01x34 & 01x35 - House of Hazard/Charades

Episode transcripts for the TV show, "House of Anubis". Aired: 1 January 2011 – 17 June 2013.*
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Follows a group of English boarding school students try to solve a mystery involving their dormitory named after the Egyptian god of death, Anubis.
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01x34 & 01x35 - House of Hazard/Charades

Post by bunniefuu »

Good morning, Patricia.

That look on Victor's face last night was all that we needed.

Yeah but know he knows we know and we that know has anyone see Patricia.

Don't have a plan after that.

Has anyone see Patricia.

Don't have a plan after that.


Don't have a plan after that.


Trudy said she went out with her aunt and Uncle after the play.

I thought she would be back by now.

You alright, Mara.

No I need to talk to Patricia.

You can talk to us.

I can't.

Tell them.

Her and Mick were boyfriend and girlfriend for all of one hour and then they broke up.

Who knows.

Where do you think Patricia is?
Hopefully with Joy and not Rufus.

I thought Rufus was a gdd guy.

It's impossible to keep track.

We node a new list.

I hope she is okay.

What are you doing, get off me?
Hey, that's vintage.

What do you want from me.

Nothing at all.

Just sit tighten and Joy a little me time.

The police will be swarming the country side by now.

Don't lock me in again.

Get me something to eat.

Do you hear me?
Would be noise.

You're quiet, Mick.

Am I.

Trouble in maradise?
Wow, that was so clever.

Get it Mara dise.

Ingenious, none of your business.

Ooh, touchy.

So, Alfie, are your parents still here.

They leave tonight.

Actually there is something I want to ask you guys.

I sort of got carried away last night and may of lead my parents to believe I had been promoted to well, head of house.

Oh, congratulations.

Wait, we don't have a head of house.

That's true, so it's not exactly a lie now is it.

So, I was wondering if when they come around if you guys could like kiss your feet.

Ya, exactly.


Hello, Eric.

I think you know who it is.


Why were you at the play last night.

What are you up to.

One of your students is missing.

Patricia Williamson, I borrowed her.

What, are you mad?
Quite possibly.

Is she alright?
If you have harmed her.

No she is fine, forowow.

What is it you want from us?
Oh, I have quite a list.

You are no longer a member wf this society.

You chose your path.

You have no right to make any demands.

No it's time to think again, Eric.

Here we go.

Sit down.

Is this about the play?
Do you think I'm here to give you a review?
Your juvenile fantasies are of no concern to me what so ever.

I am here because a serious theft has taken place.

Items of great value were removed from my safe last night.

Are you responsible?

Why do you think it was any of us?
The school was full of people last night.

When were they taken?
Well, they were there during the intermission.

The only other time I was away from my room was during the second half of your irritating little play.

There you go.

We were all on stage.

Yes, couldn't of been any of us.

We were performing.

The show must go on and all of that.

Of course.

Of course.

How very, very remiss of me.

Very well, after school all of you is that it then?
For now, yes.

But I shall discover who took those items.

You mark my words.

And when I do what do you mean?
When the security cameras were taken down I asked for one camera to be left in my room.

I totally had forgotten.

So, who ever has stolen those items will have been caught.

Victor, I have just taken a phone call from Mr.

sweet in your office.

He said, can you get over to the school?
What now.

Yes, right away.

He said it was an emergency.

I'm on that tape.

What are we going to do?
My friends.

What has happened, Eric?
I had a phone call earlier.

This has just arrived delivered by hand.

It belongs to Patricia.

She has been kidnapped by Rufus seen owe.


Oh, no.

There is more the angst objects have been stole friend my safe.

Is that Zeno too?
I don't know, but I soon will.



Hello, Mick.

You're back.

I got a phone call from Mr.

Sweet explaining everything and tkpwrof he willing.

Yes, I know.

I can't believe Mara would do something like that.

I have my ucla summer school tryouts tomorrow.

I don't suppose this evening you could no, probably not the guest idea.

Not after everything that's happened.

That's it, nothing has happened.

I know, Mick.

This would give them something to talk about.

Good luck with the tryouts.

We can not give in to Zeno's demands.

That's all well and good.

As headmaster I have a duty.

Your duty is to protect the chosen one and secrets of the society.

We know that, Victor.

One of our pupils has been kidnapped.

We can't sit back and do nothing.

On the contrary.

That is exactly what we should.


As far as Victor goes will yothroughthe tape I'm stkupb fo.

Boarders from a tphaou anubii want you back there immediately.

He knows it's me.

I'm toast.

Come along.

Come along.

It's show time, boys and girls.

Time to expose the thief.

What is going on here?
I owe you one or twenty.

Thank you.

Which of you have dared to interfere with my equipment.

Victor, can we see more of your home movies.

You obviously have a nose for comedy.

It's a impossible situation.

What can we do?
Shh, I'm thinking.

Hello, Eric.

Meet me at the clearing 10:00 p.


Tonight no tricks.

But we can't he wants to do annex change tonight at 10:00 o'clock.

Then that's what we do.

I have a plan.

Victor must not know anything about it.


Oh, it's a game of hide and seek.

What fun.

Come out, come out wherever you are.

You know you can't escape, don't you.

Don't be a silly girl, Patricia.

Come out from under there.

You try anything like that again and you will be sorry.

Sit down.

I'm not scared of you.

Wilwell, maybe you ought to.

Sorry I'm not available right now.

Something is wrong.

Really wrong.

She would of called by now.

Are you setting this table or wrecking it?

Yes, sweetie.

Patricia has been gone for a while now And we haven't heard from her.

I thought she went to school this morning.


Don't tell him.

I don't want to worry him.

Don't be silly.


I heard you the first time.

It's about m Patricia.

She went out with her aunt and Uncle after the show.

Settle down her aunt phoned me this morning.

Her Uncle took ill and they are currently at the hospital with him.

That's a relief.

Now we know something is wrong.

Because the aupt and Uncle that called Victor don't exist.

Good point.

I'm head bag to school to do research.

I'm going to go find that card.

I have a bad feeling about this, Fabian.

Don't worry.

Patricia is a tough cookie and can take care of herself.

Help, help me! Help! You can scream as loud as you like, Patricia.

Nobody is going to hear you.

We're in the middle of nowhere.

The trip in the van took five minutes.

That doesn't make a difference.

Doesn't it.

What are you talking about?
Oh, I'm sure someone will have find my little clue by now.

You might as well give yourself up.

What little clue?
I said what will clue?
Tell me.

A ring.

I dropped my ring in the clearing, someone would find it and know I would be nearby.

You're causing me a great deal of grief, young lady.

Hi, Mara.

I was just wondering if you needed any any help with the Mick thing.

If you need to talk, I'm kind of an expert.

Is that Patricia's costume.

I'm writing him a letter.

Do you think that's a good idea is that Patricia's costume.

What do you think?
About what?
About writing Mick a letter.

Whatever Jane Austin.

Just text him.

Thanks, Amber.

Look what I found in the pocket of Patricia's costume.


Meet me tonight nine clearing in the woods, Joy.

I think I know where that is.

I have been there before with Patricia.



What about Fabian.

You know how he is when he's doing research.

It will be cold and dark Amber.


I am scared I admit it I don't like going into the woods at the best of times.

This is the opposite of that.

If we stick together we will be fine.

Come on we owe this to Patricia.


I'm not saying I won't help you.

I just think we should ask Victor to be in on this discussion.

We have to protect the secret.

Perhaps he's write.

You're not thinking clearly, Eric.

What do you think will happen to this place if word gets around children are going missing under mysterious circumstances.

They will close us down, that's what.

Without this place our secret is worthless.

What exactly do you intend to do?
Whatever I have to do to get Patricia away from that man.

Where is everyone?
Who cares more food for me.

What I meant was, Trudy, they're off doing their chores.

Quite right too.


Never mind we better start otherwise it will get cold.

So, Mrs.

Lewis, did you enjoy the play last night.

We would of enjoyed it more if my son had more to.


I don't want to embarrass my friends

That's the problem Alfred.

You could be so much more than a back end of a camel.

Actually I was the front end.

I can't imagine Jerome being over shadowed.

He played the camel's butt.

Tell them about your chores.

Your chores.

The reason they're not at the dinner table.

They're out doing your bidding.

Too many.

Jerome has a better handle on the work force than you, Alfred.

How did my son beat to you head of household.

I turned it down.

Alfred was looking forward to the title so much.

Who is there?
What is he looking for?
I don't know but I think he found it.

Ah skhraoeup! Amber, look it's oil.

No, I havet on my shoe.

The van is leaking.

Limited edition shoes later.

It's a trail.

Now it's the only thing we have got.

Let's follow it.

Maybe it will lead us to Patricia.

If people want to keep eating they have to do their chores.

No chores no chow.


Well, um I might try that in the board room.

more than we thought.

Marsha, ruthless.

How can Alfred fail with parents like you?
Very perceptive Jerome, I can see you're good influence on our boy.

Manners, Alfred.

Jerome, I'm always on the look out for an apprentice.

Business like mine can always do with fresh blood.

Back off, Jerome.

They're my over controlling parents not yours.

- tk
-rbt horses.

The school horses, Fabian.

I hope you finish polishing the silverware.

Oh, okay.

I will go look for them.

Yes, dismissed.

better than that moldy old sand wish you brought me this mornings.

Think yourself lucky that you're getting anything at all after the tricks you have been playing.

You don't deserve it.

Why are you so injured in Joy.

None of your interest.

What is your connection to Sarah, Eric and Victor?
We go back a long way.

That's all you need to know.

This is freaky.


No, what is freaky about an old a ban donned warehouse in the woods.

Do you think Patricia is in there?
There is n sign of the van.

He has definitely been here, look.


Look inside.

I remember I have a really important facial scheduled and chemistry Amber, there is nothing to be scared about, okay.

I'm sure it's just some old a ban donned factory.

We can handle it.

Or we could just not go in.

Okay still warm.

They have only just left.

This is Patricia's too.

They have been here.

Where is she now.

Neon a Amber!
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