02x10 - Sealed with a Kiss

Episode transcripts for the TV show, "Forensic Files". Aired: April 23, 1996 – June 17, 2011.*
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Documentary that reveals how forensic science is used to solve violent crimes, mysterious accidents, and outbreaks of illness.
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02x10 - Sealed with a Kiss

Post by bunniefuu »

for more than a year angry hateful

letters were sent to a first grade

school teacher in a small mountain

village in Pennsylvania many were sexual

in nature some threatened v*olence when

scientists analyzed the letters they

found evidence that the stalker knew a

lot about the victim more than anyone

could possibly imagine

in 1993 some hate mail began to arrive

at the cool ball Learning Center a

public elementary school in the Pocono

Mountains in eastern Pennsylvania the

letters were unsigned and sent to the

principal making serious allegations

against a first grade reading teacher

jo-ann chambers she had been teaching in

the school district for the past eight

years I thought it was just somebody a

disgruntled employee I just wanted to

know who it was and I thought it was a

thing you could you know sit down with

that person and talk it out and fix it

soon letters were sent to Joanne

chambers herself at both home and at

school I can get you one try letters

were also distributed to other teachers

found in mail slots in the faculty


Joanne chambers was popular with

students and was an unlikely target of a

hate campaign she was married with a

ten-year-old son and had no known

enemies I can speak with assurance about

Joanne's teaching abilities she's highly

recommended by other teachers in the


she was also highly respected by parents

she was an outstanding teacher all her

recommendations show that it appeared

that someone had a grudge against her

looking shoes desk

she seems to like Jack Daniels chambers

found the whiskey bottle in her desk

drawer and said personal items were

missing there were things missing from

my drawers the picture of my child and

myself and my friend and her daughter

was taken from my desk the police

suspected that a fellow teacher or

school employee was sending the letters

since they often alluded to activities

going on inside the school one of the

letters contained an interesting clue it

was a snide reference to the school

superintendent as Colonel Klink a

character in the Hogan's Heroes

television series a teacher in the

school was once overheard referring to

the superintendent in this way

her name was Paulin or rocky like Jo Ann

chambers Nawrocki also taught first

grade and had worked in the school

district for 18 years I was totally

surprised I was positive that it wasn't

anybody in the building that it could be

explained in some other way the letters

continued but soon there were other


the first was something Jo Ann chambers

found under her desk I went to start my

lesson with my children and sat down in

the chair and had a dress on and put my

hand underneath to straighten the dress

out I always covered with feces and I

couldn't even tell you what I felt like

I felt sick to my stomach I felt I was

like it was not happening was like this

could not happen the threatening letters

were sent to the FBI lab in Quantico

Virginia they found some partial

fingerprints on the letters but little

else one of the letters warned of

possible poison you really are a fish I

come right out and telling us

did you are you keep on doing the same

stuff I had four chances to drug your

coffee this week or did I buy you a


just a few days later a hidden camera

captured several teachers entering

Joanne chambers vacant classroom one

removed chambers coffee cup from her


it was Paulin moeraki the photograph of

Joanne chambers stolen from her desk was

pasted onto a nude picture photo copied

and distributed throughout the school

yard mailed to parents phones and a copy

was taped to the door of a local store

there were phone calls to parents saying

that I was a lesbian

I had AIDS that you know that I

shouldn't be teaching their children I

can't tell you what I mean that was such

a violation of my being

the FBI suggested the Joanne chambers be

given a lie-detector test to validate

her various claims Paula Nawrocki also

volunteered to take a lie detector test

hoping to clear her name

after suspicions arose from the Colonel

Klink reference and the coffee cup

incident one of the two fails on the

most crucial question of all after ten

months of threatening letters x-rated

pictures and hidden video surveillance

police believed they had a break in the

stalking case

jo-ann chambers and Paula Nawrocki both

took lie-detector tests about their

knowledge of the threatening letters

each was asked whether they were

involved in making or sending any of the

harrassing letters one passed the other

failed I was told that I fail my


Paula Nawrocki became the primary

suspect I was very upset I couldn't

believe that it was making things worse

instead of better she was questioned

about the incidents at the coolbot

Township police station and she told

chief little Tony if I'm doing it

I don't know I'm doing it and then she

later said you'll never prove it's me I

told him that I needed his help because

this didn't make any sense I needed

somebody to really look into the whole

situation accurately the way it

evidently needed to be done and I tried

to make it sound as ridiculous as

possible that if I had done whatever was

going on I didn't know I was doing it

which was totally absurd in in my mind

in my way of thinking

later on she would say that that she

meant it's not me and you never prove

it's me because it wasn't me Nawrocki

said she was videotaped taking joann

chambers coffee cup because Chambers had

asked Paula to get it for her the

surveillance videotape shows that Joann

chambers and Paula Nawrocki were both in

the classroom and left together just

moments before Paula returned for the

coffee cup police asked Nawrocki if they

could search her home and once again she

voluntarily complied they took with them

an old typewriter that we had they took

different kinds of paper and different

envelopes the analysis of no Rocky's

typewriter revealed that it was not the

one used to type the threatening letters

the paper and envelopes from the Rocky's

home did not match those used in the

threatening letters either

no Rocky's reputation as a by-the-book

teacher and strict disciplinarian was in

sharp contrast to Joanne chambers loose

and fun-loving classroom style the way

the police saw it paula was jealous of

June Chambers unconventional teaching

style and the popularity that she gained

from that style Pollock

he was more of a by-the-book

conservative teacher who favored

traditional teaching methods

whereas join Chambers would show up in

the classroom wearing jeans and a Mickey

Mouse t-shirt and she would do things

like stage water fights with the school

administrators which the police believed

angered Paula Nawrocki as the

investigation continued so did the

threatening letters letters about the

parents the parents saying I was

molesting their children I thought my

career was gone I thought I was gonna be

in jail I thought I didn't know what was

gonna happen all it would have taken was

one child you know misinterpreting a

touch and I was a touchy teacher I mean

I put my arms around my children I how

much other when they were crying by the

fall of 1994 the letters included death

threats for her own protection

Joanne chambers was transferred to

another school shortly after her

transfer a box in pink wrapping paper

was found at the front door of the

school inside was a Barbie doll the

throat slashed with a razor blade and

covered with paint the color of blood

the dress was identical to one often

worn by Joanne chambers the hair was cut

and styled like chambers as well I said

goodbye to my husband like I wanted him

to remember me saying goodbye I lived

every day thinking that it was truly

possible that it could be my last

in November of 1994 chambers said a car

tried to run her off the highway she

said she saw the face of the driver

ikurou and look she's looking right at

me I will never forget that look never I

will never forget it she looked right at

me she said the face she saw was a face

she knew when Joanne chambers called

police to report that a car forced her

off the highway

she said she recognized the face of the

other driver I saw her she looked at me

I know the ponies when a car

Paula Nawrocki denied the allegation but

was arrested and charged with harassment

stalking simple and aggravated as*ault

making terroristic threats and

recklessly endangering the life of

Joanne chambers over 100 counts and all

I was finding out that I was charged

with many many horrendous things I had

never heard about before the school

district suspended her from her teaching

position with pay if convicted she could

serve five years in jail after no

Rockies arrest the letters threats and

mailings stop

Nawrocki maintained her innocence and

hired both an attorney and private

investigator to help the investigator

was a former state policeman and even he

admitted that Paula's situation did not

look good my first thought was well

she's probably guilty

it just looked overwhelming when you

looked at the that the whole complaint

the FBI found some partial fingerprints

on the threatening letters but they did

not match Paulin or rockies the defense

team wanted to see if any DNA was

present on the threatening letters DNA

is the chemical substance which exists

in all of our cells it can be found in

blood skin hair bones saliva sweat semen

and mucus no two individuals have the

same DNA profile except for identical

twins the prosecutor would allow DNA

testing by the defense only if the

results were fully disclosed regardless

of the outcome

Paula's defense team wanted to make sure

she understood the ramifications of such

an agreement he asked would there be any

possible reason that any my DNA should

be on any of it any possibility

whatsoever and I said no well if we do

this testing and your DNA is found on

these stamps or envelope flaps your

chances you're going to jail we

immediately said that we wanted to do it

if it was something that would finally

help shed some light on the whole thing

no problem with it at all the cost of

the DNA testing approximately seven

thousand dollars would have to be paid

by Paula Nawrocki

blood samples from both Paula and her

husband were sent to a local DNA lab

along with the threatening letters and

the envelopes the amount of DNA that

would wind up on the back of the stamp

or an envelope flap depends on how hard

you lick the envelope

how much cells that you shed from the

inside of your mouth they're variables

it's hard to predict exactly what the

value of day but it is there in some

cases there's more DNA than others first

scientists use team

to gently remove the stamps from the

envelopes the back of each stamp and

envelope flap was swabbed for epithelial

cells which come from saliva DNA was

found on the back of one set of stamps

and on one envelope flap the number of

cells recovered was so small that

forensic scientists performed a process

called polymerase chain reaction or PCR

which amplifies or copies the DNA in

those few cells to make enough for

testing the DNA from the stamps and

envelope flap were added to the PCR

mixture a chemical cocktail of enzymes

nucleotides and primers then placed in a

thermal cycler to amplify a colored

development process produces a series of

blue dots visualizing which variation of

the DQ alpha gene is present in the

genetic profile if there is even one

base difference in the 3.3 billion base

pairs on an individual's DNA strand the

DNA will not line into the corresponding

dot what we're looking forward to see is

how does this DNA that we've extracted

compared to somebody else's DNA now if

the DNA is from a similar source you'll

get the same pattern of blue dots on a

white strip this is the genetic profile

of the individual who licked the stamps

when the DNA profile of Paulin or Rocky

and her husband were compared to the DNA

from the back of the stamps there was no

match for example Paul Nawrocki has two

dots here and on the DNA from the back

of the postage stamp only has one so

therefore right away we can exclude Paul

and Iraqi with just this one genetic

marker we looked at five different

genetic markers and at four out of five

can exclude paul in iraqi DNA was found

and it did not match paul and it did not

match lemon right

which meant that someone licked that

stamps and it wasn't laying apart we

thought it was gonna blow apart the

whole case we thought we thought we were

done now armed with the DNA profile of

the stalker the manhunt had just begun

when DNA testing of the stamps and

envelopes lap did not match pollen or

rocky or her husband the defense team

went one step further they wanted to

find the individual whose DNA was on the

threatening letters if all I didn't do

it there's only one other person that

could have done it because there's only

one other person that knew the

circumstances of all these letters that

knew everything that was going on that

was joining chambers was it possible

that the alleged victim wrote the

threatening letters and mailed them to


the defense uncovered some information

which pointed in that very directional

police in the neighboring town of

Carbondale Pennsylvania told defense

investigators that Chambers had a

history of reporting suspicious

incidents from burglaries to fires they

said every crime that she's been a

victim of us has some weirdness attached

to it and just off the top of their

heads they started relating different

crimes as supposedly she's been a victim

of when Anderson researched chambers

employment history he learned the

Chamber's reported similar threatening

letters and also reported finding feces

on her classroom chair while in another

school district years earlier she has a

pattern of being a victim and having a

pattern of being a victim shows one

thing to me I'm not expert at all this

but it shows me you want attention

from whoever she wants to be the center

of attention to find out if it was

Joanne chambers DNA on the threatening


Jim Anderson needed her DNA profile for

that he looked in her trash once trash

is placed at the curbside the owner gets

up all legal rights to what's inside one

plastic drinking straw one used looks

like toilet tissue plastic straws used

tissues and a cotton swab with earwax

all items with possible genetic material

were sent to the DNA lab for testing

dr. lynton-wolfe ID to different DNA

profiles from the mucus saliva and

earwax samples from the Chamber's trash

one of those DNA profiles matched the

DNA from the stamps and envelope flap

the DNA from the one of the household

members was similar to the DNA on the

back of the stamps in the other with

these DNA results the defense team

demanded that all charges against Paulin

or rocky be dropped the prosecution

refused and Joanne chambers provided a

blood sample for further DNA testing

once again Joanne chambers blood DNA

matched the DNA from the stamps and the

envelope flap you can see how all five

genetic markers line up perfectly

between the DNA of Joanne chambers and

the DNA from the back of the postage

stamps the odds of someone in the random

US population having the same

combination of five genotypes tested was

one in 14,000 925 the match was fairly

significant in that you know that's a

small community there so it's unlikely

that too many people are gonna be

walking around with a similar DNA


despite the second DNA test the

prosecution refused once again to drop

their case against Paula Nawrocki

during the trial

the prosecution presented the

circumstantial evidence against Paulin

or rocky including the coffee cup

incident and the Colonel Klink reference

in one of the threatening letters for

the defense teachers from Joanne

chambers former school district

testified that she made similar claims

of harassment years earlier but it was

the DNA evidence that stunned most

courtroom observers the DNA was

definitely the bombshell to hear that

Joanne chambers saliva was found on the

stamps of one of the the threatening

letters and the flap of another envelope

it was just unbelievable but on the

witness stand under oath

Joanne chambers had an explanation she

said the prosecutor left her alone with

the evidence and the stamps fell off one

of the envelopes

she said she licked the stamps to

reattach them and when that didn't work

used a glue stick at the very least she

showed poor judgment and at the most she

tampered with

important evidence the prosecution

offered no explanation for why Joanne

chambers was left alone with the

evidence and no explanation was given

for why her DNA was also found on the

envelope plan doctor licked involuntary

the she saw no glue stick residue on the

stamps when she removed them for DNA

testing as a lifelong stamp collector

she has experience distinguishing glue

stick residue from regular stamp


I know gum from knowing stamps and it

would look to me just like the gum on

recent u.s. stamps and it's smooth and

glistening it looked just like that

there was no outward evidence that a

glue stick had been used the trial

lasted five days and it took the jury

less than two hours to reach a verdict

they found pollen or rocky not guilty

reaction after birth was the most

amazing thing I've ever seen

the alleged victim was being treated as

the defendant and the defendant was

being treated as the victim in the


jurors sought out Paula Nawrocki to hug

dirt I told her how much they loved her

while joint chambers left the courthouse

virtually ignored Joanne chambers denies

that she created the campaign of threats

against her

I have four chances to drug your coffee

this week or did I grow your coffee

bitch just a few days later a hidden

camera captured several teachers

entering Joanne chambers vacant

classroom one removed chambers coffee

cup from her desk

it was Paulin Meraki the photograph of

Joanne chambers stolen from her desk was

pasted onto a nude picture photo copied

and distributed throughout the school

yard mailed to parents phones and a copy

was taped to the door of a local store

there were phone calls to parents saying

that I was a lesbian

I had AIDS that you know that I

shouldn't be teaching their children I

can't tell you what I mean that was such

a violation of my being

the FBI suggested the Joanne chambers be

given a lie-detector test

to validate her various claims Paula

Nawrocki also volunteered to take a lie

detector test hoping to clear her name

after suspicions arose from the Colonel

Klink reference and the coffee cup

incident one of the two fails on the

most crucial question of all after 10

months of threatening letters x-rated

pictures and hidden videos surveillance

police believed they had a break in the

stalking case

jo-ann chambers and Paula Nawrocki both

took lie-detector tests about their

knowledge of the threatening letters

each was asked whether they were

involved in making or sending any of the

harrassing letters one passed the other

failed I was told that I fail my

polygraph Paula Nawrocki became the

primary suspect I was very upset I

couldn't believe that it was making

things worse instead of better she was

questioned about the incident at the

culotte Township police station and she

told chief flugel Tony if I'm doing it

I don't know I'm doing it and then she

later said you'll never prove it's me I

told him that I needed his help because

this didn't make any sense I needed

somebody to really look into the whole

situation accurately the way it

evidently needed to be done and I tried

to make it sound as ridiculous as

possible that if I had done whatever was

going on I didn't know I was doing it

which was totally absurd in in my mind

and my way of thinking

later on she would say that that she

meant it's not me and you'll never prove

it to me because it wasn't me no rocky

said she was videotaped taking Joann

chambers coffee cup

because Chambers had asked Paula to get

it for her the surveillance videotape

shows that Joann chambers and Paula

Nawrocki were both in the classroom and

left together just moments before Paula

returned for the coffee cotton police

asked Nawrocki if they could search her

home and once again she voluntarily

complied they took with them an old

typewriter that we had they took

different kinds of paper and different

envelopes the analysis of no Rocky's

typewriter revealed that it was not the

one used to type the threatening letters

the paper and envelopes from Nawrocki x'

home did not match those used in the

threatening letters either no Rocky's

reputation as a by-the-book teacher and

strict disciplinarian was in sharp

contrast to Joann chambers loose and

fun-loving classroom style the way the

police saw it paula was jealous of

Julian chambers unconventional teaching

style and a popularity that she gained

from that style poner

he was more of a by-the-book

conservative teacher who favored

traditional teaching methods

whereas join Chambers would show up in

the classroom wearing jeans and a Mickey

Mouse t-shirt and she would do things

like stage water fights with the school

administrators which the police believed

angered Paula Nawrocki as the

investigation continued so did the

threatening letters letters lots of

parents the parents saying that I was

molesting their children I thought my

career was gone I thought I was gonna be

in jail I thought I didn't know what was

gonna happen all it would have taken was

one child you know misinterpreting a

touch and I was a touchy teacher I mean

I put my arms around my children I how

much other when they were crying by the

fall of 1994 the letters included death

threats for her own protection

Joanne chambers was transferred to

another school shortly after her

transfer a box in pink wrapping paper

was found at the front door of the

school inside was a Barbie doll the

throat slashed with a razor blade and

covered with paint the color of blood

the dress was identical to one often

worn by Joanne chambers the hair was cut

and styled like chambers as well I said

goodbye to my husband like I wanted him

to remember me saying goodbye I lived

every day thinking that it was truly

possible that it could be my last

in November of 1994 chambers said a car

tried to run her off the highway she

said she saw the face of the driver

I pull over I look she's looking right

at me I will never forget that look

never I will never forget it she looked

right at me she said the face she saw

was a face she knew when Joanne chambers

called police to report that a car

forced her off the highway

she said she recognized the face of the

other driver I saw her she would I know

the ponies remember Paulin or rocky

denied the allegation but was arrested

and charged with harassment stalking

simple and aggravated as*ault making

terroristic threats and recklessly

endangering the life of Joanne chambers

over 100 counts and all I was finding

out that I was charged with many many

horrendous things I had never heard

about before the school district

suspended her from her teaching position

with pay if convicted she could serve

five years in jail after know Rocky's

arrest the letters threats and mailings

stopped no Rocky maintained her

innocence and hired both an attorney and

private investigator to help the

investigator was a former state

policeman and even he admitted that

Paula situation did not look good my

first thought was well she's probably


it just looked overwhelming when you

looked at the that the whole complaint

the FBI found some partial fingerprints

on the threatening letters but they did

not match Paula nor Rocky's the defense

team wanted to see if any DNA was

present on the threatening letters DNA

is the chemical substance which exists

in all of our cells it can be found in

blood skin hair bones saliva sweat semen

and mucus no two individuals have the

same DNA profile except for identical


the prosecutor would allow DNA testing

by the depends of
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