A History of v*olence (2005)

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A History of v*olence (2005)

Post by bunniefuu »

So we keep heading east?

Yeah, that's the idea.

- Stay out of the big cities?
- Uh-huh.

I think I'm tired.


Me too.


Bring it on up to the office.

- I'm gonna go check us out.
- All right.

What took you so long?


I had a little trouble with the maid,
but everything's fine now.


Eight. It's already this hot.


How are we fixed for water?

Probably not enough.


There's a cooler in the back,
in the office.



Sarah, honey, what's wrong, huh?

What is it, sweetie? Hmm?

- Daddy.
- Yeah?

- Daddy.
- Daddy's here.

- Daddy's here.
- There were monsters.

No, sweetie.
There's no such thing as monsters.

You were just having a bad dream.

What's wrong, Dad?

Hi, kiddo.
Sarah's just having a bad dream.


I saw monsters, Jack.

Aah. Monsters? What kind?

I don't know.
They came out of my closet...

and then they were in the shadows.

Mm. Shadow monsters.

Well, they look pretty scary,
but they really can't do anything...

especially when the lights are on.
They're scared of the light.

What happened, baby?

- You okay?
- I'm okay.

Sarah had a bad dream
about monsters.

And I was telling her that
there's no such thing as monsters.


I'm going to turn on my night-light
just in case.

That sounds like a brilliant solution.

- Hey, Jack?
- Hey, Mom?


Good morning, baby.

Hon, the pickup still won't start.
Mind dropping me off on the way in?


- Did you feed Burrow?
- Yeah, I fed him.

Okay. Good.

Night-light worked, didn't it?

I got it, Dad.

What do you got going today, Jack?

Uh, nothing much.
A math test in a few days...

and I think we're playing baseball
in gym class today...

so I can look forward
to sucking hard in right field.

Well, just remember, don't let
the hitter get the ball over your head.

Unless it's out of the park.

Well, yeah.


I get off early today.

All I have is the Watsons' will
and Dave Bryant's tractor sale.

You want me to pick you up?


Then we can go to the drive-in
and make out tonight.

There hasn't been a drive-in here
since the early '70s, but...

- I love you.
- I love you.

- Have a good one.
- You too.

- Morning.
- Derek.

- Hi, Tom.
- Good morning, Joseph.

It's wild.

- Hey, Tom.
- Morning, Pat.

- Hey, Mick.
- Tom.

Charlotte's gonna be late this morning.

- Was she drunk again?
- Yeah, I guess.

Hey, who's the craziest woman
you ever dated?

- Me?
- Yeah.

Mick and me were talking
about some girls we went with.

He once dated a girl who used
to attack him in the middle of the night.

- She what?
- Yeah.

She used to have
these crazy g*dd*mn dreams...

where, instead of her boyfriend,
I was a demented k*ller.

I woke up one night, she stuck
a g*dd*mn fork in my shoulder.

- You're kidding me.
- No.

I'm spurting blood...

she's sitting there crying,
going, "Baby, I love you, I love you."

So, what happened?
You broke up with her, right?

No, I married her.

Hey, it lasted six years.

Nobody's perfect, Tom.

I guess not.

- Strike this guy out.
- We got them. Let's go.


Two outs.

One winning run
coming right up, boys.

Go, Bobby!

It's all right, brother.

Look alive, look alive.

Let's get them!

- Ball.
- Yeah, that's it.

He's got nothing. He's got nothing.
Let's go, let's go. One more. Come on.

- Come on.
- Come on, Bobby.

Yeah. He's yours, he's yours.

- Woo!
- Easy, Jack. Come on, Jack.

- Don't drop it, Jack!
- That's yours.

Jinx, Jackie boy!


Game over. Yellows win.

Let's go, guys. Taylor, Dietrich,
you're on equipment. Let's go.

Guys, come on. Let's go.

- Good try, Bobby.
- Thanks a lot, Bobby.

Everyone hit the showers.

- Awesome.
- Nice.

Stall. Good job on that.

Guess you think
you're hot shit, huh, Stall?

What? Uh, no, I don't.

Little hero here, huh?
Little superstar here.

Little hero saves the day
at the last minute, right?

Bobby, it's just a game, okay?
It's just stupid gym class.

Who you calling stupid?

Ahem. No, I said gym class was stupid.

"No, I said gym class was..."
Listen to this little f*gg*t.

Yeah. You're right.

I'm both little and a f*gg*t.

You got me dead to rights.

Come on, chicken shit, let's do this.

What would be the point?

I mean, you win. You win, you win.

You've established
your alpha-male standing.

You've established my unworthiness.

But doing v*olence to me
just seems, ahem...

pointless and cruel, don't you think?

Let's do this, you punk bitch.

Shouldn't that be "little punk-ass
chicken-shit f*gg*t bitch"?

"Chicken-shit f*gg*t bitch."


Bobby's a chicken shit.

Hey, good-looking.

Where are we going?

Well, Jack's studying
over at Judy Danvers'...

and Martha's taking care of Sarah.

- Yeah?
- Yeah.

So where we going?

We never got to be teenagers together.


I'm gonna fix that.

What's going on in there?

Keep your shirt on. I'm coming.

Holy cow.


Do you need some help with that,
big boy?



Oh, my God.

What have you done with my wife?

Ready? Okay!

Go, Wildcats!

No wives in here, mister.


Quiet. My parents are
in the next room.

You're naughty.

What are you doing?


You are such a bad boy.




There wasn't much of that
in high school.

What is it?


I remember the moment I knew
you were in love with me.

I saw it in your eyes.

I can still see it.

Of course you can.

I still love you.

I'm the luckiest son of a bitch alive.

You are the best man
I've ever known.

There's no luck involved.

You wanna go down
and get some food or something?

You ever wonder what kids did for fun
on a Saturday night 100 years ago?

I don't know.

I always figured they got into
their parents' wagon...

and went cruising up
their main drag...

playing loud banjo music
and acting like idiots.

So you think this is
as good as it gets?

For us? Yeah.

For now.

Eventually, we grow up,
we get jobs, we have affairs...

and we become alcoholics.

You know,
sometimes you depress me.

Hey, that's what I'm good at.

All right, give me that.

Give me that.

Hey, isn't that that Stall f*gg*t?


You should go kick his ass.

I'm going to.

Who the f*ck was that?

I don't know,
and I don't wanna know.

Can I just say how sick I am
of these Podunk towns...

and the g*dd*mn Podunks
who live in them?

Do you think if you keep saying that
it's actually gonna change anything?

I am so sick of this shit.

Yeah, you made that clear
about 10,000 miles ago.

Now, if you haven't got a better idea,
I don't wanna hear about it anymore.

We are so g*dd*mn broke.

Yeah, well...

that's easy to fix.

- No way. Uh-uh.
- Come on.

You gonna go sh**t pool with Jerry?

- Maybe.

Thanks, Tom.
Thanks, Mick. Good as ever.

There you go.

- See you in church.
- Yep. Have a good evening.

You too. See you tonight, Charlotte.

Yeah. See you.

Oh, I'm sorry.

It's all right, old fella.

Just closing up, fellas.

- Coffee, black.
- The same.

I'll have some pie.
Some of that lemon meringue pie.

Guys, guys, I'm sorry. We're closed.

I said, coffee!


I guess we can handle that.

It's not very fresh.

You can go home now, Charlotte.

Just leave the pie.



You're gonna be sticking around
for a while, honey.


Don't f*cking move.

Sir, we don't...
We don't carry much cash here.

You gentlemen
are certainly welcome to all of it.

Oh, I know that, assh*le, believe me.

I do know that.

- Aah!
- Shut up, bitch!

Okay, Billy...

let's show this assh*le
we mean business.

What? Her?

Yes, her.

Do her!

I'm telling you, those men were...
They were gonna k*ll us.

They were gonna k*ll us.

And if it weren't for Tom...
He's a hero.

In conjunction with
several murders in those states.

Now, Tom Stall is a family man with
long-standing ties to this community.

Tom Stall was just another hard-working
small-business owner and operator...

in Millbrook, Indiana, but now...

Um, one of the guys had
a g*n to my head...

and Tom... He was amazing. He...

Hi, baby.

- Hey, honey.
- How you doing?

How are you?

Are you as sick of hearing about me
as I am?

No, I kind of like it.

Look. Your picture's in the paper.

Oh, God.


- Hi, guys.
- Mom.

Can I... Can I get up now?

- You got it, Dad?
- Yeah.

- Way to go, Tommy.
- We're all here for you, Tom.

- Way to go, Tom.
- Hi, sweetie.

Oh, that's so nice.

Thank you so much for coming.

We're in Millbrook, just outside the home
of American hero Tom Stall...

who's just now returning
from the hospital with his family.

Mr. Stall, Jenny Wyeth, WRPK News.

I have a few questions for you.

How did it feel when you saw the g*ns
of those ruthless K*llers pointed at you?

- How'd it feel?
- Yeah.

Not very good.

Not very good.

Were you surprised, though,
by your own reaction to the situation?


What I did was...

I mean, anybody would have
done that.

It was just a terrible thing.

I think we'll all be better off
when we get past it.

But you really went
beyond what the average...

I need to...
I really need to be with my family.


I'm Jenny Wyeth in Millbrook,
and that was Tom Stall.

American hero, man of few words.

Well, I guess that's
all we're gonna get.

Man, it's good to be home.

I hope there won't be
too much more of that.

Dad, they all just wanna
interview you because of what you did.

You're a hero, Dad. Ha, ha.

No, I'm not.

I just got lucky. Very lucky.

This will all blow over as soon as
they find some other hot story.

Yeah. Maybe the Lydons
will have another two-headed cow.

You guys aren't thinking big enough.

You could probably do
Larry King Live, Dad.

- Oh, you stop it. Stop it.
- That would be cool.

Look at this. More reporters.

Are they still there?

Yeah, there's some car parked across
the road. They're just sitting there.

- Does anyone want some tea?
- I'll take some.

Yes, please.


- Hey, Edie.
- Hi. How are you?

- Gonna go to the shop?
- Sure.

Hello. Hey, Bill.

- Hi, honey.
- Hi, baby.

- How are you?
- Oh, I'm all right. What brings you by?

Wanted to see how you were doing.

Doing good. Business is great.
Just can't keep up.

Yeah, it's busy.

Oh, look, more reporters. Nice.

They don't look like reporters.

Grilled cheese is ready.

Got, uh, fries and a strawberry shake.

Hello. Welcome to Stall's.

Would you gentlemen
like some coffee?

You're the hero.

- I don't know, sir. I was just...
- No, you're the big hero.

You sure took care
of those two bad men.

I really don't like talking about it, sir.

We're trying to get back
to normal here.

So can I offer you gentlemen
some coffee?

Sure. Give me some coffee.
Make it black...

- Yes, sir.
- Joey.

And, uh...? And your friends?

They don't drink coffee.
It doesn't agree with them...


- Who's Joey?
- You are.

- My name's Tom, sir.
- Of course it is.

Mm. That's good coffee.

Thank you, sir.

Hard to find coffee this good
in Philadelphia.

But you know that, don't you, Tom?

No, actually, I don't.
I've never been to Philadelphia.

Is that where you gentlemen are from?

Yeah, like you don't know.

I'm sorry. Do...?
Did we know each other?

You tell me.


- We don't know each other.
- Come on, Joey. Cut the crap.

My name is Tom.

Joey Cusack. Your name is Joey Cusack.

You're from Philly.

Okay. Whatever.

Excuse me, gentlemen.
If you're not gonna order anything...

we'd appreciate it
if you'd be on your way.

We ate on the road.

It's all right.

It's okay.

We really are very busy here today,
as you can see.

Um, so if you gentlemen
aren't gonna be eating...

I really should offer your seats
to paying customers.



now we're paying customers.

- I can't take this.
- It shouldn't be a problem for you.

What is that supposed to mean?

Mr. Fogarty's
just making conversation here.

Whatever you wanna call it,
this conversation is over.

I think he wants us to leave,
Mr. Fogarty.

You know what he does
when he don't like people?

Yeah. I'm scared.

We should leave
before he goes all Dirty Harry on us.

I wanna thank you for the coffee, Joey.

It really is very good.

It's Tom. My name's Tom Stall.

Excuse me.

What are you doing?
Who are you calling?

Hi, Molly. This is Edie Stall. Is he in?

I'm fine, thanks.

- You're calling Sam?
- Yes.

Is there a problem
with my driving, officer?

Can I see your license, sir?


I thought I was under the limit.

Is there some problem
I should know about?

What's your business in Millbrook, sir?

We're tourists.

And what business did you have
at Stall's Diner today?

We heard the coffee was terrific.

Let me make something clear to you...

and to Mr. Mulligan.


This is a nice town.

We have nice people here.

We take care of our nice people.

- Do you understand me?
- Yeah, sure.

Don't let me see you around again.

You keep up the good work, officer.

Charles Roarke, Philadelphia.

Indicted on three counts of m*rder.

Frank Mulligan, out of New York.

Indicted on one count of m*rder...

questioned in relation to
dozens of acts of v*olence...

that you don't wanna hear about.

Both men work for Carl Fogarty.

He's the fella with the eye.

He spent 15 years in prison
on several counts of as*ault.

He's suspected
in half a dozen murders...

and more disappearances.

Tom, these guys are organized crime
from the East Coast.

Now, they're the real thing.
They're bad men.

Jesus. Jesus, honey.

Look, I have to ask you a question.

Are you in some kind of
witness-protection plan?

- Sam.
- Some kind of what?

- This is no laughing matter, Edie.
- Of course he's not, Sam.

I'd just like to hear Tom say that.

Okay. No. No,
I'm not in a witness program.

Those men just have the wrong guy.

They must've seen me on TV,
and I guess...

I reminded them
of this Johnny guy.

- Joey.
- Joey somebody.

I mean, good Lord. The idea of me...

I never honestly believed it,
but I had to ask.

I've done some research
on this Joey Cusack.

I didn't find anything.

But there is a Richie Cusack
in Philadelphia.

Apparently, he's the head...

of some kind of crime syndicate
in that city.

Men like this come to our town
and start harassing a citizen...

we have to take them seriously.


All right. So if you folks see them
coming around, you let me know.

Will do.

I'm sorry, Sam. Do you want
a piece of pie or something?

No, thanks, Edie.

I'd love to,
but I gotta get back to work.

Thank you. Thanks for coming.

Sam? Thank you.

It's good to know
you're watching out for us.

Come on, Tom.

You know we look out
for our own here.

- Good night.
- Good night.

See you. Thanks.

Don't worry.

They're as good as gone.

Sorry. Sorry.

It's over and done with.


Honey. Can you get that, hon?

Come on, come on!


The shotgun, Edie. Get the shotgun.

Tom, Tom, what's wrong?

- They're coming to the house.
- Who's coming to the house?

Just grab it! Do it and be ready.

- Okay, stop. Are you serious?
- I'll be there as soon as I can.


Come on.

Oh, shit.

Oh, come on.

Come on.

f*ck. Tom!

Tom. Tom, what's going on? Huh?

I don't know, baby.


What's going on?

I don't... I don't know. Ugh.

Let me call Sam, all right?

- No, don't.
- Okay.

I... I don't even know...

- I don't know why I thought...
- What?

- All right.
- Mom?

It's okay, baby.


I think I'm losing my mind.

No, no, no. Okay.
You're not losing your mind.

You've been through
some serious trauma. All right?

I'm here for you, baby.
We're all here for you.

It's all right. It's gonna be okay.

Mom? You haven't forgotten
about our new shoes, have you?

Gosh, no.
It's my top priority for the day.

- How could I forget? You all right?
- Yeah, yeah.

Hi. Hi, sweetie.

Get ready for school.
I'll speak to you afterwards, all right?


Come on.

Let's go shopping.


Careful, it's loaded.

Why was Mom running
around the house with that?

What's going on, Dad?

False alarm.

Nothing to worry about.

I am worried.

You're sweating. You're soaked, Dad.

What kind of false alarm?

What did you mean,
you think you're losing your mind?

Some Mob guys
showed up at the diner.

They saw me on TV...

and they came by
to take a look at me.

Yeah. Yeah, I heard about that. So...

They thought they knew me.

They thought...

I was somebody else.

That's weird.

Yeah. Weird.

Yeah, and I guess...

Well, I guess they don't like this guy
they think you are.

- Apparently not.
- And...

And I guess I...

I guess...

I guess they wanna k*ll this guy
they think you are?

See, that's the "losing my mind" part.

I mean, I have no reason to think that.

I was just...

down at work, and, you know,
suddenly I thought maybe...


they'd come looking around.

You know?

And, uh...

And you came running
back here to save us?

Yeah, something silly like that.

I'm sorry.

What if you're right?

Then we deal with it.

Come with me.

Now look what I just found.

It's my last pair in this style
and it's exactly your size.

Just try these on.
They should fit like a dream.

- How do they feel?
- Good.

Yeah, I think I like them.

I have a pair of these.
They look great and they really last.

Really? Okay. I'll take them.

And I need a new pair
for her as well.



- Ma'am...
- I have to find my daughter.

- I can't let you leave with the shoes.
- Okay, okay, okay. Sarah!



Sarah. Sarah.

- Don't ever do that again, okay?
- I'm sorry, Mommy.

But look.
They have the new Vespa dolls.

Nothing to worry about, Mrs. Stall.
I've been watching over her.

You stay the f*ck away from my family,
you son of a bitch.

There's no need for
that kind of language, Mrs. Stall.

Listen. I don't know what you want
and I don't really care.

You should care about
what I want, Mrs. Stall...

because I want something
from your husband...

that might affect you.
It might change your life.

My husband does not know you.

He wouldn't know you,
somebody like you.

Oh, he knows Carl Fogarty, all right.

He knows me intimately.

See? This isn't a completely dead eye.

It still works a bit.

The problem is, the only thing
I can see with it is Joey Cusack.

And it can see right through him.

Right through your husband, Edie.

See what's inside him,
what makes him tick.

- He's still the same guy.
- No.

He's still crazy f*cking Joey.

And you know it, don't you?

I know my husband is Tom Stall.
That's what I know.

- Yeah?
- Yeah.

Well, why don't you ask Tom
about his older brother Richie?

Ask Tom about how he tried
to rip my eye out with barbed wire.

And ask him, Edie...

how come he's so good
at k*lling people?

If I see you within 500 feet of me...

or my children or my husband,
I'll have you arrested.

Can I possibly make myself
any clearer than that?

No, no, Mrs. Stall, you can't.
I thank you for your time.

You have an enchanting daughter.

And, Mrs. Stall...

don't forget your shoes.

So how's your dad?

Oh, I don't know. A little weird.

Well, after what he went through?
I mean, actually k*lling someone?

I mean, that's enough
to freak anybody out.

Yeah. I guess.

So your old man's
some kind of tough guy, huh?

What's he think of his wimp son?

You think he'd take this shit?
You think he'd make jokes?

Go on, bitch. Say something funny.

- Bobby, leave him alone.
- Shut up, skank.

Uh-oh. He's getting mad.

Jack, let's just get out of here, okay?

Jack, he's an assh*le. You know that.

He doesn't mean shit. Let's just go.

- Let's just get out of here, okay?
- Yeah, puss.

Run away.

g*dd*mn, I bet your dad
would be real shamed by you.

Go ahead, bitch. Say something funny.

Make me laugh.

Okay, you m*therf*cker!

Get over there,
you little son of a bitch!

Come here. Are you laughing?
Are you laughing now...

you m*therf*cking
cock-sucking piece of shit?!

What the hell were you thinking?

- I wasn't thinking.
- Obviously not.

Bobby's been riding me all year, Dad.
He's a jerk.

- He's a jerk?
- Yeah. He's a jerk.

That's no excuse.

Stand up to him.
You don't put him in the hospital.

Oh, big deal. It's the best thing
anyone could've done to him.

Besides, I only got suspended.

It is a big deal.
His parents say they might sue us.

There could be as*ault charges.

We can't afford that.
We don't have the money.

Oh, what?
Mom's not gonna take the case?

- Oh, whatever, Dad...
- Listen, smart mouth!

In this family, we do not solve
our problems by hitting people!

No, in this family, we sh**t them!


Honey, have you seen Jack?


What's wrong, baby?

Fogarty and his men
followed us to the mall.

He what?

Call Sam. Should we call Sam?

- We should call...
- I already took care of it, honey.

I went down to the courthouse,
got a restraining order.

A lot of good that'll do.

Well, it's something.

At least we can have him arrested
if he ever comes around here again.

You're right.

But I have to tell you something.


This man Fogarty really believes...

that you're this Joey Cusack.

I mean, the things that he told me
this afternoon...

- What things?
- Things. Just bullshit.

But he's... He's sure that it's you.

And we have to convince him
that it's not.

Well, I don't think he's interested
in examining my DNA.

- Get off our property.
- We'll go, Joey.

We just want you to come with us.

Come back to Philly, see some people.

I told you, I have never been
to Philadelphia.

You almost believe
your own crap, don't you?

You know, you're trying so hard
to be this other guy.

It's painful to watch.

- Charlie.
- Hey.

Look what we found.

Come on. Eh? Ha.

- Mom!
- Jack!

- No! Edie! Edie!
- Mom!

- Edie! No! No!
- Jack!

- Let me go, you son of a bitch!
- Come here.



Don't make us hurt the kid, Joey.

We just want you to come for
a little trip with us down memory lane.

Put the popgun down,
come over and talk to us.

- My baby.
- Wait.

Edie, I will get him.

I'll get him. Please.

Go up to Sarah.

Go up to her. Do it.

Put the g*n down.

Put it down, Joey.

Come closer.

A little further.

Come on.

Go back to the house, Jack.

Go on.

You see how cozy it can be
when you decide to play nice?

Now, come on, Joey. Get in the car.

You won't need your toothbrush.
We'll take care of everything.

I think it'd be better
if you'd just leave now.


Come on, Joey, let's go.



Mommy, what's wrong?

It's okay.

You got anything to say before I blow
your brains out, you miserable prick?

I should've k*lled you back in Philly.

Yeah, Joey...

you should have.


Honey, are you okay?

Tell me the truth.

The truth?

Please. You can do that, can't you?

You can do that, can't you? Please?

What do you think you heard?

It's not what I heard...

it's what I saw.

I saw Joey.

I saw you turn into Joey
right before my eyes.

I saw a k*ller,
the one Fogarty warned me about.

You did k*ll men
back in Philly, didn't you?

Did you do it for money
or did you do it because you enjoyed it?

Joey did, both. I didn't...

Tom Stall didn't.

Oh, God.

Oh, my God.

Oh, God, it's really happening.

What are you, like,
some multiple-personality schizoid?

It's like flipping a switch
back and forth for you?

I never expected to see Joey again.

Oh, yeah. Joey.

What, was he in hiding? Was he dead?

I thought he was.
I thought I k*lled Joey Cusack.

- I went out to the desert and I k*lled him.
- Oh, my God.

I spent three years becoming Tom Stall.

Edie, you have to know this.

I wasn't really born again until I met you.

I was nothing.

I don't believe you.

I can't believe this is happening.
I can't believe this is happening.

I can't believe
this is f*cking happening!

You didn't grow up in Portland.

And you never talk about
your adopted parents...

because you don't have any!

And our name. Jesus Christ, my name.

Jack's name. Sarah's name?

Stall? Tom Stall?

Did you just make that up?

Where did that name come from?

I mean...

it was available.


I guess I was available too.

Hey, Jack.

What am I supposed to call you now?

You're supposed to call me Dad.
That's what I am, your dad.

Are you really?

So you're some kind of
closet-mobster dad?

If I rob Millikan's drug store...

will you ground me if I don't
give you a piece of the action?

What, Dad? You tell me.

Please, son. Don't.

If I talk to Sam about you...

will you have me whacked?



Hey, Sam. How are you doing?

- Good to see you up and around.
- Yeah.

You had her running yet?

Yeah, for a second there.

She's coming back to life.



I got a problem.

Wanna come inside for a minute?

I've been running through it all
for the last couple days.

It just doesn't fit.

- What doesn't fit?
- None of it.

Is that Edie coming home?


Well, we don't have to do this now.

Might as well.

Hi, Sam.

Edie. How you doing?

I'm okay.

- You want some coffee?
- No, I'm good.

So, what brings you out here?

Well, Tom and I were just
talking about that.

Mm. I'd like to hear it.

Well, it's just that...

- none of this makes any sense.
- Hmm.

These are serious, secretive men.

They wouldn't have come out here,
gone through all this...

exposed themselves like this...

unless they were dead certain
they had the right man.

So, what are you saying, Sam?

I'm saying I think
I need to hear the truth.

The truth?

The truth.

Sam, you've got too much time
on your hands.

I'm sorry?

Tom is...

Tom is who he says he is.
That's all that really matters.

Sam, hasn't this family suffered enough?



- Edie...
- It's okay.

I guess I'll be going.

You folks give me a ring
if you need anything.

Anything at all, understand?




Get off of me!

f*ck you, Joey!

Get... Get off!

Oh, God.

Oh, God. Oh, God. Oh, God.


Hey, bro-heem.

You're still pretty good with the k*lling.

That's exciting.


Yeah, it's Richie.
What do you say, Joey?

Are you gonna come see me?

Or do I have to come see you?

Genny Cream.


Are you Ruben?

Yeah. You Joey?

Yeah, I'm Joey.

So, what do we do now?

You finish your beer...

then I take you to see Richie
in the Escalade.

Nice houses.

Richie's a very upscale kind of guy.

Nice gate.


We're here.

Home sweet home.

Gotta frisk you.

I'll save you the trouble.
I'm not packing.

I gotta frisk you.

All right.

I don't smell very good.

Been driving pretty much nonstop,
15 to 16 hours.

I'll hold my nose.

Can you believe that place
is still standing, the Track & Turf?

Didn't you bang Jill Levy there...

right on the bar in front of everybody?

I never banged Jill Levy.

Well, you should've. She was...

She was something.

How you doing, Richie?

Yeah. It's been a long,
long time, bro-heem.

- Yeah.
- Yeah.

Come with me.

You want anything?


So you like that farm life?

Milking cows and shit?

I don't have a farm.


Fogarty thought you lived
on some kind of farm.

Said you could smell pig.

How that old fart would know
what a pig smells like, I don't know...

but that's what he said.

- Do you like being married?
- What?

Do you like being married?

Does it work for you?

I can't see it working for me.

I never felt the urge, you know?

A lot of great-looking women
in the world.

I never met one made me wanna
give up all the others.

Sure, you can f*ck around...

but it's so much g*dd*mn work,
you know?

Keeping it quiet.
It's not worth the effort.

I don't see the upside.

You see the upside, Joey?

Yeah, Richie, I do.

I do now.

I'm pretty pissed at you, bro-heem.

You could've called.

You could've dropped
a postcard in the mail.

We're brothers.
What'd you think would happen?

I thought that business would come first.

Well, yeah.

Yeah, I know.

I know.

What am I gonna do?

You bust up a made man's place.

You k*lled some of his guys.

You take his eye.

Jesus, Joey, you took his eye.

Barbed wire, wasn't it?

That's disgusting.
You always were the crazy one.

- Not anymore.
- Yeah, I heard.

You're living the American dream.
You really bought into it, didn't you?

You've been this other guy
almost as long as you been yourself.

Hey. When you dream...

are you still Joey?

Joey's been dead a long time.

And yet here you sit...

big as life.

You know you cost me...

a lot of time and money.

Before you pulled that shit
with Fogarty...

I was a shoo-in to take over
when the boss croaked.

A shoo-in.

It was made very clear to me, Joey.

I had to clean up your mess...

or nothing was ever
gonna happen for me.

You got no idea
how much shit I had to pull...

to get back in with those guys.

You cost me...

a hell of a lot, Joey, a hell of a lot.

It looks like you're doing
all right over here.

Yeah, I am, I am.

I'm still behind the eight ball...

because of you.

There's a certain lack of respect,
a certain lack of trust.

The boys in Boston
are just waiting for me to go down.

You always were
a problem for me, Joey.

When Mom brought you home
from the hospital...

I tried to strangle you in your crib.

I guess all kids try to do that.

She caught me...

whacked the daylights out of me.

I've heard that story.

Well, what do you think?

Better late than never?


I'm here to make peace.

Tell me what I gotta do
to make things right.

You could do something, I guess.

You could die, Joey.

How do you f*ck that up?

How do you f*ck that up?!

What are you gonna do,
give him mouth-to-mouth?

Did you see my brother?

f*cking leave this,
and let's just k*ll that little f*ck!

Jesus, Joey.

Jesus, Richie.
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