Woodlawn (2015)

Easter, Religious/Spiritual Movie Collection.

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Woodlawn (2015)

Post by bunniefuu »

If you'd have asked me in 1973
if I believed in miracles,

I'd have said absolutely not.

I'd have told you
it's a brutal world out there,

and my only comfort in it

is that I am the master
of my own fate.

I'm the captain of my soul.

Some call what happened
here a miracle,

and there is only
one explanation,

only one way any of this
could've happened.

In the city of Birmingham,

the Department of Justice
some time ago

instituted an investigation,

an attack on the city's
segregation ordinance.

I grew up in Birmingham, Alabama.

Some very, very good friends
of mine were k*lled by bombs,

bombs that were
planted by racists.

I remember,
from the time I was very small,

I remember the sounds of bombs
exploding across the street,

our house shaking.

So what do you expect
with that type of injustice?

We are angry.

They k*lled Kennedy. They k*lled King.

They k*lled Evers.

I don't think there is
much of a future at this point.

Not much at all.

They're just k*lling
everybody that wanna...

For the nation itself.

The true picture of
what goes on here

can even be seen
in American television.

If you look at it long enough,
the emptiness,

the spiritual bleakness,
the loss of meaning,

the loss of purpose.

There's no unity in the world.

You couldn't rally 500 people
to sincerely fight

for the same common cause,

no matter what that cause
might be, unless it's dollars.

The result of this is,
of course,

the chaos that we live in.

They set fire to the country.

Get ridiculed, and you know,
discriminated, you know,

and be less than a man.

I don't think
it's right, you know?

I draw the line in
the dust and toss the gauntlet

before the feet of tyranny,

and I say segregation now,
segregation tomorrow,

and segregation forever.

It's a sad day here in Birmingham,

a heartbreaking day,

the Crimson Tide
about to be defeated

by the Trojans
of Southern Cal

and their stellar tailback,
Sam "Bam" Cunningham.

A tough loss for
the Alabama Crimson Tide.

What happened, Coach?

We just got the stew
beat out of us by USC.

You weren't paying attention?

Why'd you bring USC
to Birmingham?

Trying to make some
sort of statement?

That's it, son.

We have a visitor.

Gentlemen, if wanting to win is a fault,

then I plead guilty.
I like to win.

Know no other way.

It's in my blood.

When I get beat, which
is gonna happen occasionally,

I like it to be by an opponent
worthy of my respect.

Fine game, son.

Thank you, sir.

Brave of you to play it.

Thank y'all
for coming down here.

Where you been, Coach?

Talking to a real
football player.

Time and a place
for everything.

Ain't that what
the Good Book says?

In memory of the 10-year
anniversary of the bombing

of the 16th Street
Baptist Church in Birmingham,

here's the late
Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr.

What m*rder*d these four girls?

The apathy and the complacency
of many n*gro

who will sit down on
their stools and do nothing

and not engage
in creative protests

to get rid
of this evil system.

Tell your mom
I'll be home late.

Nobody forcing you to play.
You know that, right?

You sound like Mama now.

She just don't
wanna see you get hurt.

That's just natural.

Hey, Tony.

Where you live from?

Love you, boy.

I'm frustrated all the
time by what I see,

And wonder when it'll end
and if it ever will end.

What do you think?

It's unbelievable.

What's the name
of the school?


Listen up, guys. Listen up.






I see it in your faces.

You're angry because of what's
happened to this school.

You've been berated...

or beaten...

or shot at.

So have I.

None of us chose this.

It was forced on us.

But we can choose together
what we will do with it.

So, if it is anger
that unites us,

then let's use that anger
to win, boys.

'Cause winning fixes just
about everything, doesn't it?

Are there any questions?

I didn't think so.
Let's go do it.

♪ Sweet home Alabama ♪

♪ Where the skies are so blue ♪

It's not that hot out here, boy.
Come on, let's go!

♪ Sweet home Alabama ♪

♪ Lord, I'm coming home
to you ♪

Stay down, boy.
You don't belong.


That's my boy!

- You see that?
- I'm right here, Jerry.

Hey, it's okay, cupcake.

That was just Superman
flying over your head.

It's not your fault.

Watch your mouth, boy!

Hey! Hey!
That's enough!

Suicides, everybody,
thanks to you two.

Let's go.

Look at the man beside you.

This is what happens when
you fight against each other

instead of fighting
to be a team.

You shower when we're done,

Over, under, through, and tie.

Let me help you.

I don't wanna go.

It's okay.

Your school is
not like my school.

Will it ever be?

Over, under, through.


Yes sir.

Let's go.

See ya, buddy.


In whose world?

I am Coach Gerelds.

I love football and not science,
so please pay attention

while I give you
all the answers.

Okay, let's get started.

Hey, you gonna quit?


It's what y'all do.

Come in.

Hey, Coach.

I'm Hank.

So, you're making plays?



Look, I know you're a busy man,
so I'll get right to the point.

I'd like to have a meeting
with your football team.

About what?

Jesus Christ.

Oh, wow, what are you, some
kind of preacher or something?

No, no, not a preacher.

I'm a sports chaplain,

I like to find different
teams to work with.

I just wanna talk to 'em.

Well, I'm sorry, Hank,
but you can't.

You know this
is a public school?


Yeah, I know.

Look, I've seen some things
all over the country.

I've seen amazing things.

Well, you are
not gonna see them here.

I think your players
could use it.

I think you could too.

Listen, Hank, if my team
needs something,

I will tell you.

Wait up, Johnnie.

So, who is she?

Her name Johnnie, I told you.

That's her real name?

That's the name
she go by.

If you're so curious, why
don't you just ask her yourself?

Of course, that would
require you to actually talk,

or ride the bus
with the rest of us.

I talk.

She don't even
know you exist.

Nobody does.

How she gonna see
what's invisible?


Hey, break it up!

Break it up, now!

I expect you to control
your school, son!

Five hundred kids

getting bussed to a place
every day they don't wanna be.

Twenty-five hundred kids
don't want 'em here.

What did you think
was gonna happen?

What's he talking for?
He ain't got a right here.

- I'm not gonna stand here...
- Let me deal with it.

I don't have to stand here
and be berated

by this gentleman.

- Coach!
- I'm not done!

I could arrange that!

Now, who do you
think you are?

Oh yeah, you're
the assistant principal.

Only reason you are that is
'cause we ain't got nobody else.

Now, if you're done, I got
something to say to you.

The national spotlight is off
our city first time in a decade,

so I think it's time
our town

came to its right
and proper balance.

And if that means closing
the doors to this school,

Well, so be it.

We've stayed.

While others have left,
we've stayed.

And we stayed because
we love this school.

This school has been
an enduring beacon

to this city for many years,
and we all know that.

Now, do you really
want its final legacy

to be failed integration?

What would that do?

Why don't you tell me
about that, sir?

All right, Tandy,
I'll tell you.

If there is
one more incident...

you're done.

Both of you.

Y'all have a nice day.

Thank you, Gene.
You too.




Hey, babe.

Hey, oh, hey, listen,
Todd's got a Pop Warner game

now on Saturday at 3 p.m.

Now, you tell me
you're gonna be there.

Look, something happened.
I'm okay, but...

What happened?

What always happens.

How bad?

Six went to the hospital.
Knives mostly.

You Okay?

Let's go, Tandy.

Tandy, are you okay?

I gotta go.
Yeah, I'm okay. Bye.

Hey, Coach.

Can I talk to the team now?

Look, I don't have time
to deal with this right now.

Tandy, let's go.
Tandy, now!


This is what I do.
I help people.

You know what?
You have five minutes.

After training in the gym.

You talk to Stearns.
You better be good.


Can I get an introduction?


All right, guys,
let's settle down.

Bring it in.

Hey, hey!
Settle down.

We have a motivational speaker
here, if you guys don't mind.

Hey, guys.

I got it.

Good luck.

Hey, everybody.
My name's Hank.

Hey, Hank.

I'm not a coach.
I'm not a teacher.

I'm not a counselor.

In fact, nobody asked me
to come here today.

But I look at what happened
this afternoon, and I think,

"Aren't you sick of it?"

I mean, I'm sick of it.

I'm not even from here,
but does this kind of thing

happen so much
that it just feels normal?

I mean, you don't know me,
you've never seen me before,

but what would you say if I
told you that 100% without fail,

it doesn't have to be this way?

Birmingham has seen
nothing but hate for so long,

it has lost its ability
to believe.

It's lost hope.

Let me tell you
what Jesus said.

He said, "I am the way,
I am the truth, I am the life."

And that means something to me

because I let it mean
something to me.

I'll tell you something else
that seems crazy, only it's not.

I love you.

I care about you,
each and every one of you.

I care about what you've seen.

I care about what
you've been through.

I care about your pain.

So does God.

Jerry, what's going on?
I said 5 minutes.

He's been here
for an hour.

We need to wrap this up.

Tandy, hold on, man.

Man, I know
this sounds crazy,

but just give
the guy a chance.

We ain't got
nothing else to lose.

You don't know me,
but I'm asking you anyway

to stand up right now,
right here,

and make a decision...

a decision to change,
to forgive,

to be forgiven
no matter what you've done.

That's how much God loves you.

I'm asking you
to choose Jesus.

Can you do that?

Will you do that...

with me, right now?

Thank you.

Brave men.

What just happened?

Where have you been?

The gym.

And what happened
at the gym?

I let an untrained religious nut
convert the whole team.

I'm going to bed.

The whole team.

Is that good or bad?

I don't know.

Birmingham Post Herald

believes something
about this team.

They believe we're
only gonna win two games.

They believe that this season
is the death rattle

of a school that is
barely able to stay alive.

You see, I don't believe this
for a minute.

I believe that we are
the masters of our own fate.

I believe that we can prove
these people wrong.

Why don't you go out there
and show me

what you all believe?

Let's go do it!

Play our boys!

Come on, Tandy!

Just no win.

Puts them black boys in,
we riot.

He doesn't, they riot.

Bring 'em in, bring 'em in,
bring 'em in!

Bring 'em in!

Play our boys, Tandy!

I know you hear me!

Hey, sit down
and shut up!

Hey, don't talk to my wife like that.

You don't talk to
my wife like that.

I don't expect you to win,

but I expect you
to keep things quiet.

It's not my fault, Owen.

I'm trying to coach football.

This is bigger than football, Tandy.

All right, then.

Get Nathan.



Nathan, let's go.

Come on, son.
Let's go.

That's right.
Our boys wanna play too.

Hey, safety.


Field wrangler, cover two.

Field wrangler, cover two.

Ready, break!


The slot!

The slot, Nathan!


Run! Go, Nathan!
Don't just stand there!

Go, go, go, go, go!

Come on, ref!
That was a late hit!

Are you kidding me?

Come on, Ref!

Welcome to the game.

I thought you said
God was gonna bless us.

I thought we were gonna win.

Maybe God is testing us.

Maybe he wants to know
that our commitment is real,

not just to win
football games.

Look who decided
to ride the bus today.

Hey, Johnnie,
this is Tony.

He don't talk much.

I know who you are.


So, what you mean
you don't talk, hmm?

It's 'cause you just
ain't got nothing to say

or too afraid to say it?


Reggie, let him talk.

If you scored,
we would've won the game.

Why you so afraid
of getting hit?

'Cause it hurts.

That's too bad.


Hey, guys.

Hey, Tony, did you hear
about the meeting tonight?

of Christian Athletes.

Count you in?

What happened
to your foot?

Oh, when I was in college,
I was working part-time

during the summer
at a steel mill.

Accident took away
half my foot

and my dreams of playing
professional baseball.

Man, baseball was everything
to me back then.

Man, I'm sorry about that.

Don't be sorry.

I think that sometimes
before you can have

new dreams in this life,

the old ones have to be
taken away from you.

Look, there's something
I've wanted to say to you

since the first time
I saw you play.

There's something
special about you, Tony.

I can see it.

You have a gift.

That's something
that can't be taught.

That can only be given.

But you have to decide
what you wanna do with it.

When you play for yourself,
you can be great.

But when you play for something
higher than yourself,

that's when something
extraordinary can happen.

God has a purpose
for all of us,

and it is not insignificant.

And obviously, I can't know
what yours is, but I think...

I think God wants you
to be a superstar.

No such thing.

As what?

There's no such thing
as a black superstar.

Not in this state.

You okay, buddy?

I just hate to lose, Dad.

I hate it.

I hate it so bad.

You say you'll do anything
to win, but you won't.

Didn't you see him run?


Come on, they're k*lling us!

If they're not gonna
give him the ball,

this is just a waste
of time, Junior.

We need a new coach!

Tandy, you're in trouble!

Time out. Time out.

Boys, bring it in.
Come here.

Nathan, come here.

This your time
to shine, let's go.

That a boy, Tony!

Okay, Nathan's
in at tailback.

Wait, wait, Coach!

Power I, guys.

Eleven yards,
that's what I need, okay?

That's my position!
He don't know the offense yet!

This is my team!

It's not a democracy!
Now go sit down!

All right, let's go.


You know what I believe?

That you are faster than them,
so you show me.

Yes, sir.


This is a contact sport,

When someone wants to hit you,

it feels good to hit 'em
first, okay? Try it.

Atta boy, Tony!

Gonna be 1st down
right now!

Tandy, put my boy in.

You're k*lling us!


That's my baby!

All right,
let's punch it in.

Nathan, out.

Nice one, 22!

Hey, Tony.

How'd that feel?


Really good.

Come here, baby!

Momma is so proud of you.

Great game, son.
Great game.

Who is this?

This is Johnnie.


Oh, she sure is
pretty, Tony.

Oh, it's not like that.

What church you go to?


No girl better even think
about marrying my Tony

without being church-going.

I don't go to church.

Well, you gonna
go to church with us.

And I see I'm a have
to fatten you up,

'cause I don't know
how you think you gonna

have my grandbabies
with hips like that.

Uh, let's just let them be.

Yeah, well a closed mouth
don't get fed, Junior.

I want my boy
to play college ball.

All right,
he has that opportunity,

and I don't think it's right
that it's being taken away

by somebody
who don't even belong.

I coach the team
that I am given, Bull.

I coach to win.

That is my commitment
to myself, this school,

and every parent in it,
including you.


You gonna get
that colored boy hurt.

since we are surrounded

by such a great cloud
of witnesses,

let us lay aside
every weight.

We have to run this race
called life with patience.

Are you willing to run the race
and put down the shame?


Turn to your neighbor
and say, "Put it down."

Put it down!

How many of y'all have a race
you know you got to run?

You think 'cause you
got that many races to run.

We need those
that will accomplish

all God has laid before us.

We need a man,
a woman, or someone...


Amen, Pastor!

Because they're looking at you.

Because they're
looking to the church.

Because they're
looking to a better day.

Because they're
looking to a new day.

Why? Because
it's time to rise up!

Rise up!

Somebody's gotta
rise up this morning!

Rise up.

You buy all that stuff?

Yeah, I do.

Been taught it all my life.

I finally feel like I own it,
like it's mine.

What about you?

I'm Christian same
as the next person,

but I believe rising up
means fighting back,

only way things
are gonna change.

Tony, we in a system that
prevents any type of aspiration,

any type of growth.


And then when one of us
can't take it anymore,

we're made an example of.

We take the blame.

Hey, Johnnie!

Nuh-uh, but the blame
belongs in the system,

the system that's been keeping
us down time after time.

Johnnie Francis!

Go out with me.


Friday night.

Okay, fine.

I'll pick you up?

I'll meet you there.

I'll pick you up.

I'll meet you there.

Rising up still means
fighting back.

All right, let's bow our heads.

Dear God,
thank you for this day.

Thank you for this chance
to play football

and fellowship together.

And we hope that we
honor you and your glory.

In Jesus' name, amen.

Let's go, man.
Come on.

First team O, first team D,
let's go.

Well, he's paying attention.

He's paying attention now,
and that's the whole thing.

Excuse me.


So, you're all in, huh?


You are?


All right, then.

You know, we're meeting
with the players tonight

over at Crestwood.

You should come.

If it was my neighborhood,

But Crestwood, come on,
you know it's only gonna be

white players there, Jerry.

I mean, what's that
gonna achieve?

Shorty White, 2 o'clock.


I give you 30 seconds.

I'll give him
less than that.

We're coming after you, Tandy.

Ooh, 8 more weeks
'til judgment day.

Glorious rivalry day.

Banks' Jets coming at you
from the clouds.

I'm bringing my
white knight, son.

I know you know who he is,
Mr. Jeff Rutledge.

He's only the best
quarterback in the state, folks.

Birmingham News printed that.

I didn't say it.

♪ Simple kind of man ♪

♪ Oh, be something you
love and understand ♪

♪ Baby, be a simple
kind of man ♪

♪ Won't you do this
for me, son... ♪

Hey, Coach.

Good to see you.

Ain't never seen
a house this big.

No, me neither.

You coming in?

You go ahead.

I'm just gonna have
a quick smoke.

You really should.

It's pretty cool.

Well, Shorty White
beat 'em two seasons ago.

Golly, how many'd
they dress, a hundred?

They got three times our budget
and a new stadium.

I don't see how that's fair.

We need to redefine winning.

Like a field goal, right?

I mean, no one's scored on 'em
this whole season,

and a field goal, bam,
that's winning.

Jerry, is this real?

How does a whole team

How is it that the only
place in the whole city

that blacks and whites get
along is my football team?

Why are you so cynical?

Because I believe
in what I can see.

With all due respect, Coach,
you might start looking around.

Hey, we're gonna
win this thing.

- Oh, here we go.
- Really?

We're gonna win this game,

and I've got something
I wanna say to the team.



Welcome back, everybody.

This is WXJC Birmingham,
and we're following

the number-one team
in the state,

the Huffman Vikings,
on their so-far uncontested road

to another championship.

Now, tonight, they square off
against the Woodlawn Colonels,

and this should be a routine,
regular season ball game,

as they're favored
by 6 touchdowns.

And on paper, folks, there's
no way at all that Woodlawn

has a chance against
this powerful ball club.

Okay boys, listen up.

The preacher wants
to say a few words.

Thank you, Coach.

Make it good.


Read the highlighted,
right there.

"This day..."

"This day the Lord
will deliver you into my hand

and I will strike you down."

So that all on earth know
that there is a God in Israel.

And David reached
into his pocket,

and he pulled out a stone.

And he slung it, and it struck
the Philistine in the head.

And he fell.

You know what's gonna happen?

You're gonna win this game
tonight, you hear me?

Yes, sir!

You're gonna win this game!

You wanna know how I know
that you're gonna win this game?

Because it's not about you.

Nobody out there knows
what's happened with this team.

But when you win,
on this day, they will.

When you do what everyone
said is impossible, they will.

When you strike down
this giant, they will!

And when they find out
how you did it,

then all the earth will know
that there is a God in Israel

on this day.

On this day!
On this day!

On this day! On this clay!

Hey, you're starting
at tailback tonight.

One, two, three, Woodlawn!

Nathan, come on.
We gotta go.

Yes, sir.

Let's just see
what happens, okay?

Your momma's gonna k*ll me.

Turn, boys!

Receives deep at the 10-yard line.

Outstanding blocking as they
break open the double wedge,

just bowling over the much
smaller Woodlawn Colonels.

Good job.
Good job.

Stack grip, cover two.

Get out of here, come on.

Stay in your lane!
Stay in your lane!

And touchdown.

Ackman is in the end zone,
taking only two plays.

And I have a feeling
this is just a portent

of what we're gonna be
seeing here this evening.

It could be a m*ssacre
on the football field tonight.

They're big, Coach.

Really big.

Hey there, David.

What do you say you
go in there right now

and take down that giant?

Make 'em all believe.


Woodlawn lines up at their
own 20 in the I formation.

Their tailback, number 22,
we've not seen him before.

His name is Tony Nathan.

Go Tony!

Nathan breaks the tackle.

Look at this guy go.

He's 40 past midfield.

One more man to beat.

There he goes
to the 30, the 20, the 10.

And for the first time
in over a year.

Touchdown Woodlawn.
An unbelievable run.

What a play by
young Tony Nathan.

Hey, brother.

Jesus has a plan
for your life.

Ackman Driving back with a vengeance.

They're deep
in Woodlawn territory.

Murphy breaks left,
picks up 5 yards.

It's a fumble!

Woodlawn has it.

An incredible hit by middle
linebacker, Mike Allyson.

Allyson, Allyson, come here!
Come here.

Good hit, son.
Great hit.

How many players are out there?
No, there's one.

Just one.
Number 45.

You take him out
and you clear a path for Nathan.

You take him out,
we win this game.

Nathan, get in there.

Alright, so what are
you gonna do now, Coach?

I'm just gonna
give the ball to Tony.

And this is unbelievable.

The underdog
Woodlawn Colonels

have the number-one team
in the state on their heels.

It is absolutely pandemonium here tonight.

The number-one team
in the state is being

single-handedly dismantled
by this young

junior tailback from Woodlawn.

We are witnessing
a star being born.


Touchdown, Tony Nathan.

And there it is. It's all over.

It is all over.
Woodlawn has done it.

Woodlawn has done
the impossible.

The biggest upset
we have seen in years.

I can't believe it.
That is it.

The champ is down.

Great game.


Coach, I don't know what
your players are playing with,

but I've never seen
a team play like that.

Good luck
the rest of the season.

Let's go, son.

For God so loved the
world that he gave who?

His only begotten Son.

That whosoever believeth
in him should not perish,

but what will they have?

Everlasting life.

God loved us,
so he gave us Jesus.

If he gave you a gift, why
do you have it wrapped up?

Because the world needs the gift
that is trapped inside of you.

As a matter of fact, Tony,
you stand up,

because you are using
your gift for God's glory.

Give Tony
a round of applause.

We're proud of you, son,
for how you are letting God

shine through you every day.




Coach Gerelds,
we welcome you

and your family here
this morning.

Can I say a few words
please, sir?

Come on, then.

I wanted to come here
today because...

five of my players
are here.

Five of my players
that have been mistreated

time and again
by their school...

and by their teammates...

and I have not done
enough to stop it.

Now, at the beginning
of this season, my team,

almost my entire team,
they gave themselves to love.

A love that I didn't understand.

A love that began
to conquer hatred.

And after the game on Friday,
I went home...

and I prayed.

Not that I really
know how to do that...

but I told God that,

"I don't know
if you're real..."

"but I want whatever
my players have."

And I came here today
because I believe.

I believe,
and I wanna be baptized.

Thank you, Jesus.

I'll baptize you.

In the name of the Father,
the Son, and the Holy Spirit.

Buried with Christ in baptism,

raised to walk
in the newness of life.

♪ Knock, knock,
knocking on heaven's door ♪

♪ Knock, knock,
knocking on heaven's door ♪

♪ Knock, knock,
knocking on heaven's door ♪

♪ Knock, knock,
knocking on heaven's door ♪♪

Hey buddy, can I speak to you
for a moment?


Look, I know
that this has been...

this has been a real tough year,
and it's been tough at school,

and I know we haven't spent
much time with each other.

That's okay.

No, it's not.

There's no excuse for it.

You mean a lot.

I love you, son.

You mean the world to me.

I think my biggest problem
is that I...

I haven't had enough staff.

So, I was wondering if you
would be willing to help me

as an assistant coach.

I was thinking
running backs, huh?

♪ Calling out to everyone
across the nation ♪

♪ Nation, nation, nation ♪

♪ Said the world today
is in a desperate situation ♪

♪ Desperate situation ♪

Move it! Move it!
Faster! Faster!

♪ Stealing, burning,
fighting, k*lling ♪

♪ Nothing but corruption ♪

And it felt like he scored
every time he touched the ball.

Five touchdowns,
three hundred yards.

He got a move, like Gail said.

Yeah, he got that...
he got that cut back speed.

♪ We've got to learn
to live with each other ♪

Twenty-two. That's who he's like.

Twenty-two, yeah.

I'll tell you what,

them recruiters got to be
calling, ain't they?

No, man, he's just a junior.
He's got another year left.

♪ What the world needs now
is love and understanding ♪

♪ So get on board
the friendship train ♪

♪ Everybody shake a hand ♪

♪ Now break it on down ♪

♪ Friendship train ♪

♪ Everybody shake a hand,
make a friend ♪♪

Touchdown Tony Nathan.

Birmingham News,
what's your secret?

I don't know.

How's it feel to have your
whole team on your shoulders?


He's something special, Mr. Nathan.

That boy is something special.
You hear me?

Good football player too.

I'm very proud.

Hey, Uncle Tom.

They gonna turn on you.

You see, we could use
a voice like yours,

so join us.

Okay, then, you stay
away from her, huh?

I mean, she ain't
your kind no more.

You wanna be one of these
cr*cker's trophy, that's fine.

So, why don't you just
stay with your own, huh?

How'd you find out
where I live?

I asked.

Look, some people came
to talk to me from school.

Told me about some gangs,
some robberies.

About you.

Well, is it true?

I'm sorry, Tony.

Not everybody can be
as squeaky clean as you.

That's not you, Johnnie.
I know you.

You don't know
anything about me.

What's going on?

Nothing, Daddy.

I was just telling him
to leave.

Well, I guess you
better be going, boy.

Go, get out of here.

Ladies and gentlemen, may
I have your attention please?

Thank you very much
for being here.

This is the 11th Annual
Father-Son Banquet

for the Birmingham
Quarterback Club.

Now, we are here
to honor

the Birmingham
player of the year.

Not since Pat Sullivan
and Johnny Musso

has this award been given to
not one, but two individuals.

And those two tonight,
Jeff Rutledge,

fine quarterback
for Banks High School,

and Woodlawn's very own
Tony Nathan.

Y'all boys come on up here
and get your awards.

Of course,
these two teams are meeting

for the Birmingham City

and only one can advance
to the state playoffs.

Have a seat.

So now, ladies and gentlemen,
it is my distinct pleasure

to introduce our
featured speaker tonight,

although he needs
no introduction.

Please welcome our governor,
and if I had it my way,

the President
of these here United States,

George C. Wallace.

We'll have to take care of that.

Well, then, the governor
has just informed me

that he would like
to have a picture taken

with these two
young individuals.

So, Jeff, Nathan,
come on up here.

Nathan, you hard of hearing?

Come on up.

We ain't got all night.

I'm sorry.
I can't.

What do you mean
you can't? Huh?

You shy or something?

I can't.

Well, of course you can.
The governor ain't gonna bite.

Just stand up,
walk up to the governor,

and take a picture with him.

He said I couldn't
go to Alabama,

not me or anybody like me.

Not today,
not tomorrow, not ever.

So, I can't, sir.

Tandy, you get your
n*gro up there right now.

I'll stand behind the wishes
of my player.

You sure about that?


Take the picture.

Get on, come on!

Okay, second stop, the market.

You call the police?

No, I did not.

I'll call 'em.

You okay, champ?

The only way.

Welcome, everybody,
to Woodlawn High School.

One of the most heated rivalries
in the state of Alabama,

dating back over 4 decades.

It's no secret
that the animosity exists

between Banks
and Woodlawn.

You walk on this field,
you better walk off.

Gentlemen, shake hands.

Have a good, clean game.

I want you to punish them,
do you understand me?

Yes, sir!

What happens
to compassionate people?

They lose!

They lose, that's right.
They lose. They lose!

It's been a Cinderella season for Woodlawn,

but they have to win
here tonight,

or that fairy tale is over.

Okay, come on, men.
Everyone take a knee.

Our Father who art in heaven,
hallowed be thy name.

Jesus can't save you now,

This is Jets football!

Jesus can't save you now!

You're going down!


Boys, you ready to beat Banks?

Yes, sir!

I said are you ready
to beat Banks?

Yes, sir!

One, two, three, believe!

A devastating hit on Tony Nathan,

and he is getting up slowly
at the 30-yard line.

Their gunnin' for him.


I know, Jerry.
I know.

Come on, boy.

Nathan looks right,
then left, nowhere to go.

High left, 4-24 draw.


He is short.

Down set.

Blue 18.

Blue 18.


Excuse me, Coach.

Can't guard perfect, Coach.

Get 41.

Down set!


Middle, middle, middle!


Get out there, boys.

You silence them, Nathan.

Nathan, you silence them.

You get out there,
and you shut them up.

Come on, get it done.
Come on!

That's just football, boys.
Little bit of rain.

Power C Waggle left on one.
On one.

Ready, break.


Get up, son.

Hey, Danny!
You stop him right here.

You hear me?

You make 'em pay, son.
Right here!

He's still on his feet.

He's in the 20, the 15,

working his way
through the defense

toward the end zone.

He's willing his way forward.
He scores.

Touchdown, Woodlawn.

Break it up!
Break it up!

Atta boy, atta boy,
atta boy, atta boy.

Hey, that flag
don't hurt me.

That flag don't hurt me.


Coach, think we'll be taking
a big risk to let him play.

Nathan, we win with you.

We cannot win without you.
You understand?


Adversity is a crucible
of greatness.

Yes, sir.

Can you do this?

Yes, sir.

Okay, let's do it.
Come on.


Let's go.

Hey Coach, has it rained harder?

Them angels is crying!

Them angels is crying!

I just wanna say that
I am proud of all of you.

I'm proud of each
and every one of you,

for the game that
you played tonight

and the men that you
have become this season.

Hank, come on, just...
you say something.

Hey, hey, come here.
Come here, come here, come here.

Why didn't you play me?

You know what is more important
than winning football games?

You are.

You are.

You are.

Jesus says to love our enemies.

We have to love
those that oppose us.

We have to love those
that are against us,

to do good to those
that persecute us.

This is the kind of love that
isn't easy, but if we do it,

we will see change like
we have never seen before.

Because here's the question.

If you only love those
that love you back,

what kind of love is that?


Think about it, church.

Think about it.

I can do pork chops.

I'm gonna fry 'em up
in some flour.


What in the world?

That's Bear Bryant.

Hello, son.

I'm Coach Bryant.

I know.

Junior, get the baby.

Did you always wanna be a coach?

My mama wanted me
to be a preacher,

but I told her that
coaching and preaching

is pretty much
the same thing.

We both serve something
greater than ourselves.

She went for it.

Oh, I could eat
that whole thing.

You know, a great team
shares the same heartbeat.

That's what I believe.


If there is one thing
that has helped me as a coach,

Louise, it's my ability
to recognize winners,

or good people
who can become winners.

And that's what I see
when I look at you, Tony.

And I'm talking about
winning in the larger sense.

I'm talking about character.

Now, you have
a strong family.

That's a great advantage.

And you're coached
by a special coach.

Thank you, sir.

So, you coming?



My coach, he played at Auburn.


don't you want
one of these?

Sure do.

Louise, he ain't gonna
get one at Auburn.

I feel sorry for those boys.

How many
black players you got?

Well, we got Wilber Jackson,
and he's a stud.

But I don't have white players
and black players.

I have football players.

That's how I see it.

But in answer to your question,
not nearly enough.

So, why do you
see that changing?

Because it's time.

Are you gonna help me?

Football just hurts me
and everybody around me.

Nobody's forcing you
to play football.

You know that, right?

You can walk away right now
and let the world pass on by.

But this is bigger
than football, ain't it?

Yes, sir.

Some kinda great power
been given to you, son.

I can see it in
them kids' faces.

I know what they're thinking.

"A black star like you
at a white high school?

If he can do it, so can I."

That is your gift.

This is your time
to do as you choose.

And that's a lot to carry.

So tell me what to do,
and I'll do it.

The Good Book says.

"When there is no vision,
the people perish."

That means people
can't live without hope.

They need it
like they need air.

I say...

go give it to 'em.


You all know Tony Nathan.

He set this up.

Thanks Jeff.

This is Hank.
He's got something to say.

Thank you very much, Mr. Rutledge.

We found something
at Woodlawn.

Something that's bigger
than winning.

It's bigger than football.

It's why we're here.

It's bigger than this rivalry.

We wanna share it with you.

We wanna schedule a meeting with
your entire team and your coach.

You think this
school'll understand

what we're doing here?

They won't understand,
and that's okay.



Shorty, Hank,
what's this all about?

We finally had
our first meeting,

that tent revival thing.

Jeff set it up
over at the church.

I went to shut it down

'cause I thought Jesus
would make my boys weak.

Next thing you know,

I'm the first one
walking down the aisle,

crying like a child,
my whole team behind me.

My whole team.

How does that happen?

You gotta see it
with your own eyes.


I'm a changed man...

and I'm sorry.


I will take it.


I'm glad that's over.

We are gonna do camp
a little different this year.

Yeah, just a little bit

You wanna do something wild,
something truly rebellious?

I like that.

I want you to do something
that's never been done before.

At least, not to my knowledge.

♪ Prepare yourself,
you know it's a must ♪

♪ Gotta have a friend in Jesus ♪

♪ So you know that... ♪♪

Wouldn't be very Christian
if you stole my playbook

now, Tandy, would it?


No, it would not.

You know, I've always wanted
two things professionally:

To win a championship, and to
coach a truly great player.

You've done both,
so which is better?

Rings collect dust.

That right there,
that lasts forever.

Two rivals, Banks and Woodlawn,
had their fall camp together.

Both credit a spiritual
experience as the cause

for the public show of unity.

The trouble is they can't
both enter the playoffs

because they're
in the same district.

Many say this rule
is unfortunate, unfair,

and should change.

Mom, I got it.

Hello, son.

I'm not leaving here until
you decide to come to Alabama.

Excuse me.


Dear Lord,
we thank you for this food

and for your provisions.

Strengthen us with it
so that we might serve you.


And may I add, God in heaven,
help Tony see the light, Amen.

I do love corn.

Not me!

You don't like nothing!


We all do
what we do in life.

Go our different ways.

The idea of molding men,

well, that means
a lot to me.

And I want you to know
that I'm here to help

no matter
what choice you make.

And I think you
can feel that.

Now, your momma...

showed me this.

Said it was taped to a brick
thrown into this house.

At my little brother.

He didn't do nothing.

That was all because of me.

Tony, when I was
coming up here,

I passed a football field
full of kids.

I saw a young black boy wearin'
number 22, his head held high.

That's also because of you.

And I wanna
say something, son.

You know the difference
between you and these people?

They're cowards,
and you ain't.

Here comes the senior tailback

in his first game of the year.

Of course,
expectations are high.

Dozens of college scouts
and coaches are here watching.

And, folks,
the atmosphere is electric.

They all want to see
what this kid can do.

Do you feel unstoppable
when you run?

No, I just wanna
give Jesus Christ

all the glory for giving us
another victory.

What do you think
about Jeff Rutledge?

Best QB in the state.

Fifteen second leeway,

Alabama with one
time out remaining.

Rutledge on a roll.

Looks down the middle,
and it is...


So, Jeff, what do you
think of Touchdown Tony?

I think Tony Nathan's
the best running back

in the country.

You've got a big game next week.

What do you say to those calling
it Nathan vs. Rutledge?

Just two great teams.
Gonna be a great game.

Good luck, Tony.

Thank you.

Hey, what paper'd
you say you're with?

"Sports Illustrated."

The question, what happens
when an unstoppable force.

Meets an immoveable object?

We're gonna find out on Friday.

This is the game
we've all been waiting for.

The top two teams in the state
facing off in a clash of titans.

Both are undefeated.

Both have one of the most highly
ranked athletes in the nation.

And because
of the expected crowds,

the game has been
moved to the heart

of Birmingham: Legion Field.

It's Nathan vs. Rutledge.

Get those knees up.

You spying out the b*ttlefield
like me, huh?

How many people you think?

I don't know.

Heard it could be
close to 20,000.

Ain't never seen that
many people in my life.

You see the "Sports Illustrated"?

Nah, man.

"Faces in the Crowd,"
you're in there.

I'm sure the Bear came and saw
you, gave you the ring speech.


"You ain't gonna
get one over there."

Yeah, he did.

You decided?

Man, I don't even know.

I've never made this big
of a decision before in my life.

Me too.

Well, go where you feel like you
can make the most difference.

That's what I'm gonna do.

It's crazy, all these
people coming to see us.

What's so special about us?

We're a symbol.

We give them hope.

I ain't seen you in school.

I got suspended.


Because I wanted to.

Ain't nobody gonna
bus me to that prison.

That's the only way
I saw out, that's all.

Who's been doing this to you?

You need to leave.

Right now, please.


Touchdown Tony Nathan.

What you doing here,
digging in the trash?


That might be your daughter,
but that's the woman I love.

Did you actually read through this?

Come on.

Parents are calling it
abrasive and overreaching.

I didn't force anyone to do anything.

You know what this is.

It's retribution.

Yes, I know, but I am
compelled to deal with it.

Look at the changes
to these boys, Owen.

It is amazing to see.

It is.

But this is
a public high school.

Mr. Whitehurst.

And you are?

I'm Linda, sir.
I'm a teacher.

And What is this?

It's a prayer meeting.

Prayer meeting?

The kids started it
themselves Friday night

and it just hasn't stopped.

God, thank you for the change

that you've brought
upon this city.

Thank you for the change that
you've brought upon this school.

Thank you for the change that
you have brought upon my life.

Are you leading this?

No, sir.
I was an atheist last week.

The kids,
they're leading me.

It's spreading
all over the school.

There's even a rally
tonight at Legion Field

if you want to come.

Coach is setting it up.

I just wanna thank
Coach Gerelds and his team

for putting this together.

Thank you, Coach.

Would you look at this?

I mean, take a look around.

Can you believe it?

This is what happens
when God shows up.

Now, a couple years back,
I went to this thing called.

"The Explo '72" in Dallas.

I joined a hundred thousand
other people just like us.

Up until that point
in my life,

I guess I kinda
felt insignificant.

I felt like my life
doesn't matter.

Then the last night of the week,

there in the big Cotton Bowl,
they shut off the lights.

And in that darkness,
Reverend Graham lit a candle.

A single candle.

I was standing in the very
back of the stadium,

but I could see that light.

And I realized that my
life is not insignificant.

My life matters.

One light became two
and two became ten

and ten became
a hundred thousand.

Well, people in Dallas started
calling the fire department

and the police department,

"The Cotton Bowl's on fire!"

Well, you know what?

They were right.

A hundred thousand candles
burning as one.

"Time Magazine" said
that the Jesus revolution...

that's what they called us...
has a symbol.

This is our symbol.

Because there is one way.

We're not gathered here
united tonight

because of the name
of our teams or of our schools,

but because of the name
above all names:



One person alone in the dark,

willing to speak the truth
when it's not popular,

one person willing to speak
the truth when it is not safe,

when there is much at stake.

Look around you.

We're not alone.

This is what happens
when God shows up.

Well, here he comes.

Coach, so glad
you could join us.

I believe you know
everybody here.

This is Brenda Halley,
lawyer from Montgomery.


Why don't you take your seat
and let us get started.

Go right ahead.

Did you have an evangelist
of some sort

speak to the team
this year and last?


Was this activity
school sponsored?

Was it required?

Well, it just
sorta happened.

It wasn't required, at least
not the way that I saw.

Last year, did you recite
the Lord's Prayer

before and after each game?

Yes, we did.

Did you dismiss players

because they didn't
wanna be a part of this?

Yes, he did.

That is in outright lie.
Your son quit.

Coach, are you aware
of the U.S. Supreme Court

ruling on this issue?

Because you're in clear
violation of it.

And whether you like it or not,
you are breaking the law.

See, I think this has more to do

with the color
of my tailback than God.

I want you to stop
all religious activities

until this board has taken this
matter under full review.

You mean on school property?

I mean all activities, otherwise
you will be removed as coach

from Woodlawn High School.

Which may already
be the case after this matter

has been fully reviewed
by the board.

Can I come in?

You know,
I had my first coaching job

when I was 22 years old.

This is the only job
that I have ever had.

It's all I know how to do.

What can I do for you?

That's what
I wanted to ask you.

How do you mean?

I don't like it when
my teammates get hit.

Same goes for my coach.

Thank you, Tony.

I think I'm gonna get hit
no matter what I do.

I got some tough
decisions to make.

You once told me that
winning solves everything.

I don't know if
I believe that anymore.

They do.

So, let me help you
carry this.

How are you gonna do that?

By winning you
a championship.

All right.

All right.
Let's go beat Banks.

♪ Do-do-do-do do do do do ♪

♪ Do-do-do-do do do do do ♪

♪ Do-do-do-do do do do do ♪

♪ Do-do-do-do do do ♪

♪ Jesus is just
alright with me ♪

♪ Jesus is just alright,
oh yeah ♪

♪ Jesus is just
alright with me ♪

♪ Jesus is just alright ♪

♪ I don't care
what they may say ♪

♪ I don't care
what they may do ♪

♪ I don't care
what they may say ♪

♪ Jesus is just alright,
oh yeah ♪

♪ Jesus is just alright ♪♪

You hear that, boys?

That's for you.

Use it.

Use that sound.

We need another half-hour coach.

Another half-hour?

We're getting 'em
in as quick as we can.

How many people are out there?

A lot.


Can I have a moment
with my son?

There's a lot of people
out there, Dad.

I know.

But they ain't here
to see Woodlawn vs. Banks.

They're here to see you.

You've given a lot of people
hope, and I'm proud of you.

Look at me.

I'm proud of you.

Win or lose,
you're my son.

How do you feel?


Don't be.

How many people
are out there?

Tony, come on.

You'll see.

We're gonna do this one way.

All right, let's do this,
come on.

Tony! Tony! Tony! Tony!

All right, here we go.
Here we go.

Tony! Tony! Tony! Tony!

Tony! Tony! Tony!

One way, boys! Let's do this!

Welcome to Legion Field
in Birmingham, Alabama,

where history is being made
here tonight.

Never before and perhaps
never again have there been

so many people to see
a high school football game.

And they're not here
just to see two teams.

They are here to see players,

and one just entered
the stadium.

Number 22, Touchdown Tony.

And you can hear the cheers
for this young man.

They are deafening.

And the Banks Jets
have just landed.

Here they come, led by senior
superstar quarterback,

Jeff Rutledge.

Legion Field is all
but full to capacity.

There is a line of cars
still outside,

stretching as far
as the eye can see,

and this crowd
is continuing to build.

As a matter of fact, I've
already seen seven SEC coaches

in attendance here today.


They'll let anybody in.

♪ O'er the land of the free ♪

♪ And the home of the brave ♪♪

Let's go, Hank.

Where we going?

To do something
wild and rebellious.


Pray for us, Hank.


Pray for us.

What are we doing?

Giving credit
where credit is due.

Let's pray.

Will you pray with me?

Our Father
who art in heaven,

hallowed be thy name.

Thy kingdom come,
thy will be done...

Give us this day our daily bread.

And forgive us our trespasses,

as we forgive those
who trespass against us.

Lead us not into temptation,
but deliver us from evil.

For thine is the kingdom,
the power, and the glory.

For ever and ever.


One Way!


Good luck, Coach.


Take a look around, y'all.
Take this all in.

This is something special.

Let's go do what
we do, all right?

Spider 2-Y Banana
on one.

Spider 2-Y Banana
on one, ready?



There you go!

You all right?
Good hit.

You gotta release the ball quicker.

You're holding
onto it too much.

Go, go, go, go, go.

You got this.

Both teams are at a standstill,

neither one able
to break through.

Rutledge drops back to pass.

Looks right, lets it fly.

A perfect spiral,
a beautiful throw...

And is caught!

Finds its target
at the ten-yard line,

Into the end zone.

Banks is first on the board.

The master of offense,
Shorty White,

has willed his team through
and into the end zone.

That's okay. Let's get it back.

Let's get it back.
Don't turn over the ball.

Positive yardage, okay?
We can break one.

You can break one in.

and the score remains the same.

Banks has been the only team to
find the end zone here tonight.

Coach, I know
what you're thinking,

but we gotta do something.

This ain't working.

Hey, time out.

Boys, just
take a breath, okay?

Just breathe.

Look around you.
Savor this moment.

Okay, Mum,
I Right 25 Blast, okay?

Let's go do it.


What do you feel
but you can't say, huh?

What do you want to say
to all of these people?

You say it
when you run, Tony.

You say it when you run.

Now, this is your moment.
This is your time.

Yes, sir.

So, you go and take it.
You go and take it!

Yes, sir!


It's to Nathan.

Nothing doing
on the right side.

He'll change direction.
Shakes off the tackle.

Finds a hole.

And he's brought down
after a gain of five.

He's still up!

He's still on his feet!
He breaks another tackle.

He's moving up
the head of steam.

He's past midfield.

He leaps over the linebacker
like Superman.

Heading to the far corner,
he's got one man to beat.

There he goes.

He's gone!

Touchdown, Woodlawn!

Touchdown, Tony Nathan!

Tony! Tony! Tony! Tony!

Tony! Tony!
Tony! Tony!

It was amazing.

You could feel it in
the stadium all over.

Forty-two thousand fans at
a high school football game.

Not even the play-offs.

I mean, none of the tickets
were pre-purchased.

They had to send home
20,000 people.

You know,
a "National Geographic" reporter

who was coming through
even wrote about it

and he said it was
undeniably spiritual.

Supernatural even.

It was life-changing for me.

It was unbelievable.


So, what?

Did you win?

No, we did not.

Look, I'll have these
policies ready for you

first thing in the morning.

So, what's the answer?

Do you believe
in miracles?

Yes, I do.

I am one.

Well, thanks for the story.

Hi! Honey!

Where in the world
have you been?

You are late, mister.
The game's already started.

I just wanted to walk.
It's such a beautiful day.

All right, well,
there you go, honey.

Just not today.


Penn State and Alabama
in the Super Dome

in New Orleans
in this ABC Sports exclusive.


There he is.

Ah, there he is!
There's Tony, Todd!

They call him
Touchdown Tony Nathan.

He's home-grown,
right in Birmingham,

and he can break the long run
almost anywhere at any time.

Tony Nathan.

Here comes Alabama.

Here is the offensive
back field

for the Crimson Tide of Alabama.

The quarterback, Major Ogilvie,
is the other half back,

and Steve Whitman
is the full back.


Did I miss anything?

Oftentimes he's the
money man in this call.

Now that is
Alabama football.

That was the last play
of the ball game.

It is over.

Alabama has defeated Penn State
by a score of 14 to 7.

Alabama has won six times
in the Sugar Bowl.

The Bear goes for a ride.


Hey Coach, I told you
I'd win you a championship.


Did you see it?

I would not have
missed it for the world.

I am so proud of you.

- All right, Tony!
- Tony, you won us a big one.

I don't have much time,

but I wanted
to tell you something.

I'm gonna ask Johnnie
to marry me after graduation.

That's just great, Tony.

How's the team this year?

I'm not coaching anymore.

I needed some time
away from it.

I'm selling insurance right
across the street from Woodlawn.

Just gives me some
more time with my family.

All right, I respect that.

They're calling for me,
I gotta go.

I love you, Coach.

I love you, too, son.

I don't know what kind of
insurance salesman you are,

but you were born
to be a coach.

One of the best
I've ever had.

Someone once told me
we all have a purpose.

Maybe it's time to start
living yours again.

Gotta go.

Look around you.

We're not alone.

This is what happens
when God shows up.

♪ We are one in the Spirit ♪

♪ We are one in the Lord ♪

♪ We are one in the Spirit ♪

♪ We are one in the Lord ♪

♪ And we pray that all unity
may one day be restored ♪

♪ And they'll know we are
Christians by our love ♪

♪ By our love ♪

♪ Yes, they'll know we are
Christians by our love ♪

♪ We will walk with each other ♪

♪ We will walk hand in hand ♪

♪ We will walk with each other ♪

♪ We will walk hand in hand ♪

♪ And together we'll
spread the news ♪

♪ that God is in our land ♪

♪ And they'll know we are
Christians by our love ♪

♪ By our love ♪

♪ Yes, they'll know we are
Christians by our love ♪

♪ They'll know us by our love ♪

Tonight, we're asking you,
in a moment or two

to light a candle to symbolize
that we are going to go

out of this place
to proclaim a gospel

that could bring peace
to our world,

that could change
all the social injustice,

and a gospel that can
transform the lives

of millions of people
on every continent.

And we're challenging
you tonight to do it.

♪ They'll know us by our love ♪

♪ They will know we are
Christians by our love ♪

♪ By our love ♪

♪ Yes, they'll know we are
Christians by our love ♪♪
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