01x10 - The Girl of the Dreams

Episode transcripts for the TV show, "Code Lyoko". Aired: 3 September 2003 – 10 November 2007.*
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Series centers on a group of teenagers who travel to the virtual world of Lyoko to battle against a malignant artificial intelligence known as XANA who threatens Earth with powers to access the real world and cause trouble.
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01x10 - The Girl of the Dreams

Post by bunniefuu »

[theme tune intro playing]

[digital sputtering and beeping]

-[upbeat synthesizers come in]

♪ Here we are ♪

♪ Going far
To save all that we love ♪

♪ If we give all we've got
We will make it through ♪

♪ Here we are, like a star
Shining bright on your world ♪

♪ Today, make evil go away ♪

♪ Code Lyoko, we'll reset it all ♪

♪ Code Lyoko, be there when you call ♪

♪ Code Lyoko, we will stand real tall ♪

♪ Code Lyoko, stronger after all ♪


[Jeremy] Time to launch the program.

[digital whirring]

[whirring and beeping slows]

[alarm beeping]

[Jeremy] Oh no,
I don't believe it. Not again!


[alarm beeping continues]

Darn it, I'm so useless.
I'm never gonna do it!

[Aelita] And I'm sure you will, Jeremy.

[Jeremy] Thanks for the encouragement,
but I'm useless, I tell you.

Jeremy, do you think we'd get along well
in the real world?

I mean, as well as we do now.

Yeah, of course. Why?

Well, because I'm not so sure

I'd like to have a best friend
who's useless.

[Aelita] You understand?

Ha ha, very funny.

Hey, get a move on, Jeremy.
You'll be late for school again.

Wow. Is it that late?
Okay, I'll be right there, Odd.

Anyhow, useless or not,
I'm gonna try one more thing.

Okay, I get the picture. See you later.


[action music]


[Ulrich grunts]

This, whatever it is of yours,
weighs at least a ton!

It's not a whatever.

It's been in my family
for hundreds of years.

[suspenseful music]

[Ulrich] When are you going to unveil
your thingamabob?

At the very end of my report. You'll see.

it's gonna be a smash hit,
a real show stopper,

and worth an A, I hope.

Well, you sure wouldn't find
a thing like that at my house.

First of all, your whatchamacallit

doesn't go with the drapes
in the living room.

[Yumi] Whatchamacallit, whatever.

What I like most about you,
Ulrich, is your rich vocabulary!

[Milly] Don't look now, Tamiya,
but I smell a big juicy scoop.

So do I.


[Tamiya] Okay, rolling. Go ahead.

Fellow middle school students, hello.

This is Milly and Tamiya
of the seventh grade,

reporting the school news.

You may not know it,
but just behind your backs,

something strange is hatching.

And this, my friends, is a part of it.

In our constant quest
to be the first to report the latest news,

we're bringing you this exclusive exposé
of what's hidden under this drape...

[camera whirring]

Tamiya, listen.

Is there any reason
for you filming your feet?

Hey, Tamiya!

[Tamiya] I'm sorry. It scares me a little.

-[bell ringing]
-[Milly] Oh no, time for class already?

[electricity crackles]

[tense music]

[theme music]


Jeremy, most people
use the night hours to sleep.

I was trying a new program
for materializing Aelita.

With this last one I was trying,
I almost succeeded.

I was nearly there!

[Odd] And what are you gonna say to her
when you do succeed?

You never knew how to talk to a girl.

With Aelita, it's not the same.

You're right, it's not the same.

Good morning, everyone.

Before the start
of your first class this morning,

I would like to introduce
your new classmate. Come in, Taelia.

I'm sure your fellow students
are anxious to meet you.

[Odd] Okay, here's your chance.

Imagine she's in front of you

in flesh and blood.
What're you gonna say?

[Jeremy] Oh, wow...


Beep! Sorry, your time is up.
You could use a few pointers in flirting.

[Jeremy] Oh wow, this is...

[Jeremy] I don't believe it!

[Yumi] You're right.
She does look like her.

But if it really is her,

she ought to recognize us,
don't you think?

Not necessarily.

She may have lost her memory
when she was materialized.

Well, talk to her.
It's the only way to find out.

What if it's not her?

[Ulrich] Hmm.

[Odd sighs]

-Go on.

Okay, watch an expert at work and learn.

Hi there, Ae...Uh, I mean,

Taelia. My friends and I were...

we thought you looked familiar,
like we'd seen you before.

Come on. That's the oldest
pick up line around.

Huh? Hey, who said
that I wanted to pick you up?

I was just making conversation.

By the way,
do things like the virtual world,

or crabs or buzzing monsters
mean anything to you?

Um, well yeah.

It means that I'd better be moving along.

Hey, wait a minute. Don't go.

Where are you from?
Do you have a family?

I'm not in the mood to talk.

-It's not her.

He's only saying that
because he just got the brushoff big time.

Watch and expert and learn, huh?

Anyway, if it is Aelita,
it's for sure she's got amnesia.

Wait a second. Hold on.

Let's say it's her.

If it's really her, I mean for sure,

then she can't still be on Lyoko.

You can check it out later.

-Now we have a date with Ms. Meyer.
-[bell ringing]

Wish me luck for my report, everybody.

[Yumi internally]
Thanks for caring, guys!

[theme music]

[Ms. Meyer] We have here
a simple equation with two unknowns.

I have to check out Lyoko now.

-I can't wait any longer.
-Okay, we'll go together.

Uh, Ms. Meyer.

-[Jeremy] Excuse me.
-Yes, what is it?

[Jeremy] I'm sorry.
I need to go to the infirmary.

I don't feel too well.

I feel uh...

I feel really sick.

[Ms. Meyer] Of course. Go ahead.

Uh, I'll take him there.
I mean you never know, huh?

[digital whirring and beeping]

[Jeremy] We're almost connected.

[Odd] Jim's gonna catch us
if you don't hurry up.

Aelita, do you read me?

It's Jeremy, Aelita.

She doesn't answer,
but she might be in one of XANA's traps,

like in a storm or snowbound,
so you can't pick her up.

What if the last calculations I tried
were the right ones?

You could really use a night's sleep.

Odd, it's her!

And I say, you're nuts.

I'm positive. I did it! I did it!
Taelia is Aelita!

[oriental music]

[Yumi] Of course it's just a glimpse
of my country's culture.

To explain it all would take me hours,

and I'm not sure you're ready
to put up with me for that long, right?

To end my report,

I'd like to show you something
that's been in my family for centuries.

It's a living symbol of Japan,
and it's a...


A drape?

[repetitive bass drums]


[theme music]

[tense music]

[Jim] Hey you,
what're you doing here? Huh?

What kind of a costume is that?

[tense music]

Hey, what's wrong with you, huh?

Are you outta your head?

[Jeremy] Maybe one of the kids took it?

-Don't forget the electric plugs.

Look, if XANA is in on this,
we'd better not count on Aelita.

We can't reach her on Lyoko.

Odd, we can't reach her on Lyoko
'cause she isn't on Lyoko.

Sorry you guys, but I can't believe
that that girl is Aelita.

Well, I know somebody
who's dying to believe it.

[Mr. Delmas] Give me your attention.

Several of your fellow students,
as well as our own Jim,

whom you all know
and whom you respect, I know,

Let's not go overboard.

Their attacker was a person who...

A person who was wearing armor,
the armor of a samurai.

[clears throat]
And this individual is still at large.

Any information you can contribute
to the police

would more than welcome.

We can't wait any longer.

We have to go to Lyoko,
find Aelita and deactivate the tower.

When are you gonna get it
into your thick heads

that if the samurai is controlled
by XANA, then he's after Taelia.

It makes sense, doesn't it, huh,
because Taelia is Aelita!

[Odd] Oh, wow,
he's really flipped his lid.

[policeman] Excuse me Miss.

It seems that this armor belongs to you.

[theme music]

Aelita, listen to me.
XANA's launched a new virus.

He's managed to take control
of a samurai's armor.

[Jeremy] You're his sworn enemy.
He's after you.

You have no choice.
You absolutely have to hide!

As a pickup line,
that's a lot more original

than the one your friend tried.

Aelita, please listen to me!

It's definitely the materialization
that gave you amnesia.

The shock made you lose your memory.

But you have to trust me.
You have to, Aelita!

Hey, get your hands off me!

I don't trust anyone
who's stark raving mad!

[Jeremy gasps]

[armor clanking]

[Taelia gasps]


No, XANA! You won't get her!

I won't let you, you hear?

[Taelia whimpers]

Come on, follow me! Hurry!

Faster, Taelia!



It's not true.

Anyway, this samurai's armor
does belong to you.

Well, yes, to my parents.

And you have no idea
who might have stolen it?

Look, we can't do anything here for Yumi.

We have to tell Jeremy
to meet us at the factory.

[phone beeps]

Jeremy's voicemail is on now.

-[Taelia] Wow, this place is weird.
-[Jeremy] Follow me.

[elevator whirring]

[mechanical clanking]

Come on.

That's Lyoko.

The virtual world where you once lived.

Doesn't that ring a bell at all?

And this XANA you talked about.

-Does he also live in this same world?

He's got total control.

[Taelia] But if he's so dangerous,
why don't you destroy Lyoko?

Because you're part of...


Because you were part of this world.

[Taelia] You're totally crazy.

-[Jeremy sighs]
-[Taelia] This whole story is crazy.

You know what I think?

If all this stuff is so dangerous,

it's time you destroyed it
once and for all.

Do you...

Do you really think so?


[Ulrich] Jeremy, stop.

[Jeremy gasps]

[Odd] Have you gone mad or what, Einstein?

What if Aelita is still on Lyoko?

But she isn't, I tell you!
Look, she's there!

She's right in front of you!

Jeremy, I know you've dreamt
of seeing Aelita in reality for months,

but please come down to earth.
You can't be sure.

What if you were mistaken?

You're ready to take the risk
of destroying Aelita

-by destroying XANA?
-We've got to make sure.

You've got to let us go to Lyoko.

And if Aelita's not there,
who's gonna deactivate the tower?

We have to take the risk.

-[tense music]

[mechanical clanking]

[Jeremy] The last time I saw Aelita,

she was in the mountain area.

[Jeremy] Transfer Ulrich.

[Jeremy] Transfer Odd.

[digital whirring]

[Jeremy] Scanner Ulrich.

[Jeremy] Scanner Odd.

[digital whirring]

[Jeremy] Virtualization.

[digital crackling]

[Odd grunts]

[Jeremy] Can you see anything?

[Ulrich] Yes, Jeremy,
mountains, lots of them.

I'm starting the scan to trace
the tower that XANA activated.

[digital whirring and beeping]

You have to understand,
Taelia, if you're not Aelita,

then we've got to...Taelia?


[theme music]

[Ulrich and Odd panting]

Boy, oh boy. Finding someone around here

is gonna be harder than finding
an idea in Jim's head!



Ulrich, I just saw Aelita.


In a kind of flash vision.


[tense music]

[digital whirring]

Oh, hi, Yumi. Well, is everything okay?

Yes, they finished questioning me,
but I just saw Taelia,

and she looked like she was in a hurry
to go and see the principal.

Oh, that can't be!
This is awful, horrible!

Yumi, I took Taelia to the factory.

You what?

She's gonna tell the cops everything!
Be right there.



Odd, Ulrich, the tower XANA's activated

has been localized
at thirty degrees north in...

In the forest area.

[Odd and Ulrich panting]

Without Aelita,
that's not gonna do us a lot of good.

Look, there, that ball of fire.

That's exactly what I saw before.

Aelita's inside it.

[shouts] Yeah!


[action music]

-[Ulrich] Jeremy, we found her!

[Odd] That ball
is what's blocking communication.

[Ulrich] It's a guardian,
the same monster that imprisoned Yumi.

[Odd] Right. Aelita saved her
by convincing the monster

he had the wrong prisoner.

But Aelita is the prisoner this time.

So now the only solution is to use force.

[Ulrich grunts]


[tense music]

-[door slams]
-[electricity crackles]


Is anyone there?

I know you're there. Show yourself!



-Laser arrow!
-[laser blasts]

Jeremy, nothing's working!

It's like the machine's invincible.

Oh, wow, XANA must've designed
a program...

Right, it's a program!

And if it's a program,
I should be able to...

Hey, what are you mumbling about.
You've got an idea, I hope.

Maybe, but give me a couple of minutes.

Okay, no problem, man.
We've got all the time in the world!

[digital whirring]

-[tense music]
-[Yumi gasps]


[grunts loudly]

[theme music]

[tense music]

-[alarm beeping]
-[Jeremy] Already?

To think I blew our whole cover
by talking to a perfect stranger.

That means the samurai wasn't after Taelia
at all. He was after us! Yumi!

-[Yumi grunts]
-[tense music]

[Jeremy] Just a little more time.


[Odd] Hey, how about that idea of yours?

[Jeremy] It's ready.

Here goes.

Making a clone of Aelita?

Well, personally,
I'm a bit skeptical, Jeremy.

[Jeremy] Patience, Odd.




[Ulrich] A decoy!

Jeremy, you're the greatest!

[Jeremy] Get Aelita to a tower.
She's got to regenerate herself.


[ethereal music]

Everything's okay.
Aelita's got her life points back again.

[sighs] Oh, you found me at last.

What about the guardian?

[Odd] You mean that big fat fire bubble?
He won't bother you anymore.

We're off Jeremy.

Destination: the forest.

[digital whirring]

[heart beating]



[Ulrich] Jeremy, we're here.

Look, you'd better hurry.
I can't reach Yumi.

[Jeremy] I'm afraid she's having
problems with the samurai.

There's no time to lose. Let's go.

[Odd] While you're at it,
you got any other good news?

[Jeremy] Yeah, plenty.

Taelia saw me punch in
the access code to the lab,

and the principal
and the police are here now.

Um, and XANA's monsters are around.

Two Bloks.

Watch out for their laser gel g*ns
or it's game over!

[robotic clanking]


[action music]

[Odd] Hey Bloks,
cool, my favorite monsters.

Laser arrow!

[laser zooming]

-[electricity crackles]
-[mechanical clanking]


There! It was this computer right here.

There was this XANA thing.
I dunno how,

but it seems
he wants to destroy the planet.

Jeremy, I think you owe us an explanation.

-[Aelita panting]
-Odd, take care of Aelita.

I'll stay here and cover you,

alone, well, almost alone.

[action music]


[robotic whirring]

-[laser zooms]
-[Ulrich groans]


Impact! [screams]



[robotic clanking]

-[laser blasts]

[digital whirring slows]

[action music]

[Odd] Your turn, Princess.

[robotic clanking]

Come along, now.

I'm sorry, sir,
but my friends are in danger,

and I can't abandon them.


No don't! Stop!

You can't do this. Let me go!


[action music]



You always pick the wrong time, huh?

[electrical whirring]


[laser blasting]



[electrical humming]

[Yumi panting]


[ethereal music]

-[metal chinks]
-[Yumi groans]

[digital whirring]

[Yumi whimpers]


[digital whirring]

Oh, no!




[digital whirring]

[rewind sound]

[Jeremy shouts] Return to the past now!


[cheerful flute]

And this is Taelia your new classmate.

I'm sure your fellow students
are anxious to meet you.

I heard Sissi say
that the new girl was an orphan.

That's why she didn't want to talk
about her family.

Well anyway, if you look closely,
you can see their eyes aren't the same.

The nose is different and so is the hair.

They're not similar at all.

How could you have possibly thought
she was Aelita?

Did you just say that we thought?

-He sure did.
-You'd have to be blind to think that.

-[oriental music]
-And now to finish my report,

I'd like to show you something
that's been in my family for centuries.

It's a living symbol of Japan. Here.

[Odd] Oh, man, that's cool.

Gosh, Yumi, she's so cool.

That's the best report I've seen
out of the whole class.

[theme music]
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