Trevor Noah: Lost in Translation (2015)

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Trevor Noah: Lost in Translation (2015)

Post by bunniefuu »

[upbeat music]

[cheers and applause]

- Thank you very much.

Thank you very much.

Thank you very much.



This is us.

Hello. Thank you. Thank you.

Thank you very much.

Nice to see you.

Thank you.

Thank you.

Welcome. Welcome.

This is us.

Washington, D.C.

[cheers and applause]


Okay, you guys feeling good?


[cheers and applause]

That's good.

That's good, yeah.

Whoo-hoo, whoo-hoo to you too.

- Whoo!

- And that as well, ma'am.

And that as well.

I love that.

I love the sounds people make.

It's so much fun, yeah.

We're just--we're just throwing

language out of the window.

I like that.

I feel like we're devolving

as human beings now.

No, 'cause that was the thing

that separated us from the apes,

wasn't it?

The fact that we chose speech.


The monkeys used to run around

and screech.


And we were like, "No."



But now, we've started

to go back to that,

started to embrace our roots.

People get excited,

"Are you happy?"

"I'm real happy."

"How happy?"

"Whoo-hoo, whoo-hoo!


"Whoo! Whoo!

Whoo! Ow!"

That's one of

my favorite sounds.

It sounds like

someone's having so much fun

they hurt themselves.

Like you didn't plan

ahead of time.



Too much fun.

Such a weird sound.

I love it.

And you know what's crazy is

that we all know

what that sound means.

We don't agree on anything

in this world--

race, religion, politics--

but that sound, that "whoo-hoo,"

has united us all.

You can make that sound anywhere

and people accept it.

As long as there's alcohol


you can make that sound.


But there has to be alcohol.

You can't make that sound

anywhere else.

You can't make that sound

in the office.

It's unacceptable.

Your boss won't allow it.

You can't be like, "Final email.




"Sorry, sir. Sorry, sorry."

Can't make that sound in church.

"And that is why Jesus died

for our sins."


"Sorry, pastor."

"Go to hell."

You just can't do it,

but everyone knows it.

Everyone knows

what "whoo-hoo" means.

It means happiness, yeah.

The happiness of the people.

Strange, because no one asked me

to vote on it.

I didn't get to choose.

If I was to choose,

I don't know that I would pick


as the sound of happiness.

Strangely enough,

I think it may be more apt

as the sound of sadness.

I could see it,

at a funeral.

Family gathered around

the caskets.

Tears streaming down their face.

Pastor reading the eulogy.

"We'll always remember Mary

"as a loving mother,

"a caring friend,

"foodie, blogger,

"and wonderful sister.

"Before we lay her to rest,

"would you please join me now

as we observe a moment

of whoo-hoo."

Everyone's standing there

in tears.

[imitates sobbing]




There'll always be one big lady

in the corner,

[Amazing Grace melody]



Whoo-hoo, hoo-hoo

"Thank you very much, sister."

Such a fun sound.

The sound of happiness.

The sound of white happiness,

in particular.


I've tracked it.

I've searched for the source

of whoo-hoo

and I found it originated

with white people.

White--white woman

in particular.

Yeah, that's where

it comes from.

That is the sound

of a white woman's turnup.

That is the sound

of her getting into the game.

It's like,

"Tammy! Whoo-hoo!"

And that's where you know

it's on.

Yeah, 'cause everyone else

learned it from a white woman.

That's where it came from,

you know?

It spread through society

like a virus.

It's not the natural sound

anybody else makes.

White women make that sound


but everyone else

has learned it.

Like, white men were

the first ones to learn it,

because for them,

it's sort of like a mating call.

They know what it means.

They have to reciprocate,

like, "Whoo-hoo!"


But everyone else

had to learn it.

It's a natural sound for them

but for nobody else.

Like, black people whoo-hoo

but it's not the natural sound

black people make for fun,

you know?

Black people can whoo-hoo.

Black people often do whoo-hoo,

but it's not instinctively

a black sound of happiness.

And I think it's because

black people aren't comfortable

with the whoo-hoo.

Deep down inside there's

a certain moment in whoo-hoo

when every black person

stops enjoying it.

There's just--

there's just a moment

when--and maybe this is just

my personal experiences,

but I fear it sounds eerily

similar to a police siren.

There's just a moment

where it stops being fun.

[cheers and applause]

There's just that split second

where it's like,

"Whoo-hoo, whoo!

"Whoo, whoo, whoop-whoop, whoo.

Whoop. Whoop. Boop."


Put your hands in the air...

and keep them there.

It's not the sound of happiness

in my life, that's not--

Although, I guess that's why

white people do it.

'Cause white people

love calling the police,

so they're probably like,


"Oh, my God,

the cops are here!

"Party time!

Come on in.

I thought you'd never make it."

'Cause white people do,

white people have

a very different relationship

with the police.

I was trying to explain this

to my friend, Dave.

You know, when we're hanging out

he's like,

"Dude, what is it

with black people and police?"

I'm like, "It's not that black

people don't like the police

or hate the police,

it's just that--it's just that

we have a tumultuous history

with the police."

One day we were driving--

we're driving on the highway

and the police car

pulled up behind us

and I got tense.

I just got really tense.

And he's like,

"Dude, what's going on?"

I said, "The police.

The police are behind us."

He was like, "Yeah, and?

Did you do anything wrong?"

I said,

"That's not the point."

Because it really isn't.

For white people,

that is the point.

The police will send you to jail

if you do something wrong.

As a black person, you have

a different relationship.

The police may send you to jail

just because.

I know this because I was--

I was driving--

I got pulled over by the police

for the first time

in my life in America.

And already, I'm not

very comfortable when driving

in the United States, you know.

Not because it's the other side

of the road,

but because it's

the other side of the car.

I'm not used to that, you know.

Like--like, I always get into

the car on the wrong side.

I'll be shopping and I'll come

back to my car confidently,

and I'll jump inside

and put the things down,

and then I'm like, "Ah."


And then instead of getting out,

I sit there.

I always just sit there,

because I always think

somebody's watching me.

So I just sit there and I act

like I planned it all, like...

"Where is my driver?"


"Where is my--

He should have been here by now.

Where is my--Oh, well,

I guess I'll drive myself."


I don't know why I do that.

I'm not comfortable.

But you have to drive

in Los Angeles.

So I had a little rental car

and I'm driving on the freeway

and this police car

pulls up behind me.

And he drives behind me

for a little bit

and then he flashes his lights.

And I was like, "Oh,

he probably wants to go past."

And so I moved over

to the middle lane

and then he came with me

and he flashed his lights again.

And I was like, "Oh, come on,

just go past me, man.

Just go past me, man."

And I went back to the fast

lane, he came back with me.

And he hit--flash the lights,

and this time it was like,

whoop, whoop, whoop,

whoop, whoop.

And I was like, "Yeah, go past.

You keep coming with me.

Go past." 'Cause I didn't think

he was stopping me.

I thought it was basically

the vehicular equivalent

of that moment on the sidewalk

when you both don't know

which way to go.

I thought we were doing that

with our cars,

like, "Oh, oh, yeah.

Oh, yeah, all right. Ahh."

I thought that was happening.

I thought that was happening.

And clearly he thought

that I was evading him

in the most polite manner ever,

because he gets irritated,

and he's like, "Pull over

to the side of the road, sir."

Whoop, whoop.

"Pull over

to the side of the road now."

Now, I couldn't hear

what the hell he was saying.

I'm not gonna--Which I think

is part of the problem.

I don't think it's fair

that police have speakers

on their cars and we don't.

I think this is

a recipe for disaster.

That's the first step

in mending relationships

is communication, people.

I don't know what the hell

that guy was saying,

but I couldn't tell him.

He was like,

"Pull over to the side of the

road [indistinct mumbling]."

If I had a speaker, I would have

had the ability to be like,

"Sir, I cannot hear

what you're saying.

"Enunciate your words, please.

Enunciate your words.

Speak clearly."

"I said, pull over [mumbles]."

Whoop, whoop, whoop, whoop.

"No, no, use your words, buddy,

use your words.

Talk to me. Talk to me.

What do you need?"

"Pull over, pull over."

I'd be like,

"Okay, I will be pulling over

right now. Thank you very much."

Like, it would be more

effective, but I didn't know.

So I'm--and he's like,

"Pull over [mumbles]."

I'm like, "I don't know what

the hell you want."

"Pull over to the side

of the road [mumbles]."

I'm like,

"What are you talking about?"

He's like,

"Pull over! Pull over!"

And I panicked,

and so I stopped. I pulled over.

Right there where I was

on the freeway, which apparently

you're not supposed to do.

I didn't know this,

'cause I just know that police

tell me to do something,

I do it. So he said,

"Pull over," and then I stopped.

and then he was like,

"Don't pull over there."

Then I was like, "Well, you

should have been more specific.

You can't tell me to pull over

and then tell me not pull over.

You should've said pull over at

a time that is more appropriate.

You can't just tell--

Now I'm panicking.

He's like,

"Get back onto the road."

I'm like, "This guy does not

know what he wants. I'm--"

Now, I'm back on the road.

He's like,

"Take the next exit."

And now, we're driving

and now he's guiding me along.

It's like I had

a really angry GPS.

It was the weirdest thing ever.

And, so he's driving me like,

Make a right at the light.

Make a right."

It's like I chose angry cop

on my Waze.

That's what it felt like.

He was like, "Turn left.

No, I said left. Turn left."

No, recalculating.

When it is safe, Mickey."


And so finally--

finally we stopped.

We stop, I pull over

on the side of the road.

He pulls over behind me

and he gets out of the car,

and I'm sh1tting myself.

As he gets out, he goes,

"Keep your hands

where I can see them!"

I'm like, "I don't know

what you can see or not see.

"I don't know.

"These are very

vague instructions.

I don't know what you can't"--

So now, I'm doing this.

'Cause I don't know

what you can see or not.

I was--

Like, don't get me wrong.

I just--

You know what the thing is.

I just don't want to die.

That's all, I don't--

I just don't want to die.

And I know I don't look like--

but I'm not the dying type.

I really--I'm not.

Like, I'm a chill-out guy

who likes living.

I don't want to die,

and the worst thing is

I don't know how not to die.

That's the thing.

I don't know how not to die.

'Cause every day,

I turn on the TV it seems like

another black person

is being shot.

So I just want to know

how not to get shot, you know?

I try and learn, I really do.

I try and learn, you know?

It all started in the lower--

in the lower echelons

of enforcement, community watch,

George Zimmerman, shot Trayvon,

the young boy.

And the story started off

with "Man sh**t boy."

Everyone was like,

"Yeah, this is horrible.

This is disgusting."

But then the news, for some

strange reason, the next day

they just forget and then they

start asking other questions.

"Well, why was he wearing

a hoodie?

What was he doing, and why

was he wearing a hoodie?"

I was like, "Oh, is that--so

that's--so don't wear a hoodie."

That's what it is, the hoodie.

It's very frightening.

You don't know

what's going on under there.

Yeah, we've all seen

"Star Wars."

It's the creepiest thing ever.

Yeah, yeah.

It's the dark side.

And so I was like,

oh, if I don't wear a hoodie

then I'm safe.

No one's gonna sh**t me

if I don't wear a hoodie.

you cut forward,

and then the next thing you know

it's Mike Brown in Ferguson,

and he gets shot by the police.

Unarmed, gets shot.

You know, like a man was unarmed

and he got shot,

and I was like,

"Oh, this is disgusting."

And they said, "But also,

he approached the police officer

"apparently, and he may or may

not have scuffled with him.

We don't know,

but he approached him."

And I was like, okay, okay,

don't wear a hoodie

and don't approach the police.

Don't go towards the police.

You see police,

you go the other way.

You got the other way from--

Okay, cool. I got it.

So no hoodies,

no approaching the police.

This is it, I'm learning.

I'm learning. This is--

But then--but then the next guy

comes on the news,

Eric Garner

in New York City.

And there he is,

he's standing and the police,

they apprehend him

and they start choking him.

He doesn't go towards them.

He doesn't--

He's standing there

with his arms up,

and he gets choked to death

by six policemen.

And then they come on the news

and they say--and they go,

"Well, you gotta understand,

for these police, I mean,

"this was a--

this was a pretty big guy.

"He was a pretty big guy.

He was scary.

He was a really scary,

big black guy."

And I'm like, "Okay, cool.

So don't be a big black guy

"and then you should be fine.

Don't be a big black guy

and then I should"--

And every day I look in the

mirror and I'm like, "Good job."

And I'm like,

"Okay, fine, fine."

Okay, so don't wear a hoodie.

Don't wear your hoodie

and don't approach the policemen

and don't be a big black man.

I think--I think

I've got it all down. I think--

And then I turn on the TV

and then I see Walter Scott.

A 50-something-year-old man

running away from a policeman

getting shot in the back.

Running away from the policeman.

And again, the media,

for some strange reason,

just seems to forget

what the main purpose

of--of the discussion is.

'Cause on day one they go,

"Unarmed man shot in the back."

Day two they're like,

"Who was Walter Scott?

"Let's find out about it.

Apparently he had a charge

of as*ault against him in 1987."

So he gets shot for it?

How hard did he punch the guy

that he gets shot for it

in 2015?

What, did he punch the guy

into the future

and then he came back to get

him? Is that what happened?

I mean, it was the '80s.

Everyone punched somebody

in the '80s.

I don't understand why

this is a big deal.

They were saying

the craziest things.

They were like, "Walter Scott,

I mean, this is--

"Everybody's talking about

the police officer.

Let's talk about him.

Why did he run? Why did he run?"

'Cause he didn't want

to go to jail.

Are we really

gonna live in a world

where police no longer

want to chase criminals?

Is that what we're saying?

Is that what we're saying?

Police no longer want

to chase criminals.

That's the whole point

of the game, isn't it?

We played it as kids,

cops and robbers, yeah?

You've seen the movies.

That's what makes it fun.


"You can't catch me, copper."

And then you run.

That's what makes it fun.

Now, police no longer want

to chase criminals.

We're gonna live in a world

where police--

Can you imagine what that's

gonna do to the movie industry?

It's gonna be horrible.

We're gonna be watching

"Bad Boys Five,"

Martin Lawrence and Will Smith,



End of movie. Done.

It would be

the worst movie ever.

This is the strangest thing.

They ask all the weird


questions that have nothing to

do with a man being shot

who is unarmed.

They come on and they go,

"Also--also noted

is that Walter Scott owed

$16,000 in child support."

To the cop?


No, no, I mean, like--

[cheers and applause]

To the--

'Cause--'cause that would be

a different story.

That would be like if that was

the mother of his children

that shot him,

then you know what?

I may--I may actually

be on her side.

You never know, yeah.

I might have been there like,

"You know what, sister,

"you sh**t him in the back,


"That's right, you sh**t him

"thinking he ain't gonna pay

after he play.

"You sh**t him in the back

thinking he gonna run away

"from his responsibilities.

sh**t him dead."

But this has nothing

to do with it.

A policeman sh**t

an unarmed man.

He's running away,

and they have the nerve--

They have the nerve,

the crazy nerve to say,

"This officer feared

for his life. He was afraid."

Afraid of what?

The man's running away.

There's nothing less frightening

than somebody

running away from you.

That is the definition of fear.

He's running away.

The only thing he could have

done to be less threatening

is to cluck like a chicken

as he--[clucking].

There's nothing less frightening

than a man

running away from you.

Like, what are you afraid of?

You can't say he was running--

"I was afraid."

Afraid of what?

He's running away from you.

That makes no sense.

You're seeing him from behind.

No one's threatening

from behind.

They're running away.

There's no one who's--

Like, maybe Kim Kardashian,

but nobody else is--

He's running away from you.

You sh**t him in the back.

Like, yeah, "I was afraid."

Afraid of what?

What, do you have

abandonment issues?

Why would you sh**t a man--

"My dad left when I was five."

Makes no sense.

So I don't know how not to die.

And here I am in my car

on the side of the road

in a random street

in Los Angeles,

and the whole time it was like,

"I don't want to die.

I don't want to die.

I don't want to die."

And the policeman

gets out of his car

and he starts walking

towards me

and his hand is by his side.

And it's doing this.

And I've watched westerns.


I know what this means.

This is never good.

This never turns into



So now, I'm starting to stress

and I'm looking at him

in the side mirror of my car

and I'm panicking,

because objects in the mirror

are closer than they appear.

So he's gonna get there

at any moment.

And I don't know why,

I don't know why I did this.

Like as soon as he--I panicked.

I completely panicked,

and I launched myself

out the window.

I took my body

and I threw it out the window,

and I fell under the side

of the car just like...

[imitated expl*si*n]

and onto the side of the car.

I basically went back to nature.

I thought of a predator.

You don't make eye contact

and you play dead.

That's all I did, I just played

dead on the side of the car.

Which freaked him out.

He was completely--

He was just like, "What?

Hey, hey! Hey, what's going on?"

I said, "I'm sorry, officer.

I'm sorry."

He's like, "Sir,

what are you sorry for?"

I said, "Whatever it is that's

gonna make you sh**t me,

I'm sorry. I'm sorry, officer."

He said, "Sir, get back in

the car. Get back in the car."

I said, "No! I don't wanna die.

"Please, I'm not falling

for that trick.

Please, officer, I'm sorry."

He's like, "Sir, I'm not--

I'm not gonna k*ll you.

Just get back in the car."

And I mean,

this guy was just as freaked out

as I was. I'm not gonna lie.

'Cause I mean, when I put myself

in his shoes, what does he do?

Imagine that, you're standing on

the side of the road,

a guy jumps out of his own car.

What doe he--

He can't even call for backup.

What does he say?

"10-4, I need backup."

"What do you need?"

"I got a black guy,

k*lled himself?"

"10-4, you gotta make something

up better than that.

We'll back you up, don't worry."

Like, you can't--

Like, what do you say?

It's just like a weird--

The guy's freaking out.

I'm freaking out,

and I'm lying there.

And this guy,

he--he approaches slowly.

He approaches, he finally gets

to me and lifts my arms,

and he's like, "Get back

in the car, sir, get back.

Get back in." And he stuffs--he

stuffs me back into my window.

"Get back there." I'm like,

"No, no, I'm not--

Please, I don't want to die."

He's like, "Sir, sir, calm down.

Calm down."

I go, "Okay. I'm sorry.

I'm sorry."

He's like,

"Sir, have you been drinking?"

I said, "No, sir,

I haven't been drinking."

He said, "Okay, calm down.

Do you know why

I pulled you over, sir?"

I said, "Is it because

I'm black?"

And now, I wasn't being an ass,

nor was I joking.

I'd just been informed that

as a black person in America,

if you drive a really nice car,

there's a good chance

you're gonna get pulled over

by the police.

Yeah, so in my world,

he was doing his job

as I had been told.

Yeah, I wasn't judging him.

In fact, I was--

I was a little flattered.

I was like, "Well, thank you

very much, Mr. Officer,

"for noticing this bad boy

right here.

That's right, 2015, baby."

I was really excited.

He was more freaked out, though,

'cause I--'cause I said to him,

I said, "Is it because

I'm black?"

And then he did this thing

that I've come to learn

is the reaction of white people

in America

who, when they hear information

they can't process fast enough,

have this--this thing

where they smile on the outside,

but on the inside, it's almost

as if they're short-circuiting.


Like, he looks at me and he

goes, "I'm--I'm sorry, what?"

I said, "Because I'm black,

that's why you pulled me over."

And he goes, "Uh, no.

Hey, no, no. Hey, we--

"No, that--that is not--that--

No. No. Hey, um, who--

I don't--I don't--No.

No, that is not why--"


[imitates expl*si*n]

I felt so bad for him.

Yeah, I think we both

learned a lot that day.

The two of us grew

from that experience.


I was speeding,

that's why he pulled me over.



But he let me go.


I'm having a great time,

I really am.

I'm not getting speeding fines,

enjoying my time out here.

Some of you may or may not know,

I got a job.

This is fantastic for me.

[cheers and applause]

Thank you very much.

Thank you.

Thank you very much, yeah.

[cheers and applause]

That's--and that's--

That's how my grandmother

put it, funny enough.

I phoned my grandmother to tell

her that I'd be working

on "The Daily Show,"

and she was really excited.

She was like, "Whoo, Trevor!

"I'm so happy for you!

Well done. You got a job."

I said, "No, no, Granny,

I already had a job."

And she's like, "No, you didn't.

Did you have an office?"

I said, "No."

She's like,

"Then it wasn't a job."

That's all she cares about.

My mom was a bit better.

I called her to tell her

the news,

and to give you a bit

of a backstory,

I've got two younger brothers.

Right, so one brother

is nine years younger than me,

and then the youngest is

20 years younger than me, right.

And so the youngest just became

one of the student council

members in his school, right.

So he got onto

the student council.

So I phoned my mom

to tell her my good news.

I'm on the phone with her

and I'm like, "Oh, Mom,

I don't know if you heard, I'm

gonna be on 'The Daily Show.'"

And she's like, "Oh, my baby,

I'm so excited.

"Oh, praise Jesus,

this is wonderful.

"Well done, baby.

I'm so happy for you.

And did you hear what happened

to your brother?"

I'm like, "No, what happened?"

"Oh, he's on the student council

at his school.

"Oh, I'm so excited.

"Both my boys are doing

big things in the world.

I'm so happy. Oh!"

[cheers and applause]

And I was like, "Yeah, some

things are bigger than others."


She's like,

"No, it's all the same."

I was like, "You say that,

but I mean, you know.

Come on, you know."


She's like, "Okay, fine, fine.

You were never student council.

So let's cheer for him."

I'm like, "What?"

It was a wonderful experience.

Changed my life completely.

Come into the U.S., feel like

people are smiling at me more.

Might just be my imagination.

'Cause I noticed at the airports

when I've been flying in,

probably a combination

of--of my job

and the fact that

the Ebola crisis is now past.

That was probably the worst--

the worst time ever

is flying into America

as an African

during the Ebola crisis.

It was the craziest thing

I've ever seen in an airport.

You'd walk in,

there'd be tension.

They'd usher everybody

into a special quarantine area.

Ask you questions, questions

that they don't normally ask.

The number one question they

always asked was,

"Sir, have you been in contact

with Ebola?"

They'd always ask, "Sir, have

you been in contact with Ebola?"

I love--I love the sincerity

of the question.

Like there was a chance

my answer could be, "Yes.

And next stop, Disney World."



Like, what kind of person

do you think I am

that I'd still be embarking

on a journey

having knowingly been in contact

with the most deadly disease

on the planet?

Like, who do you think I am that

I'd be there like,


"I don't care!

" has

a zero refund policy.

"I'm going to Disney World

even if it kills me,

"Mickey Mouse,

and everybody else.

I'm going!"

"Have you been in contact

with Ebola?"

And they always say that

like Ebola was like

a distant relative.

I love the phrasing. "Have you

been in contact with Ebola?"

"Yeah, I spoke to him last week.

He's doing well, eh.

Thank you very much for asking."

Ebola made flying a nightmare.

One of the worst flights,

I was coming from

Johannesburg, South Africa,

going to San Francisco.

Flew and then because

the distance of the flight,

you have to stop over

in Washington,

and they change over

your flight,

so you go on to another plane,

and then that plane

takes you to San Francisco.

And when we were

changing planes,

when we were switching over,

the air hostess

on the second plane

tells the passengers that

Africans are coming on board.

Right, and so because of this,

they're gonna be spraying the

cabin with a light pesticide.

Right. No, I understand.

Like, when people are afraid,

they do stupid things.

I get it.

But what I didn't understand was

why she told them this

as we were boarding the plane.


Have the decency

to speak behind our backs.

'Cause we're walking

onto the aircraft

and she takes

her little microphone,

she goes, "Ladies and gentlemen,

"please note we have

some passengers joining us

"from the South African flight.

They're coming from Africa.

"If everybody could please

stay in their seats

"as these passengers

find their place.

"We're gonna be spraying the

cabin with a light pesticide

"due to the Ebola crisis.

"And feel free to cover your

nose, eyes, ears, and mouth.

"The pesticide shouldn't be

harmful, but it may be.

"So if everybody would

just cover up, and we'll be

"coming down shortly

as everybody takes their place.

Thank you very much."

She says this

as we board the plane.

This is our introduction,

"Ebola crisis."

And we're there like,

"Hello, hello, hello, hello.

Hello, hello, hi."

Do you know how hard it is

to find a seat in a plane

with people that think

you're bringing them death?

Do you know how hard it--

Like, you're sitting there

and everyone, you go--

It almost felt like that scene

from "Forrest Gump."

Like, as I'm walking

down the plane,

people were like, "Mnh-mnh.

You can't sit here, no space."

You're just walking down trying

to find your Jenny.


Finally, everyone's seated.

We take off,

plane heads out

to San Francisco.

And it was by far

the most tense flight

I have ever been on.

I coughed once.


The plane shook.

It wasn't even a bad cough.

It was just like

a little tickle.

I was just like,


The guy opposite me was like,



I was like, "Yo, dude,

calm down, man.

"Calm down. It's just AIDS.

You're safe, buddy.

"Calm down.

It's okay."

Everyone was so stressed.

The plane was tense.

No one wanted food nor snacks.

We finally land at the airport.

The plane is taxiing

to the gate,

and everyone,

everyone was waiting

for that seat belt sign

to go off. Everyone was just--

Like, it was more than normal,

'cause already--

I never understand why people

are in a hurry on a plane

to get out of their seat, like,

'cause you can't go anywhere.

Whenever a plane lands,

everyone's just in a--

"Come on. Come on. Come on."

You can't go--You're gonna go

there. That's where you--

You literally go there.

"Come on, come on."



You can't--I don't understand

why people are in a hurry to go.

You know who's even worse?

The people at the window.

You have no right

to be in a hurry.

You're sitting there like,

"Come on, come on.

Come on!"


Yeah. Oh, that's good. Yeah.

Yeah, pass me my luggage, pass

it to me now. Right now. Yeah.

I'm glad I didn't sit down

for two more minutes.

This is much more comfortable.

Just stay in your seat.

Just wait.

Ebola made it worse,

a hundred times worse, you know,

'cause now everyone wants to

get out of the plane.

Coughing, sneezing,

you can feel the tension.

And as we're about to leave,

the air hostess comes back on

the P.A., and she goes,

"Ladies and gentlemen,

back in your seats, please.

"Everybody back in your seats.

Unfortunately, right now,

"we have a health and safety


"that needs to come on board

just to make sure

"that everything is A-OK,

due to Ebola.

"We're just gonna make sure

that everything is fine.

"So please stay in your seats,

ladies and gentlemen.

Again, apologies for the delay."

She says this

and then this man comes on,

the health and safety official,


And he has with him a list

of all the African passengers

and a thermometer, right,

a digital laser thermometer.

And he comes on

and his job is to scan

all the African passengers

and get their temperature.

And I think the way it works

is, like, if you're very hot,

then you've got Ebola, right.

So he's got the list

and he walks around,

scans the passengers

and gets the thing,

walks down, takes their names

off the list,

gets the temperature,

gets the names,

temperature, names.

Finally gets to where I'm seated

and does the weirdest thing.

He scans the passenger

opposite me,

moves to my aisle,

looks at me, looks at my name,

looks back at me.

And then he just shrugs

and walks away.




Almost as if

I wasn't African enough.


I've never felt so conflicted

in my life.

You know, because

don't get me wrong, right.

I never want anyone to think

I have Ebola.


But I also don't want anyone to


that I can't have Ebola.


You don't know me.

You don't know

what I'm capable of.

I could have all the Ebola

in the world.

- I'm there

trying to cheer myself up.

Like, "Chin up, Trevor.

You could have Ebola.

"Chin up, kid, come on, come on.

Come on, you could have Ebola."

And he walks to the back

of the plane,

scans the rest of the

passengers, gets to the tail,

and he realizes

he's now missing a name.

So he looks back through

the plane,

can't figure out

what's going on.

I know it's me. I know it's me,

but I'm not gonna help him.

No. He had his chance.

He had a good Ebola man

and he let him go.

And so I watch him panic,

and as he panics,

the air hostess comes back

down the plane.

She goes, "Hey, what's going on?

I need to get the people out."

He goes, "Yeah, I know. I got

a problem with the Ebola list.

I can't figure out where the--

where the passenger is."

And she's like, "Yeah,

I gotta get the people out."

He's like, "Look, I know.

This is k*lling me as well,

but I just gotta figure out."

She's like, "Yeah, yeah,

"if I don't get them out,

I'm dead. I'm dead.

I gotta get the people going."

He's like, "Yeah, I know.

Just calm down.

Just give me a second,"

and now--

now you can feel the tension

building on the plane.

People start whispering,

there's murmurs going around,

'cause some people are hearing

pieces of the conversations.

Like broken telephone as it goes

down the plane,

all they're hearing is,

"Yeah, yeah, Ebola. Ebola.

k*lling the people. Dead, dead,

everybody out of here. Dead."

You can feel the tension.

People start looking

at each other.

The guy opposite me

didn't even hide it.

He was like, "It's you.

It's you! Ebola, it's you!"

I was like, "Dude,

I do not have Ebola.

Stop saying that.

Stop saying that."

He's like, "It's you, damn it.

It's you with your coughing."

I was like, "If you don't

shut up, I'll cough on you.

I'll cough on you now."

He was like, "What?"

I was like, "I'll cough...


He was like,

"What, I'll k*ll you."

I was like, "I'll k*ll you

first. [coughs]"


Everyone on the plane

starts losing it.

The people are going crazy.

Everyone is stressed.

People want to leave,

and in the middle of the chaos,

in the midst of all of this,

I'll never forget.

A Middle Eastern man

maybe four rows behind me

dressed in very traditional


he stands up

and he sticks his head

into the conversation being had

between the air hostess

and the safety official,

and he goes,

"Excuse me. Pardon me.

Sorry to interrupt.

"I couldn't help noticing

what you are talking.

"I just want to say

maybe you want to check.

"I noticed that gentleman over

there was coughing little bit,

"and then he never liked

anything [indistinct].

"Yeah, I thought

he was wearing a hood.

"Something about him,

I don't know.

"Something just made me

a little bit uncomfortable.

"I thought maybe you want to

check. There, I said.

"You know--you know

what they say, see something,

"say something, yeah.

Just maybe you check there."


I'm like, "Really?

Et tu Ahmed."


[cheers and applause]

How the wheel has turned,

my friend.

You quickly forget

there was a time

when Muslims were

the black people of the sky.


And yet, now

you have deserted me.

'Cause I thought

he'd be on my side.

I thought if anyone understood

what it would be like

to be stigmatized,

it would be that man.

You know, I thought

we shared something.

I thought he'd look over and be

like, "Don't worry, brother.

I got your back."

Instead, he sold me

down the river,

threw me under the bus, like,

"Hey, it's your turn now.

I'm free, b*tches."


And he was. I don't blame him.

He was.

'Cause Ebola was one of the

craziest things I've ever seen

in terms of the human condition,

how quickly we're taught

to panic.

You know, one minute

I'll be flying

and I'll see people

of Middle Eastern descent

getting pulled, you know,

random selections

beeping through the machine.

And then Ebola happened,

and all of a sudden

the focus shift--

The focus shifted,

and now it was Africans

being pulled aside,

Africans waiting.

Middle Easterners were cruising

through security.

And then almost as quickly

as it started,

it flipped back overnight.

And I'll never forget

when it happened.

Right after the "Charlie Hebdo"

attack in Paris.

That attack happened,

and almost the next day

Ebola wasn't a thing anymore.

Middle Easterners were back

in the spotlight.

Normal service had been resumed.

'Cause after "Charlie Hebdo,"

I would walk through airports

and no one gave a damn.

They didn't care about me,

where I was from,

nor the bananas in my bag.



I just--I just cruised

through security.

"Charlie Hebdo."

"t*rror1st attack in France."

Everyone led with it.

CNN, "Breaking news.

t*rrorists have att*cked

'Charlie Hebdo' headquarters."

BBC, "And in breaking news,

unconfirmed report says--saying

12 people have been k*lled by

t*rrorists who've att*cked"--

Everyone said

they were t*rrorists.

It was weird to me

'cause we didn't know

that they were t*rrorists.

We just knew that

they were Middle Eastern.

But immediately

we went to t*rror1st,

because if you're Middle Eastern

that's a t*rror1st.

That's the world we live in now.

Yeah, if you're Middle Eastern,

terrorism is your trademark.

It's so crazy how easy it is

to get people

to hate a group of people,

'cause that's what happened.

"Charlie Hebdo," and then

everyone started saying things

about Muslims.

"These damn Muslims. These

damn--We gotta stop Islam.

"That's what we gotta do.

We gotta stop these Islamists.

"These Muslims.

"Now, I'm not saying all Muslims

are t*rrorists,

but all t*rrorists are Muslims."

It sounds really smart,

doesn't it?

Sounds really smart,

but it's not.

It's stupid

and it's hate speech.

That's what it is. It really is.

[cheers and applause]

Terrorism is not a race,

it's an act.

It evolved over time.

Yes, right now we're dealing

with extremism,

Islamic terror in some parts

of the world.

But if you go to other parts

of the world

and ask them

what a t*rror1st is,

they'll show you

a different face.

You go to England 20 years ago

and you said,

"What's a t*rror1st?"

They'd show you

a drunk Irishman, right.

I didn't need to say drunk.

I could have just said Irishman.

[laughter and applause]

There was a time when--

when Nelson Mandela

was labeled a t*rror1st.

Like, terrorism is an act,

it's not a face.

People say these things,

"Well, these Muslims,

"you gotta admit,

there's an awful lot of them.

Awful lot of them

doing the same thing."

I'm like, "Yeah, but you know

who's not t*rrorists?

Most Muslims."

Yeah, most Muslims

are not t*rrorists.

I'm not even Muslim,

but it gets to me,

because I'm like most Muslim

people are not t*rrorists.

You know how you know this?

Because we're still alive, yeah.

They've had ample opportunity

to take us out, people.

There's a billion Muslim people

on the planet.

They've had every chance.

They could have k*lled us

using those falafels

they sell us after midnight

when we come out of the club.

They could have

wiped us all out

with their k*ller kebabs.

They've had the means.

It's so weird to see

our prejudices, you know,

the way people are labeled

in the media, in society.

It's not just Muslim people.

You see it with black people

as well, you know.

People saying these things like,

you know, I remember

when the--when the riots

were happening in Baltimore.

People quickly jumped,

"These thugs.

"These are a bunch of thugs

running around. These thugs.

"You know, I'm starting to think

that black people like crime.

"That's what I'm starting

to think.

"Is that the only way

they can deal with it?

Black people like crime."

No, no, black people

don't like crime,

because you know

who's not a criminal?

Most black people.

Yeah, most black people

are not criminals.

[cheers and applause]

Black people hate crime

just like everybody else.

It's not like black people

are cheering crime on.

It's not like they're watching

a black guy do some shit.

Like, "Yeah, Darnell,

you steal that shit, man.

You steal that shit. Yeah!"


When black people see

a black person doing a crime,

they're also looking

at the person like,

"That n*gg*r crazy!"

You gotta fight the act,

not the face,

not a face that you put the--

It's not the--

It's not the same thing,

and everybody has it, you know.

If you're Middle Eastern

and you do something,

if you're a black person--

black person gets shot

in a bad neighborhood, the first

story they always lead with--

Always lead with the same thing.

"And today in Compton, a man was

shot in what is suspected

to be g*ng-related v*olence."

It's always

g*ng-related v*olence.

It never says anything else.

They were just two guys.


probably g*ng-related.

"Why do you say that?"

"Well, because, you know,

in this area there's...


Why is it g*ng-related?

It's always g*ng--

It doesn't matter who it is.

Could be two kids,

someone got shot,

"A three-year-old was shot today

by a four-year-old

in what is suspected to be

g*ng-related v*olence."

"But they're kids."

"Yeah, they recruit very young."

"It wasn't a mistake?"

"No, it's not a mistake.

It's never a mistake."

But if it's in a rich

neighborhood, the story changes,

'cause you'll never hear them

reporting the same thing

about the Hamptons.

"And today in the Hamptons,

a man was shot

"in what is suspected to be

g*ng-related v*olence.

"The Burberry g*ng have been

known to operate

around these parts

and recently"--

They never say those things.

In fact, you're more likely

to see the police commissioner

going, "A lot--We've just

conducted an investigation.

"We found out that a firearm was

discharged earlier today

"and the b*llet left

the--the w*apon...

"penetrating a victim,

and we're gonna investigate


it was misfired or"--

"I'm sorry, did you say--

Did someone sh**t the g*n?"

"Well, we're not--we're not

ruling anything out right now,

"but--but we're checking to see

if there was a mechanism failure


"What about the person?"

"Well, we--we don't think that

this was intentional.

We don't"--

"So wait, we live in a world

"where you investigate a g*n

before you investigate

a rich white man,

is that what you're saying?"

"No, no, no. No, that--

That's not what we're saying.

"But I mean, you must remember,

the g*n is black,

"but that's not the point.

The point is"--

[cheers and applause]

It's so weird

how our prejudices

have given everyone their lane.

Middle Easterner does something,

they're a t*rror1st.

Black person does something,

they're g*ng-related,

they're a thug.

But if a white guy walks into a

church k*lling nine people dead,

what do they lead with

on the news?

"And today

in an isolated incident

"a lone gunman

walked into a church,

opening fire

and k*lling nine people."

It's always a lone gunman, yeah.

"A lone gunman with no ties

to society whatsoever."

They always separate him

as quickly as possible.

I love how they do that.

"He kept to himself

and was notoriously unfriendly.

He had no friends whatsoever."

No, no friends, really?

No, no friends?

Not even one?

Not even one?

[cheers and applause]

No friends?


Not even on Facebook?

No, everyone has friends

on Facebook, come on.

You're telling me

the guy had no friends.

It's almost like as the sh**ting

happens, everyone's like,

"What? Dillon? Unfriend,

unfriend, unfriend, unfriend,

unfriend, unfriend, unfriend,

unfriend, unfriend."

It's the weirdest thing ever.

And the first thing they always

go to is mental instability.

That's what they go to,

the first thing.

They never go with terrorism.

"What happened? Are we--are we

saying this was terrorism?"

"Whoa, wait. We're not gonna

jump to that conclusion.

"This was a young man who was

really mentally--

He was unstable.

He was a troubled young man."

But he was a t*rror1st 'cause he

committed a t*rror1st act.

He walked into a building,

shot a bunch of people

to try to spread a message

of hatred, right.

He was trying to pass something.

He was trying to do something.

That's an act of terror.

"Now, well--well, look.

No, not necessarily.

He was a troubled young man."

"Yes, and a t*rror1st."

"Yeah, but he was

mentally unstable."

"Just like t*rrorists."

That's exactly

what a t*rror1st is.

There's no normal reason

to blow yourself up.

That is ridiculous as shit.

You're crazy.

[cheers and applause]

You're crazy,

but you're still a t*rror1st.

It's weird. It's almost like

without realizing it,

what they're saying

on the news is,

"You know, this young white man

"is clearly struggling

with something.

"I mean, because why would you

forgo all that privilege?

Why would you"--


"I mean,

he was a young white man.

"Why would you throw that

all away by--

"I mean, if he was a minority, I

get it, 'cause that shit sucks.

But I mean, why would you

throw it--He must be crazy."


This is madness.

I refuse to be part of this.

I refuse to live in a world

who will deny white people,

the moniker of t*rror1st.

That's racism, people,

that's what that is.

If a white man, through hard

work and determination,

commits an act of terror,

he deserves to be called

a t*rror1st.

He worked for it, damn it.

You don't deprive him of that

because of the color

of his skin.

You give it to him

and you put him up there.

Bin Waleed and Charlie.

It's terrorism.

We all--we all have our

prejudices, don't get me wrong.

It's not like I--

You know, I try to be better.

I really do.

I realize every now and again

I do things that I'm not

particularly proud of, you know.

Like, for instance,

whenever I fly into America,

if I've been out of the country

and flying back into America,

I always try to fly

on Middle Eastern airlines


So I'll fly on Emirates or Qatar

or Etihad or one of those.

And the reason I do this

is because I feel

there's less chance...


That somebody--



That some--And this may sound a

little bit r*cist,

You have every right

to be offended, you really--

But I feel like there's less

chance that somebody

will attack one of those planes,

for--for a few reasons.

Number one, because they're

not proving a point.

The plane's already

Muslim owned, Muslim run.

They're not converting anybody.

And secondly,

and more importantly on my side,

I think there's a small chance

somebody could defuse

the situation.

Someone could talk them down

just because they speak

the same language, yeah.

That's--that's half of terror

for me

is the fact that you don't

understand what the person says.

The guy's speaking Arabic.

Arabic, it puts fear

in the hearts of all men.

[imitating Arabic]

You never think good things

when you hear Arabic.

Yeah, we watch--we watch

too many movies and TV shows.

Like, you--whenever

you hear Arabic,

then some bad shit happens


That's always what happens.

[imitating Arabic]

[imitates expl*si*n]

It's never something cool

or sexy.

It's never like,

[imitating Arabic]


It's never that.

And so it makes you think, it

makes you think a certain way.

I know--I know

I'm not any different.

I was on a flight,

my first Middle Eastern flight,

flying on an Emirates plane,

and this man emerged

from the galley.

He had a long beard

and he was carrying a box,

and he just went off,

he was like,

[imitating Arabic]

And I was like, "Aah!"


[scream fades]

Chicken, please.


Sorry, I--

I get really excited

with chicken.

I'm--I'm sorry for that.


"That, my friend, excited?

You looked petrified."

I said, "I am, of the flavor.

"Chicken, wah!

I love chicken.

I love chicken so much."

He's like, "Oh, is that the--

is that the black thing?"

I said, "That's r*cist."


It's just--

it's just a little thing

that makes me think

there's a chance

that if someone understands

the language

they may be able

to talk the guy down.

You--there could be. There could

be a t*rror1st on the plane.

Guy with a su1c1de vest.

We'll be flying

40,000 feet in the sky.

Man jumps off, losing his head.

There he is,

[imitating Arabic]

And just maybe, maybe some guy

will be opposite him like,


What are you doing?"

"I'm going to blow up this plane

to show everybody

that Allah is great!"

"Yeah, but...

we know this."


"Everybody here knows this.

So what are you doing?"

"I wanted to show all of you

the power of--"

"What are you showing us

if we already know, huh?

"What are you showing us?

Are you saying

"we are not good Muslims, is

that what you are saying, huh?

"Are you saying we do not know

the power of Allah?

"Is that what you are saying?

You are saying we are bad

Muslims. What are you saying?"

"No, my friend, please, I was

not trying to offend you.

"I was just trying to k*ll you.

Listen to what I

wanted to show you."

"What are you showing me, huh?

"Are you saying I do not pray,

is that what you are saying?

"You're a better Muslim than me?

"You think I'm not good Muslim

just because

"I'm watching "Cloudy with

a Chance of Meatballs,

is that what you think, huh?

What are you saying?"

"No, I'm not saying that.

I wanted to--"

"What are you show--You show

nothing. You make us look bad.

"Why don't you preach? Why

don't you talk to people, huh?

"This is not Islam. What are you

doing with your stupid dress?

Blah blah blah, blah blah blah.

You make us all look bad."

"No, no, I was not--"

"No, you're not trying nothing.

"No, you even got

your vest backward.

You don't even know

what you are doing here."

"Sorry, it's my first time.

I never done this before."

"Yeah, yes, story, story. Sit

down, shut up, eat something."

"I don't know if I can--"

"No, it's all challah.

"You can eat it.

Don't worry, you can eat it.

"You can eat it.



There's a small chance

that could happen.

And that's why I do it.

[cheers and applause]

I'll do anything

that makes my flying experience

a little bit more comfortable.

Ah, you guys are fun, man.

You really are.

Thank you very much

for coming out.

Thank you. I appreciate it.

[cheers and applause]

I really appreciate it.

It means the world to me.

And I mean that, literally,

it means the world to me.

Stand-up comedy changed my life


I don't think I would have ever

had the opportunity to travel.

Grew up in Soweto

in South Africa.

[cheers and applause]

Oh, thank you. Thank you.

I didn't choose it,

but thank you.


I don't say it in like a--

like a sob story way, you know.

'Cause everyone was poor

in Soweto,

which was cool, you know.

Like, when everyone's poor

together, it's cool.

It's fine, yeah.

'Cause you don't feel it

as much.

It's not like anyone can tease

you and be like,

"Ha ha, you are poor."

"Yeah, so are you."

"Ah, this sucks."

But I would--I probably never

would have traveled the world

were it not for stand-up comedy,

you know.

I'm the first person

in my family

to ever board an airplane.

First person in my family to

ever get kicked off an airplane.

I would have never--I would have

never learned about America.

I would have never come out to

places like Washington, D.C.

I would have never learned

to travel

on the other side of the road.

I would have never learned about

charming racism

had I not come to

this beautiful country, yeah.

Probably something

that changed my life forever,

charming racism.

Classic American

charming racism.


I never knew there was

such a thing, growing up.

And I thought

I knew all about racism.

I was, you know,

coming from the home

of some of the best racism

in the world.

No, and I don't mean to brag,

but South Africa is, by far--

Like--like we've got--we've got

top quality racism out there.

Like, it's handcrafted.

You don't get racism like that


Like, I've seen racism

all over the world.

To be honest,

the standards have dropped.

It's not what it used to be.

Like, I'm--I'm talking about

quality racism, you know.

Now, it's cheap

and mass-produced,

probably made in China now.

I'm talking about real racism.

And America showed me,

showed me a wonderful, new type.

You know, I've always considered

myself a racism connoisseur.

I appreciate the finer racisms

in life.

Not all racisms,

don't get me wrong.

I have my favorites.

I have my not-so-favorites.

You know, like, blatant racism,

I love.

I love blatant racism.

You know exactly where you stand

with the person.

It's often old people that

exhibit blatant racism.

Yeah, they tell you

exactly how they feel.

"This is what I think

about you."

And you're like, "Yeah,

and you're gonna die soon."

I love this.

We shared.

There's racisms I don't

particularly care for,

like subtle racism I don't like.

Really don't like subtle--

You know where people don't tell

you they're racists.

They just leave a series

of clues,

hope you'll figure it out

for yourself.

I hate that,

who'll say things like,

"We don't need your people

around here."


"Your people."

"Tall people?"

"No, damn it, your people."

"Friendly people?"

"No, I'm talking about your--"

"Well, I'm not gonna help you.

Say it.

"If you believe it so much,

say it.

"Have the balls, stand behind

your convictions. Say it.

"Don't leave a series of clues,

and now I'm working this out.

"What is this, racism sudoku?

Are you serious?

Just--just say it. Be proud."

But don't justify it.

Rather embrace it, be blatant.

Or be American and be charming.

I discovered charming racism

in a place called

Lexington, Kentucky.


I don't know if you've ever

been, but you really need to go.

It's a beautiful place.

Old-school charming racism

with a smile

and the tip of a hat.

Everyone in Lexington had

this vibe, this smile,

the charm, the drawl--

Oh, the Southern drawl,

I love it so much, the way

they would speak out there.

The grammar's horrible,

but it's still beautiful.

Well, 'cause the sentences

don't really make sense.

They'd be like, "Y'all ain't

never done gone see none

of them out"--and it's like,


That's not English.

Your autocorrect is broken.

I don't know what that is,

but it's--but it's beautiful.

You know, in fact,

when they speak really fast,

sometimes it sounds like

somebody's playing a banjo

inside their mouths, that's--

That's what it sounds like

to me.

I asked two men for directions,

and this--They started arguing.

It was the most beautiful sound

I've ever heard in my life.

The guy was like,

"Where you goin', boy?"

I said, "I'm going to the--to

the theater. Can you direct me?"

He said, "Y'all get on the

[indecipherable accent] road.

[indecipherable accent]

that way."

The friend was like,

"No, [indecipherable accent]."

"[indecipherable accent]."

"[indecipherable accent]."

It was almost--


[cheers and applause]

It sounded like someone started

a Mumford & Sons concert

in their mouth, 'cause one

minute they were talking

and then they got into it

and the guy was like,

"[indecipherable accent]."

"[indecipherable accent]."

" [indecipherable]"

" [indecipherable]"

" [indecipherable]"

[continues singsong

indecipherable speech]

[indecipherable] that way

[cheers and applause]




The reason I'll never forget

Lexington, though,

is because I met a woman

out there.

A gorgeous, gorgeous woman.

I'll never forget her

till the day I die.

She walks into the lobby

of the theater

where I was standing

with some friends,

and she was absolutely stunning.

A classic Southern belle.

She had long, big blond hair,

giant boobs.


She strutted her stuff

into the lobby,

pushing people out of the way.

She made her way straight

for me, straight for me.

Came to me, pointed me

in the face, and she was like,

"Excuse me, baby.

Excuse me, honey.

May I chat to you for a moment,


I said, "Yes, of course.

Hi, hi. How are you?

How are you, ma'am?"

She said, "Honey,

I just want to let you know

"that you are by far

the funniest

and handsomest n*gg*r

I done ever seen!"


And I was like, "What?"

I was so shocked.

'Cause isn't it "most handsome,"

not "handsomest"?


Their grammar

is just crazy, man.

No, you guys have been

too much fun.

Thank you so much

for coming out tonight.

I had a great time with you.

Thank you very much.

[cheers and applause]

[jazz music]

[cheers and applause]
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