What Would Jesus Do? (2010)

Easter, Religious/Spiritual Movie Collection.

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What Would Jesus Do? (2010)

Post by bunniefuu »

Come on people... Let's go...

It's time for the Maxwell
family vacation.

Hey Dad, you almost
forgot my fishing pole.

We wouldn't want to
forget that, would we?

No way.

Some trout swimming around
there have my name.

Ok, thank you. Get inside.

Come on honey. Train is leaving.

Well I guess here
comes the caboose.

You look great, sweetie.

You are just saying that.
I look like a whale.

A beautiful whale.

Henry, what happened?

I just remembered something.

Now what?

I think I forgot to
tell Mrs Anderson

to order more bibles
for the Sunday School.

Henry, I know you're the pastor,

but you can't do everything.

This is our vacation.
They'll take care of it.

You're right, honey.
Let's enjoy our getaway.

How much farther to the lake, dad?

We've been driving for an hour,
son. It takes five to get there.

So we have four hours
left, right mum?

Very good Jake'o. Want a sandwich?

Sure, Mum.

Mum... turkey?

You know I wanted peanut
butter and jelly.

That's all we had honey.

Be thankful, there are a lot
of children who have nothing.

Ya. Ya...

Is he asleep?

He's out cold.

I thought we'd be there by now.

It's not much farther.

Good, because these
mountain roads scare me.

Have faith, we'll be alright.


How is our patient doing, doctor?

His pressure is still little high,

so I'm keeping him
in an induced coma

while we monitor head swelling.

- Can he hear us?
- No.

So his wife and little boy
both died in the crash?

Yes. They were both
pronounced at the scene.

City Rescue noticed the wife was
pregnant and rushed her in.

When they arrived there were
faint vitals on the foetus.

How is the newborn?

She was just too premature.

We did everything we could.


He should had a daughter...

I appreciate the ride, brother.

Are you sure you want to
stop here? Look around.

There is nothing here man.
This place looks dead.

Thanks, but this is as
good a place as any.

Remember what we talked about.

I will.

- Would you take some money?
- No.

- Take the money, it's not much.
- No.

I'll be fine. I'm a hard worker.

We have more evictions this week.

That's terrible news.
I'm sorry to hear that.

It's really starting to
cut into my bottom line.

All I can say is once I'm Mayor,

your vacancy rate will be zero.

We're really going to make
a difference around here.

Pretty soon the only thing I'll
have left is the restaurant.

Don't worry my friend,
our plans and our agenda

is out there and it's
winning converts everyday.

First Peter chapter two, verse
twenty-one goes on to say,

"Because Christ suffered for you,

leaving you an example, that you
should follow in his steps."


Therefore, atonement from
the side of example.

Jesus shows how faith in
Christ helped to save men

because of the
pattern or character

he displayed for their imitation.

Dad, careful.

So what is Jesus telling us?

Is there anyone who
can answer that?


- Is that all, pastor?
- Yes.

Your weekly obligation
to God is fulfilled.

That's it folks.

Ladies and gentlemen,
as your Mayor

I will bring back
your jobs, homes,

and the prosperity
you once enjoyed.

I promise to open
businesses and create jobs.

If you leave here with
nothing else today,

leave here remembering
the word "opportunity".

Opportunity for a new life.

If you put your trust in me,
I will not let you down.

Thank you.

Thank you. I appreciate.

Thank you.

Thanks, it good to see you.

Excuse me sir, where I can
find a place to sleep?

There used to be one
at the old church,

down the street on
the left hand side.


Come in.

Can I help you? I don't do
unscheduled appointments.

I'm not here for an appointment.

I just need a few
minutes of your time.

Come on in. I only
have a minute though.

Sure. I was told there
is a shelter here.

No, we don't do the
shelter any more.

How about some work,

maybe in exchange for a place
to sleep for the night?

Sorry, we don't do those types
of things here any more either.

I'm an honest man, looking for

an honest day pay.

Can you help me?

I'm sorry, I can't help you.

I wish I could but, I can't.

Are you alright, pastor?

You don't look so good.

Things are really tough
in this town right now.

People just aren't
coming to church.

Isn't it when people need the
Lord most, at tough times?

That's true.

But, try to explain that to them.

Isn't that your role as minister?


Look, I have a lot
of things to do.

I wish you luck.

I hope you find work
and... I'm sorry.

"Be shepherds of God's flock
that is under your care,

"serving as overseers-not
because you must, but

"because you're willing
as God wants you to be."

- First Peter, Chapter Five?
- Yes.

Who are you?

Just a lamb.

Virginia, Mildred, I hope
you're both doing well.

I'm fine thank you, James.

You're looking
particularly lovely today.

You said you have something
important to tell me.

You're right, let's
quit the small talk.

Small talk is a waste
of time and money.

Well look who's here.

This is my partner, soon
to be Mayor, Alex York.

It's nice to finally
meet you ladies.

Of course, Mr York, how do you do?

Mrs Paige, Virginia.

Let's not mince words.

The city of Raymond is dying.

The crime rate is skyrocketing.

Jobs are evaporating.

It's getting drastic.

We are very familiar.

Our rental income has
been cut in half.

I have a plan to
turn things around.

What do you propose?

To open up a hotel/casino.

It will open up
hundreds of new jobs

and bring money
flooding into the city.

Those jobs will be filled
by people from town.

Then we can get your
rental income back up.

The rent should be even higher.

But gambling is
illegal in this city.

Not for much longer.

And where do you plan
on building the casino?

Do you have the land?

The 1st Church of Raymond
sits on the perfect location.

It has freeway access, high
visibility, and lots of parking.

You're going to buy
the church? How?

It's up for sale.

The church has been an
institution here since

the town was founded,
a hundred years ago.

That institution is dying from
lack of interest and funds.

- You yourself hardly go.
- How do you...

What I'm suggesting is that we
move the church's location.

We'll build it in a
family friendly spot,

it will be bigger and better.

Mildred, there is a motion
that will be presented

to the Raymond City Council
making gambling legal.

With York as mayor,
we know it will pass.

But, why not wait until after
the election to buy the land?

Things are really bad
at the church right now

and we can get it for
pennies on the dollar.

How much do you need?

The mortgage is five
hundred thousand.

They're in foreclosure
as we speak.

What's in it for you?

I just want this town
to be an example.

An inspiration to others.

I want fifty percent of the
returns after you recoup.

So we take all the
risk and you get half?

We already have
everything in place.

Think about it.

I know you'll make
the right decision.

Ladies, thank you for your time.

I'll show myself out.

I have a feeling I'll be back
sooner rather than later.

I'll be in my office.

- Hello.
- Hi.

Can I help you?

Hi, I'm looking for the owner.


Can I help you?

Hello. Are you the owner?



I'm new in town, and I'm looking
for a little extra work.

I can fix anything. I'm
really good with my hands.

What are you doing here?

I told you Ma'am, I'm
looking for work.

This is a real estate office.

I don't have anything
for you to do here.

I'm an honest GUY.

I just need a little work.

You gotta a big company here,

you must have some odd jobs
I could help out with.

Honest or not, you have to
leave or I'll call the police.


I'm not committing any crime.

Please leave. Now.

We have a lot of sandwiches left
over from our meeting yesterday,

maybe we should give
them to the man.

Feeding a man like that is
like feeding a stray dog.

Give them one little thing and
you will never get rid of them.

- But he just needs some food.
- But nothing.

Throw that stuff in the garbage.

♪ I saw a man handing a man
a twenty on a corner ♪

♪ When I heard him
only ask for one ♪

♪ Said do you really think
it makes a difference? ♪

♪ Tell me, why did you
give him that much? ♪

♪ He said I'm just doing
what I can do today ♪

♪ Cause I might be in
those shoes some day ♪

♪ Looks like his chips are down ♪

♪ And I'm just trying
to help a brother out ♪

Can I help you?

I'm just enjoying the music.

I'm sorry, but you gotta
buy something to sit here.

I'm not bothering anybody
and the table was empty.


What's the problem?

This guy is refusing to leave.

I'm not refusing anything.

Look buddy, you gotta buy
something or hit the bricks.

Do you think I can work
for something to eat,

I can wash dishes,
anything, I don't care.

I ain't hiring

and I need this table
for paying customers.

Come on. Let's go.

♪ He said I'm just doing
what I can do today ♪

Right here, gentlemen.

That was a long drive.

Don't worry, He's
gonna be worth it.

Hi. Can I get you guys something?

- Coffee.
- Coffee?

I'll have a coffee also...

Is there a sign saying "fresh home
made apple pie" in the window?

Yup, best in town.

Well if it's the best in
town, then give me a slice.

Coming right up.

So this is the kid
from the demo tape?

Yeah, he's good, isn't he?

Yeah, he sounds real good.

You fellas don't look like
you're from around here.

We're record producers up from LA.

We came here to see Max.

Do you record Christian music?


Stick around folks,
I'll be right back.

Hey, Max.

Thanks for coming guys, what
did you think of my set?

I like your sound, Max.

Sit down.

I think it will be even better

when we get you playing
more main stream stuff.

I sing in church and I've always
loved playing Christian songs.

Listen, Max,

You ain't going to pay the
bills playing gospel man...

Church? That's nice.

I assume you're interested in
doing this full-time, right?

I've dreamt about it all my life.

And that's why we're here.

But you will have to make
some changes to your music.

What kind of changes?

Changes to the style
of music you play.

We feel our songs will suit
you better... commercially.

I'm ready to do whatever it takes.

That's what I wanted to hear.

That's good.

I think we can do a lot with you.

Does that mean I'm gonna get
a record deal from you guys?


Thank you.

Now get back up there
and rock this crowd.

Good luck.

I did it. We did it.

What did we do?

They're going to give me
a recording contract.

They're going to pay you?

- Yes.
- They are?


This is the real deal.

I am getting a ten
thousand dollar advance.

We're going to be rich.

I knew it; sooner or later my
boy would get discovered...

- What's this?
- Just got it this morning.

First thing I'm going to
do is tell Mr Clayton

to take his rent
money and shove it.


Mum, this is it.

No more evictions, or food stamps,
we're gonna be kings of the world.

Thank the Lord.

I was worrying we were going to
end up living on the street.

Never. No way. Not us.

And you get to sing those
beautiful songs you wrote.

Well... not really.

They're giving me their
own songs to sing.

Their own songs?

They said it's main stream.

You should open your
mail more often.

Look at this room.


No Milk?

You've been out of milk for
the last twelve months.

Oh. Right.

Dorothy McCall's daughter called.

Her Mother is still
in intensive care,

waiting and hoping you
visit and pray with her.

Oh, the Swanson's
called, said they

held off on the funeral
as long as possible

and decided to have the
service without you.

What else did they say?

They said they were disappointed,

and wondered what kind
of minister you are?

I wish I knew.

It's another letter from the bank.

They've foreclosed on the Church.

We have ten days to get out.

Ten days?

They've sold the property.

To who?

It looks like York and
some other investors.

You have to stop blaming yourself.

I don't want to talk about it.

It's Sunday, don't
forget to shave.

I don't care...

I want to be the first one out.

What are you smiling about?

Look at what I got a hold of.

Don't get my hopes up unless
you've got the goods.

Even the National Tabloids
can't get the photos I have.

Where did you get these from?

They aren't stolen are they?

Let's just say a
friend of a friend

took pictures of the pictures.

Eat your heart out Richmond Times.

How's that article on the new
candidate, Alex York coming along?

It's going to run tomorrow.

And after it comes out,
everyone is going to be excited

about the gaming industry
coming to Raymond.

- Miss Norman?
- Yes.

I was hoping to see you.

I read in the paper you are
hiring part time workers.

Do you have newspaper experience?

No, but, I promise
I'll do a great job.

Sorry, we don't hire
inexperienced people here.

What I lack in experience I will
make up for with hard work.

I don't hire strangers,
never have never will...

I'm just looking for an
opportunity to prove myself.

Eat brother. I know you're hungry.

This town is starving, but it's
not food these people need.

What do they need then?

The Bible says, like
newborn babies,

one must crave pure spiritual milk

so that they can experience
the full glory of salvation.

The Bible?

What these people need is money,
jobs and a financial future.

The Lord wants us not
to be greedy for money,

but eager to serve.

How does serving the
Lord pay the bills

or help build financial security?

No offence, but look at you.

Is it not more important
to secure one's position

at His side in the place
He has prepared for us?

Your name is Burns?

How do you know my name?

I need to talk with
you. Follow me.

Betty, I'll be back in a minute.

I heard you got arrested
for robbery and as*ault.

So I need money and got
some anger issues.

What's it to you?

I need a man that can
get things done.

A man like you.

What kind of things?

Things that need fixing.

Things that pay fifty bucks.

Let's see the money

I'll give you twenty now,

and fifty more when
you complete the job.

That's more money.


My problem is the new bum in town.

Yeah, I've seen him around.

I'll make him take a walk.

You know where to find
me to get the rest.

Would he throw up his
hands and just walk away?

Hey, you were playing
at the cafe, right?

Yeah. Were you there?

Only part of it.

Are you writing a new song?

Just playing with some ideas.

Do you mind if I
show you something?


Like this.

I liked this passage. Thank you.

What is it again?

It would be nice in my new song.


- Do you mind if I use it?
- No. I'd be honoured.

Is it one of the songs
you were playing?


- It was beautiful.
- Thank you.

- Keep it up, never stop.
- I won't.

Let's try to do your
songs with my chords.

- It's not finished but...
- Let's finish it.

Would He walk among the
sinners, fall to His knees?

Heal the sick, save lost
souls the way He used to?

Would he throw up his
hands and just walk away?

Cry a tear for a world
that's gone astray.

I'm not sure, but
God, I wish I knew,

what would Jesus do?

I love it, man.

Would he throw up his
hands and just walk away?

I'm not sure, but
God, I wish I knew,

what would Jesus do?

Get over there.

You've become a problem.

It's time for you to leave.

I'm not ready to go yet.

Well it's my job
to make you ready.

I feel your pain, brother.

What did you say?

You feel my pain?
You don't know me.

I've been where you are.


Who are you?

I'm someone who's
no threat to you.

Someone who understands.

What do you mean?

I've walked where you walk.

We've no less days,
to sing God's praise,

Then when we'd first begun.

We've no less days,
to sing God's praise,

Then when we'd first begun.

Thank you, Max.

This is Max's last Sunday with us.

He will be moving on
with his singing career

and we wish him the best.

I had a whole sermon
prepared for today.

But, sometimes, it's
better to come right

out with it than beat
around the bush.

Ladies and gentlemen,

while I am grateful to
see you here today,

I bring you sad news.

The bank has sold our church
to a group of investors.

I am sad to say they are
closing us down in a few days.

This will be my last sermon.

It is my understanding that
this church is to be demolished

and a new one will be
built at a new location.

As you all know, my personal
loss has taken a toll

on my duties as your Minister.

When the new church is built,

I will not be coming
back as your pastor.

Let us bow our heads in prayer.

Our Heavenly Father we ask
that you help us understand...

I've been wondering.

If I die in the next few days
which is likely to happen,

I would like the
satisfaction of thinking

that I said my say in
a place like this.

I don't know of any
teaching of Jesus

that makes one kind of a man less
worthy of saving than another.

Do any of you?

I've been in town for a few
days trying to find a job

and I've not heard a single
word of comfort or sympathy.

Except from your minister,

who said he was sorry for me

and hoped I would
find a job somewhere.

I understand that you can't
all go out of your way

and hunt up jobs for other people.

But, what puzzles me is what
does it mean to follow Jesus?

You sit in a church and
talk about following Jesus.

You even sing songs about it.

Do you mean that you
are suffering and

denying yourselves the way He did?

Are you really following
His examples?

Would He even consider helping
the destruction of the church

so a casino could be
built in its place?

Would he take bribes
from corrupt officials

and run graphic tabloid
photographs in His newspaper?

Would He use His God-given talents
to lead young people astray?

Would He throw others out on the
street, just to make a buck?

Would He abandon His
congregation and community

at the most critical time because
of His own personal issues?

What would the world
be like today if

everybody tried to
act as Jesus did?

So what is the lesson here?

When you find yourself struggling
with life's difficult decisions,

ask yourself this one
simple question...

What would Jesus do?

The heart is beating.

Somebody call a doctor.

Where is the Doctor?

He left.

How is he doing?

He is resting. The doctor
said he is a sick man.

Probably in his final
stages of cancer.

Should we get him to a hospital?

No. The doctor is
running some tests.

He said there is probably
nothing more that can be done.

I just want to keep him
here, let him rest

and make his last days as
comfortable as possible.

Let's go.

I haven't seen you in months,
then twice in one week.

What brings you here to see me?

The thing in church the other
day is really messing with me.

A thing like that can
be very traumatic.

How is the man doing?

He is resting.

The doc says it doesn't
look good for him.

He came to my office looking
for work the other day

and I just ran him off.

I feel so bad.

Take a sit.

So you have been feeling
bad since the incident?

I don't know how to describe it.

It's like an
overwhelming emptiness.

A sadness that I can't shake.

Maybe you should seek
professional help.

You sound depressed.

Isn't that what I'm
doing right now?

I'll help you anyway I can.

But you know I'm no
longer the pastor?

- I know.
- Ok.


I have some extra money... I
want to give it to the church.

Thank you.

I've been here twenty years and

I've never gotten a
donation like this.

I just thought it might help.

You are very kind,

but it's going to take a lot more
than this to save this church.

I know Reverend, but it's a start.

Well Diana, as you can see
I'm moving out today.

But I'll make sure
this check get's

to the pastor of the new church.

But what if we wanted our
old church and pastor back?

I don't think that is possible.

Henry, I have heard
you many times preach

that with God
anything is possible.

Yes I did, but I've come
to doubt many of the

things that I have
taught over the years.

Have you lost your faith, pastor?

Let's just say, I have been tested
beyond my capacity to endure.

I remember something
else you taught us.

What's that?

The Lord does not challenge us
with more than we can handle.

Our best daily sales ever.

What I lack in experience I
will make up with hard work.

I don't hire strangers,
never have, never will...

What's the problem?


Feels great, doesn't it.

Mr York.

That's my cue to leave.

I've been very happy with how
you've been covering the election.

This is the biggest buzz we've
had over an election in years.

Is there a particular reason
you dropped by to see me?

I have some more pictures for you.

You've been supplying
the pictures?

I hope I can count on your
newspaper for the election?

We'll see how it goes.

Don't go soft on me now.

- We're almost there.
- Sure.

What's the matter?

I'm not hungry.

You must have some odd jobs
I could help out with.

Honest or not, leave or
I'll call the police.

It's the land deal, isn't it?

I don't think I want to do it.

Why not?

I don't know.

What do you mean you don't know?

We're tearing down an
institution of good,

for one devoted to evil.

But we are going to build a
bigger and better church.

The whole event today has
really made me think.

You're talking about
that man at church?

Of course.

You can't base a business decision

on the ravings of a lunatic.

I just don't feel right
about this land deal.

I mean we are building a casino.

That's right, a casino that's
going to give people jobs,

money, self respect,
happiness, and so on...

Since when did you start
worrying about other people?

I'll pretend I did not hear that.

Jim, I have a few questions
about the songs.

Ok, sh**t.

Well, I like most of the songs,
but these two are... Well...

What's wrong with these?

I don't think they're
right for my audience.

They're a little too explicit.

Times have changed. We
have to shake things up.

The songs just capture
how things are.


Max, trust me on this.

I've been in this business a
while and I know what sells.

Here is the advance I promised.

Get some new clothes.

If you're going to be a star
you gotta look like one.

Oh, did you sign the contract yet?

I haven't yet. I'm sorry.

That church incident
really shook me up,

it's got my mind a
little scattered.

Well get it un-scattered.

You need to concentrate on
what's important in your life.

Like signing that
contract for starters.

I know I just want to
look it over again.

I'll get it to you in the morning.

I need a little more time, ok?

I have a plane to catch
tomorrow afternoon

I'll come in the morning
to get this signature.

A package from our friend.

We won't run this stuff any more.

What's wrong with you?

Nothing is wrong with me.

Are you crazy? These are gold.

I don't want them in
my paper any more.

But these are ours exclusively.

I don't care.

I no longer want this
filth in my paper.

What has made you
change your mind?

If Jesus was the editor,

do you think He would print this?

I almost believed, Diana...

Some kind of a joke. Right?

No joke.

Diana, let's face it, you've been
under a lot of pressure lately.

You need a vacation. Puerto
Rico, Jamaica, Sunny beaches...

No, what I want is to
live my life as He would.

But you're not Him; for
starters you're a woman.

I'm not trying to be Him,

I'm trying to live like Him.

I'm so glad I turned
down the profit sharing.

What are you doing?
Writing a new song?

No. Just playing
around. What's up?

I picked up some groceries; I will
make us a nice dinner tonight.

Sounds great.

So, did you sign the contract?

Is it one of the songs
you were playing?


- It was beautiful.
- Thank you.

- Keep it up, never stop.
- I won't.

Come sit down, Mum.

What's going on, Max?

I turned it down.


You wanted this more than
anything in the world.

I do.

But I can't promote sinning,
just so I can sing.

It's only singing.

How are we going to
pay the rent now?

What about my promise to
your father, to myself

to give you a better life?

Private vocal lessons?

I washed every single
toilet in this town, Max.

I know, mum.

But I also know this is
what Jesus would have done.

Jesus. Are you insane young man?

I'm so sorry Mum. But,
I have to do this.

Max, you're being a fanatic.

What about when we're
living in the streets?

Mum if I have to
live in the streets

to stand up for what I
believe in, then so be it.

How is he?

He's resting. He's
a very sick man.

What is it?

It could be cancer. I'll know more
when his blood tests come back.

I'll be by to check on him
the day after tomorrow.

Thank you, doctor Walsh.

- Take care, Henry.
- Thanks.

How did you get in here?

Apples. Wonderful creation.

So bright. So shiny. So tempting.

And they're loaded with nutrients.

No thanks. What do you want?

Where's the story?

What story?

Don't play coy with me.

I'm not running it.

What makes you think
you have a choice?

It's my paper.

This is my town,
everything in it is mine.

Including your little newspaper.

We will see about that.

Are you prepared to
lose everything?

Are you threatening me?

Get out of my office.

This is not over.

Heavenly Father, bring
your life into my life.

Tell me what I must
do to serve You.

Are you ok, pastor?
You don't look well.

Things are really tough
in this town right now.

People just aren't
coming to church.

Isn't that when people need the
Lord most, when times are tough?

What are all of you doing here?

Can we talk with you
a minute, Pastor?

It's Henry. I'm not
your Pastor any more,

but come on in.

So... What's up?

It's about what took place
in the church last Sunday.

You mean with the man?

Yes, How is he doing?

The doc checks on him each day.

Not much change in his condition.

He's sleeping right now.

What he said made us all
take stock of our lives.

I'm glad you all are searching
for meaning in your lives.

That's important.

It's almost as if he was
sent to give us a message.

It's obvious to me that
there is a great yearning

for spiritual fulfilment
in this town.


It's Henry. Yes.

Remember what the stranger
said. "What would Jesus do?"

And, what do you think
he would He do?

He would save this church.

Save the church?
That's impossible.

It's going to be torn
down tomorrow morning.

Henry, what's happened
to your faith?

With faith nothing is impossible.

If you've come looking for faith,
you've come to the wrong place.

But shouldn't we at least try?

Pastor, we need you.

Henry, that's right
he called you Pastor.

You are our Pastor.

Be our Pastor. Lead us.

"Be shepherds of God's flock
that is under your care,

serving as overseers-not
because you

must, but because
you are willing."

Heavenly Father, give me strength.

All right.

Let me get something
straight with you right now.

This ain't going to be easy.

That's the old Henry I once knew.

But how are we going to do it?

We are going to ask ourselves
one simple question.

What would Jesus do?

Ok, but how does that
save the church?

We all agree right now right here,

that whatever lies ahead of us,

we will act as He would act.

So we are going to base all our
decisions on what Jesus would do?

Like the WWJD Bracelets?


So, who is with me?

I'm in.

Me too.

Of course I'm in.

So, WWJD on three.



Mr York, are you
sure this is right?

I feel weird tearing
down a church.

Son, that's not a church, that's a
dried up old shell of a building.

If you say so.

All right boys. Let's
tear this down.

Get out of the way, Henry.

I will not let you tear down
this house of the Lord.

I've got a permit to
tear this building down.

If he won't move,
then run him over.

I'm getting paid
to tear a building

down, not run over a preacher.

Get off there.

I'll do this myself.

I won't say it again.
Get out of my way.

That book you're holding
won't stop this bulldozer.

The Lord is my strength
and my shield.


I am the owner of this
property and have paperwork

from City Hall stopping
the demolition.

We're not tearing anything
down today, Mr York.

It's over, York.

You are not destroying
this church today.

I have a permit to tear
this building down.

Not today, Mr York.

Let's pack it up boys.

You may have won a small battle

but I will still win the w*r.

We will see about that.


Your mother is not going
to be happy about this.

Then I guess it's a good thing
that I own the Church and not her.

You know we haven't
heard the last of him.

The Lord's house is
once again open.

Ok. Let's get inside, come.

Thanks, have a nice day.

If anyone here is going
to quit, do it now.

No hard feelings.

No one is going to quit.

This is our church and
we are going to save it.

I'm really proud of you, Virginia.

For the first time in my life, I
feel good about what I am doing.

Me to. I feel like a kid again.

We've got a lot of work to do.

I feel there is something
I should tell all of you.

Especially you, Max.

What is it?

I'm partners with Mr Clayton in
some of those low income homes

that have been kicking people out.

Like the one you live in, Max.

You? All this time and it was you?

I'm so sorry Max.

You're supposed to be one of us.

I am.

I was involved in that before I
asked the Lord into my life.

Max, we all are
different people now.

Wanna know?

You're as bad as Mr Clayton.

How dare you sit in this church?

Don't say that, please, Max.

Max, please forgive me.

I didn't know.

Forgive? No, no.

Why should I forgive you?

You were going to throw my
family out in the cold.

Wait, Max,

because that is what
Jesus would do.

He even forgave those who
hung him on the cross.

Sit down, relax.

This is all pretty overwhelming.

I will talk with Mr Clayton.

We will move families back
into their old homes.

- Will you go to the Square?
- Yes.

There's more everyone.

At the last City Council
meeting, Alex York

introduced a motion to
make gambling legal.

It's being considered.

If he becomes Mayor
the motion will pass.

What are we going
to do about this?

We need to get to the
root of the problem.

We should take part in
this coming election.

Put our own candidate in.

That's a great idea.

How do we get own person elected?

We need to take away that
which gives him power.

The people who have been
drawn to him in town.

This won't change.

Thanks for coming out
tonight, everyone.

Coming out? We are stuck here.

Mr York will say things are
fine here in this town.

He will lead you to believe
that good times are ahead.

Right on. You bet.

But that is not what I see here.

I see a place that has died.

A place that is
inhabited by people

that are starving for salvation.

What? Go away.

Ladies and gentlemen,
listen to me,

bringing a casino to our
city is not the answer.

Get out of here. Go away.

Stop. Please listen.

Give me all your money.

Get behind the fence.
Keep your mouth shut.

- Give me the cross.
- Ok, I'll take it.

Hurry up.

- Wait, it's caught somewhere.
- Break it then.

No, no.

It was a gift from my wife.

Take it but don't break it.


Keep it.

You can go now.

Thank you, but why?

Don't you remember me?

Do you know me now?

No, sorry.

Five years ago my wife and
children were k*lled in a fire.

I remember.

I read about your crash, and
what happened to your family.

Life can be cruel.

Do you remember how
you spent all day

trying to find me a job?

And how I promised to
turn my life around?

Thank you.


- Have you kept your promise?
- No.

And when I read about your family,

I knew if that could happen
to a man of God like you,

then there is no God.

The Lord has a plan for
each and every one of us.

My mother used to pray.

I can see her now kneeling down
by my bed when I was a kid.

Didn't help her either.

Maybe I can help you.

The devil's foreclosed
on me already.

I'm done.

I feel your pain.

What did you say?

I said I feel your pain.

My job is to make you ready.

I feel your pain, brother.

That's what the other
man said to me...

What man?

The man from your church.

Come with me.

Let's get a cup of
coffee and talk.

Miss Paige. I trust you
came to your senses.

I want to buy some
of your properties.

Which ones?

Some of the rundown
buildings in the Square.

Why would you want to buy those
almost worthless properties?

They are not worthless to the
families that live there.

You know about our
Church's efforts.

I would never believe you to
be part of this non-sense.

But seeing is believing.

I am very much a part of it.

The problem is none
of you are Jesus.

We're not saying we are.

Virginia. You know my son Jimmy.

He's all I have left.

A great kid but he
doesn't have the brains.

I need to leave him
with something.

You want to leave him a bunch
of run down empty flop houses,

when you could leave him
a nice nest egg instead?

Are you ok?

I'm fine, but you almost hit me.

Are you crazy? You jumped
in front of my car.

I can't believe you
turned down the deal.

I can't believe I
even considered it.

I'm considering reporting
it to the DA's Office.

I really liked you
Virginia, don't spoil it.

You're hurting me.

Poor Virginia, just
a lost, confused,

pathetic little rich girl.

Please stop. You're hurting me.

Hey what's going on over
there? Are you ok lady?

I'll deal with you later.

Are you ok?

I think so. How can I thank you?

Can I give you a ride home?

I am home.

You live here on the streets?


How old are you?


Come with me.

- Where are we going?
- My house.

I at least owe you a hot meal.

So how old are you really?


That's so young.

You are the people that are
trying to save the church.

I'm one of them. How did you know?

Hey, I live on the streets.

Word gets around.

Would you like to help us?

Sometimes I wish there was
something I could do.

What's stopping you?

What can I do?

I struggle just to survive.

Maybe I can help you with that,
if that's what you want.

I do. But why would
someone like you help me?

Because that's what
Jesus would do.

You can wear these till we get
you some decent clothing.

How did you become like this?

I inherited this house from my...

That's not what I
mean, how did you

become this way, you
know, so nice, kind?

I haven't always been a very
good person, but I'm learning.

What should I do
with your clothing?

You can put them in the trash.

I never want to wear
those clothes again.

Have a good night rest. I
will see you in the morning.

- Miss Paige.
- Yes, dear.

I don't think you
are a bad person.

Look what you are doing for me.

Like I said, I'm learning.

Now get some sleep. Good night.

Good Night.

What's this all about?

This doesn't concern you.

Who did you bring home with you?

A girl from the Square.

She's in trouble and has no home.

From the square. Are you for real?

That girl is going
to rob us blind.

She's not a bad girl; she
is just down on her luck.

Down on her luck? The Square's
full of people like that.

Take her back.

She won't be safe there.

Well then here,
take her to a hotel

and give her money for food.

Mother for once can you
forget about money.

Are you going through some
sort of guilt phase in life?

No I am going through
a learning phase.

I will not stay in the same
house with a miserable...

Mother, this house is
mine. Dad left it to me.

Your are welcome to stay
here as long as you like.

But I must act as I believe
Jesus would in my place.

You can always remember that
you have driven your mother

out of your house in favour
of a homeless street girl.

Is that what Jesus would do?

I am not driving you out.

I am helping someone who needs it.

And yes, I believe that
is what Jesus would do.

- How is the young girl doing?
- She's resting.

There was a very pretty young
lady under all that dirt.

Would you like me to
make you some tea?

No. Sit down and I
will make you a cup.

- Me?
- Yes.

How long have you worked for me?

Ten years.

Have I ever given you a raise?

A raise? Well... No.

Well that is going to
change starting tomorrow.

Maria, over the past ten years you

have been a true and loyal friend.

You have been there every
time I have needed you.

I have not taken the
time to stop and

thank you for all your hard work.

Miss Page, you don't
have to say...

Yes I do, and by the way,
from now on call me Virginia.

Friends don't call each
other by last names.

Ok, then pass the
cream, "Virginia".

No problem.

Has anyone seen Virginia?

She went into town to have
breakfast with Reverend Maxwell.

Sit down, I'll get
you some breakfast.

So you are the girl that my
daughter brought home last night.

Yes, your daughter is helping
me get back on my feet.

You are a pretty young
lady, you don't

look like you belong
on the streets.

No one belongs on the streets;
You don't plan to end up there,

sometimes it just happens.

Well how did you end
up in the square?

My father left my mother and
I, when I was ten years old.

We were basically
left with nothing.

My mother worked very hard
to try and make ends meet.

She cleaned houses during the
day and waited tables at night.

Thank you, this looks wonderful.

Things were really tough for us.

Then when I was fifteen,
she started to get sick.

She died of cancer a year later.

And I have been on
my own ever since.

Do you mean to tell me that you

have been on your own
since you were sixteen?

Yep. All alone.

What about your family?

I don't have any that I know of.

Well young lady, you have one now.

What do you say you
and I head into town

and get you some clothes
for a pretty young lady?

Ok. That would be awesome.

Maria, bring the car around.
We are going shopping.

Of course, Mrs Paige.

We've gained fifty new members

since our last meeting
and support is growing.

Soon we will be able to
win back our church.

Virginia has agreed to
run against Alex York.

It is imperative that Alex
York does not turn our town

into an unholy nightmare.

Pastor how are we
going to do this?

By offering the people
what he cannot.

What is that?

Love, understanding and most of
all, an example of how to live.

Sir, could you remove
this ad behind me?

Thank you.

It's been nice having you
here these last few days.

It's been nice having
a roof over my head.

You need more than a
roof over your head.

A young girl like
you needs a home.

I've learned that dreams
don't always come true.

You're right.

Oh by the way I forgot
to give you something.

What's that?

They're a new set of
keys to the house.


I. P... Loren Paige.

Paige, but that's your last name.

Loren I want you to
come and live with me.

I want you to be my daughter.

Ladies and gentlemen, soon
I'll introduce to you

the person who will
clean this town,

return the pride to
Raymond, California.

Our candidate and the next
mayor, Virginia Paige.

But before that,

I want you to know.

Since we started, crime has been

reduced 55%, and
soon we will be able

to return all of
you to your homes.

Look, it's York.

How can you do this to yourselves?

To even consider
these Jesus freaks?

You still have no
jobs, no real future

and to top it off,

you have to live in the shadow
of fear and repression.

I've been working months to
bring great things to Raymond.

Money, jobs, self respect.

They want you to live
in fear of what happens

when you stray from
the Jesus pitch?

There are two worlds we
can build in Raymond.

One is built on the concepts of
peace, kindness, and good-will.

The other is an
empty life of cheap

thrills, ugliness, and greed.

We are offering you the first.

But you need to
take the first step

and reject this man
and the easy path.

You have to do what's right.

I'm ready to defend this town...

This ends today. You and me.
Right here, right now...

We are talking about
jobs, health insurance,

low cost housing, what else
could you possibly want?

Wake up people.

Is this what we have left? Fear?

You don't need them.

The man in the church
that day was right.

We have to do what is
right in our hearts.

We all know that.

Where are you going?
Get back here...

You're done, York.

You fools, what are you doing?

You won't make a difference
on election day.

I'm the future...

Get out of here York.
Leave... Now...

It's over.

Go ahead and have
your little meeting.

It will all be over when
I win the election.

Don't you get it.

The people want me.

I am what they need, not
a bunch of Jesus freaks.

Are we ready...? ok. Here we go.

In a landslide election,

Alex York lost his bid to become
mayor of Raymond today...

Our new Mayor Virginia
Paige and she hopes

to bring new hope to Raymond.

Congratulations on your new album.


I can't wait to get
into the studio again.

I imagine.

- Talk with you later.
- Ok.

Very good. Looks nice.

Henry, how is he doing?

This morning when I went in
to check on him, he was gone.

I guess it was his
time to move on.

I guess so.

Excuse me I need to
get this started.

Ladies and Gentleman, can I
have your attention please?

First off let's hear it for
our new mayor, Virginia Page.

Did he just wink at you?

Stop it mum, we're in church.

Is there something
going on with you two?

Well, he did invite me
to the church picnic.

Open your bible to First Peter,

chapter 2 verses
eleven and twelve.

"Dear friends, I urge you, as
aliens and strangers in the world

to abstain from sinful desires
which w*r against your soul."

"Live such good lives
among the pagans, that,"

though they accuse
you of doing wrong,

they may see your good
deeds and glorify God on

"the day He visits us."

Before I go on, I would like to
ask our good friend Max Walker

to come up here on
stage. Come, Max.

I've asked Max to play
his new song for us.

He will do this right now.

Thanks pastor.

Over the last month or so,
we've done a lot of good

and changed a lot of
things around here.

We did it by asking ourselves
one simple question.

I wrote this song with a friend.

♪ They stopped saying prayers
in school yesterday ♪

♪ And there's a
boarded up run down ♪

♪ Church down on third and main ♪

♪ The Mission's
overflowing and the ♪

♪ Crime rate just keeps growing ♪

♪ And I'm not sure where
it's gonna stop ♪

♪ But man, this world
is all we got ♪

♪ What would Jesus do
in time like these? ♪

♪ Would He walk among the
sinners, fall to His knees? ♪

♪ Heal the sick, save lost
souls the way He used to? ♪

♪ Would he throw up his
hands and just walk away? ♪

♪ Cry a tear for a world
that's gone astray ♪

♪ I'm not sure, but
God, I wish I knew ♪

♪ What would Jesus do? ♪

♪ What if He appeared
right where you stand? ♪

♪ Could you look Him in the eye,
reach out and take His hand? ♪

♪ Show Him how we are
changing this place ♪

♪ Day by day with his
amazing grace? ♪

♪ It doesn't look like
heaven on earth ♪

♪ So I have to ask,
are we doing right? ♪

♪ What would Jesus do
in times like these? ♪

♪ Would He walk among the
sinners, fall to His knees? ♪

♪ Heal the sick, save lost
souls the way He used to? ♪

♪ Would he throw up his
hands and just walk away? ♪

♪ Cry a tear for a world
that's gone astray ♪

♪ I'm not sure, but
God, I wish I knew ♪

♪ What would Jesus do? ♪

♪ Would he throw up his
hands and just walk away? ♪

♪ Cry a tear for a world
that's gone astray ♪

♪ I'm not sure, but
God, I wish I knew ♪

♪ What would Jesus do? ♪

♪ What would Jesus do? ♪
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