01x14 & 01x15 - House of Intruders/Proof

Episode transcripts for the TV show, "House of Anubis". Aired: 1 January 2011 – 17 June 2013.*
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Follows a group of English boarding school students try to solve a mystery involving their dormitory named after the Egyptian god of death, Anubis.
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01x14 & 01x15 - House of Intruders/Proof

Post by bunniefuu »

I saw him outside the door and he was staring right at me.

You believe me don't you?
Of course.

Perhaps we should assume it was a typical dormitory prank, Victor?
A reassuring theory, sergeant.

But you'll understand my desire to be absolutely sure.

Why aren't you dressed?
She's not going to school today.

I have work to do around the house.

I cannot do it if there are students rustling about the place.

Yes, students can be such a bother.

Well you don't need to worry.

She'll hardly be rustling around: The poor girl's exhausted! A day off won't hurt anybody.

No, it's fine, Trudy I'd rather just No, nonsense.

You hardly slept a wink.

You need rest, and perhaps a dose of daytime tv.

I could do with another three hours sleep in
- I'm spent.

Do you think she really did see a g


Nothing would get past Victor the death
-watch beetle.

He would scare a ghost to death.

Where do you wanna sit?
Hey neens, I've got something that is going to help us find treasure.

-da! An mp3 player?
A state of the art mp3 player, which also works as a digital recorder.

My dad thought I might use it for homework revision.

Like that would happen.

I'm sorry, Amber, but you lost me.

Sometimes you are so slow, Nina.

We can record all that stuff from those sphericals onto it.

Cylinders That's what I said.

Save us from going up and down the creepy attic every five minutes.

Amber, I'm not going to say this a lot, but you're a genius.

What was that, Nina?
You think I'm a genius?
Until now.

Just, shh.

I think the bling must be hidden behind another secret panel, Like the one in the attic.

What do you think?
I think you may be right, but maybe we talk about this somewhere more private.

Morning, everybody.

Morning, mrs Andrews.

I have your french test papers to hand back here.

I got an a?
I got an a! Wa
-hey! I knew you could do it.

What's going on?
I got an a! What?
I'm sure I didn't get all of these.

But, Maybe I just, did some really good guesses?
Stranger things have happened, eh, Mara?
Okay, settle down please.

Amber, back to your seat.

How nice of you to pop in to see Patricia.

I suppose drama class is lacking a little drama Now that she's off school.

Hey Patricia.

Hi mr Winkler.

How are you feeling?
I heard about Fine.

I mean, scared, but at least this proves one thing, doesn't it?
The man He's not in my head.

Thing is Patricia, no
-one else saw him.

You do know that, don't you?
The police couldn't find anything either.

The police are in on it.

I told you.

You said yesterday you believed me.

And I do.

And I do.


I do! I'ts just.

I'm worried about you.

Yeah, well, join the club.

I'm worried about me too.

Describe him to me, yeah?
Describe to me the man that you saw, And I promise you I will try to get some answers.

I just don't know how I managed to get all that stuff on them.

It doesn't even make sense that one shoe could step in so much gum.

Just unlucky I guess.

Anyone seen my gum?

Thought I'd left it in the science lab! Alfie, no! Hey Mara, what's going on between you and Mick?
You were acting very strange earlier?

Amber, please.

Let it go.

I'm not even tutoring him anymore.

Hey! That's private! Funny.

You and Mick must be like, psychically linked or something.


You creep! You did this.

I never said a word.


Why are you calling him a creep?
You're the creep.

Stealing my boyfriend by helping him cheat.

I'm not stealing your boyfriend! And Mick doesn't know anything about it! What?
I don't get it.

I love this part.

She did it for him secretly.

You are unbelievable.

Did you really think you could get Mick by doing that?
Ding, dong! Round one! Whoah! Cat fight.

Let her go.

Don't just sit there, you idiot.

Get off me! What are you doing?
That's right take her side.

Just because she cheated for you doesn't mean you have to defend her.

Is this true?
I was just trying to help.

Your answers were soWrong.

Do you really think I'm so thick That I can't do anything without your help?
No, of course not.

Not "anything.

" I could get kicked out of school for this.

Come on.


You missed a spot.

"one woe doth tread upon another's heel".

"so fast they follow".

How can I help you, mr Winkler?
Um, I'm worried about Patricia Williamson.

And I was hoping you might be able to give me some advice.

She seems to think that a friend of hers has disappeared, Joy Mercer.

She thinks she's been removed or kidnapped.

Let me give you a word of advice, Jason.

Patricia is a lovely girl, But she has a very vivid imagination.

I just think it might help if she could speak to this Joy.

Call her at home perhaps?
Ah, Mick, come in, what can I do for you?
We'll continue this conversation another time mr Winkler.

I need to speak to you about the french test.

I um, I didn't deserve the 'a'.

I cheated.


No he didn't.

Technically, he didn't cheat, miss.

It was me.

I was wondering when you were going to come clean Mara.

You knew?
There was only one other person with the same high mark as you, Mick.

Is mr sweet going to expel me?

But I'd think very seriously about doing anything like this again if I were you.

And Mick, you will have to re
-take the test.

Of course.

Okay then.

Mick, I'm so sorry Save it Mara.

Mrs Andrews may have your back but I don't.

It's all right, Patricia.

I just need to speak to you about last night?
I don't want to talk about it.

Can you describe to me exactly what this man looks like?
It's very important.

Get away from me! Woah, Patricia?
Are you okay?
Let me guess.

Like everyone else in this place you're "worried about me".

Well I don't care what you all think of me! I know there's something going on.

What are you doing?
Searching for the you know what.

Well do it somewhere else.


No, get way from me.

Leave me alone.

It's kind of annoying.

And you're not going to find anything by knocking on the floor like that.

Nina, look! "help me.

Sarah Frobisher

" Okay, good knocking, Amber.

The frobisher
-smythes are that miserable
-looking couple.

From the picture in the living room aren't they?
Sarah must be their daughter.

The old lady at the house.

She's call s Sarah.

No way! Sarah Frobisher
-Smythe is still alive?
Let's go and talk to her then, she might know something.

I've tried, Amber but, she's not quite with it.



She said there was evil in this house.

Poor Sarah.

What was she so afraid of?
I know one way to find out.

"mother and father has given the house a name, anubis.

I think it's egyptian.

" Nina, tell me a story about something nice, please?
Okay, Amber These are the rules.

We sit and record every single cylinder, In silence.

Even though it's fuzzy, we need total silence to be able to clear it later.





"I wish my parents could come back Sometimes I see their faces in the mirror But I know they're not there.

And I know it wasn't an accident.

He did it.

He m*rder*d them.

" m*rder*d?
, sorry I'm late, mr Winkler.

Right, everyone settle down, please?
Okay, before we start the class, The school is having a prospective parents day next week.

And I would like some volunteers to help me show t outside world.

What a talented bunch you all are.

Quietly! Take a seat.

Aw man
- miss Robinson.

M, miss Robinson, I'm in the middle of a class here.

This is my classroom, mr Winkler.

If you look on the timetable, I've had it booked for weeks.

Shall we.

I don't think so.

Okay, quiet everyone please.

Can you go to the drama studio and we'll carry on there.

Argh! Right behind you, mr Winkler.

I saw him again you know.

The man.

And I don't think he's a ghost any more.

I think he's real.

I'm going to visit Sarah.

If she is the girl on the recordings, Then maybe she can tell us something about the m*rder*r.

Do you want me to come with you?
I do, but remember how much she freaked out last time.

I think I should go alone.

There'll be less screaming.


I need to have another crack at this.

It's driving me mad.

What are you two whispering about?
Where are you going?


Sorry, of cour.



Do you fancy going into town later babe?
We've both got free periods so I thought maybe we could.

Hey! Check out my new playlist.

It's major.

I'm going to the home to visit Sarah.

Excuse me?
You're going on a fact
-finding trip and you didn't invite me.

Two secs, while I fix my face.

So are we going into town?
No can do boo.

Do not go without me.

If Sarah's frightened of me, wait 'til she meets Amber.

Ha ha ha.

Miss Robinson! Mr Winkler.

You said old, but I didn't know you meant, like old old.

She looks good for her age.

I guess.

I actually don't know how old she is.

Well, that's no excuse for those hands.


She likes it.

This is moisturiser.

It's really good for your skin.

Amber! It's okay, it'll make you look younger.

Well, not exactly younger
- it's not miracle cream, but Let's save the infomercial for later Amber.


Do you remember me?
The one with the power.

What does that mean?
Ssh! It's me, Nina.

Have you found it?

Not yet, but we found some cylinders.

And we heard a little girl.

Rock a bye baby on the tree top.

Yes! The little girl on the recordings.

Is that you Sarah?
Look, she's sleeping.

The little girl, she says something about a m*rder.

The man who kills.

He wants to stay forever.

He wants to tip the scales of life.

Who Sarah?
Do you know who it is?
Sometimes I see their faces in the mirror, But I know they're not there.

That's from the recordings.


You really are the girl on the recordings aren't you?
And your name really is Sarah.

My mummy's dead.

What happened to them Sarah?
Who k*lled them?
I think that is all we're going to get for today.

Let's get going.

This is definitely Joy's.

But that means Victor never sent it back to her.

It certainly looks that way.

No wonder she never answered any of my calls.

But this is proof though isn't it?
Proof of the conspiracy.

It's not definitive.

We need something more.

What about the photo?
What about it?
I told you.

They removed her from it.


She was standing right here next to me.


What's that?


I dunno.

It looks like A hand?
Joy's hand.

Curiouser and curiouser.

Finally, someone believes me.

Come on, let's go.

We need to confront them.

No, not yet, I need to dig a little further.

Be patient okay.

I will get to the bottom of this, I promise.

Right, creepy little girl Sarah says "sometimes I see them in the mirror"?
Crazy old lady Sarah totally just said the same thing! Coincidence?
I think not.

She's definitely the girl on the recordings.

And what about the m*rder?
Yeah, we kind of lost her by then.

Something about "tipping the scales".


So I've haa a really important idea.

We're the only three students at creepy towers who know all about this.

We're a club, g*ng, posse.

Whatever you want to call it.

I think we should make it official.

Sibuna! Sibuna?
Anubis, backwards.

See what I did there?
I'm a little bit of a genius.

A little bit I know! So what do you say?

Does this mean that we make a solemn oath not to tell anyone about this?


I'm in.

But no pricking our fingers or eating snakes or anything like that.

And tonight, we make it official.

Hi, cricklewood photographers?
Yeah hi, I'm calling on behalf of mr Eric sweet.

I believe you do all our school photos?

She won't know why, but she'll smell like carp for a week.

What is she hiding this for?
She's sneakier than she looks.


Get it.

Because it's a fish.

Ha ha ha.

I get it.


"He's looking for answers," But he'll never get them from me.


Sometimes he says things in the hope that I'll react, but I don't.

" What kind of weird audio book is this?
Terrible quality.


Why's she listening to this rubbish?
I tooketh myself up to the attic.

And verily there was one massive surprise.

The lady of the house, locked away, was a total nut job'eth.

Verily I turneth on my heels and ran away.

Oh ancient gods of anubis house.

We pledge ourselves to your secrets and your quest.

We are the sibuna club.

And we make these sacrifices as a pledge.

Whoah, wait, hang on.

You are not sacrificing merl.

And this is my signed copy of the solar system is your friend! Okay, even though these things seem really dumb to me, I know they mean something to you.

It has to be a sacrifice.

Yeah, but such a big sacrifice?
Look, you can have this, but you can't have merl.

This guy, he's my lucky mascot, So it's still a sacrifice.

But just not such a big one.

I, Nina Martin, being of sound mind.

Well, semi
-sound mind, Promise to protect the secrets of anubis house.

And stand by my fellow club members, Amber Millington and Fabian Rutter.

I, Fabian Rutter, being of sound mind.

Promise to protect the secrets of anubis house.

And stand by my fellow club members, Amber Millington and Nina Martin.

I, Amber Millington, being of sounds and minds, Promise to protect the secrets of anubis house.

And stand by my fellow club members, Nina Martin and Fabian Rutter.

These are our sacred vows.

Let no man or woman tear them asunder.

- Sibuna!
- Sibuna!
- Sibuna! Ooh, that doesn't look good.

We should get going.

And of course, I've just done my hair.

Any luck?

Veve tried every single possible combination.

Except that one.


What's in it?
"when daytime ends at midday, "through tears of glass the eye shall see.

" What does that mean?
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