06x10 - Parker's 21st

Episode transcripts for the TV show, "Gold Rush". Aired: December 3, 2010 –present.*
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Reality based series follows the placer gold mining efforts of various family-run mining companies, mostly in the Klondike region of Dawson City, Yukon, Canada, as well as in the U.S. state of Alaska.
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06x10 - Parker's 21st

Post by bunniefuu »

Let's go for an adventure.

on this "gold rush"...

We're going big on smith creek.

...the parker schnabel story.

-What are you doing this summer?
-Mining for gold.

I'm in charge now.

John: he has visions

That he's gonna make thousands
of dollars every day,

And I hope he's right.

There's a camera
in my face every day.

He's 17, and I'm his mother.

[ Cheers and applause ]

if you k*ll yourself,

We will not be able
to live with ourselves.

We got to get up here
where the big boys play.

Man: oh, dear!

I don't know what's going on,
but it's not good.


That's $3 million
right there on the table.

[ Men cheering ]
man: what?!

It's just gold fever.
That's all it is.

Captions paid for by
discovery communications

in 2010, todd hoffman went north

To strike it rich on a gold mine
in porcupine creek, alaska.

We got to turn this boat around.

I'm hoping that gold mining
is the key to that.

Maybe respark
the american dream again.

Narrator: across the creek,
at the big nugget mine...

Hey, parker,
come on out here.

...long-time gold miners
90-year-old john schnabel

And his 15-year-old grandson,

Checked out their new neighbors.

Take a look at this.

Getting some neighbors, huh?


They got a lot
of machinery.


Couple excavators, huh?

Looks like
a big piece of junk.

[ Laughs ]

Parker was just a teenager,

But he was already
a shrewd businessman,

And he saw an opportunity

To make a quick buck
off the city slickers.

Go, parker!
Go, parker!

Man: nailed it.

Your dad says that sometimes,
he has to spank you,

And that's good
for a young man.

That's embarrassing.

[ Laughter ]

So how many kids
are in your junior high?

Junior high?
I'm not in junior high.

Parker, you need to learn
how to read.

[ Chuckling ] shut up.

Narrator: the hoffmans gave
the kid a hard time,

But the young entrepreneur
had the last laugh.

Man: parker,
what's with the wood?

You feeling sorry
for these guys?

No. I charged them double
what I usually do.

I just sell firewood on the side
when I'm not mining.

And when you're not
at school.


That's kind of tough now

'Cause I've still got
quite a bit to do

And I'm going to school,

And I probably shouldn't
be standing here, talking.

Yup. Okay.

as todd mined porcupine creek,

Parker was just finishing his
sophomore year at high school.

This is our last class
of the semester,

So summer and break after this.

Pretty excited to get it
over with and get out of here.

And then use that emphasis,
use your punctuation marks,

And try it like that.

Narrator: even in class,

Parker had gold on his mind.

Parker, what are you --
put your computer away.


Thank you.
Sorry, ms. Martin.

The biggest problem
I have with school is

I don't see the relevance
to my life.

My long-term plan
for mining and college

Will kind of depend a lot
on this summer

And, uh, what I want to do
in the next five years.

So have a great summer,
and we'll see you in the fall.

Narrator: parker had big plans
for his summer vacation.

Parker: what are you doing
this summer?

Young man: going to hawaii.

-You're going to hawaii?
-Next week.

-All summer?

-Parker, how 'bout you?
-Mining for gold.

-The usual.

Find as much gold as I can
in 3 months.

So we'll see how that goes.

Right on.
I'll see you around sometime.


Text me
if you guys do anything.

the nice thing about big nugget
when I was growing up

Was that it was everything
a kid needed.

When I wanted
to have it be a playground,

It was a playground.

When I wanted it to be a school,
it was a school.

I've practically grown up
up there.

Nancy: parker's question
to grandpa was, you know,

"When can I go to big nugget?

When can I go to the mine
with you?"

And john looked at him and said,

"When you're not
wearing those diapers."

In about 2 or 3 days,
his mother brought him up,

And he unzipped his pants,

And he says, "grandpa,
I got no diapers."

Parker: big nugget,
it was the place to be.

I just had to get rid
of those pesky diapers.

There were areas that you were
able to get gold just panning.

And I said to him,

"You find any gold in that,
it's yours."

it became a real fun thing.

It was a no-mom zone up there.

I didn't know that my 8-year-old
was driving an excavator.

If I had, the no-mom zone
might have had a mom in it.

You think that's gonna
do any good?

Narrator: at just 15,

Parker became his beloved
grandpa's right-hand man.

You got a little bit of dirt
there, but that's all right.

That's okay.

That's about a -- I would judge
close to a half an ounce.

Yeah. I'd say so, too.
A little over, I bet.

There's 480 grains in an ounce,
so a half an ounce would be 240.

Two hundred and seventy-five
grains, that's a --

I was right.

Pretty close.

That's over a half ounce.

Parker didn't see mining
as a hobby.

He saw it as a business.

you know how many yards that is?

About 100 yards.

Yesterday, we ran 140.

We ran 140 yards yesterday?

We did?

He knows I don't
pay that much attention.

He brought up
one of those little buttons

You push your thumb on
every time you dump a load in.

[ Laughs ]

He became convinced that
this was a way to make money.

And so that started him,
and he never gave up.

across porcupine creek...

Todd: it's not
working right here.

...the hoffman operation
was dead in the water.

Anything coming out?

We're all plugged up.

The rookie miners were forced
to ask for help

From the kid next door.

Todd: a little embarrassing.

You got a 15-year-old kid
telling you how to mine,

But he's got
a lot more experience than I do.

He's been mining
since he was 6 years old.


How are you, buddy?
Pretty good.

I want you to take a look
at my jig.

Something's wrong.

I don't know
what I'm doing with it.

That's not gonna work.


Did you guys level this out
when you put it in?

I got to take that apart.

Parker: well, yeah. Rocks aren't
gonna fit under that.

Todd: dude, first run,

That's a mess.

I'm from the city, man.

I didn't grow up out here
like you.


Todd: I'm sure he's looking
at us like, "oh, my gosh."

You know?
"Look at these guys.

They're never gonna make it."

So there must be really
something plugged up in there.

I piped them both together
with one valve.

Parker: so you need
more water pressure.

A valve on each of those,

And then you can adjust

How much comes out
through the bottom.

I got to do them separately?

I think so.


I'm gonna
have to cut it off.

That's where I screwed up.

I was running both
in together.

Do it right now.

Jack: I think this whole pipe
is just plugged up with gold.

[ Chuckles ]

you are [bleep] me.

Look out.
Look out.

[ Laughs ]

All right.

I see gold on my fingers.

I'm going to disneyland.

when they opened the valve,

"There's gold everywhere!

It's covered in gold!

Look at my hands!"

I saw three little tiny flakes.

It's just gold fever.
That's all it is.

You know they're amateurs

When they dig through
with their fingers

And look for it.

Don't know
what they're doing.

Parker: you know,
over the course of the years

That I spent at big nugget,

My grandpa went from being
my grandpa

To my best friend, really.

And that was great.
It was a ton of fun.

And those are years
that I'll never forget.

parker, you lazy [bleep]
why aren't you cooking?

I like his cooking.

If I was cooking, it'd be
cup o' noodles every day.

Look at that.

If you want to retire
at 25,

You probably need
a few million bucks.

Maybe $2 million.


Well, if you were smart.

Parker: he had ambition.

He said to me one day,

teach me to play bridge."

And I said, "well, what do you
want to play bridge for?"

He says, "warren buffet
and bill gates play bridge,

And therefore,
I think I should play bridge."

instead of bridge lessons,

Grandpa john
gave the young entrepreneur

The keys to big nugget mine.

At the age of 91,
I've had 25 very good,

Fruitful, productive years
at the mine.

And I am pleased that you feel
that you'd like to continue it

And keep the property
in the line of the family.

And I have faith
in your management,

That it will be successful.


[ Laughs ]

Parker: pretty big moment.
I'm in charge now.

Quite an honor.

I must
be doing something right

For my grandpa to put
this much faith in me.

To come right out of school
and have that happen,

It's just --
I wasn't expecting that.

Parker: parker's sitting
on top of the world.

He has visions

That he's gonna make
thousands of dollars every day,

And I hope he's right.

You know,
looking back on that first year

That I was running big nugget,

I had no idea
what I was stepping into.

at just 16 years old,

Parker schnabel took over
his grandpa's

Struggling big nugget mine.

He was determined
to turn things around.

This is not good.

What time is it?

8:30 on the dot.

I was hoping to get up here

And hit the ground running
and run the plant,

But 8:30,
and I'm the only one up here.

Oh, well.

We'll get going
sometime today, hopefully.

Maybe tomorrow,
maybe in two weeks.

I'm just confused 'cause
I thought I made it pretty clear

That the plan
was to run the plant.

I thought gary was gonna
meet me up here.

Well, starting time has always
been 8:00 for the last 10 years.

John: relax.
[ Laughs ]

When parker took over the mine,

It came
with his grandpa's crew --

Two men
both three times his age.

there's gonna be some issues.

I'm pretty young,

And it's tough to, you know...

I never know if I'm doing
the right thing or not.

You can run the excavator,
and gary, you can run the truck.

[ Engine turns over ]

You guys have a half hour,
don't you?

I guess that's a no.

It makes me not feel
like the boss.

Narrator: unhappy with his new,
teenage mine boss,

One of parker's crew
suddenly up and left.

He's been here 8 years,

And it takes a few words

For him to just get in his truck
and drive off.

Were you there
when that happened?

Man: mm-hmm.

Did you hear the exchange?

I don't care
if you guys hate my guts.

I need a little respect.

You need to show me
a little respect.

I agree.
I agree.

Yeah. I don't have a problem
with that at all, parker.

I agree 100 percent
that that was wrong.


We're here to make money.

That's the only way
he has a job in two months

Is if we keep finding gold.

And here, he's back.

Man: ah.
He's coming back.


What are you doing?

I'm coming back.

[Speaks indistinctly]
for your grandfather.

My grandpa's
not in charge here.

I don't care.

Stop a minute.

I ain't stopping for nothing.

-You don't give me orders.
-Why not?

Because you don't.
You ask.

You don't order somebody.
You ask.

Have some respect
for people.

I think you should show me
a little respect.

You told me to go haul dirt.

-Is that how you treat somebody?
-You don't -- hey.

You don't tell me
how to do mine.

I have not told you
how to do your job

One time this whole year.

I have not told you
one time!

Parker: parker.

Not once!

Parker, come here.

You are approaching this man
in the wrong way.

You don't shout at him.

You don't point your finger
at him.

they were standing around.

Well, that doesn't make
any difference.

Yes, it does.

We're up here to make money.

And we're up here
to run the plant.

You won't make money
if you chase the help off.

Parker: he had no idea
how to handle people.

He responded in anger.

And I just tried my damnedest

To explain to him
how this don't work.

It's falling apart, you know?

[Bleep] falling apart.

with morale at an all-time low,

Parker hatched a plan
to make peace with his crew.

if we have a good season,

We'll do
a 10 percent profit share.

Cool. It really gives us
a good incentive to work.

That makes it a challenge

To see if we can
strike something good.

I think that it will make
a big difference.

I think that we'll see them
take it a little more personal

And try to make us some money.

parker learned his first lesson
in running a crew.

Parker, I'll support that
and be proud of you.

That does mean a lot to me.

Thank you.

It's nice to hear that.

In that case,

It's been a long time
since we had a good hug.

[ Laughs ]

I love you.
You're a great man.

During his first season
as the boss of big nugget mine,

Parker turned 17.

He was dead set
on finding a new source of gold.

My grandpa's been talking
about, "oh, the buckets.

The buckets,"
for probably, like, 5 years.

You know? He's like, "oh,
if I wanted some easy money,

I'd just go
dig the buckets out."

I've got a plan.
I'm gonna execute my plan.

Simple as that.

Narrator: parker
and his grandpa figured

That the old,
expensive machinery

Was proof that the ground
was rich in gold.

They were sure that they'd find
a hot pay streak

Under the rusted bucket line.

It's been sitting in there
a long time,

And it doesn't want to come out,
I don't think.

Maybe with a cable
on our big loader.

[ Cable creaking ]

Not even close.

Pbht! I wish that would've
just came right out,

But that'd be too easy.

I think I need to see
what I'm doing.

Once we get the thing
pumped out,

We'll be able to get
all this stuff out of here.

Oh, damn it!
It broke!

it took parker 5 days

And thousands
in fuel and wages

To pull out
the worthless mining equipment.

Parker: I'm just gonna keep
digging alongside of them

And haul it to the plant
'cause it should be good dirt.

Narrator: parker acted
on his grandpa's hunch.

But as the boss,

He was on the hook
for the money.

we may have wasted 10 grand.

Well, yeah, I'm worried.

Narrator: after taking over
his grandpa's mine,

17-Year-old parker schnabel
sunk $10,000

Into the hunt for gold nuggets

Buried under
an ancient bucket line.

If we ran dirt
that had any nuggets in it,

This is where they'd be.

Narrator: his crew washed
and processed the dirt,

Hoping for a big payday.

Is there anything
left up there on that?

Not really.

And we didn't make money.

Parker's $10,000 investment
produced only $400 in gold.

I didn't really prepare myself
to lose money this much.

What can you do about it?
Keep working.

[ Engine turns over ]

Nancy: my big statement to him
all the time

Was, you know, there's other
ways to measure success

Other than your gold total.

And he would always say,
"not if you're a miner."

Narrator: his relentless drive
to succeed

Ran the teenager
into the ground.

Parker would come home at nights
dog-tired and exhausted.

The coffee's wearing off.

safety became a big issue.

Parker: [ groans ]
I'm falling asleep.

The mom part of me was always
really concerned about safety.


You cannot be around equipment
and not realize

That it can be
extremely dangerous.

That's when people get hurt.

I had to do something about it.

Parker: holy [bleep]



Oh, geez.

You're kind of
wearing yourself out.

I'm fine.

Don't be a jerk.
I'm serious.

I am concerned about you.
And I have been --

And I'm telling you
that I'm fine.

And I'm serious, parker.

I'd take you home.

Good luck.
Don't do that.

parker didn't expect

That the biggest threat
to his mining season

Would be his mom.

What are you waiting for?

don't you ever...

Don't you ever
treat me like that.

You don't think that
I worry about you constantly?

You are working
14-hour days.

I don't work 14-hour days
right now.

Well, you said you did
on facebook.

If you k*ll yourself,

We will not be able
to live with ourselves.

You know,
there's a cost to us.

You think I can't
shut this down?

You're wrong.

You're wrong.
I can shut this down.

[ Engine turns over ]

Well, that went well.

Parker is really capable.

He can do a lot of stuff.

But he's 17, and I'm his mother.

I can take him home.

And I don't think he thinks
I would really do that,

But I would.

You know what?

I was up there trying
to run a crew and be a man,

And my mom's coming up
and telling me, like,

"Hey, you're working too much,

And you're not eating,
and you're gonna k*ll yourself."

And it's like, "ma, come on.
They're watching."

[ Chuckles ]

parker's first mining season
came to an abrupt halt

When he had to go
back to school.

But before classes begin,

He headed north to the klondike
to smelt his first gold haul.

Kinsey: stay calm.
Nobody panic.

Parker: all season,
we worked to get that,

And you know what?

Might not be happy
with what we got,

But it's pretty cool.

It was a 34-ounce season.

That's like 10 ounces a month.

We're doing that
in three hours now.

Narrator: parker went home
with a gold bar worth $55,000,

But it didn't come close
to covering his costs.

The following spring,

Parker began
his second season as boss

In serious debt.

He needed better ground

And set his sights
on smith creek,

The last virgin land
on big nugget mine.

The plan is to kind of
slope this down.

So what we'll do
is knock this hill out.

I think it'll work
just fine.

Narrator: over 6 months,

Parker spent a fortune
moving a mountain of dirt --

A high-risk, high-reward plan.

Parker: we'll find
some good gold up here.

I feel like we will.


Narrator: in the middle
of his stressful season,

The 17-year-old geared up
for a rite of passage.

oh, that doesn't look so bad.

You look weird.

Put that on again.

You just have to worry
about this.


Come here.

What shoes
are you gonna wear?

My work boots.



[ "Pomp and circumstance"
plays ]

Roger: [ laughs ]
nancy: parker!

-Go, parker!

parker russell schnabel.

[ Cheers and applause ]

Thanks, rhonda.
Big things for you.

We joyfully present
the graduating class of 2012.

[ Cheers and applause ]

Narrator: the young mine boss
was finally free of school.

in his second season as boss,
17-year-old parker schnabel

Poured everything
into smith creek,

The only piece of virgin ground
left on big nugget mine.

there's no other ground.

No dirt, no season.

to overhaul his operation...

Man: coming up.

...he brought in a new crew...

Swing this way
a little bit.

Little more.

...and spent $40,000 to prepare
his 30-year-old wash plant

For smith creek pay dirt.


Take a little more tension.

Parker: wait. Wait.
Hold up. Hold up.

Hold up.
Fix that.

Hold on.
Okay. Hold on.

Are we tight?

Let the pressure down
just a hair.

Oh, [bleep]

that was close.

John: when I ran it,
I didn't have any ambition

To make a lot of money.

He does.

Narrator: parker was sure

That smith creek
was where he'd make his fortune,

And he threw all he had at it.

The ground prepped,
the plant rebuilt,

Now all he needed
was a new access road.


Fire in the hole!

[ Detonator beeps ]

[ Laughs ]


We're going big on smith creek.

Look at this.
It's like a highway.

Beautiful road.

I think there's good gold here.

And so if we can find bedrock,

I would feel pretty confident

Spending a lot of money
going after that.

parker had spent over $200,000

Removing 100,000 tons of dirt.

But he went
even further into the red

And brought in a drill rig
to find out

If the pile of gold
he hoped would be at bedrock

Was within reach.

Parker: if we drill 30 feet
and we hit bedrock,

We're in good shape.

40 Feet --

We can get there,
but it won't be pretty.

50 Feet,
and we'll start losing money.

Man, I'm about to spend
a lot of money in a hurry.

The moment of truth.

Foot after foot.

Not a thing.

-So how many?
-Close to 50.

-We're at 50 feet?

Just clay.

There's the same exact stuff
50 feet below us

As there is
right at the surface.

We can go deeper.
All right.

Damn it.

You know, we'll drill
till we hit bedrock.

We're 80 feet and still going.

We're at 88 feet.

Looks like bedrock.

88 Feet to bedrock.

Pretty depressing.

smith creek was a bust,

And so was parker's season.

Parker: no gold.

I hate that place.

You know, it's --

Smith creek is the only place
that I've had my ass kicked.

We poured money and time
into smith creek

Like there was no tomorrow.

More and more and more.

[ Sighs ]

[Bleep] hole in the ground.

Stupid [bleep]
hole in the ground.

How are you doing?

I'm doing fine,
thank you.

You're looking great.
So are you.

he actually might feel better
than you're going to.

Here's the issue --
lots of bills.

You know,
these are your responsibilities,

And they're piling up.

I can't pay them.

You need 45 grand.

Yeah, right.

I'm sorry,
but that's the number.

all the other gold miners
had quit for the season,

But parker pushed on
deep into winter

To find the 30 ounces
he desperately needed
to cover his costs.

you know, now is the time

When you separate the boys
from the men.

We're here, and it's cold,

And we've got
a lot of bills to pay.

I'm gonna turn the trommel on.

Narrator: temperatures plummeted
to 15 degrees,

But parker battled
frozen ground and ice

To mine every last yard
of thawed pay dirt.

Parker: that's froze.

We're not gonna get anything
if it's all frozen.


There's not any ground left.

that's solid ice.

Guess that's it
for the dirt.

Well, go ahead
and take that one to the plant.

So that was the last bucket
right there.

Hey, gary.

Go ahead and shut her down, huh?


Let's take a look
at what we've got.

just to break even,

Parker needed 190 ounces
for the season.

whoa. Look at that.

192 Ounces.

So you've got
two-ounce profit.


[ Laughter ]

I grew up here.

This mine's taught me a lot.

Especially about myself,
you know?

I mean, I hate the thought
of not mining here, you know?

I hate the thought
of not being with my grandpa.

There's not any
good ground left, you know?

There's not another season
left for me here.

The toughest thing I've ever
done is gonna be leaving here.

I knew I'd never be able
to make big money at big nugget.

You know, I just --
it wasn't gonna happen.

I knew I wanted more.

Hey, grandpa.
Here's the key to the gate.

Some of the best times
of my life

Have been up there,
you know?

We had a lot of fun,
you know?

Go where you can get
the best return for your time.

I hear ya.

[ Laughs ]

Big nugget
was my grandpa's mine.

And there will always be a place
in my heart for it,

But it wasn't the future.

My grandpa had made it work
for 25 years.

And in 2 years,
I had to walk away.

Narrator: as big nugget closed,

The next chapter
in parker's mining career began.


The following season,
he left his hometown

And his family
to head out on his own.

Bye, grandpa.
I'll come and see you.

I look forward to it.

[ Engine turns over ]

Good luck to you.

I want you to be really,
really careful.

I want you to be safe.


[ Chuckles ]

With his core crew,

He headed north
to the legendary klondike

To make his fortune
in the big leagues.

I've never seen an operation
outside of porcupine.

two years before making
the bold decision

To move his operation north,

Parker met klondike-mining
legend tony beets.

Hey, tony.

Good to meet ya.

It's pretty impressive.

He's digging up mountains.

tony offered parker ground.

This could be mine.

This is a whole
different ball game.

It scares me.

But if I want to play
with the big boys,

I got to get up here
where the big boys play.

Narrator: at just 18,

Parker schnabel
left his family behind

To gold mine
with the giants of the klondike.

Hey, tony.


When parker first arrived,
tony beets was his mentor.

Meeting tony
for the first time was great.

It was exciting.
He was crazy, wild.

I didn't know what to expect.

He seemed to take to me
pretty quick

And had a lot of interest
in helping me out.

If it weren't for that,
I wouldn't have come up.

[ Auctioneer calling ]


I'm out.

Narrator: tony was also
parker's claim owner,

And he was a tough task master.

Hey, tony.

You know, this week,
we're pushing to do 1,500 yards.

That's a lot of dirt.

We need to start
cranking out yardage up.

I mean, we need little blue
doing 100 yards an hour.

I'm the boss.
I take the responsibility,

But it has to happen,
all right?

Let's crank it up.

It's [bleep] stupid,
is what it is.

This schedule's
not gonna work.

I know I'm not the only one
that feels this way.

If you're not happy,
then you can leave.

The door's always open.

End of conversation.
You haven't done the --

End of conversation.

I ran my crew into the ground.

There were some dark moments.

I don't know what's going on,
but it's not good.

There must be a rock
stuck somewhere or something.

parker pushed more than his crew
to the breaking point.

Oh, dear!

Shut her down, parker.
Shut her down.

This is all we need
right now.


I think it's dead.

You've got to be
[bleep] kidding me.

-What's happening, parker?
-Get out of my [bleep] way.


The [bleep] plant.

but in the long run,

Pressure from tony
paid off in gold.

Parker: I came up here
with an 800 ounce goal.

We got 836.

[ All cheering ]

and after a final push,

He ended
his first klondike season

With $1.2 million in gold.

The following season,
parker was back in the klondike.

But his relationship
with tony deteriorated.

Parker: every time
we take more bedrock...

...we start losing money, tony.

I might was well
take a hike then

'Cause I have to make
[bleep] money too, tony.

I don't know who started
calling him a klondike legend,

But it's more like
a [bleep] klondike [bleep]

Narrator: but parker developed
as a gold miner.

Man: I bet you're the only
19-year-old in the world

With two d10s.
Parker: yeah.

[ Laughs ]


Oh, my.

Seven, eight, nine.

Narrator: and through
his ambition and hard work,

He ended his second season
mining with the big boys

With 2,500 ounces of gold

Worth a staggering $3 million.

[ All cheering ]

When he returned
for his third season...

I'm not saying that.

The 20-year-old mine boss
had to fight to keep his claim.

If you want me
to stop working today, then...

But parker fought back.

Parker: tony's not gonna like
what I want

'Cause that's two more miles of
ground than we've got right now.

We'll see.

Narrator: eventually, parker
outmaneuvered his landlord...

Two for you, one for me.

...kept his claim,

And secured virgin ground.

They're initialed.
We happy?

Tony: perfect.

Parker: there's a lot of miners
that come to the yukon

And get screwed over,

And I'm not gonna
lay there and take it.

I'm not going to.

Narrator: but ever since
his days at big nugget,

Parker has struggled
to be a good leader.

And right now, I'm wondering
why you're still here.

I live here.

He knew all how to run the mine,

But he didn't have
the slightest idea

How to build a crew
that worked together.

I think it's gonna be
big gold.

It's not worth spending
the effort ripping --

We're just gonna do it,

That's the way it's gonna be.


I'm not gonna take any [bleep]
from the little punk.

Man: whoa!

Just need to be running dirt.
All right?

I mean, it'll run,
but it's not --

Make it happen.

Narrator: this season,

Parker took
some much-needed advice

From the man he trusts the most.

I says, "parker,
you go back there

And start planning how
you're gonna make them a team."

I'm glad you guys are all here.

Narrator: for the first time
as a mine boss,

Parker has understood
that the morale of his crew

Is crucial to their success.

Aah! [ Laughs ]

I enjoy this season especially.

I enjoy it.
Having a ton of fun.

Yukon hot tub.

On monday morning,
the plant won't be running.

And everybody's like,
"well, where's doumitt?"

"The last time I saw him,
he was in the loader...

[ Laughs ]
...bucket." [ Laughs ]

Happy birthday.

[ Cheers and applause ]

and by the age of just 21,
the young gold miner

Has achieved more than most men
twice his age.

Parker has graduated

From his grandpa's gold mine
in alaska.

when I think about the hours
parker spent at big nugget...

Look at the boy he was
and the man he is.

He's still playing
in a gold mine.

Narrator: he has taken on
the legendary klondike...

He doesn't seem to back down
from a challenge.

Narrator: ...and mined
over $5 million in gold.

Parker schnabel has come of age
as a gold miner.

you get up every morning
and put your boots on

And get to work

And work as much as you can.

You've got a good chance
of making millions.

And I love that.

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