02x09 - House of Combinations

Episode transcripts for the TV show, "House of Anubis". Aired: 1 January 2011 – 17 June 2013.*
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Follows a group of English boarding school students try to solve a mystery involving their dormitory named after the Egyptian god of death, Anubis.
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02x09 - House of Combinations

Post by bunniefuu »

This map was in a secret drawer under the Dollhouse.

Looks like a sequence of tunnels.

And look at the egyptian symbols.

That's the jackal mark.

Mark of anubis.

You think that's where the mask is hidden?
Hey, what's up?
Nina, I dreamt about her last night.

The spirit.

What did she say?
Did she touch you?
Do you have the mark?

- Look
- This is all my fault.

It's not your fault.

Look, I probably only dreamt about her.

Because we've talked about her so much.

So she didn't touch you?

Oh, thank goodness.

You had me scared there.

So because you found the map under the Dollhouse, You think that the The mask is hidden under the house?
Yeah, I think so.

Then how do we get to it?
Is that what I think it is?
Um, a map?

Yeah, I was gonna say love letter, But map's okay, I guess.

No oh, oh.

Especially when it's a treasure map.


Simple words.

'sup, boo?
I'm teaching them American slang.

It means something along the lines of Uh, I really don't care what it means.

Off to school, all of you.

It's late.

Oh, Victor, We're recording narration for the school film, And we think you'd be perfect.

Hmm, well I do fulfill all those criteria, I suppose.

Very well, if you insist.


I'll record you this lunchtime.


Way to go, boo.

Victor doing the voiceover?
Nice choice.

While I'm recording Victor at lunch, You can check out the cellar.

The cellar?

We think the map Nina found in the Dollhouse is Are you three still here?
You want me to bring the math group?
We've rehearsed an isosceles pyramid.

Uh, no, it's okay.

Come on, mate.

Oh, I've got to go.

Can you put my bag in my locker for me, please?
I'm gonna be late.


Tickets to Australia.

Mission accomplished.

Mara, want to do some more digging on my dad?
Not now, poppy.

Time to look for a new sidekick?
Or maybe you should just quit whilst you're behind.

Shut it, gerbil.

I'm all over it.

Did you even know that dad went to anubis house?
With sweetie?
Of course I knew dad Yeah, right.

I'm gonna find him, Jerome.

Are you in or out?
Good luck, poppy.

He's going to Australia.

But I thought that's what you wanted.

He's going to dump me, isn't he?
That was your plan.

I know, but it was your idea.

Uh, what?
He's flying off to have the time of his life, And I'm getting dumped.

Why did I do all this?
Why did you let me?
Okay, want to go first?

After you.

And I've decided.

You and Fabian are coming on a double date.

This evening with Alfie and I.

This evening?
Be there any longer, And you guys really will be on friends status.

Frobisher hall, as it was then known, Was originally built in 1890.

By Julian Frobisher
-Smythe, Father of the explorer Eh, eh, eh.

It's great.

It's great.

It's a little bit stiff.

Just relax.

Imagine you were saying this to corbiere.

Looks like Victor hasn't given up his old habits.


Okay, so if the cellar is here, There should be another room leading off of it.

Right around Here.

Nina, look, your locket.

It must have something to do with these shelves, The one with the snakes on it.

Oh, those are snakes?
I thought they were eights.

Amber, you're a genius.

A genius of perfect hair.

Double correct.

It's some sort of Victorian combination lock.

But what's the code?
Mmm, I'm sorry.

I must have left my book of secret Victorian codes upstairs.

Okay, so people use codes that are easy to remember, Like birthdays or Sarah's birthday.

I know when that is.


So it's not Sarah's birthday.

Okay, I don't mean to rush you now, But we were meant to be at school five minutes ago.

We need more numbers.

We'll come back later.

Okay, so we've got both Sarah's parents birthdays now, And we can also try 1922 maybe, E year the house was named anubis.

Okay, let's get down there and try them out.

While Trudy and Victor are sitting at the library.

Okay, school's out.

Double date time.

Yeah, I forgot to mention.

But what about the Fabian, go change.

Try and look a little bit hip.

Then you can set up the picnic with Alfie.

As for you, you're coming with me.

Oh, Alfie put me on picnic detail.

Looks like I'm too late.

Are these jelly baby skewers too much?
Eh I've got to impress.

It's like our first proper date.

Why's that?
If I'd let Amber wait for three months for a date, Instant downgrade to the buddy bench.

The buddy bench?
Yeah, or worse, best buddies.

Game over.


Ah! Oh, careful.

You can be both, though, can't you?
When did you say your last date was?
Um I'm just saying, me, I want to make the most of my Amber window.

Before she sends me back to the bench.

What do you think?
I like.

Let me finish your hair.

So are you nervous, first date and all?

Why would I be nervous?
I mean, he is my best friend.

That's what I used to say to Alfie.

Every time I turned him down.

Because "bf" has to stand for best friend or boyfriend.

"bfbf" is just bad grammar.

You don't really believe that, do you?

- Yuh

It's science.

Okay, ready.


Alfie, I thought I told you to wear the pink shirt.

That definitely does not match my outfit.


Ooh, I have got some pink.

Wait here.


You look nice.

Is that the best you can do?
Well, Fabian, open the refreshments.

Nina, come sit next to me.


I knew this was a good idea.

What's that?

This matches your outfit, Amber.

Fancy a ride?
Alfie Lewis, turn that engine off.

I can't.

The key's jammed.

The wheel's jammed too.

Alfie, stop it right now.



Oh, stop it.

No, turn around.

Turn it off! It's ruined.

Oh, Alfie.


It's really ruined.

In that case, what do you say we Good idea.

Hey, where are you going?
What about the date?
You two are beyond help.

Jelly baby skewer?
Another marker.

Okay, now it's stuck.

I have no idea what the code is.

You didn't really want to go on that date, did you?
Oh, no, yeah, no, I did.

It's okay.

I didn't either.

I was having this debate with Amber.

About whether it's possible.

For guys and girls to be friends.

Oh, yeah?
And I told her that you're my best friend.


And that's so important to me.

I'd do anything to protect that.

Yeah, no, right.

This boyfriend
-girlfriend thing is kind of complicated.

So we were better off before.

When we were just, uh Friends?

Is that what you want?
What are you trying to tell me?
Look, no, you're right.

I'm hopeless.

No, you're not.

We're just We're best friends.

I know.

I get that now.

I was wrong.

Back to the buddy bench.

Friends it is.


Who's down there?
What's going on?
What's so interesting over there?
Move away from that alcove.

Move, I say.

How did you two get down here?
Victor, Victor.

There's a weasel in the heating vent.

There's what?
Hurry! It's an emergency! Let's get out of here.

Yeah, let's go.

Wasting my time.

I definitely smelled burnt weasel.

- Ah

Not so fast.


What were you doing in the cellar?
Just Remembering the fun times we had down there last year.

Quite the comedienne, aren't you, Ms.

I want to see my face reflected in those toilet bowls.


Right, everyone, today's the big bid.

Fabian, film finished?
Mara, speech learned?
Yeah, yeah.

Oh, yeah.


And we expect everybody to be there.

Giving their full support.

That means you too, Jerome.

Of course.

Thank you.

What did you put on Joy's clipboard?
Oh, just Fabian's poem.

Okay, so on to actual important stuff.

Nina, Fabian, we need to reschedule your date.

Um, yeah.

About that, Amber, um We're we're not actually doing dates anymore.

They've split up?
No, seriously.

No way.

This is all my fault, isn't it?
Me and double date Gate.

No, no, no, Amber, it's not you.

It's us.

It's all your fault, Alfie.


Amber, what should I have done right?
You're a creep.

Finally got to know the real Fabian Rutter.

And dumped him, is that it, Nina?
It was mutual, Jerome.

- Ha
-ha! So Nick, Mara, When's your breakup going public?
Have you got anything to tell me, Mick?


That boy certainly knows how to clear a room.


So no more fabina.

Maybe there's hope jaybian yet.

Are we all ready?

Let's hurry along, please.


Ziestack is already here.

Now, is this microphone working?
Not while I'm without Amber! Oh, this will be good.

Lewis, come down here.

We're about to start the bid.

Not until king tut gets his queen.

I ticked every box.

And there's a glittery checklist in her locker, Which I'm pretty sure is legally binding.

He's finally lost it.

Alfie's making a stand! Someone go get Amber quick.

And stall Mr.


Okay, Alfie, don't be silly.

Just come down.

Not until I Not until I get what's mine.

Out of the way, everybody.

What are you hiding in here for?
I'm not hiding.

Just thinking.

Were you ever going to tell me, Mick, Or just go?
Hang on.

My dad bought me those tickets.

Part of the bribe.

I wasn't intending on using them.

You weren't?
Hand over the key.


I swallowed it.

If we lose this bid, I shall not rest.

Until you are thrown out of this school.

Alfie, what are you wearing?
See, you're doing it again.

You still think I'm a joke.

No, I don't.

I couldn't stand it if you got thrown out of this school.

So why won't you be my girlfriend?
Okay, I will.

Just take that off.

No more tests.

Trial dates or telling me what to wear?
Mmm, can't promise that one.

Okay, I'm coming down.

Now, think about this, Victor.

Sawing Alfie out isn't gonna look good either.

Get out of my way.

Hurry, Amber.

Oh! Plop! No, no, no, where did it go?
Oh, I'm sorry.

Um, this way Mr.


Um Mr.

Ziestack, let me show you to your seat.

- Hello again.

- Hello.

- Are you quite well?

- Very well, thank you.

This academy, it's quite tempting.

Of course it is.

But I don't want to go.

Because that means being away from you.

Look, Mick, I shouldn't even come into this equation.

Well, of course you do.

I mean, I want it all.

It's not possible.

I know.

You have to decide.

Well, I can't.


I'll make it easy for you.

I want us to finish.

We're too different.

And I actually think you should go to Australia.

For my sake as well as yours.


Um, trusted warm welcome to Mr.

Gustav ziestack.

It's a real privilege Where's Mara?
She's supposed to be doing the opening speech.

- You'll have to do it.

- What?
You'll have to do it.

Well, have you got a copy?

So I am now going to hand over to Ms.

Mara jaffrey, Who will give our opening address.


It's fine.

Uh, uh, thank you, Mr.


What is she doing?
Don't worry.

She'll get there.

"the quest was long and difficult.

"I sought treasure.

The treasure was you.

" Sometimes you have to wait a really long time.

For good things to come along.

But they're always worth the wait.

This library has been closed for ages, Waiting for something to give it purpose and meaning.

She's doing really good.

And that something is the treasures of Egypt exhibition.

Welcome to the frobisher library, Mr.



Oh, gross.

Oh, please.

Achoo! Our school has many links to Egypt's past.

And here is king tutankhamun, Chained fast to our library, A symbol of those many links.

Oh, yes.

Our links to Egypt's past are very strong, And this is why.

Enjoy the film.


It's me.

Yeah, thanks for those tickets.

Well, it looks like I'm gonna be using them after all.

Okay, see you later.

- Ancient egyptologist Robert Frobisher

And so since it's genesis in 1890, This estate has been devoted.


Fabian, what if "1890" is the combination code?
Do you think it might be?
Thank you for your warm welcome.

This is the third and final bid I've seen this week, And it's certainly the most original.

And The strongest.


So Do we get the exhibition?

You get the exhibition.

We did it.

Thank you for that.

Oh, thank you for what?
Joy, Joy.

You have the mark.

Why didn't you tell me?
Who are you?
Who are you?
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