Second Glance (1992)

Easter, Religious/Spiritual Movie Collection.

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Second Glance (1992)

Post by bunniefuu »

(playful music)

(alarm blaring)


- Jenny!

- Thanks.

- Jenny, you mess with my
alarm clock one more time

it's gonna be the
last thing you do.

- What'd I do?
- Oh, don't give me that.

- She turned up the
volume on my radio.

It's lucky I can even hear.

- Jenny, you know better.

- I was just playing
a little joke.

- Not like those we don't.

- Yeah, I'd like to see
you try it again, kiddo.

- Scare me.
- Yeah, you'll be scared.

- All right, you two.

- You were out kind
of late last night.

- Yeah, I was helping
a friend study

for a big English
test we've got today.

- He was helping Tamara.

- Jenny.

- Tamara?

- She's just a
friend from school.

- Danny's in love with her.

- Will you be quiet?

- Danny and Tamara,
sittin' in a tree.

- Dad, shut her up.

- That's enough comedy, Jenny.

- Go finish getting
ready for school.

- Okay.

- Well, how's it going with her?

- You know, Dad,
everybody just sees me

as a nice guy, that's all.

Nobody wants to
date a, you know,

my tombstone's gonna read,

"Here lies Dan Burgess,
a real nice guy,

"and a lonely one, too."

- Oh, come on, Son,
you'll meet the right one.

Just be patient.

- Yeah, patience.

- K-I-S-S-I-N-G.

- [All] Jenny!

(gentle music)

(engine idling)

(gentle music)

(engine revving)

(gentle music)

- Hey, Mrs. Moore.
- Hi, Dan.

(gentle music)

(car door opening and closing)

- So how did it go?

- What do you mean?

- Last night, with Tamara.

- What? We studied.

- Come on, man, you
know what I mean.

- I said we studied.

- Hey, Burgess.

Gonna let me cheat off you
in that English test today?

- Oh, I hadn't
planned on it, Doug.

- Why don't you ask Mr. Milner.

I'm sure he won't
mind if you ask.

- Doug really gets
to me sometimes.

- You know Doug.

- I mean, I don't
understand it, he mocks God,

yet he gets all the girls.

He's got a great car,
everyone bows down to him.

He's got it all.

- No, man, Doug's got nothing
if you don't have the Lord.

- Yeah, right.

I'll see you in class.

- We need to keep
trying to reach him.

- Come on, Ricky, we're
not affecting Doug

or any of those guys.

They just see us as a couple
of goody-two-shoes, that's all.

(students chatting)

- [Tamara] Thanks for
helping me last night.

- Tamara.

- I'd seriously
flunk this test today

if you hadn't helped me.

- Oh, don't worry,
you're gonna do great.

- Well I want you to know
I really appreciate it.

- Um, Tamara, I was wondering
if um, after school--

- Tammy, baby, you're
looking good today.

- Doug.

- You going to Randy's
party tomorrow night?

- I wouldn't miss it.

- What about you,
Danny, you coming?

- Uh, I don't know,
I don't think so.

- Oh, what's the matter,
Mommy won't let you out

on a school night?

- No, no, no, Burgess has got to

get his rest for the weekend.

What you got coming up, buddy?

Big church hayride?


Come on, Tammy.

Tammy, after the party,
we'll get together.

(students chatting)

- It is my lady,
oh, it is my love.

Oh, that she knew she was.

- Hey, Mr. Milner.

- Take my counsel, comrade,
be careful with young love.

- Yeah, but Tamara's
special, Mr. Milner.

- I guess we'll see.

- Tough test today?

- It'll be a little
bit of everything.

Essay, matching,
multiple choice,

connect the dots,
find the bunny.

(uplifting music)

- So how's FCA going?

- Hmm?

- Fellowship of
Christian Athletes?

- Oh, good.

We're showing a film
after school Friday.

- Well I hope you
get some response.

- What?

- I said I hope you
get some response.

- Yeah, me too.

- What are you looking at?

- He's got the hots for Tamara.

- Tamara Howard?

- Thanks, Todd.

- He wants to ask her out.

- Cool it, Todd.

- I told you to forget it, man.

She's after Doug.

- Cool it, Todd.

- Besides, she
won't date you, Dan.

You're too nice of a guy.

Tamara's not in the
market for nice guys.

- Cool it, Todd.

- Okay.

- Tammy, baby.

- Come on, Ricky,
let's get out of here.

- I like nice guys.

- Hey, Mike.
- Hey.

(kids chatting)

- What's wrong, Bull?

- That punk's trying
to steal my girl.

- Ricky?

- I saw him staring at Melanie
while she was at her locker.

- Bull, I don't think
anybody in their right mind

is trying to steal your girl.

- But I saw him.

- Bull, you're gonna
drive yourself crazy.

You can't go around
suspecting everybody

who looks or talks to Melanie.

I mean, I even talk
to her now and then.

What I mean, Bull, is
that if you love Melanie,

and she loves you, then you
have to trust one another.

If you don't this trust, then
you don't have true love,

and it won't last.

- You think so?

- I know so, Bull.

When you trust you remove
all those jealous fears.

- You got a roving
eye, little man.

If I ever catch you
looking at Melanie again,

you're dog meat, pal.

We'll talk more later.

- Sure, Bull.

- All right, now the
principal's ok'd us

to put these posters up,

so let's get them up right away.

Now look, we gotta get some
guys to come to this thing,

'cause it's really gonna make
them think about eternity.

Do all the teams know about it?

- Yeah, I told the
basketball players.

- I got football.
- Baseball knows.

- What about wrestlers?
- I'm gonna tell them today.

- Come on, man, what
have you been doing?

The film's Friday.

What are you waiting for?

- I'll tell them today.

- All right.

I'm sorry, Nick.

All right, meet back
here tomorrow, same time,

and we'll pray about this thing.

That's it, guys, thanks.

- You okay, buddy?

- Yeah, yeah, I'm fine.

(students chatting)

- Hi, Lucy.
- Hey.

- Do you know where Scotty is?

- Yeah, he's right over there.

- Thanks, bye.

(students chatting)

Hey, Scotty.
- Hey, Dan.

The Bible's coming alive to me,

I just can't get enough of it.

- That's great,
I'm happy for you.

Listen, I can't
meet with you today.

I have to take care of a
couple of things, okay?

- Oh, okay.

- But I promise I'll meet
with you tomorrow, same time.

I'll do my best to answer any
of your questions, all right?

- All right, that's fine.

- Thanks, buddy.

I'll talk to you later.

- Hey, Dan?
- Yeah?

- Jesus, man.

- Now's your best shot, buddy.

- I don't know, Ricky.

- Listen, Dan, it's not
like you're gonna marry her.

You just want to take
her to get a bite to eat.

It's not even a date.

- Why am I so nervous?

- Go on, get it over with.

- Okay, I'm going.

- Besides, if she
sh**t you down,

your troubles are over.

- Hey, Tamara.

- I'm really nervous.

- Oh, don't worry about the
test, you're gonna ace it.

- I just hope I pass.

- Um, Tamara, I was wondering,

if you're not gonna be
busy tomorrow night.

- Well, yeah, I'm
going to Randy's party.

Aren't you going?

- Uh, no, I don't think so.

- You're gonna
miss a great time.

- Well what about this weekend?


- Dan, are you
trying to ask me out?

- No, no, I, I, I just
thought that maybe

we could get a bit to eat
and talk a little bit.

- Listen, Dan, we're
good friends, right?

- Yeah.

- Well I wouldn't want anything
to ruin our friendship.

I mean, you're a real nice guy.

Some girl is gonna be
really lucky to get you.

- I understand, Tamara.

- See you in class.

(melancholy music)

- All right, students,
it's time for all of you

to destroy my waning faith

in the American
educational system.

It's time for me to
realize that there's about

as much interest in
English literature

as there is in taking
prune juice, huh?


(students laughing)

Everyone will keep his
eyes on his own test.

You have 40 minutes.

- Tamara.

(suspenseful music)

- Tamara.

(suspenseful music)

Give it to Tamara, come on.

Come on.


(suspenseful music)

- Tamara?

(suspenseful music)



- [Mr. Milner] What's that
in your hand, Mr. Burgess?

- I, I, I don't know, sir, I
just found it on the floor.

I thought it fell
off Tamara's desk.

- These are the answers to
the multiple choice questions.

You were trying to help
Tamara cheat, weren't you?

- No, Mr. Milner.

I just found it on the floor.

I thought it fell
off Tamara's desk.

- [Mr. Milner] Come
with me, Mr. Burgess.

- But, Mr. Milner, I--

- [Mr. Milner] Come with me.

- I was doing all right.

I didn't need your help.

- [Dan] I wasn't
trying to help you--

- Mr. Burgess!

I want you to take this note
to the principal's office.

- Mr. Milner, I can explain--

- You'd given me hope, Dan.

I actually thought you
weren't like the rest.

That perhaps your faith had
given you some sound principles.

But I see now how easily
you were ready to sell them

for some teenage crush.

- Mr. Milner, please,
would you let me explain.


(door slamming)

- But how could
you get suspended?

- It's a bum rap, I told you.

- You should have never
picked up that paper.

- How was I to know what it was?

- Son, you need to
be more careful.

- I'm sorry, I wasn't thinking.

- Well think next time.

- I'll tell you,
Dad, I'm fed up.

I don't know how
much more I can take.

You know what's going
on tomorrow night?

A big party at Randy's house.

Everybody's gonna be there
except for me, of course,

because I'm too good to go.

- A lot of kids won't be there.

- Yeah, a bunch of nerds.

- Is Ricky a nerd?

Come on, Son, we've
talked about this.

- And Tamara, Dad?

I think she'd go out
with me if I lived

on the edge a little more.

Dan, you're a really nice guy.

Some girl's really gonna
be lucky to get you.

- Come on, Son.

- I'm not impacting
anyone for Christ, Dad.

They just see me as the
nice guy, that's all.

I'm not affecting
anyone for Jesus.

- You're just feeling
sorry for yourself.

- No, I'm missing all the fun.

- No, you're
missing all the sin.

- Yeah, maybe so,
but I'm fed up.

- Look, you'll feel
better in the morning.

Good night.

(door opening and closing)

- Yeah, things are really gonna
be different in the morning.

(paper rustling)

- [Doug voiceover]
Oh, what's the matter?

Mommy won't let you
out on a school night?

No, no, no, Burgess has got to
get his rest for the weekend.

What you got coming up,
buddy, big church hayride?

- [Tamara] I mean,
you're a real nice guy.

Some girl is gonna be
really lucky to get you.

- Why do they get
to have all the fun?

I wish I was never a believer.

(bells ringing)

(mysterious music)


(light music playing)



- Oh, oh.



Mom? Dad?

Thanks for letting
me use your car.

I'll be home by 5:00, love, Mom.

PS, I made you some biscuits.


What a mess.


(trash rustling)

- Hello, Daniel.

- Oh, you startled me.

What can I do for you?

- I've been sent
to talk with you.

- Oh, look, whatever you're
selling, I'm not buying.

- I'm not selling
anything, Daniel.

I'm here to talk with
you about your prayer.

- My prayer?

- Yes, your prayer last night.

The one where you had wished

that you'd never
become a believer.

- What are you talking about?

- Your prayer's been
answered, Daniel.

Today you're a man of the world.

- Who are you?

- My name is Muriel.

I've been sent to tell
you that your life is now

as if you've never been saved,

as if you've never received
the Lord into your life.

- Look, what's going on here?

Did Ricky put you up to this?

- You complained that your
friends were having all the fun.

Now's your chance to see
what you've been missing.

- Yeah, well, I do
feel like I have a lot

of restrictions on me.

(horn honking)

- Your new friends are
here to pick you up.

(horn honking)

Better hurry, Daniel,

your friends aren't
known for their patience.

- Yo, Danny boy, man, let's go.

- Hurry up, man, we
need to get there.

- Come on, what are you doing?

Come on!

- What's going on here?

- [Randy] What are
you looking at?

- [Doug] Who are you talking to?

Come on!

- Your friends can't
see me, Daniel.

And they're about to leave you.

(engine revving)

- [Doug] It's party
time tonight, huh?

- Yeah, man, we got enough
booze to fill Lake Michigan.

- Hi, Mrs. Moore.

- Hey, babe, why don't you
come to Randy's party tonight?

We got a six pack
of Geritol for you.


- Delinquents.

- All right, remember, we're
cutting fifth period early

so we can go to the
lake, all right?

We're gonna meet right
here at the jeep.

- Yeah, I'll be waiting
for you right here, man.

- All right.

Yo, man, do you think
those girls will show?

- What girls?

- (scoffing) What girls.

- The ones we met last night.

- Oh.

- What's wrong with you,
man, you sleep too long?

- Well if they don't
they're either too stupid

or not worth it.


- Hey, Vicky.

Going to Randy's party tonight?

- That one, what a dud.

- Oh, what's the matter?

Mommy won't let you
out on a school night?

- No, no, no, no, she's gotta
get her rest for this weekend.

Hey, what you got coming up,
babe, a big church hayride?


- Hi, Vicky.

- How come you didn't call me?

- Tamara.
- Bye, lover.

Stud boy.

- What time are you
picking me up tonight?

- Picking you up?

- For Randy's party.
- Randy's party.

- Don't tell me
you're not taking me.

- No, no, I'll pick
you up around 7:30?

- Make it 7:00.


- I thought we
were only friends.

(upbeat music)

- Hey, man.
- Hey.

- Hey, Mike, you seen Ricky?

- What do you mean?

- Do you know where Ricky is?

- Come on, man, you know.

- Know what?

- He's in the hospital.

- Hospital, for what?

- You saw Bull bust him
up yesterday after school.

- Bull?

- Yeah, he nearly k*lled
him 'cause he thought

Ricky was messing with Melanie.

- What?

- Why am I telling you
this for, you were there.

Man, they should
have put Bull in jail

instead of just suspending
him for two weeks.


- All right, listen, we only
got a couple of minutes,

so let's get this thing going.

What, what's this?

- Pardon, Mr. Burgess?

- What's this?

- It's our class.

- But we're supposed
to be having

our FCA meeting here right now.

- FCA?

- The Fellowship of
Christian Athletes.

We're having a
prayer meeting here

for the film after
school tomorrow.

- Well as you can see,
this is Home Economics.

- But it's supposed to be FCA.

- You have three seconds to
get out of here, Mr. Burgess.

- But Mrs. Meyer--

- One--
- Would you--

- Two--
- All right, I'm going.

(students laughing)


- There is no FCA.

- You again.

- You see, Daniel, you
weren't here to start it,

so there is no FCA.

- What are you talking about?

We just had a meeting in--

- It's like your friend, Ricky.

You didn't try to calm Bull down

in class yesterday
when he was jealous,

because you're not sensitive
to those things anymore.

So yesterday after school,
Bull beat Ricky up.

- Look, uh--
- Muriel.

- Muriel, level with me,
what's going on here?

- I already told you, Daniel.

The Heavenly Father answered
your prayer last night.

Today your life is as if
you'd never become a believer.

- This is crazy.

Look, Ricky and those
guys are up to something.

Come on, tell me
what's going on--

- [Mr. Callahan]
What are you doing

out of class, Mr. Burgess?

- Mr. Callahan, I
was just talking--

- Let's go, Mr. Burgess,
let's get to class.

Let's go.


- What did the
guys say about me.

I want to know what
they're saying.

I want to hear every detail.

(students chatting)

He's so sexy.

(students chatting)

- Has he called you yet?
- No.

(students chatting)


- Hey, Danny, Danny, wait up!

- Melanie.
- Talk to me for a minute.

- I'd like to, but I'm
gonna be late for class.

- Oh, well just for a minute.

- What's wrong?

- Come over tonight.
- What?

- I really need to see you.

- Uh, I can't do
that, what about Bull?

- Forget Bull, my
folks will be gone.

- I'm gonna be late
for class, Melanie.

- Please, Danny.
- I gotta go.

- Call me.

- Miss Porter.






And how do you explain
four perfect scores

from you characters?

- We studied. (snickering)

- Don't press your
luck, Turnbull.

- What a crank.

I wonder where Milner is.

- Milner?

- Yeah, Mr. Milner?

- He doesn't work here anymore.

- What, Milner's gone?

- Danny boy, man, you smoke
some bad weed this morning?

We drove him crazy, he
left over three months ago.

- Huh?

Listen, I don't know about this.

- Danny, come on, come on.

- I said I don't
know about this.

- Come on, man, just relax.

- Let's grab a burger, man.

- All right, you're buying.



I don't know how you do it, man.

- Do what?

- Keep Tamara and Melanie
going at the same time

without either of
them finding out.

- Yeah.
- Huh?

- It must be all
in the wrist, huh?

- All in the wrist.

- Well you don't want
to get too bogged down,

otherwise we couldn't pick
up any babes at the lake.

- That's right.

You never know who you're
gonna meet at the lake.

- Yeah.

- What'll you have, fellas?

- Mr. Milner.

- What'll you have?

- Don't you remember me?

- What do you mean?

Yeah, I remember ya.

And it was all you guys
who messed with my car.

If I could have proved
it I'd put you all

behind bars where you belong.

- You got the wrong
guy, Mr. Milner.

I'd never mess with your car.

- But then you're all
the same, aren't ya?

A bunch of spoiled kids who's
only understanding of life

comes from watching
music videos.

Hey, wait on these
no-goods for me, will ya?

- But Mr. Milner.

- What's wrong
with music videos?

(engine rumbling)

- [Doug] Take it easy, Daniel.

- All right, see ya.

- All right, we'll see
you later, all right?

Don't be late, okay?

- [Randy] Say hi to your mother.

- You guys are so bad.

(birds twittering)

(engine rumbling)

- [Dan] Mom.

- Thanks for letting
me use your car.

Here are your keys.

- Mom--

- Oh, there's some chicken
for you in the fridge.

I'm having dinner with Wes.

- With Wes?

- Don't act surprised, I told
you he'd asked me out again.

- Well where's Dad?

- In Los Angeles,
where do you think?

- And what about Jenny?

- Who?

- Your daughter, my sister.

- Daniel, I'm in a
hurry, see you later.

- Mom?

- Have fun tonight
at your party.

(car door closing)

(engine rumbling)

- Nice car.
- What?

- This can't be my car.

I could never afford
a thing like this.

- You bet the football
games pretty well last year.

- I've never gambled in my life.

- Your life is
different now, Daniel.

- Hey, what's up with my Mom.

And where's my Dad, and Jenny?

- Your folks have been
divorced for several years.

You see, it was your prayers
that held your folks together

when they were going
through the tough times.

Since you weren't there to
pray for them, they split up.

As for Jenny, she
was never born.

- Look, I'm not believing
any of this stuff.

- You had a big influence
with Mr. Milner, too.

He really liked you.

Many days you were
his only bright spot.

Then he got frustrated with
the other students and left.

Too bad, because he was
one of the best teachers.

- Look, I'm not buying any
of this angel bit, okay?

But I kind of like the
way some things are going.

I mean, for a change
everybody doesn't just

see me as a nice guy.

I mean, I'm respected,
I'm popular,

Tamara's crazy about
me, and I like it.

- No, Daniel, you've
got that all wrong.

(telephone ringing)

- Yeah?

Well, we'll see, excuse me.

(telephone ringing)


- [Tamara] 7:00,
I'll be waiting.

- Tamara?

(dial tone ringing)

(telephone clattering)

(door closing)

Look, like I said before,

I'm not believing
any of this stuff,

and I know that somebody's
up to something.

(keys jangling)

(lively music)

(kids chatting)

- Danny.

- How long have you
guys been partying?

- I don't know.

- What's up, guys?
- Hey, Doug.

- What's going on, what
have you got, the silk?

Hey, where you been, man?

- Hey, the lady kept me waiting.

- I did not!

- Hey, let the
festivities begin.

- All right.

- Party, sir?

No, sir, we're not
having a party.

No, it's just the
stereo's a little loud.

- Hey, Randy, what's up, man.

- Hold on a second,
let me turn it down.

(door opening and closing)

There, how's that?

- Hey.
- Hey!

(kids talking and laughing)

- Hey, watch out!


(kids chatting)

- You got that right.

- Melanie.
- Randy.

- Where's Bull?

- I broke up with that loser.

- Wait, remember the time when
Danny boy stole the battery

out of Miss Stoke's car?

That was a classic.

- That'll teach her to
give me a bad grade, huh?

(everyone laughing)

- Here, let me get
you another, babe.

- Thanks.

- Danny.

(kids talking)

- Remember those
girls at the lake?

We can call them--

- Hey, handsome.
- Melanie.

- I was waiting by
my princess phone

for you to call and got anxious.

I knew you'd be here.

- I just dropped
in for a minute.

- Here you go, hon.

- Tamara.

- Where's Bull?

- I broke up with him.

- Oh, I didn't know
that, that's too bad.

- That's all right, Danny
knows, that's all that matters.

- (laughing) What's
that supposed to mean?

- Come on, Tamara,
you know you lost him.

- Why don't you go
back to Bull, Mel.

That's about as good
as you're gonna get.

- Listen, you better
start to face the fact

that Danny's mine
and you're out.

- Now just a minute--

- Listen, Mel, I don't want
you to come near him again.

You got that?

- Well I can't stop
doing that, Tamara,

because I'm pregnant.

- What?

- I'm pregnant
with Danny's baby,

and we're going to be married.

- No, no, no.
- You liar!

- You two-timer after
everything we've been through.

- Tamara, wait!

Keep the party going, will ya?

Talk, talk, talk.

Melanie, what are
you talking about?

You can't be pregnant,
not with my kid.

- I'm not pregnant.

I just said that to get
Tamara off our case.

- You just announced
to everybody

that you were
pregnant with my kid.

- I don't care.

I'd do anything to keep
you, Danny, I told you that.

- I can't believe you
just told everybody

that you were pregnant!

- You don't want me after
all you promised me?

- I haven't promised
you anything.

- What?

- I said I haven't
promised you anything.

- I hate you.

- Danny, Danny,
they're not worth it.

But did you really
get her pregnant?

- What?
- Then it's not worth it.

- Tamara!

- They're not worth it, Danny.


Weren't you on the cover
of Glamour magazine?

(door opening and closing)

- Tamara?

- Leave me alone.

- Look, Melanie's not pregnant.

She just made that up.

- I can't believe you
were two-timing me

right behind my back.

- I wasn't.

- I'll never be able
to live this down.

Everybody's probably in there
saying how stupid Tamara is.

- Melanie was lying, I've
never been out with her.

- I mean, you were two-timing
me right under my nose.

- Tamara, it's a lie, I've
never been out with her.

Listen, you're the only
one that I care about.

- The only person you care
about, Dan Burgess, is yourself.

- Tamara, listen to me, we--

- I am not gonna
let you run me over.

- Tamara, please--

- I don't care if you
are the man to be around,

the one to know, I
don't care who you are.

- Is that the only reason
why you went out with me?

- Oh, Dan Burgess, always
the guy to be around.

- I said, is that the only
reason why you went out with me?

- Well I sure didn't
go out with you

because you're a nice guy.

(door opening and closing)

- Yeah, I know.

- But, Bull, Danny's
the one who told me

that you were
seeing other girls.

Now I see he was just wanting
me and you to break up

so he could use me.

(door opening and closing)

- Don't worry about it, buddy.

Women are like buses, one
comes along every 10 minutes.

- How did I get into this mess?

- Oh, come on, dump
these losers, all right?

Remember those chicks want to
meet us at the lake tomorrow.

- I gotta pray.
- What?

- I said I gotta pray.

- (laughing) Yeah, I
guess I'd be praying, too,

if I knew I had a little papoose
to support in a few months.

- Melanie's not pregnant,
she made that up.

- Look, great, then
your troubles are over.

- Burgess, you got
nothing to worry about.

- Well what am I supposed
to do about the girls?

- Dump them, I told you.

Look, the chicks at the lake

make them look
like sixth graders.

- I'm not used to being
in situations like this.

- Oh, come on, stop worrying
about it, all right?

Let's have a brew.

- Let's stop
talking about women.

- Yeah, like Randy said,
they're like buses, okay?

And hey, at least buses
are sometimes dependable.

Listen, if there's one thing
I've learned about chicks,

you can't trust them.

I mean, you can't take
them too seriously.

- Say, Dan needs a brew, man.

Why don't you get
him brew, all right?

- One chick I might be taking
more seriously if I were you

is that Sheila chick.

- Oh, Sheila.

- God, she is so fine,
and she digs you, too.

She totally digs you.

She's crazy about you.

- [Randy] Did you see the
way she was looking at him.

- Guys, I was supposed
to meet Scotty Parks

after school today,
I'll be right back.

- Scotty Parks?

(engine rumbling)

(car doors opening and closing)

- Let's go.

- Hey, Lucy.
- Hey, Dan.

- Um, listen, tell
your brother I'm sorry

I missed our appointment today.

I forgot all about it.

Hey, what'd I say?

- You're a real scum.

- [Dan] Why, what did I do?

- That was Scott's sister.

- Yeah, I know, I was
supposed to meet Scotty

after school today.

- You're on dr*gs, this
is a pretty low joke.

- What's going on here?

- You know where
Scotty is, you jerk.

- What's the idea of
calling me a jerk?

Listen, what's going on?

Where is he?

- In his grave.

You know he committed
su1c1de three months ago.

Why are you doing this?

(dramatic music)

- su1c1de?

- Hey, Dan, how
are we doing, man?

(dramatic music)

(door opening and closing)

- Beggars can't be choosers.

- Wait, wait a
minute, were you--

- Guys, guys, listen,
where's Scotty?

Where's Scotty, Scotty Parks?

- What are you talking about?
- Where is he at?

- Burgess!

- Bull, no.
- Say your prayers.

- Come on.
- No, Bull, no, no!

- Go on, get out of here.

(dramatic music)

- You guys go that way,
I'll get out front.

(dramatic music)


- Oh, come on, get
out of the way.

- Keep following,
we'll cut him off.

(car doors opening and closing)

(engine revving)

(kids yelling)

- Run, Danny!

(dramatic music)

(brakes screeching)

- Come on, open up, open up!

Help me out, Muriel, Muriel!

No, don't k*ll me, don't
k*ll me, Bull, please.

I didn't touch her,
I didn't touch her.

Bull, please, I didn't
get her pregnant.

Please don't touch me.

- Burgess, what are
you talking about?

Will you calm down.

- [Dan] Don't k*ll
me, don't k*ll me.

- Calm down.

I was driving by and see you
banging on the church door.

Have you gone nuts?

What's your problem?



You're acting pretty crazy here.

- Uh, I'm okay, I'm okay, Bull.

- Listen, Burgess, don't
you start losing it.

You're the only guy who's
got it together around here.

- I won't, I won't, I promise.

- You need a lift?

- Uh, no, my, my
car's around the back.

- [Bull] Okay, see you, Burgess.

- I'll see you, Bull.

- Hey, I still want to
talk with you sometime.

- Sure, anytime.

- I'll call ya.

- Okay, see you.

(car door opening and closing)

(engine revving)

- Still wish you
were a non-believer?

- Muriel, you
really are an angel.

Hey, what about Scotty Parks?

He's okay, isn't he?

And my mom and dad are together,
and Jenny's still alive?

- Yes, Daniel, everything is
now back to the way it was.

- (sighing) That's a relief.

I mean, I, I, I thought it
was one big joke, you know?

- That was a very unwise
request you made, Daniel,

wishing you were a non-believer.

The Heavenly Father answered
your prayer last night,

and gave you one day to show you

how your life would
be without him.

- Yeah, I know, it was stupid.

- I'm well aware of the struggle

you're going through, Daniel.

Satan is trying to lure
you, to get you off course.

You think that Doug
and his friends

are having all the fun,
and you're missing out.

But your dad is right
when he tells you

that all you're
missing out on is sin.

Sin is fun for a season,
but sin injures people,

hurts you and grieves the Lord.

Would you have wanted your son
to go to that party tonight?

- Well, no.

- Then why would you go?

We must lead by example.

- Yeah, I know.

- I know you have an
attraction for Tamara, Daniel,

but the Lord holds
relationships most sacred.

And it grieves Him when His
children take them so liberally.

The purpose of a relationship

is to find a lifelong
companion, Daniel.

Someone to marry.

Let me ask you, are you
ready to be married?

- Well not yet, I mean, I
want to go to college first,

you know, and maybe
get a job, and--

- Then you're not ready
for the relationship.

The truth is, is that you'd
like to spend some time

with Tamara because you desire

some physical pleasure from her.

- Man, it's like you're
seeing right through me.

- The Lord does, Daniel.

Let me ask you, if a
girl you'd like to marry,

how many other men would you
like her to be intimate with

before you marry her?

- Well, no one.

- Then go and do likewise.

Wouldn't it be great,
Daniel, to spend your life

with a person who was
untouched by anyone else.

- Yeah, that'd be great.

- This is what the
Lord has intended.

You see, the Lord's not trying
to restrict your pleasure,

Daniel, but rather He's
trying to maximize it.

There's nothing wrong with
building relationships,

just save all the physical
intimacy for your wife.

The Lord's ways will bring
you full joy, Daniel.

- I understand.

- The Lord knows your
desires and what you need.

Wait on Him, He'll take care
of you when you're ready.

Instead, continue reaching
out to people for Jesus.

This is what's most important.

- But I want to reach
people for the Lord,

I really do, Muriel, but I'm
not affecting anyone for Jesus.

They just see me as this
nice guy, that's all.

- Daniel, Daniel, but
you are affecting people.

Take a second glance.

Look at all the athletes
you're influencing

through the FCA program.

The Lord is really using that.

And Ricky and your
Christian friends,

they really look up to you.

And people like Bull need you.

He's never heard the good
news about salvation.

You'll be his first
chance next week.

And even Mr. Milner knows you
have something he doesn't.

He's really watching you.

I already told you
how your prayers

kept your parents together.

And Scotty Parks?

Well if it wasn't for you,

I think you know where
he might be right now.

Oh, and even Doug is
being influenced by you.

- Doug?

All he does is mock
us and the Lord.

- On the outside and
to keep his image.

But you didn't know that
Doug was reading his Bible

every night in his room.

He's starting to
search for answers,

and it's because of you, Daniel.

- I don't believe it.

I would have never known.

- You have no idea how the
Lord wants to use you, Daniel.

The only way He can is
when you're living for Him.

You can trust the Lord, Daniel.

- I know I can, and I
want Him to use me, too.

- The only person that will
stop you will be yourself.

- I know.

- Time is short, Daniel.

Jesus is coming back soon.

Continue reaching out to people.

The lake of fire is real,

and many people you
know are heading there.

In your school,
even in your church.

And very few truly have

that personal relationship
with the Lord, Daniel,

and the laborers are even fewer.

- This has been quite a day.

- Oh, and you're not
suspended from school, either.

Mr. Milner figured
out what happened.

There's a message waiting
for you when you get home.

- Thanks, Muriel.

Thanks for showing me the truth.

- Goodbye, Daniel.

- Goodbye.

Oh, Muriel, will
I see you again?

(uplifting music)

(birds twittering)

(playful music)

(alarm blaring)



Mom, you look great,
good to see you.

Dad, how's it going,
how's the job going?


- Ew, gross, ew.

(peaceful music)

Hey, Mrs. Moore.
- Hi, Dan.

- Great day, huh?

(peaceful music)

All right, listen, we've
gotta get as many people

as we can to the film today.

I really think the Lord's
gonna do something.

- What's gotten into you, man?

You seem all pumped up.

Things must be going
better with Tamara.

- Nah, things are
better with Jesus.

- [Tamara] Hey, Dan, sorry
I came at you yesterday

in Milner's class, I
found out what happened.

- Oh, that's okay, Tamara.

I haven't thought
another thing about it.

- Missed you at Randy's
party last night.

We had a lot of fun.

- Nah, not my kind of fun.

- Hey, Burgess, missed
Randy's party last night.

It was a great time.

- Oh, it's a good thing
you didn't come, though.

We partied way
past your bedtime.

- Hey, you guys, come
to FCA this afternoon.

We're showing a
really good film.

- Oh, no, we stopped
watching cartoons long ago.

- Come on, I really
want you to come.

- We don't have time
for your stupid films.

- I guarantee you'll like it.

- Look, I said we don't
watch cartoons anymore.

I'm out of here.

Come on, man.

- [Dan] Hey, Doug, it'll
really make you think.

- Burgess, I got better
things to do with my time.

- Come on, Doug, look,

I know we don't see eye
to eye on everything,

but just do me this
one favor one time.

Come on, give the film a chance.

- Man, I said I
ain't got the time.

- Make the time.

It's got the answers, man.

(dramatic music)

- Okay.

All right, but if I don't like
it, I'm walking right out.

- All right.

I'll have a free ticket
for you at the door.


(peaceful music)

Hi, Vicky.
- Hi, Dan.

- How's it going?

- It's going okay.

- Boy, the Lord's
really been showing me

some good stuff lately.

- Oh, yeah?
- Yeah.

- I'd like to tell
you about it sometime.

- I think I'd like to hear it.

- Can I call you?
- Yeah, okay.

- See ya.
- See ya.

- Yes.

(peaceful music)

- Scotty.

Scotty, Scotty.

Scotty, Scotty, you're
okay, you're okay, man.

It is good to see you.

- We're still meeting
today, aren't we?

- Absolutely, I
wouldn't miss it.

- I've got a ton of
questions for you.

- The Bible's got
the answers, man.

All right, I'll see you later.

Hey, Scotty?

Jesus, man.

(uplifting music)
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