04x07 - Truant

Episode transcripts for the TV show, "Adam-12". Aired: September 21, 1968 – May 20, 1975.*
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Set in the Los Angeles Police Department's Central Division, Adam-12 follows police officers Pete Malloy and Jim Reed as they patrol Los Angeles.
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04x07 - Truant

Post by bunniefuu »

One-Adam-12, One-Adam-12,

a 211 in progress.

One-Adam-12, handle, code 3.


Come on, Pete. Try and remember.

Um, the Phillies.

They hit a home run in
the bottom of the ninth.

What about Houston
and St. Louis?

Rained out.

Come on, Pete. It doesn't
rain in the Astrodome.

- The Cards.
- No.

Wait a minute. Houston.

- Pete.
- Houston.

Yeah. Houston.

- Are you sure?
- Look, if it's so important,

why don't you look up
the scores in the paper

before you leave in the morning?

Yeah, I would, but by
the time I get the paper,

the sports page is gone.

Yeah. Jean uses it to
line the rabbit's cage with.

You're kidding.

It's not that bad.

I mean, the rabbit's getting
to be quite a sports fan.

Get the scores from the rabbit.

All units in the vicinity
in One-Adam-12,

a 459 there now.

3656 Denker.

One-Adam-12, handle, code 2.

One-Adam-12, Roger.

We're covered.

Okay, let's do it.

Hey, pick up on this.

I found the pot of gold.

Yeah? I don't see no rainbow.

All you got is an
old coffee can.

There ain't no
coffee in here, man.

Just bread.

We found this guy's mad money.

Here. 10 for you.

How come only 10?

'Cause I'm the one that knows
what's happening around here.

What do you expect
the first time around?

You know, we ought to thank
these folks for being so nice.

You got that crayon?

Besides the whipping he's
gonna get when we get home,

what's going to
happen to him, Officer?

The first thing, you'll have
to bring him back down here

at 9:00 in the morning.

The detectives will want
to talk to both of you.

Thank you. Will he go to jail?

Well, that's up to probation
and the juvenile court.

But it's his first offense,

and they'll take that
into consideration.

I work late. I don't
get up that early.

Suppose I just send the kid?

I'm afraid that's not
possible, Mrs. Stephens.

The idea is to
talk to both of you.

You cops are
always rousting Virgie.

Virgie's a big boy now.

I'm sure he can find
his way over here,

by himself, in the morning,
without my holding his hand.

Mrs. Stephens, your son
can't get to school by himself.

You don't seem to understand.

He was involved in a
burglary this morning.

A couple of kids play hooky,

and you cops right away make

a big deal about it already.

One of the main things that they
look at is what the parents think.

I see. You mean whether
they take their kids in tow or not.

Yes, sir. That's
one way of putting it.

Well, you can bet your
bottom dollar on this...

This one's going to fall
in real quick from now on.

Every day, when
I'm walking my route,

I see these children
roaming the streets.

I never thought my boy
would be one of them.

But I've got to work.

Why doesn't the school call me

and let me know when
my boy isn't there?

And I could stop it
before things got worse.

They're just too
busy, Mr. Bradley.

I've looked into it myself.

When they have 200
kids absent from school,

they just don't have enough
help to check up on all of them.

Then I've got to find
a way. So help me,

this boy's going to
grow up right if it kills me.

Thank you for
your time, Officer.

We'll be in tomorrow.

All right.

Mrs. Stephens, I have
to get back to work,

so let me put it
to you this way.

You be down here
tomorrow, with your son,

or detectives
will file a petition,

and Virgil will be picked up.

And the court might
just order your arrest.

My arrest? What for?

Any number of things.
We could start with

contributing to the
delinquency of a minor.

- Now, wait just a minute!
- No, you wait a minute.

I'm telling you
the way things are.

You do whatever you want.

All right, all right.

So I'll bring the kid in.

I don't see what good
it's gonna do, though.

I don't either, Mrs. Stephens.

You'll hear soon enough.

Those two kids this morning are
a perfect example of what I mean.

If they'd have been
in school, they wouldn't

have been out
pulling that burglary.

You don't have to sell me. I
already think it's a good idea.

Well, Mac didn't
think much of it.

Mac's got problems of his
own. Give him some time.

He said he'd play
it by the captain.

Yeah, a lot of good that'll do.

He didn't buy any
part of my truant idea.

What kind of a job do you think
he'll do selling it to the captain?

- It's almost been
two weeks now.
- You're asking the brass

to try something we've
never done before.

Give him a chance
to evaluate it.

All I'm saying is
have a little patience.


See the woman. A 415, group.


You better put us code 6.

It's One-Adam-12.
Show us code 6.

A stalled vehicle.

One-Adam-12, Roger.

I'm really sorry
about this, Officer.

Don't know what's wrong.
Darn thing just quit on me.

- You checked your gas gauge?
- Yeah, I've got plenty of gas.

Wouldn't you know it? I just
bought this baby two weeks ago.

Right now I think we should
push it out of the street.

- You belong to an auto club?
- Yeah. Triple C.

Give my partner a hand, and I'll
get a tow truck down here to help you.


I can't tell you how much
we appreciate this, Officer.

Part of the job. I'm
gonna get a tow unit.

Well, can't thank you enough.

I'll say one thing, you
fellas sure earn your money.

- Our pleasure.
- Tow truck's on the way.

Great. Again,
thanks for your help.

Well, I know you fellas have better
things to do, so, uh, we'll be okay.

That's all right.
We'll hang loose.

No, I insist. Go
ahead. We'll be fine.

No, I insist. Turn around and
put your hands behind your head.

- What is this anyway?
- I said move!

Pat them down, partner.
We got two hot ones.

- Intuition?
- The radio.

Air-1 had the link tell
us they were armed.

Did they say what we
have besides CCW?

No, there wasn't time.
I'll get them on tact-2.

Adam-12 to Air-1. Do
you have any further?

Air-1 to Adam-12.
Keep them under wraps.

Your answer's pulling
in behind you now.

Well, as I live and breathe.

I never thought Pete Malloy'd
be making my busts for me.

Hi, Jim. Guess you guys
are kind of in the dark, huh?

Seeing you gives me a
pretty good idea. Narco.

You didn't think we'd be chasing
plain old burglars, did you?

- Not unless they were holding.
- You're right.

We've been on these
guys for five days now.

Got them two blocks from their
cutting pad, and their wheels stalled.

We didn't want to take a chance
on you two getting blown up,

so the chopper put in the call.

It's nice to know
somebody up there loves us.

Yeah. A new car breaks down.
I guess it just wasn't their day.

My guess is it was bad planning.

Take a look at this.

You got a search warrant, cop?

Signed, sealed, and delivered.

Any more questions, Harvey?

As I was about to say before
we were so rudely interrupted,

Harvey here is a bad planner.

It's my guess one of these
little sacks of smack here...

Yeah. There we are.

European-quality heroin.

Street value of 472,000,

minus one bag which broke.

Smack dissolved, went
right into the fuel system.

Are you telling me the car
died of an overdose of heroin?

What else?

Oh, uh, this is
it, I guess, huh?

Yeah. I guess.

And Mac didn't say what
the captain wanted, did he?

I mean, if it's about
the truant idea.

Reed, for two weeks,
you've been beefing

about how long it takes
him to make a decision.

Now, uh, why don't we just
go in there and listen to him?


Well, here it goes.

The captain's expecting us.

You wanted to see us, sir?

I understand this
truant thing is your idea.

- Is that right?
- Yes, sir.

- It'll work.
- What makes you think so?

Well, because
everything fits, Captain.

I've heard MacDonald. Now
I'd like to hear your side of it.

I went back six months

and picked apart every
burglary in the division...

The time of day,
the day of the week,

the MO, the property taken,
trademarks, the whole bit.

Now, half of our 459s go down between

The MO is usually amateurish.

The method of entry,
sloppy. The property taken...

It's usually worthless
except for cash.

And in most cases,
the houses are torn up.

Now, to me, that MO
says that they're kids.

- What about hypes?
- No, sir. I don't think so.

I plotted these
burglaries on a pin map,

and most of them occur
within a 15-block radius

of one of the schools
in the division.

Now, that one school
just happens to have

the highest absentee
rate in the city.

So it's your idea to
pick up truant kids,

take them back to school and
prevent burglaries, is that it?

- Yes, sir.
- Your watch commander doesn't
think much of the idea.

He says we're police
officers, not hooky cops.

Well, I have to
disagree, Captain.

What do you say, Malloy?

- I think it'll fly, skipper.
- I agree.

You've come up with
a good idea, Reed.

We'll give it a try.

- How many does that make?
- Too many.

What's that supposed to mean?

It means your brainstorm has
made a babysitter out of me.

I don't dig this action, Reed.

I'm a street cop. You remember?

Yeah, well, your area's
covered. What's the big sweat?

Besides, your relief will be
here in about five minutes.

Just do me a favor.

The next time you get a
bright idea, keep it to yourself.

All right, Wells. But I'd
still like to know how many.

He's a real joiner, isn't he?


I hope this thing
goes. You know what?

You're not making
too many friends.

It'll go.

Let's cruise down Maple. Some of the
kids use it to get over to the pool hall.

Coming up, Your Lordship.


9018 and 9038.9018 and 9038.

Handle the call.

415, juveniles with
firecrackers on Van Nuys.

There's a couple that
haven't got the word yet.

Wait a minute.

We may have to give
them a free ticket this time.

There's a pool of oil a foot
wide underneath that car.

This is One-Adam-12
requesting one only

on Zebra King Ida 417.


Zebra King Ida 417. Stand by.

One-Adam-12, Zebra King Ida 417

is a West L.A. stolen only.

One-Adam-12, Roger.
You sure can pick them.

Hold off on the tow truck.

Maybe we got more
than just a sitting duck.

Stripped clean.

There's where the oil came from.

Like I said, maybe we got
more than a sitting duck.

Get us some backup.

It's One-Adam-12 requesting
a backup in the alley

east of 7th between
Maple and Elm.

One-Adam-12, Roger.

One Xray 22. One Xray 22.

Backup One-Adam-12

in the alley east of 7th,
between Maple and Elm.

Okay, let's give it a try.

Cops! Cops!

Hold it!

All right. Climb out of there!

Let go of me, cop! Let go of me!

Turn around and put your
hands on top of your head.

Let's go.

Let's go.

- Good pinch.
- I'm glad you approve.

I do. I do.

It's just that I thought
you guys were off this gig.

What are you doing wasting
your time on a couple of car thieves

when we got all those dangerous
truants running the streets?

I'll see you back
at the classroom.

- These kids are getting scarce.
- Yeah.

I've been keeping track.

Monday we picked
up a total of 142,

Tuesday, 120, and Wednesday,

The principal over at Freeman
said his attendance is up 30%.

That's good for the schools.
What about the crime picture?

Analytical's working on the
end-of-the-week figures now.

That'll tell the story. If
burglaries are still up,

Operation Truant's
down the tubes.

Yeah. And me along with it.

Well, a wise man once said,

"Great hazards
accompany innovation."

- Yeah? Who was that?
- Me.

Hold it, boys.

We didn't do nothing.

You didn't, huh? What
school do you fellas go to?

Don't go to school.
We already graduated.

I'm 18. He's 19.

Okay, I'll buy that. Let's
have a look at your draft cards.

Uh, well, uh... I mean,
we forgot to bring them.

- They're at home.
- Okay, real fast.

- What year were you born?
- Uh, 1938.

Mmm. That makes you

We go to Freeman.

Okay, let's, uh, take a
ride down to the station.

I think your principal
would like to talk to you.

All units in the vicinity of
One-Adam-14, One-Adam-14.

See the woman.
A 459 just occurred.

1216 Northgate
Street. Handle, code 2.

Let's roll by. That's just a
couple of blocks from here.

Oh, you boys are
surely fast and efficient.

I only called a few minutes ago.

Could you tell us what
happened, ma'am?

I came home from
grocery shopping

and caught them in the
act is what happened.

There they were, as bold as day.

They'd broken the window on
the back door is what they did.

They both ran like a couple of
scared jackrabbits when they saw me.

- Was there anything missing?
- $50 and two gold rings.

The little thieves took it out of a
cigarette box on the coffee table.

Can you give us a description?

Well, you boys sure
have a sense of humor.

- Ma'am?
- Well, you came over

to bring my property
back, didn't you?

Isn't that why you're here?

They still have it, don't they?

All right, you two. You come out
of there right now! Do you hear?

Oh, I hope your folks
whip you but good!

Let's have it. All of it.


It's all here.

Well, that's one
we didn't prevent,

but it's not too bad
if you can solve them

five minutes after they go down.

I don't think we can take
too much credit for that one.

Hey, Reed.

Got two more.

You know, this thing's
going like gangbusters.

Haven't had a crime reported
in my area in two days.

Well, looks like His
Lordship is becoming popular.

I don't think I
can live with it.

I think we can call
this one a success.

Hey, Pete, get this.

Residential burglary
is down 63%.

Auto theft down 85%.
Car class down 76%.

It's a good program. We're gonna
start running it two, three days a month.

- Just to keep the kids
off balance?
- Exactly.

Oh, by the way, here's
something you might like to see.

- Hey, look at that.
- Looks like your idea
is catching on.

Man, does that put
you away? Hey, listen.

"Operation Truant's
been labeled as a success

"by both police and
school authorities.

"urging all schools,
enforcement agencies

"and probation
departments countywide

to adopt similar programs."

- That's some article.
- You bet.

If we keep it up, who knows? We
might just wipe out juvenile crime.

Oh, I don't think
it'll go that far.

Some parents will
have to care first.
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