01x10 - Comedy Night

Episode transcripts for the TV show, "Corner Gas". Aired: January 22, 2004 – April 13, 2009.*
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Show focuses on the lifestyle of small-town folk; though set in a small town in Saskatchewan, its stories are not chiefly about Saskatchewan or Canada, but rather the day-to-day interactions of the residents of Dog River.
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01x10 - Comedy Night

Post by bunniefuu »


Hey, Brent.

I see they're building that new call centre.

Where? Up in wullerton.

Why does everybody do that? Do what? Spit.

We don't spit.

Yes, you do.

You spit every time anybody says wullerton.


Did we do it again? I'm sorry.

If it bothers you, we'll make an effort not to spit Whenever anybody mentions that place.

I'd appreciate that.

Hey! They're building that new call centre, in wullerton.

Oh! You're one of us now.

♪ you can tell me that your dog ran away

♪ then tell me that it took three days

♪ i've heard every joke i've heard every one you say

♪ you think there's not a lot goin' on

♪ look closer baby you're so wrong

♪ and that's why you can stay so long

♪ where there's not a lot goin' on

♪ Is that the life of pi? Have you read it? Yeah, I loved it.

A little boy trapped in a lifeboat with a tiger.

Are you talking about Yeah.

Do you know it? It's only my favourite maritime tiger novel.


What's that? Life of pi.

I'd like some pie.

it's a book.

The last book Oscar read was the owner's manual to our toaster oven.

Talk about dull.

hey, guess who's coming to town? Some guy? No.


Bob lang.

Who? He's that stand
-Up comedian who played here.

Good guy.

We hung out.

It was a great show.

I was literally rolling in the aisles.

You were I He's going to be on tv tonight.

I mean, ain't that cool? Maybe he'll mention Dog River.

Actually rolling in the aisles, like on the floor, laughing? You really had to not be there.

We all liked We should get together and talk about it.

A book club? Yeah.

I don't know, women sitting around talking about books.

Yeah, it sounds kind girly.

Would we all drink tea and eat little sandwiches? We could.


That's a bad thing? It doesn't have to be all female.

A man could join.

Hmm, like who? I don't know.


My son Brent? Yeah.

Big head, runs a gas station? Don't worry, i'll get him to join.

I have a plan.

Book club? Yeah, i'll join.


I thought i'd have to come up with a plan.

Nah, I love books.

I'm a voluptuous reader.

You're Emma's son, right, the guy who runs a gas station? Picked a book yet? I've been itchin' to read the saint in new york.

The what? The saint.

Simon templar, british sleuth.

Oh, forget the movie.

Normally he fights british crooks But in this one he goes to new york and fights the mafia.

It's a saint out of water story.


Well, that's great.

We were thinking of It's like the saint in new york.

Really? Except it's about a boy trapped in a lifeboat with a tiger.

All right.

I'm game.

Will this book club have little sandwiches? Absolutely.


I mean, unless you're being sarcastic.

I'm never sarcastic about sandwiches.


Brent, that was really dramatic.

Hey, Paul, can i m.


Comedy night? Do you have any material? I got this great bit about relationships.

Make me laugh.


Men and women are different in may ways.

Yeah, that's pretty funny.

Okay, you got the gig.

Yes! Do I get free drinks? No.

It's a deal.

Hey, here.

I wrote a synopsis for you and also some opinions.

Whoa, whoa! What are doing? So you'll have something to say.

But i'm reading the book.


It's a wake
-Up call to the wild animal transportation industry.


You don't put a little boy into a boat with a jungle cat.

It was harrowing for him.

And for the tiger.

Cats don't like water.

Tigers do, actually.

They swim from island to island and also up river.

And bounce around on their tails.

Will you look at these? Well, am I missing something? You read the book and talk about it.

It's not Cool.

You guys startin' a hypnosis club? I said That doesn't even sound like hypnosis.

Yeah, well, maybe there's a joke in there.

Like instead of hyp
- And instead of syn
- See, that's kinda funny.

Like, okay, you said "synopsis club.

" Well, maybe it should be synopsis C
- L

It's a book club, Hank.

We're reading that.

Ah, a detective novel.

What? Life of p.


, private investigator.

Life of pi, pi.

A cookbook, huh? Well, that's kinda dumb.

Anyway, Paul's gonna let me m.


Comedy night.

I'm quick, i'm sharp, Like the way I came up with that I made that up off the top of my head.

We didn't rehearse that, right, Brent? No, we did not.

Unless we did and you made me forget it through hyp

-Up can be pretty tough.

I used to work at a comedy club.


Maybe you could show me how to get laughs.

I I wasn't the one getting the laughs.


Improv act.

That's okay, Lacey.

There's no shame in being an improv act.

I mean one of my favourite shows is that whose line is it anyhow.

Yeah, I like that show, too.

But, does that bald guy have to do a cameo on everything? Hey, Brent.

Hey, dave.

All i'm saying is comedy can be tough.

What if somebody heckles you? Oh, geez, she's right.

What if people make fun of me.

I I don't think I could handle that.

So you're under the impression we don't make fun of you? why can't we watch wrestling? Hank wants to watch this comedy guy.

Ah, comedy's not funny.

There's nothin' good on tv anymore.

You were laughing at the tv last night.

and so the lion pounces on the unsuspecting dingo.

Ha ha ha ha! Didn't see that comin'.

That stupid dingo.

A lion ate a dingo? Do they even live on the same continent? It's funny.

Don't overanalyse it.

Okay, it's him.

and we are back with funny man bob lang.

Turn it to the nature channel.

Something might be eating a dingo.

well, I had to go on tour in Saskatchewan.

You don't like Saskatchewan? It's tough doing comedy in these little one
-Horse towns.

Hey, he mentioned us.

I wouldn't exactly call that a mention.

last time I was in Saskatchewan, I did a little hiking.

And we had to cross this rushing river.

But the thing is, I have this problem where I hear people wrong.

So we're at this river and one of my buddies says, "Don't worry.

We'll take a rowboat.

" And I thought he said robot.

I don't believe this.

This guy's stealin' my story.

What? This didn't happen to him, it happened to me.

It's my rowboat robot story.

I told it to him.

Keep it down.

I'm trying to hear your story.

so finally after holding this in for like an hour, I I finally blurt, "what robot? What robot?" Man, this is my best story.

I can't tell this to people now.

Come on, turn it to dingoes.

-Oes, ding
-Oes, ding
-Oes! How many beers have you had? So, what do you think? About the tiger book? It's grrr
-Eat! You've been waitin' for somebody to ask you, so you could do that.

I came up with it yesterday.

Hey, I think I got the solution.

That's grrr
-Eat! Solution to what? You were worried that people might heckle me at the comedy night.

I was, was i? Yeah.

So here's my plan.

Until comedy night, you guys heckle me all the time.

That way, when it's time to do my act, I'm ready with the snappy comebacks.

That's the stupidest idea i've ever heard, ya bonehead.

Really? What's wrong with it? I think Brent's heckling you, Hank, Because you asked him to, like ten seconds ago.


Thank you.

shut up.

You suck.

What? Why would he say something so hurtful? This is where you do the snappy comeback.


Well, maybe Maybe Good work.

Look, Hank, a lot of comedians have standard lines They use on hecklers.

I could write some down for you.


I can make flashcards.


So, you're gonna do some hiking, uh? One time I was hiking and had to cross this deep river.

And my buddy says, "I know where we can get a rowboat.

" But I misheard him.


I watch tv too.

Hey, little sandwiches.

Those are for the book club members.

Sssss! Sissy book club.

I'm going for a smoke.

You don't smoke.

I was just making an excuse to leave the house.

Never feel you need an excuse to leave the house.

Brent, you've been quiet.

What did you think of the book? Uh, well Maybe Brent would like to talk After he goes into the kitchen for a glass of water.

I thought it was interesting.

Both the boy and the tiger are taken From their normal environment and thrown into The artificial constraints of the lifeboat, Where they're forced to reconstruct their social reality.

Good point.

Have a sandwich.

All right.

Hey, you know what this reminded me of? The saint in new york.


Hey, nice shirt.


No, see, i'm practicing my comedy.

"Hey, nice shirt," it It's a putdown.

Oh, sorry.

You just came across as sincere.

Plus I think it is a nice shirt.

It doesn't help that you guys never heckle me.

Oh, sorry.

You're not funny and I don't think you'll do well on comedy night.

Yeah? Well Nice shirt.

I gotta go practice in front of the mirror.

You guys keep on me.

See, normally the saint fights british underworld figures, But in this one he's in new york and fights a mafia.


So he's been taken out of his environment? Exactly.

That's my point.

Is he forced to reconstruct his social reality? No, he just fights the mafia.

Still, though.

This saint book sounds good.


Wait,maybe we should wait, wait.

Read it next.

Um, we were going to read I don't know, that sounds like a lotta solitude.

The saint in new york has con men and gunfights.

As a law enforcement professional, that intrigues me.

Does this solitude book have con men? No.

Gunfights? No.

Ya got nothin'.


Oh, Karen, i'm glad you're here.

I want to talk to you about book club.

The first rule is don't talk about book club.

That's fight club.

What do you know about fight club? Hey, I really enjoyed our last few books.

I loved Oh, and Emma, I was just saying, don't you think we've sort of Moved away from the kind of books we should be reading? I mean first that saint thing and then those two james bond books.

We should be reading material we can learn from.

I'm learning a lot in book club.

I didn't know there were james bond books.

Now i've read two.

I love the part where you use your imagination To create any james bond you want.

I combined roger moore's accent with sean connery's looks.

What about pierce brosnan? His ass.



See you at book club! You see, what I find interesting about Is the psychological complexity of john rambo.


You're right.

Rambo's journey says a lot about society And how we treat people who perform unpopular, Yet arguably necessary tasks.

I like the part where he knifes the guy.

-Ha, that was awesome.

That was cool.

Oh, enough! Come on, you guys.

There is more to literature than Than detectives And And spies and mercenaries.

Hold on, Lacey.

John rambo is not a spy or a detective.

He's an ordinary man who was sent to fight A battle he couldn't win.

If you didn't read the book, fine, just say so.

But don't belittle it because you didn't do your homework.

No, i I At least read a synopsis.

I I read the book.

Perhaps Lacey would like to talk after we go into the kitchen For a glass of water.

Oh, stop it.

If we're just gonna read books like this, We might as well sit around and watch movies.

You know, she makes a good point.

You're right, Lacey.

We should just watch the movies.

I'm sick of using my imagination.

Then it's decided.

From now on we just rent movies.

Then we'll sh**t pool.

First movie, delta force.

Ooh, good idea.

Haha! Okay, I give up.

Really? Oh, yeah, that is it.

That's it.

No more book club for me.

Movie club.


Do you really think she quit? Well, if there's one thing mack bolan, executioner, has taught us, You can never leave the game.

any little sandwiches left? little sandwiches left.

You don't know me at all, do ya? Ah, sissy book club.

What are you doin'? Fixin' a rowboat.

Rowboat or robot? Because I remember I know the story, jackass.

I was watching tv with ya.

Oh, yeah.

I can't believe he stole my story.

It serves ya right for telling it.

When a funny story happens to me, I keep my trap shut And file it here, so only I can enjoy it.

I got some funny ones, I tell ya.


I'm supposed to do a show at a place called, uh Well, it's just says "town bar.

" Could you give me directions? I know who you are.


I saw your show last year.

Remember, we hung out? Oh, yeah, sure.

So where can I find the town bar? Oh, it's a bit of a Oh.



You may have to cross a river in a rowboat.

You sure we got the same place? It says "town bar.

" I saw you on tv.

"Town bar.

" Hey, Hank.

You suck.

Save your breath.

You'll need it to blow up your date later.

You're not funny.

Ain't it sad when cousins marry? Hi, Hank.

Shut up, old man.

as you know, it's comedy night.

We got a great show, we'll have a lotta laughs.

But first, Hank.

Way to go, Hank! Shut up.

I'm doin' my job.

I don't go to where you work and knock the burgers off the rack.

Hey, nice shirt.

How many couches did you have to k*ll for that? Why you makin' fun of a shirt? This is worse than improv.

Ah, poor Hank.

I didn't know he was going to memorize the whole list.

I think he's pretty funny.

Not dingo funny, but funny.

Oh, Oscar, I looked that up.

Dingoes live in australia and lions live in africa.

See? That's why you should never tell anyone your funny story.

They just ruin it.

Maybe if Hank really bites it, he'll hurt bob lang's show.

Geez, i'd love to see that guy booed off stage.

The way he used me for my story, I feel cheap and dirty inside.


You want me to ruin bob's set? Give me two minutes.

is that your face, or did your neck throw up? What do you think she's gonna do? Ssshh.

I'm trying to watch.

Save your breath so you can blow up your couch later.

And your shirt is stupid.

Men and women are different in many ways.



I'm looking forward to seeing your show.

I heard you were really funny the last time you were here in wullerton.

Wullerton? I thought I was in wullerton tomorrow.

Oh, no, this is wullerton.

Stupid booking agents can't get anything right.


Is there a place around here people like to make fun of, Like a town people hate? Oh, yeah.

Dog River.


That's the stupidest shirt i've ever seen.

All right, okay, that's it for me.

It's time to bring out our main attraction.

Let's have a big round of applause for bob lang, Everybody, bob lang.

Aw, thanks a lot.

Big hand for Hank.

Saskatchewan's answer to don rickles.

Well, ah, it's good to be here.

I was just in Dog River, so it's good to be anywhere.

Let's just say people from Dog River, Shallow end of the gene pool.

Boo! Don't you get it? Are you from Dog River or something? Cheers to the best town in all of Saskatchewan, Wullerton! boo! Bring back mean Hank.

bring back mean Hank! Bring back mean Hank! Bob lang, everybody! Geez, remind me never to get on your bad side.

Your revenge is swift and brutal.



The way you used your knowledge of local geography To defeat the enemy was reminiscent Of There's always one more mission.

I'll see you guys in movie club.

You're back in? You can never leave the game.

Yeah, there you go.

Yeah? you know what else is different? Hey, if you enjoyed our episode about reading, Why not check out some of the books that we mentioned on our show? The life of pi, by yann martel.

The saint in new york, by leslie charteris.

Don pendleton's mack bolan, executioner #147, Payback game, by jerry vancook.

And if you enjoyed our wildlife segment, Check out dingoes in their habitat, by jay robertson, Which isn't even a real book, actually; It's just something our props guy, jay robertson, made for us.

It's actually not a bad read.

So visit your local library And get into the magic of reading.

Pick up a book.

Reading is cool.

This guy's gotta be in everything.

♪ I don't know the same things you don't know

♪ I don't know I just don't know

♪ it's a great big place

♪ full of nothin' but space

♪ and it's my happy place

♪ I don't know yes you do

♪ you just won't admit it

♪ I don't know the same things you don't know
♪ We're on the interweb at cornergas.

♪ I don't know

♪ I just don't know

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