Jerusalem Countdown (2011)

Easter, Religious/Spiritual Movie Collection.

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Jerusalem Countdown (2011)

Post by bunniefuu »



[car alarm blaring]


[speaking foreign language]

[sh*ts firing]

Seven Wonders
are in good hands.

[Israeli Prime Minister on TV]
Yes, Israel is moving ahead...

and we continue
to make every effort...

for a diplomatic solution
to this crisis.

Unfortunately, Dawn,
there are those who believe...

these talks
should never happen.

They will remain steadfast
with this belief until Israel...

and all of its inhabitants
are eradicated forever.

Which leads us to the single
greatest threat facing mankind:

Rogue countries
attempting to...

or already having
the capabilities...

to develop
nuclear weapons.

The world's
most dangerous regimes...

with the world's most dangerous
t*rror1st proxies, could,

and we believe already have the
world's most dangerous weapons.

Israel, like America, reserves the right
to defend herself...

against such threats.

Israel wants peace.

America wants peace.

Our children need peace.

We'll resolve
these differences...

Hey, Bry,

[Bry on computer]
Hey, Shane.

Hey, I got the files
that you wanted.

I'm uploading them
to you right now.

Are you sure
about this?

Yeah, I'm sure.
Three of our agents

have been k*lled
in the Middle East

in the last 6 months.

There's gotta be
a leak somewhere

in the communication

[Bry on computer] These aren't low-level
agents we're talking about here.

Yeah, yeah, I know.

[Bry on computer] The last time
you tried something like this,

it did not turn out
so well.

I'm just saying,
you lost a lot.

I just know how much
you two cared for each other.

Look, I'll see you in the office
tomorrow morning, all right?

[Bry on computer] All
right, get some rest.

you too, man.

[phone ringing]


[male on phone] This is dispatch.
We have a call for you.

He refuses to speak
with anyone else.

All right,
punch it through.

This is Agent Daughtry.

[male 2 on phone]
Is this line secure?

You reached the FBI,
it's pretty secure.

Who's this?

I've got information
for you.

All right, what's your name?

Last chance.

[male 2] Malikov said you're the
only one that I could trust.


I need to know
who this is.

What's your name?


it's Arlin.

Arlin Rockwell.

I need to tell you
about Seven Wonders.

We must meet tonight,
Mr. Daughtry.

There isn't much time.

[phone ringing]

This is the fallen one.

[distorted male voice] Hello, my son.
Is there much to report?

The stork is delivered.

Seven Wonders
is in good hands.

We're awaiting
the decalogue from Mother.

[distorted male voice on phone]
Decalogue will be delivered soon.

Seven Wonders
will proceed as planned.

We have one other
order of business.


[distorted male voice on phone]
We have a loose end.

I will send my brother.

[Shane] So rumor has
it, you're a smuggler,

Mr. Rockwell.

I am border, ex-border.

Well, a significant amount
of money was recently wired

to an account
linked to you.

There's good money in hate,
Mr. Daughtry.

I'm guessing this has something
to do with Seven Wonders.

[Mr. Rockwell] The world is
changing, Agent Daughtry.

You may wake up
one morning very soon

and End Iran
has no enemies,

none capable
of interfering anyway.

How is it that Iran's hate
for America and Israel

is as great a threat
to democracy as Hitler's Nazis

and we do nothing?

This is all very
interesting but...


Please, sit down.

I'm not a bad man,
Agent Daughtry.

I'm a specialist,
you could say.

If there's something
that needs handling,

people come to me.

I don't ask questions.
I merely transport.

But there's some things
that I won't do,

could not do knowingly.

And I should have known
that the price was too high

for this to be
just another job.

God forgive me, but...

I think I've imported...
a distraction.

I don't understand.

What kind
of distraction?

[Mr. Rockwell] This is bigger than
anything you could possibly imagine.

Mr. Daughtry,
Seven Wonders.

[sh*ts firing]

[sh*ts firing]

[glass shattering]

[sh*ts firing]

[sh*ts firing]


[rapid g*nf*re]


[whispering] And when the
fourth seal was opened,

I heard the fourth beast
say, Come and see.

And I looked and beheld
a pale horse

and his name
who sat on it was Death

and hell followed with him.

And so, there was
a great earthquake;

and the sun became
as black as sackcloth.

Speculative at best.

Shoddy research.


Hey, how you doing?

Is everything okay?

everything's great.

I marked some pages,
you know, for your research.

Ang, I gotta finish my article
on the peace talks.

Well, I know but I thought
maybe this could help.


I can do my own research,

and I really don't need anymore
of your hocus-pocus prophecy.

Okay, Ang?
So here, take that.

Thank you.

You have a Nostradamus book
on your desk.

Hocus-pocus prophecies
like a unified Europe

or millions of Jews returning
to their homeland.

That hasn't
happened before?

That's different,

No, it's not.
How is it different?

Islamic nations coming together
in a w*r against Israel.

That hasn't happened or
isn't happening again right now?

But if it doesn't make sense
to the great intellect

of Daniel Johnson,
then it just cannot be true.

Okay, you know what?

So the whole Noah's Ark thing,
that's realistic to you?

Yeah, it is.

But you're a great swimmer,

so you ain't got nothing
to worry about, right?

Good night, Angela.

[Eve] Hello, Jack.
How are you?

I'm doing
quite well, Eve.

How's your father?

He's fine.

Look, we're concerned about
one of your Held ops, Jack.

Eve, as you know
we typically handle matters

with our Held operatives

Couple of his aliases
have been flagged on national

and international chatter
and it's not the first time.


We are the CIA.

What triggered
your concern?

There have been several
financial transactions

and communications that have
made my superiors uneasy.

He's working on a mission
in the Middle East.

No, he isn't.

We are the FBI.


All right, let me know
what you End out.

You know,
it wouldn't hurt you

to smile once in a while,

Hello, Eve.

What are you doing here?

Are you
having me followed?

Have you paid any attention
to the peace talks?

I love it how you seem to show
up to talk about your issues.

Well, there are other
pressing matters

that require
my attention.

This is a pressing matter
for you, Eve,

much more
than you know.

There's never been
an opportunity like this,

an offer of peace
from Saudi Arabia,

Syria, Lebanon,
Egypt, Iraq?

Israel should just
carve up its homeland

and keep a few
choice cuts for herself?

Is that what
you're recommending?

[Eve] As much as you
might not like it,

Israel needs to reach
a peace agreement.

Okay, the Americans,
the EU, the Russians

have all made it clear that
if Israel walks away from this,

then they're on their own.

[male 3] In the mosques, it
is said that a true Muslim

must never
recognize Israel.

Jerusalem will be
the price for peace.

Why are you
in the States?

Because there are
Biblical prophecies coming true,

Eve, just as they
have in the past.

I want you to see that
your salvation is at stake,

and that Jesus is your
only path to heaven.

I really need to go.

[male 3]

What do you
make of it?


[female] it's from the
Book of Revelation.

As in,The Good Book?

From my count,
it's his sixth time through it.



[whispering continues] And, so,
there was a great earthquake;

and the sun became
black as sackcloth of hair,

and the moon
became as blood;

And the stars of heaven
fell unto the earth,

even as a Hg tree
casteth her untimely figs,

when she is shaken
of a mighty wind.


All right,
who do we have here?

John Doe, k*lling a man,
firing a g*n at a federal agent,

several times.

Diving out a window.

Impressive for a ghost.

The question is,
you just a hit man?

I don't think so.

How do you know

He rip you off?

Was he gonna tell me something
you didn't want me to know?

Rockwell mentioned
Seven Wonders.

You know anything
about that, mystery man?

And I saw a new heaven
and a new earth

for the first heaven
and the first earth

were passed away.

There is
a revolution coming.

Revolution, huh?

A revolution of God.


Well, I don't have
anything like that in my file.

Actually, Mr. Tanner,

I have a few questions
for you before you leave.

Hello, Shane.

Hey, Eve.

This day just keeps
getting better and better.

[Israeli Prime Minister on TV] Shalom
aleikhem, ladies and gentlemen.

It seems after 3 days
of negotiations,

the world cannot agree on
anything except that Israel

should give a part of her
land in exchange for peace.

We are very much back to where
we started many years ago.

Israel gave upland
for peace in 1948.

Israel gave land
for peace with Egypt

during the Reagan

Israel gave Lebanon
for peace and got Hezbollah.

She gave Gaza for peace
and got the t*rror1st group,


Israel, the only nation created
by a direct and sovereign

act of God
over 3500 years ago

has no more land to give,
no more to give.

[speaking foreign language]

[weatherman on TV] The weather situation
is much worse across the country,

blamed on this cold snap

and it's expected to continue
for at least another 3 days.

[female on TV] So has there been
enough concessions for the American

peace talks to go forward?

[Israeli Prime Minister on TV] Yes,
Israel is willing to move ahead.

Unfortunately, Dawn,
there are those who believe

that these talks
should never happen.

[Eve] Nick Tanner, he's a Spook.


When'd you
get into town?

Didn't even know
you were here.

Well, you're on
a need-to-know basis

and you didn't
need to know.

[Shane] Counter Intel's changed
you a little bit, huh?

Put a little tire
in your belly?

Good for you.

I've always had
the fire, Shane.

I just choose to use logic
and evidence to make decisions

about my cases.

You know, one of us
had to make a move

and luckily
I was still able to.

[Shane] Still angry about
our little mishap?

Our little mishap?

Are you kidding me?

You emptied 500 people
into the streets

in the middle
of a monsoon on a hunch.

You made me look
like a complete rookie

and you nearly
ruined by career

so forgive me
if I'm still a little angry.

I can just come back
for those later, ma'am.

It was
a good tip, Eve.

No, Shane,
it was a bad tip

but mostly
just a hunch.

And it's never
your fault.

You know what?
Believe whatever you want.

No one could ever tell you
anything different anyway.

Right? You're perfect,
especially now

that you're sporting
a new logo on your badge.

Oh, you have
some nerve, Shane.

You and your Counter Intel
friends ever hear

of an operation
called Seven Wonders?


What is it?

I'm not sure. I was about
to End out from Rockwell

when you friend here
put him down.

You know who
he's working for?

We have our suspicions.

You get anything out of him
before he, you know?


No,just a bunch
of Biblical nonsense,

quote from
the Book of Revelation.

Said something about
the revolution of God.

You know anything
about that?

Heard of it,
but nothing concrete.

Do you have any other
information or leads

to share with me before
I have a talk with him?


Why don't you let him
cool off for a little while.

Still like Russian food?

Those are a*mo crates.

How long have
they been there?


Agent Rearden.

You are much more beautiful
than he described.

You must stay
for my world-famous borscht.

How are you,
my friend?

I received a call.

Arlin Rockwell.


How do you know him?

[chef] Let us just say we have
mutual respect for one another.

How is he?


Then this coffee
should be vodka.

Why was he k*lled?

I cannot help you
this time.

Can't or won't?

What's Seven Wonders?

We are capable
of greatness, Mr. Daughtry,

the music of Beethoven,
the words of Pushkin,

the brush strokes
of Rembrandt,

but not all genius
ends up in beauty.

There is myth that Russia
has created nuclear bombs

that a single person
can deploy and detonate.

A Russian scientist
working with Iran

has created truth
out of this myth.

Are you telling me
that Rockwell smuggled

nuclear weapons
into the United States?

Seven of them.

Seven Wonders.

Suitcase nukes?

[chef] Do you know what would
happen to city or cities

that are hit
by these bombs?

Hundreds of thousands
of people will die instantly.

Their flesh will literally
melt off their bodies,

but the real strategic purpose
is the ultimate chaos

that will result
from such attack.

[Shane] The attack itself
is not the sole purpose?

No, Mr. Daughtry.

The sole purpose is disruption
of American government

and financial

A distraction.

The America you know
will be part of history

and unable
to protect its friends.

What friends?


Do you know
that two Russian fleets

are steering for exercises
in the Persian gulf?

Is this
Russian intelligence?

They cannot exactly say.

They are going to blockade
the Strait of Hormuz.

But they are moving
a muscle to do it.

Why is it that America
always thinks

that we are center
of attention

when what we're dealing with
here is a new world order?

[Eve] There's no information in our
files that this would be nukes.

What files?

How could that
have gotten passed us?

Tell me
what's going on, Eve.

[tires screeching]

All right, what are you
not telling me?

Get me up to speed now
or get out of my truck.

Matthew Dean is a CIA operative
we've been investigating.

Nick and Dean have been
in communication

for the last several weeks.

We believe that they are working
together on a major operation.

What, the nukes?

[Eve] We have information that
the CIA has been investigating

certain Biblical
or apocalyptic events.

Whoa, whoa.

Are you kidding me?

[Eve] I haven't been able to
wrap my head around it either

but apparently recent
world events have been

fitting right into what is known
as the Ezekiel w*r scenario.

[Shane] What is the
Ezekiel w*r scenario?


According to the Hebrew
prophet, Ezekiel,

in the Last Days
the people of Persia,

which is, of course, Iran,

and the people of Gog or Rosh,
which many believe to be Russia,

form an alliance
whose main purpose

is to obliterate Israel.

I'm gonna go
talk to your spook.

[phone ringing]


[distorted male voice on phone]
Your brother was picked up.

FBI Agent Shane Daughtry.

How would you
like me to proceed?

[distorted male voice on phone] Clean the
house, starting with the sister's bedroom.

You have company.

See that they
are attended to.

Copy that.

[phone ringing]

Agent Rearden.

[male 3] Apparently your
assassin has a sister.

She's in Baltimore and she
may know about his cause:


You better not be interfering
with this investigation.

[male 3] There are forces of work
here that you refuse to acknowledge

and continue to ignore.

Like it or not, Eve,
you need my help.

Send me the address.

Nick has a sister.

I have to go
to Baltimore.

I'll handle things
with Nick.

Nick, you didn't
tell us you had a sister.

Two agents are on their way
right now to pick her up.


Sheila Tanner?


[Russ] Looks like we're gonna
have to call it in, Evie.

Eleven, missed calls.

The only number
not blocked.

Who've you been
avoiding, Nick?

[phone ringing]


You found her?

Shane, she's already...

[sh*ts firing]

[Shane on phone]


If my brother's there,
they're already dead.



Agent down! Agent down!

I need EMS and backup
immediately to our location.

Go get him, Evie.

Go get him, Eve.

Go get him.

[sh*ts firing]

Good morning.


I'm sorry, Ang.

About what?

[Daniel] Not having a purpose
doesn't give me an excuse

to act like a jerk.

No, it doesn't.

And you do
have a purpose.

Look, I know the last couple
of years have been tough.

Daniel, I just
don't understand

why is it so difficult
for you to...

Sign up?


Believe in something bigger
and better than just this life?

Here you go again
with the Christianese.

Look, we've been over this,
you know?

Year after year
we've been through this.

I just don't get it.

I mean you just woke up one
morning and you just believed

and now I'm supposed to
just follow you?

This hasn't been easy
on me either,

you know?

You've changed; you're a
completely different person.

And you disapprove?

No, it's not that
I disapprove.

I just... I don't
get it, you know?

You've changed.

There's no doubt about it
you've changed for the better.

You're a better person
for it.

It's just, I just can't seem
to wrap my brain around stuff

that you simply
have no problem with.

I don't know why...

Just listen.

You simply believe.

I just... I wish
I could do that too,

but I just...
I don't think that I can.


It's a leap of faith
either way.

I know it is.

Do you even believe
that Jesus existed?

Yes, Ang, of course.

There's overwhelming
evidence, okay?

Billions of people celebrate
Christmas and Easter every year.

I get that.
I know that.

Okay, then why did
they crucify him?

What were they
afraid of?

I just wish you would
open your heart

and ask God
to reveal himself to you,

'cause he would,
he will.

I just... I'm gonna need
more time, okay?

Just give me
more time.


[Shane] You know what?
She'll Full it out later.



You all right?

No, I'm not.

I'm not all right.

Look, it's just part
of the job.

You have to accept it
and move on.

Well, that should be
very comforting

to his wife
and children.

It's not your fault,

I should have known.

I knew he was there.

I just had this...



[Shane] He's good, Eve.
You couldn't have known.

[Eve] You know, we have
seven nuclear weapons

floating around
within our borders,

a suspect that won't
give us an inch,

and we have two people
dead on our watch.

How are we supposed
to End these nukes?

[Shane] Well, not by sitting here.

We know almost nothing
about Matthew Dean.

The files the CIA gave us
were worthless.

We gotta get
some answers.

[Eve] What if we're supposed to fail?

What do you mean?

[Eve] What if this
really is God's plan?

I don't think
nuclear weapons going off

k*lling hundreds of thousands
of people is God's plan.

So you do
believe in God.

Ah, I don't know.

I guess I've always thought
there was something

bigger than us.

But that's about it.


My family went through
an abrupt change

in our beliefs
when I was 12.

And one night my father comes
in and tells me about Jesus.

You know, he told me that he
wouldn't force me to believe,

but you know he believed
that Jesus Christ

died for him
on the cross.

You never told
me this before.

I never told anyone.

It just never seemed
poignant until now.

Anyway, when I turned 18,
I moved out of my house

and I... I kept in contact
with my mother,

but I rarely spoke
to my father.

It just seemed like
every time we talked

our conversations would
lead to talks about Jesus.

He would just keep telling me
that Jesus came down to earth

to die for me
on the cross so that...

so that I could be forgiven.

Do you believe that?

I don't know.

I guess I've always been more
of a believe-it-when-I-see-it

type of guy, you know?

Me too.

[Shane] What was he doing
in the Middle East, Jack?

That's classified.

I gave you the files.

The files were useless
and you know it.

Anything that would have shed
light on this was deleted.

Now what's the
revolution of God?


We have an imminent
threat on our hands.

We're talking about
the destruction

of the United States
of America.

Millions innocent
people will die.

And you're passing off
the classified stamp?

What are you hiding, Jack?

What are you hiding, Jack?!


Take your hands
off me, son.


the revolution of God

is a group of high-ranking
world leaders

with plans
for a new world order.

We have not been able
to confirm or deny

the validity
of their existence.

We can.

We have one of their
operatives in custody

so we know they exist.

We also have reason
to believe that he's been

in communication with Dean.

[Jack] Dean is what we call
a nontraditional operative.

He's a covert
operations specialist.

He's a psychological
operations expert

in chaos theory
and unconventional warfare.

His real talent
is destabilizing governments.

And we trained
this guy?

[Jack] You better start thinking
a whole lot more like Dean

if you have any prayer
of catching him

and Ending those nukes.

Yeah, we have our operatives
working on this, as well.

That's what I'm afraid of.

Let's go.

[male 3] Eve, Agent Daughtry,
get in the car please.

[male 3] A couple of years
back, a CIA analyst

began using
prophecy in the Bible

to analyze events
in the Middle East.

There was some
interesting results.

Like what?

Israel recapturing
the western wall in Jerusalem

after the Six-Day w*r.

There was also a concern
about an event we'd refer to

as the Rapture.

[Eve] Wait, so people
in the administration

were actually concerned
about the Rapture?

[Shane] Rapture meaning
everyone vanishes?

Well, there are many
interpretations about this,

but yes.

Losing a substantial
number of military

and key government personnel
to an apocalyptic event

such as this, could be
problematic at best.

Contingency plans
were needed

so they sent Dean
into the Held to investigate.

We intercepted
a number of phone calls

that may be
of interest to you.

[Shane] Our sources claim
that Russia's Navy

is headed to
the Strait of Hormuz.

Is that true?

We believe so.

So Russia and Iran are involved
in the revolution of God?

We believe that Rockwell
brought the bombs

in through
the Great Lakes.

Simply put,
their primary goal

is to wipe Israel
off the face of the earth.

Taking America
out of the equation

is their first
order of business.

And Dean
is working for him?

We now believe
that Dean

is their number-one
Held lieutenant.

Essentially, their
boots-on-the-ground commander.

Plan the CIA.

We're talking about
the end, Eve.

Agent Daughtry,
my daughter's life

is in your hands
and so is Israel's.

The two of you
have been chosen.

Put aside
your differences.

Forget the past.

There's no longer
any need for that.

We have to succeed.

We have to End those bombs
and we have to End them now.



Hi, I was wondering
if you've seen my dog around?

No, I haven't.

He's just this little
Jack Russell,

a little
black and white thing.

You want to
take a look out back?

Yeah, that'd be
great if you don't mind.

No, no, please.

Yeah, oh, sure.

Excuse me, ma'am?

Sorry, we're closed
for the evening.

We're with the FBI.

We were hoping you could
hold the door open for us

for just a few minutes.

FBI, huh?

Just a few minutes.

come here, boy.


[Daniel] Probably just out in
the street playing somewhere.

Thanks for your help,

I'll see you later.

Have a good evening,

Well, at least
the public library

still carries a Bible.


Ezekiel's w*r scenario.

You never mentioned your father
was a high-level agent.

You never asked.

Anyway, he considers himself
my guardian angel.

Plus if people knew,
including you,

I'd have been given
special treatment

and I didn't want it.

You knew.

You had your reasons
for keeping it quiet.

I can respect that.

I'm sorry
for everything.

Yeah, me too.

I shouldn't have
left you like that.

You had every right
to leave me.

I shouldn't have put you in that
situation in the first place.

I'm sorry.

So does your father really
believe this End-Times scenario?

He's been preaching it
for a long time now.

He and his people have been
paying close attention to it.

You believe it?

I believe we need
to End these nukes

or we're all gonna End out
the truth real soon.

Sorry, I didn't tell you
about my father.

You looking to buy
a used Harley?

Only if it's

Cash first.

Aren't you a little old
to be buying a fake ID?

[Eve] Okay, the audio
files were encrypted

Masad cleaned them.

[recorded male voice]
This is the fallen one.

[distorted male voice] Hello, my son.
Is there much to report?

[recorded male voice]
The stork is delivered.

Seven Wonders
is in good hands.

We're waiting
the decalogue from...

Wait, wait.

Just play it again
from the beginning.

[recorded male voice]
This is the fallen one.

[distorted male voice] Hello, my son.
Is there much to report?

[recorded male voice]
The stork is delivered.

Seven Wonders
is in good hands.

We're awaiting
the decalogue from Mother.

[recorded distorted male voice]
Decalogue will be delivered soon.

Seven Wonders
will proceed as planned.


Who's Stork?

Could that have...

could that
have been Rockwell?

That would make sense
if he was the one

who smuggled the bombs
into the United States.

In good hands?

Stork delivered?

In good hands?


They're all
in the same place,

the nukes.

They haven't gone
anywhere yet.

This conversation was recorded
a couple days ago.

The bombs
are still all together.

They were
transported together.

We may still have a chance
at intercepting them all.

What's decalogue?

[Librarian] Decalogue,
the Ten Commandments,

the code by which
we are all to live.

You kids never read
the Bible anymore, do you?

Look it up,
D for decalogue.

All right, D.

She was right,
the Ten Commandments

or precepts given by God
to Moses at Mount Sinai

and originally written
on two tablets of stone.

[Shane] The code by which we
are all supposed to live.

The code.


They're waiting
on the army codes.

From Mother.

They're waiting on Mother,
Mother Russia.

The codes are coming
from Russia.

So this new loose end
must have been Rockwell.

Then he wasn't
the stork.

I don't think so.

I mean the stork
carries newborns.

Your father said that he thought
Rockwell carried the bombs

down through
the Great Lakes.

So the stork
must be a ship.

Are there any Russian
or eastern European names

on these lists?

I don't know,
there's 500 ships on this list.

What country of origin
do you think it came from?

Russia, Germany?

Whoa, whoa, whoa,

A ship named Storch.


The bombs
are in Chicago.

[Matthew Dean]
This is fallen leader.

Our timeline
has been moved up.

Prepare for
immediate deployment.

We're out of time,

You know what
narcosynthesis is?

You should,

your friends
came up with it

except they
called it SB17.

That's gonna hurt.

Just relax.

Let it work.

The sting you feel
is a thiopental part

of a new and improved

Not like the truth serum
your old man used to use.

Is it working, Nick?

This makes lying more complex
than telling the truth.

It will help ensure
things go smoother,


Where are the bombs,

Where are they?

It's too late for you
and your little girlfriend.


I had hoped that you
were smarter than most.

we're organized.

I know who you are,

Where are they?

[Nick] You shouldn't be so
concerned with the suitcases.

America's been caught sleeping,
blinded by selfishness.

Where are the bombs?!

Blood will flow, starting with
your little Israeli friends,

we should
cut off their head.

What Israeli friends?!

Cut off what head?!

I am but one,
but we are many.

There are millions of us.

We're a tide that will not
be turned away.

We will wipe Israel
from the face of the earth.

As it is written,
the peace agreement

will never happen.

[Eve] What about the peace agreement?

You smell that?

[Eve] There's a plot aimed
at the peace agreement?

[Nick] We will begin
with the little scene.

We shall cut off its head

beginning with
the prime minister.

Where, Nick, where are
they gonna hit the delegation?

of Jerusalem.

Do not weep for me,

but weep for yourselves
and your children.

The day that they will come
when they will say

blessed are the wombs
that never bore

and the breasts
that never nursed.


Where, Nick, where?

The revolution of God.

The delegation
will board the plane

and my brother will deliver them
and they will be no more.


He's gonna blow up
the prime minister's plane.

Take him back
to holding!

You get
to the delegation.

I'll call you when
I hit the ground in Chicago.


I will be back
for you.

I promise.

This is Agent Rearden.

Get me the head
of the delegation

security detail

They're in
imminent danger.

They've got ground
transportation waiting for us

on the tarmac in Chicago.

I want Jack Thompson on the
phone as soon as we take off.

[Eve] I understand it's not protocol.

I believe the delegation
has been targeted.

The suspect is leading
an operation

for a rogue

[male on radio] Fallen leader, we
are approaching insertion point.

We're in position.


[male on radio]
Two, one, Ere.

[sh*ts firing]

[male on radio]
Target is neutralized.

Fallen leader,
the tarmac is clear.

Identification, sir.

Nypen, Corey.

Got your woolies on?

Cold one tonight, boys.

Yes, sir,
stand by please.

This will just
take a minute.

[male 2 on radio] Nypen,
Corey all clear.

[soldier] You're good to go, sir.
Carry on.

Dad, it's Eve.
Where are you?

Call me back

Sir, I'm gonna need you
to open up your tool bag there.

Oh, yeah, sure.

Here, let me
help you out.

FBI, I need to see
the delegation.

Matthew Dean!





Hey, how you doin'?

Good, you?

Good, good, good.

So you locked
yourself out, huh?

Yeah, yeah, work's been crazy
and just lost my keys so.

Lose your mind
if you're not careful.

That's what
my mom always said.

Right, right.

Will this take long?

It will take
as long as it takes.


You got some I.D.?

Yeah, yeah,
sure, of course.

Here you go.

All right,
let's see what we got.


Feel like such an idiot,
you know,

locking myself out.

It's just that I have this
dinner party to get to

and so I'm really
in a hurry to...

Man, you put a lot
of money into this lock.

Yeah, yeah, I did.

You can never be
too careful.

I have to get
another tool.


[drill whirling]

Ah, great.

Home sweet home.

What do I owe you?

I'll send you
a bill.

You're gonna
send me a bill?


[phone ringing]


[Eve] Shane, I didn't make it.

We lost the delegation.

Masad is sending you
addresses right now.

I'm sorry, Shane.

Eve, we're gonna stop
those bombs, trust me.

I know this sounds
crazy coming from me,

but have faith.

[Daniel breathing heavily]

[Shane] I need all leads
in the Oak Park area

within the last 6 months.

I need every available
agent on this.

This is Daughtry.

I'm at the warehouse.

Going in.

[phone ringing]


[male on phone]
Hello, my brother.

It is time.

[male 2 on phone]
Yes, brother.

[speaking foreign language]

This is Daughtry,
scratch the warehouse address.

No activity.

[Daniel breathing heavily]

[speaking foreign language]

Come on,
come on, come on.

[female operator]


[female operator] Sir,
you need to speak up.


g*ns, lots of g*ns.

And they have bombs.

[female operator] OK, stay where you are.
We're sending someone now.

Please hurry, please.

[male on phone]
Agent Daughtry.

Go ahead.

[male on phone]

from a man
trapped with gunmen.

He claims
they have bombs.

You're about

Black and white units
are en route.


[phone vibrating]

[speaking foreign language]


Thirty-seven nineteen.


[sh*ts firing]

Daniel! Daniel!

[speaking foreign language]

[rapid g*nf*re]

[sh*ts firing]

[rapid g*nf*re]

[sh*ts firing]

God, please.

Please help me
get back to my wife.

[yelling and grunting]

[sh*ts firing]

[speaking foreign language]

[speaking foreign language]


[neck cracking]

Who are you?

I'm the neighbor,
from across the street.


Angie, baby,
where you?


I thought
I'd lost you.

It's okay.

You okay?

Yeah, I heard people
screaming and g*nshots.

I didn't know
what was going on.

Look at me.

Look at me.

Will you pray
with me?

Of course
I'll pray with you.


I'm sorry.

Forgive me.

Forgive me for not
being a better husband.

Forgive me for my sins.

Come into my heart,

and I will make you
Lord of my life,

for all the rest
of my days.

[Matthew Dean] Seven Wonders
has been compromised.

[distorted male voice on phone]
That's unacceptable.

There were circumstances,
you know this.

[distorted male voice on phone]
And there are consequences.

[sh*ts firing]

[distorted male voice] Hello, my son.
Is there much to report?

Brother has been
called home.


I'll follow up
with further instructions.


We got him, Eve.

We got him.

Are you all right?

[Eve] I failed.
I couldn't save them.

I didn't make it
in time.

It's not your fault.

You called the security detail
and they didn't listen.

You did everything
you could, Eve.

We need to End Dean.

What in the world?





[car alarm blaring]


[car alarm continues]

Dad, Dad, Dad, Dad.

Come on, come on,
pick up.

Don't leave me.

[phone ringing]



[Eve] All these years,
he was right, Shane.

My father was right.

I can't...

I can't breathe, Shane.

Stay where you are.

You have no idea
what we're in for.

Hurry, Shane.


Eve, I'm coming for you.

I'm coming for you.

is all around me

The fear I face
is all my eyes see

The whole world
is crashing in

The days before
are gone

I can't see through
this storm

The dark has
overcome our light

hard to breathe

But I believe
that you can save me

I have all my hope
in you

I have all my hope
in you

I know
you hold the truth

I know
you hold the truth

You can bring me
back to life

You can bring me
back to life

Help me fight
this fight

I have hope in you

We've become
so numb to all this

In the blink ofan eye
my life changed

We have to stand up
and fight for his gain

And I know
that you will save me

I have all
my hope in you

I have all
my hope in you

I know
you hold the truth

I know
you hold the truth

You can bring me
back to life

You can bring me
back to life

Help me fight
this fight
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