A Matter of Faith (2014)

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A Matter of Faith (2014)

Post by bunniefuu »


[people click glasses]

[calling out Speech, speech,
speech, speech]

Well I'm not much
for making speeches,

but, on behalf
of her mother and I,

I would like to thank you
all for coming

to Rachel's going off
to college party.

This is the moment
I've been waiting for.



What I meant was, the moment
I haven't been waiting for.

One of the hardest things
for a father

is when it comes time to send
his little girl off to college.

Rachel, we love you so much,

and we are very,
very proud of you.

[Mouth thank you]

Just remember our deal though,

you promised you
wouldn't get married

until you're at least

[Laughs from everyone]

You sure you don't want
to take any of your photos?

You've seen the dorm rooms,

I don't have room
for all that stuff.

I know.

This house isn't going to be
the same without you.

Mom, its only three hours away.

I'll be back from time to time.

And you two can come visit.

It's not like I'm going
away forever.

How's she supposed
to get anything packed

with you crying over
everything she owns'?

You tell her Dad.

Yeah don't let him fool you.

When you're here
he's all together,

but when you drive away,
he'll be missing you.

Did you enjoy dinner'?

Yes, thank you both so much.

You know you
didn't have to do it.

Are you kidding'?

Going off to college
is a big deal.

I think your other clothes
are probably ready.

I'll help you.

Be right back Dad.



Oh hey, are you my roommate?

Um, I guess so.

I'm Ally.


I went ahead
and threw my stuff on a bed.

I didn't know which one you
wanted so I just picked one.

That's fine.

We're just going
to the student union.

Do you want to come with us'?

I think I'm just going
to get moved in first.

Do you need help
with your stuff'?

I got it.

Thank you.

Alright, I'll see you
later then.

See ya.


Welcome, welcome, welcome.

Is everybody alive'?


I say is everybody alive'?


There we go.

If you are wondering
what plane you're on,

this is Introduction to Biology

where we will be
studying life and its origins,

and all that good stuff.

So if you are on
the wrong flight,

this would be the time
to disembark.

I am your humble pilot,
Professor Marcus Kaman.

Out in the hall,
behind my back,

you call me anything you like

but in here I would appreciate
Professor Kaman

or, if you must,
Mister Professor Kaman.

[Students laugh]

I'm going to try my best
to entertain you

during our time together,

in return I would
appreciate from you

a little critical thinking.

Science is after all,
the field which challenges us

to redefine the conventional
wisdom of our predecessors.

That's what makes us grow
as a society and as a species.

I want to have some honest,
intellectual discussion in here

and I want each and every one
of you to participate

and that includes you.

And now for the good news,
it's about your grades.

Attend this class,
and you will pass.

In fact, if you show up
every time, I'll give you a C,

even if I know you're only
pretending to listen to me.

[students laugh]

[Opening door]

What are you doing'?

Just a little work.

Rachel, this is our first
weekend at college.

We're going out!


You look like you
could use a friend.


I said you look like
you could use a friend.

It's hard to hear you.

Let's go outside.


That's better.

I'm Jason.


Good to meet you Rachel.

You're a freshmen'?


I was a freshmen once.

Last year.

You liking your
classes so far'?

They're pretty good.

What are you taking?

English, Spanish, Government,
Algebra and Biology.


Did you get Kaman'?

I did.

Professor Marcus Kaman.

Welcome, welcome, welcome.

Is everybody alive'?

That's right.

Yeah, I had him last year.

He's a fun guy.

You know he made biology
really interesting,

and I hate biology.

I'll look forward to it then.

You have a major yet Rachel?

I do.

What is it'?



I brought you some juice.

You ever going to get up?

What time is it'?

Almost 10 a. m..

So how was it with Jason?

He was nice.

We just talked.

Do you know him'?

I was here this summer
and I met him.

He's available.

I wouldn't wait around though,

he won't be single
for very long.

Yes, Richard,
looking forward to it.

I've got it down.


Yeah, she's fine.

Yep, she ended up going off
to the university.

Well, Kimberly and I
struggled a lot with that

because our goal was to send
her to a good Christian college

but she really
wants to be pharmacist

and they have a great program.

She'll find a good church
over there.

Ladies and gentlemen,

today, we are going to answer
the age old question

that has been asked by
generation after generation

throughout history.

It is the question of questions
concerning the origins of life.

It is, of course,

which came first,
the chicken or the egg'?

[students laugh]

Now, how many of you
would answer that by saying

the egg came first,
raise you hands.

Mr. Blair, why the egg'?

Because without the egg,
there could be no chicken.

Good answer.

Now how many of you would say
the chicken came first,

raise your hands.

Alright Miss Whitaker,
why the chicken'?

Because without the chicken,
there could be no egg.


Once again,
if you're with Mr. Blair

you think the egg
came first, raise your hands.

Now, if you think
it was the chicken.

Well, the correct answer is,
drum roll please.

[hand drum roll]

The egg.-

The egg came first.

Scientific research
of the fossil record

and the diversity and
similarity of living organisms

has convinced most
scientific minds

that complex life forms
evolved from simpler life forms.

And if we open our books
to chapter two,

we can study this
in a little more detail.


I just got a text from Jason.

He wants me to meet him
right now at the student union.

I'm telling you, he likes you.

He's just a friend.

Sounds like he wants
to be more than just friends.

Hey, what did you think about

what Professor Kaman
was just saying.

About what'?

About the egg coming first.

Sounds okay to me.

I know my Dad would not
agree with that.

Well, Daddy's not here.

But Jason is.

Now, go meet with him.

[papers slams on table]

What's this?

Have I got an important
job for you.

Okay, what this'?

Old newspapers.

We need to archive all of the
key articles onto our web site.

Alright, I think
I can handle that.


I think there there's more
newspapers than just this.


That's right, this is only about
five years worth.

We'll start with these.

How many years
are we going to do?

Well, the paper's been in
existence for over sixty years.


It will take me
all semester to do that'?

And the University will be
indebted to you for your effort.

No wait Mr. Jamison,
I was mistaken,

it will take my entire college
career to do this.

And the University will be
indebted to you for your effort.



So, she comes over last night
to watch TV

and then she said she is
only going to watch it with me

in the lounge.

Is that stupid or what?

You know how to pick them.

Yeah, I know how
to drop 'em too.


She's one of the cutest freshmen
we've seen.

I don't care.

Aren't you getting
with her later today

at that student union.

Supposed to.

You know what you're problem is
Jason, you give up too easily.

[Caught football]

Stephen, Dinner in five.

STEVEN: Washing up,
be right there.


Alright, here's your hundred.

You know what
your going to say right'?

I already told you,
I'm not going to do this.

Rachel come on,
this is a good idea.

But I can't do it.

Yes, you can.

It's just Tyler.

He's my roommate.

The guy in the red shin.

I can't.

You have to because he's cute.

You think everyone is cute.

Well he is.

Now go.

I can't.

Rachel if you pull this off,

everybody is going to be
talking about this for years.

Yeah but why me'?

Let Ally go.

No, he met Ally this summer.

He might know something's up.

Where'd you come up with
something like this any way?

I found this old book
in the library.

From when,
the nineteen seventies?

Actually nineteen sixties,
but thank you very much.

That happens to be why
nobody knows about this.

This is so stupid.

Rachel this is fun.

What are you worrying about,
I got your back.

I don't know.

You've got to loosen up girl.

I won't be able to say it
with a straight face.

Yes you can.

Come on Rachel,

just do it in the
name of college fun.

Yeah, this is your moment.

It'll be great.

Trust me.





Here are your eggs.

Now you just got
to say everything

exactly the way
I told you to say it.

Okay! I have no idea
why I'm doing this.

You both are going to owe me.


Excuse me, good looking.


Yes, you.

You wanna make
a hundred dollars'?

Hundred dollars'?

Yep, hundred dollars.

Right here.

Yeah, right.

What's the catch?

No catch.

You just let me crack these
three eggs over your head

and this hundred dollar bill
is yours.


You heard me.

I crack these eggs
over your head

and this hundred dollar bill
is yours.

FRIEND: Do it Tyler.

Come on, this is a joke, right'?

Here, your friend
can hold the bill.

FRIEND: It's real money man.

That's a lot of cash,
what gives?

It may seem like a lotto you
but from where I come from,

that's spare change.

BUDDIES: Just do It man,
Come on.

Come on man, hundred bucks.

Easy money bro.

Three eggs.

Do it, come on, yeah dude,
let's go.

Okay, go for it.

What do I need to do?

Just sit right there.

BUDDIES: Alright Tyler.

That's what I'm talking about.

Hundred bucks right here.

Here comes egg number one.

[egg. Cracks]

[friends laugh]

Okay, and now egg number two,
you ready'?

Here we go.

[friends laugh]

Alright, one more to go
boys and that hundred is mine.

BUDDIES: A hundred bucks
let's go.

Last one.

You know, I think two's enough.

I'll just take this hundred.


Hey, that's my hundred?

I said three eggs.

I only did two. Bye.

BUDDIES: There goes
his money man.


BUDDIES: Are you kidding me.

One hundred dollars.

That's not fair.

That's not fair.

[Phone rings]

Marcus Kaman.

Professor Kaman.

Well hello Phil.

Just calling to get your topic
for the October debate.

I'd like to promo it at the one
we're doing tomorrow night.

I thought we were going
in November'?

Originally yes,
but it got switched around.

You didn't get the memo'?

No, I didn't.

You mean to tell me there was
a communication breakdown

between our journalism
department and yours, again?

Imagine that.

Phil, I don't even have
a topic yet.

Can you give me a week or so'?

Yeah, I'll just say it's going
to be your department

doing the next one.

So, what are you
and Jason doing later?

We're not.

Is he busy or something?

I don't know.

isn't he still calling you'?

Yesterday when we talked,

he hinted that we were
just going to be friends.


Oh. I'm sorry.

It's fine.

He's just a friend.

It was never anything more.

I'm going to the library.

[chair movement]

You okay'?

Yeah, fine.

See ya.

[typing on a keyboard]

How's the archiving
going buddy'?

It's going.

He gave me five years to do
and I'm on year two.

Sounds like world record
pace to me.

Sounds like
a waste of time to me.

Who's going read
these old things?

You do know why
you're doing this, right'?


No idea.

You put the articles online.

The Alumni read them.

Re-live their glory days
and donations go up.

Couldn't have said
it better myself.

Wait if that's wh at
this is all about,

I should be getting a cut here.

Evan you all set to cover the
debate tomorrow night right'?

Yes sir, I'll be there.

I should get a cut
of this Mr. Jamison.

And the University will be
indebted to you for your effort.


No matter how times
I throw it to him.

No matter how times
I throw it to him

and no matter how accurate I am,
he just can't catch it.

Hey just, just give me
about 5 minutes

and I'll meet you over
at the computers alright.


A excuse me, can you tell me
if I'm in the right place

to get breakfast?

I was hoping to get
a couple of eggs.

Oh hi.

[both laugh]

I thought we should be formally
introduced, Tyler Mathis.

Rachel Whitaker.

I'm really sorry
about what I did.

What about that'?

Hey look anytime
a pretty girl comes up to me

and says hey good looking,
that's all I need to hear.

She can crack eggs
over my head anytime.

You know who put me up to it.

Yeah, yeah I know.

I'll get him back.

Get him one for me
while you're at it will you'?

You got it.

You mind if I sit
for a minute'?

Go ahead.

[chair movement]

Whatcha working on?

A report for Biology.

You got Kaman'?

I got Kaman.

You know you don't have to do
any work in there right.

All you have to do is show up
every time and you'll get a C.

That's what he said.

It's true.

I had him last year.

The man kept his word
and I am living proof.

Well I need to get
better than a C.

My major's Biology.


So you are going to the debate
tomorrow night right'?


Yeah at the Fine Arts Center.

What debate?

What is it'?

There's posters everywhere.

I haven't seen any.

Well, there's one
right back there.


If you look just around the
corner next to the copy machine

on the left, on the bulletin
board, there's a poster.

I guess you missed it'?

Must have missed it.

[Both laugh]

And these are
can't miss events.

First of all,
they're educational,

which is what college
is all about.

Second of all everybody goes
so they're social,

which is what college
is all about.

The debates are a must.

[banging on table]

I'm picking you up.


You and me,
we're going to the debate.

I don't... I don't know.

I think there's a certain
someone at this table

that owes another someone
at this table a small favor.


Good evening and welcome.

Thank you all for coming.

I'm Phil Jamison,
Professor of Journalism

here at the university

and I will also be your
moderator for this evening.

Great crowd huh'?

Yeah, glad we got here early.

Yeah, I was afraid we wouldn't
going to get a seat.

And tonight's debate is being
presented by our Math Department

and so let me introduce
our two debaters to you now.

[door closes]


Thanks for walking me back.
It was fun.

Hey, hey, any chance of us
doing something again?


I don't know.

Well you did crack
two eggs over my head

so I feel like maybe
I should get two chances.

You got me there.

How about this weekend'?

No I can't.

I'm visiting my parents
this weekend.

Ah, yeah, gotta do that.

They are anxious to see me.

How about when you get back?


Yeah, that could work.

Well, okay then.

I'll call you.

Thanks for coming out
with me tonight and I'll see ya.

See ya.



[knocking on door]

Dinner soon.

Thanks Dad.

You busy?

Just sending
a text back to Tyler.

Oh, new boyfriend'?

He's a friend.

I just met him.

So, tell me more about
your classes?

They're going good.

I really like all
of my instructors,

especially my Biology teacher
Professor Kaman.

He's a riot.

You and your roommate
getting along?

Oh, yeah, Ally's great.

We get along well.


You were always good
at making friends.

Meeting new people
every day it seems.

Did you find a church yet'?

No not yet.

I've just been so busy
getting used to everything.

But I will.

Come on, we're going to be
late for church.

We need to go.


I'm here.

Honey, we live so close,

it's embarrassing
when we're late.


Is also here.

Let's go Rachel.

We'll meet you
in the car Stephen.


Dad, will you get
my Bible for me.




I'm headed out.

It feels like
you just got here.

I'll be back to visit soon.


Bye Dad.

Love you.

Drive careful.

Love you too.


Let us know when you get there.

Rachel: I will.


[Starting car ignition]



She seems to be doing well.

She's made some friends,
likes her classes.

Seems to really like that one
with Professor Kaman.

I'm glad.


STEPHEN: The guy's
an evolutionist

and a big proponent
of It Pastor.

He's written several
published articles.

I mean it's a long list.

And there's nothing
in the whole course description

about biblical creation as even
a plausible alternative

from what I could see.

Does that surprise you'?

All our public schools
and universities

teach evolution as the answer
to the origins of life.

Even some of our
Christian schools

are buying into
the evolution theory

as pan of the creation account.

You're kidding.

The attack on Genesis
is a real battleground.

Well, I certainly
don't like the idea

of Rachel sitting
under this guy in class.

Have you had a chance
to speak to her about it'?

No not yet, but I will.

Actually, she's not the one
I'd like to talk to.

Mister Blair, may I dialogue
with you for a moment'?

Ah, yes sir.

I understand you're here
on a track scholarship.

You're a fifteen hundred
meter man.

Yes I am.

Congratulation s.

I use to do a bit of track
myself back in the day

so I know a little of what
you guys go through.

Do you mind my asking what's
your best time in that event?

Ah, four-o-three.

Four minutes and three seconds.

That is very impressive running.

That must be the best time
on your team.


There's actually three guys
ahead of me right now.


Well then, I guess you've got

a little competition
ahead of you, don't you.

[Class laughs]

Yeah, I'll get 'em.

That's the spirit.

You got what ten teams
in the conference.

I think so.

No there are I checked.

So, lets say there
are four fellas on each team

running the fifteen hundred,
that's forty runners,

where do you think
you'd place among them'?

Not sure sir.

Thirtieth maybe'?

Could be.

Well then I guess you got a lot
of competition ahead of you.

[Class laughs]

Yeah, yeah I guess so.

Well you're a freshman,
we'll give you time to move up

through the conference
which lam sure you will.

Besides, we can look at this
whole thing from another angle.

For one thing, Mr. Blair
can certainly outrun anyone

in this class.

But better than that,

if he had run the
fifteen hundred meters

in that kind of time
in the 1896 Olympics,

he would have won gold.

He'd won by thirty seconds.

And if he had done the same
in 1904 Olympics,

he would have won
by two seconds.

Do you see
what's happening here'?

As we evolve, we're getting
faster, stronger, smarter.

Look at the technological leaps
that have happened

just in the last fifty years.

Imagine what our species
is going to be like

a hundred years from now.

How cool would it be
to stick around to see that?



I figured you'd be here.

A few of us are going downtown
to grab a bite to eat

and there's a jazz band playing.

Why don't you call Tyler
and come with us'?

I can't, I just got here

and I've got to finish this
for Kaman's class.

Ally: Can't you do it later?

I ts not due till Thursday.

Rachel: I know.

But I've got other work
to do too.

You're so studious.

Okay, well if you change
your mind, call me.


Have fun.

You're taking Kaman's class?


Sorry, couldn't help
but overhear.

You're taking
Professor Kaman's class.

Yes I am.

You too?

No, I had him
a couple of years ago.

His class is so interesting.

Didn't you like him'?

Like him, yeah.

He's seems like a nice guy.

Agree with him,
that's a different story.

Don't you think Professor Kaman
has some good concepts.

He could be right.

It looks you've got
a lot work to do,

and I was just on
my way out myself, so.

By the way, my name's Evan,
Evan Carlson.

Nice to meet you...

Rachel Whitaker.

Alright, see around
Rachel Whitaker.

Yeah, see ya.


By the way Rachel.


He's not right.


Luke: You sure those girls
are going to be there?

Jason: They told me
they were coming.

Luke: Just remember,
I get first pick.

Jason: Yeah, right.

You'll be lucky if one of them
even says hi to you.

Tyler: Don't worry Luke,
Jason ain't going to get anybody

so you“ get your pick.

Jason: Okay, how about
you worry about

your own deal you got going on.

Luke: Tyler still playing
that game with Rachel?

Jason: Oh yeah,
and striking out.

Tyler: Actually we're building
a meaningful relationship,

something you two amateurs
wouldn't know anything about.

Jason: Which after
translation means,

he's not getting anywhere.

Come on Tyler man, I told you,
you should just dump her.

Look boys.

I'm not just going
to let someone crack

two eggs over my head
and come away empty.


I'm just not as impatient
as Jason over here.

My little plan will play out.

Just wait and see.

I just talked to Rachel,

I told her I could take
the day off tomorrow

and we'd ride up
for a quick visit.

She said she'd love to have us.

We'll take her out to early
dinner and then drive back.

KIMBERLY: Up and back
in one day?

Don't worry, I'll drive,
you can sleep on the way home.

[Knocking on door]

[Door opening]

Hi Mom.

Hi honey.

I can't believe you guys
decided to come up here today.

Well, it was your father's idea.

Where is Dad'?

[Knocking on door]

Professor Kaman'?


My name is Stephen Whitaker.

May I speak with you
for a moment'?

Sure. I'm sorry, have we met'?

No, but my daughter is in
your freshman Biology class.

Rachel Whitaker.

Ah Rachel.

She's a pleasure
to have in class.

Thank you.

Professor Kaman,
I don't mean to come off

so direct
or with any disrespect,

but I'm concerned about what
you're teaching in your class.

Is that so?

[Pen dropping]

Can you give me an example'?

Well, it seems your class
deals quite a bit

with the subject of evolution.

Yes it does.

Can you explain to me
why you teach only evolution?

Sure, but first let me
ask you Mr. Whitaker,

are you a religious man'?

A religious man'?

Well you believe in God
and the Bible.

Yes sir I do.

And does that help you'?

Help me?

Does that help you to be
at peace with yourself?

Yes it does.

Well then I think that's great

and I would encourage you
to go on believing.

But you're teaching evolution.

Mr. Whitaker, I teach what
my textbooks tells me to teach.

It comes from real people who
have conducted real experiments

and observed real evidence

and frankly,
I'm at peace with that.

But it goes against
the core beliefs

of everything we've been
teaching Rachel all her life,

against what Christianity
stands for.


Hello Rachel.

What are you doing here'?

I came by to talk
to your instructor.

But why?

Well I just wanted to stop
by for a minute.

[Chair movement]

Hello Rachel.

Professor Kaman.

Mr. Whitaker, I've got to meet
with another student momentarily

so I'm afraid we're going to
have to pick up this discussion

at another time.

But I tell you what.

You strongly believe

in the creation story
from the Bible, right'?

Yes, that's correct
but I don't call it a story.

Every month the university
sponsors a debate

that is also open to the public.

My Department will be hosting
the next one on October 19th.

Why don't you and I
debate this issue?

It would be a great opportunity
for you to express your views.

They're moderated,
they're orderly.

Evolution versus Creationism.

What do you say'?

No, I couldn't do that.

I mean, I never intended to-

Professor Kaman,
my dad can't debate you.

Rachel, your father has
the passion of his beliefs,

that's what makes
for a great debate.

You can read oft a prepared
text, that's done all the time.

But, Dad you can't.

Now wait a minute
Professor Kaman.

I did not come here
with any intention

of doing a debate with you.

I understand Mr. Whitaker.

It's just that I think
this topic would be

so valuable for the students.

And you do believe
in your viewpoint, don't you'?


I can't believe Dad agreed
to debate Professor Kaman.

Mom, you've got to stop this.

The man cornered me Rachel.

What was I supposed to say?

You could have said no.

This man obviously
has no respect for God

or anything that we believe in.

But Professor Kaman doesn't
claim to be a Christian either.

Do you know how embarrassing
this is going to be for me?

I don't want to embarrass
anyone, especially you.

Dad, you're not going to convert
Professor Kaman to your beliefs

so why even try'?

Actually, it's not his beliefs
that I am concerned about.

What's that supposed to mean'?

I feel this man
is affecting you Rachel.

That he's causing you
to change your views.

That's ridiculous.

Mom, say something.

Honey, your father's just
concerned about you that's all.

I can't believe
this is happening.

And I'm certainly not happy
with what this Kaman guy

is teaching you.


Let's just go to dinner.


[Phone ringing]

Phil Jamison.

KAMAN: Marcus Kaman.


Hey Phil, I think I've got
the topic for the next debate.

How does evolution
versus creationism sound?

Ah ha, well unless
you changed teams,

I know what side you fall on.

We'll note it on
the calendar of events.

It seems some of my views
are being challenged.

JAMISON: Now who
in thew right mind

would challenge
anything you say.

The father of one
of my students.

JAMISON: The plot thickens.

Yeah, I got a religious dad
who doesn't like his little girl

thinking for herself.

I see.

I might have to do
a little publicity on this

just to build the crowd.

Well, I got his name and number
right here if you need them.

Yeah, no problem, here you go.

Evan, got our topic
for the next debate,

and I think this one
will be of interest to you.

It seems the father
of one of the students

is challenging Professor Kaman.

Evolution versus Creationism.

I wanna do a story on this

prior to the debate
and build it up.

There's the father's
contact information.

See what you can find out,
you know his purpose, motive,

what he hopes to accomplish.

I'll get Shane to do
the same thing

with Professor Kaman.

Okay sir, will do.

Who knows, maybe we can get

some community interest
on this one.



Before we begin today,

I'd like to make a
brief announcement.

I'd like to make a
brief announcement.

Each month the University
sponsors a debate

at the Fine Arts Center

and our department
will be hosting the next one.

Yours truly will be taking part

as it's a topic that is near
and dear to my heart,

evolution versus creationism.

Now we have a slightly
unusual situation this time

in that my debate opponent

is the father of one
of the students in this class,

Miss Rachel Whitaker.

I don't doubt that Miss Whitaker
finds this situation

a little embarrassing
but I want her to know

that she has my complete
support at this time

when she is beginning
to think for herself.

I just wanted the rest of you
to be aware of the situation,

and I hope you're all planning
on coming to the debate

as a part of your participation
in this course.

Okay'? Let's get to work,

open your books to chapter six.


We just left after dinner.

I felt it best to give
her some time.

She was pretty upset.

I agree, sometimes
it is the right thing to do.

Maybe I shouldn't have accepted

but I felt put on the spot.

Now I feel like
Rachel's against me

because of this.

She's not against you Stephen.

Plus I'm not a public speaker
like he is.

I've never done anything
like this before.

Look, you know we're here
to help you anyway we can.

I appreciate that.


Rachel, right'?

My name's Evan.

We met the other day.

Can I talk to you
for a minute'?

Not right now,
I'm got a lot on my mind.

Is your father's name Stephen?

I can't believe my father went
to see one of my Professors

and then like some
self-righteous fundamentalist

gets into a discussion about
creation and evolution.

I'm sorry you're so upset.

I mean, do you have any idea

how embarrassing this
is going to be for me'?

Rachel, I wouldn't be looking
at it like that.

How would you like it
if your parent

was going to debate the most
popular Professor on campus?

Put yourself in my shoes.

I understand,

but I don't necessarily think
it's a bad thing.

It's not like
Professor Kaman's preaching

some son of gospel truth here.

I've gotta stop this.

[Chair movement]

[Phone ringing]

It's Rachel.

[Phone ringing]



I'm calling to ask you
to please stop this debate.

Rachel we were
just talking about you.

I am glad you called.

This is going to ruin me
on campus Dad.

STEPHEN: I am not trying
to hurt you.

But you are.

Rachel, this is
an important issue.

You're not going to change
Professor Kaman's mind.

Then how does he believe
the universe was created?

What does he teach you in class?

That there was a big bang
or something.

Dad, if you love me,
you will stop this debate.

Please don't say that.

You must stop this debate.

Rachel please.

You must stop it!


She hung up.


You can't leave it like that.

You gotta call her back.


[Phone ringing]

this is Rachel Whitaker,

I'm not here right now...





I set up a meeting
with Professor Kaman

to do that interview.

Did you talk to
that father yet'?

Oh no, I was getting
ready to call him.

Before you do,

I think you should
check this out.


Professor Kaman was
in the news yesterday.

Front page story.

We didn't run a story
on Kaman yesterday.

Yeah, well we did
twelve years ago.

It appears our dear Professor

got one of his colleagues
fired over this same issue.


Yeah, some instructor
named Portland

refused to teach evolution
in his biology class

and Kaman got him ousted.

It's all there.


Oh and by the way,
when you talk to that Dad,

tell him I said good luck.


STEPHEN: Listen to what it says
in this high school textbook.

I picked up at the library.

"Humans came
from apelike ancestors.

"There is nothing supernatural
about the origins

of human beings."

How can they say that
and get away with it'?

I don't know but they are.

[The phone rings]

Stephen Whitaker.

EVAN: Mr. Whitaker.

This is Evan Carlson,
calling from the University.

I am a student on staff
at the campus paper here

and our editor wants to do
a preliminary story

about the upcoming debate.

Would you be able
to meet up sir'?


Well I live about
three hours from there.

Yes, I know.

I was thinking we could
meet halfway.

Can't we just take care of this
over the phone'?

I know Rachel sir
and I'm aware of the situation.

I'm a Christian,
and I'm on your side.

I've got some information that
may prove to be helpful to you

but I'd rather talk to you
about it in person.

[Birds chirping]

EVAN: Kaman is smart
and clever.

EVAN: Kaman is smart
and clever.

He'll take what you say
twist it around,

question you, corner you.

I've seen him debate before
and he is good at it.

STEPHEN: And I've never debated
anyone before in my fife.

Sounds like a mismatch to me.

How many people have
come to these events?

EVAN: Normally not many
twenty five, thirty

but there will be
more at this one

especially since
Kaman's doing it.

He'll probably make all
his classes attend as well.

STEPHEN: Much to Rachel's
delight I'm sure.

EVAN: Plus the editor is running
this story before the debate

which isn't normal,

and he is planning to contact
the local media,

could get a pretty
good audience.

STEPHEN: Great. More pressure.

EVAN: Look, I got some material
in the car with good information

on science from a
Biblical perspective,

I'll give it to you.

Thanks. Appreciate it.

We can sit here.

You seem pretty serious
about this.

Maybe you should be
the one debating Kaman.

God didn't give me
the opportunity sir.

He gave it to you and I think
what you're doing is great.

Rachel sure doesn't.

I found out something

Twelve years ago at the
University there was an incident

involving Kaman and another
Professor on the same subject.

Joseph G. Portland.

Portland used to teach
Kaman's class,

except for he taught creation.

Kaman joined the
university staff that year,

didn't like it
and got him fired.

That's Portland's contact info.

He lives nearby.

Maybe you could
give him a call.

Or even try to go see him.

He could offer
some good insight.

I'll keep this in mind.

And now I do have
several questions

I'd need to ask you
for the article.


I think it's interesting
you chose to meet here.

I figured it was about halfway.

This place is very
special to me.

What do you mean'?

Let me show you something.


This is about the spot.

When Rachel was ten years old,

we were spending
the day here together

and she was over
by this river playing.

I remember she was
looking for stones

that she could throw
in the river.

Suddenly though,
she found a fifty cent piece

lying on the ground

and just after she reached down
and picked it up,

a boy grabbed her hand
and took it from her.

I saw this from over there
and noticed how he taunted her

as he walked away and went
back towards his father.

Rachel of course was
upset over losing the coin

because she found it first and
came over to complain to me.

[Music continues]

I then tried to use that
incident as an example.

I told her it was wrong for the
boy to take that coin from her

and that stealing was a sin.

But, I also pointed out
to her how all of us

have sinned against God
in our own lives.

In essence, we've stolen
many coins from Him.

And the only one who can forgive
us for our sins is Jesus.

Rachel seemed
to understand this,

we prayed to the Lord together

and I believe that day
she became a Christian.

[Music continues]

That's great.

[Music continues]

Hard for me to believe someone
is now causing my little girl

to drift away from
what she's been taught.


Let's go over
to that picnic table

and I'll answer those
questions for you.


[Kimberly chopping veggies]

Oh hey, how'd it go?

It went well.

Evan's a committed believer
and was very helpful.

I need to make
a quick phone call

and then I'll tell you
more about it.




[phone ringing]


STEPHEN: Professor Portland?

This is he.

Hi, my name is Stephen Whitaker
and I have an unusual situation

I'd like to speak
to about for a moment.

What is this pertaining to'?

Well, first, lam a Christian

and my daughter goes to the
university you used to teach at.

That's right I don't
teach anymore.

STEPHEN: Yes sir, I know.

The reason I am calling is
because she's taking a class

from a Professor Kaman and
I'd like to ask you about him.

I'm not interested
in discussing anything

having to do with the name
you just mentioned.

But I have a debate scheduled
with Professor Kaman

on the subject of creation
versus evolution

and I was hoping
you could help me.

I said I'm not interested.



Hello, Professor?


Tyler, what am I going to do?

You might have to
let him do it.


Well look, first of all,

nobody goes to those
things anyway.

You told me everyone went
to them when we first met.

I wanted you to think that
I was into stuff like that,

you know, with you studying
in the library.

Look, you saw how many
people were there.

I've been to a couple
of them before

and they're lucky
if they get ten people.

Listen Rach, nobody takes
those debates seriously

so if I were you
I'd stop worrying about it.

But what you do need
to take seriously

is our flag football party
coming up weekend after next.

Stay in your dorm from now
until after the debate,

but that Saturday night,
you're with me.





Now, if it will make you
feel better,

call your Dad one more time.

[Stephen's phone rings]


Dad, I am calling again

to ask you to please not
do this debate.

STEPHEN: But Rachel.

You debating Professor Kaman
is not going to solve anything.

Rachel, honey,
you don't know everything

your Professor believes.

I've been doing
a lot of research,

reading some of the reports
he's published.

This guy stands against
everything that we believe in.

Evan told me some things
about him also.


How do you know Evan'?



You went and met
with my father.

Gave him books,
talked to him about Kaman.

You're encouraging him'?

Hold on, first of all,
I had to speak with your father

since the editor assigned me
to do a story on the debate.

And of course
I'm encouraging him.

This is an opportunity
for the truth.

My father is no match
for Professor Kaman

and you know it.

Your father might do
better than you think.

I don't know how I get myself
into these situations.

EVAN: I can answer that one.

You let Kaman
play with your mind.

Professor Kaman
is a very intelligent man

who makes good points.

No, Kaman's a
gifted communicator

who only makes it seem like
he's making good points.

Did he do the chicken
and the egg thing yet'?


EVAN: And he said
the egg, right?

Then gave you some line
about scientific research

and the fossil record.

And what if he's correct?

Rachel, think about it.

Life comes from life.

It doesn't come from non-life.

God created the chicken first,
just like the Bible says,

and then set it up so that life
could reproduce itself.

Kaman doesn't believe in God
so he teaches the opposite.

Come on Evan.

You're not helping.

Just answer me
this one question.

Did God create this world

or did it come about through
evolution like Kaman says?


Just answer
the question, please?


I'm not going to answer that.

You just did.

Just forget it.


I just don't think I have
a good enough handle

on this subject.

Stephen, you know enough,
just share it.

That's all you need to do.

I don't know.

This outline you've shown me
is good and you won't be alone.

A group of us from the church
are coming to support you.


Professor Kaman will probably

get all of his students
to attend,

and I don't think
too many of them

are going to be rooting for me.


[Car door slams]

[Music continues]


[Things sifting]

Hey, I thought you were
going to Tyler's game.

I have too much work to do.

I'm going to the library.

Maybe I can find a
corner to hide in.

Rachel, not all
the students agree

with professor Kaman.


Cuz the only guy around here
I know of who doesn't, is Evan.

She's going through a
mini-crisis, that's all.

Dude, just admit that you
guessed wrong and move on.

Yeah, we won't hold it
against ya.

I didn't guess wrong.

She's interested!

I just didn't expect this deal
with her Dad popping up.

You're wasting your time.

Plus she's way too religious.

She can't be that religious
if she's with Tyler.

[Luke and Jason Laughs]

Alright look,
our flag football party

is next weekend.

That will be the night
I make my move.

Then I'll let you know
how religious she is.

[Horse sounds]

PORTLAND: I don't know why
you're wasting your time

driving all the way out here,

didn't I say
I wasn't interested.

Well sir, I thought
if I could explain

the situation to you in person.

I know the situation.

Kaman is brainwashing
your daughter's mind

like he does all the students
that take his classes.

I was hoping you could
give me some insight

that would help me prepare.

Why are you debating him'?

It wasn't my idea.

What he challenged you
and you accepted'?

[Stephen Sighs]

If I were you,
I'd get out of it.

I was hoping you could help me.

I mean you know
the topic so well.

Read a book,
lot of good ones out there.

But you know Kaman.

I want nothing to do
with that man.

That was a long time ago.

Th at university was my life.

I wasn't going to teach
evolutionary lies

from those textbooks.

Then one day because of Kaman,
it all gets taken away.

Maybe it got taken away

because you were making
an impact for the Lord.

This is a battle we're in.

I lost mine.

Professor Portland,
there are so many people

that you could be influencing
with your life

and the gifts that
God has given you.

I haven't taught at that
university for twelve years.

I'm out of the game.

We should never stop trying
to share the Lord with people.

You remember,
for God so loved the world.

I said I'm out of the game.

I'm trying to forget this,
not relive it.

Would you please leave?

But Professor Portland.

I asked you to leave.


I don't believe the lies either

but it still comes down
to a choice we all make.

And by the way,

a Christian is never
out of the game.

[Music continues]

You got nothing from Portland?


He still seems bitter
about the whole thing.

He asked me to leave.

Well Mr. Jamison's contacted
some of the local media.

It looks like they're going
to pick up on it.

[Music continues]

Mr. Whitaker'?

You still there?

[Music continues]

Yes, I'm here.

You have people praying
for you sir.

You have supporters.

Just makes it tough when I know
Rachel's not one of them.

Thanks Evan,
I'll talk to you later.

Alright bye.

[Music continues]

Hey, I'll catch up
with you later.

Uh, excuse me,

your Dad's the guy that's gonna
debate Kaman, right'?

Why do you ask'?

I'm in your Bio class.

Why would anybody
wanna debate Kaman'?

He doesn't.

I don't want him to.

Have you ever see
that thing Kaman does

where he shows
how we all came from apes'?


How we all came from apes.

What is it'?

How do you know'?

I stayed after class one day
heard him go through it.

He'll make your father
look like a complete idiot

with that example.

Look I told you
I don't want him to do it.

Excuse me,
couldn't help but overhear.

Are you talking about
Professor Kaman

when he goes
through his routine

about how we all
came from apes'?

Yeah. Have you seen it'?

Yeah, I've seen it.

I thought it was great.

[Evan snickering]

Let me ask you something,

does your moth er
look like an ape'?

Wham yam say'?

Does your mother
look like an ape'?

Watch it man.

I'll assume that's a no.

How about your grandmother'?

Does she look like an ape'?

What? Man, who are you'?

I'll take that as another no.

So your mother
doesn't look like an ape

and neither does
your grandmother.

How about your
great grandmother,

do pictures go that
far back in your family,

does she look like an ape'?

What's your deal man'?

Kaman says we all
come from apes.

So which one in your
family was the monkey'?

I got news for you.

You can take it
all the way back

to the very first man
and woman, Adam and Eve,

and guess what,
no one was ever an ape.

You know why'?

Cause apes come from apes
and humans come from humans.

Now, who's going to make who
look like a complete idiot?

[Music continues]


[Music continues]

I don't need you to defend me.

[Music continues]

I wasn't defending you.

[Music continues]

My picture and everything.

Hey, I know a good story
when it comes my way.

I'm getting some
great feedback already.

I'd say you and your team put
together a very nice article.

Thank you, I'm sh**ting
for a full house on this one.

I just hope your
opponent shows up.

Any reason to think he won't'?


But I've got a feeling
after this debate is done,

he'll wish he'd stayed home.

Hah. You're too kind.

I'll see you Thursday night.

JASON: Look, its not that hard.

All you gotta do
is memorize this stuff

and then after the test
you can just forget it.

That's what Tyler and I do.

LUKE: This is so stupid.

How's this ever
gonna help you in life?

JASON: It's not, that's why we
memorize and then we forget.

Just like I keep telling Tyler,

you've just gotta forget
that Rachel girl.

But you know him,
he'll hang in there.

LUKE: Maybe he really likes her.

JASON: He likes her
because she's cute.

That's all.

LUKE: I wouldn't let anyone
crack eggs over my head.

I don't care how cute she is.

JASON: Yeah, Tyler
and his stupid plan.

Well we'll see what happens

at the flag football party
this weekend,

that's when he's supposed
to make his move.

Eventually he'll see
I was right about her.

[Music continues]

[Music continues]

What is so important

that you need to talk
to me right now'?

Could we sit down
for a minute'?

Come on Evan.

Could we just sit down
for a minute please.


Rachel, I'm sorry to bother you

but I need
to tell you something.

What you need to do

is talk my Dad out
of doing this debate.

You should really listen
to yourself sometime.

Kaman's sure done
a number on you.

Why are you so against
Professor Kaman'?

Does this sound familiar?

Just show up and get a C.


Kaman's class.

He'll give you a C
as your final grade

if you just show up
without doing any work.

Didn't you ever
wonder about that'?

I mean no other
teacher does it.

Maybe that's why he's the most
popular instructor on campus.

Or the one with
the biggest agenda.

What do mean by that'?

He teaches his evolution lies

to get students to doubt their
faith in God and the Bible.

So, you're saying
I'm not a Christian now.

You tell me.

I mean, just the other day
you wouldn't even admit

that God created the world.

I know God created the world.


Committed to that truth?

Then why are you all over your
Dad for wanting to defend it'?

He's just never done anything
like this before.

You know why is it
that one Christian

wants to take a stand
for his faith

and the next one doesn't'?

Why do some Christians
have convictions about things

and others don't'?

Maybe the difference lies in how
we first came to the Lord.

Was it by addition
or submission?

What do you mean by that'?

It seems to me that a lot of
people have just added Jesus

to their life,
but that's not it.

You can't just add Jesus
to your life,

you must submit
your life to Him.

There's a big difference.

So you are saying
I'm not a Christian?

Only you can answer that one.

Just leave me alone.

You can't leave yet.

Yes I can.

I came to tell you something.

I'm not interested.

Tyler's the one not interested.


Having you crack
those eggs over his head

was a set up.

I just overheard
two of his buddies

talking about it in the library.

And that flag football party
this weekend,

that's when he's going
to make his move.

[Music continues]

Rachel, Tyler only
spends time with you

because he thinks
you're cute and that's it.

[Music continues]

You're making this up.

[Music continues]

It's the truth Rachel.

[Music continues]

That's why I came over here.

[Music continues]

I thought you should know.

[Music continues]

I don't believe you.

[Music continues]

I wouldn't lie to you.

But Tyler is.

[Music continues]


[Music continues]

EVAN VOICE: It seems to me
a lot of people

have just added Jesus to
their life, but that's not it.

You can't just add
Jesus to your fife,

you must submit
your fife to Him.

[Music continues]

Lord Jesus, I want to submit.

[Music continues]

[Stephen phone rings]



Are you alright?

RACHEL: I'm fine.


Dad first, I want to tell you
how sorry I am.


I brought you some juice.

Hey, you're up early.


Ally, I need to
tell you something.

Alright that's it.

A reminder, the debate is
tonight at the Fine Arts Center

and I strongly encourage
you all to attend.

Now as for the debate itself,

I accepted a challenge
that was brought before me.

It is my obligation
to this University

and to the students I teach to
defend what I know to be true.

I do hope I see you there
this evening.


[Students packing up
and leaving]

Why don't you go ahead,
I'll catch up later.


[Students walking]

Professor Kaman'?

Yes Rachel.

You said that my dad was
the one who challenged you

but that's not really correct.

I think that you're the one
who challenged him.

Your father wanted
to confront me on my views,

I could tell from
the moment I met him.

I planned to go easy
on him and I will.

Was there something else
Miss Whitaker?

Yes sir.


The chicken came first.


I've been waiting for you
but I'm in a rush.

I got a game.

Walk with me please.

[Music continues]

Where we heading,
because like I said,

I've got a game to get to.

I can't see you anymore.


I can't see you anymore.

Wait, what,
what brought this on?

I don't really know
how to say this,

but I haven't been
fair with you.

Fair with me'?

What are you talking about?

I like you Tyler, I do.

You're such a nice guy and
you've always so kind to me.

We're not right.

Not together.

I thought that things
were going great.

Did someone say
something to you'?

I got right with the LORD.

And I want to start living
my life to please Him.

I'd be happy to tell
to you about it

if you want to hear more.

No, no, I'm not ready for that.

I'm sorry, I should have told
you about this much sooner,

but I was just so selfish
and caught up in my own stuff.

And for that, I am truly sorry.

[Music continues]

I'm going to be late
for my game.

[Music continues]

Bye Tyler.

You ain't kidding.

What did you say to her?


What did you say to her?

What are you doing man'?

What did you tell her?



I don't know what
you're talking about.

She turned on me man.
Somehow she knows.

Well, it wasn't me.

Well, someone told her.

It wasn't me.

Luke, did you say something?

Not me.

TYLER: Well somehow
she found out.

She pulled some religion garbage
on me about a minute ago

and now we're over.

Okay, what's the big deal'?

Is it a big deal.

I wasted a lot of time
on this girl.

Dude, I told you
she wasn't worth it.

And you didn't listen to me.

Somehow she found out.



Hello Pastor.

I told you we'd be here.

And several others
from the church

have come out as well.

Thank you for coming.

Professor Kaman.

Hey Phil.

That little paper of yours
has more of a circulation

than I would have guessed.

Yes, it's a good crowd.

I see the visiting team

has some followers
here tonight.

Hey, we're ready to start

so if you will take your place,
I'll go inform your opponent.

Got it.

[Crowd talking]

Stephen Whitaker?


Phil Jamison, Journalism,
we spoke on the phone.

Thanks for coming.

My wife Kimberly.

It's a pleasure.


We're ready to begin,

so if you'll take your place
up there on stage,

we'll get started.



People are praying for you.

Hello, hello, hello.

I'm Phil Jamison.

I'm Phil Jamison.

I am the Professor of Journalism
here at the University

and I'd like to welcome
everyone to our debate tonight

which deals with the subject of
Evolution versus Creationism.

What a great crowd,

I'm a little nervous
up here myself,

I can only imagine what our two
combatants must be feeling.

It's my best line guys,
it's all I've got.

[Crowd laughs].

Let me introduce to you
our two participants now.

On my left, speaking
on behalf of Creationism,

he has a daughter who attends
the university here.

Please give a warm welcome
to Mister Stephen Whitaker.

[Mild applause]

And on my right,
a man who needs no introduction,

he is arguing on behalf
of Evolution,

he is from our
Biology department,

please give a warm welcome
to Professor Marcus Kaman.

[Strong applause]

Okay, this is how this
is going to work.

Both men will are going to give
brief opening statements

and then they'll be able to
question each other's comments

and after that,

we going to open up this forum
to you, the audience,

for your questions.


Mister Whitaker, you are first,

you may begin with
your opening statement.

Thank you.

[Clears throat]

Let me say first,

that I've never done anything
like this before.

I do believe though
that the topic at hand

is an important one and in fact,

as I prepared for this debate
it became clearer to me

that it's more important
than I ever realized.

It seems that when
the question is posed

as to how life came
to exist on our planet,

the theory of evolution

has become the dominant
scientific view

that is taught in our
schools and universities

across this great land of ours.

Frankly, this amazes me.

The first problem I immediately
see is that evolution

is not scientific in the
truest sense of the word

since science deals with
what can be observed

and reproduced
through experimentation.

Scientific claims
must be accepted

only after they have
been verified.

The origin of life
can be neither observed

nor reproduced
in any laboratory,

even though
they try to show us this

with their illustrations
in the textbooks I studied.

By definition then,
true naturalistic science

can furnish no knowledge
about where any life form,

including the human race,
came from or how it got here.

If God did not create the
universe than who or what did'?

A big bang that produced
a cosmic expl*si*n'?

What caused it to go bang'?

A chemical reaction?

What organized the original
chemicals or molecules or gases

or whatever evolutionists
say happened

to form life here on earth'?

And how did it create
so much detail and beauty

and design and intelligence?

Nothing times something
does not equal everything

and yet, as I see it,

that is the true definition
of an evolutionary view

of the universe and what
millions and millions of people

are placing their trust in as
how life on this earth began.

The evolutionary world view
is clearly as much a religion

as any theistic worldview.

Not only is the
teaching of evolution

an attack against
those well-known

first words of the Bible,
"In the beginning,

God created the heaven
and the earth,"

but it is an undermining as*ault
against the authority of God

which really becomes
the main issue here.

At least when we're starting
with God as the first cause,

it seems that everything else
that happens makes sense.

That's it I guess
for my opening statement.

Thank you.

[Mild applause]

Thank you Mister Whitaker.

Professor Kaman,
your opening statement please.

Well first I'd like to say
well done Mister Whitaker,

very well done.

You have debated before.

You put forth some very
compelling questions and ideas.

In fact, I think if we were
to pass a hat right now,

you might being in a nice
donation or two.

[People laugh]

I just had a few problems
with what you said

especially at the end there
about God being the first cause,

you can't prove any of it.

Now I know you're going to say

that it all has to be
taken on faith,

but that's always
the out on your side.

That's always the explanation.

We know what faith is;
It's wishful thinking.

And in case you haven't noticed,

things don't always turn out
so good at the end.

The good guy doesn't always win.

Wishful thinking
doesn't bring home the bacon

and it cannot ever be proven.

But, when it comes
to the evolutionary answer,

laboratory experimentation and
intensive scientific analysis

have proven conclusively
that living organisms

evolved from
nonliving chemicals,

and what makes that so important

is that it means that
intelligence wasn't needed

for life to form
in the beginning.

We are all descendants
of a common ancestor,

just as you and your cousins
are descendants

of a common grandmother.

And through a process of descent
with modification,

that common ancestor gave rise
to the fantastic diversity

that we see in the fossil record
and living all around us today.

That is proof Mister Whitaker.

That is scientific proof.

Evolution means that
we're all distant cousins.

Man and the oak tree,
the hummingbird and the whale.

Life is about change
and the sequence of fossils

in the strata
documents that change.

And the clear progression
of simpler life forms

evolving into more complex
life forms is accepted

by every clear-thinking
scientist mind

as irrefutable truth.

Radiometric dating of the earth,

shows it to be four point five
billion years old, give or take,

and the rocks and fossils
that we see all around us

are millions
and millions of years old.

That's a lot of time for change,
Mister Whitaker.

That is time for evolution.

Thank you.

[Loud applause]

Thank you Professor Kaman.

You may both now question
each other's opening statements.

Mr. Whitaker'?

I guess my first question
for you Professor Kaman

and the most important one

I can think of is how do you
explain away God'?

Explain away'?

Yes, what about God'?

Simply put, man created God.

Man created God'?

I am a hundred percent
with Freud on this one sir.

That man created God'?

Dr. Sigmund Freud brilliantly
observed many years ago

that man is riddled
with deep seated fears

living as he does in a world
of disease and famine

and disaster with very little
control over his circumstance

so yes, he created God.

He postulated a being
who could deliver him.

Kind of life
a supernatural sky hook

that could pull him
out of trouble.

[Crowd laughs]

Man also believed that
he was getting a raw deal

from just about everybody
so he wanted a cosmic umpire,

to blow the big whistle
and halt the game

until everybody got
what they deserved.

But most of all,
man fears death and extinction,

and so he needed
a heavenly Father,

who could take him at the end
to some heavenly place

that he decided to call heaven,

all because he couldn't
face the fact

that eventually he was
going to vanish from existence.

So, what's the purpose of life
Professor Kaman'?

We live, and then we die
and go back in the earth.

That's it,
there's no afterlife.

Face the music Mister Whitaker.

Elvis is dead,
he's left the building.

[Crowd laughs]

In this life,

we get a chance to make a mark.

If we do that,

maybe the next generation
will remember us,

maybe we'll even
teach them something

but there is no afterlife.

I believe there is much
more than that.

Yeah, you believe
Mister Whitaker

but do you have any proof
of an afterlife.



Scientific proof,
any kind of proof'?

The Bibles says
we believe by faith.

Faith in what'?

In a God we can't see
and a book we can't rely on?

I'd like a little
scientific proof.

I can't offer scientific proof.

Well the words in this book
that you hold so sacred,

how do you even know
they're true?

The Bible is very trustworthy.

I didn't ask if it
was trustworthy,

I asked if it was true.

The Bible is the word of God.

Wasn't the Bible
written by men'?

Yes it was.

Then how does that
make it the word of God'?

Look, I can't explain it.

So, your betting your afterlife

on a book you can't explain
about a God you can't prove.

I am sticking with Freud
on this one Mister Whitaker.

I am definitely
sticking with Freud.

PORTLAND: Freud was wrong!

[Audience move in seats]

Freud was wrong.

Freud was wrong.

Excuse me sir.

There will be a time later for
the audience to ask questions.

STEPHEN: It's okay.

He's my friend and he's with me.

[Audience mumbles]

I decided to get back
in the game.

Mind if I take over from here.

Mr. Jamison,
if it would be alright,

I would like for my friend here
to continue for me.

Well that's not how
we normally do things.

Is that acceptable to you
Professor Kaman'?


You never cease
to amaze me Marcus.

Of course you are going to agree
with Freud's views on God

since evolution leaves no room
for a supernatural Creator.

And since there is no God,
then there are no rules,

and no one to whom
we must give an account.

But man didn't create God.

Freud got that wrong.

In fact, I would propose to you
the very opposite.

I believe that if man
had his way,

he would rather God did not
exist and eliminate God.

Haven't you noticed,

whenever anything goes bad
in someone's life

or there is some
tragic event that occurs,

people, religious
and non-religious,

almost inevitably blame God.

How could God allow this,
how could God allow that?

No, if man had his way,

he would rather eliminate God,
not create him.

He even comes up with
theology that says

God is dead and
has left the building.

[Crowd laughs]

Sorry to be so rude
to your guests.

My name is Joseph G. Portland,
Professor Joseph Portland.

You see, twelve years ago,

I was the one that taught
Biology here at this university.

Only I taught from
the perspective

that God is our Creator
and I refused to teach

what I felt were evolutionary
lies from the textbook.

When Professor Kaman
joined our staff,

he got me fired
over this very issue.

I despised you Kaman.

I blamed you
for ruining my career.

Sadly for me,

I let you take me
out of the game.

You're talking about

how those laboratory
experiments have proven

that living organisms evolved
from non-living chemicals

as proof of a naturalistic
origin of life.

This is just not so.

Those experiments only showed
that certain organic compounds

could be formed from
inorganic compounds

and intelligence was
and is still needed

since someone had to conduct
and design those experiments.

Certainly that's far from
creating life in the laboratory.

And you know that
the amount of information

contain ed in the nucleus
of a living cell

shows that it could not have
evolved from nonliving chemicals

and that it must have
been created.

You know the fossil record

does not show the
continuous development

of one kind of
creature into another

and that no one has ever seen

one kind of plant or animal

changing into another
of a different kind.

Dogs change into
different kinds of dogs,

but they are always dogs.

And we can breed dogs
to form new varieties,

but they never turn
into cats or kangaroos

because they remain
in the boundaries

that God created for them
in the beginning.

And you know that there
are layers of assumptions

used to calculate the age of the
earth using radiometric dating

so why are you misleading
our audience'?

The earth is not billions
of years old.

The earth is not millions
of years old, not even close.

You see, the Professor
and I can go on and on and on

and bore you with
our technical definitions.

Whatever he says,

I have a rebuttal
and back and forth.

We could go outside right now
and the stars can come down

and form the words in the sky
God created the world,

and the evolutionists

would blame it
on those clever Baptists.

[Crowd laughs]

To me, the most troubling
aspect about this issue

is that in our society today,

evolution is being taught in
our schools and universities

across this land
as a matter of fact.

But no one can scientifically
prove evolution,

just as no one can
scientifically prove

that God created the world,

since none of us were present
to witness it.

Both of these teachings then
become a matter of faith.

The evolutionist has nothing
but vast periods of time,

random chance events,

and the ever-changing
ideas of man

to base his worldview upon.

While the one who holds to
Creation has his beliefs

firmly rooted in the truths
contained in the Bible

and a personal God
who created everything.

I loved this university.

I loved teaching my students.

But one thing got in my way.

Led to my downfall.

It wasn't until I was visited
by a new friend

that I came to realize it.

And it was not you Marcus.

I blamed you,
but it was not you.

It was me and my pride.

I was the one who was
at fault twelve years ago,

not in what I was teaching
but in how I went about it.

I should have taught
my students

to look at both sides
of the evidence

realizing that
everyone individually

has to make their own choice.

Either you are going to look
at life through men's ideas

or God's word.

So if evolution,
follow where that leads.

If God, then serve the Lord.

We can't prove
anything here tonight,

we can only present theories.

You can chance your eternity

on the views of Freud
and Darwin if you want.

I'm putting my trust
in Jesus Christ

who died on the cross
for my sins,

was buried and rose again
on the third day.

I know some of you
will call that stupidity.

I am calling it humility.

And I will trust
and I will follow Christ

and wait on the hope of
eternal life that He offers.

May you find that same hope.

[Music continues]

Marcus, I'm sorry
for my attitude

and I held bitterness
towards you for a long time.

I hope you can find it
in your heart to forgive me.

[Music continues]

Professor Kaman.

Is there anything
that you'd like to add'?

[Music continues]

Okay, that concludes
our evening everyone.

Our next debate will be
November 14th

presented by
the business department

with a discussion about
government spending.

We hope to see you then.

Than ks for coming.

[Crowd moving out]

[Crowd chatter]

[Crowd chatter]


Thank you for all your help.

I couldn't have done it
without you.

You're welcome.

It was a pleasure meeting you.

Same here.

Keep in touch.

Yes sir.

Your Dad did good.


SECRETARY: Great job with
the debate last night Professor.

Yeah, it was a... interesting.

Yeah, it was a... interesting.


[Keyboard typing]

Hey buddy, interested in making
a hundred bucks'?

One Hundred dollars?


Just let me crack three eggs
over your head and it's yours.



Show me the hundred first.

Can I talk to you
for a minute'?

Yeah, sure.

First I wanted to thank you
for helping my Dad.

And second, I wanted
to apologize for how I acted.

I'm sorry I gave you
so much opposition.

I lost perspective but I'm back
on track with the Lord.

God used you in my life
and I wanted thank you.

You're welcome.

That's it.

See ya.

See ya.



What are you doing
Saturday afternoon?


♪ You stood before creation. ♪

♪ Eternity in your hand. ♪

♪ You spoke the earth
into motion.♪

♪ My soul now to stand. ♪


Okay this spot, right here.

What about it'?

You ever been here before?

Yeah, I told you lots of time

for family reunions.

Would you look at that,
on the ground'?

It's a fifty cent piece.

Do you remember that'?


What I just did'?

Took the fifty cent piece
from your hand?

Think Rachel.

Think back to when
you were ten years old.

You saw a fifty cent piece
on the ground

and some little boy

came up and grabbed it from you
when you found it.

I do remember.

How did you know'?
Did my Dad tell you'?

Yeah, your father told me.

But that little boy was me.


Eight years ago,
you and I met here

at this very spot.

We were throwing
stones into the river

when you saw a fifty cent
piece on the ground.

I came and snatched it
out of your hand

when you picked it up.

Just stole it from you.

My Dad saw the whole thing
and he used that incident

to show me how I needed Christ.

So on that day,

this selfish little boy
became a Christian.

You see Rachel,
God used you in my life.

I wanted to say thank you.

[Music continues]

You're welcome.

[Music continues]

You know that little restaurant

up past the bridge?

[Music continues]

I'd be happy to
treat you to lunch.

[Music continues]

Alright. Yeah,
I think I'd like that.

[Music continues]

♪ So, what could I say
and what could I do? ♪

♪ But offer this heart Oh God,
completely to you. ♪

♪ So I'll stand with arms high
and heart abandoned ♪

♪ in awe of the one
who gave it all. ♪

♪ I'll stand my soul Lord
to you surrendered, ♪

♪ all I am is yours. ♪

♪ I'll stand with arms high
and heart abandoned ♪

♪ in awe of the one
who gave it all. ♪

♪ I'll stand my soul Lord
to you surrendered, ♪

♪ all I am is yours. ♪

♪ I'll stand with arms high
and heart abandoned ♪

♪ in awe of the one
who gave it all. ♪

♪ I'll stand my soul Lord
to you surrendered, ♪

♪ all I am is yours. ♪

♪ All I am is yours,
all I am is yours. ♪

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