04x08 - Ambush

Episode transcripts for the TV show, "Adam-12". Aired: September 21, 1968 – May 20, 1975.*
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Set in the Los Angeles Police Department's Central Division, Adam-12 follows police officers Pete Malloy and Jim Reed as they patrol Los Angeles.
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04x08 - Ambush

Post by bunniefuu »

One-Adam-12, One-Adam-12,

a 211 in progress.

One-Adam-12, handle code 3.


What are you doing?

I was just checking the mileage.

The suspense is k*lling me.

Oh, I was talking to Freddy
the other day in the garage.

He said they retire these cars
when they get 70,000 miles on them.

I was just trying to figure
out when they'd retire this one.

We just got it. It's
not broken in yet.

Yeah, but now that
you're a senior lead officer

with all that additional
garbage on your sleeve,

we ought to be one
of the first teams

to get a new car
when they come out.

All except for one thing.

We have to get 70,000
miles on this one first.

Now you're beginning to see it.

Oh, I knew there was
something about me

that wasn't quite right.

How are my table manners?


I'd rather not say.

Hey, they're here for Shanks.

Hi. I bet you're the two
officers here for Shanks.

Yes, sir. I'm Pete Malloy.

- My partner Jim Reed.
- How you doing?

I'm acting station
commander Lieutenant Bayer.

Where's Captain Oldman?
Was he transferred?

He's on vacation. Gone fishing.

He picked a good time. We got a
hot m*rder case that broke last night.

- Yeah.
- We heard about it.

I'm not surprised. I was up to my
g*n belt in news people last night.

It hit the morning
papers in L.A.

Yeah, beautiful
playgirl strangled

in front of
millionaire's mansion.

Yeah, if I owned the rights,
I'd sell it to the movies.

- They already did it.
- Yeah, I guess you're right.

Anyway, I'm holding
a bag of nothing.

No clues, no witnesses.

All I got is an autopsy report

that says the girl got
strangled about 10:00.

I've kept that
out of the papers,

but it'll probably
make the late edition.

Yeah, probably.

So our boy about ready?

Yeah, when I saw you
pull in, I sent a deputy in

to tell the jailer
to get him ready.

Here's the warrant abstract.

Where do guys like
this learn how to drive?

He was doing 90 in a 55
when we sacked him last night.

When we ran him and turned
all those old L.A. traffic warrants,

he started climbing the walls.

Doesn't want to go back to L.A.

I tell you, the
guy is a real 918.

You know, he's mixed up.

Yeah, good. Just what we need.

- So long, Shanks.
- Ah, get lost.

He's a little testy, but
you'll grow to love him.

Lieutenant, do us
a favor, will you?

Call the station and tell them

we're on our way in with Shanks.

The radio transmission
in the canyon is terrible.

Yeah, I'll call it in.

- You're a 1015 with 1.
- 1015?

That's the sheriff's code
for suspect in custody.

- Weird, isn't it?
- What is?

There are times when we work
with the sheriff's department,

but their code system
might as well be in Swahili

as far as I'm concerned.

Who ever heard of a 918?

Or a 1015 with 1.

I've got to admit, I never
have understood their 10 code.

Well, I guess it's all
what you're used to.


Hey, how about taking
the Coast Highway?

It's cooler.

- No.
- Why not?

Don't tell me you guys
don't like to goof off a bit.

I won't tell anybody.

The man said no, Shanks.

You got friends back there?

You see too many movies, Reed.

Okay. Let's leave it at that.

I bet you guys feel I'm a
pretty desperate criminal.

Sure you do. I'm
wanted in 12 states.

The FBI's got flyers out on me

for making illegal
left-hand turns

and running boulevard stops...

We don't need the sideshow.

Well, can't you
take off these cuffs?

Makes me feel kind of dirty,

you know, like a criminal.

I'm just a poor guy

who puts his traffic
tickets in his dresser drawer

and forgets about them.

Look, Shanks, we'll
get along much better

if you just keep it
buttoned up, okay?

Big, tough cops, huh?

Hey, are you guys
open to a proposition?


Look, I know you got me
pegged for some kind of squirrel.

I ain't really.

And I got a real
good personal reason

for not wanting
to go back to L.A.

Doesn't concern the cops.

It's something
completely private.

Look, I got some money.

Heavy bread, you know.

Couple of grand, maybe.

You trying to buy us, Shanks?

Oh, come on, man.

I know the law. That's a felony.

No, you got it wrong.

What I was thinking is that I could
arrange for you to pick up the money

and you could pay
off my fines in L.A.

Then you could
drop me someplace,

and then I could split.

If there's anything left
over, you can keep it.

You know, no sweat, no bother.

Everybody wins.

I'm gonna pretend you
didn't say that, Shanks.

If I hear it again,
I'm gonna book you

for attempted
bribery. You got it?

Hey, what are you
guys talking about?

You heard him. Now shut up.

Hey, now, come on.

What are you guys, a
couple of straight arrows?

Let's just say
we're not for sale.

They've been following us ever
since we left the sheriff's station.

Ocean Charles Ida

Not here.

One-Adam-12 requesting
wants and warrants

on Ocean Charles Ida 275.

Hey, what's wrong
with the radio?

Ah, it isn't working.

If we had to ask for help,
nobody would hear us.

What is it, Shanks?
Why don't you spill it?

Who's in the white car?

I told you guys to take
the Coast Highway.

You wouldn't listen to me.

We're listening now.

Those guys in the car...

Think they work for Louie Jacks.

The racketeer?

Yeah, and they
got orders to k*ll me.

That's why I was speeding
out of Malibu last night.

I was making a run for it.

That's why I don't want to go back
to the L.A. jail. Last there 20 minutes.

There must be 10
or 15 of Louie's men

in the L.A. slammer to get me.


He's got his reasons.

Let's hear them.

Ain't you supposed
to give me my rights?

Okay, you have the
right to remain silent.

If you give up the
right to remain silent...

Oh, forget it. I was just
trying to make a joke,

but it ain't funny.

You guys know about
that m*rder in Malibu?

- Yeah.
- Well, I saw it.

I saw Louie Jacks
strangle that girl,

and he saw me.

I'm the only thing between
him and 12 ounces of cyanide.

Why didn't you go to the Malibu
sheriff and get protective custody?

Look, if I done that, I
would have brought myself

a 10-year stretch in the joint.

I was ripping off a
cab when I seen it.

The place was right in front of
the beach where she was strangled.

They must be on that hill.

We better get some cover.

There's a wall
right in front of us.

I'm going to un-cuff you.

If you know what's good
for you, stick with us.

One-Adam-12, officer needs help.

sh*ts fired off the
road on Malibu Canyon

near the intersection of River.

Still dead. Stay behind
the car as long as you can.

Okay, let's go.


You're out of range.

Looks like they
didn't know that.

What do we do now?

He's trying to
get a better angle.

We better move.

Wait a minute. Wait a minute.

We've got to get some help.

He's got so much range
on that scoped r*fle,

no matter how we move, we're
going to end up in his sights.


There ought to be a
cabin at the end of that trail.

I've got to call in to
the sheriff's department.

Okay, go. We'll move
with the guy in the hill,

try to keep him from
getting that angle.

Now, watch out
for the other guy.

He's probably
still in the rocks.


Let's go.

I had to.

Nate would've blown his
stack if I had let you go.

Where's Reed? Where's our help?

Settle down. It's going
to take a little while.

I won't settle down
till we get out of here.

Okay, now, fella, up.

Come on.

Hey! Cop!

I want to talk a deal,

trade you...

Shanks for Reed.

How about it?

You can't do that. You've
got to take care of me.

- Hey, Malloy, you've got to...
- Shut up.

You've got a minute
to make up your mind.

We'll be around. Just sing out.

We've got to make a run for it.

You're going to leave him?

They came in a white sedan.

My guess is it's down
the road someplace.

If we can get to it, we should
be able to get out of here.

Hey, Malloy, Wait a minute.

- About Reed, you got...
- Stow it.

Wonder what's
taking him so long.

You got a hold of
the wrong ticket.

He won't trade.

He couldn't even
if he wanted to.

You want to give it a try?


Get them.

What are you doing, Nate? He
could be our ticket out of here.

- The car.
- Huh?

They're probably after our car.

Stay with him. I'll
try to head them off.

The keys are gone.

Let me have a look.

There you are.

It's an old specialty of mine.

I'll bet.

Slide over.

What are you sweating about?

What's that supposed to mean?

- For hired talent,
you're too nervous.
- Shut up.


Let me talk to Lieutenant Bayer.

They got the car.

Let's get going. We've got to
find some way to get out of here.

You're through.

They'll seal off both
ends of this canyon

and start moving
in with a chopper.

You won't make it.

You've got a fat mouth, Reed.


That's the way it'll go down.

I think he's right, Nate.

They were supposed to
send me a backup man.

You're a taxi cab...

All meter and no guts.

- All I said was...
- I don't want to hear it.

We'll get out of here somehow,
on his back if we have to.

You already tried that.
You saw what happened.

They'll waste me first. They're
not allowed to make deals.

Then you're a dead man because
I'm going to push that until it breaks.

- That way.
- I'm not going.

You know, I could do a
lot of damage to you, Reed,

and you'd still be able to walk.

I'm still not going.

Either you get
going, or he gets it.

It's okay with me.

What are you doing, Nate?

Cut it out. Don't.

You're worthless, Lee.

You haven't backed me
up. You screwed me up.

Next time I get a
contract in this town,

maybe they'll think twice

before they send me a
bag of Jell-O for a partner.

All right.

That's more like it.

See how it is, Lee?

Yeah, Nate.

Yeah, I... I see how it is.

I'll be a real help
to you. You'll see.

Get going that way.


Hi, Captain.

I'll stay with you, Malloy.
Anything on Reed?

Malibu sheriff's has got
the canyon sealed off.

We're supposed to
meet them at Adam-12.

We're going to track
them from there.

Good. We can take my car.

Call for an impound
on this sedan, will you?


Sorry... I'm sorry
about your partner.

I really am.

I didn't mean for
this to happen.

Wesley, pick it up on
your radio, will you?

Did you hear anything
on my partner?

Nothing. We've got
the canyon sealed off.

They won't get out of here.

Lieutenant Bayer, this
is Captain Edwards.

- Glad you're along, Captain.
- Lieutenant.

You know we can't
make a deal with them.

Yeah, I know. What
we need is a chopper.

It's on the way.

What is your ETA?

109-Adam to 100 Lincoln,

over the tunnel in one to two.

There he is.

can you see us?

109-Adam to 100 Lincoln, 10-4.

start search pattern from our
position to Hillary, a range 2 miles.

Inform me of any movement
on the ground. 10-4?

109-Adam, 10-4.

Let's go.

Keep him covered.

Hold it!

Don't sh**t.

Get over here.

Come on, bring me the key.

That's far enough. Come on.

All right, turn around.

I ain't a cop k*ller, Nate.

I would've never guessed.

Sure you can't use some help?

No. I think I have everything
pretty well wrapped up.


Better check that
left front tire, Duke.

Well, what is it? What's
the big special assignment?

Oh, you'll like it,

especially spending half
the day doing paperwork.

I see. It's a secret.

No, more of a surprise.
It's coming out the door now.

What is this?

You guys get all the softies.

We're taking him back to Malibu.

- We're what?
- That's the special assignment
Mac gave us.

He's an eyewitness
to the m*rder.

We have to take him back
down to sheriff's station.

Jim, you ever feel
we're getting in a rut?

All the time.
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