'm actually

too f*cking sore to fight you.

So, can you just come in here

and watch or please leave,

because I do have work to do.

I don't wanna fight you,

Cassie Holt.

Though, I guess

we'll have to at some point.

But please don't k*ll anyone

in the car park on your way out.

Can't promise.

f*ck's sake.


Your car smells funny.

I wonder how that happened.

Any sudden moves,

and I'll sh**t you in the hip

and you will never

walk right again,

so why don't you just sit down?

All right.

Avoid head sh*ts.

Target is just too small.

Always aim for center mass,

there's more space.

Another thing,

the pelvic, you know,

a shot in the area, you know,

with a bigger caliber p*stol

or a r*fle or...

-but yours too, you know?


Will incapacitate a threat.



They'll hit the ground like a...

like a puppet

with the strings cut, okay?


-It's your turn.



Okay. Always give the g*n

like this to somebody else.


-Okay. Never aim to anybody.

Good. Now this leg

a little bit back.

There you go. Yeah.

So you feel steady.

This finger under, hold the g*n.

Feel that,

you earned that thing.

It's just part of your body.


-Okay, now go for the trigger.


it's all yours.



Good to finally meet you,

Miss Holt.

So, you and your friends

did some research on me?

Not my friends,

but, yes, yes I did.

Okay. So, what are you,

a mercenary or a pimp?

I guess it depends on the day

that you catch me.

I see.

I work for Harrison though.

Not them.

I do the same PI stuff as you.

Oh, I don't know about that.

I've never had to get rid

of a strangled kid's body.

-Does that pay well or?

-You've spoken to Jamie?

Yes, I have spoken to Jamie.

So, here's what's gonna happen.

If you give me some information

that's incriminating,

I'll let you go.

And if you don't,

then I'll tell Jamie

to reconsider her decision

to let you live.

Do we have a deal?



How many of them were there?

No idea.

They've been doing it

since they were young.

Jamie was there the longest.

They get bored really quick.

Yeah. And then what happens?

Because they don't k*ll them.

No, they don't.

Not when I was there at least,

just that one.

They get bored

and I relocate them.

Relocate? Relocate. Explain.

Explain that to me

like I'm stupid.

I take them to Russia.


They were unfit for normal life.

You sell them for money.

God help you.

God f*cking help you.

It's f*cking tragic

that she didn't k*ll you.


So... where are these trophies?

Because that's what's

gonna get you cut loose,

these photos and videos.

Any half-ass solicitor would

throw that as inadmissible.

That might be true, but did

you know Harrison has kept

very detailed notes of every

euro he paid you and what for?

What? That's black bag shit.

Who keeps records of that?

In a few hours,

Detective Sergeant McMahon

and the Garda are gonna

raid your boss's office.

So, pretty please,

with sugar on f*cking top,

where are the trophies?

At the playhouse.

There's a room full of them.

But this is gonna get me loose,


Yeah. Glenn.


You said if I give you

information, you'd cut me loose.

I lied.

Mr. And Mrs. Evans,

I'm Cassie Holt.

I know who you are.

So, you know I'm here

to investigate the murders

of a couple of friends of yours.

Dottie, don't talk to her.

Get in the car.

Are you investigating?

Or are you working with that

little bitch picking us off?


You didn't pay attention

to the message we sent.

Right, well,

thank you for that confirmation.

Dottie, come back here.

Miss Holt, would you please

move your car?

What is she, your girlfriend?

All the broken dollies

playing together.

I think that

might be close enough.

What's the matter?

Are you afraid

I'm going to hurt you?

Believe me,

you are in far more danger

than I am right now.

Did she tell you

about the time we had her?

Dottie, stop talking.

She was with us for years.

In fact, I'd love to get you

in the playhouse.

Shame you're so old.

Dottie! Get in the g*dd*mn car!


move your car.

Oh, my God,

it's so good to be out.

I couldn't stand being locked

in that house any longer.

We should have stayed.

Jamie's still out there.

The Holt girl.

We should have called Victor.

Victor will lose his mind

when he finds out.

Jesus, when did you turn

into such a p*ssy?

You're not the man I married,

let alone the person

I grew up with.

I saw a little of the old you

when you grabbed me.

You should let him out more.

"Victor will be mad."

Like I give a shit.

Come on.

You know, I asked them

what we should do

'cause we're

in this predicament right now

and they've instructed me

and I certainly didn't...

didn't actually go through

with any of it so.

So, you didn't actually

intend any harm

on the people that

they instructed you to injure?

No, none whatsoever.


McMahon's talking to Wallace.

Sounds like they're wrapping up.

And how much

of this work

are you willing

to divulge here today?

All of it.

What do you think?

Tossing the patrons out too,

that was a nice touch.

Wallace went from combative

to unnerved real quick.

I mean, you got the confession

of her own free will.

You'll get the warrant

on Harrison with that.

All right. Get off my desk.

Where should we go for dinner?

I don't know.

Maybe we should get a takeaway.

Absolutely not.

I want a meal fixed

by someone else

in a proper dining room,

where I don't have to do dishes.

Come on.

It can be fun if we make it fun.

In fact,

if you do this for me...


Dottie! Dottie!

Help me!

Okay, listen up.

We're about to execute

the warrant on the office

and home of Victor Harrison.

Detective Sargent's office,

please hold.

Detective Sar-- What?

Wait, where?

What? Hey look, I'm gonna put

you on with Detective Sergeant.

This is McMahon. How can I...

Whoa. Slow down, slow down.

Take a breath. Just tell me.

Okay? Right.

Yeah, we'll be right there.

Okay, change of plan.

We're gonna split up.

Glenn, Murphy and O'Brien,

I want you to head down

to the main street.

Apparently, our suspect

att*cked Edgar and Dottie Evans.

Pepper spray smarts,

doesn't it?

This will make it better.

I don't know why, but it does.

You know, you can't get away,

unless I let you go.

You know that, right?


Give me a reason,

you degenerate prick.

You caught yourself a big fish,

didn't you?


Arrest him.


you like sharp things.

This all stops

if you say four little words,

just like back then.


..."I love you Mommy."

"I love you, Mommy."

f*ck you!

f*ck you.


I've been holding him here

as long as I could.

Cassie Holt,

interviewing Edgar Evans.

f*ck's sake.

Edgar, I need you

to explain everything to me.

Dottie's abandoned you.

She's left you for dead.

McMahon is raiding

Harrison's office

and Wallace is being handed over

to the government.

You're gonna have

to f*cking talk, Edgar.

This is your only chance.


No one cared about them.

No one missed them.

They were just tossed away.

No one cared about who, Edgar?

All of them.

Tell me about Jamie.

Dottie was always forceful.

That's why I liked her.

We grew up together.


Jamie was rebellious.

That's why Dottie liked her.

That's why she took her.

But you took her too,

didn't you, Edgar?

You f*cking took her too.

-f*ck! f*ck!

-What happened?

He stroked out.

Did he give you a confession?


One second.


I've got your bitch.

Hang up, Cassie.

-Don't listen to her.

-Just a moment.

Jamie has something

she'd like to say to you.

I'm gonna find you.

You know where I am.

Cassie? Cassie!?

-You want it to stop, do you?


-You want it to stop?


Then you can say it.

Tell me. Come on.

Say it. Say it.

What do you say?

What do you say?

What do you say?

Yeah, Mommy.

Mommy! Mommy!

That's good.

Say it!

Jamie! Jamie!


-I have to call ambulance.


I'm done.

Can you help me up?

Did Edgar die?

Oh. He stroked out

while I was talking to him.


I tried.

-It's too much.

-I know.

-Can I tell you one more story?



Do you mind if I record it,

so I can vindicate you?





They would have these parties

and we just have to stand there,

you know, naked

per usual and...

they would rent...

they would rent us,

for the night.

When I got pregnant...

they made sure

it never would happen again

because they got a friend

who was a doctor

to fix it.

And I wasn't the only one.

There were

so many others like me.


They ruined me

for everything.

I can't go on broken

and I can't go back.

They created a monster

and I chose to be a monster.

And I am going to die a monster.


That's good. Okay.


I need you to help me.

Yes, with what? Tell me.

What you told me when we met.

Oh, no, no, no, no, no, no.

No, you promised.

I know.

-You promised. I'm tired.

-Darling, that was before.

I'm tired.

That was before!

-That was before.

-I need this.

I need this. I'm tired.

I'm so tired.

I'm tired of all of it.

Please, just...

Come on.


Cassie Holt.

I-- I can't.

-Cassie Holt.

Just do it.

I'm so sorry...

about what happened to you.

I'm sorry about him.

Do it for him.

It's okay. Do it for me.


Ellie and I never got around

to having kids.

Truth is...

when we were young,

we were kind of selfish,

wanted to travel,

work on careers,

things like that.


After a while,

they seemed wrong.

I regret that now.

Yeah, no, I would've been

a good father, I think.

No, you would've been

a great father.

I like to think so.

Another thing that happen

when you get to a certain age

is that you become

both deeply aware of

and comfortable with death.

Your own mostly,

but past a certain age

you understand

that you have hid

this kind of magical land

where you can drop dead

at any time from anything,

you hope it doesn't,

but it could.

Some people get...

obsessed with their legacy.

But honestly...

I don't think I've been

too concerned with that.

Kids are the obvious legacy,

you know,

but if you don't have those...

You know, I wish Ellie

could have known you.

She would've liked you. Yeah.

She would have been

harder on you than I am.

Not possible.

Yes, it's possible.

But it would've been because...

she would've seen

your potential.

She was very good at that.

She saw potential in me

when I certainly didn't.


and I know she would've been

more than fine with this,

you know?

So, uh...

the company is...

from this point on

in both our names.


It's not a hell of a lot,

but it is, I guess,

what legacy I have.

Really? What?

Thank you.

Listen, I am going to head

down to Rory's,

just to continue working

on the case.

I'll talk to you

in a couple of days. Okay?
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