Fight Within, The (2016)

Easter, Religious/Spiritual Movie Collection.

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Fight Within, The (2016)

Post by bunniefuu »


Come on, Logan, that was sloppy!

Come on, Logan,

use that left arm.
Power hand!

Drive with those legs, drive,

drive, drive, drive, drive!

Give me one.

One. One, two.

One, two. Come on, Logan.

Get your hands up.

Come on, Logan, finish this.

Put him away.

One, two. One, two.

Come on, give me
a little bit more tension.

One, two. One, two. One, two.

Come on, that's it. Get a little
bit more movement here.

Move around here right now.
Let's go. One, two.

One, two.

You're still dropping
that right, here. Let's go,

get focused here.
Go, one, two. One, two.

- One. One.

One, two. One, two.

Come on, Logan, get focused.

This is the most important
fight of your career.

You win this match,
you get to turn pro.

This is the most
important fight for you.

For me or for you?

What did you say?

What'd you say?

I said is this really

about me, or is it about you
and your past glory?

What are you talking about,
me and past glory?

Dropping your right again.

Face me.

Jab cross, move to your right.

That's why you keep
your right hand up.

Do it on the bag.

Come on. Good.

Keep that right hand high
when you move to the right.

That's it.


Look, uh, I know

tuition for this semester's
past due.

I got to have a few more days.

Is everything okay?

Yeah, we're just short on cash.

Well, you got a class
in 30 minutes. Hit the shower.

Don't be late.


All of this... always
pushing me to be a champ,

always forcing me to win...

this is just some twisted hunt

because you're
too old to fight.

Is that what you think
this is all about?

You think I do
this all for me?

Well, I'll show you
what this old man can do.

Come on.

Show me what you got, come on.


Hey, hey, hey,
hey, hey...

Hey. Dad.


Hey. Dad!



What can I do for you?

Hey, can I speak to the owner,
manager, please?

You're looking at both.

Great. I'm raising funds
for an orphanage in Mozambique,

and I'm wondering if I can
put some posters up.

- Sure.
- Cool.

Um, it's a home for rescued
homeless children.

The goal of the orphanage
is to keep these kids

from turning to crime or
becoming sold as sex slaves.

We really want these kids
to know that they're loved

and that God is listening and
that he's provided them all with

a better way of life.
It's kind of a choice

- that we all have to make, and...
- Look, you can put up

whatever you like,
if you just stop talking.

Why are you even here?

You know I'm just
training with Logan.

Let's see how tough you are.

Back off. I'm just
trying to get out of here.

Take a shot.


It's all right, man.

- Go ahead and leave.

You know what,
you're real tough here

where your brother
can protect you.

You just always
run that mouth,

- don't you, Hayden?

I see you brought your boys.

Excuse me.

Hey, who do you think you are?

Everyone in this place knows
you're not a fighter anymore.

You're a has-been,
just like your old man was.

That's enough, Hayden,
you need to shut your mouth.

Logan. Logan!

Take off.


Man, I'm sorry.

It's okay.

Um, here.

- No, really, it's okay.
- Don't worry about it, it's cool.

- I got another one.
- Thanks.

Today we are going to discuss
the different definitions

of ethical behavior...

what defines right or wrong.

First up is consequentialism,

which is the belief
that right or wrong

is weighed by a punishment

that someone may or may not
experience for any given action.

Now, what might be
an example of this?

Ms. Davis.

Say you m*rder somebody,
then you're going to jail.

Okay, so, the only reason

you don't m*rder someone
is to stay out of jail?

- Well, no.
- Yeah. Yeah, because

there's more to right or wrong
than just consequences.

Another definition
is deontology.

Deontology consists
of a list of rules

that document right and wrong.

Now, where do we typically
see this derive from?


Yeah. Yeah, like
the-the Ten Commandments

from the Old Testament.
Which brings us to

utilitarianism, which
defines the right thing

as whatever helps
the largest number of people.

But what might be
a potential problem with that?


When you start justifying
something's right

for some greater good,

it's easy to ignore the wrong
it could be doing.

Like if a person shattered
a glass door... it'd be wrong

to do it, but you could justify
it because you were angry?

Okay. I-I think

we're straying a little bit
from utilitarianism,

but, uh, that's interesting.

Humans are intelligent beings...
brilliant. We can look beyond

- a rule or a consequence...
- You were there?

- PROFESSOR: the effects.
- Shh.

If a decision benefits a lot
of people, it speaks for itself.

Businesses most commonly use

this type
of decision-making process.

But the rabbit hole
ultimately leads

to the issue
of moral relativity.

Is there a definitive

right or wrong in the universe?


So, you really think
people are only good

when it's convenient?


What are you talking about?

What makes good people
do bad things?

People make bad choices.

Okay, so...

I chose to talk to you.

Would you say that's
a good thing or bad thing?

It's probably a bad thing.



Can I try that again?

I'm Logan.

Would it be a bad thing
if I took you to lunch?

I'm Emma.

- Hmm.

What's good here?

I like
the grilled chicken plate.

It's low fat,

- comes with a salad.
- WAITRESS: So, your usual?

- Yeah.
- And for you, miss?


Um, I'm gonna have
a cheeseburger, please,

with bacon on it and fries.

- Okay.
- Thanks.

All right,
so, what's the deal?

The deal?

The anger, shattering a glass
door... what's that about?

I don't usually
lose it like that.

So, it's like a
Dr. Jekyll-Mr. Hyde thing?

Yeah, exactly.

You're a fighter, that's
what you do? I don't get it.

Well, the gym's not like
what you saw the other day.

Really? What is it like?

Well, some people

come to learn
to protect themselves,

they want to feel safe.

Others enjoy the challenge.

Just... they push themselves
to these limits.

What made you start fighting?

My dad was a fighter.

He's a champ.

It's all I ever
remember him doing.

So, I guess I was born into it.

Does he still fight?

He died a couple of years ago.


He gave the gym to me
and my brother Mason.

What about your mom?

She left when I was young.

Logan, I'm... sorry.

It's just me
and my brother now.

He's all I got.

I'm sorry.

I know I'm...
I'm unloading a lot.

No, it's okay.

We all have our history.

What about you?

Maybe we can talk
more about it next time.

Next time?

Good morning.

Did you decide to get up?

I'd sleep all day too
if I didn't have a job.


Guess what.

I talked to a girl.

I don't know.


something about her.

For your sake...


...I hope she likes dogs.

Let's go, Andy. Two.


Double up. Two.

Hey. Hang on a sec.

Hey, guys.


Why you let someone
who won't fight train you?

Hey, don't listen to him.

Let's go. Two.


Hey, good job today, man.

See you guys.

All right, this time,
when you cut the angle,

go deep, hit the thing.

All right,
throw the hook one time.

Not bad.
Keep your balance next time.

Do it to me.

Good. All right.

Man, I got come stuff to go do.

Three rounds of technical
sparring with these guys.

A new opponent every minute.

Keep it light.

- I'll be back in a minute.
- Got it.

Hey. You know,
the Strikehard event's

- in a few weeks.
- Yeah.

You know, I had an interesting
visit this morning.

- From?
- Tom Morris.

The fight promoter.

Yeah, the fight promoter.

What's he want,
Hayden as his main event?

Yeah, he's willing to let
the gym co-promote the event.

That means we can share
in the ticket sales.


He wants you
to fight Hayden as a pro.

Look, Hayden's
only loss is to you.

He's ready to turn pro,
you were ready two years ago.

Why not give him a chance
to avenge the loss?

I'm not fighting him.

Hear me out, there's more.

Promoter's offering $5,000
a show, and 5,000 a win.

And nobody makes that kind
of money on a pro debut.

You'd be crazy
to turn it down.

I don't care.

Look, Logan, we both know that
fight would draw a huge crowd.

I can get you some local
sponsorship money,

with that in the purse, man,

we could pay your tuition
for a year.

You know how much pressure that
would take off me in the gym?

Logan, you're one of the best
fighters I've ever seen.

I'm not just saying that
'cause you're my brother.

You were one fight away
from turning pro.

Now you're at the gym
all the time,

training like a mad man,
for what?

Just to train?

You don't care about me,
my family, or the gym, do you?

You know, I do get it, Logan.

Dad's been dead
for over two years.

Something's got to give, bro.

I got to run.

Hold down the fort for me.


Hayden, I'm done!

I've had enough!


Hayden. That's it!

He's had enough.

Shut your mouth
or you're next.


Hayden. He tapped.

I'm sick of you walking
around here

like you're something special.

I'm not going
to fight you, Hayden.

Then don't move.


What do you think
you're doing?

Ask your brother.

He's going to stay
out of my business,

or he's gonna get hurt.

All right, everybody listen up.

We train to compete here,
not bar fight.

If that's what
you're looking for, get out now.

That goes for you, too.

Get in my office, now.

He's out of control.

Out of control?

He's not the one
busting glass doors

and picking fights
with clients, is he?

I was literally gone
for five minutes.

When are you going
to start thinking

about the gym as a business?

Hayden is everything

we said this gym wouldn't be.

And the worst thing is,
you're training him.

- A guy like that.
- That's enough, Logan.

We agreed this place
was going to be different.

You train him.

You give him a pass
in whatever he does.

We don't need him.

You see all these bills?

How do you think they get paid?

Where do you think
that money comes from?

Your rent, your power,
your tuition.

Whether you like him or not,
Hayden wins fights.

We need a fighter that can help
this business, now, it's Hayden.

- Mason.
- Out.


How you doing, man?

Is that it?

Uh, I got gas on seven,

and let me get two slices
of that pizza, please.

Thought you might
like something to eat.

That's mighty Christ-like
of you, young man.

Thank you.

I don't know about that,

Looked like you
could use some help is all.

You do, too.


I guess we all do, huh?

You know,
sometimes it feels like

no matter how hard you try,
everything you do is wrong.

Oh, you know,
most people mess up

'cause they don't know
right from wrong.

Just do whatever they want,

whenever they want.

Bad choices

making bad things happen.

Just running around trying
to prove they're somebody.

Not even realizing
who they really are.

Yeah, well, who are they?

God's children, of course.

We're all God's children.

He loves all of us.

Yeah, I guess
if you say so, mister.

Now, just 'cause you don't
know you're God's child,

don't mean you're not.

And if you ain't God's
child, who are you?


Okay. Let's go over this
one more time.

So, who has
the stronger case here,

the corporation
or the individual?

The corporation.


What's wrong?

Look, I can't concentrate
on this.

All this stuff with Mason
and the gym.

Well, maybe you should
go talk to him.

I will.

How about now?

Get it over with and then
maybe you can pass your finals.

You gonna meet me later?


Yeah, do whatever you want.

Hello, guys.

What's that about?

Let's talk in the office.

So what's up?

Some of the guys don't want
to train with you anymore.



He found out about the fight
and the prize money.

He knows you turned it down.

He's going around here
telling everybody

you're scared to fight.

And it's not good.

Not for you, not for me.

Definitely not for this gym.

You mean, I'm not good
for the gym, right, Mason?

That's not what I said.

You know Hayden's good
at pushing people's buttons.

He's got
everybody here believing

you are scared to fight.

It's just a bad situation.

It's 'cause he keeps
running that mouth.

And the worst part is,
you're in his corner.

You know, everything
was fine until Hayden

- started training here.
- No, it wasn't.

You know why?

Of course not.

You see, since Dad died,

I'm the one that has to worry
about how the bills get paid.

I'm the one that runs
the business.

The responsibility
falls on me, not you.

So you pick a guy like Hayden
over your own brother.

- Pass it off on the bills.
- I'm not picking him over you.

I just can't have you in here
with so much going on.

What are you going to do, Mason?

You gonna kick me out?

No, it's not like that, man.

I just need everything
to calm down.

If you stay, he leaves.

I can't help it
if you're scared to fight.

What did you say?

I said everybody here thinks
you're scared to fight.

Man, can't you see
that's a problem?

I'm scared to fight?

We'll see.

Off the mats!





Get off the mats and go home.

Come on.

Let's show everybody
how scared I am.

You're making a scene.

Get off the mats
and go home.

What's wrong, Mason?

Is this bad for business?

Well, you ain't making
things any better.

It's the last time
I'm gonna tell you.

Go home.

Make me.








Come on, Mason, let's go.



Who's scared now, Mason?

Logan! Logan!


What was that?


Brotherly love.



What happened?

Everyone thinks
I'm scared to fight.

But hearing that
from my own brother...

...I can't take it.

It's okay.

He's the one person
who should understand.

Understand what?

Why I don't fight.

What does he do?

He kicks me out.

Mason's all I got.

I'm here.

Congrats on the comeback fight.

Looks like I might have
to join the family

before you give me a shot, huh?

I do like your choice
in women, though.

Want to take a ride
with a real man?

You want to get your face
slapped by a real woman?

She's kind of feisty.

I like that.

Maybe I should fight her
instead of you.

I could definitely
show her some moves.

If you touch her,
I swear to God, I'll k*ll you.

You'll get a chance.

You're worth ten grand to me.

Keep telling yourself that.

It's gonna happen,

and it will be beautiful.

What did he mean
you're worth $10,000 to him?

Let's go.

You know, this is a pretty nice
car for someone without a job.

You have no idea how many
hours I've put in at the gym

to get this thing.

Hey, come inside.

I think I know how to
make you feel better.

Okay, sit down.

what are you doing in there

that's gonna make me
feel better?

You'll just have
to wait and see.



So, these are supposed
to make me feel better?

They do for me.


Pretty good.

They're okay.


So, what's in there?

Um... I'll show you.

What is all this stuff?

This is my mission room.

It's where I remind myself
about God's plan for my life,

which is right here.

God's plan?

God has a plan for everyone.

If you say so.

What? You don't believe me?

It's not that.

I just don't know
if I believe in God.


Why Africa?

There's so many things
you could do here.

I just know God wants me
to help there.




You really think
God loves everyone?

I know He does.

Look, I believe that once
you understand God's love,

you want to love others
the same way.

I just...




You're sweet, Logan.

You act so tough,
but you're sweet.

You think I only act tough?





That's my boy!

- Way to go, son! Yeah!

- Yeah! He's the man!

- Dad, no, you can't leave me.

Dad, wake up! Dad!


You okay?

Yeah. I'm sorry.

It's okay.


It's getting late.

- I should go.
- Okay.


Hey, my friends are
in town from Mozambique,

and they want to go
to the lake tomorrow.

You want to come?

More God people?

They won't scare you.

I might scare them.

I don't think so.


I'll see you later.



they work with orphans in Africa

and then come back
for lake days?

Yeah, every once in a while,
they come back

and see their families.
This is their friends' place.

I could visit Africa.

But leave everybody
and everything?

I don't get it.

Well, sometimes life is
not just about ourselves.

You got to make sacrifices
for other people,

even if it's just
a bottle of water

when you kick a drink over.

So, you've been stalking me
this whole time?

Yeah, right.

So, what, does... that make
me a mission project for you?

If you're asking
if I think you need help,

then my answer is yes.

Hey, that's them.


- Hey, Emma!

This is gonna be fun.



So, what's it like
to live in Africa?

Oh, you know,
bird-sized mosquitoes,

- diseases, no air conditioning,

lions, hyenas, big snakes,

just your everyday stuff.

It's not that bad.
I mean, don't get me wrong,

it can be rough at times,
because, let's face it,

you don't have all the things
you have here.

But you learn to live on less,

you learn to trust
what God provides.

I don't get it.

Why give up all this?

When I was in the orphanages
with the kids,

I felt joy, I felt peace.

I can really only
explain it like this:

I knew it was God.

For the first time,
I felt loved,

I felt whole, I felt complete.

And for me, I felt called
to missions. So, one day,

I went into a local village
to get some supplies,

and while I was there,
I heard some yelling.

I turned to look and see what
all the commotion was about,

and, through the crowd, I saw
some men beating two young boys.

And so I just stepped up
in front of 'em.

It still amazes me
how God protected us.

And I knew that day
the calling was real.

You know, leaving has never been
an option for the two of us.

MAN: But you're right
about one thing:

there's still a lot of work
that needs to be done here.

But most people are too worried
about themselves

to allow God
to work through them.





♪ What are you
Searching for today? ♪

♪ Is it a different life
Or a different way? ♪


♪ One more shot
Or another try ♪

♪ Just to feel satisfied
Yeah ♪


♪ I know this world
Has got you down ♪

- ♪ World has got you down ♪
- ♪ Yeah ♪

♪ Let me show you
What I've found ♪

♪ Show you what I've found ♪

♪ Sail away with me ♪

♪ Come and see the pleasures
That are waiting ♪

♪ That are waiting... ♪

♪ Sail away with me ♪

♪ You will see there's
something better waiting ♪

♪ And it's waiting ♪

♪ On the other side ♪


♪ No more masquerades
And lies ♪


♪ I can see it in your eyes ♪

♪ No doubt
You need an escape ♪

♪ From the problems
In your life ♪

♪ Well, you can leave 'em all
Behind, yeah ♪

♪ You can leave 'em
All behind ♪

♪ This crazy world
Has got you ♪

- ♪ Down, yeah ♪
- ♪ Has got you down ♪

♪ Let me show you
what I've found ♪

♪ Yeah, yeah ♪

♪ Sail away with me ♪

♪ Come and see the pleasures
That are waiting ♪

♪ That are waiting... ♪

♪ Sail away with me
And you will see ♪

♪ There's something
Better waiting ♪

♪ And it's waiting ♪

♪ On the other side ♪

♪ On the other side, yeah ♪

♪ On the other side ♪


♪ Sail away with me ♪

♪ Come and see the pleasures
That are waiting... ♪



Emma, you can't fit me
into this.

What if you're wrong?

About Africa,

about God...

all of this.

Well, then I've lost nothing.


How can you say your
entire life is nothing?


Do you trust me?


If you were falling,

and I said that I would catch
you, would you believe me?

Yes, Emma.

It's the same with God.

You have to believe
that He will catch you.

And if He doesn't catch you?

How do you believe
in Him then?

What's wrong, Logan?

Why are you
so angry at God?

Forget it.


I like you.

A lot.

But you have
to understand that...

God is first in my life.

He changed me, and you should
be glad about that.

If you can't, I-I understand.
I mean,

I won't like it,
but I will understand.


I'm sorry.

I just don't like thinking
about you leaving.

Think I do?


you know the mission
stuff that I do?

Would you come do
some of it with me?

I had a great time
today, Emma.

Your friends were great.

I just don't know
about that stuff.

Can you have
a little faith, in me?

Yeah, whatever.

Let's save the world.


As long as you promise to never
do that little dance again.

W... You don't like
my victory dance?

No. I'm sorry.

- You got a deal, tough guy.




Well, if it's not
my young pizza friend.

Figured out who
you are yet?

I'm working on it, old man.

Can I get you something to eat?

Well, if you're getting
something for yourself,

I like those little gummy bears,

the mixed kind.

Gummy bears? Really?


I like these
little green ones.

So, tell me this,

how can God love
someone like me?

That's 'cause
you're His creation,

His child.

He loves you
like a newborn babe.

But you have no idea

all the bad things I've done,

the pain I've caused.

That's right,
I don't.

But I do know what
God has done for you,

what He wants for you.

What can I do for God?

It's not about what you can
or can't do for His love.

It's about your faith in Him,

who He is in your life.

How does faith change anything?

With faith, you'll seek,

and you'll find God.

Once you find God,

everything changes,

not because it has to,

but because you want it to.

You want to do things His way.

Sounds like I have
a lot of work to do.

You know,

all of these are
really just the same.



♪ Arise
There's a new way to live ♪

♪ Thought we were livin' ♪

♪ But that's not
What we've been ♪

♪ We've been breathing out
We've been breathing in ♪

♪ But the question remains
Have we ever truly lived? ♪


♪ There's more than one way
A man can lose his life ♪

♪ Might have a heartbeat
But nothing left inside ♪

♪ Prayed a prayer,
Maybe bent a knee ♪

♪ But he never walked
With Jesus ♪

♪ He never got free, oh ♪

♪ Arise,
There's a new way to live ♪

♪ Thought we were living ♪

♪ But that's not
What we've been ♪

♪ We've been breathing out
We've been breathing in ♪

♪ But the question remains
Have we ever truly lived? ♪


♪ A woman, too,
Can know the death that ♪

♪ Steals her soul
But not her breath ♪

♪ Her heart gets broken... ♪

Hey. You know, you're right.

About what?



I mean what matters.

Well, get used to it.

- Okay. [CHUCKLES]


Oh, no.


I'm sorry.

It's too far.

It's too far.

Get in the car.

Where are we going?

Logan, where are we going?
What's happening?

It's Hayden, Emma!

If he wants it this bad,
he's got it.

Well, then he's won
and you've lost.

What are you talking about?

He wants a reaction like this.

This is exactly what he wants.

That's easy for you to say
when it's not your car.

Okay. You're right.

Look, we grew up in two
totally different worlds.

I didn't have
your perfect family,

your perfect childhood.

I can't let this go.

I'm not asking you
to let it go.

I'm saying look
at how you're handling it.

You're right.
We didn't grow up the same way,

but I'm here, aren't I?
I'm trying to understand.

- What would you have me do?
- It doesn't matter.

Just go find Hayden.
Go fight.

Look who it is.

What's up, buddy?

You look upset.

You ready to take on that fight?

It's not gonna happen, Hayden.

I'm not about this anymore.

I don't care about you,
your girlfriend,

or your dead dad.

I don't even care
if God Almighty Himself

told you not to fight.

Keep getting worse

until you get
in that cage with me.

Are we about to have
another problem?

We're done here.

You know, your boy
spray-painted my Jeep.




What is it?

I'm just really happy

and proud.

About what?

About you being a bigger
person than Hayden

and making
a better choice.

And... about you and me.


I'm happy, too.

Hey. You did
the right thing.

Yeah, but what about all
the bad things I've done?

We've all
done bad things.

I'm pretty sure you've
never done anything bad.

I never said that.

Okay, what is it?


I've made
my share of mistakes.



A lot.

And... partied.

So, let me get this straight.

My sweet little churchgoing,

African missionary,
queen of the tubes

was once a bad girl?

In another life.

And what business
is it of yours anyway?

Who says I'm yours?

So when are
you gonna ask me?

Ask what?

Well, tomorrow's Sunday.


And I know where
you go every Sunday.

Are you asking
to come to church with me?


I'm waiting for you to ask
me to go to church with you.

All right. Sure.

Logan Chandler,

will you come
to church with me?







♪ Who's the one ♪

♪ That hears my voice ♪

♪ And I don't even
Have to speak ♪

♪ And who's the one ♪

♪ That lifts me up ♪

♪ And sets me on my feet ♪

♪ When I'm troubled ♪

♪ And confused... ♪

I'm not really sure
what I'm supposed to do.

I'll let you know
when it's about to happen.

Make sure
you're paying attention.

Wait, what?

I'm just kidding. Relax.

You don't have to do anything.

Welcome, everyone. Thank you
for being with us this morning.

Uh, would you please join me in
prayer as we begin the service.

Father, we thank You
for the wonderful opportunity

that You've given to us today
to be assembled in Your name.

We endeavor, Lord, to bring
honor and glory to You

through our prayer,
our praises and our preaching,

that You might be glorified
and that, Father,

through Christ,
our soul might be satisfied.

We pray and ask these things
in the name of Jesus.


I want to ask you
a question this morning:

who are you?

And by that, I mean
what defines you?

I didn't ask you
what you do for a living,

I didn't ask you what
your name is,

but who are you?

That's an important question
because psychology

tells us today that we are
the sum total

of all of our decisions.

Our personality... who we are...

is defined by our past,

so I am a product of my past.

And because the past
can't be changed,

then who I am cannot be changed.

I'm in an inescapable dilemma.

This leads us to the cultural
experience that we have today

where people
are excusing themselves

and their behavior and
explaining away who they are

by simply relying
on the adage that

it's the way I was raised,
it's what I've known,

it's what I've been exposed to.

But that is not
what the scripture tells us.

That is not
what Jesus came to do.

The Bible states plainly
that it was for freedom,

that Jesus came to set us free.

And through His sacrifice
we can have a new life.

We can have freedom in Christ
if we turn to Him.

Just like Saul
when he encountered Christ

on the road to Damascus.
He was so radically changed,

so forever
and eternally changed,

that he later wrote in his
epistle to the Philippians

that the things that he thought
that once defined him

were now considered rubbish,

and the things that he thought
inspired him was now meaningless

compared to his new relationship
with Christ.

Saul had become a new man
with a new identity

and everything about him

was radically
and eternally changed.

♪ Who's the one ♪


♪ That hears my voice ♪

♪ And I don't even
have to speak ♪

♪ And who's the one ♪

♪ That lifts me up ♪

♪ And sets me on my feet ♪

♪ When I'm troubled ♪

♪ And confused ♪

♪ Who's the one ♪

♪ That I run to ♪

♪ The one who
spoke the universe ♪

♪ Into the void
of the night... ♪

So we close this service
with this invitation,

asking the same question
as we asked in the beginning:

who are you?

Because of what Christ
has done today,

because you understand
what He's done

in bearing our sin,
punishment on the cross,

because of his resurrection
and his offer of forgiveness,

you can have a new beginning.
You can have a new identity.

You can be a new creation.

Christ will give to you what
He gave to Paul: a new start,

a new purpose, a new life.

But you have to be willing
to turn from your old identity

and your old way of life

and turn to Christ in faith.

And He can do that
for you today.

The question is will you turn?


♪ There's only one
That I will worship ♪

♪ Only one who gives me hope ♪

♪ And only one
That I will wait for ♪

♪ Until the day
He calls me home ♪

♪ The one who
Spoke the universe ♪

♪ Into the void of the night ♪

♪ Made the waters part ♪

♪ And hung the moon up ♪

♪ In the sky ♪

♪ Called my name
When I was running... ♪


Now what?

What do you mean?

I want to be serious about this.

I want to take God seriously.

I just don't know
where to start.


Start here.

This was my first Bible,
and it was my dad's.

Emma, this is too much.

No, it's...
it's not about who owned it

or how nice it is.

It's about what's inside,

and it would really mean a lot
to me for you to have it.

Thank you.




It's those love scenes.

They're so fake.

What do you mean?

Two people meet,

the whole world stops,

and all their problems

You don't think
the world stops

when people fall in love?


My world kind of changed
when I met you.

No, it didn't.

Oh, yes, it did, Logan.

When everything
stopped, my...

I forgot my family
and my dreams.

I-I almost forgot my name.

I can't go on without you.


You got me.

What about the fight scenes
in that movie?

Okay, the guy gets hit,
like, a hundred times,

and then he gets up and
beats up another ten guys?

- Yeah. That's supposed
- to be believable?

I don't know.

It's fun to watch.

But it's nothing like
the real thing.

I guess...

I don't understand why someone

would get into a cage and fight.

It's not about

getting in the cage to fight.

We all fight.


We all fight the same thing.

It's that thing

that's inside of you.

It just follows you,
all the time.

You can't explain it.

It tells you can't do this.

It tells you you're not
strong enough to do this,

you won't make it.

Sometimes it hits you so hard...

that you have no idea how you're
gonna turn the lights back on.

So, then...

why did you stop?

My dad was the best.

You know,
that wasn't enough.

I had to be the best.

He pushed me.

The one time I push back...

...he has a heart attack
and dies.

Logan, I'm so sorry.

I had no idea.

It's all right.

You need to know.

You want to
come in for a while?

I want to.

But I should probably
go talk to Mason

about some of this stuff.


Want me to
walk you in?

I'm a big girl,




- Stop.

Listen to me. I need you to
give your boyfriend a message.

Tell him to fight.

Tell him,

or I will come back here,

and I will finish this.

It can get a whole lot worse.




Okay, Ms. Johnson.

We're about finished
here tonight.

We've done all we can do.

I've had officers checking
the neighborhood.

They didn't come up
with anything.

This report's going
to be forwarded

to our Criminal
Investigations Division.

They'll be getting out with
you within a few days.

What about Hayden?

She said she knew it was him.

He's been at
the gym all night.

He's got an alibi.

Ms. Johnson,
we'll go ahead and place

an extra patrol
on your residence.

I'll have an officer
swing by every few hours,

make sure
everything's okay.

Somebody will be in touch.

I'm sorry.

It's okay.

Stay here.

Where are you going to go?

I'll be back in a bit.
Stay here.

Where are you going?


Move your head.
Keep your chin down.

Good. Run the double.
Run the double.

Good. Pressure.


I told you I'd k*ll you
if you ever touched her.

- Stop, Logan. That's enough.
- Get off me. Get off me.

- That's enough.
- Get off.

- Why won't you fight?
- I'll fight.

It's not gonna happen here,

I want that money, baby.

That's what it's going to take?


Ask him how he got me to fight.

Ask him about Emma.

You been lying to me
this whole time?

I do what you couldn't do.

I got your brother to fight.

Oh, and one more thing.

I don't need you anymore,

I'm out.

You just going to walk?

You little punk. I'm the one
that made you a fighter.

All right, God.

Show me something.

"Then the man said,

"Your name will no longer
be Jacob, but Israel,

"because you have struggled
with God

and with humans
and have overcome."

New man, new name.

It's funny.

MASON: You come to tell me
you were right about Hayden?

You want to rub it
in my face a little?

That's not why I'm here.

So what do you think?

About what?

Me fighting Hayden.

On paper, there's no way
you can win.

Since he lost to you
two years ago,

he's on a ten-fight
win streak.

Not one of his has been
to a decision.

They're all finished
by knockout or TKO.

I don't even think anybody's
been to the third round.

He's a good striker.

Good wrestler, good jiu-jitsu.

On top of that, he's a psycho,
and he wants to hurt you.

I think you're going
to get k*lled.

Yeah, you're probably right.

That's why I need your help.

You trained him.
You know him.

You can get me ready
for this fight.

So no more of this,
"I'm not fighting."

I'll help you.

I'm not going to lie,
I've always wanted to see you

k*ll this guy.

It's not about k*lling him.

It's about stopping him.

What he does to people.

Can you help me do that?

I can.

But we've only got two weeks,

and he is coming to hurt you.

We got to end it.







Good. One more.

Come on, man.

You got a fight coming up,
you got no focus.

Where's your head?

Do you think I k*lled Dad?

Of course not.

[SIGHS] Logan,
you can't blame that on yourself.

All this time...

I was mad.

Mad at myself.

Mad at Dad.

Mad at God.

I took it out on you.

Logan, you're my brother.

I love you.
Nothing's gonna change that.

Come on.

Let's get you ready
to smoke this clown.

- Let me see it.
- No.

Stop being a baby.

- You've seen it.
- Okay.

I don't understand
why your brother

- has to hit you like this.
- It's part of it.

- It happens.
- How?

He hates me. He's abusive,
and he hits me all the time.

That's not funny, Logan.

What if it's worse next time?

I guess we'll need more ice.


Well, young man.

You're up nice and early.

It's a long way from
the gas station, old man.

How you been?


How are you?

Let's see.

I'm dating a beautiful girl.

I have peace with my brother.

And I'm seeking God.

You tell me.

I think God wants
the very best for you.

How do I know what God
wants me to do with my life?

Well, look around.

What's happening around?

Talk to Him.

Study His Word.

It's a lot easier
than you think.

You'll know.

What does God say
about fighting?

Young man,
God has always had fighters.


Men like Joshua and David.

Men who fought for God,
for His people.

Men who God fought through.

So God's okay with me fighting?

No, God don't care if you fight.

God don't care
if a man's black or white,

rich or poor.

What God cares about...

is in a man's heart.

And that fight, young man,

the fight that's in all men,

it's their fight with God.

Is He real?

Does He love me?

Why do I need Him?

All those type of questions.

Questions they use to try
and reject him.

That fight, young man,

only ends when a man
surrenders to Him.

Who are you?


I'm just an old man.


To fight here is to...



Raise your hands
for the 170-pound division.

Go, Richter!

- Go!



Oh! Yeah!

About ready?

- You good?
- Yeah.

How you feeling?

Oh, well,
you know the plan, right?

- Yeah.
- Yeah.

Oh. All right,
keep your fingers open.

Why do you think we fight?

What do you mean?

Everything we could have done.

We ended up being fighters. Why?

Well, I think it's in our blood.

Dad was a fighter,
I'm a fighter.

You're a fighter, too.

So you think
people are responsible

for their choices they make?


Look, I know it wasn't an easy
decision to take this fight,

but you're doing
the right thing.

I know you've faced a lot
of tough choices lately,

and I want you
to know something.

I'm proud of you.

Dad was here, he would be, too.

All right, remember,
first round,

establish your jab,
make him come after you.

He'll overcommit
and make mistakes.

You'll be open
to counter, okay?

Don't go crazy
in the first.


I'll give you
a few minutes.

When I get back,
no more distractions, all right?

Mason said he'd go to church
with us if I survive tonight.

It's not funny, Logan.

What do you think?

Well, I'm trying not to.

It's gonna be okay.

You keep saying that.

What's the verse?

If God's for us,
who can be against us?

ANNOUNCER: Ladies and
gentleman, it is now time

for the Strikehard main event
of the evening.

- Three rounds of action

in the professional
middleweight division.

Introducing first... he wears
the red trunks with black trim.

At six feet even, he weighed in
at 184.5 pounds.

A wrestler and striker

with a perfect MMA record...
12 wins and no losses.

The son of the late
world heavyweight champion,

Rich "The Destroyer" Chandler...
Logan... Chandler!


And now,
introducing his adversary.

He wears the black trunks
with yellow trim.

At six feet even,
he weighed in at 185 pounds.

With an MMA record...
ten wins and just one loss...

the Strikehard
middleweight champion...

Hayden Dressler!


Fighters, to center.


Gentlemen, we covered
the rules earlier.

You know what to expect.

I want a clean fight,

Protect yourself at all times.

Listen to my instructions
at all times. Touch gloves.

To your corners.


Are you ready?

Are you ready?
Let's fight!


Slow down, Logan.

Slow it down!




Scramble, Logan. Move!





- COACH: There you go. Pressure.

Pressure. Pour it on!

Move! Don't lay

on your back. Move!

Move! Control his hands.
Logan, get off your back!



There you go.

There you go. Pressure.

- Come on!




Are you good?



Hey, look at me.

- Can you see okay?
- COACH: You really want to

hurt him, we need to be sticking
to the game plan. Bury him.

Well, started off good,

then you got hemmed up
on the fence.

He's gonna keep doing that.

You've got to move,
you've got to counter him.

Do you understand? You have
to move, you have to counter.

Stick to what we
planned. Get up.





Get off the fence.
Logan, get off the fence!









What are you doing, Logan?



Your daddy's not
in your corner anymore.


HOMELESS MAN: Young man,
God has always had fighters, warriors.

Men who fought for God,
for His people.

Men who God fought through.




Stay relaxed.
Stay relaxed.



Yeah, that's it!



He's hurt!

He's hurt! Stay with him!





Yeah, put him away!

My dad might not be
in my corner.


But my God is.

Clearly a win

by TKO victory...

Logan Chandler!




♪ I found myself stumbling
All around ♪

♪ Looking for something ♪

♪ Searching a product
That can't be found ♪

♪ All of the thoughts inside
Controlling all of my mind ♪

♪ Trying to get some peace
And my worries to coincide ♪

♪ Tried to find it in pearls,
Tried to find it in girls ♪

♪ Tried to find a whole lot,
And it fit inside of my world ♪

♪ Fighting all
Of the pressure ♪

♪ That's saying
I'm so much lesser ♪

♪ Shelter from cold weather ♪

♪ I'm searching
For something better, huh ♪

♪ Fighting for a living,
That's the real me ♪

♪ Money, power and women
Wouldn't heal me ♪

♪ Man, this freedom
Has a price I couldn't see ♪

♪ Now, I know
It takes a heart ♪

♪ I'll surrender
To the real heat ♪

♪ Fighting for a living,
That's the real me ♪

♪ Money, power and women
Wouldn't heal me ♪

♪ Man, this freedom has a price
I couldn't see ♪

♪ Not just fighting
For myself ♪

♪ But I'm fighting
For the King ♪


You thought this was a date?

I'll throw in.
I-I got money.


Do I come to your house?



He's out of control.

Out of control?
He's not the...



All right, step back.

EMMA: Like if a person
shattered a glass door.

It'd be wrong to do it,

but you could justify
it because he was angry?

You were there?


Yeah, one more.

- Okay, anger. Aah. Aah.
- MAN: Fired up. Fired up.

- MAN: Action!
- One, two.


See him?

Get his workout? Hmm?



I know you've faced a lot
of tough choices lately,

and I want you
to know something.

I'm proud of you.

If Dad was here,
he would be, too.

But he's not,
'cause you k*lled him, so...


Gonna take a while.


♪ I tried to do it
Like the other guys ♪

♪ That's when I realized it ♪

♪ Wouldn't ease
The pain of mine ♪

♪ I could only ease my mind
And meet the great divine ♪

♪ When I'm letting go
of every bit of pride ♪

♪ Obstacles getting in my way ♪

♪ Messing up my day,
Man, I got to sit and pray ♪

♪ Standing strong
With temptations in my face ♪

♪ I know I'm never perfect,
But I'm living by His grace ♪

♪ Fighting for a living,
That's the real me ♪

♪ Money, power and women
Wouldn't heal me ♪

♪ Man, this freedom
Has a price I couldn't see ♪

♪ Now,
I know it takes a heart ♪

♪ I'll surrender
To the real heat ♪

♪ Fighting for a living,
That's the real me ♪

♪ Money, power and women
Wouldn't heal me ♪

♪ Man, this freedom has a price
I couldn't see ♪

♪ Not just fighting for myself,
But I'm fighting for the king ♪

♪ Moment of silence,
For future's raising ♪

♪ Hello his guidance ♪

♪ Don't need no man in the sky
'Cause I made a generation ♪

♪ And that's a statement,
You worry about condemnation ♪

♪ You take a breath
And you sweat ♪

♪ And you're feeling
That condensation ♪

♪ Got to ask myself,
Do I really know my purpose? ♪

♪ Did I really know my worth? ♪

♪ Like, do I really
Know those verses? ♪

♪ Should I be searching? ♪

♪ My life is spinning
Like circus ♪

♪ I should be yearning ♪

♪ For holy service
Like churches ♪

♪ Your Holy Father,
The master, a shining author ♪

♪ I'm needing
all of the guidance ♪

♪ The world has
A lot to offer ♪

♪ You see, I need the sermon ♪

♪ What if I was your servant? ♪

♪ It's sad,
but I don't think I have ♪

♪ What it takes to be perfect ♪

♪ I want to be transformed,
Renew another mind ♪

♪ And I know the other side is
Fitting for my demise ♪

♪ And I got to know the
Answers, see it in my eyes ♪

♪ No proving the Adam dance,
That's doing it for the vine ♪

♪ Fighting for a living,
That's the real me ♪

♪ Money, power and women
Wouldn't heal me ♪

♪ Man, this freedom
Has a price I couldn't see ♪

♪ Now, I know
It takes a heart ♪

♪ I'll surrender
To the real heat ♪

♪ Fighting for a living,
That's the real me ♪

♪ Money, power and women
Wouldn't heal me ♪

♪ Man, this freedom has a price
I couldn't see ♪

♪ Not just fighting for myself,
But I'm fighting for the King ♪

♪ Fighting for a living,
That's the real me ♪

♪ Money, power and women
Wouldn't heal me ♪

♪ Man, this freedom
Has a price I couldn't see ♪

♪ Now, I know
It takes a heart ♪

♪ I'll surrender
To the real heat ♪

♪ Fighting for a living,
That's the real me ♪

♪ Money, power and women
wouldn't heal me ♪

♪ Man, this freedom has a price
I couldn't see ♪

♪ Not just fighting for myself,
but I'm fighting for the King ♪

♪ Fighting for a living,
that's the real me ♪

♪ Money, power and women
wouldn't heal me ♪

♪ Man, this freedom
has a price I couldn't see ♪

♪ Now, I know it takes a heart ♪

♪ I'll surrender
to the real heat ♪

♪ Fighting for a living,
that's the real me ♪

♪ Money, power and women
wouldn't heal me ♪

♪ Man, this freedom has a price
I couldn't see ♪

♪ Not just fighting for myself,
but I'm fighting for the King ♪

♪ Fighting for a living,
that's the real me ♪

♪ Money, power and women
wouldn't heal me ♪

♪ Man, this freedom
has a price I couldn't see ♪

♪ Now, I know
It takes a heart ♪

♪ I'll surrender
To the real heat ♪

♪ Fighting for a living,
that's the real me ♪

♪ Money, power and women
Wouldn't heal me ♪

♪ Man, this freedom has a price
I couldn't see ♪

♪ Not just fighting
For myself ♪

♪ But I'm fighting
For the King. ♪


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