02x27 - House of Pendulums

Episode transcripts for the TV show, "House of Anubis". Aired: 1 January 2011 – 17 June 2013.*
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Follows a group of English boarding school students try to solve a mystery involving their dormitory named after the Egyptian god of death, Anubis.
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02x27 - House of Pendulums

Post by bunniefuu »


Turn around, Patricia.

Don't move.

Just turn around.

Nina, make sense.

Yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah.

Go now.

I can't go now.

No, no, no, Patricia.

Okay, one, two, and then go.

Anyone who does not have a pendulum swinging.

In front of their face, shut up.

You made that look so easy.


I actually thought she might die.

We can learn this.

It's just like a song.

Uh, it's not like a song.

It's like a chopping board.

No, it's got it's own rhythm.

So think of each pendulum as a chord.

So say the sun's a and c.

And the moon's b and d.

- Yeah, it's like pendulum hip
-hop, man.

Oh, here we go.

This is finally useful.

What's up with you two?
Broke up.

No, we didn't.

It's a refrain.

The pattern loops.

If we learn the song, we learn the gaps.

We learn the gaps, and we walk straight through.


More practice.

More practice?
But maybe not with real pendulums.

I know it seems real complicated, But I promise it's not.

It's not the song I'm worried about.

By the time we're finished, You'll be able to do it with your eyes closed.

That's the only way I'll be able to do it.

The wise general produces victories.

From the enemy's own tactics.

One, eight, Nine, zero.

They would never have given up the code.

Through threat or punishment.

They'd only plead ignorance.

Or memory loss.

Have you read the art of w*r, Victor.

The uh, no, no.

Through the art of subtlety.

And secrecy, We hold the enemy's fate.

In our hands.


You never knew about this?

The book of !sis?
No, certainly not.

Of course this place may well be nothing more.

Than a children's hideout.

Well, this room must be significant.

Otherwise, why hide it?
That looks familiar.

Enough for tonight.

They may be back any minute.

Subtlety and secrecy, Victor.

We need to learn what it's there for.

What are we looking at?
It's a crocodile.

Can't you see?
So we will take turns as pendulums.

And on the beam and rotate.

Don't learn the gaps, learn the swings.

Patricia, you are a.

Nina, you are b.

Amber, you are c.

And Alfie, you're d.


Am I u, r, or c?


Okay, Alfie, give us a beat.

Uh, a.


A, c, a.

B, c.

D, a, b.

A, c.

D, c, d.

And it loops again.

"how can I a man with such perfectly groomed facial hair.

Be so horrid?
" Anubis.

There are tunnels under the house.

Wait, if I smell these, Is water going to squirt in my face?

They're for being a rock.

I could not have visited my dad without you.

Yes, you could.

But I'm keeping these.

What's wrong?
They do plastic ones.

I'm worried about poppy.

You want me to tell her?
It's only fair, right?
I can't.

Not yet.

But why?
I can't tell you.

You can't tell me.



- Hey.

- Poppy.

What are the flowers for?
They're from Jerome.

To say thank you for letting him borrow my hair straightener.

A, c.

A, c.

I did it.

Well done.

Okay, Nina, now you be a.

Patricia, your turn on b.

Here we go.

A, b.

C, d, a.

C, a.

C What are you doing?
Interpretive dance, miss.

For drama.

And what are you interpreting?
It's an exploration into the cultural origins.

And influences.

Of man's struggle against oppressive institutions.

But if you have to ask, Then obviously we're not doing it right.

Five, six, seven, eight.

Very well.

Carry on.

Where did you learn to do that?

- Don't know.

- That was amazing.

Hi, Fabian.

Oh, hey.

Houston, we have a problem.


There you go.

Enjoy, buddy.

You need a chocolate.

Oh, no.


Andrews, Mr.

Sweet, chocolate?
They're fancy and french.

Oh, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no.

What are you doing?
Oh, I don't eat milk chocolate.


But they're a gift for him.

I gave them to you.

And a great one, And the sentiment is not lost on me, Let me tell you.

Oh, my.

What on earth?
You don't like?
"verre de farine.

" Mealworms.

Beetle larvae?
My mom made me take french class.

I always thought it was pointless, But, boy, was I wrong?
He is good.

There were tunnels down there?
Look at this.

Why, they go on forever.

I am convinced the book of !sis.

Lies somewhere within them.

And knowing our luck, At the very end of them.

Where's the entrance?
Well, somewhere within the antechamber, According to the map.

Don't worry.

I shall keep on searching.

I will find it.

I know you will.

You keep me updated.

I can't get that Out my head.

That's a good thing, Amber.

You do realize there's an actual band called pendulum.

Where's the bookcase?
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