It Only Takes a Night (2023)

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It Only Takes a Night (2023)

Post by bunniefuu »

(dramatic music)

(person laughing)

(clipboard slams)

(clock ticks)

[Interviewer] Okay, interview

commencing at 10:03 a.m.

Please state your name

- for the record.

- Wait, hang on.

Hang on.

How's my hair?

[Interviewer] Your name.

(sighs) Ruby Allen.

[Interviewer] Ruby,

do you understand

that you are being recorded

and anything

you say can be used as evidence?

I do now.

[Interviewer] Now remember,

I'll be talking toall your


So if your stories don't match

up, we'll have a big problem.

I know.

[Interviewer] Well,

let's begin.

(uptempo music)

Please tell me a bit

about your relationship.

My relationship

with who? (chuckles)

[Interviewer] Look,

let's not play games, Ruby.

You know who I'm talking about.

So tell me a bit about

how you guys met.


24/7 got you on my mind

Think about you all the time

My body wants

you night and day

But my head is

screaming go away

[Ruby] It was

about a month ago.

I had just finished work

and was rushing to meet

Angus for a special date

- I had planned.

- [Interviewer] Wait.

Who is Angus?

And what does he have

to do with anything?

God, I'm getting there!

Do you wanna hear

the story or not?

[Interviewer] Fine.


(sighs) My boyfriend, Angus,

was taking me out to dinner.

Now that I think about

it, it was a bit strange

'cause I hadn't heard

from him all day.

But I just thought

that was all part of

his big surprise for me.

[Interviewer] Big surprise?



I will marry you.



This is so unexpected.


No, too loud.

[whispers] Yes I will.

Yes, I will.

It was our three-year


and I thought he was

gonna propose, okay?

You're ready.

We're ready.

Tick tock tick tock

(serene music)


Sorry, miss.

I'm afraid if we

don't start soon,

we'll have to cancel

your appointment.

Would you like to get started

and your man can join

you when he arrives?


Yeah, I guess so.

(serene music)

(Ruby groans)

Good. Breathe in.

And let it out.

(Ruby groans)


(Ruby groans)


(Ruby groans)




So sorry I'm late.

I, um...

[Ruby] Happy anniversary.

What's that?

Happy anniversary.

Oh, of course.

Uh, thank you.

You really outdid

yourself with all this.

I know.

Amazing, right?

Join me.

Actually, I really need to

talk to you about something.

Are you gonna

ask me like this?

At least Let me get dressed.

Ask you?

Actually, it's a bit cute.

Go on then.

- No, Ruby, I don't-

- It's okay.

- Just ask me.

- No, Ruby,

I don't think you know

what's happening right now.

Oh, I know.

I don't think you do.

Ah, trust me, I

know. (chuckles)

So you know that I'm

breaking up with you then?

(laughs) Come on.

No, really, Ruby.

Angus, stop this.

It's not funny.

I'm not being funny.

Not intentionally. (chuckles)


I don't want to be

with you anymore.

No, don't say that!

Look, you're really great,

and you've done nothing wrong.

And honestly, it's not

even so much you as it is-

You better not be about to say

the it's not you, it's me line.

I'm just saying.

But I love you.


I know you do.

I'll stop by for my retainer.


That completes your

treatment for today.

(Ruby whimpers)

Please take all

the time you need.

(Ruby sobs)


(Ruby sobs)

(laid back music)

(laid back music continues)

[Emma] Hello?

Ruby, are you here?

[Ruby] No.

(laid back music)

(laid back music continues)



[Ruby] No!


I've brought,

oh, I cannot see shit in here.

[Ruby] Hey!

Rubes, I brought

some supplies, hmm?

I brought you some tea, and

I also got you some coffee.

[Ruby] I don't want coffee.

Would you please take

this hood off so I can see

- your beautiful face?

- No!

Oh my God!

(Ruby grunts)

I'm fine.

Don't touch me.

Do you want to talk about it?


How about a shower, hmm?

Nice and clean, hmm?

I said I'm fine.

Denial stage.

Got it.


Alright, well, you

know, if not a shower,

spray some air

freshener in here, yeah?

Don't be afraid to

use the whole can,

just all over the place.

(Emma sighs)

(Ruby scoffs)

I'll go then.


(knocking on door)


[Ruby] I'm in the bedroom!


(pensive music)

I made your favorite muffins.



(gasps) Yes.

(pensive music continues)

(pensive music continues)

Hey, Rubes.

What you doing?

(mystical chanting)

I'm clearing my apartment

of everything Angus.

Good, yeah.


A fire?

Did you maybe just wanna

throw this stuff out

instead of like

burning it inside?

Oh, no, no, no, no, no.

See, burning is better.

That way, his bad juju is

gone for good. (chuckles)

Yes, good, right.

It's just...

it's pretty dangerous having

a fire in your bedroom.

It's fine.

It's only a little fire.

Wait, what happens if

you get back together?


Oh, I just mean if you

ever got back together,

you would want some of

this stuff, wouldn't you?

(Ruby gasps)

Oh my God!

Oh my God, what have I done?

No, no, no, no.

Don't, don't touch

it, don't, don't.

Back, back, back, back.

Wait, wait.


He's on fire!

Don't take it away!

Don't take it away!

We can save him!


Oh God.

What have I done?


(pensive music)


I'm a mess.

Yeah, I know.


Good news, she's up and about.

Bad news, there was an

actual fire in her bedroom.

I've got this...

Ah, okay.

- (knocking on door)

- [Nina] Open the door, Ruby.

(dog barks)

(banging on door) I'll kick it

down if you don't open this door.



- So good to see you.

- Ruby, what are you wearing?


It's my Ravenclaw robe.

You're not even Ravenclaw.

Okay, I haven't done

laundry in a while.

Oh my God.


[Ruby] Come on in.

I brought wine.

[Ruby] Just what I needed.

You're not still

burning stuff then?


You heard about that, did you?

[Nina] Of course I did.

Well, you'll be happy

to know I stopped.

- Good.

- [Ruby] Hmm.

You didn't set

the fire alarm off?

No, caught it just in time.

[Nina] Oh my God.

It wasn't my finest moment.

- (gasps)

- You'll be okay.


Oh my god.

Oh, alright.

Alright, let's go.

- Hit me again.

- I got you.

- Thank you.

- Okay.

To, uh...

Damn, Ruby.

Maybe take it easy.



I don't need to.

You know why?

- [Nina] Why?

- 'Cause I am better.

- Really?

- Honestly.

I'm totally over



- You're totally over-

- Ha ha ha ah, stop.


Just don't say his name.

Whose name?

He who shall not be named.

The guy that, that you

spent three years with?


That didn't propose?

Nina, don't.

After all that time.

Do you wanna say it?

Should I say it?


(Ruby whimpers)

(upbeat music)


Why did you have

to say his name?

I don't want to think

about him anymore!

Your life is

not over, alright?

I know it sucks and he's an

absolute d*ck for dumping you,

but you will be okay!

But I love him.

You are awesome on your own.

And you will get through this.

He's blocked me on the 'Gram,

and he's removed me from

our Spotify account!

I mean, you...


Sorry, I was in flow.

Spotify, babe.

Taking you off Spotify

is brutal, alright?

I'm not gonna hit you again.

You're gonna be okay.

(sighs) You're

gonna be fine, babe.

(sighs) Yeah.



When's the last

time you showered?

I don't know. (chuckles)

Oh, you smelled so bad.

What do you even say

in an intervention?

You tell Ruby how her

behavior is affecting you.

Yeah, like, "Ruby,

you're annoying me

and I want you to

get your shit together

so you stop annoying me."

No, not quite.

More like, "Ruby, you being

sad makes me feel sad,

and that's why I don't want

you to be sad anymore."

That's the stupidest

thing I've ever heard.

And yours is so much better?


[Ruby] I can

hear you, you know!

Your words are deceiving

[Sophie] Hi.

That's promising meaning

And I don't deserve

to be feeling this way

[Emma] Hmm.

[Ruby] What are you doing?

Nothing, just checking.

Checking for what?

Oh, you know,

smells, fires, dr*gs,

anything out of the ordinary.

Oh, well, don't

go into the bedroom.

I haven't taken down the

shrine yet. (chuckles)

I'm kidding!

Come on.


Seriously, I'm fine.

I mean I, you know, it

definitely hit me pretty hard,

but I'm over Angus.

In fact, I'm done

with guys completely.


Switching teams?

- Yes!

- Hmm,

- switching to no team.

- (Emma laughs)

Hang on.

So you're telling

me that you, Ruby,

the girl who's been

planning her wedding

for the last 10 years and has

never been without a boyfriend

for more than a month,

is now swearing off men.

That's correct.


- I don't believe you.

- You don't have to.

- Good, 'cause I don't.

- Good.

- Great!

- Fine.


Anyway, what are

we doing tonight?

Clubbing, dancing, I'm

literally down for anything.

I could dance.

- [Ruby] Yes.

- No.

You've only been a functioning

human for like five minutes.

We're not going out.

- Come on!

- No, no.

- Soph!

- Now, I

am celebrating.

- [Nina] Yes.

- Because I am free.

- Yes.

- We are going to party.


A night with the

galdems, them galdems!

I could ask my brother

if he has a table

at his restaurant.

Really, dinner?


I'm kinda keen

to go out, Soph.


Yeah, we can go out after.

Yes, dinner first.

We'll ease Rubes back

into society slowly.

Yeah, not to mention

Gav is one of the top

chefs in the city,

so it's impossible

to get a table there.

- (Ruby and Emma gag)

- We get it, Soph.

Stop bragging.

- I wasn't.

- 10 shut-ups.

- Oh, yeah, shut up now.

- No!

- Go.

- In the corner.


- Alright, so we'll do dinner.

- Yes.

But then party after, please!


Come on, Emma.

You know you

wanna dance with us.

You know you want

to dance with us.

You know you wanna

dance with us

You know you wanna

dance with us

Okay, fine, fine, fine.

We'll go party, Celibate Sally.

(Ruby squeals)

Wait, but I'm not

going out like this.

I could go out like this.

Yeah, me too.


Oh, no.

You do look like the sky.

- What?

- Is that a cloud shirt?

It's my happy shirt.


Okay, okay, fine, I'll change.

But just promise me that

tonight's gonna be epic

- because I need this.

- Yes.

That sounds dangerous.

- Yeah.

- Okay, cheers to that?

- Cheers to that!

- Cheers.

[Ruby] Whoo!

(upbeat music)

You know you wanna

dance with us

You know you wanna

dance with us

We only make boss moves

New whip, ride that

Going to the ties, burn up

Looking at the

sky nine to five

Yeah, I got the

glow in the dark


Why don't you guys go ahead?

I'll come in a second.


(Emma chuckles)

Oh, how's my super boy doing?

Oh, I know, it's

quite inconvenient,

but I'll be back later

for some fun, yeah?

Oh, you didn't.

You brought the costumes?

Oh, you're a creative boy,

aren't you? (chuckles)

Okay, I'll see you later

for a little bit of (roars).


Oh, you f*cking prick!

I mean, um, I'll

call you back later.


(uptempo classical music)

Hi, Gav!

Hey, Emma.

Nice to see you.

The place looks amazing, Gav.


We're booked out for months.

And Ruby, I know it's

been tough for you lately,

so I hope you really

enjoy yourself tonight.


So Sophie told you

what happened then.

Yeah, she told me everything.

In detail.

I've been there before though,

and I want you to know

you will get through this.

Thanks, Gav, but

I'm through it so-


Sometimes not

getting what you want

is a wonderful stroke of luck.

His Holiness taught me that.

Well, thanks, Gav.

How about a few drinks?

Ladies, this is Sven.

He's our top waiter,

and he will be looking

after you tonight.

Anything you need, just ask.

- Sophie!

- I'm sorry.

- I'm so sorry.

- Loose Lips Soph strikes again.

What secrets of

mine have you spilled?

Sounds like Gav went

through some shit.

Oh yeah. You thought Rubes was

having a breakdown?

Gavin's was way worse.

You think that I was

having a breakdown?

- Oh yeah.

- Yes.

- Absolutely.

- Okay!

First of all, welcome.

I'm your waiter, Sven.

Anything you need

tonight, just call out.



Now the chef has set

a menu for you tonight

so there is no need

for you to order.

I will be bringing out

your entree shortly,

but I think we are a

little bit thirstier.


It's like you

read my mind, Sven.

Would you like

something in particular?

Or would you like me to

(mouth pops) surprise you?

I think a surprise

is always good.

As long as there's a

surprising amount of alcohol in each drink.

Oh, so naughty.

I will be back in a moment.

By the way, I love this, love

this, love this, love this.

Ah! (laughs)

Let's go.

So naughty.

[Emma] Naughty Nina.

- Don't.

- That's a great naughty.

- Naughty Nina.

- Perfect!

No, I'm still mad at you.

I'm sorry.

Did I tell you I went

shopping with my sister

for bridesmaid dresses?

[Ruby] No.

How did that go?

Anything good?

Ugh, all hideous.

I swear, she's only

doing it on purpose

just so all the

attention's on her.

Well, she is the bride.

Oh, don't worry.

She's making

sure everyone knows that.

Such a bridezilla.

God, this place is busy.

Gavin must be making bank.

- No!

- Oh my God.

What's wrong?


Need to go

to the bathroom. (chuckles)

- Soph.

- Ah.

Can you come with me, please?



You should keep talking.

This way.

- God.

- Oh my God.

- Hello.

- Oh my God.

[Nina] Morning.

What was that about?

[Nina] Needs a hand to

hold while she pushes?

(Ruby laughs)

[Ruby] I don't know.


Are you alright? You seem like

you're somewhere else tonight.

- Whoa.

- Did you see who just came in?

In the toilet?

No, not the toilet!

The restaurant.

- Who?

- Angus.

(gasps) No way.

- Are you joking?

- And he's with a girl too.

- Bastard!

- Shit!

Are you sure it was him?

It didn't just look like him?

For God's sake, it's

barely been a month.

I still remember

what he looks like.

He's sitting near the front,

just him and some girl.

Oh, we have to tell Ruby.

Are you taking a piss?

Don't be a muppet!

(woman gasps)

[Sophie and Emma] Sorry.


Enjoy your evening.


A week ago, we couldn't

even mention his name

without her losing her mind.

Now you want me to tell her

that he's sitting in the same

restaurant with another girl?

- She says she's fine now.

- And you believe her?

Good point.

What do we do?

I don't know.

(gasps) Ooh, ooh, ooh, ooh!

Can you get your

brother to move him on?

I don't think he can do that.

Oh, that's a shame.

I suppose I could ask him.


You get him the hell out of here

and I'll distract Ruby.

- Wait!

- What?

I need to pee.

- God, hurry up.

- It's this new diet I'm on.

You know you have to drink

four liters of water a day.

- Sophie!

- [Sophie] Sorry.

Oh my God, no.

Not gonna do it?

That's not happening.

Where's Soph?

Oh, she's just, she's

just gone to chat to Gav.

Oh, well, you are just

in time for the drinks.

What have you

got for us, Sven?

This is my signature drink,

ladies, the Salty Miami.

Its main ingredient, tequila.

Ooh, Emma's arch nemesis.

What do you mean?

(coughs) Loose.

What, no!

I can handle it. (chuckles)

It's Nina that can't handle it.

I can handle it

better than you.

Ooh! So feisty, I love it.

Have a taste and

see what you think.

Hmm, hello, beautiful.


- On the house, right, Sven?

- Yeah, yeah.

It's Gavin's treat.

- Keep these coming then.

- Oh!

You. (chuckles)

- (screams)

- Sorry.

(Sven screams)


All good, Soph?

Yeah, why wouldn't it be?

We should have our

food in a minute.

You should taste

one of these drinks.

Sven is a genius.

[Ruby] Really good.


Did you talk to your

brother about that thing?

Not exactly.

- (chuckles)

- What do you mean?

I mean,


at all.

What are you two on about?


- Um-

- Nothing.

- She-

- I said I was-

- And then she was like-

- Ya, Sven is back, ladies!

- [Sophie and Emma]

- Ah! (chuckles)

- How's the drinks?

- [Sophie] Oh, beautiful Sven,

- just like your service.

- Sophie.

I can see why Gavin

says you're the best.

Oh, you are too kind.


So these are entrees to share.

We have the dry-fried lamb ribs.

Oh ya, like the hot desert.

The spicy stir-fried

prawns and scallops,

like the Aquaman, nice and wet.

And then we finally have

the Parmesan-crumbed

chicken cutlets with

that olive salsa.

Oh, f*ck me!

(customers gasp)

Is something the matter?

Is everything okay, Nina?

(gasps) You're not

a vegan, are you?

No, no.

I, I just, I...

I can't eat Parmesan!

(Sven sighs)

And I love chicken!

- [Sven] Yes!

- So f*ck me!

(group laughs)


Why don't I see if I

can get some cutlets

without the Parmesan, yeah?

Thank you.

You're a legend.

(group laughs)


What the shit is going

on with you three, hmm?

(pensive music)

- Emma?

- Emma.



You are dead to me.



What's going on?

Okay, um...

I need you to promise me

you're not going to freak out.


Angus is here.

(soft classical music)

It's not a big deal.

You're right.

It's fine.

It's fine.

- (group chuckles)

- Phew!

- Wow.

- It's fine.

I mean, he's probably just

here with some friends.

- With friends.

- Oh, friends.

- Yeah, of course.

- Yeah.

And I just want this

night to be about us.

- [Emma] All about us, yes.

- Yeah.

I can't believe you were

so worried about it.

He's with a girl.


I'm gonna k*ll him!

No, Ruby, don't go over there!

I'm gonna film it.

Oh God, we're in my

brother's restaurant.

Oh, shit. Ruby, hi, what are

you doing here?

What the actual-

- Ruby, this is Elisha.

Elisha is-

- Elisha!

I'm Ruby, Angus's ex-girlfriend.

He dumped me, ooh, let's

see, only three weeks ago.

I'm sorry to hear that.

Ruby, before you

go on, I should-

- Oh, you're sorry to

hear that, are you?

What was it, Eliza?

- It's Elisha.

- (Ruby scoffs)

Ruby, you don't

know what's going on-

f*ck you, Angus!

(customers gasp)

You know what?

You can have him,

because if you

wanna be with a douche bag

who will dump you

on your anniversary

while you lay naked on a

massage table, go right ahead!

But you wouldn't care

about that, would you?

'Cause you're just a big,

filthy, stinking whore!

(Sophie gasps)

(Ruby chuckles)



Ruby, Elisha's my new manager.

We're out celebrating me

going to work for her.

Oh, new manager. Alright,

who's this guy? (chuckles)

That's correct.

Remember when I said I went

for that job a while back?

(sighs) I got it.

(Sophie gasps)

(Nina chuckles)

So yeah...

Oh, Elisha, it's

so nice to meet you.



Oh look, your food's here.

I'll take that, thank you.

Oh, yummy.

Look at this. That looks, do you

mind, is that chicken? Alright.



Oh my God.

Wait until you try this.

Oh, it's so yummy.

Mmm, what do they

put in this sauce?

Anyway, so you're

the new manager.

That is so great!



- Stop it, stop it.

- You know what?

He's a great worker, very.

He's always at work.

He was never really

around for me, that's for sure. (chuckles)

- But that's alright.

- Okay, you.

- Okay!

- Time to go.

Ladies, if you don't mind,

I'm going to have to

ask you to leave now.

Any chance we can get our food

to go?


Come on, Nina,

before my brother murders me.

I'm so sorry.

She drinks heavily, you know.

Sad, really.


This is why we eat before

we drink, yeah? (laughs)

(interviewer laughs)


Hang on a second.

So he wasn't cheating on

you with that girl?


No, he was not.

[Interviewer] And

you called her a whore

in front of the entire

restaurant. (laughs)

- That's what I said.

- [Interviewer] You didn't think to ask if they were on a date?

No, I didn't. I was a bit

upset, if that's okay with you.

(interviewer laughs)

[Interviewer] This is great.

I can't wait to

tell the boys this.

Anyway, I left the restaurant

and I was maybe

a tiny bit upset.

Oh my God, I am such an idiot!


Oh God!

I think I just broke my hand.

[Sophie] Yeah, we

really heard that.

- Shit!

- Let me just have a look.

What was I thinking?

- I don't know.

- You guys doing good?

- You didn't break anything.

- Oh thank you Dr. Nina!


- Breathe, breathe.

- You alright?

Yeah, we're fine.

We're good, we're good.

We heard some yelling

and wanted to make

sure you're all okay.

We're good, thank you so much.

Hey, mate, is

your hand alright?

Yes, Crocodile

Dundee, I'm fine!

I don't need your help,

so just leave me alone!

- Hey, okay, alright.

- (gasps) Ruby!

I'm sorry if we

have upset you.

You didn't upset

me, Mario Kart.

And now, you're actually

starting to annoy me.

Oh Mario.

I'm so sorry

for my friend, unless...

Is your name Mario?


Mario is Italian,

and I'm Spanish.

Oh, Francesco.

- Your hand looks fine.

- What a lovely name.

(Francesco speaks

in foreign language)

- Your name.

- Oh! (giggles)

I'm Sophie. (giggles)


Your name means wisdom.


and beautiful.

(Sophie giggles)

(clears throat)

Francesco, thank you so much

for checking in on us.

It was really very nice of you.

It was Andy here who

heard your friend screaming.

It sounded like a

fox being butchered.

- It must have been a mugging.

- (Ruby gasps)

- Yep, obviously not a mugging.

- That is so rude.

Sorry for

interrupting, ladies.

- You're all clearly fine.

- It's okay.

I'm not sure I'd

call her fine but, uh-

Whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa!

Alright, let's get outta here.


We're going to

Muto's Nightclub.

Come find me.

(upbeat music)


[Andy] Alright,

mate, calm down.

[Francesco] Did you see her?

[Andy] Take it easy.

[Francesco] I

think I'm in love.


- Huh?

- [Nina] Remember us?

- Oh yeah.

- Do you want a mirror?

I... (sighs)

- Hi.

- We have a situation

- unfolding.

- [Sophie] Sorry.

So let's go home

because I think-

- What?

- No, no, no, no, no!

Sophie, Sophie, Sophie.

Sophie, hey.

What do you want to do?


Yeah, I could come out.

Oh, I bet you could.

Do you wanna check

out that Muto place?

Well, if you guys

really want to.

- Yes.

- Well,

if you guys really want to.

- What? What?

- (laughs) Come on.

Oh God. You know, you're

mental, but losing it at Angus

has got be one of the funniest

things I've ever seen.

- [Ruby] No, don't.

- Oh my God!

So funny.

Straight to TikTok.


- Delete that.

- So good.


So we are going to

that Muto's place then?

Yes-a, Sophie.

We can-a go see Francesco.

He's not Italian, Ruby.

- (Nina laughs)

- Oh, Sophie, calm down.

We're just joking around.

But he was a hot paella, ah.

(upbeat music)

[Group] Yeah!

Hey yeah

My boyfriend wants to talk

[Group] Eyes,

eyes, eyes, eyes.

My boyfriend talks too much

Hey yeah


Hey yeah

What are you talking about

He's just a repeat

of what I had before

He's just a repeat

It's a simple fact

Repeat of what I had before

He's just a repeat


Thank God!

I am so hungry.

Why am I so hungry?

We got kicked out of

my brother's restaurant

before eating, that's why.

That's right.

And I really wanted

to eat that food.

I'll never be able to

afford to go for real.

Was he mad?

Well, he's definitely

not happy with me.

He left me a voicemail.

What did it say?

Let's find out

together, shall we?

- Oh!

- Gav.

(laughs) Oh, well.

[Gavin] What the f*ck

was that about tonight?

I try and do something nice

for you and your friends

and Ruby decides she's gonna

do a Denzel from Training Day

in the middle of my

f*cking restaurant!

I just,

I don't know what to say,

but I'm def telling mom.

Oh. (laughs)

Such a dickhead.

- I'm so sorry.

- Oh, don't worry about it.

He's just being a baby.


- How are you?

- Steph, hey!

How are you?

You look great.

Oh, thanks.

You too.

- It's been too long.

- Yeah.

Everyone, this is Steph.

Steph, this is Emma,

Ruby, and Sophie.

[Group] Hi.

Hi, nice to meet you all.

I'm just gonna bring the rest

of your food to the table.

I'll come with you.



Well, well, well, well, well.

So Nina's new squeeze?

I suspected she was

seeing someone new.

No, I think it's an ex.

Yeah, well, could be a friend.

She's allowed to have

friends apart from us.

She is?


No. The hug, the kiss,

more than friends.

Do you have friends

outside of this group?

Oh, Sophie, relax.

Ruby, do you?

No, Soph, I don't, okay?

Just relax.

Are they like good friends?

Do you do girls' nights like

this with them?

- I...

- Ruby, do you?

Do you what?

- Who's the girl?

- We had a thing a while back.

- She's cool.

- I knew it!

Ruby, you haven't answered me.

What happened?

You two look pretty

into each other.

Well, I met someone else.

Do tell.

I haven't said anything

'cause I've actually never

felt like this before.

(phone beeps and vibrates)

And it's getting pretty serious.


It's getting serious and

we haven't met her yet?

- Why?

- She might come and meet us later tonight, okay?

That's so exciting, Nina.

(phone beeps and vibrates)




Oh, Nina, so exciting!

I can't wait to meet her.

Sophie, you gonna

say anything or-

- She's just peaking out

because we all have friends

outside of this group

and she does not.

I knew it!

Why? Why do you need friends

outside this group?

I mean, what's

the point of them?

Are they backup friends?

I really think you need

to let this one go, yeah?

Yeah. You know what you

need to do, Sophie?

You just need to like (moans)

with Francesco tonight.

- Do you know what I mean?

- Yeah, you know what?

That might help you chill.

I am chill!

- So chill.

- (phone beeps and vibrates)


- f*ck, not again!

- Put it on speaker.

No, I don't want to.

- Do it!

- Go on.

- Put it on speaker.

- Do it.

- There's no shame here.

- Share with your friends.

[Gavin] Hey, dickhead!

I just got some great news.

This guy just came and

introduced himself to me

after Ruby's rampage.

He's a famous food

blogger from Europe

with 12 million

followers on Instagram.

12 million!

God, I hate you!

I'm sorry.

- I hate you too, Gavin!

- Fucker.

12 million.

- You're gonna be famous.

- Infamous.

- Yeah, that's the bad one.

- Yeah.

Delete that video.

Oh, good.



Waiting in line,


Well, it shouldn't

take too long.

You don't have a say.

You're not thinking clearly.

I am so.

Oh, she's thinking clearly,

just not with her brain.

- Yeah, Francesco!

- Oh my God, shut up!

Yeah, that's so good, wow!

(group laughs)

No, no, no.

Turn back around.

I mean it.

Thank you.

Taking this no

dude thing seriously.

- Hmm.

- [Ruby] Yes I am.

Soph, that's Enrique.

(gasps) Iglesias?

Stop fanny farting

and go get us in.

Oh, he must work here.

Should I go say hi?

- [Ruby and Nina] Yes.

- That's what Emma literally just said.

Only if you stop taking

the mickey out of his name.

What's wrong with

Enrique Iglesias?

So rude. (chuckles)

What are you...

I can be your hero, baby


I can kiss away the pain


I will stand by you forever


You can take my breath away


His name is Francesco.


do I look alright?

You look stunning.

Now hurry up, I'm freezing!

Hurry up!

- [Group] Go!

- Go, move.

Go, go, go!

(pensive music)

Go, get him.

(upbeat music)

(Sophie laughs)

She's gonna be coming in.

It's gonna be hot.

Oh, my heart.

(clears throat) I came!


You are here.

Is that alright?

You said where you were going,

so I thought you

wanted us to come.

Of course.

Come on in.

Come out of the cold.

Oh, I'm here with my friends.

Can they come in too?

My friend Ruby has calmed

down now, I promise.

Of course, of course.

Andy will be very happy.

I'll be sure she

behaves herself.



Yipee, whoop!

I got us in!

- Yes!

- Yeah!

Finally putting

this to good use.

- Good work, Soph.

- Oh, heads up, that Andy guy is here too.


I'm done with guys.

Even smoking hot Aussies?

- Yeah.

- Pfft. (Emma laughs)

Next joke.

Next joke.

Francesco, these are my

friends, Emma, Nina, and Ruby.

Hola, senoritas.

It's nice to see you all again.

Won't you come on in?

I'll show you around, huh?

(upbeat music)

Here we go, Saturday night

Here we go, Saturday night


Senoritas, follow me.

Come on!


You remember our

friends from earlier?

Is it alright if I can

steal you away for a minute?

- Sure.

- Oi.

I'll be watching you, Zorro.


- Oh, hello.

- [Andy] Hello.

Let's try this again.

I'm Emma.

This is Nina.


And that feisty lady is Ruby.

- Ruby!

- [Nina] Ruby!


It's you.

Hope you're doing

better than before, mate.

Wow! Crikey!

You know what would

make me feel better

is if I could just get a drink.

Is that alright with you, mate?

What the f*ck was that?

Oh my God, did

you just have a fit?

It's my Australian accent.

- It was unique.

- You know what?

I don't need this.

I'm going, I'm going.

- No, you're not.

- Oh, come back!

For drinks!

I'm sorry.

I'm not normally like this.

Don't worry about it. I mean,

I was just trying to help, after all.

I know, I know.

Cause you know what if someone

actually was in trouble?

I get it.

Yeah, not that you were,

but just next time,

if someone is,

I'm worried I probably

won't do anything.

I'll be too scared

they'll react like you.

(scoffs) You know what?

I just punched a wall.

Shit! Look.


[Emma] Aw.

I reckon you'll be alright.

You reckon, do ya?

(scoffs) Is this guy for real?

Looks real to me.

- No.

- Hey, Ruby, come on, come on.

I'm just, I'm stirring you.

Let me get you a drink. In fact,

all three of you, on the house.

What do you want?

- Sweet!

- Lemon lime bitters.

- Tequila.

- Alcohol.

[Andy] Tequila it is.

- [Emma] Okay, just-

- Yeah, right.

Stop. Stop, stop, stop,

stop, stop, stop, stop!


Just a little, oh, golly.

Not too much.

Thank you.

[Ruby] Thank you.

[Group] Cheers!

- Eyes, eyes, eyes.

- Eyes.

I have a little

surprise for you.

Watch your step.

Can we go in there?

Of course.

I know the owner.

Do you do this all

the time with girls?


Not at all.

You look so,

so beautiful.

I'm gonna show you the

best seat in the house.

[Sophie] This is amazing.

(upbeat music)

- [Nina] Cheers.

- [Emma] Cheers.

How're you traveling, ladies?

Feeling good?

More alcohol, please,

mister bartender sir.

You're gonna

get me in trouble.

We a bit quieter

than before, Ruby.

It's so I don't

say anything stupid.

Ah, that's a fun

way to live your life.

[Emma] Mine.

Mine, mine, mine, mine, mine.

Thank you.

- [Nina and Ruby] Cheers.

- [Emma] Cheers.

You are no much for me, Emma.

What, no.

I'm taking it easy 'cause

I don't want to get

too drunk tonight.

Why, you got plans after this?

What? No.

I don't have any plans.

I'm plan-less.

I see you looking at your

phone every two minutes.

- Who's the guy?

- He's no one.

I mean... (gags)

Oh, I feel a bit sick.

(gags) No, I'm good.

I'm fantastic, I'm good.

[Nina and Ruby] Oh God.

I knew it.

Thank you, tequila.

No, you stay here

with your mans.


Silly bitch.

That should teach me

to give drinks away.

Rookie mistake.

So what brought on your

little episode earlier?

Do I have to?

You don't have to.

I'm happy to just

continue thinking

you're an aggressive person

who likes punching

things for no reason.

Good point. Um,


I saw my ex-boyfriend

for the first time since he

dumped me.

- Is that it?

- No, that's not it.

He was with a girl.


You talk to him?

You could say that.

It's coming!

It's coming!

Okay, I'm good.

Yeah, okay.

I'm good.

- I'm good. (chuckles)

- Are you sure?


Don't do that!

[Nina] Oh, babe.


Can I not just do this in peace?

Oh, you stink.

- Oh, we can go now.

- Alright.


I'm gonna tell you something

important right now.

Oh, so serious.

You know how I've been

seeing someone new, right?

[Emma] Yeah.


I think she's the one.

I'm gonna propose to her.


- Emma?

- Huh?

Did you hear what I just said?

- Yes, sounds good.

- [Nina] Emma!

Sorry, it's work stuff!

You know what?

Just forget it.

Obviously, whoever you

keep secretly texting

is way more important

to you than me!


Wait, Nina!

Not done yet.

(upbeat music)

[Owner] Francesco,

are you there?

Sorry, my beauty.

[Owner] Francesco, you got me?

Hey, Francesco here.

[Owner] Yeah, mate, just a

little situation out front.

I have my hands a

little full at the moment.

- Can you call Andy?

- [Owner] Bruv, he's serving at the upstairs

bar at the moment.

(sighs) Okay, what

seems to be the problem?

[Owner] Yeah, a couple

of unsavory fellas

trying to make their

way inside, you know?

Okay, I'll be

there in a minute.

Do you wanna come with

me while I sort this out?

I don't think you

should go out just yet.

Trust me, I don't

want to but I have to.

No, it's not that.

It's that.


I'm sorry.

Don't be, it's a compliment.

I'm gonna turn around and

not look at you if that's okay.

Alright. That's fine.

[breathing heavily]

Curtains. Car.



No, no, no, no, no!

Please? No!


No, down!


Come on, little guy!

He's not little, by the way.

I'll be the judge.

How's your friend?

He's, uh,

he's a little worked

up at the moment.

I'm really worked up too.

(upbeat music)

Wait, so let me

get this right.

You saw them.

[Ruby] Mm-hmm.

And then you just, you

just started hurling abuse.

Yes, I did.

Oh boy. Oh no.

And then I think I

panic-ate some of her chicken.

You didn't.

(chuckles) That's so bad.

What happened next?

They made us leave the

restaurant. (chuckles)

No wonder you didn't

wanna talk to me.

I'm done with guys.

- No offense.

- No, none taken.

I mean, it's good to

be alone sometimes.

You should enjoy it.

So I take it

you're single then.

Not that I'm interested,

because I'm not,

but you know, I'm just,

I'm, you know, I'm interested.

Yeah, I'm single. Yeah, I've

been for a couple years.

Is that on purpose? Or are you

just a really shitty boyfriend?

Yeah, that's right.

Yeah, shocking.

The worst, actually.

You should ask my ex.

No, no, it's because-

They're calling you, boss.

You know they

can call Francesco.

They did, but now

he won't answer.

This is on your friend.


Oh, you're kidding.

Alright, alright, yep,

I'll be out in a sec.

Can you keep an eye

on this for a second?

- No problem.

- Cheers.

I've gotta sort

something outside.

Can I come?


I think my friends

have ditched me

and I could really

use the fresh air.

Yeah, yeah, of course.

Come on then, we

kinda got to hurry.

[Ruby] Oh.

Come on, mate.

You can't be serious, eh?

Hey, I come here all the

time and all of a sudden,

now you have a problem

with how I dress.

You're not coming in, mate.

Ah, there he f*cking is.

Alright, Andy, will you

tell this

little idiot that we're alright?

No, Scott, I won't

'cause I told you the

last time you were here

not to come back again.

You weren't serious.

I got this.

Actually, I was.

Yeah, I was dead serious.

Just remember who you're

talking to, mate, yeah?

I bring a lot of

business to your club.

No, no, what you

bring is a fat headache.

So why don't you get these two

and please just get outta here.

Right, be careful how

you speak to me, yeah?

Just let us in, we'll do our

thing, and then we'll leave.

Have you forgotten, Scott,

that the shit that you

brought in here last time

caused a f*cking overdose?

That slip your mind, huh?

You fried your own

little brain on it too.

Let me tell you politely.

f*ck off, yeah?

And don't come back ever.


Yeah, we'll go.

But just watch yourself,

you little prick,

- 'cause we ain't done here.

- (upbeat music)

(upbeat music continues)

That looked intense.

Yeah. Well, it's just

a bunch of idiots

who have too much spare time.

How come you had

to handle that?

Look at me.

Look at these g*ns.

(Ruby chuckles)

After you.

[Interviewer] Do you

remember around what time

the encounter between

Andy and Scott was?


about one a.m.

[Interviewer] And

did Andy mention to you

what kind of dr*gs

Scott was selling?


[Interviewer] Okay.

One more thing.

You don't have to go

into such graphic detail

about who kisses whom

and who touches whom.

It's not really what

we're after here.

Hmm, I'm sorry, I thought I

was the one telling the story,

and I happen to think

that's very relevant.

[Interviewer] Alright.

If you must.

[Ruby] We told Sophie

she needed to chill,

so she was off doing that.

(DJ clears her throat)

Oh my God.

Have a good set!

That's gonna keep

happening, isn't it?


I think we should

go somewhere else.



Once, and that was

earlier tonight.

Well, it's a good

thing that you didn't.

Oh God!

Oh, f*ck my life.

Oh God! Oh no!

Hey, hey, what's up?

It's my ex!

- Oh God, oh no.

- Hey, it's all good.

Just ignore him.

You're sweet.

Just dodge him.

Could you fly kick

him for me instead?

No, I'd rather not do that.


Hey, you got this.


Ruby! Hi.


What are you doing here?

Well, um, about earlier-

Oh, no, no, it's fine.

No, no, really,

I think we should

just forget about it

and just move on.

No, I should apologize.

That was out of line.

There you are, bae.

Oh, f*ck.

I'm Kate.



- Kate.

- Kate, this is Ruby.

Ruby's an old school friend

- of mine.

- Oh!

Oh, nice to meet you!

Oh, what was Angus

like at school?

Oh, we don't need

to hear about that.

Oh, I bet he was

such a dork, was he?

Oh, he was a bit of a dork,

yeah, yeah, yeah.

(Kate laughs)

No, there was,

oh my God, he had

the best nickname.

What was it again?

What was it again?

It was something like,

oh, Angus Anus Face. (laughs)

Excuse me, guys, sorry. Ruby, I think

your friends are wondering where you are.

- Yes, oh.

- So we probably should

- take off.

- Okay, well,

we gotta go.

Yeah, nice to see you

again, school buddy.

(phone rings)

[Operator] Please leave

a message after the tone.

Nina, can you answer

your phone, please?

Look, I've just come to the

bar and I can't find you.

I know this voice!

- Sven?

- Ya!

What are you doing here?

Ya, this place

is my jam! (laughs)

- [Emma] Really?

- Oh my God.

How was everyone

after the dinner?

It was like, oh, so dramatic.

Yeah, yeah.

You know, I actually have

no idea where anyone is.

I need to find Nina.

She's not very happy with me at the moment.

Ah, yeah, yeah, yeah.

Take a seat. Sven will listen.

- Tell me your secrets.

- Okay.


Well, she said she wanted to

tell me something important,

but then she just stormed off.

Hmm, yeah.

What was so important?

I don't know.

I didn't hear her.

Hmm, you didn't hear her

or you weren't listening?


The farmer had a dog and

its name was bingo! (laughs)

I should go find her.

Oh, I come with you!

- Really?

- Ya!

I live for this stuff, ya?


- Let's go.

- Just one sec. One sec, ya?


Ya! The Sven is ready.

Let's kick this pig.

I hope you didn't

mind me butting in.

That didn't look like

a particularly fun conversation

to be in.

I knew it.

I'm guessing that wasn't

his boss from earlier.

What a w*nk*r!

He's moved on already,

and we just broke up.

I mean, did those three

years mean nothing?

And I lost my shit

at the wrong person.

What is wrong with me?


Nothing's wrong with you.


I mean, he's got a

new job, a new girl,

and here I am, a bloody mess.

Look. If a girl I was with for

three years just dumped me suddenly

and then I saw her out

with some new guy so soon,

I really don't think I

could have held it together

as well as you just did.

You think I'm

holding it together?

Doesn't feel like it.


I'm gonna tell you something

that I've been trying

to forget, really,

for the last three years,

but this should make

you feel better.

When I was dumped,

I, (chuckles) I

could not handle it.

I, um,

I was so shattered

that I actually moved

15,000 kilometers

away from my ex.

You're just trying

to make me feel better.

I mean, yeah, I am,

but that did happen.


(chuckles) I'm not joking.

- [Ruby] What?

- [Andy] Hmm.

You moved all the

way from Australia

to get away from your ex?

That's excessive.

(chuckles) Thank you.

Why would you do

something so extreme?

Well, you were dumped

on your anniversary.

I was dumped during a proposal.

During a proposal?

Hmm, as in I was

down on one knee.

And instead of saying yes,

she said, "See you later."

(gasps) Shit.

Oh, the no dating thing makes sense now.

- (Andy chuckles)

So what, you just

moved to London?

That's what you

do, right? (chuckles)

That, or lose your

shit at your ex's boss.

Well, both seem

pretty reasonable to me.

See, hey?

Ah, you're not such

a mess after all.


You are.

I'm not convinced I should be alone with you.

- (Andy chuckles)

Oh, come on. It's not like

I've brought you into the creepy back room

of a nightclub that

only I know about.

(Ruby laughs)

(crowd cheers)

(upbeat music)

What are you doing? We're

supposed to be looking for Nina.

Ya, this is the

best place to look.

We can see everything from here.



Come have a little

dance with Svenny.

No, I don't want to.

Too bad!

Watch out, people.

This girl is dynamite.

- What, no!

- It's time for a dance-off!

- So let me tell you like this

- Whoo!

(crowd cheers)

Oh my God!

Five, six, seven, eight.

(crowd cheers)

I'ma make you get

Get hot, get lit, get

down, get wavey, get wavey

Get hot, get lit, get

down, get wavey, get wavey

Get hot, get lit, get

down, get wavey, get wavey


Bring it home, mama!

Get hot, get lit, get

down, get wavey, get wavey

Oh, you're doing that, yes!

- Oh yeah.

- Oh my God!

- Okay, okay, you go.

- (crowd cheers)

Get hot, get lit, get

down, get wavey, get wavey

Alright, ladies.

Let's tear his face off!

Get hot, get lit, get

down, get wavey, get wavey

Get hot, get lit, get

down, get wavey, get wavey

Get hot, get lit, get

down, get wavey, get wavey

Like this

(crowd cheers)

- So let me tell you like this

- Ya, not bad, not bad.

I underestimated your moves.

I don't know where

that came from. (laughs)

This is where you say

something nice about my dancing.

You were amazing, of course.

You blew me off the dance floor.

Ah, stop it!

Oh, Sven, we're never

gonna find her in here.

There's so many people.

I didn't want to

say anything before,

but I saw her a few moments ago.


I wanted to dance.


Oh, she looks so

sad all by herself.


If that is sad,

then sign me up.


She looks preoccupied.

No, no, no, just

go talk to her, ya?

Well, can you come with me?

Do you even have

to ask? (chuckles)


Oh, Nina!

I got you!

[Sven] Naughty

Nina, my favorite.

- How are you?

- Hi, Sven.

Naughty Nina, I

forgot about that.

You don't get to call me that.

Oh, good to know you're

not angry with me anymore.

Look, I'm sorry about before.

I don't wanna talk about it.

Well, I do, okay?

I'm sorry for

being a d*ck, okay?

But just tell me now what

you wanted to tell me then.

Emma, this is my

girlfriend, Jasmine.

I was telling you

about her earlier.

Babe, this is Emma, and Sven.

He's our waiter from

earlier tonight.

Ya, this is true.


Nice to meet you.

So lovely to meet you.


It's so nice to

meet you finally.

Now I can see why Nina has

been keeping you from us.

Thank you, Emma.

Nina always talks about you.

Does she?

Who knew you were so

obsessed with me? (chuckles)


Oh, oh, I remember!

See, I remember

what you told me.

I am a good friend.


Can I talk to you

alone for a second?


Excuse us.


Have you lost your mind?

No, I don't think so.

Oh, shit!

Yes, the proposal.

Nina, I'm so happy for you.

I know, thanks.

I won't say

anything, I promise.

Can you shut up now?

[Emma] Okay.

What is up with you and the

secret text and calls anyway?

You think we don't notice?

It's just work. (chuckles)

You mean your boss.

How'd you know?

Because I pay

attention to my friends.

Late nights at the office?

Work meetings on weekends?

Isn't he like 50?

He's 49.

Please tell me

he's not married.

Oh, he's divorced.

I think.

Just be careful, okay?

I don't want you to

ruin all your hard work.

You work harder than anyone

I know, so don't f*ck it up!

Okay, I won't.

[Nina] Good.

He's actually

really nice, you know.

He's really quite the gentleman.

But he does want to do

like a little bit of

role play in the bedroom.

Have you done that before?

We like to role play Batman

with like the cape

and everything.

- Who's Batman?

- I am.


But he's Catwoman, you know,

with the mask and

his skintight suit.

Thanks for sharing that.

Yeah, you should really

see the scratches on my back.

No, definitely

keep that a secret.

Oh, okay.

But you don't need to keep

your mans a secret from us.

Okay, just the

other part, I got it.

- [Nina] Please.

- Okay.

Come here.


Oh my God!

Are you asking

her tonight, here?

No, not tonight, idiot!

Just don't say anything.

You're the worst liar

I've ever met in my life.

- What did I even tell you?

- Oh.

Where is everyone?

We have been gone

for a little while.

Hasn't been that long, has it?

Like three hours.

It didn't feel like it.

Have you seen Andy?

Hmm, not in a while.

He went off to deal

with some stuff

but that was a

couple of hours ago.

He was with your friend.

My friend?

Which one?

- (Andy and Ruby laugh)

- I'm sorry.

- Oh, that's alright.

- Okay.

Alright, you have to tell

me the rest of the story.

You'd hired out the

entire restaurant,

and you had her family

waiting out the back.

And they could hear

everything by the way.

I also uh,

you're not gonna believe this.

I had a band

(Ruby and Andy laugh)

on standby hidden

behind a curtain,

ready to play her favorite song.

Can you stop laughing

at my pain, please?


I'm sorry.

Okay, continue.

So I get down on one knee

and I had this big

10-minute speech ready to go

about how she's

the love of my life

and I couldn't see myself

living without her.

Anyway, I got out about three

words and she just says,

"I need to stop you."

Ah, not the reaction you want.

No, not at all.

So she goes on to tell me

that she'd fallen

out of love with me

quite some time ago,

apparently, and she walked out.



Yes, please.


And then I got stuck

there for a good hour

with her family, my family,

and the f*cking band. (laughs)


I sold the ring,

booked a flight

to London two weeks later,

and yeah, that all happened

like three years ago.

You know, I still think

my breakup story is worse.

But look on the

bright side, right?

If she'd said yes,

you wouldn't be here with me.


That's right.

[Francesco] Thunder

from down under, come in.

Thunder from down under.

Thunder from down under?

Why do they call you that?

Wouldn't you like to know?

(Ruby chuckles)

What do you want?

[Francesco] I'm just wondering

where you have been all night.

Are you kidding me?

Do you even work here anymore?

[Francesco] We're back

at the upstairs bar.

- Where are you?

- Ooh, they're a we already.

We're on our way.

The real world calls.


Let's do this.

Let's do it.

Let's go.

Yeah, let's go.

Right, yeah, yeah.

[Andy] Sure, there you go.


Well, um...

- Yeah, no, you...

- No, you...

- (upbeat music)

- I felt like Bastian,

and you were like Falco,

and we were riding off

into this Never

Ending Story together!

Ya, you know this!

[Emma] I do, I do.

- [Sven] Ya.

- When I looked into your eyes, it was amazing.

It looked like you

were floating, right?

Oh, I was floating somewhere,

I'll tell you this much, ya?

It's crazy.

- It's Angus.

- What?

Oh my God!

Is he stalking us?

Ya, that is the

guy from the bar

but this is a different girl.

- [Jasmine] What's going on?

- That is Ruby's very recent ex.

Oh, wow.

And he's engaged already.

- No, they're not.

- [Emma] What?

Yeah, she's wearing a ring.

What a prick!

He broke up with Ruby

like five minutes ago.

Ya, he moves so fast.


Happy anniversary, my love.

What an amazing year.

Yes, indeed,

my little shnookums,

my spicy little quiche.

- [Kate] Absolutely.

- After you.

So based on what

I witnessed tonight,

I feel as though Ruby will

probably k*ll him, ya?

- Ya.

- [Emma] Ya.

- Ya.

- We have to find Ruby.

Alright, let's go, come on.

Thank you, by the way.

For what?

Listening, talking, laughing.

It was nice.

(chuckles) Yeah,

it was, wasn't it?

You sound surprised.


It's just that

sitting and talking

isn't always that

easy, you know?

It just feels like

I felt, it felt,

I don't know, I guess

it's just been a while,

I'm not, I'm not-

Making any sense?

I'm not making

any sense, am I?

- (Ruby chuckles)

- I know.

- What I mean to say is that-

- [Nina] Ruby!

Oh, finally, my friends.




Ruby, we've got to

tell you something.

Sven, you're here?

Ya, of course!

We are connected now.

Oh, I love it.

Did you bring any food

from the restaurant?


Damn it.

That's okay.

Hi, we haven't met.

- No.

- Ruby, this is my girlfriend, Jasmine.

Babe, this is Ruby.

Jasmine, it is so nice

to finally meet you.

It's nice to

finally meet you too.

Nina, why have you kept

her away from us for so long?

You've been mental.

(chuckles) That's fair.

I have.

What's this?

Why are you looking

at me like that?



- We saw Angus.

- (Sven gasps)

Ugh, so did I.

And you're all cool with that?

I don't know. It just doesn't

seem all that important anymore.



that was unexpected.

It's for the best, you know.

No one wants to share.

What do you mean?

Did you see the other girl?

Oh, with Angus? Yeah.

He's moved on.

So what?

You know the the thing-

- So-

- [Emma] The thing about that-

- They're here celebrating

their one-year anniversary.

And we think they're engaged.


Where is he?

- [Emma] Ruby.

- [Nina] Ruby.

- Ruby!

- That's alright.

I'll go and chat with her.

(upbeat music)

Hey, hey.

Are you sure you wanna do this?

I'm going.

Is he really worth it, Ruby?

(upbeat music)

(crowd cheers)

(upbeat music continues)

Yeah, cut it.

(music fades)

I need a mic or something.

Thank you.

[Partygoer] What is happening?

Oh, hi. (chuckles)


- Very in at the moment.

- Shh shh shh.

[Ruby] Oh, Christ.

Oh my God.

Sorry for the

interruption, everybody.

My name's Ruby,

and I'm looking for a guy.

He's the sort of guy who's,

well, a bit of an

arse, actually.

He's the sort of guy that

you should have realized

wasn't right for you years ago.

I mean, so many signs.

I mean, he didn't say I

love you first, you know.

He was really, really

average in bed.

And he had a longer

skincare routine than me.

He never did anything

special for my birthday.

He never held my hand in public,

certainly never

kissed me in public.

I put my whole self

into our relationship

and it was like he

didn't care, you know,

like I wasn't worth it.

I'm sorry.

I can't.

Keep going.

Keep going.

I can't.

Keep going, yeah?

You're all good.


But you know what?

I am worth it.

I'm worth every bit.

And that guy, Angus,

you're not worth it.

You're not worth a single

second of my time anymore.

Now I'm only

looking for this guy

because I need to tell

his girlfriend something.

He's here somewhere.

He's wearing a

wanky dress shirt.

And he's got dirty blonde

hair, face you wanna slap.

(crowd laughs)

He's probably trying

to hide right now,

so if you could

find him quickly.

- Angus.

- I think we should probably just go.


Is that him?

[Partygoer] Nice

shirt, w*nk*r!

Yes, that's him!

Thank you!


Hi, Kate.


I needed to tell you that

I'm not his old school friend.

I'm his ex-girlfriend

of three years

and we only broke

up three weeks ago.

I heard that you've been

with him for quite some time.

And there's no judgment.

I just wanted to make

you aware of the overlap.

Is this true, is it?

No, it's not.

- She drinks-

- Oh!


Oh my God!

I guess she doesn't think

you're worth it either. (chuckles)

(Angus whimpers)

Excuse me.



Yes, yes, yes, yes, yes,

yes, yes, yes, yes, yes, yes.

Yes, yeah, no.

Oh God.

I'm sorry. Uh...

I'm gonna go.

Have a great night!

I'm out.

(mic buzzes)

Oh my God!

Love makes the

world go round

(crowd cheers)

La la la la la la

La la la

Love makes the world

Oh my God. Oh my God!

Did I just do that?

- Oh my God.

- Hey.

- Oh, wow.

- Come here.

Oh, I'm so sorry.

- I h*jacked your club.

- No, no, no.

Honestly, that was the

most exciting thing

that's happened here.

That was amazing.

Oh my God!

You know, I feel amazing.

Yeah, you should.


Wow, it's day.

Where has that night gone?

- (phone beeps)

- You know, I almost feel sorry for him.

Oh, I wouldn't feel

too sorry for him.

He's about to be famous.

Look what Francesco

just sent me.

This isn't the time,

little shnookums.

- Ah!

- (Andy and Ruby laugh)

You got him!

- Oh, that's brutal.

- Oh, good for him.

You're a savage.


Throwing loose change

Hoping I'll catch

up to my mess

Making mistakes

Take it as part

of the process

Change the routine up

Plenty to clean up

My head, it says I

should take it slow

But where's the fun

feeling in control

We don't have much,

but all we have is love

Big night, eh?

It wasn't quite

what I expected but it turned out alright.

To think it all began

with you yelling at me.

I know, but friends now, yeah?

It only takes a night


We're friends.

Well, we are.

I mean, think about it.

So we had a fight, we

shared breakup stories,

and we got drunk together.

That makes us friends.


Ah, it's just, you know,

I don't usually wanna

kiss my friends.

You don't?

Shouldn't we have a date first?

Oh, what, tonight

doesn't count as a date?

Dates usually end

with a kiss, so.

Usually, yeah.

Oi, Australia!

(ominous music)

I need to talk to ya.

One second.

What do you want?

Well, first, I want

you to apologize,

and then you're gonna let me

back into your club tomorrow night.

It's not gonna happen.

It is not going to happen.

I warned ya, yeah?

You don't know who

you're messing with.

Ah, just stop.

You're not a gangster, Scott.

You're a smalltime dealer

with a couple of

dodgy looking mates.

Why don't you call your mum?

Give her a hug.

(suspenseful music)


Have a go!

(g*nsh*t blasts)

Oh my God!


(soft piano music)

Close your eyes

And picture this

Bedroom ours


Well, the good thing

is they caught up

with Scott quickly.

He's behind bars.


Day is here

There's no agenda

[Interviewer] Can you

tell me what happened next?

But to stay here with you

[Ruby] I called Emma on

the way to the hospital.

We can lay in bed

In between the sheets,

we rest our head

In and out of sleep

with a lifetime ahead

One day, we'll be home

With no distance to show

And wherever we go, I know

That till death do us part

And the alignment of stars

Comprised of two

hearts, I'm home

Wherever with you, I'm home



Why won't they

tell us how he is?

I'm sure he's okay.

It's been too long.

That till death do us part


And the alignment of stars

Comprised of two

hearts, I'm home

Wherever with you, I'm home



Was that Andy?

I couldn't see.

Well, it looked like him.

- I think it was someone else.

- Are you sure?

- I don't know.

- Are you...

I'm so scared.

[Emma] We don't know.

We didn't see anything.

(Ruby sobs)

- Hey, guys, what's going on?

- (dramatic music)

You guys all good?

Oh, I'm sorry!

- [Andy] That's alright.

- I'm sorry.

[Andy] That's alright.

- [Ruby] Sorry.

- Yeah.

You're okay.


Well, apart from

being shot, yeah.

Hey, check this out.

Pretty gangster.

- What took them so long?

- Well, you know, they stitched me up,

and then I had to tell the

police what had happened,

and then they discovered this

little glitch in my visa.

What's the problem?

Just that it's lapsed.

- Wait, what does that mean?

- Oh, nothing, nothing.

I just,

well, I have to fly

back to Australia

as soon as I'm

well enough to fly.


I go to jail.

[Sven] Ya!

Hey, guys.

I'm still alive. (chuckles)

Yes, you are.

I heard sirens in my head

From the first

time that we met

Thought it was a false alarm

Yeah, we started as a spark

Didn't think we'd

come this far

But here we are, oh

I'll dance in the flames

I'll dance in the flames

Ain't scared of the blaze

Don't rescue me

And now I'm burning

in your arms

Endless fire in my heart

No, it's not a false alarm

And then we made out for

about 10 to 15 minutes.

No, it's not a false alarm

[Interviewer] The length

of time you kissed for

is irrelevant.

And even with the g*nsh*t


he was really-

- Again, not important

to know that.

(uptempo music)

(pen clicks)

(clock ticks)

(pen clicks)


(pen clicks)

is that everything?

I think so, yeah.



- Yes.

- What, not long enough for you?


That's the whole night.

Yeah, that's everything, mate.

Yes, that's it.

So have we all passed the test?

Can we stay?

Well, first off,

Ruby, I have to say,



But the fact of the matter is,

you only met this

guy a week ago,

and now you and

six of your friends

want entry into

Australia to be with him.

So you have to understand,

from my point of view,

that's bloody ridiculous.


However, after speaking with you

and Andy and all your mates,

I formed the personal opinion

that it's all very genuine.

(Ruby gasps)

I think you have the

makings of a great couple.

[upbeat music]

Oh my God, thank you so much!

[Interviewer] Best of luck.

[Ruby] Can I hug you?

That would be inappropriate.



(interviewer sighs)

No, it's not a false alarm

You see?

Being deported isn't so bad.

You know, I think that

I could stay here forever.

You know, I think

that could be arranged.

What will we do

with the kids though?

(Andy laughs)

- Hey!

- Hey, guys!

- Throw it here!

- Over here!

[indistinct yelling]

No, it's not a false alarm

- Ah!

- Ya, it's good!

No, it's not a false alarm

- [Andy] Oi, oi, oi!

- No


No, it's not a false alarm

There's something

about you I like

but I can't quite

put my finger on it.

(mouth pops)


It's only been a night

Oh, it seems so right


Well, now it's

something real

If we go with how we feel

I want you here

It's not too soon

'Cause nothing makes me

feel the way I feel with you

I want you near

You know it's true

I just wanna break the rules

I'm gonna show you how

Let me show you how

I can show you

Bodies moving in

the dark, moonlight

Discover one another,

what do you like

Don't make it last more

than just one night


It's only been a night

Oh, it seems so right


You'll know it's something

real if we go with how we feel

I want you here

It's not too soon

'Cause nothing makes me

feel the way I feel with you

I want you near

You know it's true

I just wanna break the rules

I'm gonna show you how

Let me show you how

I can show you

Let me show you how

I can show you how

Let me show you how

I can show you

Let me show you how

I can show you how

I want you here

It's not too soon

'Cause nothing makes me

feel the way I feel with you

I want you near

You know it's true

I just wanna break the rules

I'm gonna show you how

Let me show you how

I can show you

Let me show you how

I can show you how

I can show you love

(upbeat music)

(upbeat music continues)

Ha ha ha

Ha ha ha

Ha ha ha

Ha ha ha

Ha ha ha

Ha ha ha

Ha ha

Ha ha ha

(upbeat music continues)

(upbeat music continues)

(upbeat music continues)

(upbeat music continues)

(upbeat music continues)

(upbeat music continues)

Ha ha ha

Ha Ha

Ha ha ha

Ha ha ha

Ha ha ha

Ha ha ha

Ha ha ha
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