Joseph & Mary (2016)

Easter, Religious/Spiritual Movie Collection.

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Easter, Religious/Spiritual Movie Collection.
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Joseph & Mary (2016)

Post by bunniefuu »


Narrator: It was the

year of our Lord.

Jerusalem was ruled by

King Herod the Great.

Ruthless and greedy, he

ignored the laws of God

and chose the favor of Rome

over his own people.

But from the darkness,

emerged light.

The time had come

to bear witness

to a two thousand

year old prophecy.

A Child of God

would be born.




Taxes for Harod

and Caesar.




Taxes for Harod

and Caesar, come.


You, bend your ear.



- We need money to
- feed our children,

- Not to line the
- pockets of Rome!

If you cannot pay the taxes,

claim a monthly loan.

No one can ever recover

from such high interests.

Stop your sniveling,

pay your taxes.

It's easy for you.

- You just keep raising
- your prices.

Your family has

not suffered.

- This does not bode
- well, Joseph.

No, I fear that it will get

worse as the crowd rages.

King Herod is

building a port

that will make Israel

the centre of trade.

- We will all benefit
- one day.

Build, build, build, that

is all that madman does.

At our expense.

- Come, Aaron
- let us go.

- Aaron please let
- us go home.

- I am not a servant
- to Herod.

- I will not be
- silenced...

- How dare you speak
- ill of the King!

Who speaks ill

of the King?

This man, my lord.

Let this man be made

an example of.

Cut off his hand!

- No I beseech
- you, no, no!

Such anarchy will

not be tolerated.

No please, please, please,

I beseech you, please!

Do it!

No, Aaron, Aaron!


- Perhaps there
- is another way.

Who dare defies

me now?

Forgive me.

My name is Rabbi Elijah and I

am but a humble servant of God.

I mean no disrespect.

Yes, this man was

out of line,

- but he seems an
- honest citizen,

With a wife and


How will he pay your

taxes with one hand?

You're offering me your

hand instead?

An equal restitution.

Allow him to work off his

debt, not once but two-fold.

That way you will collect

more than you came for,

and this man, this husband and

father, will remain whole.

No, an example must

be made.

Cut off his hand.

No, no, no!


No, no, no!

Let this be an example

to you all.

Guards on me!

We'll be back.

Aaron, Aaron,

Aaron, don't die!


You must protect

my wife and sons.

Do not exert yourself.

- Don't die, don't
- die, don't die.

Help, help, help!


Promise me...

No, no, no, help,

help, help!

[hysterical sobbing]






Thank you.

Are you well?


- God's messenger
- said that this Child

Will bring a great

light into this world.

I feel blessed, but I don't

understand why he chose me.

You will make a

wonderful father.

Good morning

Joseph, Mary.

Greetings Elijah.

- I see you have
- a new project.

I am well motivated.

Do you have any news

from yesterday?

Such a sad business.

How is she, the

poor widow?


Not very well.

It's a tragic loss.

Tragic but inevitable.

You were right, Joseph, the

people have had enough.

- Herod has
- gone too far.

His vision comes

at a cost.

Wrongly or rightly, Herod

believes he is uniting Israel.

- If anything will
- unify Israel,

It is the hatred of

this common enemy.

Do you not

agree, Joseph?

I do not agree with

Herod's methods.

But hate only

fuels civil unrest.

- Even if it is against
- a common enemy.

What do you suggest?

I don't know.

Perhaps compassion, love?

- Is that what
- you believe?

Love an enemy?

My friends, the words 'love'

and 'enemy' are not compatible.

Love an enemy.

I fear the heat has finally

gotten to you Joseph!

Will you join us for

supper, Elijah?

Sadly not this time.

I'm on my way to Nazareth

to bring provisions to Rebekah.

Then let us offer you

these provisions.

- Do not trouble
- yourself.

Take care of you and your

own growing family.

- Rebekah needs it
- more than us.

And everyone needs

a helping hand.

You are very kind.

Thank you.

Safe travels.





This is most

generous of you.

My friends, Mary and Joseph

are always the first to help.

- Please thank
- them for us.

My daughter and I are most

indebted to you, Rabbi.

Please, it is

no trouble.

Is there anything

else you need?


Please, please.

- Let me help
- you with that.

I wish I had the words to soothe

your daughter's suffering.

[baby crying]

I would like to honor her

late husband's request.

If it pleases you.

We can use all the

help we can get.

Thank you Rabbi.

[rooster crowing]

The baby is kicking.

He is strong.

Like his mother.



I have a surprise

for you

My friends Mary and Joseph will

soon have a child as well.

Want to help?

Please give this to

Mary for her baby.




The crib looks

beautiful, Joseph.

Your finest

handiwork yet.

Are you certain you're well

enough to travel to Jerusalem?

We must go.

We have to register in the

City before the new moon.

I just wish the census did

not have to come at this time

but I will not leave

you here alone.

It will be as

it should be.



Ow, ow, ow.


It's kind of you to accompany

us to Jerusalam,

but, you'll need

better shoes.

Thank you.

I am much obliged...

It is nothing.



[indistinct chatter]

[indistinct chatter]

Rabbi, the people

have had enough.

We must do what

they ask us to do.


Ready for this?



[indistinct chatter]


Rebekah Welcome.

It's been far too

long brother.

Thank you for seeing my

brother's family here safely.

Will you not stay and break

bread with us, Rabbi?

I'm afraid I must

get back to my friends

They are with child.

But I will see

you all soon.


We have no

room here.

Thank you.


- Please, I beg you, we're
- exhausted.

- We've been
- traveling all day.

- The town is full because
- of the census.

- We'll take anything
- you've got.

There's nothing.


Thank you.

There's no room.


- We've been to every inn
- in Bethlehem.

You're the last one.

If not for us, surely

for this lady.

If you would have come a few

hours earlier, perhaps.

Now, I have nothing

to offer but a stable.

We'll take that.

You cannot possibly

sleep with the animals!

- Your poor wife
- is with child.

She just needs rest, and

the stable will be fine.

Thank you Elijah.



Here, you

sit right there.

Here, sit here.

Sit there while I

make your bed.



There you go.

I know you're

tired, you rest.

Rest will do

you good.



Dear Lord, please grant

me the courage

and strength to

carry out your will.

I dedicate my life to serving

you and your Son.

I shall do my best to protect

Him above all else.

Thank you for the blessing

of Mary and this Baby.

I am truly humbled.


[birds chirping]







Nazareth, one.


Nazareth, two.


[heavy breathing]

It is time.



[heavy breathing]



[heavy breathing]



[heavy breathing]









You honor us with

your presence.

We come to bear

witness to the child.

To the one who has been

born King of the Jews.

Disturbing words.

I am King

of Judea.

We have followed the

sign of the star.

And have come to

pay homage to him.

And where is this

Messiah to be born

and why was I

not informed?

- There are many
- prophecies, my Lord.

Not all are revealed.

- Yes well let's speak
- on this one.

Of the Messiah.

- Where is he to
- be born?

- My understanding of what the
- prophet had written

Is that it could

be in Judea.

Possibly Bethlahem

Well, then you must

go to Bethlehem,

- and search diligently
- for this Child;

- And when you
- have found Him,

Have word sent to me,

so that I may also go

and worship Him.










We bring you gifts.



And Myrrh.



He's expecting us to

report back to him.

- Who is Herod
- to us?

We are Kings

of Men.

We return home a safer way,

protecting the one true King.

We journey East.



- Well congratulations,
- Joseph!

- I cannot believe
- I missed it all.

My head pounds as

if a thousand sheep

- were being herded
- across it.

- Wine can be your
- best friend at night

But in the morning...

- We had quite the
- visitors last night.

- Did you not
- see them?

They seemed to be

men of importance.




He is beautiful.


Where are they?!

It's been three days!

I should have been

sent word by now!

How am I to know when this

so-called Messiah has been born?

Stop following me

and find out!


Your son is so alert

for an infant.

Have you decided

on a name?


Jesus of Nazareth.

What a fine, strong name

for a fine, strong boy!





This paranoia

runs rampant.

- I heard he has
- spies everywhere.

My neighbor, old Caleb,

opposed Herod.

He hated that our taxes

were being collected

to build a golden eagle in

front of our holy temple.

Such blasphemy.

Soon after, Caleb disappeared

without a trace.

- Will Herod's oppression
- ever end?

- Perhaps sooner
- than you think.

- Rumor has it he
- is rather ill.

Ill or not, his greed

remains healthy.

And I fear a great

revolt is coming.

On that note, I had better get

back to my Rabbinical duties.

Leaving so soon?

My work at the temple

summons me.

- My thanks for
- your hospitality.

Nathan, I would like

to speak with you.

It's a matter of

some importance.

Later this evening.

It's a matter of


You said that already.

Yes, If I may?

Of course.

We look forward to

seeing you tonight.



I did not get the

chance to tell you

but, my boy asked about you

every day when you were away.

And you?

Did you think about

me every day as well?

Yes, a little.

That's a start.

Until tonight Rebekah.

Until tonight.


This moment is something

to treasure,

- our Son's first
- blessing.

The first of many,

as God wills it.

We must do right

by this Child.

Sometimes I doubt

myself as a mother.

There is no mother

who is finer.

And God knew it when

He chose you.

He chose us, Joseph.

This boy is our Son and we will

raise Him to grow strong,

to be filled

with wisdom,

and God's grace

will be upon Him.



Good day, I am Joseph

of Nazareth,

this is my wife Mary

and our Son.

We offer these two doves

in the law of the Lord.

You have come as we

knew you would!

I am Simeon, son of

Jacob, and this is Anna,

daughter to Phanuel, a

prophet in her own right.

I am surprised that you

were expecting us.

Anna: Yes, of course!

As our sovereign Lord had

promised we would witness this.

Praise God, this has

come to pass.

Have you named

your son?


Jesus of Nazareth.

May God watch over Jesus of

Nazareth and both his parents,

Joseph and Mary.

He is the light.

He can reveal God through

the glory of your people.


We are humbled by your kind

words, blessings from you both.

But take heed.

This child is destined to

make many in Israel fall...

He has been sent from God as

an example for all of humanity.

But many will

oppose Him.



Thank you.

Joseph, Mary!

- What good fortune
- to see you!

- I can already see how
- much he's grown!

- Are you here for
- his first blessing?

Yes, we just finished.

Speaking of blessings...

- Have you mustered
- up the courage

To present the kettubah to

Rebekah's father yet?


- May good fortune
- be with you.

Thank you.

- Are you staying
- in town?

- Yes, at a
- nearby inn.

We set foot

at dawn.

I'll see you back in

Nazareth in a few days.



Round up the Rabbi's.

They are the eyes and ears

of these people.

If anyone has heard

anything it will be them.

Yes my lord.

Yes, I hear you, I hear

you, I hear you!

- We have to
- worry about...

The taxes will be dealt with but

we have to remain calm.

I understand what

you're upset about.

But we have to be careful, Harod

has spies all over the city.

We must take heed.

Herod was appointed by the

Emperor himself as our King.

- Do not lose
- sight of that.

A king who murders

his own wife and sons.

Herod has no more royal

blood in him than you do.

- He's not
- even a Jew.

His mother was a daughter

of an Arabic Sheik,

- his father from
- Idumea.

But he is our leader...

- And our hands
- are bound.

All Rabbi's are ordered

to come with me now.

Where are you

taking us?


[nervous murmuring]


Thank you.



Welcome, Rabbis.

Do not be alarmed.

I have summoned you

here for some information.

Who amongst you has recently

journeyed to Bethlehem?

Tell me, on your travels, did

you happen upon the Magi?

And you, Rabbi who did

not answer yay or nay.

Come forward.


- I only caught a
- glimpse of them.

So you saw them?

Yes, from a distance.

- They took pause
- at an inn.

- Who else was housed
- at this inn?

- Travelers for the
- census like myself.

Did you happen upon

a young boy?

Yes, there were several.

Did the Magi take

any special interest

- in any of
- these boys?

May I ask why you are interested

in these children?

No you may not ask.

Answer the question!

Did the Magi speak

to any of them?

- I could not say
- for certain.

I had an extra cup

of wine with dinner

and the rest of the

night is a blur.



- The Magi have
- told me that

The Son of God has been

born in Bethlehem.

And yet none of you forewarned

me of this miracle!

Sire, if we were certain that

such an event had come to pass,

we would say.

You, did you see such a

child of God at this inn?

I really couldn't say.

- But I do remember
- something.


- The Magi journeyed
- south before sunrise.



- Not North, here
- to Jerusalem?

Or East to their


No, they journeyed south.

Get them out

of my sight!






You summoned me?

Fetch Tiberius.


Tiberius, wake up.

Get up.

Wake up!

What is it?




You summoned

me my lord?

I have been betrayed.

This ends tonight.

Slay Him, slay

the Child.

Slay all the male children

under two years of age.


Joseph, what is it?

We have to go.

- But it's the middle
- of the night!

Pack everything, we must

leave for Egypt now!

Joseph, what's wrong?

I had a dream.

Jesus is in peril.

In peril?

What kind of peril?

Herod is searching

for him.

- He wants to
- k*ll Jesus.






What is happening?

- The Magi betrayed
- the King.

They were to tell Herod where

to find the infant boy

- that they believe is
- the Messiah.

So Herod believes them?


- And as long as
- this child lives,

- Herod sees him as a
- thr*at to his throne.

He is but a boy.

The boy will

become a man.

Herod has given word to slay

all the boys in Bethlehem

and its vicinity who are two

years old and under.

All the boys?



[baby crying]


- Get out of
- my home!

Step aside.

All boys under the age of

two are to be terminated,

- by order of King
- Herod the Great.

No, no, no!



No, my baby, no!

My baby, no!


[screaming and crying]




No, no, no!




No, no, no,

no, no!

[heavy breathing]

No, no, no, no.



I will never forget

those cold eyes.

I will avenge

their deaths.

- An eye for
- an eye.

Tooth for tooth.

When we find that Roman Soldier,

he will meet his retribution.

This, I vow.


Just as I served your father,

so I shall do for you, my King.

Sire, your people

wish to see you.




Mary: I wonder what

became of Rebekah?

Joseph: Maybe she moved.

Let's go.

Come on Jesus.









The Scriptures have no room

for misinterpretation.

Death is death.

This is final.

- You are being
- too literal.

There is room for


There is an afterlife!

Where God punishes the wicked,

and rewards the righteous.

Nowhere does it say

so in the Torah,

You are wrong!

Tell me something.

If a widower remarries

seven times,

which wife would greet you

in your afterlife?

The widower's

favorite, of course.

I disagree.

God will decide.

Why cannot all the

wives be there?

You speak so freely and

confidently for one so young.

Tell us your thoughts

on this matter.

Since God loves

all His Children,

I would think all seven of

the widower's wives

- would be accepted
- into his Kingdom.


- By that logic, are you
- saying that even

- The widower's enemies
- should be accepted

Into the Kingdom

of God?

Shall we not love our enemies

as we love our neighbors?


Tell us your name.


Jesus of Nazareth.

- Joseph: A thousand
- pardons, Rabbis.

We are looking

for our Son.

Where have you been?

- Your father and I have
- been anxiously searching

For you.

Why were you

searching for me?

Did you not know I had to

be at my Father's house?

- This is not
- our house.

Passover has finished.

We must journey home.

Of course, Father.

Apologies for the


- Jesus, we were
- so worried.

Sorry, father.

Elijah: Joseph?



- It has been
- so long.

Where have you been?

Where have I been?

Where have you been?

When you disappeared I

was so worried.

- We were in Egypt
- for a while,

But we've been back in

Nazareth for years.

Are you well?

Your farm stands empty.

Mine is rather a long story and

one to be told another day.

Do you have plans

to Nazareth soon?

- Yes, with my
- wife Rebekah.

You remember her?

Of course.

- It will be nice
- to see her again.

- She'll be happy to
- see you as well.

We've been staying in

Jerusalem with her uncle.

- But with his recent
- passing,

We are making plans to

return to Nazareth.

We are sorry to hear

of your loss

but it will be good to have

you back home again.

Tell us, have you been

blessed with children?

Sadly not as yet.

Your son has grown!

- I can hardly believe this
- is the same Jesus

- I held once in
- my arms.

- How old is
- he now?

- Time has passed
- so quickly,

- We can scarcely
- believe it ourselves.

- Well he certainly
- delighted the temple

With his original

way of thinking

Does he have plans

to become a Rabbi?

If it is God's


Well, we look forward to

seeing you back home.

- Please give our
- blessings to Rebekah.

- Yes, we'll be
- home soon.


You have barely spoken two words

since you were last at temple.

Sorry, I keep thinking

about something

Herod said to me

a long time ago.

Do not speak of

that madman to me.

Nothing he said or

did ever made sense.

You're right.

- Seems that moving
- back to Nazareth

Is bring back memories

that are hard to dismiss.




- Joseph: Welcome
- back home!

Please, please, come in,

thank you for coming.

Rebekah, it is so good

to see you again.

Joseph and I were saying how

so many years have passed.

This is our

son, Jesus.

- Should I go
- to her?

Elijah: She just

needs a moment.

- It's been a very
- difficult time.

What with her

uncle's passing.

The truth is her grief

runs much deeper.

Twelve years ago,

her father

and two boys were slaughtered

by Herod's men.

It's become our life's mission

to find the soldier responsible

and avenge their deaths.

Seeing your son is

just a reminder

of how old her boys

would have been.

But I am glad, as I am

sure my wife is as well

to find that some boys

survived the slaughter.

Like Jesus.

We can't imagine the pain and

suffering you've endured.

- How did you
- get away?

I saw you at the temple just

hours before the slaughter.

Herod's arms were

long that day.

How did you

get away?

I apologize, I am

sorry for earlier.

Your son warms my heart

in ways that I cannot explain.

Come, these

are for you.

Thank you.



I must set an example

that dissidence

will not be tolerated.

Where was the

revolt this time?

There were several,

my lord.

In Betharamptha and more

recently in Nazareth.

The Publican was k*lled by

a mob of angry Nazarenes.

I cannot lose favour

with the emperor.

- If they would just
- pay their taxes

And stop challenging

the Romans.

They need to be

taught a lesson.

Tiberius, you are the

only one I can trust.

I am promoting you as the

new publican to Nazareth.

Collect the money and debts

that are owed to me.

And use whatever

force is necessary.



That's good.


Alright son, now go grab some

of the twigs over there.

We need to stuff them underneath

the larger pieces of wood.

There we go.

It does not

seem fair.

I know I should not covet

from my neighbor,

but I cannot help feeling

envy for what they have.

Then it makes both of

us sinners, my wife.

I do not know if it is because

I miss your boys

but there is something

special about Jesus

that I cannot ignore.





Be careful, Rabbi.

I know the

path well.

Just follow in my footsteps

and you will not fall.

- You know the path
- well, then?

Yes, my Father showed

me the way as a child.

We travel it together.

It seems you two,

are very close.

He has taught me everything

I know, about life and love,

and that love will always

flourish and pay you in kind.

Not always.

Sometimes you can love and still

suffer for the sins of others.

- Are sins ever
- to be forgiven?


But my Heavenly Father

forgives us of our sins.

No he does not.

It is clearly written

in the scriptures

that God shows no

mercy to the guilty.

But He sends rain and

feeds both the righteous

- and the unrighteous,
- does He not?

That is different.

Who is teaching you such

blasphemous thoughts?

My Father, of course.

I will have a word

with Joseph.

You are mistaken.

- I did not mean
- Joseph.

- I meant my
- Heavenly Father.

What did you say?

My Heavenly Father.

Be careful, Jesus.

- Talk like this will
- get you into trouble.

You speak of our Lord as

if He were your very own.

It seems we are at the

crossroads, Rabbi.

Are you coming

with me?

Not this time.

- I must take my
- leave, Rabbi.

My Mother awaits

me at the market.


[indistinct chatter]


You are thirsty.

Come, let me get you

some fresh water to drink.

- Come with me,
- it's okay.


I's okay.


It's okay.

I am unclean.

I cannot.

You are all equal

in God's eyes.



Drink from the animal

trough, you filthy wretch.

But she is like us.

- What are you
- doing, boy?

My Son is just doing

what we should.

Offering a hand of kindness

to a thirsty woman.

Have I offended

you, woman?

- Why do you stare
- at me so?

Have care.

This is our new

publican Tiberius.

Come, let us

go home.

Are you not well,


You're trembling.

- Who was that
- man to you?

That man is the reason that I

don't have any children.

- And that I likely
- never will.

That man k*lled

my boys.

I must go.


Ruler over Israel.


King of the Jews.


He's here, he's here.



- The man who sleighed my boys,
- the new Publican.

- Eligah, he's here, he's
- here in Nazareth

Go, go, k*ll him.

He's here?

How do you know this

Tiberius is the one?

I would not forget

that face.

Or those eyes.

Or that voice.

He bears the scar

that I left upon him.

- Did you not
- hear me?

Yes, I...

Eligah, go, go k*ll

him, go now!


I promise I will give you

the peace you seek.


Rabbi, may I ask

you something?

Certainly, how

can I help you?

I need the advice of

a more learned Rabbi.

If the Messiah were born

today, how would we know?

How would He

present Himself?

Micah's prophecy?

That's interesting.

I believe you would know in your

heart if you laid eyes upon Him.

What if your heart

is telling you one thing

- but your head is
- telling you another?

- Why are you so
- interested?

Has something

come to pass?

If for example a child were

born with a wisdom

and clarity beyond His years,

in Bethlehem under

the brightest of stars,

would that be enough?

Possibly, it meets the

prophecy's criteria.

But the bigger question

is how do you feel

when you are

with him?

If it were true I

would say

that my eyes have seen it

and my heart has felt it.

When I am with Him I feel the

pure grace of God all around me.

Then I think you know

your answer.




Elijah: Joseph.

Oh, Elijah, you've come

at just the right time.

Could you help me place

this beam please?

Of course.


Oh, the rope.

Thank you.

So, have you mended

your fence yet?

I can come help

you with it later.

You look like you've worked

enough for today, my friend.

Speak for yourself.

I'm as strong

as an ox!

So, to what do I owe this

most pleasant visit?

Your son saved me yesterday

from a great fall.


He spoke nothing of

this last night.

Were you hurt?

I am well,

but it's strange the way life

works, wouldn't you say?

I do not quite


I never told you this, but

twelve years ago,

Herod questioned me about the

birth of a boy in Bethlehem.

Around the time of

Jesus' birth.

Questioned you

about what?

A child of God,

he called him.

Herod questioned me about

the Magi, and I lied to him.

I told him they went

in another direction.

I don't know

why I did that.

I have thought about that

moment for years.

But you know why,

do you not, Joseph?

The prophecy has

come to pass.

- I did not know
- for certain.

Until now.


Is it done?

Is Tiberius dead?

Of course.


Have you forgotten

my boys already?!

- Rebekah if you
- only knew,

- Something extraordinary
- has happened.

Elijah, all of this searching

and all of this waiting!

Nothing matters but

justice for my boys.

Take it!

Take it!


Thank you.

Oh no, thank you.

Let us help you

my friend.

Here, I'll carry

those, thank you.

- Thank you for
- your kindness.

Elijah: Rebekah, Rebekah.

still see their faces

everytime I

close my eyes.

Have you forgotten the

teachings of our father?

And our father's father?

Have you forgotten

your vow to me?

I've not forgotten.



Lord, grab me the courage and

the strength

to right the wrong done to

my Rebekah.

Show me the way and I

shall not fail you.

That's quite a

formidable blade.

Necessary for a

formidable foe.

Perhaps it is best to turn

the other cheek, Elijah.

Elijah, you don't

have to do this.

This does not

concern you.

k*lling Tiberius will not

bring back the boys.

Rebekah told Mary that

Tiberius k*lled her children.

Then you understand

what I must do,

what any man

must do.

You are my friend.

I am deeply concerned

for your salvation.

I am correcting a wrong

according to scripture.

Or do you not subscribe

to them anymore?

Your inner peace can only

come from forgiveness.


- Should welcome this
- m*rder*r into my house

With open arms?

Of course not.

- But I have
- to say this.

You do not have

slay your enemy.

Pity Tiberius instead.

And let the hand

of God tend to him.

And who took pity

on Rebekah's boys?






Where is your husband?

He will be

back soon.

Is there something I

can help you with?

I have come to

collect your taxes.

My King does not

tolerate tardiness.

I will come

back at dusk,

You better have

it ready for me.

Aaron, it has been far too

long since our last visit.

I am well

enough, but...

It is Elijah.

- I sense a
- change in him,

And I know not what it

is but it nags at me.

Perhaps he is not strong

enough to do this.

But if he cannot or will not

seek retribution for our boys,

I promise you

that I will.


[heavy breathing]

[heavy breathing]

[heavy breathing]

[heavy breathing]

Father, you're back!

Hello Jesus.

Joseph, the publican

came by earlier.

He'll be back later.

- Are you and
- Jesus all right?

Yes, yes we're fine.

- But you don't
- look well.

- Joseph, you
- need to rest.

- You've been working
- tirelessly.

I just have to finish fixing

the door and then I will rest.

I promise.

- Please, father,
- let me do it.

Okay son.

I'll take this respite but

I have much work to do.

I promised Elijah that I would

help mend his fence.

The fence can wait.

Elijah will understand.

I hate that I am

a burden to you.

Stubborn perhaps,

but never a burden.

Now rest while I make

you something to eat.

Take heed!

What happened?

- The new publican will
- not be trifled with.

We should just pay him and

then he will leave us alone.

No, the more we pay,

the more he will demand.

I say we fight!

- Where is he, where
- is the Publican?

He went west.

It will not end.

How much more blood

needs to be shed?









You go that way.

You go that way.








Where are you off

to in such a hurry?

- You know, I've been
- thinking about you

Since I ran into you

in the market.

I have a good

eye for faces.

And yours has stuck

with me all day.

Tell me your name.



I see.

Tell me, Rebekah, have you

ever lived in Jerusalem?

Because you look very much like

a woman who wronged me.

I suffered greatly before

this healed.

And now, there's no

feeling on my face.

Touch it.


Go on.






[heavy breathing]


- It hurts, does
- it not?

What would a monster like

you know about pain?

I will show you pain

and we shall see.

You cannot hurt me more

than you already have.

We'll see about that.



k*ll him!

We have been waiting for this

day for a long time.

You may be a soldier of Rome

but I am a soldier of God.

And I would take my odds

against yours any day.

- Would you punish
- a mere soldier

- For following the
- command of a king?

Her child was five!

- There was no royal
- order for that.

And you know it.

k*ll him!

Joseph: Stop!

This is not the way.

This does not

concern you.

Choose forgiveness

over retribution.

- Elijah, you don't
- listen to him!

Do not listen

to him.

Elijah please,

look at me.

You know this is wrong,

you know that.

Elijah, k*ll him,

k*ll him now!

You will leave Nazareth

and never come back.

What are you doing?!

He's doing

God's will.

How dare you call

this God's will.

Your son lived!

Do you understand me?

- I have spared
- your life.

You must respond

in kind.


A life for

a life.

No, no, no,

no, no

[hysterical crying]

k*lling him would not bring

your children back.

[hysterical crying]







[heavy breathing]

[heavy breathing]

[heavy breathing]






My son.

I'm sorry, I won't be able to

protect you any longer.

You must leave your mother and

Galilea immediately.

Where shall I go?

Go out into the world, go to

your Uncle Joseph of Arimathea.

You can trust him.

And when should

I return?

Your Father in Heaven

will guide you.

My work as your earthly

father is done.

I will always

love you.

And I you, father.



Joseph, Joseph!




I'm dying Mary.

No, shh, you just

need to rest.

I want you to know

that I've loved you from the

moment I layed my eyes upon you.

And being your husband

and father to our son have

been my greatest gifts.

And you, you have

been mine.

How can I face what lies

ahead without you?

Please, please don't

leave my alone.

You won't be alone.





Narrator: And so Jesus

explored new lands,

he grows, he learns,

he becomes a man.

And eighteen years later, Jesus,

through His three year mission

and crucifixion will inspire

and change the course

of mankind forever, leaving

the single greatest impact

On humanity the world

has ever known.



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