c*ptive (2015)

Easter, Religious/Spiritual Movie Collection.

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Easter, Religious/Spiritual Movie Collection.
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c*ptive (2015)

Post by bunniefuu »


PAIGE: For me?

ASHLEY: Okay. So, which one do you want?

These ones.

Come here. Which one? This one?

No, these ones.

This one?

- Yes.

Other foot, other foot.

Give me that one.

Heels. I think you're
too young to wear heels.

- I know.
- Let me see.


- Oh.
- It's okay.

Whatever you do, don't smile.

Whatever you do, don't laugh.


MELISSA: You stay young
and high for so long

that one day you look back

and you realize you're all alone.

Help gone,

and what's left?


BEATRICE: Thank you for sharing, Melissa.

Anyone else?

Hi, I'm Ashley.

ALL: Hi, Ashley.

I lost everything too.

Because of meth.

They said I was an unfit mother.

Took away my little girl.

Every time I do it I think,

"This is the last time.
I can control this."

And I do it again and again and again.

I just can't...

I just can't stop.

I like it too much.

BEATRICE: Living one day at a time.

Enjoying one moment at a time.

Trusting that You'll make all things right

if I surrender to Your will.


ALL: Amen.


I haven't seen you in a while. You okay?

You clean?

How long?

A month.

Like, two days.

If I can't do this,

then I don't get my
daughter back and if I...

I know.

It's not easy.

Have you heard of this book?

The Purpose Driven Life?

Oh, yeah. I have.

It can help.

It helped me.

Ashley, you can't do this alone.

If you need me, call.




Come on.


Face the wall, Mr. Nichols.

Eyes front.

Step inside, please.

Don't wanna keep Judge Barnes waiting.

That suit there is
compliments of your attorney.

Officer Hall down, cell block.

[ON RADIO] Please send a medic.

Prisoner escaped.


Mr. Nichols, what are you doing?



Suspect northwest service corridor.

In pursuit.


Stop! Out of the way!





Ugh! I hate this car.



- Gosh!

Love you too!

MAN: Come on! Go.

Have a nice day.

NEWSCASTER: Right now the
search is on for a suspect

after a judge, a court reporter

and a deputy are shot dead
at an Atlanta courthouse.

We're following developments
in this breaking story.

Right now, police
looking for this man.

From the CNN Center in
Atlanta, I'm Miles O'Brien.

And I'm Kyra Phillips.

This hour of CNN's Live
Room starts right now.

O'BRIEN: Let's just bring you
up to date on what's going on.

An intensive manhunt

all throughout the city of Atlanta

as they look for this suspect

involved in this multiple sh**ting

at the Fulton County
Superior Courthouse.

Brian Nichols is the suspect

and he is apparently at
loose in the city at large.

You're late, Ashley. Third time this week.

If it happens again,

I'm gonna have to put you on weekends only.

Aw, Randy, you wouldn't do that to me.

It'd break my heart.

Hold on.

Lady dropped this off for you.


Lieutenant Chestnut.
Meredith MacKenzie, TV 7 News.

Could you tell us how the sh**t

was able to breach courthouse security

and k*ll three people?

I'm going on a national in two minutes.

Well, good luck with that.

Two deputies called in sick.

Deputy Cynthia Hall was
alone with Brian Nichols

when he att*cked her in the holding cell.

JOHN: I know Cynthia.

How bad was she hurt?

She's in a coma.

He took her g*n,

came in here.

One, two.

Where was the bailiff?

On a clerical errand for the judge.

Any priors?

Minor, until a r*pe charge.

A disorderly and a drug possession.

Played college football.

Two-year degree in electronics.

Had two good jobs.

What kind of time was he looking at?

Department's on full tactical.

We have got to get this
guy back into custody.

Not unless one of ours gets to him first.

I know. We've set up
an emergency task force.

Chief wants you to take lead.

WOMAN: Commander, the
press is ready for you.

You got to fix this, John.

Let's get started on Nichols right away.

Friends, girlfriends,
former employers, everybody.


he grew up in Baltimore.

He lived in Florida,
he lived in Atlanta.

He knows his way around

if he can get to some of
these other communities.

But my bet right now is that
he stayed in that local area.

He stays in the area that he knows.

Try to let some of
the heat come off.

And this may turn out to not only be

the biggest manhunt in Georgia,

but the biggest manhunt in America.


Yeah, it's okay.


This the r*pe victim?

No, this is the one he had a child with.

Lynn Campbell.

I can't keep it straight with these women.

Thank God you're here!

Ms. Campbell, Sergeant Carmen Sandoval.

This is Lieutenant John Chestnut.

Has Brian Nichols tried
to contact you in any way?

- No.
- You sure?

Of course I'm sure.

After I found out what he did to his ex,

I have refused to have
anything to do with him.

Look at this little guy.

What's his name?


CARMEN: Hi, Chris.

Did you know any of Brian's friends?

Places where he would go?

He never really opened up to me much.

Other than work and the gym,

I don't know where else he would go.

Any guesses?

I told you, I don't know!

It's just that he might
have divulged information

without meaning to.

Like I said, I don't know.

Look, we're gonna leave these
two officers here with you.

Sound good?

It does.

Is it all right if we look around?

Of course, sure.


Thank you.


Baby girl!

Mommy, guess what?

I took care of the baby ducks in school!

Lucky girl!

I came to drop off the balance
of your first month's rent.

Thank you, Aunt Kim.

You're a sweetheart to do that.

Well, remember, this is a loan.

I expect you to pay me back.

Yeah. I will.

Mmm. Like all the other times?

I said I would.

Mommy, I got a pretty dress

for the Mommy Daughter Show tomorrow.

I bet I'm gonna love it.

WOMAN: Order up.

Can I see your new house, Mommy? Please?

PAIGE: Please.

Hey, sweetie, I'm gonna give you a quarter.

Why don't you run over
and get some gum, okay?

This Mommy Daughter Fashion
Show is important to her.

It's all she's talked about for days.

You need to be there by

Don't you roll your eyes at me!

You are her mother and you
need to start acting like it.

You've broken just about every promise

you've ever made to her.

I will be there at 9:30.

Thank you for the loan.

Oh, man! Great.

We'll brush it off.

Reports have come in that

as many as four different vehicles

have been stolen over
the last several hours.

All units, be on the lookout

for a stolen 2004 light
blue Mercury Grand Marquis,

Georgia tags

Vehicle is currently believed
to be driven by m*rder suspect.

Brian Nichols.

OFFICER: 10-4. Appreciate it, Rose.

NEWSCASTER: You look at the actions

of the suspect, Brian Nichols,

in the triple courthouse homicide...

What do you think the
personality profile

of a man like this is?

MAN: [ON TV] Well, you
know, I've listened

to friends and relatives say

he was really a nice
guy when he grew up.

He was a nice kid, he was
big, nobody messed with him.

But people did mess with
him, the system did.

The system said he couldn't
abuse his girlfriend,

he couldn't tie her up in duct tape,

he couldn't as*ault her,

he couldn't carry a machine g*n.

This is a guy who didn't
like to be told, "No."

And, when the system finally said,

"We're gonna make you pay for this,"

it sounds like this sociopath...








Hey, Aunt Kim.

Ashley, I wanted to apologize for earlier.

I wasn't very nice.

[MUMBLES] No, it's okay.

No, it's not.

I was rude and unfair.

What's that noise?

Are you at a party?

No, no.

I'm just unpacking, playing my music.

Well, I just wanted you to know.

I am proud of you, Ash.

You've been working really hard,

and we're gonna get there.

Thank you, Aunt Kim. That means a lot.

I've got someone here who
wants to talk to her mommy.

Here you go.


Hey, baby girl!

If it's okay, Mommy,

Aunt Kim said we can
come to your new house.

Uh, yeah.

Yeah, baby, that sounds great.

Yay, we're going to go to
Mommy's house tomorrow.

Mommy said it was okay.


That's such good news!

Hey, listen, I got a lot to get through

if you're gonna come by,

so I'll see you soon.

I'll say my prayers for you.

I love you.

I love you, too. Bye-bye, sweetheart.

AUNT KIM: We'll see you
in the morning, honey.

Yep. 9:30.



Any word on the Mercury?

Nothing yet, sir.

Brian Nichols' mother. Line six.

Hello, Ms. Nichols, thank
you for returning my call.

I called two days ago,

warning the Sheriff's Department about him.

Anyone tell us about this?

I told them what
Brian's friends said.

If things didn't go his way,

how he might act out in
court and hurt someone.

Why didn't anyone listen?

Has he tried to contact you, Ms. Nichols?

He knows better than to call me after this.

Is there anything you could tell me

that will help us find him?

No, sir.

That girl he violated,

he was with her for seven years.

She was like a daughter to me.

I don't want anyone
else getting hurt.

I'll be praying for you.

Thank you for calling, Ms. Nichols.




[SCREAMS] Help me!

You scream again, and
I will have to k*ll you.


- Who else lives here?
- No one.

Get up.


Where's the child?

Lives somewhere else.

What's in there?

Open it. Open it.

You said the child doesn't live here!

It's my surprise for her.
She's coming tomorrow.


Get in the tub.

God, please, no, please.

Get in.

Look at me.

I said, look at me.

You been watching TV today?

- I have a daughter...
- Put your hands out.

She's five years old. If you hurt me...

Put your hands out. Cross your wrists.

Sit down. Sit down!

My name is Ashley Smith. I'm a mother.

Your phone. Where is it?

The landline's not hooked up yet.

I don't trust you.

Do not move.

If you do, I will hurt you.


Your daughter did this?

Kim Rogers.

Who's she?

My aunt.

This where the kid stays?


I can't give you any information.

It's as simple as that.

We're not comfortable with
any of this either, Doctor.

Now, I understand and
appreciate your position,

but if we knew Brian's psychology better,

it would help us immeasurably.

Three people are dead, Dr. Pratt.

Mr. Nichols has episodes of paranoia,

defensiveness, emotional distance,

and he doesn't believe that he actually

committed the r*pe that he's accused of.

Oh, come on.

Every criminal walks through my door

swears on their mother's
grave they didn't do it.

This man genuinely doesn't believe

he committed the crime.

It shows the depth of his denial.

And you didn't see this coming
when you were examining him?

The man was deeply in denial.

On TV, they said you
played college football?

Get up.


No, no, no, no. No.

No, no, no. [SOBS]

You don't have to do this.







You have any children?


Baby boy.


I didn't know till I found out
from my lawyer three days ago.

They wouldn't even tell me his name.


Same old stuff.

Always trying to grind me down.

No one wants to listen.

I didn't r*pe anyone.

What happened?

My lady cheated on me with
a minister from our church.

[CHUCKLES] Can you
believe that? A minister.

She was mad because I got
another lady friend pregnant.

But I went to her house to apologize

and I'd had a lot to drink.

But I did not do those
things they say I did.


I loved her.

My husband has some clothes you could wear.


He's coming home at 6:00.

He works the night shift.

You said no one else lives here.

No, I said no one else was here now.


Are you lying?

Why would I lie?

Would you prefer I didn't say anything

and then he walks in here?

I guess we'll all have to
get acquainted at 6:00 then,

won't we?

Your husband's clothes, where are they?

In a box in my bedroom closet.


You have my number.

Feel free to call me.

We found the Mercury
Marquis Nichols stole earlier

abandoned up the street.

Can you tell how far the sh**t was

from Mr. Wilhelm?

About here.

From the angle of the wound,

Agent Wilhelm was on his knees.


JOHN: Never got to hit "Send."

What'd she say?

She was bringing him supper
when she found him like this.

Said he always carried
a Glock, even off-duty.

JOHN: Yeah, we found the holster.

Notify the FBI Field Office.

Let them know Wilhelm was a customs agent.

And while you're at it,

see if you can locate the jail video

of Nichols' attack on Deputy Hall.

Besides her g*n, let's see
if he took anything else.

My family doesn't listen to me, either.

They think I'm a liar.

They don't trust me.

That's good to know.

He took her radio. You were right.

I usually am.

NEWSCASTER: Department is
offering a $65,000 reward

for any information that would lead

to the capture of Brian...


JOHN: [ON RADIO] Brian Nichols.

This is Lieutenant John Chestnut

from the Atlanta Police Department.

We know you have
Deputy Hall's radio,

and we know you've
been monitoring us.

It's time we had a talk, Brian.

You're an intelligent
man. We can work this out.


Nothing yet. Get him talking.

I met your son today.

You know, a son is
something to be proud of.

Truly one of life's blessings.

I know you wanna meet
little Christopher.

I mean, the boy looks just like you.

You hear me, brother?

You are not my brother.

JOHN: That's right, Brian, I'm not.

I saw you and your posse
at my lady friend's house.

Sorry we missed you.

You've got a $65,000
reward out on me.

Whole damn city's locked down

and you still can't find me.

Yeah, you're right about that, Brian.

Just trying to do our job, you know?

Haven't enough people died today?

Be a tragedy if you
never met Christopher.

Never got to hold him.

Because, truth be told,

you're not getting out of here.

So turn yourself in,

and I promise you, you will meet your son.

BRIAN: You and I both know
that's not the way it goes.

You k*ll a cop, a cop kills you.

I give you my word,
that's not gonna happen.

Don't lie to me!

Look, Brian, the longer
you stay out there,

the harder it's gonna be
for me to keep that promise.

But the quicker you end this,

the sooner you get
to see Christopher.




DISPATCHER: How close?

About a three-mile radius,

North Gwinnett to the county line.

Best I can do.

You did good.

Not good enough.

He knows everything we're doing.

He's holed up somewhere with a TV.

Get our people over to Gwinnett

and alert the local P.D.

Beg for as much air support as we can get.

Media still hanging around?

If she's out there, find that reporter,

Meredith MacKenzie.

I wanna talk to her.


You got any weed?


You got any weed?

I need to relax.

I don't.

Come on, I know you have
something here, party girl.

What you got?


Don't mess with me. What do you got?

I have ice.

What's that?


Well, let's break it out.

Ladies first.

Come on, let's go.


What do you mean, "No"?

You go ahead and do it
if you want, but I won't.




Miss MacKenzie.

Please have a seat.

We wanna give you an exclusive.

We need you to broadcast something for us.

You can help us flush Nichols out.


being told at this point

that nobody else in the courthouse

knew what was going on
inside that courtroom,

despite the fact that this man

had already shot
the sheriff's deputy

in another part of the complex.

- So it's a very disturbing,

tragic, confusing story.

The fact is, three people are dead,

one in the hospital
in critical condition,

and this man, who, if
and when he's caught,

could possibly face the death
penalty here in Georgia,

is still on the loose. Kyra.

PHILLIPS: Gary Tuchman

outside the courthouse
there, thanks so much.

BRIAN: What time you say
your husband was coming?

- 6:00?
- Yes.

Yeah, that's good! That's good.

Gonna be ready. We're in a w*r.

And I'm a soldier! I am
a soldier for my people.

You can't enslave me! You can't shackle me!

That's right, I am Brian Nichols!

PHILLIPS: All bus and train
stations will remain closed...

You better shut the
buses and the trains down.

I got it, I got it.

We're gonna go to Mexico.

Gonna get that truck,
we're gonna go to Mexico,

we're gonna rob the banks,

we're gonna pick up Christopher

and we're gonna go to Mexico.

What's your daughter's name?

- Paige.
- Paige, that's right.

We're gonna pick up
Paige and Christopher...

Hey, Brian, I gotta use the bathroom.

Go for it, you use the bathroom.

Everybody's gotta use the bathroom.

We all gotta use the
bathroom. Use the bathroom.

We gotta get that truck, though.

Hey! What are you doing?

I can't go with the door open.

All right, I'll turn
around. I'll turn around.

No, I can't go with you standing there.

I don't trust you, Ashley.

I don't trust you, Ashley.


So what are we gonna do?

You're gonna talk, all right?

I'm gonna shut the door and
you're gonna talk. All right?

Yeah, okay.

Hey! Hold on!

I said we're gonna go to Mexico.

We're gonna get that truck.

We're gonna go to Mexico,
gotta rob the bank though.

Understand? Where we going,
Ashley? Where we going?

- Mexico.
- That's right.

The knife!

Give me the knife!

Talk, all right?


Oh, my God.

God, please help me.

BRIAN: I can't hear you!

- Ashley, I can't hear you!


What do you want me to say?

Should I say the alphabet?

That'll work.

Okay. A, B, C...

- D, E, F, G...

H, I, J...

BRIAN: Keep going, Ashley!

ASHLEY: K, L, M, N...

Keep going!

It's weird to talk and pee.

Talk about, uh...

Talk about your husband.

He's two years older than
me and we met in high school.


He works at Amalgamated Container.

What else?

How am I supposed to go to the bathroom

if you keep asking me questions?

What's taking so long?

Who have you got in there?

- I can hear people in there.
- What?

What did you...

What did you put in that stuff?

You put something in that stuff.


Why didn't you take it?

Why didn't you take it?

Why didn't you take it?


Take it. Come on, take it.

Take it.



Do you want to live?

- Do you want to live?
- I do.

Then take it.


Do it.


BRIAN: What is that? What are you doing?

It's just a book.

What book?

The Purpose Driven Life.

I didn't say you could read.

Read it.

Read it to me.

"It all starts with God.

"It's not about you.

"The purpose of your life is far greater

"than your own personal fulfillment,

"your peace of mind,
or even your happiness.

"It's far greater than
your family, your career,

"or even your wildest dreams and ambitions.

"If you want to know why you
were placed on this planet,

- "you must begin with God..."
- Stop.

That's a bunch of church crap.

Place is full of con artists and hustlers.

My dad went to church every Sunday

and he was a mean drunk.

I've got a demon in me.


Roadblocks north and
south on Duluth Highway.

Peachtree west and east Rogers Bridge.

We miss anything?

Nope. All roadblocks operational.

Aerial surveillance ready.

Get MacKenzie on the phone.
Tell her it's showtime.

I want eyes in the sky.
All choppers up now.

Copy that.

And now, we wait.

MAN: [ON TV] He's
gonna be sorely missed.

He could teach judges a thing about

how to be a tough judge, but decent.

He did not have what
some lawyers refer to

as "robe-itis," which
is, went to his head.

He was just an approachable,

very, very decent, very smart man.


Scheib, attorney-at-law

here in Atlanta, Georgia...

I need to leave at 9:00 to see my daughter.

You're not going anywhere.

WOMAN: Next up, Channel

reporting from police headquarters.

The body of Federal
Agent David Wilhelm

was found at his home in Buckhead.

The FBI are now joining
the investigation,

widening its scope.

Nichols is believed to be driving.

Agent Wilhelm's blue
Chevy Silverado truck,

Georgia plate 5PXL456.

We got to get that truck
out of here. Let's go.

Can I at least put on
some warm clothes first?

BRIAN: Hurry up!

WOMAN: Joins us
now from the scene

of the sh**ting of
that customs agent

whose body was found
earlier this morning.

Hurry up!

WOMAN: Good morning to you,
John. Bring us up to date.

Good morning, Alex. This is
a very active crime scene.

Earlier this morning, we're
not sure exactly when,

Atlanta police got a call that

there was a body of
a man shot to death...

All I wanted was his truck,

and then he pulled his g*n on me.

It was his own fault.

MAN: About eight miles
north of downtown Atlanta

where the courthouse
sh**t occurred yesterday.

You can perhaps see some of the...

- Come on.

I saw some woods down the road.

Know where I mean?

I do.

You drive, I'll follow.


I know where the child is.

Don't do anything you'll regret.






- No, no, no.


Hey there.

You need some help?

MAN: Are you okay?

ASHLEY: Yeah, it happens
all the time. I can fix it.

Ma'am, are you sure you're all right?

Yeah, I got it.



Do we know each other from somewhere, man?

Thank you, sir. We appreciate it.

Bobby was just following me
to make sure I got home safe.

You take care of yourself, ma'am.

Thank you.


The gate's shut.

Wait here.

Let's go.

Why did you do it?

Why'd you k*ll all those people?


Is this him?

Mr. Six O'Clock?


Okay, just pull over

and act like anyone else would.

Okay, keep driving.

They're not looking for your car.

BRIAN: So, what's your husband's name?


"Big Mac."

Guess Mac'll be home
in around half an hour.


I lied.

He's not coming home.

He's dead.

He was stabbed to death by a drug dealer.

I should've made him stay home that night.

If I had, he'd still be alive.

It's all my fault.

I miss him.

They found Wilhelm's truck.

He slipped through, John. [SIGHS]

Is this you?


You, uh, want any help with that?


Anything I can do around here?


You could hang that mirror
over there, if you want.

You got any, uh, nails?

It's right behind you.

BRIAN: This wall, right here?



Real butter.

You can read it, if you like.


Out loud.

"God deserves your best."

"He shaped you for a purpose,"

"and He expects you to make the most"

"of what you have been given."

I haven't been given anything.

You have a son.

I'm never gonna see him again, am I?

If you stop what you're
doing and give yourself up,

maybe you will.

Keep reading.

"He doesn't want you to worry about"

"or covet abilities you don't have."

"Instead, He wants you
to focus on talents."

"He has given you to use."

"When you attempt to serve God"

"in ways you're not shaped to serve..."

"Fear is a self-imposed prison"

"that will keep you from becoming"

"what God intends for you to be."

"You must move against it,
and weapons of faith and love."

"The Bible says 'well-formed
love banishes fear...'"

"Job said, 'My life drags
by, day after hopeless day."

"'And I give up, I'm tired of living."

"'Leave me alone, my life makes no sense.'"

"The greatest tragedy is not death,"

"but life without purpose."

"We were made to have meaning."

"A young man in his twenties wrote,"

"'I feel like a failure,"

"'because I'm struggling
to become something"

"'and I don't even know what it is."

"'All I know how to do is to get by."

"'Someday, if I discover my purpose,"

"'I'll feel I'm beginning to live.'"

"When life has meaning, you
can bear almost anything."

"Without it, nothing is bearable."

When I heard I had a son...

I had to break out.

I don't belong in that place.

When I saw what they
were trying to do to me,

how that judge was trying to enslave me,

I went into that courtroom

and I shot him dead.

You know what?

It felt good.

If I were the one who k*lled your husband,

could you forgive me?

I don't know.

Maybe God can.

Hey, it's Ashley. Leave a message.

Well, I guess you're in the shower.

Okay, well, we're leaving the house now,

so please don't be late.

All right, we'll see you at 9:30 sharp.

Aunt Kim, come on, can we go?

Yeah, let's go meet your
mama at the Fashion Show.

You look so pretty!

Brian, it's time.

I have to leave now.

I can't be late to see my daughter.

I said, I have to go.

Okay, I'm leaving.

Paige needs me. I can't
disappoint her again.

BRIAN: Wait.

You'll need this.

Come on!


Don't you dare die on me.

DISPATCHER: Gwinnett County, 911.

Yes, my name is Ashley Smith.

The guy from the courthouse, Brian Nichols,

he's been holding me hostage
for the past seven hours.

He just let me go.

Hold on, let me get
you the hotline number.

No, this isn't a tip. I
was being held hostage...

Ma'am, you need to start
from the beginning.

Brian Nichols is in my apartment,

Bridgewater Apartments.

Please hold on.

MAN: Miss Smith, this
is Sergeant Evans.

We have your location.

Stay where you are,
we're sending a...




There is a man she is identifying

as Nichols as being
inside her house.

Now, once again,

we do not have independent


is talking about a
woman in Duluth, Georgia

who has called the
local police to say...

Visual on them, give me 20 feet.

You two, the second team.

So you're saying you
didn't know him at all.


I didn't.

So why'd he pick your apartment?

I don't know.

Were there any dr*gs involved?

Answer the question, yes or no?

Yeah, there was ice. I didn't do any.

I don't care what you
did or did not do, ma'am.

How long ago did Nichols use?


About 4:00 a.m.

OFFICER: All residents
in a two-block radius...


Paige, stop!

Stop. Stop!

gonna put a tighter

circle around the apartment

where they think
that Nichols may be.

is indeed Brian Nichols

inside of this lady's house,

is this going exactly the way

you had just hoped it would not,

but that you predicted it might?

the worst case scenario

as far as perhaps him being
in a house with someone else.

Sir. The landline to the
apartment's up and running.

- MALE NEWSCASTER: If it's him,

we've got him located someplace.

This case is breaking so fast, Alex,

it's hard to get a breath

and it moves to a new phase.

JOHN: Hello?

Hello, Brian Nichols?

This is Lieutenant John Chestnut again.

entire area that

you're showing a shot of right now,

nobody in, nobody out,
but law enforcement.




becomes a road called 141

which takes you right into Duluth.

I've got movement.

Positive I.D. on the suspect.

Permission to fire.

MALE NEWSCASTER: This individual,

Mr. Nichols, sounds like

he's been somewhat astute
in his observations.

It sounds to me like he has
stayed off main roads...

It's very accurate.

got Meredith MacKenzie

joining us now, reporting live
from Bridgewater Apartments.

The manhunt during the last 24 hours

has kept the people
of Atlanta in fear

from a k*ller with no conscience.

He's sh**ting, take cover!

What's going on?

Okay, ma'am, I need you to stay back.

Brian Nichols!

Put down your w*apon
and come out of there

with your hands in the air.

Repeat, come out of there
with your hands in the air!

OFFICER: All r*fles, maintain positions!


JOHN: Brian Nichols.

Time to end this.

Come out, and give yourself up.

You're completely surrounded,
no way of winning.

No need to prolong this situation.


Go get that Smith woman.
Maybe she could talk him out.



LYNN: Sorry I can't come
to the phone right now.

Leave a message. I will get
back to you as soon as I can.


It's Brian.

I wanted to leave a
message for my little boy.

For Christopher.

Please don't erase it.

Please let him...

Let him listen to it, when he's old enough.

Christopher, it's your daddy.

You're gonna hear some bad things about me.

But, whatever happens,

whatever people say, I
just want you to know...

I love you.

Goodbye, little man.

What do you want me to say?

JOHN: Just say whatever you think is best.

We don't wanna have to
go in there after him.


It's Ashley.

I came back.

It's not too late, Brian.


There is purpose in your life.

It's time.

Do the right thing, Brian.

Thank you for trying.

Get her to a safe place.


Okay, Brian, it's over.

Last chance!

You got exactly 30 seconds!

OFFICER 1: He's coming out!

Hands in the air! Keep it up in the air!

- OFFICER 2: Do you see him?
- OFFICER 3: Affirmative.

OFFICER 1: Request permission to fire.

Stand down!

OFFICER 2: Nowhere to go, pal!

- OFFICER 1: Show your hands!
- OFFICER 3: Go, move!

OFFICER 1: Go, let's go! Move it, move it!

- In position, right side!
- Faster, come on!

No civilians behind the building!

- He's coming out!
- I don't have a visual!

OFFICER 1: Come closer, keep walking!

OFFICER 3: Keep walking!

- Get on your knees!
- Get on your knees!

Get on your knees! Get on your knees!

On your knees, on your knees!

Hands behind your head!

Let's go!

Get on the ground, now!

Don't move!

- OFFICER 1: Stay down!
- OFFICER 3: Eyes down!

Stay down!

- Get him up, get him up!
- He's clean.

MAN: Team leaders,
let's have them check in.



Ms. Smith...

I don't know what you went
through in there, ma'am.

But whatever you did,

thank you.

I'm sorry, ma'am, but you can't go in.




I love you so much!

Darling, are you okay?

I am now.

You came.

Of course we came.

I'm sorry I wasn't there this morning.

But from now on, I will be, okay?

Just you and me.

I love you.

I love you, too.

Oh, thank God.

I was very nervous. I was scared.

What have you just done?

You have just offered the thing

that has ruined your life

and made you crazy to a k*ller.

- You're dead now.
- OPRAH: Mmm-hmm.

OPRAH: Yeah, when I read
that, I thought, well...

- Jesus loves you, girl.

Jesus be looking at you.

Because, to offer crystal
meth to a k*ller is pretty...

I thought, I would rather die

in this apartment tonight,
not doing those dr*gs.

I don't care what happens to me

as long as I make it out of
here alive to see my daughter.

Were you at that point thinking,

"I might be able to
live. I think I can live"?

I was trying to have some hope, yeah.

He's here, and he wants
to meet you in person.

ASHLEY: No way.

Please welcome the author of
The Purpose Driven Life,

Rick Warren.


Oprah, there are two great
stories in Ashley's life.

One of them is,

you don't have to be
perfect to be used by God.

OPRAH: Yeah.

WARREN: If God only used perfect people,

nothing would get done,

because none of us are perfect.

I think the other thing is that

no matter how bad your problems are,

God's purpose is bigger.

I think it was Ashley's attitude

from the whole book

that actually made the difference,

in that, everybody's looking for hope.

OPRAH: Yeah.

The book's just a book about hope.

Because when people are
going through a crisis,

they're looking for hope.
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