Masked Saint, The (2016)

Easter, Religious/Spiritual Movie Collection.

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Masked Saint, The (2016)

Post by bunniefuu »


- Would you like me to introduce
you to your son, considering

you haven't been home in a week?
I haven't seen you

since the end of the month,
where have you been?!

- I am getting so sick of this!
- I do tell people

that I'm a single mother,
you know why? 'Cause you're

never here! There is no point

to us anymore! There's...
Like, why are you even home?!

- Is this all you gonna do?
Is this all you gonna do?!

I don't wanna be here anymore,
we're done. We're through!

- Hey, Dad, I gotta...
- Not now, Chris, I gotta go.

Don't give your mother
any grief, you hear?

[Engine starts]

- Christopher! Come
do your chores!

[chanting by kids]

- [all]: Fight! Fight!
Fight! Fight!

- You want more, runt?

You can't take it,
you're so small!

- Ugh! Stop it, Mike!

[grunt and cry of pain]

- [slow motion]: Don't get up!

- Here we are in the WFW
wrestling main event

against the Gladiator of Good
and the Burly Beast.

There's an arm twist,
elbow knock,

and the Beast gets him
into a neck hold!

The Gladiator
reverses on the Beast,

sending him into the corner!

- Uh-oh! The Gladiator
does his drop toehold!

The Gladiator of Good can
basically go straight

to the winner's circle.
This is one of the most

devastating submission moves!

Legs can be broken this way!

Kids, don't try this at home!

- Well, if it isn't

the runt!
- Ugh! Leave me alone, Mike!

- Ha! Do you hear that?
The piglet speaks!


[cracking and cries of pain]



Let's get outta here.

[small explosions]


[grunts of effort]


- Hehe! Hey, Chris,

what's goin' on, man?
- Hey, Iceman!

Hey, how are you?
- I'm good!

- Good! Hey, who's the bright
ray of sunshine over there?

- Oh, that guy?
That's one of Nicky's

new guys. He goes by the name

"The Reaper"!

- That's impressive.

- Hey, at least
you're going out on top!

- Yeah! It's, uh... nice
Nicky let me keep it, though.

- Nicky? Nicky Stone

is a soulless conman

who's so backstabbing
and two-faced

that he has to...
- " wear his glasses

at the back of his head!"
You need new material, there,

partner! How you doin'?
Nice to see ya.

- Good to see you!
- Can I speak with you a second?

- Sure.
- Good. Not busy, are you?

- No.
- Come over here, listen, bud.

I got you with Jake
the Giant k*ller. So,

if you could, like, go about

that'd be great.
- Nicky... Nicky, I...

I don't wanna lose.
- Go do your job.

[big sigh]

- Nicky.

- Nice to see you.
Listen, I really need you

to reconsider my offer.

I mean, go home and just think
about it. We need our knight

in shining armor...
- Told you, Nicky;

I'm done.
- God...


Praise be, you have
a higher calling, now!

I hope you have as much
fun behind the pulpit

as you had in the ring, Pastor.

'Cause I'm the guy
who put you in the ring.

And there's another thing.


the bad guy's gotta win.

Like tonight.

- Nicky...!
- Nicky, nothing.

You are under contract, OK?

That means if you don't do
what the promoter says,

that's breach of contract.
Breach of contract;

I sue you. Look at me

when I'm talking
to you. That means

I sue you!

Why give all that money
to the lawyers? That's...

That's silly!

- Daddy!
- Care Bear, come here!

- Hey! She just
had to see you.

- Jen.
- It's Michelle.

- Of course it is,
yeah. And Casey!

- It's Carrie.
And the Saint is the best

wrestler ever!

- And on that note,

I think I'll go
see the next fight.

Excuse me, Jen.

You're gonna have
such a good time.

- AAH!!
[metal loudly clanking]

- Yeah...

- Here we are at the WFW

Wrestling main event
of the evening!

The Saint has been
on a farewell tour ever since

his retirement, and tonight

is his very last match AND

what an opponent he has.
New to the canvas,

at 7 feet tall and 300 pounds,

the Reaper!

[bell, heartbeat and grunt]

[whistles in the crowd]

Woah! The Saint baseball slides

right into...! One, two...
Oh! That was close!

- This is awesome!
Reverse slam him!

[impact and groan]
- And the Reaper

brandishes the Saint
with a low blow! That one

will definitely
slow him down. Oh!

That was just brutal!

[hard impact]
The Reaper is not letting up!

He has no first match jitters.

Oh! Into the turnbuckle
goes the Saint!

He is strugglin'!

- Take it easy, bro!
We got 2 minutes left,

don't spend it all upfront!

- The only thing spent is you,
'cause I'm coming for that belt.

[two hard impacts]

Reaper! Reaper!

- [others]: Reaper! Reaper!
- Hear, the crowd is starting

to cheer for the Reaper!

[long cry]

[loud impact]
Oh, this is not how the Saint

wanted to go out!

- It's... it's OK, sweetie,
it's just... it's just acting,

remember? I told you.
It's just acting...

- Yeah!

- The Reaper certainly
has the Saint

against the ropes...
- Good night, Saint!

- and is dragging him
into the middle of the ring

for what could be
a signature move!

[double impact]
Oh yeah!

Oh, that dropped knee looked
like a world of hurt

for the Saint!

And here goes the suplex!

Oh! The Saint got
a couple of knees in!

And a reverse small package!
One, two...

Oh, but the Reaper breaks out!


Halfway, a drop kick!

It looks like the Saint
has found his second wind!

[hard impact]

Oh, that was an amazing move,
ladies and gentlemen!

The first time the Reaper's
on the canvas today!

The Reaper just caught
the Saint in a flying cross!

- AH!
[cracking and impact]

- The faith breaker!

- Dad just did
the faith breaker!

- Leave it to the Saint!
He just pulled off

another miracle!

Listen to that crowd, folks!
They love the man in white!

- What are you
doing, Christopher?

- They're chantin' his name now!
- [all]: Saint! Saint! Saint!

- Daddy, watch out!

- Oh, man! The Reaper throws
the Saint across the ring! Oh!

It looks like this match
isn't over.

The Reaper grabs
the Saint's left leg!

- What's happenin'? What's
happenin'? What's happenin'?

- Let him go! Let him go!
- No mercy!

- No-no-no-no-no!!

[loud cracking and loud cry]

- Daddy!

[whistling and booing]

- That's not right.

[bell ringing]

- Ah!

Ladies and gentlemen,

and the winner!

WFW champion:

The Reaper! The Reaper!

- Hey, hey, hey!

Is he OK? What's wrong?
What happened?

[mellow music]


[birds chirping]

- Do we want
the lampshades or no?

- Honey, they're
attached to the wall!

- Not if you want it,
it won't be!

- Maybe leave them
for the new owners

so they can have
a little light too?

- Your loss, Mom.

- Aha!

The last bedroom box standing.

- I think most of
the stuff, we can donate.

Right, Piper?
Pipes agrees.

Go get Carrie!

- Your leg gonna
make the trip OK?

- Ah...
- Oh, Chris!

- Leg's come a long way.
- One good thing

came out of all of this.
It's that the Reaper

will never wrestle again.

Nicky saw to that.
- Nicky...

And now, you have got
a congregation to lead.

- You ready for
Westside Baptist?

- I'm ready for the church...

I don't know if
I'm ready for Michigan.

- You know, when I interviewed
with the search committee,

they accurately described it
as the wrong side of the tracks.

- Well, we will go
where the good Lord

sends us, even though Florida
would've been a bit warmer.

- Michelle, the, uh...

last pastor only
lasted 3 months.

One before him, 7. There were
threats made by local gangs...

- Local gangs and the church
isn't doing so well, I know.

The Lord never gives us
more than we can handle.

In the interview, they said they
wanted a fighter, didn't they?

- Literally or figuratively?

- I think in your case, they're
getting a little bit of both.

- Got it!
- [Michelle]: Oh...

- She gets that from you!


- Here you go, Piper.

Mom, where are we?

- Doesn't look that bad!
- Gotta trust His plan, right?

- Yeah!
- Yeah.

- Are we there, yet?
- Soon, Carrie.

Right, hon?
- I...

think so...
- You think so or you know?

- Uh... that's a "think so."

I don't really know
where we're going.

- Nice guy, thinks he can drive
in the middle of the road!

Ask and ye shall receive.

- [Carrie]: It looks huge.

Come on, Piper, we're here!

Can you believe it?!

- You're good?
- Yeah, yeah.

- Alright.
- Pastor Chris,

Mrs. Samuels,
welcome to Westside!

Come on in! Hi!

Hi, I'm Tim McDonald,
Westside's treasurer.

- [Chris]: Takes me a little
while, sorry about that.

- Hello, Mr. Treasurer!
- Hello! You must be Carrie!

Hi, I'm Tim.
- Hi, nice to meet you.

- Nice to meet you.
- Can I go play in the snow?

- Oh, I... Is she
alright in the courtyard?

- Absolutely!
- Of course, sweetie.

I'll be out in a second.
- OK!

- OK, let's go!

- Oh, wow!

It's beautiful.
- Yeah.

- Let me introduce you to...
Is everything OK?

- Yeah, everything's fine, Tim.

- Perfect, actually.
- Fantastic, then.

Let me introduce
you to Mrs. Beasley,

our choir leader
and finance chairperson.

- Oh, he's younger
than I thought he'd be!

And all bunged up too!

- My wife and I look forward to
working with you, Mrs. Beasley.

- No, only on Wednesdays.

- I'm sorry?
- Why?!

- Sorry, Chris,
Mrs. Beasley doesn't

understand things
so well anymore.

- That, there, is my organ.

- I hope you like
the sound of screeching cats,

'cause that's our choir.
They give a whole new meaning

to "make a joyful
noise to the Lord."

- I'm outta here.
- [chuckling]: Meow!

Judd Lumpkin.

You must be the new
pastor the search committee

was so hasty to approve
while I was away on business!

I hope you last
longer than the last two.

I do lighting.
- Uh, pardon me?

- I own Lumpkin Lighting.
Out, just in Tennessee

with a big-name rock band
that rhymes with "The Bones."

Yeah, we gave 'em a great show
for the tour. Pa-pa-pa-pa!!

You want tickets? I can get tickets!
- Uh, I don't think...

- Uh, Judd, Judd, this
is Pastor Chris Samuels

and his wife, Michelle.
- Nice to meet you, Mr. Lumpkin.

- Call me Judd,
unless we're in court!

[chuckling]: Saw your daughter
in the parking lot

with that little rat.
Needs to be on a leash.

- Oh, well... well,
she is and...

and Piper's actually
a really well-behaved dog.

- Oh yeah, well... I don't wanna tell you how
to run your church, Mrs. Samuels, no, no, no.

But I will! Haha! I'm the
chairman of the board, here!

And I'm also Westside's
biggest supporter.

- Well, I hope there's
a lot of church supporters.

- Not recently,
if you catch my drift.

- Yeah.
- The leg! How's the leg doing?

I mean, you look pretty fit otherwise.
You think you'd be ready for rec league?

- Rec league...?
- Oh, come on, wh...

God gave us the Bible
and basketball, son,

ya know?! Starts in a couple of
weeks and I need some fresh blood.

Nothin' wrong with the townies, here.
No offense, Tiny Tim. But you,

you look like an athlete, huh!
- Yeah, I just, uh... - Excellent! OK, Tim,

make sure they get to the house
alright. It's beautiful!

One of my investment properties
that I loan to the church.

One of the perks of being me!


- And that was Judd!

- That blowhard gone?

- Here's Westside's books;

Among other things, it shows

how behind we are
on maintenance,

a recent drop in attendance

and our tithes, which

we have very little of.

- We should change that.

- What are you thinking?
- Well, when I was in seminary,

they taught us when a pastor moves
into a new church, he should

go out in the neighborhood
and introduce himself.

Maybe bring in some new members.
- In THIS neighborhood?

Good luck with that!
- I think it's a great idea,

Chris, I will go with you.
Is there somewhere

we can leave Carrie?
At daycare, or..?

- Well, Mrs. Samuels,
you're looking

at the church board here.
We're a little understaffed.

- Well, maybe that's
something I can change.

- That would be
wonderful. In the meantime,

Miss Edna can look after Carrie
for you, she'd be delighted.

- Miss Edna?
- She's one of our church's

greatest supporters.
- Like Judd...?

- Oh, better than that Lumpkin!

- Some strange man

just called Piper a rat!

- Oh, come here,
sweetie, it's OK.

[dog whimpering]
- ♪ Have a little faith ♪

♪ Feel His mercy
and compassion ♪

♪ Have a little faith... ♪

- Is this the place?

- This is the address
Tim gave me.

- Oh!

Hello! Hello, Pastor Chris!
- Hello!

- I'm Miss Edna Clark; Everybody
likes to call me Miss Edna.

Please, come in, come in.
- Is it OK if the dog comes?

- Every creature is
welcome in my home.

- Thank you.
- Dollhouse! Cool!

- So you're saying the church

hasn't been able
to support itself in years?

- Well, Judd is the only
thing supporting that church.

But, unfortunately, Judd is also

the reason our congregation

has fallen to less than half.

Nobody can stand that man.

- Maybe Judd needs
an attitude adjustment.

- Chris! Um...
you'll have

to excuse my husband, Miss Edna,

sometimes, he forgets
he's a pastor now.

- My husband and I gave
everything we had

to Westside Baptist and,

when the pastorship opened
again, I asked Tim:

Please, Tim, find us a fighter!

- That was you!
- That was me.

You forgot your umbrella.
- Thank you.

- So, go find some lost souls.
- We will.

- Bye, guys!
- [everyone]: Bye!

- Let's go play with the dollhouse,
Miss Edna. - It's a deal, come on.

- Should we do this
the old school way?

- Door to door, baby.
- Ha!

I don't think it's gonna rain.

- I told you it would rain.

- Yeah.

Hi, I'm Pastor Chris, this is
my wife, Michelle. We're from

Westside Baptist. We're
having service on...

That was fun!

- There's bound to be
at least one family

around here that wants
to greet us!

- Yeah.

Hi, I'm Pastor Chris,
this is my wife

Michelle. We're
from Westside Baptist!

Hi, I'm Chris Samuels,
this is my wife, Michelle.

The new pastor, Westside
Baptist. We're just

in the neighborhood
and we thought that...

[sighing]: Well,
that was successful!

- Just means there is
still work to be done.

- No.

- What?
- My leg's k*lling me.

I just... it's just...
it's raining,

can we just... I'm spent.
Can we just call it a day?

- Have we really tried our best?

Hm? Miss Edna said
she wanted a fighter!

- [sighing]: OK, fine,

one more.

[little snicker from Michelle]

See? No one's home.

- I think someone's in there.

- Who are you?

- Hi, I'm Pastor Chris Samuels
and this is my...

- Hi! I'm Michelle and
this is my husband Chris.

He just became pastor
at Westside Baptist church.

- We don't go there anymore.
- That's OK,

we just wanted to introduce
ourselves to the neighborhood.

- Alright, then.

[music on the radio]

Come on and sit if you want.


This is Ashley.
- Hi, Ashley!

- Ash, can you say hi
to Pastor Chris

and Miss Michelle?
- Hi!

- Nice to meet you, Ashley.

You know, we have a little girl
about your age named Carrie.

Maybe we bring her by
to play sometime?

- I don't think
Ray would like that.

- Is Ray your husband?
- You know, this was a bad idea.

You better get going
before he comes back.

- Mindy, why don't you
come to the church?

- There are things we can talk about.
- Yeah, what kind of things,


- Hi, I'm Pastor Chris Samuels,
this is my wife Michelle.

- Yeah, I heard what you said
already. We ain't interested.

- Well... Mindy
seemed quite interested.

- Preacher man, you don't know
the first thing about Mindy...

or me. I think
you should leave, now.

- We were just going... Chris.

- If you change your mind,
door's always open.

- Not ours! You don't come
around here no more.

No one wants
what you're selling!

I didn't know we were

- I thought you were about to hit him.
- Almost did.

You saw the bruises! Someone...

someone needs to teach him
what that feels like. - Chris!

We're not going down
this road again.

You don't repay evil
with more evil.

This isn't the wrestling
ring anymore, come on.

Let's go get Carrie.

[organ music]

- [not very harmoniously]:
♪♪ What a friend ♪

♪ We have in Jesus ♪

♪ All our sins
and griefs to bear ♪

♪ And what a privilege
to carry ♪

♪ Everything to God in prayer ♪♪

- Thank you, Mrs. Beasley,

that was lovely.
- [coughing]: Screeching cats!


- Ahem!

Um, I'd like to thank
everyone for, uh,

coming to my first
sermon. Today,

I would like to begin
by talking about,

um... no, not that one...

uh... faith!

Yes, faith. You see, uh,

faith is, uh...

Faith is what led me
to this wonderful place.

Um, faith is what
we have to have to

be one with God.

Uh, without faith,
we would be lost.

Faith is what gets us through.

Faith is good...

and it's... faith!


Um... See, faith is...

Faith is great!

- Alright, Care Bear...

let's make this a daycare.

- We have a lot of work to do.

- [choir]:
♪ God in prayer ♪

- Go get 'em!

- I know I've been talking
a lot about faith, lately,

but, uh, there's a lot of
faithless people out there,

they need to be more faithful.
So, today, let's talk

about faith, again!
- He's getting better, sweetie.

- Faith is... "I love you, dad."

"I love you, dad."
I love you too, Carrie!

Uh, my daughter, she's
so sweet. She always puts

little things like this in my...

my sermons and then,
I can't find my notes.

- [Michelle]: So if we could
just try to put everything

over on this wall.

Then, set up the carpet

over there.
- Sounds good!

- You know, there was
a funny story about faith

that, ah... Wait, there's
actually nothing funny,

I'm sorry, that was...
Wrong story!

Um, faith... faith is, uh...

[sound of organ]
It's faith, you know?

- This is gonna be amazing!
Thank you.

- Ooh! And faith is, uh...

- [quietly]: Don't go. Don't go!

- important, folks,
because it's...

the heart. The heart
is so good, uh...

And that's why I'm here, right?
'Cause... 'cause we need faith!

- Ugh!

- Thanks for coming.

Thank you for com...
- God be with you.

- Thanks for coming, Judd.

- Wow! I broke it,
I bought it, huh?!

- The roof; It's not
gonna fix itself

with a tithing
so low, right Tim?

- No, it'll get fixed by your
associates again, Judd. Twice, now.

- Nice going!

- I'm hoping that your jump shot is
a lot better than your preaching.

The leg, it's good? Maybe you
got some basketball tomorrow?

- Oh no, I think...
- I'd love to.

- Hey, excellent! I've got
an idea which you might

lead us with in a team prayer.

Gotta have
a little faith! Ha ha ha!

Right?! You seem
to know about that,

am I right?
- Oh, shut it, Judd.

The boy is new,
we have to give him some time.

- Miss Edna.
- Mm-hm.

- Have a nice day, all.
- Thanks for that.

- The sermon was wonderful.

- Really?
- Yes, it really was.

- Which part?
- Well,

the part where you're
going to stay with us.

- Miss Edna...

I'm losin' em, the congregation.
- No.

No, you will get them back.

You will get them back.

I want you to have this.

To help with your sermons.

- Yes, ma'am.
- You healed your leg,

but I want you to remember

that the heart
can be healed too.

- Yes, ma'am.
- Can I take you outside,

Miss Edna?
- Oh yes, please.


- Do you ever get the feeling
that something else is happening

right in front of you...

and you have no idea what it is?

- Every day I spend
with you, Pastor.

Come on.

- Let's go.
[water dripping]

[running shoe squeaks
and shouting]

- Come on, Westside!
- Come on, Tim!

- Oh! Oh!

- Oh, for Pete's sake, Tim,
you wanna play zones?

Cover your man! Get out.
Samuels, you're in.

Get out. Don't
get comfortable, Harper!

- I never am, baby, I never am!
- Come on! Here we go!

- Thank you!
- What, what, what?!

[grunting and yelling]

- Oh! Woah!
- Walking foul!

[loud arguing]

- You're gonna do that?!
- It's OK, lot of time left.

- You guys are pathetic! What,
are you made of cardboard?!

Stand up like a man...
- Judd, I have had enough

of your attitude.
You need to step off!

You need to step out!
You're acting like a child!

- It's embarrassing out here!

- Looks like Judd
is speaking his mind.

- Oh! If Judd actually
spoke his mind,

he really wouldn't
have a lot to say!


- Count it. That's 3

the hard way, baby. Woo! Ha ha!

- 'Cause you're a cop, don't
think you get away with m*rder!

- Detective, baby!
- You're goin' down!

- Detective... D-2-3.
I got four!

Take that! Take that! Let's go!

- Knock 'em down!
Knock 'em down!


- Set up!

- Gimme that ball!

- Judd! I got the court!

- What is wrong with you,
Samuels, you were wide open!

- Why don't you worry about
a rebound, sometime, Judd?

- You worry about your jumpin',
don't talk to me about defense!

You wife is porous as a sponge!

- What'd you say about my wife?
- Porous as a sponge!

A sponge! A little tiny sponge!
Hey, if I'm wrong,

it'd be the first time!



- Get that, get that, get that!
- Ah!

Ball's out!
- What are you thinking, Tim?

- I wasn't expecting it!
- I'm so sorry, that's my bad.

- "My bad, my bad"!
It's all your bad!

Each and every one of you bad! - Come
on, Judd, this is supposed to be fun.

- Fun? Fun?! This is our first
game! We keep playing like this,

we're not gonna make the playoffs
and that will not be fun.

[whistle blowing]
Delay of game!

- What?! You're an idiot!
Who let you on the court?

- Who let me on the court? You
know what? You are outta here!

- How dare you?! You know how
much money I put in this league?

You have no right to throw
me out, I throw you out.

You're gone! You're gone!
You're gone! You're gone!

- Hey! You call yourself a
Christian? Why don't you

start acting like one?
- You know what, Samuels?

You're out of here too; No way
you should be leading my church.

- Actually, Judd, I'm pretty
sure it's not your church.

- I put the money into it,
I keep it going.

If I wanna call it mine,
it is, and you're gone!!

- No, Judd, you're gone!
And your team's gone.

- What?!
- For the season, you're outta here!

- That's it, pal, you're...
- Hey!

Judd, settle!

Judd, the more you struggle,

the more it's gonna hurt!
[coughing and groaning]

Quit struggling, Judd.
- Sleeper hold!

- Quit struggling or the worse
it's gonna be, you hear me?

Do you understand?
The more you struggle,

the more it's gonna hurt!
- That is enough!

[end of moaning]


- Judd, I'm... I'm sorry.


- You just gonna stand there?

This... this pastor
att*cked me!

- Yeah, and he kicked your butt.

- [boy]: You stink, Judd!

[applause and whistling]

- You're done.
It's over, Pastor.


- Let's go.

- You call yourselves
a church group?!


- Heck of a way to end the game!

- Where was a cop
when you needed one?

- Detective, actually.
I'm Ross Harper.

- Nice to meet you,
Detective. Chris Samuels.

- What was that, like,
a choke hold you had on Judd?

- Uh, it was a sleeper hold.

- Oh, it was a sleeper?

[chuckling]: Impressive skills.

- Yeah.
- Don't worry 'bout ol' Judd,

he had it comin' to him,
I'll vouch for ya.

Plus, I think a judge
was in the stands

and saw the whole thing, so...

- Small towns!

- Welcome to our
"small town," Pastor.

Good luck with your church.

- I don't need luck, Detective.

I'll take a prayer.

- Yeah.

- Yeah.

- Ah.


Where, where, where..?


Wonderful! Wonderful!

- What do you mean:
You can't believe it?

It's not like he was keeping it
a secret from us!

Judd was spittin' mad; He pulled
all his funding from us.

We have all these bills in
arrears and no way to pay them!

Judd, like him or not, was
the life blood of this church.

- This church existed
before there was a Judd

and will continue without him.
- Well, your house won't exist

without Judd; He just
withdrew it from church use!

We have the utility bills,
the... the roof, mission trips

that have been booked!
- And my organ's on payments;

I can't lose my organ!
- Look, we'll find

a more reasonable place to live
and we'll figure out the bills,

OK? And, Mrs. Beasley,

you'll get to keep your organ.

As my wife always reminds me:

"The Lord never gives us
more than we can handle."

Now, let's take
a moment and pray...

for Him.
- Make it a good one, Pastor.

[little snicker]

- Hey! Sweetie,
you wanna take these?

- Hi!

- How you doin', Ray?

Good talkin' with you, Ray.

- What's goin' on?
- 'Course, we're movin'

right next to Ray and Mindy,
right? Just random.

- They are some of the people
that might need us the most.

- You OK?

- Um... yeah! Just...

adjusting to this
fine Michigan weather.

I'll be fine.
- OK.

[voices and barking nearby]

- Why do we have to give
away so much of our stuff?

- Well, this house is way
smaller for what we have.

You know,

not everyone can afford
these things, Carrie.

Besides, it's always
better to give than receive.

- But my bears..?

- Sometimes, you have to sacrifice
certain things for the better good!

- [sighing]: OK, Carrie,

pick out your favorite bear
and we will donate the rest.

- OK, Mom. I know
someone who would love

Mr. Pinkbelly.



[doorbell ringing]

- Got it!

Miss Edna!

How are you?
- I'm fantastic, and you?

- Doin' well! Doin' well!
- I just came over to offer some cookies

to you and your family, welcome
you to the neighborhood.

- Thank you.
- Mm... Miss Edna,

I could smell those
cookies from the back!

- My husband Dudley
always said: "A welcoming

is not a welcoming
without cookies."

- [chuckling]: Well,
Dudley was a smart man!

- I wanna know if you'll
let me borrow your husband

for a couple of hours, so that

an old lady could
go out for the evening?

- Of course, Chris
would be happy to help you.

- Are you sure? If you're not... - Yeah,
I'll feel better once I rest up.

You go with Miss Edna and
take this to the donation box.

Keep Chris out of trouble.
- I will,

but there's always
trouble lurking.


- Carrie, Miss Edna
made cookies!

- Awesome, cookies!

- Miss Edna, here we go!

[hard rock music]

- I really love this music.

- Oh, this song? Really?
- Yeah...

- Yes?

- You must never judge
a book by its cover.

- [snickering] Yes, ma'am.

- ♪ 'Cause the price you pay ♪

♪ I stop and look ♪

♪ I felt a voice ♪

♪ I heard your cry ♪

♪ Through the noise ♪

- Miss Edna, what
are we doing here?

- My husband and I used to love

to watch wrestling.

- OK, then, OK!
- OK?!

- [MC]: Welcome to the WFW

Wrestling All Star Road Show!

The crowd is crazy to see

the Reaper in the Main Event,
later this evening!

[bell rings]
- Here you go, Miss Edna.

- Oh, thank you, thank you!

- Ladies and gentlemen,
boys and girls!

Welcome to the home

of the world's
greatest athletes:

The WFW!

- Are you cold, Christopher?

- Uh, yeah, I just,
uh, felt... felt a chill.

- In the corner to my left,

the Brawler!

The Brawler!
- Aah!

- And in the corner to my right,

ladies and gentlemen: Titan!

- Aah!!


- Ring the bell!

[cheering and grunting]


- Ah!



[grunting and cracking]


- Do you see
how the crowd reacts?

He commands this entire room!

- I thought it was just because he slammed
the other guy into the canvas. I mean,

the audience, they just... they
just want blood and v*olence.

- The audience wants someone
in whom they can have faith.

- Where

did you get this?

- Aah!


- God gave you
a gift, young man.

- The Lord doesn't
love a brawler, Miss Edna.

- The Lord loves anyone

who fights for what
he knows is right.

- Yeah, excuse me, I need to...

I need to get some air.

- Suit yourself, Saint.

[loud rhythmic grunts]

[yell and moan]

- One, two,

three! Ring the bell!
[Ding! Ding! Ding!]

[loud scream]

- Ladies and gentlemen... coming

to the ring...

in the cold steel blue...

the king of cool...

the Iceman

- Listen

to the crowd boo one of the
former heroes of the WFW,

the original baby-faced Iceman

Cometh! My, how
the world has changed!

- And now...

your worst fears
and deepest nightmares

have risen.
Ladies and gentlemen,

the Rrrreaper!

- This is it, folks,
this is why we're here!

In less than a year, the Reaper
has become the number one name

in the sport and the WFW's
most feared opponent.

That's 7 feet
of deadly, right there.

Oh! Over the top rope
like it was a road bump!

Even if you don't like him,
you gotta respect him.

- You're on your own.

- Oh! The Reaper goes
into the turn buckle

and a faith breaker!

Iceman's little nod
to his old friend, the Saint!


And Reaper hits Iceman
with a sidewalk slam!

Oh, that's gotta hurt
the man in blue!

- Ease up!
- Not a chance!

- Ooh!
- How was that?

Ready for another?
- Ugh!

My back! Take it easy!

Ugh! What are you doing?!

- Pissin' you off!
- No, I tap, I'm out!

- Looks like Ice
is trying to tap off,

but the Reaper
will have none of it!

- [crowd chanting]: Reaper! Reaper! Reaper!
- The crowd wants blood tonight!

- There's the Reaper's
patented choke slam!

It looks like Iceman
is done for the night!

That slam was brutal!

The Reaper's modus operandi
is never to let up!


Oh no, what's this?
The Reaper's going

into his leg breaker.
- I said no mercy!


- Wait! I can't believe this!

- Not this time!
- It's the Saint!

- Who's this?
- Good Lord

Almighty! Ha!

- Hey, hey, hey!
Wake up! Wake up!

- What is this? Two against one?

Bring it on!
- Let's do it to him!

- This is incredible, everybody!

The Saint, back from
the dead, and Iceman

are tag teaming
against the Reaper!

I don't even know if this is legal,
but if the ref ain't stoppin' it,

they're gonna win the battle!

- Get him, boys!

- Hey! Hey!

- This could be it!
One, two, three!

It's over!

It's over! The Reaper
has been defeated

for the first time
in his career!

- Ladies and gentlemen,
you've just seen

history: The return

of the Saint!

- Christopher... Ha ha!

Welcome home!
- This is over, Nicky. You said

he'd never wrestle again.
- I lied.

Reaper's the hottest cod
I got in the WFW.

After you left, I couldn't get a
good guy good enough, you know?

A yin and a yang?
But you're back, now.

You're back and let me
tell you something: The fans

are gonna love it. Hm,

who's my guy, man?
- He's not back.

- Yeah, you are.

You just don't know it yet.

You and Ice going
in there, two on one;

It wasn't a tag team
match, it didn't count.

Now, pff...
if it was like...

one on one...

Reaper's got a bounty on him...

be worth twenty...

thousand... dollars.

You tell me you're not back.



- Uh, oh no...

- There you go, Miss Edna.
- Isn't it wonderful,

Nick gave us all
these posters and t-shirts?

- I'm glad you had fun.
- I did, I did...

Remember: The world
can only be changed

by our actions.
- Yes, ma'am.

- Good night.
- Good night, Miss Edna.

[blowing breath]


[sighing]: Lord...

please help.


- ♪ You gave me strength ♪

♪ Oh ♪

♪ When the river was too wide ♪

♪ Then the sky fell down
on my world ♪

♪ You gave me everything
that I needed ♪

♪ To turn my life around ♪

- OK, baby!
- Bye.



- What the hell are you
doing, are you praying?!

You better be praying
'cause I told you:

Stop disrespecting me.
- Jojo, I just... AH!

- Look at me.

If you stop disobeying me,
everything will be OK,

you understand me, huh?!
- Everything doesn't seem OK to me.


- Who the hell are you supposed
to be, man? Macho Libre?!

Halloween was last month,
fool, keep walkin'.

- Leave her alone.

- Man, you don't know who I am

or what this is.

So I suggest that you walk
before I mess you up.

- I said...

to leave her alone.

[grunts and moans]

- Aah!! Ugh!

- Miss, are you OK?

It's OK.
- I will be, thank you!

- You need to get off the streets, there's
a shelter down the way, I can take you...

- I know, I know
where it is, OK.

I was praying to God for help

and suddenly, you were there.

- You better go
before he wakes up.

- Thank you, you're a saint!

- No, miss, I'm just a man.

[sirens in the distance]



Yes! Yes!




[cell chimes]

[exhaling again]

- so I went up and, sure
enough, she was on the floor

and I think she must've
hit her head...

- Mindy Louise! You get
back in this house!

- Ray,

get back inside and smoke your
cigarettes and drink your beer.

I will be back when I'm done!

- Hey, hey, hey...
- Oh, Mr. Samuels, it's Carrie,

she came over to my house...
- Is she OK?

- Carrie's fine, it's your wife.

She was found passed out
in the bathroom.

- Is she at the hospital? Which hospital?
- Yeah, St. Mary's,

it's on the other side of town.

- Come on, come on,

Please, Lord. Please, Lord.
Please, Lord.

Michelle Samuels,
I was told she was here,

Michelle Samuels...
- Daddy!

- Carrie! Hey! Hey! Hm!

Are you OK?

- I am, but Mom hit
her head when she fell.

- She... she fell?
- Yeah.

[conversations nearby]

- Hey!
- Hey, beautiful!

Are you OK?
What happened?

- I... I've been feeling
lightheaded lately,

and... tonight, it just
got the better of me.

- Wh... what's going on?

- [sighing]: Well, they...
they checked me out

and... there's no tumor

or sign of aneurism, but...

but they did
find something else.

- What?

Michelle, wha...

- You wanna tell Daddy?
- Mm-hm.

I'm gonna be a big sister.

- What? What?

Ah, come here! Mmm!

- Better not be
a stinky brother!

- Hey, what's wrong
with brothers?


- Oh! Pastor Chris.

Good to see you're still here.

- Detective, what...
what are you doing here?

- Apparently, there's a masked

vigilante out there
beating people up.

- You don't say.
- Good Samaritan, if you ask me,

'cause he knocked the snot
out of our number one hustler.

Put him to sleep.

Dropped him like a bad habit!

- Hope you find your man, Detective.
- I always do, Pastor.

What are you doing here?
- Uh, my wife, she's, uh...

[chuckling]: She's pregnant!

- [chuckling]: Congratulations!
- Thank you.

- I didn't know pastors was
allowed to kinda do all that.

- We're Southern Baptists.
- Is that what it is? Ha ha!

Well, that is great news.

- Thank you.
- I better get on

my case in here.
- Do you thing, Detective.

- Thank you. Good seeing you.
- See you.

- OK, Jojo...

tell me again about
this masked vigilante.


[birds chirping]



- [Miss Edna's voice]:
"Dear Pastor Chris,

"this is my journal,

"my thoughts, my prayers,

"I've had over the years.

"I've written them into chapters

"based on themes and events

"that have happened
in my lifetime.

"I want you to have it,

"not only to help
with your sermons,

"but also because God
has given you a gift,

"even if you don't know it yet.

"Everyone has to find
that out for themselves

"and that's why I call this book

- [both voices]:
Mastering the Gift."

[soft chuckle]

- [choir]: ♪♪ I'm gonna
let it shine ♪

♪ This little light of mine ♪

♪ I'm gonna let it shine ♪

♪ This little light of mine ♪

♪ I'm gonna let it shine ♪

♪ Let it shine ♪

♪ Let it shine ♪♪

- Thank you, Mrs. Beasley
and the choir.

[little sigh]

Today, we need help.

As you all know, we recently
lost some of our funding

and... we need the help
of all of you.

- There's more people here now
that Judd's out of the picture.


Please! Look, this church...

it's stronger or weaker

because of every one
of its members,

not a single person. Now,

I keep hearing about
the problems the church has.

About... how it can't
sustain itself.

Can't pay its bills.
Keep hearing that...

roof can't be fixed.

Or, there's not enough
staff for daycare.

Let me ask you a question.

Who here...

works for a bank?

Go on, raise your hand

if you do.

- I'm with the IRS.
- That counts!

That counts. Now...

who here works in construction?

There you go.
Who here's a plumber?

That's right. Who here...

can take care of children
in their time off?

All right.

So now, I ask you:

How does this
church have problems?

How does this church
continue to struggle...

when, inside its walls,

we have the people
we need to fix it?

[door opening]
- Ah, crap!


- Now... as I was sayin;

I'm not talking about faith.
- [man in church]: Amen!

- No, no, I believe
we have faith in spades.

What I'm talking
about is actions,

and actions always
speak louder than words.

I'm... I'm sorry,
is there a problem here?

- I think I'm the problem,
I'm so sorry!

No! No, Miss, Miss, wait! Wait!

Wait! Come back.

Come back...


Pastor Chris Samuels.

- Valerie.
- It's nice to meet you.

I would like to apologize...

on behalf of the congregation...

not properly
welcoming you to church.

Valerie, I'm sorry, it seems

that this church is judging you.

It's looking down on you.

So I'm-a draw
a line right here,

right now.

Anyone who has never sinned,
I want you to cross that line.

Come on!

You were all so quick
to condemn her...

to tell her
she doesn't belong...

Makes me sad.

But I'm here to tell you folks:

We can't keep praying
while we sit on our hands.

- ♪♪ When you give someone ♪

- who will welcome Valerie?

- ♪ A shoulder to lean on... ♪

♪ When you lend a hand ♪
- [Michelle]: Come on.

Hi, Valerie, I'm Michelle

and this is our daughter.
- Hi, Valerie!

- I'm Deacon
Tim McDonald, welcome!

- Thank you.
- Welcome, Valerie.

I'm Miss Edna Clark;
Everybody calls me Miss Edna.

- Thanks.

- ♪ You might be insane
- I will remember ♪

♪ Your name ♪

- ♪ You might be insane
- I never will be the same... ♪

- I couldn't believe it.
If I wasn't

actually there, I wouldn't
think it happened.

And then, suddenly,
he came out of nowhere.

- Who did?
- This man!

It was...

You know, Pastor, I went to church
as a kid, but I lost my faith.

I started praying, maybe
a couple of weeks ago

when I thought I hit my lowest
point and I don't know why.

But that night,

I was praying again for someone
to help, for anyone to help.

And he sent me an angel.
- You know, Valerie,

God doesn't always respond
the way we think He should...

but He always responds.

- [laughing]: Well,
that, he did, Pastor.

- I'm just glad you were
able to get in that shelter.

And just remember; These church's
doors are always open to you.

- Pastor Chris,
I didn't tell you

I'm staying at a shelter.

- Uh...

[hesitating]: Yes,
I just... I assumed...

- Thank you!

Thank you!

I have other friends that
need help too, would it...

be OK if I bring them
to your next sermon?

The streets dish out
all sorts of crazy.

- Like I said:
The door's always open.

[little chuckle]

I forgot how much kids cost you
before they get here.

- And afterwards too!

Carrie needs new winter boots.

[big sigh]

- Judd leaving was the reason
why I had the congregation

to step up in the first place.

Valerie arrives, people
start coming around, but...

the baby?
- The Lord never gives us...

- [both]: More
than we can handle.

- I know. And I believe He's
been watchin' out for us, I do,


we need money, Michelle.

I mean; If we can't
take care of ourselves,

how do we take
care of the church?

- Because...

the Lord...

always provides.

- Wh-wh-what are you saying?

- I am saying

that Miss Edna and I
think you have a gift.

- You've been
talking to Miss Edna!

- She may have been
planting some seeds.

- She's a good seed planter.
- And this gift...

not only do you love it, you are

good at it,
but it can also provide

for our family and the church.

- Yeah, but... but wrestling?

- [laughing]: Where in the Bible does
it say: "Thou shalt not wrestle", huh?

- I just don't want
to be an embarrassment.

- You have loved wrestling

since I've met you and you have

practiced it since you were
a kid and if you work hard

at something you love
and believe in it

to the very best of
your ability, how could you

ever be an embarrassment?

You could not embarrass me

even if you tried,
Christopher Samuels.

Now, look me in
the eye and tell me

this is not a good idea.
- What's a good idea?

- Well...

looks like your dad's
gonna get back in the ring

one more time.
- What?!

No way! That's incredible!


[sound effects of impacts only]

- Tap out! That's it!

- I've seen more meat
in a cheese sandwich.


- Come on in, guys, come on.
- That's why I'm here:

To fight. I'm gonna fight

for each and every one of you;

The faithless and the faithful.




- [whispering]: Pastor Chris
is really good.

- That's why I'm here;

I'm your own personal fighter.

Fighter for salvation.


[again, loud sound effects]

Who's gonna fight with me?

- ♪ ...Things you just
don't see... ♪

- Aah!!
- Come on, people,

who's gonna fight?



- ♪ ...Reach deep inside ♪

♪ Deeper than before ♪

- Impressive!
- ♪ Cast out your pride ♪

- and it's through faith...

that we know God.
This faith

is why I'm here! You see...

you see, I'm a fighter, folks.


[sound effects only]

I know it's getting hot in here,

and I know it's
'cause it's the...

it's the word of the Lord!

- Hey! Where're my girls at?

- ♪ ...To break through ♪

♪ To break through ♪

- Hello, Ray!
Hey, Mr. Pinkbelly!

- Hi!

- Thank you for coming.
- Ah, really, anything I can do.


- Well, I certainly
am proud of the work

I've done here.
What a glorious congregation

I've rallied. And my brothers
and my sisters, can I please get

a Amen!
- [all]: Amen!

- Amen. - [all] Amen! - Amen.

- ♪ Well it's still around me ♪

♪ We're just
left here standing ♪

[faraway yell]


- One, two, three!

[bells and cheering]


- [woman singing beautifully]:
♪♪ Be though my vision ♪

♪ O Lord of my heart ♪

♪ Naught be all else to me ♪

♪ Save that thou art ♪
- That's not Mrs. Beasley.

- ♪ Thou my best thought ♪

♪ By day or by night ♪

♪ Waking or sleeping ♪

♪ Thy presence my light ♪♪

- Mindy, uh...
- Pastor Chris.

If you don't mind, I'm wondering

if Ashley and I
could join your church.

- Only if you become
our new choir director.

- What's he on about?

[Mindy chuckling]

- Deal!
- Yeah?

- Thank you.

- Mr. Pinkbelly.
[Mindy laughing]

Miss Edna, how are you?
- [Edna]: Oh, nice to see you.

- Nice to see you.
Ah, you know, you asked me

to come over, but, uh, I don't
really have a lot of time.

- I know. You've been
a very busy boy

since you've gotten back
into the ring.

- Well, you pushed me back into it.
- What exactly did I do?

- Well, your book and taking me
back to the ring.

You know, Miss Edna,
I'm running the church now,

and paying down its debts
and solving everyone's problems.

And I work out like a madman every day
and wrestle three matches a week.

- I've heard that tone
in our church before.

[small chuckle]
- You know, I've seen

Judd sulk back to a few
of the services. He stands

in the back, where he belongs.
- "Where he belongs"?!

- Yes, ma'am.

- I've heard those words
in my lifetime, too.

Everyone belongs!

Why don't you tell me
when you decided to change

"we" to "I"?

- Excuse me?

- "I! I! I! I!"
That's all you say.

Every time I speak to you,
it's "I".

- Yes, ma'am.

- I don't know why
you're in such a hurry.

For what, I'm really

not quite sure!

- Have a good one, Miss Edna.
- Yes.

- [man, shouting]:
Where you been all day?

I wanna know where!
- I was at the church, Ray!

- [Ray]: You were... I thought I made
myself pretty clear about that church!

- [Mindy]: What is wrong with me
going to church?!

- [Ray]: I don't want you
hanging around with

that preacher!
- Pew! Dad...

[Ray and Mindy arguing loudly]
Dad? Pew! Pew!

Dad, you promised!

Come on, Dad! Please!

We have time for an ice cream
before you have to go.

- What?

Carrie, instead of thinking
about ice cream in the middle

of winter in Michigan,
just think about your chores.

- But, Dad...
- Can't you see I'm busy?!

- Christopher Samuels...

- Oh, what? You too?
- Excuse me?!

- Look, can't you see
what I'm trying to do here?

Can't anybody just see?
- You just yelled

at your daughter for no reason,
and now you're yelling at me?

Look, I know you're doing
a lot, Chris, you're stressed,

but we're your family,
don't forget that.

- I gotta go.

I have a match
in a couple of hours.

Don't wait up.

[small sigh] - [Ray yelling]:
I just said you ain't going

so that means you ain't going!
- [Mindy]: You know what I...

- [Ray]: I don't need
to give you an explanation!

- [Mindy]: You do! There is
nothing wrong with me going!

- [Ray]: Oh, there is something wrong!
There's something wrong with that pastor!

First of all, there's something
wrong with that guy, OK?!

And I don't like him! He gets
in other people's business!

- [screaming] Ray!
- I can get along well without...

- Ray! Get out here
right now, Ray!

Come here!

[dog barking]
Come here, Ray! Right now!

You can be mad at the world,
Ray, you can shake

your fist at the sky
all you want,

but your wife and your little
girl are trying to connect

to something bigger
than your hate!

Like it or not, they found
a home in the church.

You should really
hear her sing sometime.

Mindy's got an amazing voice.

[engine starting up]

[acoustic guitar music]

- ♪♪ I am broken ♪

♪ But I am yours ♪

♪ You move mountains ♪

♪ So move me, Lord ♪

♪ Lord, make me ♪

♪ The person
I'm supposed to be ♪

♪ I am broken ♪

♪ But I am yours ♪

- Man...
- ♪ In my weakness ♪

- I'm done.
- ♪ I am yours ♪


♪ I bring nothing ♪

♪ But I am yours ♪

♪ In my weakness ♪

♪ I am all yours to transform ♪
[antitheft alarm beeping]

♪ In my weakness ♪

♪ I am yours ♪
- Ooh!

Hello? - ♪ I confess
it's been a long time ♪

- Hello?

- ♪ If you are alone tonight ♪♪

- It's, uh, it's pretty dead
in here, huh?

- Mm-hmm.

Can I, uh, help you? - ♪ I
confess it's been a long time ♪

- Yeah. Double burger...
No bun...

A large soda, and a side

of your fish sauce, please.

- Fish sauce?
- Yeah, yeah. You know,

the stuff you put on the fish.
Not ketchup, uh, white...

Tartar sauce. Sorry,
it's been a long day.

- We don't have
any tartar sauce.

- You're kidding?
- I'm sorry, you'll have

to come back. - Come back? You
know, it's been one of those days

[woman mouthing words]

[distant siren]

- [waitress]: Um, I'm...
I'm really sorry about that.

- Yeah.


[people panting]
- [whispering]: Quiet!

- OK. Great. Thanks.

- Please come back!
[door opening]

- Great, Chris.

Of all the burger joints
of all the county,

you just happen to pick the one that's
being robbed. Excellent. Brilliant.

[suspenseful music]
[waitress screaming]

- Not a word!
- OK.

- Ah!

[clicking twice]


- Who are you?
- The good guy!

- Are you OK?

[Chris panting]
- Get inside! Call the cops!

Lock the door!
- OK!

[door closing]

- [Harper]: Is there
anything else you can tell me?

- Hmm... no.
- You're sure

that closed-circuit camera in
the restaurant is not working?

- No, they haven't been working
since my little brothers

Lucas and John-John
blew them up on Halloween.

Yeah, it was a little crazy...
- That's OK.

I get it. Well,
thank you, Emily Anne.

- OK.
- You have been a great help.

- OK.
- Yeah.

- Hey, Detective...
there is one last thing.

The guy had a blue binder
with a white cross on it

when he came in.
Do you think that's important?

- Well, possibly.
If you had told me that

in the first hour of questions
instead of the third.

- Oh! And if you ask me,
the guy's a saint for saving us.

- Saint or not, he shouldn't be
running around town

taking the law
into his own hands.

- I guess you'd be out of a job then.
[both chuckling]

OK, well, I gotta
go pick up my daughter.

- ♪ I've been disheartened ♪

♪ So many times ♪

♪ Not knowing when ♪

[door chime ringing]

- Ooh! It is freezing
for ice cream.

- [Carrie]: Best time to go!
Not busy!

- [Chris]: Haha!
- Pastor Chris! Look at y'all.

Hey, Carrie.
- Hi.

- Detective. Uh, donuts...

- Ain't it a little cold
to be eating ice cream?

- [Carrie and Chris]:
Best time to go!

- One more thing.
Me and some of the guys

are gonna get together
and play a little poker tonight.

Do you play?
- Not really

a betting man, Detective.
- Me neither. Bad poker face.

- ♪ The day will come ♪
- Better off if I wore a mask.

You know, when I was telling you
about that masked vigilante

at the hospital?
- Yeah, you, uh,

catch your man, Detective?
- No, sir, I didn't.

Seems like he struck again
though. Saved some couple

at a burger joint out of town.

They're calling
him a "saint."

And I wouldn't call him a hero;

I'd call him criminal.

[Harper chuckling]

You know what you want to do
when you grow up yet?

- Nope.
- I got an idea.

Why don't you and your pops
come on by the station

later this afternoon, and I'll
show you what I do for a living.

- What's that?
- Catch bad guys.

- Oh yeah? Well,
my dad beats them up.

- Carrie! Sorry, Detective,
I just...

- "From the mouth of babes..."

So, should we say
around four o'clock?

- Yeah.

- And I'm gonna save you
one of these donuts right here.

Just for you. Haha!
- Right on! That sounds cool!

- That sounds cool?!
See ya around four, Pastor.

- [Carrie]: You do beat up
bad guys for a living.

- [Chris]: Yeah.

- [Carrie]:
One-way mirror, cool!

- Just like in Hollywood.
Just like in the movies.

Ah, let me show you
something really cool.


Ah, now that's for bad guys.

Let me get your daddy over here
to take your spot. Chris,

just come on over here.
Take the little girl's spot.

- OK.
- What do you think?

Looks like a pretty cool
bad guy, right?

- Yeah.
- Ah! Some staff!

Come on in, fellas!
Help me out for a second.

[Chris sighs.]
You're really gonna like this.

Alright, you're
where you wanna be.


That looks like a real
police lineup, doesn't it?

OK, listen.

They can't hear or see you,

so you're OK.
- OK.

- So, I want you
to look in there and tell me

if you see the man
that was at your restaurant.

[Chris talking inaudibly]

Do you see him?

- No, I don't.
I don't see him.

- Could you please
turn to the right?

So Carrie can get
a better look at you. Haha!

What about now?
[Chris talking inaudibly]

Maybe number 2?
- None of the men are the guy.

- You're not even
really looking at them.

- None of the men

are the guy.
- You know,

lying to a police officer,
that's not a good thing to do.

- Am I under arrest, Detective?

- No, ma'am, you are not.

- Like I said before,
the man was a saint.

- A saint. Yeah, I got it.
- Yes.

He was.

- Hey, Detective!

Can I have my donut now?

- Sorry, Carrie, we...
we're all out of donuts.

But I promise

that next time you come
- and you will come again-

I'll get you a whole dozen
just for you. Haha!

- OK! Let's come back soon!

- OK. So...

you catch your bad guy?

- Not today.

- Then I guess we're done here.
Come on, Carrie.

- Chris!

You sure you don't play poker?

- I'm positive, Ross.

- Do you mind if I give you
a little advice

that I got from the tables
when I was winning?

- OK.
- Sometimes,

it's better to be
lucky than good.

- Lucky for you, Detective,
I don't believe in luck.

- Well, luck, God, whatever
you believe in. Sometimes,

you should just quit...
while you're ahead.

- Is that a threat?

- No, that's just
some friendly advice.

We're friends, ain't we?
- Can I ask you a question?

I notice you wear a cross
around your neck...

you go to church?

- Cross belonged to my brother.

When he died, I just didn't
see no reason to go to church.

- A man who believes in luck,
but not God...

Come by the church;
We can talk.

Have a good day, Detective.

- I'll see you
real soon, Pastor.

I'll see you real soon.

[phone ringing]

- Hello? Hi, Mom.

- Just tell her
we're on our way home.

- OK, Mom.

Mom says, "Don't go home.
Come straight to the church."

- What happened?

- She says,
"Only stop for red lights."

What do you think happened?
- [Chris]: I have no idea.

Let's go, Carrie.


Oh, Lord!

- Oh, my! Carrie, come here.

Sweetie, it's gonna be OK.
- Wh-what happened?

- I came in to open for daycare,
and I found it like this.

- We've called the police;
They're busy down at the station

but they'll be
on their way soon.

- Pastor Chris,
do you know who did this?

- This... this is me.
This was my fault.

- What?!
- This isn't your fault, Chris.

- Yeah, it is.

I need to talk with you.

Come here.
- Stay with Miss Edna. What?


[indistinct conversation]

- ♪ Hear my cry ♪

♪ Rise crucified ♪
[indistinct talking]

- Come on, Carrie,
we're gonna go.

Let's go.
- No, Mommy! I need to help.

- [Chris]: Michelle!
- Not now.

- [Miss Edna]: You two OK?

- I told her everything.

- ♪ Hear my cry ♪

- What are we gonna do?

- We're gonna find
the little turds that did this,

and we're gonna put the fear
of God into them something good!


- My friends...

I asked you here because...

I needed to tell you
that I brought this upon us...

that I have been so prideful these
past few weeks thinking that...

that I was the one
that led this church,

that... that I was the one that
got us out of our troubles,

[door opening]

that I was invincible.

But there's only one true leader
of this church.

And before the Lord,
we are not invincible,

but accountable.

See, I have a confession
to make.

I've been leading

a double life
and lying to you all.

[people whispering]

I wear a mask
and wrestle in the ring.

And my name there is the Saint.

[people whispering]

See, I thought
wrestling would solve

our financial woes.

I thought wrestling
made me a better preacher...

that it made me a better man.

But I was wrong.

I forgot.

I'm fighting God's battle...

not my own,

that I'm a servant
of this pulpit...

and not of my fists.

I see pride and
self-righteousness made me

lose my way.

For that, I am truly sorry.

- Well, that's not good enough!
[people whispering]

- He lied to us!
- More on point, everyone,

we can't afford
to pay for the repairs.

The church simply
doesn't have the money.

- He should be fired
for what he's done!

- He didn't do this!
Look at the graffiti!

These are g*ng symbols, and the thug
that did this is still out there.

- You shouldn't even be here,
let alone tell us what to do.

- Please, look, just...

don't let this be the thing
that tears this church apart.

- In case you haven't noticed, Pastor,
our church is already torn apart.

- Let Pastor Chris speak!
Hasn't he taken us all

from where we are
to a better place?

I know he's done that
for me and my family.

- And your husband
is still drunk at home!

- That's enough! I will
step down from this pulpit

before I let someone talk
to one of our members that way.

- Well, maybe it's time
you stepped down then.

- Nobody's stepping down
from anywhere!

[people whispering]
Now, from where I see it,

this may be the lowest I've
ever seen West Side Baptist.

It's not lost on me

that it's happened
during my absence.

But I know you don't
kick a man when he's down.

The Christian thing to do is,
you offer him a hand

to help him back up!
- Oh, shut up, Judd!

- Let the man speak!

- Thank you,
Mrs. Beasley!

You know, a very wise man
once said to me,

"You gotta have a little faith."
[some people chuckling]

I'm all about that.

Heck, even my very successful
lighting company,

Lumpkin Lighting,
was once in chapter 11.


But I kept the faith
and I got a second chance.

Just like I'm here today asking
all of you for a second chance.

And if Pastor Chris thinks
he can turn this church around

again, then I have faith in him.

I think he deserves our
forgiveness and a second chance.

- Our church is still standing,

and we have found

our leader.

- What say the congregation?

- It's good with me!
Give him a chance!

[some people laughing
and agreeing]

- I think, maybe...

maybe Pastor Chris
should lead us in a prayer.

- [whispering]: Yeah.

- Looks like you got
your second chance, Pastor.

- Thanks, Judd.
- Now, let's see

how you're gonna pay for it.

- Could everyone please stand?

Dear heavenly Father,

give us the strength
to continue pushing forward

during these hard times and help
us remember why you put us here.

Help us to use all
of our talents for your honor

and your glory, not ours.

In your name, we pray.

- [congregation]: Amen.

- Please be seated. Mindy?

- Guys, let's sing.

- [harmoniously]: ♪♪ What a
friend we have in Jesus ♪

♪ All our sins
and grief to bear ♪

♪ What a privilege to carry ♪

- Just don't get the message,
do you, Preacher?

- ♪ Oh, what peace
we often forfeit ♪♪

- Hey.

- You came back.

- I went home,

but... Carrie was a mess.

She could not understand

why someone would want
to do this to our church.

- What did you tell her?
- I told her

that Daddy would handle it.

- You believe that?

- I believe

that the man I saw

up on that pulpit

was the man I fell in love with,

the man I cannot

wait to have another child with,

because he is a good father...

and a good man.

- I should have told you when
everything started happening.

I... I'm sorry, Michelle.

- I know.

I know you are.

You've always been
that little boy

who's been afraid of the bully,

but don't be the bully.
- Haha!

- You've always been
a son who is looking

for his father,

but now you have
to look after the church.

You've always been a man
looking for a second chance,

and now you have one.

- Wish I could help you, Chris.
- You can. Just say yes.

- If I remember correctly now,

that Saint had
a scheduled appearance

that he didn't honor.

Therefore, any agreement
I have with the Saint,

I don't honor it either.
- Don't talk to me about honor.

This time, I'm asking
for this one thing.

It's not for me;
It's for the church.

I want a shot at the title

and winning back the belt
from the Reaper fair and square.

- I say who wins and loses.
- This time, you're gonna

let me battle it out.
Fair fight.

[Nicky chuckling]
- There hasn't been a fair fight

in pro wrestling since the 70s.
- You're gonna make history then.

- And what if I just say,
"No, Chris,"

what are you gonna do?
Body-slam me?

- No...

but we are here to audit you.

- I'm Lauren Vanderbraun from
the Internal Revenue Service.

I have several questions

regarding your WFW Corporation.

[people cheering]

[crowd cheering]

- Oh, a cage match,

this is gonna be awesome!
- Those are my lights.

- Pardon? - Those lights, Lumpkin
Lighting. A tax write-off.

Right, Mrs. Vanderbraun?
[Judd laughing]

- Jojo... Enjoy that.

- [Carrie]: Ashley!

- Hi, Carrie.
- Mindy! Oh, Ray!

Oh, it's so good
both of you could make it.

- Ray had something
he wanted to say.

- I just wanted to apologize to
you, the family, and the church.

If it's not too late, I'd like
to come to the next service.

- It's never too late, Ray.
- I really wanted

to apologize to
your husband as well.

- Well, he is getting ready for
the fight of his life right now.

- Lord, I'm not praying
about faith,

because I believe
in your love and fortitude

now more than ever.
What I'm praying for

is your strength.

- I knew that was you
at the hospital.

See, you took my streets,
you took my girl,

you took my customers.
Ever since you opened up

your doors to every crackhead
and call girl in this county,

you took my livelihood!

And I want it all back.

- Those people weren't yours
to begin with.

- So what do you suggest we do,
Padre? How do we end this?

- Do what Valerie did.

Come to church.
Seek forgiveness.

- Ha ha ha! See, ain't nobody
gonna forgive me, preacher man.

- You're wrong. There's one
who forgives all of us.

Even you.

- I like you. I do,

but I don't think
God's gonna forgive me...

- Aah!

- Ray, wh... What-what
are you doing here?

- Uh...


I came here to apologize.

- Well... apology accepted.

- The Lord works

in mysterious ways.

Jojo, Chris,

and Ray...

Lot of domestics
going on at your place, Ray.

- Yeah, well,

you ain't gonna have to worry
about that no more, Officer.

I can swear on that.

- Detective, actually.

- Right, D-detective.

- Go on, get out of here, Ray.

And don't worry about Jojo.

When he wakes up,
it's gonna be behind bars.

Go on.

Folks just keep ending up
going to sleep on you, Pastor.

- Should I cancel the fight?
- I need you

to be the last man
standing in that cage.

- What about, uh...
quitting while I was ahead?

- Well, sometimes,
you gotta go all in.

I learned that
at the tables too. Hahaha!

- Yeah.

[dramatic music playing]

[crowd cheering]

- Ladies and gentlemen,

I'm Nicky Stone

and it is time for
the main event of the evening!

Entering now...

the man fighting
for the faithful,

the one and only

Chris "The Saint" Samuels!

[crowd cheering]

Ladies and gentlemen,

the Saint is unmasked!

- You got him, Saint!
- The first view of the Saint

for the WFW Heavyweight

And his opponent,

from the depths of darkness,

bringing the battle
of good and evil

to its knees,

the WFW Heavyweight champion!

Ladies and gentlemen,

the Reaper!

[rock music playing]


this is for the WFW

Heavyweight Championship.

Two men walked in;

One man walks out.
This is it, boys. This is it.

[crowd cheering]
- It's been a long time

for the second coming, Saint.

And the Reaper's here
to take your soul, again.

- I'm coming for that belt.

- You'll have to rip it
from my cold, dead body.

- Your choice.

[crowd chanting]


[crowd cheering and whistling]


- Yes.
- It looks so real!

- It's just a show, Carrie.

- You forgot one thing, Preacher.
- No.

- If God's with you,
then who will rise against you?


- No!


- No!

- Oh no, not again.

- We're making history here.

- Yeah!

This is what the end looks like.

[Reaper grunting]

[Reaper yelling]

[Reaper grunting]

- Go, Saint, go!

[grunting and yelling]

- Daddy!
- Come on!


[crowd cheering]

- Get up, Chris! Get up!

- Gaaah!

Yeaaah! Yeah!

- Come on, Chris!
You can get up, come on!

- Stay down, Preacher.

Don't let your little girl
see you go out like this.

What kind of man are you?

[crowd chanting "Saint!"]

[crowd cheering]

[music crescendo]

Stay down, Saint.

[crowd chanting "Saint!"]

- I'm not a saint!

I'm just a man!

[Reaper grunting]

Come on! Tap out!

[grunting in pain]
There's no ref!

- Tap. He's gonna break it.
He's gonna break it.

- Tap out!
- No!

- You gotta tap.

- No!
- Tap.

- There's no ref, tap!
I'm gonna break it.

[groaning in pain]

[crowd cheering]
[bell ringing]

- Daddy won! Daddy won!
- Yeah, he most certainly did.

- He tapped out!
He tapped out!

- I have no idea
what you're saying!


- Ladies and gentlemen,

the new

WFW champion:

The Saint!

Good job.

- Thanks, Nicky.

- I don't want to lose you.
- Ha!

Come on, take my hand.

Take my hand.

It's OK.

[music crescendo]

[crowd cheering]

- Give it up one more time

for one of the greatest
of all time...

Christopher "The Saint" Samuels!

[serene music]

- [Miss Edna]:
Dear Pastor Chris,

God has given you a gift,
even if you don't know it yet.

Everyone has to find that out
for themselves.

But with this gift,
you have to keep mastering it

every single day.

The only thing necessary
for the triumph of evil

is for good men to do nothing,

so go out and do
something about it, today.

- ♪♪ When you give someone
your shoulder to lean on ♪

♪ When you lend a hand ♪

♪ To lessen the pain ♪

♪ When you're
suffering yourself ♪

♪ You still shield
someone else from the rain ♪

♪ When the world around you
feels like it's crumbling ♪

♪ And you wake up
with a smile every day ♪

♪ When you're empty as hell ♪

♪ There's still grace
in the words that you say ♪

- ♪ You might be a saint ♪

- ♪ I will remember your name ♪

- ♪ You might be a saint ♪

- ♪ I never will be the same ♪

- ♪ You might be a saint ♪

- ♪ 'Cause when you're near me ♪

♪ I'm not gonna break ♪

♪ You might be,
you might be a saint ♪

♪ There's a halo over you ♪

♪ When you're doing good ♪

♪ There's a ray of light ♪

♪ Every time that you give ♪

♪ It's not easy to see ♪

♪ You're the strength
we can be while we live ♪

- ♪ You might be a saint ♪

- ♪ I will remember your name ♪

- ♪ You might be a saint ♪

- ♪ I never will be the same ♪

- ♪ You might be a saint ♪

- ♪ 'Cause when you're near me,
I'm not gonna break ♪

♪ You might be,
you might be a saint ♪

♪ So don't give in
to the dark clouds around you ♪

♪ Be the sun and feel
the full-hearted souls ♪

♪ That surround you
You're the one ♪

♪ Every day, people
can wash the injustice away ♪♪


- ♪♪ It was you
who touched my heart ♪

♪ When the world
was empty and cold ♪

♪ I lay awake in my dreams ♪

♪ Praying for a miracle ♪

♪ In my life ♪

♪ Sometimes my tears
turn into rivers of pain ♪

♪ And I can't see the stars ♪

♪ They're just wasting away ♪

♪ You gave me strength ♪

- ♪ You gave me strength ♪

- ♪ When the river
was too wide ♪

♪ When the sky fell down
on my world ♪

♪ You gave me everything
that I needed ♪

♪ To turn my life around ♪♪
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