Hillsong: Let Hope Rise (2016)

Easter, Religious/Spiritual Movie Collection.

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Hillsong: Let Hope Rise (2016)

Post by bunniefuu »

- MAN: One, two; two, two...
- [keyboard plays a few notes]

[woman vocalizing]


[man vocalizing]

[man and woman harmonizing]

That's not gonna be the...

- the word, though.
- [drumbeat begins]

- [clang] -JOEL: Just give me
another 30 minutes

and then we'll come out and
we'll try and do a run-through.

MAN: I just feel like
we should do all the big stuff,

even if you don't sing
proper lyrics.

I won't get it done, man.
I'm telling you.

We won't have any new songs.

Like, because
that's where it's at.

- [radio transmission]
- MICHAEL: How long have we got?

We cut "Touch the Sky"?

That's what someone was saying,

but that doesn't make sense.

Oh, my goodness, man.

We have never been more
disorganized in our entire life

and this may be one of the
biggest things we've ever done.

It is funny hearing songs
for the first time in an arena.

- Yeah.
- [laughs]

KOBES: I don't know
what we're playing tonight.

I know that we're playing
four new songs.

- But I don't know what else.
- Yeah...

- Are we definitely, though?
- No.

ls it four now?

[quiet chatter,
computer blipping]

[drumbeat playing]


[humming quietly]

JOEL [voice-over]:
Sometimes we get really good

at attaching
our thoughts and ideas

to these moments of inspiration
and calling them God's.

I don't want to do that.

I really want to get Heaven's
thoughts on these songs.

There's probably a lot of people

who'll hear this and be like,
"You're out of your mind."

But I believe that

God created music

for the sole purpose

of it being used to...
to worship Him,

to connect people,

the human heart, our soul,
with Heaven.

We're doing all of this
so that...

one person, somewhere,
that I might never meet,

actually gets to experience

God in a new way.

And a... a true way.


TAYA: You know, you see
people around all the time,

and they are searching,
people are searching.

Because I have friends,
and they'll do

a nine-to-five job.

And then they go out
on the weekends, get smashed.

They've actually said, "There's
got to be more than this."

And I'm like, "There is."


Jesus loves you!

- UNITED, baby!
- JAD: It's like you have

the most valuable thing
and you know people need it.

But they don't know
they need it.

It sounds really weird, right?

It sounds like this...

like... whatever.

You need Avon, but you just
don't know you need it.

But... [laughs]

[rhythmic clapping]

JOEL: I'm feeling stressed out,
so it's great.

- It's the best place to be.
- [laughter]

Do you want to flip
"No Other Name"

- and "Broken Vessels"?
- Yep.

[congregation cheering]

Lord Jesus, we just thank you
so much for your grace, Lord...

JD [voice-over]:
God's love is so great

that you can't
fully understand it.

Yeah, sure,
it doesn't make sense,

but trying to make
the most un-normal thing

become normal is, like,

I guess, the... the adventure.

♪ Your love is relentless ♪

Everybody dance!


♪ Your love is relentless ♪

♪ Your love is relentless ♪

♪ Your love is relentless ♪

♪ Your love is relentless ♪

♪ Your love is relentless ♪


Come on, if you're grateful
for His love,

lift up some prayer!

[congregation shouting]

Come on. Louder!

JD: Come on,
from the front to the back,

I want to see everyone jumping.
Come on.

Jump, jump, jump!


Here we go! One... two...

♪ Your love is relentless ♪

♪ Your love is relentless ♪

♪ Your love is relentless ♪

♪ Your love is relentless ♪

♪ Your love is relentless. ♪

[shouting, cheering]

BRIAN: I've always felt
that Hillsong worship

is just the sound of a healthy,
vibrant, local church.

When I started a church,
I wanted

to have a church
that wrote songs

that-that influenced
the way people worship.

Good morning, Gale.

We recently got
a first-hand look

at how one wildly popular
megachurch from Australia

is making its mark
here in the United States.

And despite sharp declines in
more traditional organizations,

Hillsong has continued
to thrive like never before.

Hillsong Church started in 1983

with just under 100 worshippers,

but has now grown
into a congregation

of over 30,000 in Australia.

Now their brand of rock and
roll religion is going global.

The services have lines
around the block.

NEWSCASTER 6: Some 75,000
members in 12 countries.

NEWSCASTER 7: There are
satellite churches today

from London to Paris,
Kiev to Capetown.

You don't feel judged at all
when you walk in.

- I found love here. -I was
using heroin for 12 years.

I walked away from it
Monday morning.

I just felt this hard shell

around my heart
just begin to crack open.

NEWSCASTER #8: Hillsong Church
is drawing in the crowds.

One reason: their Christian
rock band, Hillsong UNITED.

such a life-giving culture

that, wherever they go,
people that

maybe normally wouldn't
connect with God do,

and their lives are transformed
in such a powerful way

that really,
it's sweeping across the world.

♪ Your love ♪

♪ We believe Your love... ♪

BRIAN: Everything starts
with humble beginnings,

and we sure did.

You know, the very first

music inside our church

literally was an old guy
on a piano accordion,

um, a keyboard player

playing a piano
which was out of tune

and some of the... some of
the keys didn't even work.

There was a drummer who...

I don't think, to be honest,
he could really even play.

And one of the first people
to come into the church

to-to be born again
was a bass player.

And his wife was
a nightclub singer.

So that was the start.
It was extremely humble.

No one would have said,

"Oh, this is gonna
really go somewhere."


[seagulls squawking]

BOBBIE: Haven't been here
for so long, baby.

It's like a library, huh?

Can we go in?

[Brian chuckles]

It does not look the same.


There's the stage.

Oh, my gosh, it is, too.

Far out!


Oh, my goodness.

It truly is the stage.

[both chuckle]

Yeah, take it away, babe.

- [Bobbie laughs]
- This is where I stood.

I stood here
as a young, uh, 25-year-old.

And... I was preaching

for one of the very first times
of my life,

certainly first time
here in Australia.

And, uh, at the end of
that service...

Uh, you know, we give people
always an opportunity

to connect with Jesus,
to come to faith.

And so I did that, really raw.

Didn't know what I was doing.
But three people responded.

I can still remember
three people.

two of those people

I still know to this day, today.

Well, actually, it looked
exactly like it looks now,

without all the books and the...

and the history center
and so on.

It was just a little
public community hall.

The very first time
we walked into the place,

I think Bobbie and I were
probably a little discouraged,

because it was very raw.

There wasn't a lot that was
too compelling about it,

to be honest.

But we came back that night,

and that night we sort of sensed

that there was just a great
life and energy in the place,

which, to me,
is still one of the great,

great things
about church life today,

is the energy, the excitement,
the... you know, the zeal.

Back in the early days,

there was this sort of
mission statement:

"Our city and beyond."

So our focus was our city,

and then there was this
"beyond" factor.

And I don't think,
in all truthfulness,

any of us had any comprehension

what that "beyond" might mean.


JOEL: It's funny,
because my dad is, like,

the least likely guy.

You know, he's kind of
super awkward...

Which, you know, thanks,
I got that from him, as well.

He-he lives a life
where all he's ever done

is push other people forward.
That's why we're here.

Because so many leaders
would be, like, so insecure

about other people
having a platform

or being promoted or, like...

He's the opposite.
He's like, "Go, guys, go."

Like, you know,
we're all in this together,

and I think that's what
is phenomenal about who he is.

BRIAN [voice-over]: The guy
who discovered New Zealand,

Mauritius and Tasmania

was a Dutch explorer,
Abel Tasman,

and he missed Australia.

But he pioneered again,

and the second time, he found
the west coast of Australia.

So to me, you never know
what big things you may miss

if you don't have
a pioneering spirit.

BRIAN: You know,
I just think it's great

if people feel like
they're part of the vision.

Then the more powerful
a force we become.

And if someone could
quickly pass me my Bible...

I've been thinking a lot,
since last weekend,

when I finished my message
talking about

- the church in Revelation...
- [translating]

which is called
the faithful church.

What a powerful thing,
when people live

with a divinely implanted
sense of a purpose.

In other words,
you know that you're alive

for something so much bigger
than yourself.

JD [voice-over]: Our job,
leading worship tonight,

the same thing
when we're on the road,

is that, you know,
as quickly as possible

we'll get all the attention
off us, onto God,

and people will, you know,
encounter God

for their life
and their situation.

You probably try
and get a bit more

- attention on yourself.
- Yeah.

Well, I'm happy, man.
It's my cross to bear.

- I'll carry it.
- I think you do it so well.

- Yeah. I just...
- So...

Well, you know,
by the time you step

up to the mic, there's no hope.

- You're only human.
- It's not true.

JOEL: It's the paradox
of worship leading.

I don't... we didn't
give ourselves this title.

You know what I mean?

Like, I don't even know
where it came from.

[congregation whooping]

JOEL [voice-over]:
We joke about it,

because it kind of
is funny sometimes, you know?

We're put in a position
where our job is to,

in some way,
draw attention to ourselves

to draw it away from ourselves.

Figure that out.

But God uses people.

Come on, let's sing.

♪ Our Father everlasting ♪

♪ The all-creating one ♪

♪ God Almighty ♪

MATT [voice-over]:
I want to create music

that kind of entices people in.

♪ Through your Holy Spirit... ♪

We create this body of music

that we put Jesus
in the center of.

And, um, it allows people
to encounter Jesus

and either take him or-or not.

♪ I believe in God our Father ♪

♪ I believe
in Christ the Son ♪

♪ I believe in
the Holy Spirit ♪

♪ Our God is three in one ♪

♪ I believe in
the resurrection ♪

♪ That we will rise again ♪

♪ For I believe ♪

♪ In the name of Jesus ♪

JAD [voice-over]: You know,
we are on this big stage.

And there's lights and cameras,

and everything about that,
you would say,

is for a performance.

But for us,
growing up in the church,

serving in church,
working for a church...

the only time we get
on a platform,

is to serve people, is to...

is to help them find
where they need to be.


[congregation cheering]

LOUIE GIGLIO: The first thing I
knew about Hillsong was a song.

Here we were, in America,
singing a song that was born

thousands of miles away
in Australia.

And that's a great thing
to be known for.

But what you find out is that

in most great movements
like Hillsong,

the song is
the tip of the spear.

And that tip penetrates
into the hearts of people.

It cuts through the curtains
that divide the church

and divide countries.

But what's behind it
is the arrow. [chuckles]

And the arrow of Hillsong
is the story of Jesus.

♪ Yeah... ♪

♪ My God ♪

♪ Yeah... ♪

♪ Hosanna, Hosanna ♪

♪ Hosanna, Hosanna ♪

♪ In the highest ♪

♪ In the highest ♪

♪ There's no one
like you, Jesus ♪

♪ There's no one like you ♪

♪ I've been running ♪

♪ And, oh, I praise ♪

♪ Jesus... ♪

JAD [voice-over]:
We have no explanation

for what we are doing now

- and what we're seeing now.
- ♪ We worship you ♪

We get back to our hotel rooms,

and we're like, "Did you...

"That was weird.

We just did that,
and no one's going to know."


We're the biggest band
you've never heard of.

So my neighbors...
they know I'm a Christian,

they know I work for a church,

but they have no idea
what I just did last night.

[congregation cheering]

As a band, we share that,

and that forges some
pretty awesome relationships.

He's... he's got... he doesn't
have the guts to do it.

Like, look at him.

He's a woman. He's a girl.

- What?
- [laughter]

I can't even hear
what you're saying,

because I've got this
in my ears.

He used to do stuff like that.

But he doesn't anymore.

Go, go, go.

[band laughing]

- [band whooping]
- [horn honking rhythmically]

[laughter continues]

Let's go, let's go!

[indistinct chatter, whooping]

That was awesome!


[laughter continues]

Joel Houston has run a race
like never before.

Oh, my goodness.

Burt, what do you have
to say about that?

BURT: I don't know.
It's kind of weird.

[laughing hysterically]

PHIL [voice-over]: Well, pretty
much, I was, like, their pastor

when they were junior high kids.

We were kind of committed
to doing this thing

where we're like, if we're
going to run a youth group,

we want the young people

We want to give them
the platform.

Rather than older people
being up there,

let's give the platform
to the young guys.

It was never this idea
of "build a band."

It was like, let's just create
something that these guys love

and hopefully it's an expression

that their friends really enjoy

and ultimately points people
to a relationship with God.



What's going on, man?

Well, I've never seen snow
in my life, until now.

And I'm going to touch snow.

Do you think it's real snow?

I don't know whether it is.

- I am so wet!
- Careful, careful!

PHIL: You know, it started off
the first time the guys

- got invited to Canada.
- Oh!

And it's like, wow! You know.

Canada, you know,
like, we're almost in America.

Look, I'm not enjoying
this at all.

Whoever said touring was fun?

Actually, keep going.
That's quite nice.

PHIL: There was this
underground movement

that started connecting with
what was going on in churches

and youth ministries all around.

And so then
we'd do these events,

and there'd be thousands
turning up,

because it wasn't one or two
who liked the music.

It was the youth pastor
bringing, like,

a busload of students
who were like,

"This is awesome."

We're like,
"Who are these people?"

[fans cheering, clamoring]

♪ Would you believe me,
would you listen ♪

♪ If I told you that ♪

♪ There is a love
that makes a way ♪

♪ And never holds you back? ♪

♪ Who would've thought that
God would give His one ♪

♪ And only son? ♪

♪ Taking a stand
upon the cross to show us ♪

♪ Perfect love ♪

♪ So won't you break free,
won't you break free ♪

♪ Get up and dance
in His love ♪

♪ So won't you break free,
won't you break free ♪

♪ Get up and dance
in His love ♪

♪ His love never ending ♪

♪ There's no escaping
the truth ♪

♪ No escaping, it's you ♪

♪ God forever,
we'll get up and dance ♪

♪ Get up and dance
and praise You ♪

♪ There's no escaping
Your love ♪

♪ There's no
mistaking Your love ♪

♪ Across the world,
we will get up and dance ♪

♪ Get up and dance
and praise You. ♪


JOEL: Do you believe what
you're singing tonight?

[congregation cheers]

Maybe you're here
and you don't believe it.

But you're here tonight.

Not by accident.

But I believe because God
is calling you to know Him,

like you were designed
and created for it.

I feel like, you know,

Joel especially, he understands

that there's massive...
just people have need.

JOEL: You see, God,
He's all about turning tragedy

into triumph.

And right now in your life
and your circumstance,

it might seem tragic.

JAD [voice-over]: We used to go
around saying it's not a show.

It's not a show,
because we're not rock stars

and we're not a rock band.

But I'm starting to think
and hope that it is a show.

Maybe a show of humanity.

Maybe a show of who God is.

And hopefully a show
of how good God is.

JOEL: that God Emmanuel
is with you.

What we do these days

is kind of, like,

so consumed by all the...

glitz and glamour.

It doesn't mean anything

if we're not reminding ourselves

that everybody
is important and everybody

deserves to know
that God loves them.

It's impossible
to truly know Jesus

and not have a heart for others.

Those who are poor,
those who are outcast.

And so I pray that
that would always be

the story of our church.

[thunder rolling]

[rooster crows]

[indistinct chatter]

JD [voice-over]:
We are heading to

a Compassion village.

You know, we sing about
how much we love God

and we talk about how much
we want to change the world.

But you can actually do it.

What Compassion do
is they partner

with local churches just to help

the poorest of the poor
with education,

basic nutrition.

Thank you so much for having us.

[indistinct chatter]

JD [voice-over]:
For me, it's not even

that big of a sacrifice,

you know, my 40 dollars a month.

JAD: Moses.
Moses, where's your bed?

Where do you sleep?

Oh, on the floor?

That's a big bed.
That's a king-size bed.


JD [voice-over]:
We can stand in front

of tens of thousands of people

and celebrate and jump and sing

and be like,
"Yeah, this is awesome,

touring with the band."

But not being too detached
from people's realities

that are coming to these
nights or that people face

around the world, I think,
is such a healthy thing.

And I want to make sure
that I never forget that

and just get caught up
in, you know, my world

and think about the people
that we're trying to help.

[indistinct chatter]

MAN: So what would you
say to someone

who watched
this footage and said

you guys were doing this
for the camera?

Yeah, that's an easy
assumption to make, you know.

[crowd clamoring]

As a church, we have somewhere

near 40,000, um, children
who are sponsored

through Compassion
all around the world.

So, you know, it's something
obviously we take really,

really seriously.


I mean, just walking here,
we walked past a couple

of guys sleeping on the street,

and there's this sense
of helplessness.

But at the same time,
I think there is

plenty of opportunity,
and I think

God's not looking
for us to do everything.

He's just looking for us
to do something.

And usually that's the one thing

that's in front of us.

And so, uh, today,

on this beautiful day
in Manila City,

uh, it looks like hanging out
with a bunch of kids

kicking some balls around,
throwing Frisbees

and-and having a laugh,
and I think that's awesome.

[crowd clamoring]

BRIAN [voice-over]:
Often times, you go into

the most difficult

and yet people have
this innate happiness.

And a joy that frankly sometimes

in a materialistic, Western
world, people don't have.

That's challenging to me, uh,

but the-the wonderful thing
about God

is there's a future
and there's a hope

for anybody who will look
to Him and depend on Him.

[children laughing]

[voice-over]: I just feel
like the call on my life

and on our church's life
is to take

the message, the most wonderful,

powerful message there is,
to the world,

to as many people as we can
by any means that we can.

People are drawn
by worship and by music.

It's just amazing
how far it all reaches.

BRIAN [voice-over]:
Come on, if you believe it,

why don't you make
some noise for Jesus!

[congregation cheering]


♪ Yes, I surrender, Lord ♪

♪ Jesus... ♪

[congregation cheering]

So tired.

[indistinct chatter]

I'm so ready to do new songs.

You know, God's always
doing a new thing.

And I-I know I need new music
all the time; I need new songs.

So the challenge is on
to write a new record.

We're gonna dig
and find something,

you know, hopefully,

for people to sing
next time we're in Manila.

Or just wherever people are

who want to sing with us.

I agree.

So Tanya's got a song

of the Spirit.

Just go with it right now.

♪ Jesus ♪

♪ Whoo-ooh ♪

All right, so we got that...
"Jesus, whoo-ooh."

- Let's see where that goes.
- [laughter]

[birds chirping]

[helicopter whirring]

BEC [voice-over]: Georgie,
guess who's nearly here.

He's almost here.

Often, we'll be driving along

and there'll be
an airplane in the sky.

Georgie will be like,
"Mommy, look, Daddy's

in the airplane.
Hi, Daddy."

Where has Daddy been?

- In America.
- In America.

I think this time,
has he been in Asia?

Yeah, in Asia.
And who has he been with?

Who is he with?


With JD and who else?

And Crocker.

And Crocker and who else?

- And Taya.
- And Taya.

With children,
it has its challenges.

And it's tough and, um,

even little things like down
to, um, discipline and things,

so I'm, like, pumped
that Daddy's home today.

It's not just Mommy.

It's Daddy back.

Oh, my gosh!

Look who's here, Georgie.

- Daddy!

Hi, buddy.


Ooh, good smooch, good smooch.

Hi, darling.

I missed my little nugget.

Missed my little nugget.

No, it's all right.

This is good.
I'm getting squeezes.


[indistinct chatter]

JD [voice-over]:

Okay, let's say grace.

No, I want to say grace!

- Okay.
- Go, Indie.

Dear Jesus, thank you

for this beautiful dinner
that you got for us.

- Amen.
- OTHERS: Amen.

[indistinct chatter]

Can, um, JD
possibly use your car

on Friday... or what time
are you guys going away?

Just, he just needs it
in the morning,

but we've both got to go out.

He's gonna get his hair cut
down at Parramatta, but...

I'm getting
my bi-yearly haircut.

We are at my in-laws' house,
where we live.

For us, to get ahead in life

and try to save enough money
to buy our own house one day,

we just can't... you know,
Lauren doesn't work.

She looks after the girls,
and, you know,

I work for church.

And it's-it's awesome,

but you don't work for a church

to-to earn money,
that's for sure.

I do imagine, though,
often when I'm on stage

in front of all those people
that they probably,

you know, would expect me
to have my own big McMansion,

my own crib.

But at the same time,
we're on a mission,

with a message to put it in,
you know, in a cliche.

- And, um, and I-I feel like,
- [baby crying]

you know, in the last trip
we went on...

Little darling... that, um,

that people...
people are responding

to the message more than ever.

And as long as that's
happening, I come home,

- I miss these girls.
- You come home to this.

Yeah, hang on, is there
another tour coming up soon?


I know I've got maybe
the less glamorous side of it,

or I, you know, I'm not
doing the tours or whatever.

I am home with the kids.

But when I was growing up
as a young Christian girl,

I remember saying, "God, use me.

Whatever way, use me."

And this is, you know,
the call that you've put

on both of our lives right now,

and, um, I-| want to do that
the best that I can.

You know,
I-I see my role at home,

you know, really vital.

At the end of the day,

the only thing
we're really called to do

is to love God
and love other people.

And if you actually love people,

the way you treat them is...
is a lot different

than, I think,
we treat each other.

Me included.


One, two, three.


Wow, wow!

Ready, kiss for Daddy.


My turn.

- Are you serious?
- Yes.

Just 'cause you got wings on,
you think you can fly?

- I got...
- Okay.

One, two, three.

Whoa, Indie!

Whoa, fly!




JAD [voice-over]:

Hey, big man.



Little one.



Hey, why don't I hold it?

Thank you.

Oh, look, it's gone.

It's difficult at times

to figure out when to just,
um, be-be the dad.

Oh, yours is gone, too.

But at the moment,
this is what our family does.

This is our family's ministry,
I guess.

You know, I travel
and I do all this.

And my wife, she pays for it.

[baby crying]

- [coughs]
- Aw... -Oh!

Are you not hungry?

JAD: But she believes
in what we're doing

just as much as I do.

And if I felt for a minute
that she didn't,

it's... it'd be easy for me
to stop doing this 'cause...

it's... it is costly,
no doubt about it.

It's tough on family,

and it's tough on my sanity.

Kiss? Have a good day.

[indistinct chatter]

[voice-over]: It's not worth
what we're being paid...

- Love you.
- See you.

But it's worth it
for what we're doing.


Say bye.



[scattered cheers and applause]

Come on, we sing.

Come on, we sing.

Come on.

♪ There is no other name,
there is no other name ♪

♪ Whoa, oh, oh ♪

♪ There is no other name,
there is no other name ♪

♪ Whoa, oh, oh ♪

♪ There is no other name,
there is no other name ♪

♪ Whoa, oh, oh ♪


Oh, come on, if that name
means anything to you,

why don't you lift your hands,
lift your voice!

Let's declare this together!
Come on!

- ♪ Jesus ♪
- ♪ We lift our voice ♪

♪ Jesus, Jesus ♪

♪ There is no other name,
there is no other name ♪

♪ There is no other
name, there is no other name ♪

[congregation cheering]

Come on, give Jesus
an ovation in this place!

Come on!

- The name of Jesus!
- [loud cheering]

[seagulls squawking,
waves crashing]

[indistinct chatter]

JAD: We're headed
into Sony studios.

Writing songs for
the new album coming up.

We've never really done
a big-budget studio record.

It's been the craziest
two years, I would say.

You know, when "Zion" came out,

people really responded
to "Zion,"

and-and as a result of that,
we found ourselves

in places
like the Hollywood Bowl,

uh, Red Rocks in Colorado...
It was such a trip.

And, um,
it's an interesting time,

because it's starting
from scratch again.

I guess this would be,
I think, 11 albums, would it?

And the funny thing
is you would think that

you'd get more confident
and better at doing it.

Um, but even just talking
to Joel last night,

like, you don't...
it doesn't feel like

you get any better at it.

[singing indistinctly]

And then the best...
best musical thing ever

with a great bridge.

I think that'd be cool.

It's like the tip
of the iceberg,

so we don't really know how...

how crazy this is going to get,
I guess.

That's a great metaphor, Mike.

MICHAEL: This is
my other metaphor, okay?

It's like where
I've got this awesome ship,

but we don't have
that much food.

But, like, we've got enough

to hopefully find
another destination.

But if we don't find any,

we kind of have to go
back to the island

that we actually got all
the food from originally.

Which is like the last album,
you know.

So, like, "Zion" is sort of
like the... you know.

And, you know, we've got
a bit of resource and stuff.

- Are you speaking creatively?
- Creatively, yeah.

- There's only so many coconuts you can eat.
- JOEL: Right.

- So we need to go find something.
- You want a banana.

if we found a fish, could I...

You could eat it. I wouldn't.

[plays keyboard chord,

JAD: There was a triplet
kind of a melody.

Remember? [humming]

Do you want... do you want a
line, something to start with?

Yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah.
[vocalizes note]

♪ Mm, see the light
as it's coming around... ♪

What was that?

I was just writing a line.

And I liked it. What was it?

It's something
that just came to my head

as I walked in the studio.

- Are you dead serious?
- Yes.

That's another song.
I can tell when you...

- Okay, I was... -I felt like
you were going to say,

- "Oh, that's a Katy Perry
song." -No, no, no.

That... if...

That was 100% the truth.

- Pick a key, and we'll...
- Okay, wait, wait, wait.

[strikes keyboard note]

♪ Mm, see the light
as it's coming around ♪

- ♪ I know you... ♪
- That's horrible.

- Bad melody or... -Hold that,
hold that, hold that.

- [playing]
- ♪ As it's coming around... ♪

This is good, man.

I feel like you're going
to turn around and say it.

I'm... just so you know,

I think it is
the best idea we've got.

That's a joke,
but it is an original melody.

- Is it really?
- I promise you.

All right, all right.


♪ From the start ♪

♪ You were there ♪

♪ Breathing on an empty page ♪

♪ Speaking light ♪

♪ Upon dark ♪

♪ Waiting to unveil
Your grace ♪

♪ Let my heart cry holy ♪

♪ Your kingdom come ♪

♪ Let me see Your glory ♪

♪ Your will be done ♪

♪ As You write Your story ♪

♪ Upon my heart ♪

♪ I will trust ♪

♪ I will trust Your hand ♪

♪ How holy ♪

♪ How wonderful You are ♪

♪ How mighty ♪

♪ How strong is Your
great love... ♪


JOEL [voice-over]: It's
impossible to know, really,

if a song is going to work
until we play it live.

The songs mean nothing
if they're not

helping people connect with God.

So we're going to play a night

at the Forum in L.A.
in a few months,

and hopefully everything's
finished by then.

[humming, vocalizing]

Where's KOBES?

Oh, Taya's here!

The dork is here!

- [laughs]
- The dork.

- Cool T-shirt, man.
- TAYA: Thanks.

- [laughing] -JD: Can you stop
playing "Street Fighter"?

'Cause we're about
to have a band meeting.

- [imitates video game noises]
- [laughs]

[imitating video game noises]

I was always the sumo,
and you'd just go...

[smacks foot on floor]


JOEL: To be honest, we are
playing awfully as a band.

Everyone's a great musician.

I'm just saying we're not
playing well together.

It's not like
we're on the same page.

The "Zion" stuff...
that was the last time

we practiced anything new.

So we've played the same stuff

for 12 months,
and we're great at that stuff,

but when it comes
to playing something new,

everyone's like, "Oh,
what now?" You know? Like...

So we have to just
start getting better.

One thing I reckon
would be really helpful

is if we just make a decision
to really help Mikey.

'Cause he's carrying much more

than probably
most of us realize.

It's precious, this...

you know, this guy's...

Having a baby.

Having a baby and, like,
I don't know if any of us

know the weight
to producing a record.

But it's pretty serious,
so it's like,

if he calls you and says,
"Can you do something?"

just be like, "Yeah, I'm going
to make it happen," you know?

I don't really have
any major theme for the album.

But if I was going
to have one starting place,

it would just be
the Beatitudes, Matthew 5.

If we get on the same page

with this at all,
it would be awesome.

It says: "God blesses
those who are poor

"and realize they need Him.

"For the kingdom of Heaven
is theirs.

"God blesses those who mourn,

"for they will be comforted.

"God blesses
those who are humble,

"for they will inherit
the whole Earth.

"God blesses those who hunger
and thirst for justice,

for righteousness,
for they will be satisfied."


[seagulls calling]

TAYA [voice-over]: There's
probably three times in my life

when I had a little
conversation with God.

All I said
is that I wanted to sing

and that I wanted Him to use me.

I didn't know
what that looked like,

and I didn't even know
if it would happen.

Definitely not thinking
that I would move to Sydney,

because I didn't like Sydney.

It smelled. [laughs]

I kind of was in a place

where I had $200
left in the bank.

And it was for
the next week's rent.

And that's all I had.

Everyone else said I was crazy,
because they're like...

Especially my mom, she's...
and my dad.

They were like, "You have $200.
That's all you have."

So I moved down,

visited the City Campus

and I was, like,
just amazed by the worship.

And I said to God,
I was like, Oh...

like, I love
the heart of worship here

and, like, you know
what they're doing.

And I was like, if I could just
be part of it, I'd love to.

And then,
however many years later,

you look and you're like...
I'm working at the City Campus.

It just... I don't know, just
little things around, like,

God loves me and He puts
all these things in place.



I just love Jesus,
and I love His presence.

And I love the fact
that we get to sing and...

and just worship Him.


TAYA [voice-over]:
I actually used to look after

the vocal team
in the City Campus

up until a few months ago,

when my job role changed
and I started touring

just as a full-time job.

I'd actually done, like,
a lot of secular gigs

and I learned a lot of stuff,

but it was nothing compared
to singing in church.

So much different
with the joy factor.

- Hi.
- Hi.

TAYA [voice-over]:
Some people don't actually know

how to worship God,

or they haven't
encountered Him before,

so... sometimes
all they need is, like,

someone just to lift their
hands for them to go, "Oh..."

and they'd be like,
"Maybe I should do that."

And, like,
actually lifting your hands

is, like, a sign of surrender.

And it's... So I love doing it.

All the time, you see me...



♪ Everywhere, Jesus... ♪

TAYA [voice-over]:
I grew up in a Christian home.

I accepted Him into my life,
actually, when I was five.

♪ Everywhere, Jesus... ♪

But it was when
I was like 16, 17,

when I kind of made the decision

to, like,
go to church for myself

because I wanted to go.

From then...

♪ Everywhere... ♪

I've never had to live

thinking there's got
to be more than this.

Like, I honestly don't know

how people do life
without Jesus.

There's purpose,
there's calling.

Like, I know who I am in Him,

despite if other people
say other things against me.

And I know what I'm here to...
you know, here to do.

I... I guess you could say
I'm a worshipper.

And I love Jesus,

and I hope that
I draw people closer to Him.

♪ Oh-oh... ♪

♪ Oh... ♪

♪ Ooh-oh... ♪

Come on and sing this
"Amazing Grace."

TAYA [voice-over]: You know,
a song can reach people.

And it's disarming,

and I think that's
what I love about worship,

is music has always been

that connects me
to God straightaway.

And I realize a bit of, like...

God, who am I
to be here, like...

You know, to, like,
lead these people, like...

I... [scoffs]

I'm just a country girl.


♪ You're amazing, yeah ♪

♪ Well ♪

♪ You're amazing ♪


[congregation whooping,

[car horns honking]

JOEL [voice-over]:
Music has the ability

to enter someone's soul
without their permission.

It helps create an atmosphere.

And when I first
was writing songs,

I thought all of the art
was in the music.

The-the melody.

And it's just one aspect of it.

But for me, for, like, now,

the real challenge is in

actually articulating this stuff

in a way that is
accessible for people.

You know, you can
listen to a pop song

and it doesn't really matter
what it's about.

If it sounds good and it makes
you feel good, it's great.

For us, you're putting words
into the mouths of people.

These songs are written
for people to sing,

not just to listen to.

Come on.

♪ Lord, we sing ♪

Come on.

♪ From the inside out, Lord ♪

♪ My soul cries out ♪

♪ Out... ♪

JOEL [voice-over]:
The last thing you want

is something you wrote because
you thought it was a cool idea

or a cool lyric
or that it rhymed,

um, you know...

it's suddenly leading somebody
to think something

that is not in line with this.

MICHAEL [voice-over]: Joel goes
really hard on lyrics.

Like, he'll spend
months on stuff.

There's not many
Christian lyrics

that talk about going
to the great unknown

or this concept of "God, if
you're not going to help me,

I'm not going to make it"
kind of thing.

A lot of those themes,

they're a little bit taboo
for Christians,

because you're supposed to
have it together all the time.


It's-it's a hard thing when,
like, Christians go, like,

"Oh, you just got to be, um,
real positive.

"And, um,
you've just got to believe

that God's going to,
you know, do whatever."

Because at the end of the day,

I think God can kind of
do whatever He wants.

[birds singing]


MICHAEL [voice-over]:
I haven't really slept

for a month and a half.

I'm getting crazy nightmares.

I jump out of bed

thinking that
I've smothered him.

Or that he's, like,
died or something. It's crazy.

[Michael coos to baby]

[water splashing gently]

[baby gurgles]

MICHAEL [voice-over]: He didn't
smile for a little bit,

once he came out.
I got kind of worried about it.

But he now smiles all the time,
which is good.

So that's his scar.

It looks pretty good.

NAOMI [voice-over]:
He went for a checkup,

and he's like, "Oh,
he's got a large heart murmur."

MICHAEL [voice-over]:
They ran a bunch of tests.

And they said, "Yeah,

he's got two holes
in his heart."

- It was terrifying.
- When-when he came back

from his operation,
they said, "Come in, come in."

And we didn't realize

that it was just going
to be an open cavity.

So, yeah,
that was quite confronting.

MICHAEL [voice-over]: When you
see him on the machine,

it's very un-human.

We felt pretty helpless.

The doctor said
you have to acknowledge

that he's a very sick boy.

Be grateful for the time
I've had with him.

It's been a great six weeks.

[tuning string]

I've got two sisters.

But one of them died
when I was ten.

She was the oldest out of us.

She was 15 at the time.

And then... I mean,
it was such a weird situation.

We were like... we weren't...

We... what ended up happening
was we found her

in her bedroom, um,
with a rope around her neck.

[voice-over]: I think everyone
comes to the point

where they ask "is this real?"
for themself.

Moments of, like,

how could You let that happen?

Or, like, are You really there?


BRIAN [voice-over]:
I guess the worst day,

the hardest day of my life,

was in 1999,
where one of my colleagues

came into my office.

And the very last thing
he said, I'll never forget.

He said,
"Oh, one last thing, Brian."

He said, "It's not about you.

It's about your father."

You know,
you think about a lot of things

that you could imagine for...

The one thing I could
never have imagined

was that child abuse
would come that close to my,

you know, my own life.

I had the most horrific, uh, job

of confronting my own father

and asking him about this.

And he went all dry in the mouth

and pretty well confessed
that it was true.

And the fallout, emotionally,
definitely left its toll.

BOBBIE [voice-over]:
The world's cruel out there

for many people.

It's a fallen planet.

And sadly, there are casualties.

And so, when they walk
into the house of God

that is not perfect,
but healthy, alive,

they have an opportunity
to encounter life

the way it actually
was meant to be.

The way God intended it to be.

BRIAN [voice-over]: I mean,
the Bible talks about faith.

One of the feelings
that faith gives you

is that incredible hope

in something
much bigger than yourself.

It's simple trust in God.

It's-it's believing that
no matter how bad this is,

no matter how horrific...

that there's a better day.

- [crying] -MICHAEL:
It's all right. It's all right.

Almost done.

NAOMI [voice-over]:
It was so stressful,

but we knew that
so many people were praying.

And God had this.

MAN: So what was
the effect of those prayers?

Um, well...

Healing, for sure.

MICHAEL [voice-over]:
I don't really know

how that stuff works,

but I do know that God can heal.

Um... let me see.
Oh, here we go. That's it.

This is his foot moving
for the first time.

It's, like, the smallest move,

but I sent it
to so many people. [laughs]

MATT [voice-over]:
I mean, that was such

a crazy time of my life.

I was ten years old.

Really kind of
shook our family up.

But at the end of the day,

it brought us all
closer together.

And brought us closer to God.

She was kind of the reason
I picked up a guitar.

So, I mean, I feel like
she's in this as well,

in a weird way, so...

I feel like we're at our best
when we're broken, you know?

Because I feel like
that's the moment

where God gets to kind of
be made evident.


JOEL [voice-over]:
And it gives us an opportunity

to love and to trust

and to operate from
a place of His strength.

Not our own.



♪ Oh ♪

♪ Oh-oh... ♪

♪ You are mine ♪

♪ And you are mine ♪

♪ Oh, Oh, Oh ♪

♪ Oh-oh... ♪


[congregation applauding,



♪ Yeah, yeah, yeah ♪

♪ Yeah-ah... ♪

♪ Yeah ♪

♪ Oh, Jesus, You're my God ♪

♪ Yeah ♪

Come on,
do you believe it tonight?

♪ My soul ♪

MAN [voice-over]:
What's been the feedback

for your performance
on "Oceans"?

I don't want to...

Like, not to sound like...

- Just be honest.
- Because it's not about me...

- Well... -Be honest.
What's been the feedback

for your performance
on "Oceans"?

Yeah. Um...

People said thank you.

Some people thanked me.
I don't...

it sounds weird,
but for the high note,

because they're like,
it's that...

it's that moment when...

l get emotional.

Just... you know this.


People just said thank you,

'cause it's like,
maybe that moment for them

is, like, the moment
where they just don't know,

like, words to cry out to God

or, like... like, words
to explain the situation.

And, like, it just kind of,
like, unlocks things.

Some people have said that

it's like giving expression
to something

that I didn't know
that I could... say to God

or, like,
have that moment of, like,

"This is so hard,
yet I trust You."

And... yeah.

That's the main thing
people have said.


♪ Jesus... ♪


[congregation applauds, cheers]

[insects trilling]

[bird chirping]

Uh, my name is KOBES.

And I play drums for UNITED.

- Yeah.
- MAN: And where are we?

We're in the house that we're
using to write the...

oh, yeah, to write
the next album.

Okay. Where is that?

We're in San Clemente...
Is that how you pronounce it?

Yeah. We're in, um...
is it even Southern...?

Yeah, it's Southern California.

I mean, we flew into L.A.,
and then we drove for a while.

I think we drove south.


Come on, man, help me out.

Are you serious?


I'm from the other side
of the world.

JOEL: What was W?
We had a BIS song ages ago

that was really good.

ls it, um...

[hums melody]


[vocalizes melody]

[playing guitar, vocalizing]

KOBLER [voice-over]:
And there's part of us

that feels a responsibility
to the church,

to write songs they can sing.

And we listen to people outside
in the secular world,

doing what they're doing,

and they're creating
unbelievable music.

And I think
that's pressure for us,

as we want to create
the same thing

with our sound.

And hopefully,
it stands up tall.

Hopefully taller.

I mean, that'd be the dream.

♪ All the lies
that we're told ♪

♪ Oh... ♪


That works with the verse.

- Which verse?
- With the other song.

[playing slowly]


[singing indistinctly]


- I'm screwing it up.
- JOEL: See how different it is?

It's such different phrasing
between the two parts.

No, I know, I know.

I feel like these songs,

we've done a real good job
of, like...

like, putting
these two ideas together.

- Right. -But I don't know,
maybe they're not meant

to live in
the same neighborhood.

You know what I'm saying?
Like... it's not good.



[singer vocalizing]

KOBLER [voice-over]:
I've always been tempted,

in the back of my mind,

to make music that would satisfy

some of the creative desires
within me.

Or, like, put me in a place
where I could be applauded

by people I want
to be applauded by.

But I-I just can't do it.

I think if we started to just
try and make it about ourselves

I think it would
trip over pretty fast.

'Cause I don't think
we're that good, truthfully.

♪ God, you lead me
from myself... ♪

Part of this whole process
is all about

some kind of a moment
of untouchable,

spiritual something.

♪ From the witness
of my soul... ♪

For us, it's just such a process

of, like, scratching
and digging and, like...

it's like, uh, like
just puzzle pieces, you know?


But we don't know what
the picture looks like.

And only God does.

I think, more than anything,

we're trying to wait
on the breath of God

to kind of inspire something.

I think you've got
to be ready for that.

[melody playing,
singing indistinctly]


- [continues singing]
- That could come out.


DYLAN: We really only started
this song like two days ago.

You know, I think I have some
lyrics in here that would...

He probably doesn't
want me to say this, but...

"Upon the mountains
we have climbed.

"Our towers built
of blood and steel.

"And still we reach to the sky

when the skies
came crashing down."

DYLAN [voice-over]:
I know this concept

that we've been
thinking about here is, like,

everything in the world
is upwardly focused.

Everything in the world is like:

"Gotta have the best of this,
gotta have the best of that.

Gotta get a promotion,
gotta make more money."

But the way of Jesus
or the way of God

is actually downward focus.

And-and we just need
to serve people

and we need to love people.

JOEL [voice-over]: There's
always that temptation to go,

"All right, well,
let's write another 'Oceans'."

But I'm, like, a firm believer

that God's always doing
something new,

as opposed to the comfort
of resting on laurels

or resting on what's worked
in the past.


The end goal for us is always

finding us some sort of
place of trust.

If we get to that place,
then we've done our job.

It's not in our hands anyway.

It was never, to begin with.

Uh, see how this feels.

[recording playing]

[keyboard riff plays]

I could never get tired of it.

It's really...
it's really awesome.


There's always that.

The chords, whoa...

Yeah, it's a weird... it's one
of those weird accidents.

- You did a great accident.
- Yeah.

[Dylan laughs]

♪ I fall ♪

♪ I start With light ♪

♪ In light we reign ♪

♪ When the light fades up... ♪

JOEL [voice-over]: Maybe this
song we're writing right here,

you know, the working title
is "Touch the Sky."

There's always been
a breath on it

that I can't describe
or explain.

The only problem is if you just
sit there and go, "All right,

God, we're ready," you know...
Wait, wait, wait, wait.

He's going, "No, you gotta
actually do something.

You actually need to,
like, do some work."

[plucking strings]

♪ I feel Your eyes
upon the wind ♪

♪ I see the light
above this place ♪

JOEL [voice-over]:
I was thinking about it.

There's a scripture,
I think it's in Second Samuel.

It's David, and he's saying,
"I will not sacrifice my king

that which costs me nothing."

[singing indistinctly]

- TAYA: Down or up?
- Yeah, I think down.

The idea being
that you go up later.

JOEL [voice-over]:
And so I think

that's the process of artists

or whatever you want to call it.

Like, it has to come
with a sense of

"My knuckles are bleeding.
I'm giving up

a lot to get there."

Because that's how valuable,
one, God is,

but how valuable
what He's called us to is.


- Should we try it in A?
- Well, that leaves room for...

Oh, it leaves room
for you to just... Taya-fy it.

- ♪ Da, da, da. ♪ Ah! -She's
like, "That just leaves room."

- Like, leaves room for what?
- [laughs]

- Taya.
- You know.

- For me...
- TAYA: For the Lord to do anything.

- [laughter]
- Oh, that's Holy Spirit.

- That's Holy Spirit room.
- For the Lord to lead wherever.

- Okay, I like it.
- You know what I'm saying?

Okay. We've got to leave some
Holy Spirit room in there.

- So we're gonna try it in G?
- Yeah.

MAN: So what stands between you
and your done record?

Uh, like...

probably about...




♪ When my knees hit
the ground. ♪

JOEL: ♪ Dazzling heights
we tried to climb ♪

Maybe, 'cause
it might be the melody.

- Just sing the melody
for me for a sec. -Mm-hmm.

- ♪ What fortune... ♪
- ♪ Lies beyond the stars ♪

♪ Those dazzling heights
too vast to climb ♪

- ♪ Vast to climb ♪ -Oh, you...
you want me to say "vast?"

No, no, no.
Um, th-the melody...

- Oh, it's the way I do it?
- ♪ Too vast ♪

- ♪ To climb. ♪ -J' To climb. ♪
Do you hear what you're doing?

- ♪ Do, da, da, da. ♪
- ♪ Da, da. ♪ Okay.

♪ Da, da, da. ♪


DYLAN [voice-over]:
We've been rehearsing

for a few days
in a rehearsal space.

It's been the first time
the band's played

some of the stuff
that we've recorded,

and, uh,
they're sounding really good.

Uh, but to be honest, I
haven't heard it with vocal...

I've heard one song with vocals.


MICHAEL [voice-over]:
I'm pretty tired.

We were up
till 4:00 this morning.

She was up till 6:00.

Just doing, like, these things,
like, just a bit of work,

stuff that just has to get done.

It's just kind of, like,
no other option right now.

♪ In the light, my Father ♪

♪ Farther away... ♪

That sounded good!

It's amazing!

DYLAN [voice-over]:
I personally have been trying

to finish this song all day.

Which is kind of funny,
'cause Joel's got, like,

three songs he has to finish

and I'm still struggling
to finish one song.

[song continues indistinctly]



If we get a lyric for it, it's
gonna be the best thing ever.

- It's so fun to sing.
- It's-it's...

James came up to me, and he's
like, um, "What key is this?"

And I'm like, "Oh, it's A,"
and he goes...

he goes, "It's the best key
for Jad's voice ever!"

- It sounds amazing.
- Oh, that's awesome.

- Your voice sounds perfect.
- Oh, that's...

But I just have to...

I have to write the words.

[indistinct chatter, shouting]

[cheering, whooping]

[indistinct shouts, cheering]


JOEL [voice-over]: I've been
working on this for months.

Last night it was,
like, 1:00 a.m.,

I haven't slept all week,
and I'm sitting there thinking,

if this doesn't happen now,
this actually might not happen.

I'm trying to find the words,
and I'm like, I'm like,

"Jesus, please, like, now."

- [indistinct chatter nearby]
- Oh, my goodness me.

This is insane.
I feel like

we have never been more
disorganized in our entire life

and it's maybe one of the
biggest things we've ever done.

It's always that massive
relying on God to come through,

and so He has to tonight.

What are you scared of?



It being underwhelming.

- [♪♪]
- [door closes]

[humming to music]

JAD [voice-over]:
Joel's like my brother,

and when he's going
through hard times, like,

with these lyrics, I can tell
it's weighing on him.

He's been working so hard
on lyrics

for just this one song
for the last few weeks,

and, um, I can tell
that it's the biggest deal

to have to deliver
with a certain deadline

for something as massive
as... the Forum.

He likes a lot of metaphor
in his songs,

and, for me, when I read
the lyric for the first time,

which was about...
an hour before we did it, um...

I was just trying to understand

exactly what he's trying to say.

And to be honest,
I guess I'm still grasping it,

because it's...
there's a lot going on.

You know?


- JOEL: What's that?
- [indistinct talking]

ls that now?

Are they ready?

Such a tricky...
Sometimes these, these songs we have,

sometimes they're just, like...

it's just, it's always
a process, like, it just...

you're sitting there,
you're sitting there,

you're sitting there,
and it's, like,

one minute
you think it's awesome,

and then the next minute
it's just, like,

"This doesn't even... fit."

- I'm pretty sure I can
explain it all. -Yeah.

I'm sure there
might be something in there

- that's like, um...
- What?

- What did it do, man?
- Yeah, so...

I just deleted the whole chorus.

With the lyrics, we try
and get them all approved

through, you know,
we have pastors at church

who, you know, are kind of
really strong on theology.

We want to make sure
what we sing

is actually correct
to the Bible.

♪ And the skies do heal
the broken... ♪

JD: The songs that we write,
you know, really are a tool

for churches all over the world
to sing,

so right now
we're gonna e-mail the lyrics

and then they'll
hopefully reply back,

going, "Yeah, that's fine,"
but we're trying

to push the boundaries of
creativity with these lyrics,

so it can... there's
every chance they'll reply,

going, "Uh, this doesn't
really make sense."

Let's pray, guys.
Bring it in, bring it in.

Okay, so I feel-feel like
it goes without saying,

but it's been a rough few days.

I thank everyone,
because it's just,


- [groans]
- [chuckles]

I know.

Not in a bad way
but in a good way.

It just gives us room.
Gives God room to move.

- Yeah. Love it.
- So, um...

- I'm talking, right, Jad.
- [laughter]

Lord Jesus,
we just thank You so much

for Your grace, Lord God,
we thank You for the gift

that Your presence dwells
inside every single one of us.

And I pray that people walk away

- talking about how great
You are tonight. -Yeah.

We thank You
for this opportunity so much.

- In Jesus' mighty name. Amen.
- OTHERS: Amen. -Great job.

JOEL [voice-over]:
Jad's getting up...

He will never actually
have sung these lyrics

into a microphone before.

- ♪ ♪
- [laughing]


[whistling, whooping]

JAD [voice-over]:
Knowing the journey

of the last couple of weeks

was quite powerful for me.

And I wanted to make sure
that when we did it,

I wanted to... lead it.

I didn't want to just sing it.

I wanted people
to actually understand

I'm not performing here,
if you know what I mean.

[cheering, whooping]

Come on!



JAD [voice-over]: In the Bible,
kings had armor-bearers.

An armor-bearer would...

would hold the shield
and would protect his...

the... them from behind,
and, you know,

would protect them.

Um... for so long, I felt like

that was actually what...

God wanted me to do for Joel.


But on that platform,
when we're together,

I kind of feel like
it's the same thing.


How do I know there's a God?

Well, for me, you know,
I've encountered Him.

But ultimately,
trust in God is faith.

It's faith.
And it's like the wind...

You can't see it,
but you know it's there.

You see the impact of it
and feel the impact of it.

[birds chirping]

BRIAN [voice-over]:
Want to feel that impact

in your own life.

I don't think you have
to attend Hillsong Church.

There's great churches

on almost every street corner
of the world.

My advice would be...
Find a local church,

pour your life into it...

and you'll never be
the same again.


♪ For me ♪

MICHAEL [voice-over]: We
always have to remind ourselves

why we're doing it.

You're born, you live, you die.

At the end of the day,
what's your life for?

So for me, like,
knowing that Jesus

has done something in my life,

my whole point of being now is
to point people towards Jesus,

'cause I believe there's
life after death for eternity.

And so I'm, like, I want people

to come... come along,
you know?

I want people to come
to that journey with us.

If you believe,
I want you to lift your voice

and sing this with me.
'Cause I know...

♪ I know... ♪

JD [voice-over]: The most
important part of a night

is when someone connects
with what we're doing.

It's when people realize

this isn't about a band
from Australia.

This isn't about music.

♪ Jesus, I know ♪

♪ I know... ♪

Everyone's on a journey.

Everyone's searching.

Everyone does have a purpose.

But you can fulfill that purpose

so much greater when you connect

with the source of life itself.

Does everything make sense?

Absolutely not.

But I think more stuff
doesn't make sense without Him.

[cheering, applause, whistling]

♪ Oh... ♪


♪ Oh... ♪

TAYA [voice-over]:
From my experience,

He gives me purpose.

He gives me
a greater sense of hope

that I'm not by myself.

I know He's got my back.

And I guess I just want people
that I meet to know that hope.


JOEL [voice-over]:
What makes sense of what we do,

to me...

is the picture of the cross.

'Cause if you look
at the cross, you've got...

this vertical element...

then you've got this element
where it's reaching out.

I love that feature.


It starts by knowing God

and understanding
that He loves us personally.

And then reciprocating that
by loving God and honoring Him.

That's what worship is.

If this is happening in a way
that's honest and real,

we're left with no choice but
to want to reach out our hands

to love others.

And that's honestly
what the Gospel is all about.


I don't know why God
has used a little youth band

from a church
in the outer suburbs of Sydney,

but for some reason,
He's given us this opportunity.

If you feel comfortable
when you...

lift your hands to Heaven.


JOEL [voice-over]:
People might measure

our success
by all kinds of things,

but in the end,
this is not about us.

It's ultimately about God.

If you take Him
out of the equation,

you've got nothing.

Our job is just to keep...

being faithful to Him.

So whatever that looks like,

you know,
we're up for the journey.


And no matter what's going on...

no matter how big
the mountain is,

how dark the night,

how distant
you might seem from our God,

the truth is tonight,

the Creator of the universe,
the Author of life,

the God of Heaven, He is here,

He is with you,

He's never failed you.

Do you believe it?

Come on, lift your voice.
Let's sing.

[applause, cheering]

[applause, cheering, whistling]

[applause, cheering,
whistling continue]



♪ So let hope ♪

♪ Rise ♪

♪ And darkness tremble ♪

♪ In Your holy light ♪

♪ And every eye
will see Jesus ♪

♪ Our God ♪

♪ Great and mighty
to be praised ♪

Come on, let's declare it.

Let's sing it out!

♪ Let hope ♪

♪ Rise, oh, oh ♪

♪ And darkness tremble ♪

♪ In Your holy light ♪

♪ And every eye will see ♪

♪ Jesus our God ♪

♪ Great and mighty ♪

♪To be ♪'

♪ Praised... ♪

♪ God of all days ♪

♪ Glorious ♪

♪ In all of Your ways ♪

♪ The majesty, the wonder ♪

♪ And grace ♪

♪ In the light ♪

♪ Of Your name... ♪

♪ So let hope ♪

♪ Rise ♪

♪ And darkness tremble ♪

♪ In Your holy light ♪

♪ And every eye will see ♪

♪ Jesus our God ♪

♪ Great and mighty ♪

♪ To be praised... ♪

- ♪ Oh, Oh ♪

♪ Oh, Oh, Oh ♪

♪ Oh, Oh, Oh ♪

♪ Oh, oh ♪

♪ Oh, oh ♪

♪ Oh, Oh, Oh ♪

♪ Oh, Oh, Oh ♪

♪ Oh, oh ♪

♪ Oh, oh ♪

♪ Oh, Oh, Oh ♪

♪ Oh, Oh, Oh ♪

♪ With everything ♪

♪ With everything ♪
Come on.

♪ With everything ♪

♪ Jesus ♪

♪ We Will ♪

♪ Shout for ♪

♪ Your glory, with everything ♪

- ♪ With everything ♪
- ♪ With everything ♪

♪ With everything ♪

♪ Jesus, we will ♪

♪ Shout for ♪

- ♪ Your glory ♪
- Come on, everybody.

Here we go!

♪ And our hearts ♪

♪ They cry

♪ Be glorified ♪

Be lifted high

♪ Above all names ♪

♪ For You our King ♪

♪ With everything ♪

♪ We Will ♪

♪ Shout forth ♪

♪ Your praise ♪

♪ Oh... ♪

♪ Oh, oh ♪

♪ Oh, Oh, Oh ♪

♪ Oh, Oh, Oh ♪

♪ Oh, oh ♪

♪ Oh, oh ♪

♪ Oh, Oh, Oh ♪

- ♪ Oh, Oh, Oh ♪
- Come on, with everything!

♪ With everything ♪

♪ With everything ♪

♪ We Will ♪

♪ Shout forth ♪

♪ Your praise... ♪

♪ Oh ♪

- [drumbeat plays]
- ♪ Oh, Oh ♪

♪ Oh, Oh, Oh ♪

♪ Oh, Oh, Oh ♪

♪ Oh, oh ♪

♪ Oh, oh ♪

♪ Oh, Oh, Oh ♪

♪ Oh, Oh, Oh ♪

Come on, let's lift it up.

♪ Oh, oh ♪

♪ Oh, oh ♪

♪ Oh, Oh, Oh ♪

♪ Oh, Oh, Oh ♪

♪ Oh, oh ♪

♪ Oh, oh ♪

♪ Oh, Oh, Oh ♪

♪ Oh, Oh, Oh ♪

[tempo slowing]


[band holding last chord]

[cheering continues]


[song ends, cheering continues]
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