Holy Ghost (2014)

Easter, Religious/Spiritual Movie Collection.

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Holy Ghost (2014)

Post by bunniefuu »

"In the beginning, God created
the heavens and the earth...

...and the Spirit of God hovered over
the waters."

Genesis 1:1-2

When I was in seminary,

I had a professor
take his glasses off one day.

He was cleaning his glasses,

and he looked back at the back row
where I was sitting,

and Dr. Matthew said,

"Don't let us ever forget one thing.

We do not just worship the Father.

We worship the Father and the Son
and the Holy Spirit."

Like, when that feeling,
the presence of the Holy Spirit comes,

and the Holy Spirit is God on the Earth,

and I'm telling you,
for a drug addict to feel that,

there's nothing better.

The Holy Spirit, to me...

is God's presence here on Earth.

It's the spirit that convicts us...

speaks to us, moves us.

There's nothing more fulfilling

than having that one-on-one
personal relationship with the Spirit.

He's a gift from the Father,

and if you ask for bread,
He won't give you a stone.

If you really want Him...

the Holy Spirit
coming on a person's life

is the gift of His goodness
as a perfect Father.

He will not give you a stone
if you ask for bread,

and neither will He not give
the Holy Spirit to those who ask.

He is the great gift of Heaven.

"Holy Ghost"

I want to show you something.

Something you've never seen before.

Some say He's dead.

Some say He's silent.

Some say He's a figment
of my imagination...

but the Holy Spirit is real,

and I'm going to prove it.

This is a movie about risk.

I want to take the greatest risk
possible as a filmmaker

to make a movie that is completely led
by the Holy Spirit.

No plan, no safety net.

Just show up wherever He leads me,

find the adventure,
and make God famous.

Jesus on Earth is Jesus in one place,

but when Jesus is no longer present
on Earth in his fleshly body,

He is now present in every one of us,

and so He's present in us
because of the Holy Spirit.

When the Holy Spirit is here,
Jesus is here.

In fact, He's called
the Spirit of Christ.

He's call the Spirit of Jesus,
and so I have Jesus in me.

The main goal of the Holy Spirit
is to make Jesus present everywhere.

One of the first things I felt God tell
me was to go to Salt Lake City,

so I took two friends of mine,
Will Hart and Jamie Galloway,

to the heart of Mormon country.

We just got off the plane
and headed towards the Tabernacle.

One of the first people we met
was a 21-year-old kid

who admitted that he'd been haunted
by dark spirits

ever since he and his friends
slept in a graveyard.

According to us, we agree that we [...]
each other over,

and now we're haunted

just because we slept in a cemetery,
and now we're in different continents,

and we're all experiencing stuff
on a day-to-day basis.

How would you like that to leave you
and never come back?

In a way, it would be sick

because she hates the fact that I have
stuff that follows me around the house.

I could do that for you.

- Could you?
- Yes.

How so?

I was a kid that had night terrors
so bad, I had to be hospitalized.

- Damn, son.
- Yeah.

- All right.
- And then I came to Jesus.

He freed me, and He gave me
this special power

to help other people be free.

So I could take that away.

What religion are you?

Just Christian, no religion.

- Just Christian?
- Yep.

Christian in a Mormon state, huh?

- How's that working out for you?
- Ironic. Ironic.

Okay, put your hand out.

Holy Spirit,
I want you to touch my friend.

Show him you're really real

and break him free
from all the haunting spirits

that have been assigned to his life.

You feel that?

- Watch.
- I feel something in my hand.

Double it.
Double it.

Yeah, that's weird.

Holy Ghost,
I ask you to send Your power

all the way up his arm
as a sign of Your love.

Thanks, Jesus.

Feel that?

My armpit's cold all of a sudden.

Yeah. Watch.
Double it.

Double it.


Now, Lord, show him it's not my power
but it's Your power.

From the top of his head down
to the soles of his feet,

let that power go
through his body right now.

You feel that?

That's weird, man.
I don't know what to tell you right now.

- Isn't that crazy?
- That feels weird.

Now watch.
Put your drink down.

Put your drink down.

Put your other hand out.

Watch, 'cause this is a moment.

This is a moment that...

I feel like we're about
to play that game.

Nope. No, no.

Double it, Lord, more.

That stuff is gonna come off your life.

It's the power of the Holy Spirit.

More, Lord.

You feel that?

- That is weird, dude.
- Isn't that crazy?

Now I'm gonna put my hand,
my finger in the middle of your palm,

and power's gonna go through your body.

It's not my power.

Lord, show him that it's not my power.

It's not my magic.
It's the power of the Holy Spirit.

In Jesus' name, thanks, Lord.


What do you think about that?

I don't know what to tell you
right now, dude.

- I feel weird.
- Yeah, watch.

Double it so much
he can barely stand up.

No joke, my nipples got hard.

These things happen.
These things happen. Watch.

More, Lord, more.

Why are your hands so warm, dude?
That's weird.

- Isn't that crazy?
- That is weird, dude. I give you that.

It's getting more intense on you.
Isn't that crazy?

My arms...
It's all the way up...

- Yeah, it's...
- Yeah.

I don't know what to tell you right now.

- Yeah.
- It's weird.

I believe Jesus is...
He's wooing you, dude.

He loves you, man.

- I believe that. I believe that.
- Yeah.

Now, I know you're thinking.

This is just a parlor trick,

that we're reducing the Holy Spirit
to some sort of experiential oddity,

but I can assure you,
as you will soon see,

that the heart of these men
is to allow people

to experience
the power and presence of God

so that they might enter
into a relationship with Him.

I overcame a lot of religious beliefs
about Holy Spirit.

That He was a taskmaster.

That He was a control freak.

That He had a lot of chores
for me to do.

And I really got to know Holy Spirit,
and He's completely the opposite.

He's the most free person
in the entire universe.

He's not an it.

He's not some sort of innate substance.

He's not, you know, Star Wars,
"the Force is with us."

It's not that kind of a concept.

In fact, I've been
in charismatic meetings

where people refer to the Holy Spirit
as, like, a blob of power,

and they were, like, pretending
to throw, you know, blobs of power

at each other.

I don't think that's the way
we should look at the Spirit.

He's not just some kind of blob.

He's not this power, this force.

He is God, but He's God with us.

Of course, as I was soon to discover,
there are plenty of fellow Christians

who think I am absolutely
out of my mind.

At one point,
we happened upon a man and his wife

who were taking
a slightly different approach.

How can Jesus be the devil's brother?

What nonsense, what heresy, what lies.

And so how do you approach
the ministry?

Well, my approach is to be direct

because I believe that's
essentially the biblical approach,

especially when it's dealing
with heresy.

Mormonism is a heresy.

So do you ever, like, pray
for, like, Mormons and stuff?

Well, certainly.

I need praying for,
and certainly they need praying for.

How do they typically react when you
pray for them, like, on the streets?

Oh, I see what you mean.

Do I get up to them and...?

- No, no, I don't do that.
- Oh, okay.

But, you know, in a general sense,
of course I pray for Mormons, yeah.


It would be a rather unusual thing
to go up to someone and say,

"Can I pray for you?"

Oh, really?

Because it's a misuse of prayer,
in my opinion,

but we must pray for Mormons.

So what's a misuse?

What does that mean,
"it's a misuse of prayer"?

Well, I mean some people
of the charismatic persuasion

will go up to somebody and say,
"Can I pray for you?"

They put their hands on them
and answer a prayer.

Well, I don't believe
that's a biblical approach.


I mean, you surely appreciate
that in the evangelical world,

there are those, such as myself,

that believe
in the cessation of the gifts,

and there are those,
the charismatic Pentecostals,

who believe in...

What is cessation of the gifts?

What does that mean?

Well, at the time of Pentecost,

there was an extraordinary gifting
of the Holy Spirit

because the Bible was not complete,

and it was to authenticate the ministry
of the Apostles.

Now, today we don't have apostles.

Cessationists believe

that when the Apostles left
their earth suits and went to Heaven,

the works of the Spirit were over.

I was one of those.

I just believed that none of this stuff
ever happened anymore

'cause I didn't see it anywhere,

and I really couldn't believe
a testimony

of someone that went overseas
because I was just so skeptical.

I was like, "Yeah, whatever."

They believe that the Holy Spirit
with the early church,

the miraculous was a launching pad
for the church.

That's what they believe,
but that ended.

But Cessationists believe that basically
this is just completely illegitimate.

It is not for today.

So let me ask you.

- Apostles die.
- Yes.

- Holy Spirit.
- Yes.

- He gets sucked back up to Heaven?
- No.

- So He's here?
- Yes.

So was it really about men
or about God?

- What?
- You know, that these apostles died

and suddenly the gifts vanish.

But we have a more sure testimony,
namely the Bible.

We don't need signs and wonders
when we've got the Bible.

You see, you know, you need to be wary

of individuals who claim
they can heal people,

raise people from the dead,
and all this nonsense,

because it's spurious.

There is no biblical justification
for Cessationist teaching at all.

It just doesn't exist.

Now, here's what they say.

In 1 Corinthians 13,

"When that which is perfect has come,

that which is in part
should be done away."

They say that's holy scripture
being complete.

That's not what
Paul's talking about at all.

He's talking about perfect love,
but that's how hard up they are.

They have to go to that verse.

Or the other one is the very end
of the book of Revelation,

where it says,
"If anyone add to these words,

his name will be taken
out of the book of life."

Therefore you don't want to add
to the book of Revelation,

but they would say it's not just
the book of Revelation.

Since that's the end of the canon,
it means the whole New Testament,

and they believe that if you say,

"God has shown you something,"
you're adding to Revelation.

That's nonsense.

In the history of the church,

there are certain times
where miracles...

and extraordinary events happen.

We shouldn't necessarily
expect them today,

especially when we have
the complete Bible.

Sadly, most people today,

evangelicals in the church
in the United States,

their trinity is God the Father,
God the Son, and God the Holy Bible.

I hold that today, speaking generally,

there's been a silent divorce
in the church

between the Word and the Spirit.

Now, when there's a divorce,

sometimes the children stay
with the mother,

sometimes the children stay
with the father.

In the present divorce,
you've got those on the Word side,

those on the Spirit side.

What's the difference?

Well, take those on the Word side.

The emphasis is,
we must earnestly contend

for the faith once delivered
under the saints.

Get back to expository preaching,
know your doctrine,

justification by faith,
sovereignty of God,

and until sound teaching is here,

the honor of God's name
will not be restored.

What's wrong with that emphasis?

Well, nothing.
It's exactly right.

Take those on the Spirit side.

What's the message?

We need to get back to the book of Acts.

Signs, wonders, miracles,
gifts of the Spirit.

Get into Peter's shadow, you're healed.

Lie to the Holy Spirit, struck dead.

And until we have that kind of power,
the name of God will not be restored.

What's wrong with that emphasis?

Nothing. It's exactly right,
but the sad thing is that at the moment,

both sides are entrenched.

They dig in their heels.

They don't seem to learn from anybody.

They just go on in their own thing.

But I believe were the day to come that
the Word and the Spirit come together,

the simultaneous combination will result
in spontaneous combustion,

and it will result in the greatest
revival since Pentecost.

We may have disagreed on quite a lot,

but in the end, we serve the same God,

and deep down,
we really desire the same thing.

I would...

desire greatly for a visitation
of the Holy Spirit

in power when I preach, when I speak...

as I would desire for any preacher
of God's word,

in any part of the world.

We need Him, because without His power,
the Word is dead.

The word of God, in and of itself,
cannot bring life.

We need the quickening spirit of God.

I pray for a visitation
like we read about.

That's truth.
That's spirit and truth.

And, Holy Ghost, I just give You
permission to be God

over this man's ministry.

I pray, Lord, all of our errors,
all of our deceptions,

that we let go of them in this moment,

and we want the truth of Jesus Christ
to rule and reign

in this man's heart and in every human
heart in this city,

and I ask that you would bear witness
to the preaching of truth

when this man proclaims the supremacy
of Christ in the streets.

So we prayed for him and blessed him,
then headed across the street

with his words that God doesn't speak to
or heal people today

ringing in our ears.

It didn't take long for the Holy Spirit
to make His own statement in response.

Now, Lord, show him it's not magic.

It's not my power.
It's your power, Jesus.

From the top of his head
down to the soles of his feet,

I ask you, for Holy Spirit,
just to come upon him in power, now.

- You feel that?
- Yeah.

What does that feel like?

I guess when you feel
like there's someone behind you

- or something's there.
- Yeah.

And you turn around,
and you can't see it.

- That's what it feels like.
- Watch this.

Double it.

Double it. More.

- Isn't that crazy?
- That is pretty cool.

There's been, like, generational fears
that you've had to walk through.

Like, I see a courage on your life,

but that you've had
to really press past, like, fears.

Fears that have, like, tried to hold you
back or suppress you.

And I don't mean to get personal,
but I see, like, generational fears,

like, have held down your family

and almost, like, caused a fibromyalgia
to come on someone or...

Is that right?

Yep, and so somebody
has, like, a neck problem, yeah?

Is that your mother?

My mother and I.

- Your mother and you? Okay.
- Yeah.

See, and it's even caused
breathing problems,

like, breathing problems in the night,

like, uh, waking up, hard time breathing
when you're waking up.

- Yeah.
- Is that true?

- Yes.
- Okay.

And I don't know you.

We just met, okay?

And I'm not getting fed any lines
from anybody.

But I do hear Holy Spirit,

and He is speaking to me,
and there's something else, though.

Like, I don't know
if it was, like, a hernia

or something in your stomach area?

But something that you had to deal with.

- Yeah.
- Yeah?

What is that,
like, that I'm talking about?

It was a mass that they found.

Right here?

It was on my right side, yeah.

See, now, I don't know that stuff, okay?

But I will tell you this.

Your life is forever changed
from this moment.

This is a defining moment for you,
and it's not because of me.

It's not because of Will.

It's because the Holy Spirit
is pursing you.

- Do you have metal in your body?
- I do.

- Where?
- In my forearm.

Close your eyes.

Do you have restricted movement
because of that?

- I do.
- Yeah. Where?

- My wrist.
- Cool. Come on.

This is gonna be amazing.
You're gonna love this.

- Are you ready?
- Okay.

We're gonna see movement.

- What's that?
- Let's see how bad it is right now.

- Yeah.
- What can't you...?

That's my mobility right now, just...

- No, that's as far as it goes.
- Okay, you ready?

- Close your eyes, man.
- All right.

- This is gonna be awesome.
- I got a lot of trust in you guys.

Dude, don't worry.
Like, it's gonna be amazing.

I'm gonna ask the Holy Spirit to come,

and I'm gonna pray,
and we're gonna see this thing.

- Are you ready?
- Okay.

Close your eyes, man.
Come, Holy Spirit.

Come, Lord Father,
in the name of Jesus.

Lord, Lord, do it.

I ask that You
would just move metal, Lord.

I ask that You would make it flexible.

Lord, I ask You to work in joints,
in tendons and ligaments right now.

Lord, I ask that You'd bring strength,
God, that You would melt things.

Lord, whatever You have to do,

Lord, whatever You have to do
to this metal, come, Lord.

Come, Holy Spirit.

Father, release your fire,
now, in Jesus' name.

Move it real quick.

Same, better, or worse?

I'd say it's about the same,
but it feels a little bit...

Do you feel anything?
Do you feel heat or anything?

Okay, watch.

Do you feel any heat
or anything like that?

If you feel heat, I want you to squeeze
my hand as I'm praying for you.

- Close your eyes, man.
- Okay.

Heat, electricity, anything.
Come on.

Come, Lord.

Father, in the name of Jesus,
Lord, I ask for...

Are you squeezing my hand,
or are you just being nice?

- No, I'm squeezing your hand.
- Okay.

Father, in the name of Jesus,
Lord, I ask for total restor...

Come, Lord.

Are you squeezing it harder
because you're feeling more heat?

- I am.
- Okay.

Come, Lord Father.
I ask for total restoration.

In the name of Jesus, Lord,
double it now.

In Jesus' name, come, Lord.

Total mobility be restored,
in the name of Jesus.

Move that thing, buddy.
Move that thing around.

It feels pretty good.
It popped.

- It feels pretty good.
- It just popped?

- Does it pop a lot?
- No, not really.

Come on, man.
Do you have better mobility?

I would say not really,

but I understand that not everything
comes at once.

Dude, don't worry.
I'm gonna pray one more time, okay?

- Okay.
- Do you feel any difference?

Yeah, do you feel a difference?

- Any difference?
- I do. I do.

Like, if zero was where you started at
and ten's perfection,

where are you at right now?

I'd say I'm probably,
like, at three to four.

Okay, so we're moving up.
I'm gonna pray one more time.

All right.

Come, Lord.

In Jesus' name.
In Jesus' name.

Move that thing around, buddy.

- It popped again.
- It popped again?

- Yeah.
- Can you move it?

- Can you move it back any further?
- Yeah.

Yeah, I can move it.

Dude, I'm telling you.

- That's amazing.
- That's pretty cool.

Come on.
No, move it again.

- Like, I want you to...
- Yeah.

Dude, are you seeing that?

That's fantastic.

- That's amazing, dude.
- That's pretty cool.

- How much better is it? Seriously?
- I would say it's better.

Like, I haven't been able to do that
for ten years.

Are you serious?
Like, do something you couldn't...

Like, move it around on here.
Do something you couldn't do.

Oh, my goodness.

I didn't have any strength at all
in my hands.

This I could never do.

I could never hold this
at a 90-degree angle.

- Dude, that's amazing.
- Come on!

- Come on, are you being nice?
- No, I'm not being nice!

- Come on, that's amazing!
- I don't know you guys.

- I wouldn't be that nice.
- That's amazing.

- Now, we don't know you.
- Yeah.

You know what I'm saying?

And this guy,
he didn't tell us anything.

- No.
- Okay?

But all of this stuff is because Jesus
is absolutely in love with you.

- Yeah. Come on.
- He's crazy in love with you.

- You get that?
- Yeah.

He's out here just seeking after you,

and the Holy Spirit shows up
because He wants to have

a personal one-on-one encounter
with you.

We have, like, nothing to gain

other than just seeing the joy
on your face.

- Yeah.
- Isn't that amazing?

Yeah, it's pretty cool.

- Dude, that's amazing.
- Yeah.

- I'm serious.
- No, I am too.

- That's like...
- That's amazing.

I'm just gonna...

I'm just gonna give him praise
for a sec.

- Lord, we give You praise.
- Praise You, Lord.

Lord, I thank You for what You're doing.

God, I thank You
that You move and shift metal, Lord.

I thank You that You take something
that's been impossible for ten years,

and, Lord, You do it as a sign of love
for this one right here, Lord,

and, Holy Spirit, I just ask for more.

God, I ask that you would melt it, Lord.

I ask that you would remove metal, Lord.

We ask that you would just move it
and shift it now,

in Jesus' mighty, mighty, mighty,
mighty, mighty name.

Move that thing around even more, man.

Dude, dude.

- That's crazy.
- I want you to move that thing far.

- Come on, brother!
- That's crazy.

Dude, you're amazing.

My message and my preaching were not
with wise and persuasive words,

but with a demonstration
of the Spirit's power.

You know, really, when you begin
to hear the Holy Spirit,

there's all these questions going on.

Your mind is going, "Is that You?
Is that really Holy Spirit?"

And really, it's the fruit of it.

Is the fruit revealing
that you did listen to Holy Spirit?

He says to Moses...

He says, "Come out and worship me
on this mountain,

and when you come out to worship me
on this mountain,

then you will know
that I have spoken to you."

It's after the fact.

So you do what God tells you.

You listen to the voice,

and when there's fruit there,
then you realize,

"Yes, I did hear Holy Spirit."

Yeah, for me, I had to grow
in hearing the Holy Spirit.

I had to grow in recognizing His voice
and when He speaks,

and that only came from taking risk.

So, if you hear something,
if you hear the Holy Spirit say,

"I want you to pray for this person,
they're gonna get healed,"

or, "I have a blessing for this person,"

the only way you know
whether you're hearing accurately

is to step out and do it.

So you have to fail
in order to hear correctly.

You have to miss it so you understand
what it actually sounds like

when He is speaking.

Learning the language of Holy Spirit

is like learning the language
of this world.

But now think
about how you learn a language.

The way you learn a language
is you become childlike.

You listen.

You're not afraid to make mistakes.

If you're arrogant and you're proud,
you can't learn a language well

because you're too afraid
to make a mistake,

but if you're childlike and you're not
afraid to humble yourself

and become like a little child,

you'll learn a language.

It's the same kind of process
learning Holy Spirit's language.

The fear of failure
keeps us from success.

You have to be willing to learn
how to hear the voice,

and that means,
"I'm going to get it wrong."

That's a*t*matic.

So what I have to learn to do
is take ownership when it's wrong.

If I, you know, promise something

that the Lord didn't back up,
then I need to make that right.

I need to clean up my mess,
but it's a part of the process.

When I taught my kids
how to ride the bike,

I took them to the park
where there was a lot of grass

so that when they fell,
they would fall on grass.

As leaders, we're supposed to create
an environment where learning is safe.

In other words, you know,
I don't put somebody on a stage

to prophesy over 20 people

that's just learning to hear
the voice of the Lord.

It's probably not wisdom
unless I'm specifically directed,

'cause I don't want to put them
in a position

where their fall is going to hurt.

Now, at one point during the day,

we talked
to our missionary friend's wife,

who revealed something
fairly interesting.

We're hoping that God will take this
to Mormons that are questioning.

Have you seen people get saved?

At least four or five.

- Now, that's...
- Over, like, how long?

- Years?
- Yes, years.

Oh, my husband has been working
amongst Mormons

for about 30 years.

And you've seen about four or five
over 30 years?

- Yes.
- Do you feel like that's worth it?

Oh, absolutely.

If one person in my lifetime,

if God chooses my words
to save just one person,

then it is worth it.

Then shortly after this,

our new friend
made an extraordinary statement.

We pray for revival.
We need revival.

- America needs revival.
- Absolutely. You're right, man.

Sure, right.

We want the same matter of a wonderful
visitation of the Holy Spirit,

and I can assure you, if the Holy Spirit
came to Salt Lake City,

countless numbers of Mormons will flee
from this devilish cult,

embrace Christ, flee from that
which is horrendous and heretical...


So we need the Holy Spirit,

but we do not need whipped-up emotion

masquerading as the Holy Spirit.

Little did he know
how prophetic that was.

The last people we met in Salt Lake City
were four teenagers.

We struck up a conversation with them.

The guys gave each one of them
a word from God,

and one was healed of a knee injury
from skiing.

While we prayed for them and invited the
Holy Spirit to show them that He's real,

we could hear missionary man

shouting at people
to turn or burn in the background.

Don't worry.

Father, would you release fire
in his bones?

You become so real to him...

in Jesus' name.

In Jesus' name.

What did you just feel, man?

Did you feel that thing go through you?

- Yeah.
- What was that?

The Lord.

- Come on.
- Your eyes are still closed.

- Are you okay?
- Yeah.

What did you feel?
Tell me about it.

I was, like, really warm,
like, all over, yeah.

I felt like you were almost, like,
getting woozy on me.

- Are you okay?
- Yeah, I was kind of losing balance.

Yeah, watch. Watch.

That actually happened.
Close your eyes. Watch.

Come, Lord.

Come, Holy Spirit.

- Come, Holy Spirit.
- Yeah, it's, like, making me move.

I know.
It's okay.

We see it a lot when we pray for people.

These people were touched
by the living God,

who hasn't changed since Bible times

and who wants to show each of us
individually that He is real.

As a result of this encounter,
all four teenagers accepted Jesus

and invited the Holy Spirit
into their life.

There are really only two ways
to do this.

Jesus told us to bring people
into the Kingdom,

whether it takes you 30 years
through one approach

or 30 minutes through another.

If love doesn't motivate you,
then there's really no point.

"If I speak with tongues of angels,

if I have powers of prophecy
and faith to move mountains

and I understand all mysteries
but I don't have love,

then I gain nothing."

I have never been able to draw, like,
these clears lines

and say, "This is how I tell.

This is how I separate."

It really is more of just trust
and experimenting.

You know, I ask a question,

or I'm seeking out an answer
from Holy Spirit,

or I'm praying for something,
and Holy Spirit speaks to me.

And there are times
it just sounds like my own thoughts

or my own voice in my head.

There's other times it doesn't.

There's other times
that the thought really does come

from somewhere else.

It's so obvious to me
that it is not my own thought,

and the only way that I can really learn
to know the voice of Holy Spirit

and differentiate between my own voice
or my own thoughts in my head

is just to trust
that He is actually speaking to me

and to just give it a shot.

Walking with Jesus

filled by the Holy Spirit

is so much better than anything
you could do for God,

you know, any work, any art,

I mean, because you become the art.

You become the work.

You know, Holy Spirit is the comforter
that Jesus said He would leave

and would be with us and who
we would be able to rely upon

until he returns.

The Holy Spirit represents power,
you know, and gives us power.

Just always remember that to put any
of your theology through the fact

that He's a Father first,

and I think a lot of people are scared
to risk acting out

and practicing His voice.

But I think if you can think of it
like a father,

you know, would you want your kids
to risk hearing your voice

and obeying you or fear failure?

As I was planning this movie,
I was supposed to go to Venice, Italy,

with Todd White,

but then one day the Lord told me
instead to go to Monaco,

that an adventure
was waiting for me there.

He also showed me a clear vision
of filming on a boat,

so we headed
to Monte Carlo for one day

looking for an adventure and a boat.

So we walked up on the hill.

Last night we had walked around...

Actually, we walked around,
and all the stores were closed,

and Darren and I...

You and I walked around just
to see where to eat,

and we saw this one shop,
and we went by it and said,

"Oh, this looks like a good place."

And so today we went up to that place,

made a beeline to go up on the hill
to get up to this place.

We went up on the top of the hill.

We go in there, and a guy comes up.

Looks like a really cool guy, comes up.

I don't know what he said,

but it was funny.

So I'm looking at this guy,
and then the Lord speaks to my heart

and says that he was a runner
but he has damaged his knees real bad.

And I'm looking at his knees,
and I'm thinking, "It's his right knee,"

'cause I'm looking at his knee,
and I'm on the right side.

So it was the knee I was looking at,
but it was the left one.

Doesn't matter.
It's still the knee, right?

And so I just dropped down on his knee,

and just this guy,
I don't know what he was doing.

It doesn't matter.

I was in a place again
of everything's gone.

I'm just there.

It's just me and this man's knee
that needs to be healed.

Jesus' name.

Move it.

- It's better, man.
- I know, dude.

I just shared the gospel with Nelo
and shared about Jesus, man,

and about having Him live inside of you,
and I shared my life and what happened,

and he prayed with me
and gave his life to Jesus.

It was so powerful, man.

So, like, describe what you saw
in his eyes.

I saw a sort of light.

It's very hard to describe.


Sincerity was inside.

I have a big problem with my knee.

So does it feel better?

It feels better.

I need to learn to pray
because my life has been very hard,

and I forgot to pray, you know, so...

I said to him, I said, "Yeah," I said,
"We're trying to get on a...

We want to go on a boat
and do an interview.

Do you know anybody
that has any boats?"

He said, "You need to go...

It's right where Stars and Bars are.
There's Stars and Bars.

You need to go to Stars and Bars
'cause it's right there,"

and I went, "Okay."

Okay, so, if you go out from here,
and then you go down,

you have the harbor on your left side.

You go down on the harbor,
and at the other side, there is a...

You can see, it's a restaurant,
Stars and Bars.

Stars and Bars.

We go down, and we're walking
down to the yachts, and we're looking,

and all of a sudden,
I go to see this lady...

or I'm standing beside this lady
right in front of a yacht.

We're here filming
a Christian documentary.

- Oh, really?
- Yeah.

- Oh, wow.
- Yep, about the Holy Spirit.

- Yeah?
- All over the Earth.

- Oh, fantastic.
- It's amazing.

- I bet it is.
- It is.

Oh, wonderful.

I was raised Church of England
with my mom,

but my father was French,
being Catholic.

- Yeah.
- So, to me, there's a God and...


So here's a question.
Have you...?

This movie is all about the Holy Spirit.

And, so, with God, it's...

I can believe in God.
There's many gods.

- Yeah.
- There's only one Jesus.

- Right. Yeah, yeah.
- Okay, so...

in Jesus, what happens is,

is when I believe that Jesus is the one

that paid for my sin,
that paid for all that...

He didn't pay a price
for me to enter into religion.

He paid a price for me
to enter into a relationship

- with my Father.
- Yeah.

And so there's a place where...

See, being spiritual is awesome,
'cause we want to connect all the time,

but there is a place where you can be
in a constant place of connection

every day, all day long,
where the Holy Spirit actually comes

and makes His home inside of you

to where you communicate
with God all day, every day.

Have you ever entered into that place?

Pray with me.

I'm serious.

This is having the Holy Spirit come
and make His home in you,

and He's gonna do it right now,

and you're gonna actually
tangibly feel it, okay?

It's really easy, okay?

- You believe Jesus.
- Yeah.

- You believe Jesus.
- Yeah, yeah. Definitely.

Just pray this with me.

Just say this.

- Father God...
- Father God...

- ...I believe...
- ...I believe...

- ...that Jesus died for me...
- ...that Jesus died for me...

...and that he raised
from the dead for me.

...and that he raised
from the dead for me.

- I'm asking you to forgive me...
- I'm asking you to forgive me...

- ...of all of my sin...
- ...of all of my sins...

- and I'm asking you to fill me.
- and I'm asking you to fill me.

- Holy Spirit, come.
- Holy Spirit, come.

Now just let me pray.

God, I thank You, in the name of Jesus,
right now for this amazing woman.

Right now, Holy Spirit, come.

Let your presence come.

In Jesus' name, right now more, God.

In Jesus' name, fill her, God.

In Jesus' name right now.



Jesus' name, God.
Thank You.

Jesus' name.



- That's awesome.
- Wow!

- Did you feel that?
- Yeah!

That's awesome.

- Oh, I just...
- Thank you.

I just get...

- This is awesome.
- Okay, okay. Thank you.

This is what the Bible calls
being born again.

Thank you.

It's when God the Holy Spirit comes
and makes His home inside of you,

- ...and He lets you know that...
- You're gonna make me cry.

...you're his daughter.

- Listen, He loves you so much.
- Yeah.

This is so good.
This is that place.

This is what our movie's about.

It's about people
encountering the Holy Spirit,

and today you've just encountered
the Holy Spirit.

Thank you.

He's just come
and made His home inside of you.

He'll never, ever leave you.

Is this awesome?

I'm gonna cry.

"My Spirit that is upon you
shall not depart

from now and forevermore."

I just believe.
I believe in the spiritual words.

I've spoken to a spiritualist.

I've connected with my parents
that's in the spiritual world,

and I just believe.

So you've had a lot
of spiritual experiences,

but you've never felt
what you just felt?

No. No.

That was amazing.

- This is the real Holy Spirit.
- Yes, yes.

It'll never leave you, ever.

- Thank you.
- Oh.

- You just lifted me.
- That's awesome.

Thank you very much.
Where's my husband?

- He's there.
- He's standing there.

And this is, like,
nothing compared to this guy.

This is nice to watch this come in,
but it's like, material.

- I can't believe this is happening.
- So do you feel different?

- Do you feel different?
- Yeah, I feel good.

- Totally changed.
- I couldn't stop crying.

That's awesome.

And then,

for the first time in my seven years
of making these films,

it started to rain.

We made a dash
for the nearest restaurant,

which just happened to be
Stars and Bars.

Almost immediately,
God highlighted two women to Todd,

who jumped up to see
if he could pray for them.

It was only after Todd prayed for them

that we learned this was actually
the owner of Stars and Bars.

Even just on a boat.
Even if we could just, like, do it on...

How many are you?

We have five.

- I might be able to help you.
- I would love it.

- We can't take the boat out, but...
- No, no, no, it doesn't matter.

It's kind of in a private area,
so it'd have to be very, you know...

No, that would be awesome.

- Okay. Well, let me know, okay?
- All right.

It was nice to meet you.
All right.

- That is the craziest crazy...
- I can't believe what we...

No, this is not even normal, dude.

This is like...

I didn't even see the Stars and Bars.

- I didn't either.
- And I heard him say it.

Oh, my gosh, dude.

Like, I heard it
in my heart specifically.

Like, by the Holy Spirit,
like, "Go and pray for her."

I was thirsty.

And I heard it in my heart,
"Go and pray for the lady."

She had a cane.

Like, and I've seen lots of canes, man,
but it was this specific...

that lady had MS,
so we walked over to her.

Well, that just happens to be owner
of Stars and Bars' best friend.

So we got the directions,
hiked our way there,

turned a corner, and there it was.

And it just so happened to be her boat.

We're filming this
because Darren said, "God had a..."

Or he had a vision that God would give
us the opportunity

to go on a sailboat and film.

- Yeah.
- Really?

- I promise.
- That gave me goose bumps.

Yeah, I promise.
Remember when I told you this is...?

- We talked about this months ago.
- Here's the story.

So I'm a filmmaker,
and this whole movie's being, like,

literally, like, directed by God.

- Literally.
- So I hear him.

I'll hear a little, still, small voice,
and I'll hear things.

And so I pulled out a map,
and I'm looking at the map,

and I'm thinking
He's gonna make me go to...

He's gonna ask me to go
to some, like, biblical place,

like the island of Patmos or something,
'cause we're going to Greece next.

And I was just looking around,
and I saw Monaco,

and it was, like, bright on the map,
like, in my...

- Yeah.
- ...spirit's eye or whatever.

And I'm like,
"You want me to go to Monaco?

Like, why do you want me
to go to Monaco?"

And I just heard, like,

"There's an adventure there for you,
like, waiting for you."

And then I just
saw a vision of going on a boat.

- How funny, huh?
- This is crazy.

And he comes over, and he goes,

"Do you own a boat?
Does anybody have a boat?"

I actually heard it
in my heart specific.

And I mean,
I pray for people all the time,

but I really heard in my heart to,
"Go over there right now

and go and pray for her,
and she's your friend."

And so the crazy thing is,
is we've been walking around,

and I just needed some orange juice,
and so I said,

- "Well, let's go over..."
- And you ended up at Stars and Bars.

We didn't even know
it was Stars and Bars.

So what's crazy about this, though,
is three months ago, God knew

that we were going to be stopping for
orange juice at your restaurant exactly.

- Really.
- When I was walking by.

'Cause I was gonna go home.
I was heading home.


You know, I just thought I'd come by,
and I saw Dani, my friend there.

So I thought, "Oh, I'll just go ahead
and get something for her."

And you just jumped on us.

Well, this is just crazy.

We decided to eat at her restaurant,
and she joined us for dinner,

and that's when the entire purpose for
this adventure was finally made clear.

With the church,
they've messed a lot of stuff up,

but Jesus never did,
but the church has messed it up.

The control thing,
the dominance thing, all that stuff.

So what Darren's talking about,
what I talked about today

is about relationship
with God as a Father.

Oh, my gosh.

Okay, I saw a picture
when he was praying for you.

Remember Raggedy Ann, the doll?

I saw a picture of a Raggedy Ann.
Does that mean anything to you?

Does that mean something to you?

It was a picture of a Raggedy Ann doll
on the ground,

and there's a swing,

and there's an empty swing,
and it's swinging,

and I remember looking at that,

and I wondered,
"Oh, my God, what is this?"

And I just felt like He was saying

there's something that's been lost
from your past.

There's something
that was lost in childhood,

something in your childhood
that was lost."


And then so I'm looking at this thing,
and I saw the...

I see things in pictures.

And so the camera shifted,
and I saw a little girl

running up the steps of a house,
and there was Daddy, her father.

Like, you were running into his arms,

and I was just like, "I feel like
He wants to, like, restore something

that was taken."

I feel like He's been chasing you
your whole life,

trying to get you.

I feel like you're a mover.

You're, like, a person
who likes to move fast.

And I feel like He's saying, like,

"I've been running right behind her,
like, running with her,"

but it's almost like, you've been
running, running, running, running,

but trying to, like, accomplish things,

and part of it has been because you
haven't wanted to slow down

to deal with certain things
and deal with whatever,

but He wants you to know that He's
been right behind you the whole time,

and He's been keeping up with you,

and He's just been waiting, waiting,
waiting for however many years

for you just to stop and turn around.

He's right there.
He's right behind you.

"Where shall I go from your spirit?

Where shall I flee from your presence?"

"Fear not, for I have redeemed you.

I have called you by name.

You are mine."

Thank You, Father.
Thank You for being there for me.

I know you're there.

I'm ready to
open my arms to You.


I don't think I realized...

I didn't realize You were there.

I'm ready.

Thank you, guys.

- Thank you all for being here.
- Yeah.

I feel blessed.

So the Holy Spirit changed my plans
to come to this city

and gave me a vision of a boat.

Then He proved Himself at lunch.

He proved Himself at the docks.

He caused it to rain so we would meet
this woman at the exact moment

of her passing by this restaurant,

just so He could get her to this moment.

All the expense, all the visions,
all the direction for this moment,

when the power of the Father's love
finally captures His daughter's heart.

Oh, by the way, the name of the boat...


John 3, verse 8 talks
about the Holy Spirit like wind

and also talks about that
as the nature of the believer.

So I think He likes when we learn
to not just have everything regimented,

but we actually learn how to listen,
how to hear, how to move with Him.

I just think that delights Him.

I think it delights Him
to see when we just believe God.

You know, faith is that
which pleases God so highly.

I think He celebrates it much more
than we might imagine.

Nobody ever changed the world
playing it safe.

They just didn't.

Following Jesus is one
of the most risky things ever.

I mean, not in the sense of salvation,

but following Jesus in the sense
of really wanting to change the world,

that gets risky.

You're gonna be put in spots that, like,
are scary and nerve-racking,

and you're gonna have to be willing
to look like an idiot,

and you're gonna have to step out.

So one of the things
is just flat-out realizing,

if you're gonna change the world...

I've never read about anybody,
both in scripture...

or read about anybody in history
that changed the world

that didn't take a risk.

You know, for so long...

'cause I was in the world forever,
you know.

And for so long, it was just, like,
"Oh, those Christian people...

They're all goodie-goodies,

and, you know, they do everything right,
and they're over there.

They're in their bubble.

Christian music, Christian award shows,
all that, and everything."

And I just think right now is...

Yeah, I totally think that just those
walls should come down

because you don't got to be in a country
club to be a Christian, you know.

And Jesus said,
"Go out into all the world."

How are you supposed to go out into all
the world when you're in your bubble?

So, yeah, I know that my music,

which has been a part
of contemporary Christian music,

has changed countless lives,
and I'm grateful for that,

but I also think it's sort of...

I'm not sure that we're having
a whole lot of impact on our culture,

and that's what bothers me about it.

I don't want to follow the world,
but I'm in the world.

I'm from the street,

and I learned
and grew up in the street.

I still love the streets,

and I have a lot passion
for folks out in the street.

We're all here to do our thing,
where God wants us to be,

and my place happens to be where it is,

in the world of music
and rock and roll,

and I may reach people
where others can't,

and they reach people that I can't.

What the world doesn't need
are more Christian artists.

What we need are more artists
who have their Christianity intact

and really understand what it means
to be a follower of Jesus.

What it means to be a follower of Jesus

does not mean to sit in the church
Sunday after Sunday

and be good at everything,
you know, and be sweet and be polite.

You know, we are called to go out
into the world.

I think one thing that the Western
church lacks is courage,

and then you got those people out there
on the edges,

the people that are in, you know,
what many Christians would call...

You know,
"You shouldn't be involved in that,"

you know, that heavy metal
or that, you know...

whatever the thing is, you know, that
heavy rap or whatever.

But that's where the lions live.

That's where the natives are, you know?

We need people
who, when they go out there,

they're creating work
that is birthed out of love.

Listen, art that doesn't have
the presence of God in it is idolatry.

What we want is we want to bring
the presence of God to the world,

and the world is dying.

The world isn't gonna come
inside the church.

The church has to go into the world.

We're out here living like rock stars,
like you do.

We, you know,
grew up watching videos of people,

other rock stars partying
and just everything they did,

from drinking to...

You know,
that was just part of the deal.

So, as we were kids, we wanted to be
in a band, me and Head,

and we, you know,
ended up looking up to these bands.

We're like, "This is what we got to do."

You know, I don't know how much
the world knows, but it was nonstop,

from my eyes open to a bong to a Xanax,

throwing up,
and then trying to make it

as far as I can to not having a drink
and then drinking,

but it was all just fun and games to me.

For two years, I did meth,

and I was just, like, basically
a junkie in a tour bus, you know?

And I took my dr*gs
to New Zealand, Australia.

I packed them in my suitcase.

I took them to Europe.

I ran out in Europe and had my dealer
send me some over the mail in Europe.

I was, like, risking everything,

and after that two years,
I was like, "I got to get sober."

And along with all of this
started becoming...

ripping relationships apart,

v*olence, loneliness,

to, you know, just getting bad,
and he was in my life the whole time,

and this guy's watched me
rip people apart.

Like, I was just violent.

You know, I don't know
why I never k*lled anybody,

'cause I was a pretty violent guy.

And it was getting pretty bad,
to where...

He ended up finally...

Head left when he found...

You know, he found Jesus, he left.

But what really changed me was,

you know, I got into my house,
and I got my Bible out,

and I was still on the dr*gs,
and I was flipping through it,

and it seemed to be, like, talking
to me, you know?

And I was just, like,
"How do I know for sure this is real?"

Then all of a sudden, like, eternity
seemed like it opened up all around me,

and you got to understand,
I was on meth for two years,

so I felt nothing
but just a gutter feeling in my soul.

I was just horrible feeling.

It was just so intense

that I was just holding the Bible,
and I started shaking.

I look up and...

The best way to describe it

is that I felt like I was home in life
for the first time,

and I just looked up,
and I said, "Father..."

Like, "Father, I'm home," you know.

And after that, like, the next morning,
I threw away all the dr*gs.

I haven't touched them since.

I've stopped drinking.

I was basically addicted
to the Holy Spirit's presence

and just that feeling of eternity
from that moment on,

and I've just been going, going,
going ever since.

And I was still just, like,
just still partying,

and then my dad got sick.

His dad was a prison minister,

and he'd been praying for us
and stuff like that,

and especially his son.

So his dad called me to congratulate me
after I left Korn and all that.

He's like,
"Man, I've been praying for you guys.

That's so awesome."

He's like, "Man, I'm telling you,
I've been praying for my son too.

I can't wait.

If I ever get to Heaven and he's not
saved yet, I'm going straight to Jesus."

About three months later,

I hear that his dad got a deathly ill...

illness that nobody knew what it was.

He died.

His wife's like, "Hey, your dad just
wanted you to, you know, pray.

Will you pray with me?"
And I'm like, "Yeah."

I mean, it was just chaos, you know?

I was like, "Yeah."

So she prayed to ask me to accept Jesus,

and I don't know what happened,

but the whole family came back
to my house,

and my aunt was there,
which is his sister, my dad's sister,

and she's, like, just sitting there.

We're, like, kind of mourning, I guess,
and I told her...

I remember going,
"You think I'm saved?"

And then, like, a week went on,
and I decided...

I don't know.
Something happened.

I just stopped drinking, and it's, like,
seven days a week I drank.

These guys would take off on Sunday.

I'd go, "Why you guys taking a day off?"
I drank seven days a week.

And it just stopped,
and everything just stopped,

and I just went to bed with no drinking,
no weed, no pills, and I was just...

And then the next day came,
next day came,

and then she got me a bible,
and I'm like, "I don't know."

Set it right there.

It sat there for, like, a week,
and I was, like...

Just opened it up.

Started reading it,
and it just became truth.

I was reading it, and I go, "I'm gonna
read this whole thing no matter what."


And I just read it no matter what,
and I was like, "Woah!"

And this truth hit me,
and every word was coming at me.

It was like,
"This is encouraging love."

- And I was like, "Whoa!"
- Yeah.

And I just kept reading it
and just didn't stop,

and I told myself, I'm like,
"I'm gonna read this every single day

for the rest of my life."

I've never been the same since,

and, you know, since I asked Jesus
into my heart and into my life,

I've never been the same.

So it's just crazy that his dad said,

"If I ever die and my son's not saved,

I'm gonna go to Jesus
and ask him where my son is.

I've been praying for him."

And that night that he died,
he was like, "Am I saved?"

You know what I mean?
It's like...

It's just crazy.

It's crazy how real Heaven is.

And once again,
God asked me to do something crazy...

take Todd White,
along with Brian "Head" Welch and Fieldy

from the metal band Korn,

out to the crowds
before and after a concert

and see what the Holy Spirit would do.

- What are we doing, Mr. Director?
- Where we going?

Do you know where we're going?

- Hey.
- Hey.

- We're led by the Spirit right now.
- Okay.

I think we got to go this way.

Do your thing.

Okay, yeah, we're gonna have to go...

- Where are we going?
- I don't know.

To front of house.

- Where is it?
- It don't matter.

As soon as we walk out,
it's gonna cause a scene.

Well, I think the front of the house
is towards where the stage is at.

Walk on the other side of the curtain.

I don't know.

This is our Spinal Tap moment
right now.

- Yeah.
- Spinal Tap?

That's awesome, man.

This is kind of crazy.

Like, I don't even know
if this is front of the house.

I haven't been there,
but it's somewhere that way.

This is where the meet and greet was,
out here, so...

Would that be
where your vendors are?

We don't even know what's on the other
side of this door, but...

- You want me to look first?
- Nope.



Oh, here we are.

Here we are, right here.

Can't get any better than this.

Led by the Spirit.

What's up, y'all?


How'd we end up out here?

Is this the line to get in?

Yep, the line to get in.

- What's going on?
- This the line to get in?

- Okay, go. Anybody need healing?
- Awesome.

Hey! Listen, guys,
before you go up in there, like...

- Listen.
- Listen.

Brian and Fieldy and me,

we want to pray for you right now
as you're going through.

Regardless of what you believe, okay?

- Is that all right?
- Yep.

So we're just gonna go through
and pray for you.

Who in here needs healing
in their body?

- Anybody need healing?
- Physical healing, right now?

Anybody at all needs physical healing
right now?

I'm serious.
You don't have to believe.

We'll just pray for you,
and Jesus will touch you.

All right, is it your back?

- Is it your knee?
- Kidney?

- Kidney.
- That's easy.

Come on.
Come on, let's pray.

Come on, Brian, let's pray.

Let's everybody pray.

So, Father, we thank You,
in Jesus' name.

- Okay. Okay.
- Because we're forgiven.

- So that's the stain of that stuff.
- I'm ready.

All right?
Let's pray.

So, Father, I thank You
in the name of Jesus, God.

God, I thank you in Jesus' name.

Liver, we command you be healed
right now.

Father, I thank You
for a brand-new liver.

- Hey, no, no, no, thank you.
- Awesome.

Thank you.

- Thank you.
- So good.

- What about atheists?
- Huh?

- What about atheists?
- Come on, man, where?

- Right here.
- Yeah! Awesome.

- We love you.
- What about it?

- Bless you.
- Nothing, dude.

I was an atheist my whole life, man.

It took me getting shot.

I actually was an atheist my whole life.
Grew up in a home...

My whole life, man.

I saw Christians that actually talked
about God but didn't walk any God out.

I saw a lot of people talk the talk
but didn't walk the walk.

So, like, as far as an atheist
and all that stuff goes,

I'm not here to put anything on anyone.

That's the truth
about where I came out of.

- And my whole life got rocked.
- That's a good story, bud.

It's amazing.

Do you have anything that gives you any
trouble with one of your shoulders?


Physically, are you healthy completely?

Is there any problems at all physically?

My back isn't the best.

- I just had surgery on my back.
- We call him "Brokeback Joe."

- Did you really?
- Yeah.

Did you break the bottom?

- Yeah, Brokeback Joe.
- No way.

- Brokeback Joe.
- You got to see this, dude.

Come here.
I want to show you something.

Yeah, what's up?

Want to sit back some?

Put your butt back
and just, like, sit back on the stairs.

Like, sit back a little bit more.

- Come up here.
- Okay.

- Brokeback Joe.
- Bless you, man.

So which side of your back
hurts the worst?

- This side.
- Okay. All right.

So how long ago did you break it?

Oh, a couple years ago.

Okay, so you got pain?

- A little bit.
- Does it go down your leg?

- Oh, yeah.
- Okay.

All right, so take your pants
and hike them up a little bit.

All right, so I'm gonna put
your legs together.

All right.

All right, so, when you look at...

You've gone to the chiropractors
and doctors and all that?

Yeah, had surgery and everything.

They tell you your leg's shorter,

your one leg's shorter than the other
one, and it throws your back out?

Okay, so regardless of...

- Well, yeah, no matter what.
- You guys can see this, right?

Take your toes and...
So bring your heels together.

See how short it is?

That's why I'm Brokeback Joe.

No, look, you can see your feet.

- Do you see your feet?
- Yeah.

I'll hold them.
Just relax.

I got you.
Don't try to hold them up.

All right.
I'm relaxed, bud.

Okay, so, if you see this leg,
it's longer than the other one,

and with back injuries and stuff,
a lot of times it throws your legs out.

Regardless of what you do,
I'm gonna pray for you,

and Jesus is gonna grow your leg out
and heal your back.

You don't even have to believe, dude.

So you get into the weirdest place
of belief that you want.

You can un-believe as much as you want,

and God's gonna grow your leg out
and heal your back.

- I promise.
- Okay.


Because regardless of where someone's
heart is, His love for you is bigger.

Like, I know because I got shot at.

I was that guy.
You know what I mean?


So, Father, I thank You, in Jesus' name.

Left leg, I command you grow right now.

Jesus' name.

Look at it.
See it?

- Whoa.
- Look at that.

- Whoa.
- You guys see that right there?


It's longer now than the other one.

That's nuts.

So, Father, I thank You
for a brand-new back, God.

I thank You
that it's not about religion.

It's about Jesus.

It's not about religion.

It's not about just a building.
It's about Jesus.

Look at that, man.

Jesus, I thank You
for a brand-new back.

Father, thank You that all the pain
would leave his back,

that every bit would be healed.

So, Father, I thank You, in Jesus' name,
that his back would be made whole.

God, I ask you to bless this man,
overwhelm him with your goodness, God,

'cause he is awesome.

He loves me, and He loves you, bro.

I promise, man.
Look at that.

Stand up and check your back, man.
I'm serious, dude.

- Brokeback Joe.
- Brokeback Joe!

Broke-fixed Joe.

- What does it feel like right now?
- It feels good, bud.

Can you bend?
Can you bend over and check and see?

Oh, yeah.

- Any pain at all?
- No.

- None?
- No.

Okay, so time will tell, man,
but I just...

I'm not, like, out here
to say you need to...

No, dude.
God loves you, bro, and that's it, man.

Semper fi, man.

- Semper fi.
- I love you, man.

No pressure.

I love you, man.

Awesome, man.
How about you, dude?

Anything at all?
How's your back?

This dude's gonna heal people!
Who needs healing?

- Your back's hurting, man, for real?
- Come on! Step up!

For real.

So, like, what I heard in my heart, man,

is you have two discs already
in your back that are messed up, right?

- Two herniated discs?
- What?

- All right, man, for real, right?
- Yeah.

Okay, we're gonna pray right now,

and Jesus is gonna heal you, dude,
for real, all right?

So, Father, I thank You, in Jesus' name.

God, thank You
for brand-new discs right now,

in Jesus' name.

Brian, just say, "Discs be healed."

Discs be healed, in Jesus' name.

- Right now.
- Right now.

Jesus' name.

Dude, this is something that, like, even
is passed down as, like, a family thing,

your dad, like, all that stuff,
like, they work hard...

You have bad backs in your family?

Jesus. Come on.

Father, I thank You, in Jesus' name,

that, God, You would actually heal
his father too, right now.

God, thank You, and I thank You
for his dad's right shoulder right now,

in Jesus' name, right now.

Jesus' name.

Father, I thank you also
for his mama's neck right now,

in Jesus' name.

I command her neck
to be healed right now.

Yep, she has a neck problem, man.
It's a problem.

It goes right up in the back
of the right side of her neck, dude.

In Jesus' name, right now.

Touch her now, God, in Jesus' name.

- How does he hear that stuff?
- Jesus' name.

Can you bend and check your back?

Check it. Dude, check it.
Like, bend over.

Bend over and check it.

We don't know you.
How does...?

It's crazy.

Was that right?
Was that right, what he said?

About your dad
and about your mom, all that.

- Are you serious?
- So good.

- That's the truth!
- Dude, it's the truth, bro.

- For real, dude.
- Wow, man. Hey!

Seriously, can we pray for you?

Like, no being put on the spot, man.

Like, is there anything...

What would you say, man?

Not being considerate to my parents.

Not being considerate
to your parents, man?

- Yeah.
- Come on, dude.

Where you at with Jesus, bro?

I grew up in the Presbyterian church.

Okay, man.

Have you ever given your life to Him?

Have you ever asked Him
to come and make His home inside of you?

- No, I never have.
- Come on, man.

The only way to be considerate
to your parents, man...

Honestly, I promise.

Dude, I was a drug addict
for 22 years, man.

I was so mad at my mom and so mad
at my dad, and I just...

It just exploded all the time.

- I'm an alcoholic.
- Bro, for real, man.

God will take it, man.

God will take...
I promise, man.

God will take it from you, dude.

Listen, the only way
He can take it from you

is if you ask Him
to come and make His home inside, man,

so He can work this thing out.

There's no way
for you to clean yourself up.

Look, there's no way for people to clean
themselves up enough to come back.

That's right, man,
but Jesus can do it, bro.

- Would you pray with me, man?
- Say it louder!

I'm serious, man.

Would you let Him come
and make His home inside of you?

Come on, man.

Look, how many of you guys
have ever, like...

Listen, man, you guys believe
that Jesus is real?

Do you believe that?
Come on.

I want you guys...
Will you do me a favor, bro?

Listen, it don't matter who you are.

It doesn't matter what you've done.
It doesn't matter where you're at.

Would you be willing to pray
with me right now,

for God to have your life completely
and for Him to possess your life?

Who would say
that they would do that right now?

- Does it got to be Jesus?
- That's right, it's Jesus, man.

- It's got to be Jesus, man.
- I'll do it.

Come on. Who else?
Who all would do it, man?

Just say, "Yes to Jesus," man.
For real.

Come on, man.

- Come on.
- Come on in here.

Everybody come in the huddle!

Whoever wants to pray with us,
I want you guys to come in right now.

Come on, man.

This is awesome.
I'm serious, dude.

Have you guys ever given your life
to Jesus?

- Ever?
- I have a crucifix on my back.

Come here.
Come on up here.

Come on.

Fieldy, this is so good.

Listen, we're gonna ask God right now
to come and make His home inside.

This sounds funny, but I promise you,
it changes everything.

If you've never given your life
to Jesus, come up here!

Do it right now!

Come on, with Fieldy and Brian.

Let's just do it!

And Jesus will heal you of anything
that you're sick of right now!

Come on, we're gonna pray
and ask Jesus to possess us.

Oh, I promise.

It'll be the best thing you ever did.

Religion isn't a real deal.
Jesus is the real deal, man.

- Something bigger than us.
- That's right, bro!

It's Jesus Christ, man.

He paid a price for us to be forgiven
of all of our junk,

but He also paid a price
to come and make His home inside, man.

I promise you this, bro.
God will change your life, man.

I'm serious. You came up here.
That was, like, bold, bro.

Bold, man.
I'm proud of you, man.

I love you, dude.

I don't even know you.
It don't matter, man.

I'm serious, dude.

Doesn't matter what you've been.
Doesn't matter where you've been.

It's one thing to say
that I believe in God.

It's another thing to say
that I believe that Jesus

has come to make His home
inside of me

and I believe that Jesus
is my only way to God.

Listen, there's a lot of gods out there.
There's only one Jesus.

Are you hearing me?

Can you guys understand?

That's right.
He's with you every day.

So, to ask Him to come
and make His home inside of you,

that's just it.

So, Jesus paid a price
on the cross at Calvary.

Paid a price to forgive our sins,

but He also paid a price
to come and live inside of us

through the Holy Spirit.

So what we're gonna do is we're gonna
ask Jesus just to forgive us,

God to forgive us of all our sin.

Jesus paid a price
that we could never pay.

Paid a price so that He could come
and have His way

and come and live inside of us, okay?

So, right now, man, all I'm gonna do
is I'm gonna lead you guys.

We're gonna pray.

Who here would say that they definitely
believe that Jesus was real?

Come on.

That's qualification right there.

- Do you believe Jesus died for you?
- Yes.

Do you believe that Jesus was raised
from the dead for you?

Listen, I don't care
what kind of upbringing you had.

It doesn't matter if you were Catholic.
It doesn't matter.

What matters is that you know that Jesus
paid the price He did,

but He didn't pay just the price
to get you to Heaven.

He paid a price
to get Heaven inside of you

so that the Holy Spirit could come
and make His home inside of you.

Listen, right now what He's gonna do
is take all your junk and all the stuff

that we came up with, all the stuff
that was done to us

and all the stuff we wished
we'd never done,

He's gonna clear it, dude,
because Jesus is the only way.

I promise, man.

It's not religion. It's a relationship
with the King of Glory.

- Amen?
- Yeah!

- Are you guys ready?
- Ready.

- Everybody...
- Let's do it.

Everybody, I want you to pray
with me, okay?

I want you to say this.

- Lord God...
- Lord God...

- ...right now...
- ...right now...

- ...we're saying...
- ...we're saying...

- ...that we believe...
- ...that we believe...

- ...that Jesus died for our sin...
- ...that Jesus died for our sin...

...that he was raised
from the dead for me.

...that he was raised
from the dead for me

...and that all of my past
and all the things I wish I never did...

...and that all of my past
and all the things I wish I never did...

...all the stuff that I did
that I wish I didn't...

...all the stuff I did
that I wish I didn't...

...that right now we're about to nail it
to the cross at Calvary.

...right now, we're about to nail it
to the cross at Calvary.

Right now addiction is gonna be broken
off of our lives.

Right now addiction is gonna be broken
off of our lives.

Lord God, forgive us of our sin.

Lord God, forgive us of our sin.

We're asking You right now to come
and make Your home inside of us.

We're asking You right now to come
and make Your home inside of us.

So we're taking one person at a time,
and hopefully we're encouraging you.

Tomorrow's a new day and...

Like I said, it's hard to believe
in shit you can't see.

But when you know what Jesus did,

then you're forgiven that much
of all your dirty laundry?

- Oh, yeah.
- All that?

No, He forgives you for everything
that you've done.

- I hope He does.
- He does.

So, when you realize that, it says
that those who have been forgiven much

can love much.

Just pray.
Just ask Him in real quick.

Can you do that?

Just say, "Lord, Jesus."

Lord Jesus.

Come into my heart.
Come into my life.

Come into my heart.
Come into my life.

Give me the strength to do this stuff.

Give me the strength to do this.

"He saved us not
by works we had done

but because of His mercy
through His Holy Spirit."

"Ever since this encounter,

Brian and Fieldy have been praying
for fans before or after their shows

and have continued to see healings
and salvations...

...and Fieldy even got a new tattoo...

There's this phrase in Christian circles
that is "And God showed up,"

and I get what they're saying,

and I think it's important
what they're getting at,

but I think it's wildly unhelpful,

because if God shows up,
you have to ask,

"Well, where was God before that?"


And, I mean, if there's one thing
I can say to the world,

it would be that God is here.

God is...

You know, when Jesus prayed, you know,

"Our Father in the heavens
who fills the atmosphere,

who is closer
than the air we breathe..."

And in my opinion,
the question is never,

"Where is God,
and how can I get Him here?"

The question is always, "God is here.
You know, how can I wake up?"

When you start to care less about what
people think about you,

you start to become free, really free,

and I think
when you become really free,

then I think something opens up

that gives you the capacity
to sort of, like, you know...

I call it a conduit.

Perfect conduit.

That's one of my biggest prayers.

Two prayers...

not to ever be offended by anybody
ever again the rest of my life

and to be the perfect conduit
for what the Holy Spirit wants to do.

The Holy Spirit comes,
and He empowers us to take the risk

and to go into those places
that would normally be impossible.

So you're kind of going in
with a secret w*apon.

You're going in with a game changer,

where normally you would be like,
"I can't do that.

I can't walk on water.

I can't, you know, turn water
into wine," or whatever.

Pick your miracle.

You're going with a secret w*apon
that you have to take risk.

You have to step out
in order to see Him come,

in order to see Him move.

It's not saying that the Holy Spirit
won't move without us,

but He's chosen to use broken vessels
to move through.

So He comes and partners with us.

So what was the biggest risk
I would take?

My biggest test when God asked me
to go to India,

to a city called Varanasi,

the oldest city in the world

and the birthplace
of both Hinduism and Buddhism.

I was told that to attempt
what I was thinking,

to worship Jesus at a Hindu
temple at the banks of the Ganges

and to pray for people there
was su1c1de.

This is where the militants lived,

and Christians were not allowed.

Oh, that's impossible.


Openly going in the name of Jesus,

worshipping Him and praising
and lifting His name high,

people would get k*lled.

But if you want to obey the Holy Spirit,

then sooner or later,
you're going to have to trust Him.

We end up getting to the Ganges
on day one

after we toured some of the temples,

and we're sitting there,
and there's not very many people there

'cause it's been flooded for a while,
the highest it's been in 20 years.

My first thought was, "There's not
really a lot of people here,

but I know that wherever we go,

the Holy Spirit can draw
and attract people."

And Darren, he just came up,
and we were like,

"So you want to play
a little bit or...?"

You know,
and I was like, "Yeah, I guess so.

Like, let's just see what happens."

Jake starts to play.

There's a very real sense
of God's presence

descending in that place

and a very familiar sense
of the Holy Spirit.

People started to come,
obviously attracted by the music

but more by the presence of God,

and these two young guys come over,
and they come over to me.

I see the Holy Spirit on them,
and we get into conversation.

Do you like this?


That's good.
And you can feel it here, can you?


- My heartbeat is going uncontrollable.
- Your heartbeat is going fast?


Yeah, we call that,
the Holy Spirit is touching your heart.

Yeah, clearly.


Why this place you chose?

Well, we didn't.
We just, you know...

We're wandering.

- Oh.
- Oh.

We're wandering wherever God leads us.

It's the Holy Spirit.

The Holy Spirit living in Jake
is helping him to worship like that.

And you feel it inside.
You feel Him inside.

Yeah, I am feeling this...

It's very good.

It's very, very good.

Very, very, very good.

Would you like to feel more
of His presence?

Would you like to feel more of this?

- Yeah, why not?
- Can I pray you feel more?

- Yeah, why not?
- Can I pray that?


So what was your name, again?

- I'm Saga.
- Saga.

- S-a-g-a, Saga.
- Saga.

Could I put my hand
on your shoulder, Saga?

- Yeah, why not?
- Would that be okay? Okay.

And put my hand on your chest?

I'm gonna ask for more of the presence
of God as Jake worships,

and you'll feel His presence, yeah?

- Okay.
- Okay. So, Father, thank You for Saga.

Father, I just invite Your presence.

Thank You, Father.
You love Saga so much.

You love him with all your heart, God,

and this is the joy that You want
to bring to Saga, Your presence,

and for him to know that You love him
and that You care for him.

So come, Holy Spirit.

Just gonna ask for an increase
of more of Your presence,

more of Your goodness.

And will You just fill him

from the top of his head
right through to the soles of his feet?

In every area of his life,
he's overflowing.

His heart is bursting
with Your presence.

And we just ask for more
of Your presence.

- I'm feeling that.
- You feel that?

- Yeah, I'm feeling that.
- Yeah. More, more, God.

More, God.

Come, Holy Spirit.

More, God.
Fill him, Lord.

Just give him a taste of Your joy
and Your love and Your presence.

My heart is trembling.


Your knees shaking?

Yeah, I can see that.

That's the presence of the Holy Spirit
on your body, Saga.

Yeah, that's, like...

Yeah, more.

Thank you, Lord.

Now, from the innermost being, Lord...

from his innermost being,
would You just fill him?

My heartbeat is telling me

He is present there.

Yeah, you feel him?

- Yeah.
- Yeah.

Would you like to experience as well?

- Yeah, I would.
- Come.

What's your name?

Let the joy touch his heart, Lord.

I feel like what you pray for me.

You can feel that?
There's more. There's more for you.

That's my heart.

I feel what you prayed.

You all are very different.

- Huh?
- You all are very different.

- We're all different?
- Yeah.

Have you ever experienced that before?

You had not experienced...

That you haven't experienced
this before?

- Yeah.
- Yeah. Okay.

- I believe in God.
- I know.

Very much I believe in God,
but this feeling is different.

And we are here
because we are somewhat disturbed.

But now I'm relaxed.

One of the people there
was a man named Ramesh.

Unbeknownst to me, our Christian friends
had gone to him the night before

and asked him to just hang out
with us that day.

All we were told
from our Christian friends

was that he was a radical Hindu

and his presence should lessen
the chance that we would get a beating.

It was also very apparent
that he liked Jake's music a lot.

You know, I remember you asked me,
"What do you think?

You know, should we go somewhere else?"

And my reply was,
"It doesn't matter where we go.

The Holy Spirit will be there."

So I decided to take the guys for a walk
and just let Jake play in the streets.

Our new friend Ramesh was so excited,
he carried Jake's guitar case for him.

We're walking down the streets,
and the streets here are so close

that when you're singing into them,

it creates this natural reverb,
and your voice carries down these halls.

I mean, it's like singing in a hallway

because there's no room
for the sound to go anywhere.

So now people are looking out of...

They're looking out the windows,
and they're looking out of the corners,

and they're coming out
on the little balconies,

and they're coming out in the streets,
and it's like, "What's happening?"

But then we get into the parking lot
where we had parked,

and all of a sudden, it was like,

"Oh, there is a lot of people
now gathering."

Do you like this?

- Yeah.
- It's nice, isn't it?

And do you feel something in here
when he sings?

- Yeah.
- Yeah, do you know what we call it?

We call that the presence of God,
the Holy Spirit.

- Holy Spirit?
- Yes.

- And it's nice, isn't it?
- Yeah, yeah.

Would you like to experience more
of that presence that you feel here?

Yeah, yeah.

I mean, God wants to give you more
of His presence, what you feel here.

- Yeah.
- Could I pray for you quickly?

- Yeah.
- Yeah?

- Okay, what's your name?
- Akil.

- Akil?
- Yeah.

Father, I thank You for Akil,

and, Lord, I just invite Your presence
to come...


I just ask You to touch Akil,

fill him with Your Holy Spirit,
fill him with Your presence.

I'm feeling it.

- Can you feel that?
- Yeah.

- So you feel God's presence?
- Yeah.

That's wonderful, isn't it?

- You can feel it here?
- There is something.

There is something?
Yeah, I know.

I know.

And the crowd grew even bigger.

We couldn't stay in the parking lot,
so we moved to a nearby park.

Little did we know what it represented.

And we go into this park

where there's, like, this little statue
or a bust of the leader...

sort of the guy who represented...

in very simple terms,
it was the guy who represented

the poorest class of Indians,

and that is, like, insane to me,

'cause that's, like,
who Jesus came to meet.

Like, the Holy Spirit
wasn't simply poured out

so that we could have a nice encounter.

He was poured out
'cause He wanted to touch humanity,

and you've got these...

We're standing with now,
what, a couple hundred people?

I don't even know,
and they're feeling power.

They're feeling presence.

They don't know what it is.
They don't have the language for it.

But we're sitting
in the midst of the guy

and the place that was built...

This park was built to represent
the poorest of the poor,

the lowest class,
and for us to go, like,

"This is where we want to hang out..."

Like, we don't have a dog
in this fight.

We're not here to prove anything.

We just want to tell people that God
really wants to meet with them.

The whole purpose is God wants to...

He doesn't want to just...

He doesn't want to be from a distance.
He wants to get right up on you.

I just want to say...

Can you let everybody know I want to say
thank you for coming and listening,

but I want to tell you...

I'm only singing in the streets...

and we sang by the river...

because I came to India...

for one reason...

to tell you...

that no matter where you're at...

no matter what you're doing...

no matter how rich...

or how poor...


are loved.

You are loved.

You are loved.

"Let us love one another,
for love is from God,

and whoever loves has been born of God
and knows Him

because God is love."

We were reminded just how dangerous
what we were doing was

when we went to a Buddhist temple
where Buddha preached his first sermon

after receiving enlightenment.

Jake began to play,

a crowd literally exploded,

and Mark started praying for people.

Now, I'm gonna pray for you.

Can I lay my hand on your knee?

Can I put my hand on your knee?

And I'm gonna ask Jesus to heal you.

Okay. All right.

And is your knee in pain right now?

What's wrong with it?

What's wrong?

And you still have pain now?


Okay, now I'm gonna pray,
and we're gonna see what God can do.

So, Father, I thank You
for bringing us here.

God, You love this man
with all of Your heart.

We invite Your presence
to come upon him.

Come right now, Holy Spirit.

In Jesus' mighty name,

I take authority over every injury
to your knee and leg.

I command the joint be healed,
the kneecap be healed.

I command the pain go.

I speak the oil of Heaven
into your knee joints,

and I speak right now
all pain dissolve away and go.

I speak for mobility and freedom
as you walk.

That's right.
A brand-new knee in Jesus' name.

Thank you, Heavenly Father.

Thank you, God.

All pain go.
Be healed in Jesus' name.

Thank you, God.

Now, okay, now try.

See how it is.
Try it.

How's that feel?

Try it.

You're healed.


You're healed.

The one who's healed you is Jesus.

But shortly after we started,
Jake got att*cked.

So I'm kind of like...
I don't know where this is gonna go.

So I finish Freedom.
They kind of clap.

They're pretty excited,
and I get in sort of the next song.

People wanted to shake hands,

'cause they don't know who they're
meeting, and they want to shake hands.

I start going to the next song,
and I see a guy come up,

and I thought he was going to go out
and shake my hand.

And he's a smaller dude, but he
literally reaches out and grabs my arm,

and all of a sudden,
I know this is not normal,

and he starts to pull me,
like he's gonna rip me off the stage.

Where's Mark at?

Where's Mark and Darren?

Okay, we need to move.
We need to move.

- They're saying we need to move.
- Okay.

Immediately I felt Matt,
one of the other video guys,

he tapped me on the shoulder,
and he said, "We are leaving now."

And so I backed up,
kind of got out of the way.

We realized we were kind of cornered.
People weren't gonna let us out.

Immediately saw one
of the guys we were with,

and we kind of scooted on out of there,

but it was...

it was a super-intense moment.

- Was it getting scary, your end?
- Oh, it was crazy on my end.

- Was it? Was it?
- Oh, yeah.

It was super intense.

I had a guy try to pull me
off the stage.

- No, you're joking!
- No, really.

They tried to grab me off the stage.

We were told, you know, these people
wouldn't hesitate to k*ll you

and to cut your body up
and throw it into the Ganges.

This is the most radical place
you're gonna find on Earth,

and it's serious business.

So, when we were taken
to the most radical part of Varanasi

to try to do what I felt God
was telling me to do,

we all understood the dangers involved.

Earlier, we had learned that Ramesh
was actually the high priest

of the local Monkey God Temple.

So imagine my surprise when,
at 4:00 A.M. the next morning,

the Lord woke me up
and gave me my new marching orders.

So, in the morning,
we go down to breakfast,

and we're kind of hanging out,
talking about the day.

What are we gonna do?
What does this look like?

And you had said, "Hey, look, like,
I want to see the impossible."

We were told by one of the women who
represents some of the ministry here,

she had said, "Getting into
and filming inside of a Hindu temple

would be like getting
into the Dome of the Rock,"

because it's that impossible.

When we went back
to the streets of Varanasi,

this time to the holiest part
of this holy city,

it was time once again
for God to do the impossible.

So I approached our new friend,

who, it was clear, was some kind
of big shot down here,

and asked him if I could actually film
inside his Monkey God Temple.

He looked at me for a moment
and then simply said, "Yes."

And I think all the leaders here
were kind of like, "You're not kidding.

Like, you want to go film...

You're gonna go as crazy as you can,
even if you get beat doing it."

And it was kind of like,
"Yeah, that's why we came," you know.

So, I think once that distinction
was made by all the leaders

and Ramesh himself,

it was kind of like,
"Well, let's go for it," you know.

It's kind of like,
"Let's just see what happens."

So we headed for the temple,
but Ramesh turned

and started leading us away
from the Monkey God Temple.

When I asked him
where he was taking us,

that's when he dropped the b*mb on me

that he was also the high priest
of the Shiva Temple.

Well, you know,
I'm just following everyone.

I'm thinking we're going
to the Monkey God Temple.

So we walk up these steps,

and I'm thinking,
"This is the Monkey God Temple?

Doesn't look like the Monkey God...

I can't see any monkeys.

I can't see any statues of monkeys."

Then I'm told
that this is the Shiva Temple,

this is the big one.

In a religion of over 3 million gods,
Shiva is at the top.

The Ganges River is holy
because it flows from Shiva's hair.

For a Shiva temple
to touch the Shiva River is...

Well, this is the very heart
of Hinduism...

and not only were we about to do
what everyone told us was impossible,

but the high priest of this holy place
was actually inviting us to do it.

So we arrive
where we shouldn't even be,

and Ramesh
had another surprise for us.

But he's like, "No, bust out your guitar
and sing that Freedom song."

The high priest of the god Shiva
is asking me to sing a song of freedom

on the steps of the Ganges River
in front of their temple.

So we just...

So we do.

- You like the freedom one?
- Yeah.

And I start singing Freedom,

like, you know, got to get to the good
part that the high priest of Shiva

would like to have happen
on his temple steps,

and so I start playing,
and he just starts...

Dude, this guy...

How do you describe the head priest

of the Temple of Shiva
on the Ganges River singing...

just eating...

just eating his thing being like,


Yeah! Freedom!"

And he's just getting it right there,

just loving it,

and we're just, "God, come
and bring freedom to this place."

That's all we want.

We're not trying to sit here
and convert thousands of people,

because when the truth...

We know where the spirit of the Lord is,
there is freedom.

Where the spirit of the Lord is,
there is freedom.

And so he's like,
"Let's take this thing to the streets!"

Okay, Ramesh.
Let's hit the streets.

So we go to the streets.

"I am the Lord your God.

Open wide your mouth,
and I will fill it."

Later, we would discover

that our Christian friends had secretly
assigned each of us two bodyguards,

as they were convinced
that what we wanted to do

would result in a riot
and possibly our deaths.

Yet no one touched us.

With the high priest at our side,

we openly proclaimed Jesus as Lord
in the heart of this,

the oldest city in the world.

That by itself probably
would have been impossible enough

to call this a good day,

but this was God's movie after all,

and He wanted to go out with a bang.

We were told it would be impossible

to film inside a temple
on the Ganges River,

but this wasn't just any temple.

This was Shiva's temple,

making it that much more impossible,

but with God, all things are possible,

and so we walked in.

Immediately, a man jumped at me
to tell me to stop filming,

but we simply said
we were with the high priest,

and just like that, we were in.

While we were in the temple,
I came upon the holy of holies.

It was forbidden for me to enter...

a foreigner, a Christian...

But the Holy Spirit
is greater than any God,

and He opens doors
that no man can shut.

That is impossible, I would say.

You can't go inside there.

If you went
the holier-than-holies place,

nobody's allowed there.

So I don't know.

- You mean, like, a foreigner?
- Yeah, foreigner.

I mean, this is most...

'Cause I filmed it.

- With film?
- I filmed it.

Oh, that's something.

I mean,
foreigners are not allowed there.

Shiva is the destroyer,
the God of death and destruction.

Hindus believe
that within the holy place,

they will be able
to literally touch their God,

if only for a second,

and here I stood on His doorstep,
inside the holy of holies,

doing something
that should have gotten me k*lled.

This was impossible, yet the God of love
opened a way for me enter this place

because He had, I think,

a very simple message for the world.

We try so hard.

We do so many things.

We go to such great lengths
in an effort to touch God,

when the truth is He has already sent
His Holy Spirit to touch us.

"I will praise you, Lord,
with all my heart.

Before the gods,
I will sing your praise."

"For the Lord is the great God,

the great King of above all gods."

We get back, and we get upstairs.

I kind of set this down,
and I just start crying to the pastors,

and I said, "Thank you so much
for what you fought for,"

because we know
that what they've done...

This isn't...hasn't anything
to do with us.

What they fought for is being manifested
in the streets, and they said...

literally, their words exactly,
they said,

"We could have never dreamed
for something like this.

Like, we would have never even tried
to do what you just did."

Like, and they showed me
these little press passes,

and they have
these little press passes.

They showed us the press pass and said,

"We carry these
just so people won't hurt us

as we silently prayer walk the streets,

and you went right into the midst of it

and walked through the streets,
declaring the name of Jesus and freedom,

and no one bothered you.

They actually wanted to join."

And he said,
"We would have never..."

And then they said, "I do not believe,
in the history of our city,

that this has ever happened before."

Like, who gets to do that stuff, dude?

We go into 5,000-year-old cities
and get to just tell Jesus we love Him.

We walk through a city,
declare Jesus,

and Hindu gods
don't just come crumbling.

They're still in power,

but in the Spirit,
something has shifted.

We just encouraged the church
years ahead of schedule maybe.

I don't know. Ten years.

I don't know,
but all I know is the Christians

that walk these streets
every single day,

who have no names and no popularity,

they're not selling any CDs,
nobody cares about their sermons,

we just convinced them

that God wants to take them
farther and deeper

than they could have ever gone
on their own,

and we encouraged them,
walked with them, prayed for them,

loved on them in a way
that nobody even cares about.

But something has shifted in the Spirit,

but the truth is,
is we don't give enough credit

to what's broken in the Spirit,

to what God establishes in the Spirit

that changes everything
and shakes history.

We have barely begun to scratch
the surface

to who God really is,

but what I know
is just what the Bible says,

that the kingdom of God
is not a matter of talk but of power.

And we're good at talking,

and we're good at programs,

and we're good at putting God
in our little boxes,

but what if we,
collectively as the church, just said,

"Okay, God, no more boxes,

no more limits,

no more we have to control everything,"

and we just gave God total control?

Yeah, it's scary,

but I think that's the way
that we were meant to live.

This is about participation.

This is a God...

three persons who have never done
anything by themselves.

This is a God
who has never been alone, right?

There's always been community.

There's always been relationship,
and we're made in the image of that God.

We're not designed
to do this alone, right?

So participation
becomes the invitation.

It takes risk, right?

I want certainty.

That's why intellectuality
and rationalism

and doctrine and theology,

which I love, by the way,

but that's where we go and hide

rather than the mystery and the risk
that's involved in relationship.

We talk
about all of this "religious" stuff.

People talk and talk and talk, you know,

but it's really about a connection,

And God's right here all the time,

and He just wants to have
a relationship.

Ask, and you'll receive.

Seek, and you'll find.

Knock, and the door will open to you.

If you want an encounter
with the Holy Spirit, ask.

Ask, and you'll receive...

and then wait for it,
because when it comes,

you'll know it's Him,

and it'll change everything.

I wanted to show you something,

something you've never seen before.

Some say He's dead.

Some say He's silent.

Some say
He's a figment of my imagination,

but my God is real,

and I love Him,

and the Holy Spirit is here on the Earth

so that the world might see
and believe that God is good,

that God is love,

and that with Him, anything is possible.

"And surely I am with you always
to the very end of the age."

Dude, so what, man?

Come on, Jesus separates mobs.

There's a Roman mob, and Todd wants
to go into the middle of it.

Right in front of the Coliseum, dude!
This is awesome!

They need Jesus, man.


I'm gonna go through
and touch as many people as I can.

If I get punched in the face, it's okay.


God, thank You.

Bless them.
Jesus, get them.

God, thank You.

Let your presence, God.
Jesus' name.

Get them all, God.

Jesus. Oh, no!
Can I go through here, please?

What? Yeah, sure.


Bless them, God!


Hey, Jesus, bless them.

God, thank You.

Let me pray for you!

Will you let me say something on there?

Can I say something on there?

Can I use this to speak real quick?

Yeah, can I do it?

Come on, man, let me see.

Jesus loves everybody here!

You guys...


Everybody say this with me!

Jesus! Jesus! Jesus!

Holy Ghost Reborn

Fall 2015
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