01x03 - Wave of Catastrophe

Episode transcripts for the TV show, "The Rising of the Shield Hero". Aired: January 9, 2019 - December 22, 2023.*
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Anime television series based on the light novel series of the same title written by Aneko Yusagi.
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01x03 - Wave of Catastrophe

Post by bunniefuu »


[NAOFUMI] It's been a week since the battle in the coal mine.

[RAPHTALIA] Come back here!

[NOAFUMI] And my shield's gained so many skills and abilities

that I've practically lost count of them all.

But I still let my guard down, and I got hurt.


[RAPHTALIA] Master Naofumi!

[NAOFUMI] Shield Prison!

[NAOFUMI] The Wave is almost here.

It's about time we upgraded our equipment.

[RAPHTALIA] Master Naofumi!

I did it!


[ERHARDT] Wow, I hardly recognized you!

[ERHARDT] You've turned into a pretty little lady.


[ERHARDT] I haven't seen you in a while.

What've you been up to?

I finally learned correct table manners from the innkeeper.

I want to eat my food properly, like Master Naofumi does.

[ERHARDT] Is that so, huh?

You have really grown up.

Nothing like the pipsqueak you used to be.

[RAPHTALIA grumbles]

You think?


Well... someone's a little hard to please, aren't they?

I'm actually pretty surprised myself.

This whole country's full of lolicons.

Wow! Miss, you're adorable. Have another on the house.

[NAOFUMI] I can understand finding little girls cute,

but jeez...

Take this, too.

Um, I'm really, uhh...

[NAOFUMI] You people take it too far.

All right, kid, listen.

Haven't you heard the stories about what demi-humans are like?

[RAPHTALIA] Excuse me!

Can we forget about all that stuff?

We're here to buy armor for Master Naofumi!

You have some recommendations, don't you?!

[NAOFUMI] What are you talking about?

We're here for your equipment.

I appreciate the thought, Master Naofumi,

but it's time you protected yourself first for once!

You just got hurt in the plains, or did you forget that?

Of course I haven't forgotten, but you need a w*apon as we--

[RAPHTALIA] Master Naofumi.

Stop messing around with your life... or you will die.

[RAPHTALIA] Boss, this sword seems really sharp!

Yep, that's magic iron. D'ya feel like trying it out?

[RAPHTALIA] What kind of discount can you give us?

[ERHARDT] Oh, don't worry about that, miss--anything for you.

--Huh? --[RAPHTALIA giggles]

[RAPHTALIA] Thank you so much!

While we're at it, could you show us some armor, too?

[ERHARDT] Of course.

[NAOFUMI] She sure stands up for herself now.

Or maybe she's just rude...

[RAPHTALIA] The most we can pay is around silvers.

Well, in that case...

How 'bout something like this?

It's not really my style actually.

Umm... It'll take away all of Master Naofumi's individuality.

[ERHARDT] No problem.

I can whip up something special that's made to order.

Made up special?!

If you don't mind me using

whatever materials I've got on hand,

I can finish by tomorrow.

[RAPHTALIA] Please. Please do!

[RAPHTALIA] Wasn't it nice of him to give us

a discount on this sword?

[NAOFUMI] Uh-huh.

[RAPHTALIA] He was so sweet to help us like that.

Don't you think?

I'm not convinced.

[stomach growls]

That wasn't me, I swear it!

It was me.

[WAITER A] Are you ready to order?

I'll have the cheapest lunch set that you got,

and she's gonna have the childrens' lunch set.

Master Naofumi!

I'm not a kid anymore and that's the last I wanna hear of it!

So I'll get the cheapest lunch set, too, and make it quick!

[WAITER A] R-Right away.

You really don't need to force yourself to act grown-up.

Uh. I'm not forcing it!

[NAOFUMI] Doesn't this make me look like a typical villain?

[RAPHTALIA] So cool...

It's really perfect! You look amazing!

[ERHARDT] I call it Barbarian Armor!

You rock, kid. You look like a real bandit.

Ugh. I'm supposed to be a hero, you know.

It's dashing!

[NAOFUMI] Well, you did make it for me.

It'd be a shame not to wear it...

[horse whinnies]


[RAPHTALIA] It's clear that everyone in town is on edge now.

[NAOFUMI] Sure, the Wave's nearly here.

If only I knew when and where the damn thing was gonna begin,

I could come up with some kind of plan.

I can't believe it.

Y'mean nobody's told you anything about the clock?


[ERHARDT] You know that church you can see from town square?

There's a huge hourglass inside.

When the last grain of sand inside it falls,

the heroes and their parties will be sent

to wherever the Wave begins.

Least, that's what I hear.

Come this way.

[NAOFUMI gasps]


Could this be the dragon hourglass the king

was talking about?


[NAOFUMI] Is it--? Is it really counting down to the Wave?

[MOTOYASU] Is that Naofumi I see?

[MOTOYASU] Hey! What's this?

You're not still fighting with that flimsy equipment, are you?

Do you know who these people are, Master Naofumi?

[MYNE] Hey! Sir Motoyasu is talking to you, Naofumi!

[MOTOYASU] Hi there.

I'm Motoyasu Kitamura, the Spear Hero. Nice to meet ya.

You're a hero?

Wow, you're cute!


[MYNE] Why are you praising a demi-human, Sir Motoyasu?

A girl as adorable as you shouldn't have to wield a sword.

Allow me to protect you from now on.

I'm sorry!

It's my sworn duty to fight side by side with Master Naofumi!

Are you kidding?!

That's insane.

If you stay with Naofumi, you'll be in danger--

Tell me I'm not right. Or don't you have the guts?

[MOTOYASU chuckles]

[NAOFUMI] We're outta here!

Come on, you're not gonna tell me you haven't heard

any of those rumors goin' around about him?



See you when the Wave hits.

Just stay out of our way.

Uh, may I?


[RAPHTALIA] Did something happen between you

and the other heroes?

[NAOFUMI] That's none of your business.

Master Naofumi, I guess I'll...

I'll turn in now.

Good night.

[NAOFUMI] It's useless.

Even when I tell the truth, nobody believes me, anyway.

[RAPHTALIA] Master Naofumi.

[NAOFUMI] What is it?

Well, I-I just wanna say...

...that I'm truly grateful and...

...and honored to have met you.

You gave me medicines and cured my illness.

You allowed me to have warm meals.

And most importantly...

...you taught me how to live.

[NAOFUMI] Face it, your parents aren't coming back.

But we can prevent other kids

from going through what you experienced.


[RAPHTALIA] And... you gave me a reason to survive

and to fight... to fight the Waves.

I swear to be your sword forever!

Wherever you go, I'll be there with you.

Oh, yeah?


Where are we?


There it is.

[NAOFUMI] The Wave of Catastrophe.


[NAOFUMI] Those guys.

Let's move, Raphtalia!!

[RAPHTALIA gasps] Look over there!

The village of Lute!

Was everyone evacuated?



[NAOFUMI] A flare?

They think it's enough to let the knights know

where they are?

The castle isn't far away,

but by the time the knights get here,

the village will be wiped out!

[NAOFUMI] We're going!


[NAOFUMI] To Lute Village!


Sir, are you all right?

Go on, Raphtalia,

it's better you help the villagers evacuate.

Huh? But what about you?

Don't worry... I'll lure them outta here.

[VILLAGER B] One of the heroes!

[VILLAGER C] The Shield Hero is here--he'll save us!


Listen up, everybody! I'll keep these zombies busy!

So all of you get out while you can!

[PEDDLER A screams]

[NAOFUMI] Air Strike Shield!

Run! Get outta here!

[GIRL A] Mommy!

[NAOFUMI] Shield Prison!

Damn it!

This way, you stupid zombies!

What's the matter? Can't take the pace?

[NAOFUMI] Why am I risking my life to defend total strangers?

[NAOFUMI] I'm such a fool.

Everyone! Come this way!


This won't work. There's too many of these guys.

I've got to minimize the damage to the village.

Air Strike Shield!

Get the hell outta here! Just stay back!

[ADVENTURER B] Get away from me!

Stay away! You hear what I said?!

[bell ringing]


It's showing no sign of slowing down.

What are those guys doing?

What're they waiting--?


--[thudding] --[RAPHTALIA gasps]

Is that it?

[VILLAGER A] Sir Hero!

What're you doing? Get outta here!

We all changed our minds

and came back after seeing how courageously you're fighting.

Lute is our home. It's all we have.

We can't just run away and abandon it.

We decided we'll fight with you.

[NAOFUMI] Good choice.

Help me keep the enemy pinned down

until we can finish the evacuation.

[VILLAGER B] Die, monster!

You guys fall back--you can't deal with this one!

Sir Hero!

[NAOFUMI] Forget it!

Think about your families! There's no reason to die here!

[RAPHTALIA] Master Naofumi!

[NAOFUMI gasps] Raphtalia!

Take care of this thing!

Well done, kid.

[VILLAGER B] A-Amazing!

Hurry up and evacuate. We'll handle things here.

All right. But both of you be careful.

Now then...

[NAOFUMI] Their numbers aren't diminishing. Now what?

[NAOFUMI] What's that?

[NAOFUMI] Look out!

[CAPTAIN A laughing]

[CAPTAIN A] We burned them all to death in a single strike.

[CAPTAIN A] Hm? The Shield Hero?

You're pretty tough.

They didn't even care about us.

Did you know Master Naofumi was here?

Answer me or I'll have your head!

Draw your swords!

[CAPTAIN A] What's this? Are you with the Shield Hero?

I am Master Naofumi's sword. Respect him or die.

[CAPTAIN A] Damned demi-human!

How dare you point your blade at the royal knights!

What kind of knight

neglects the people he's supposed to defend?!

Raphtalia. Forget it.


Just let it go!

Excellent advice.

If you stay out of our way,

we won't be forced to make any mistakes.

[NAOFUMI] I guess you're right.

I suppose I could just sit tight

and watch the zombies munch on all you morons.

Which wouldn't be the worst idea!

Hold your ground and get into formation!

[NAOFUMI] How 'bout dying an honorable death in battle?!



[NAOFUMI] Listen up! We're gonna buy you time!

Use it to get into formation!

Raphtalia. Take off!

Got it!

[NAOFUMI yells]


[CAPTAIN A] Let the Shield handle this.

We'll offer reinforcement to the Three Heroes!

All right, go!


Phalanx formation to support the Shield Hero!

[ALL gasp]

[KNIGHTS] Phalanx formation!

To battle!

[KNIGHTS yelling]

[RAPHTALIA] Master Naofumi, look at the knights.

Idiots! Forget 'em, let's go.

Wind Arrow!

Crimson Blade!

[MOTOYASU] I'll end this!

Take this! Lightning Spear!

Master Naofumi, the sky!

[MOTOYASU] A walk in the park.

[REN] This Wave was a piece of cake.


And the next one'll probably be easy, too.

[MOTOYASU] By the way, anybody seen Naofumi?

I'm glad he wasn't here.

He would've held us back

and we wouldn't have had as much fun!

[MOTOYASU laughs]

For sure!

[CAPTAIN A] Heroes!

[BOTH] Huh?

Job well done!

The knights, huh?

Isn't it a bit late to show up?

[ITSUKI] Thanks for the help.

[CAPTAIN A] Now, now, don't be that way.

His Highness has rewards for each one of you.

So... shall we go?

[VILLAGERS chattering]

[RAPHTALIA] Master Naofumi.

There aren't any more monsters here, I k*lled them all.

That's good.

I guess it is.

But did we win?

[LORD A] Sir Hero.


[LORD A] Thank you very much.

Please accept our gratitude.

There's no way we could've survived

without your help and courage.

Well, it wasn't me. We were lucky.

[VILLAGER A] No, if you hadn't been here,

we would never have been able

to push those monsters back all on our own.

We'll never forget what you've done for us.

Yeah, whatever...

[RAPHTALIA] They looked truly grateful.

[NAOFUMI] I guess.

Well, one thing's for sure at least.

We did save some kids from going through what I did.


[RAPHTALIA] Master Naofumi.

Good job today, Raphtalia.

[RAPHTALIA] I k*lled... so many monsters.


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