06x07 - ElDorado Dream

Episode transcripts for the TV show, "Gold Rush". Aired: December 3, 2010 –present.*
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Reality based series follows the placer gold mining efforts of various family-run mining companies, mostly in the Klondike region of Dawson City, Yukon, Canada, as well as in the U.S. state of Alaska.
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06x07 - ElDorado Dream

Post by bunniefuu »

I want hilarious gold.

on this "gold rush..."

we got a chance to prospect

The richest creek
ever found in north america.

You get an opportunity
like this, you go for it.

Our best chance
is right here, right now.

Captions paid for by
discovery communications

Ness: that's ugly.

[ Bleep ]

two tires in 20 minutes.

I'm pretty sure it's not
supposed to be like that.


What the [bleep]

You got to be kidding me.

We shouldn't have
any more water.

We are kicking ass.

Nice job, bud.

Narrator: spirits are high
on the hoffman claim.

[ Chuckles ] what?

That just happened.

I didn't put one scoop
in his truck.

Didn't get any dirt in there.

[ Bleep ]
you got to be kidding me.

Narrator: after just six weeks,

The crew already has
484 ounces of gold.

And they've just had
their best cleanup so far --

204 Ounces, worth $220,000.

You know what I'm gonna
ask you now, dave.

I'd like to take my dad,
hunter, and freddy

To take a look at eldorado.

What do you think?

at the beginning of the season,

Three generations of hoffman men

Scouted the legendary
eldorado creek

With claim owner peter tallman.

Tallman: this is the richest
documented creek

In north america.

Narrator: since discovering
eldorado creek in 1896,

Miners have pulled
over $1 billion worth of gold

From the area.

Jack: oh, my gosh.

But no one has ever found
the source of all of the gold.

I want to do it.

To pursue jack's dream,

Dave turin has to agree
to run mckinnon creek

While the hoffmans prospect

I hate
splitting up the crew,

But we got
a big mountain of pay,

Plant's dialed up.

running smooth.

If you got to go,
now's the best time.

we got a chance to prospect

The richest creek
ever found, basically,

In the history of mankind.

Be careful.

Love you.
See you in a bit.

You get an opportunity
like this, you go for it.

Narrator: the shortest route
up to eldorado

Is a muddy dirt track.

to be able to go out prospecting

With my dad and my son,

This is one of those times
where you kind of dream of.

Some people may laugh at us,
but in the end,

We do the things
that people talk about.

Hey, freddy,
we got a tree in the way.

We're gonna have to stop.

Hunter, you get out.
Hook the winch on.

I'll back the polaris up,
and I'll just pull it.

Jack: come on.

Come on.

Come on.

Come on.

Looks like we got it.

We got an opportunity
of a lifetime.

Let's see what we can find.

What do you think?

I mean, could gold
be up here this high?

It's wherever
the fault is.

You got to start
at the top.

And then if it's not there,
we have to work our way down.

Narrator: somewhere high
in the mountains above eldorado,

There is
a gold-rich quartz vein.

Over time,
streams have eroded this vein,

Carrying gold
down into the valleys below.

As the hoffmans work their way
down the mountain,

The highest gold they find

Should reveal
the location of the vein --

The source of the gold.

We're almost at the top
of the mountain here.

If the veins were up there
and we're closer to them

The gold could be
dang good right here.

If the veins are down below us,
there may not be squat here.

Let's pan some.

Let's check it out.

Dodge: it's pretty dang hard
to find a fault line or a vein.

We're looking at feet
and feet of black muck

On top of who knows what
under us right now.

finding a fault line

Is like finding a needle
in a haystack.

Looking for some rounded gravel,
hopefully close to bedrock.

Probably one of the better spots
to hopefully find the source.

we are in the right area.

We just got to find
the right spot.


No gold here.

We're above the source.

We got to go downhill
below the source

'Cause gold follows gravity
and goes down.

Well, we'll drop down lower,
we'll pan,

And we'll see
if we can find it.

over the last 120 years,

Eldorado creek has been mined
by thousands of prospectors.

But jack has faith
in his quest.

Careful, dad.

They worked this place hard.

They got a lot of gold
out of here.

But they've missed the source.

Water's not getting
any warmer.

Oh, dude.

-You can do it.

You put your hands in there.

-You can do it!
-Don't puss out.

justin bieber of the north.

-Quick pan.

Come on, color.

I'm not seeing
what I'd like to see yet.

I don't see anything.

Same result as the last pan,
todd -- nothing.

So far,
we haven't had very good luck.

Let's keep moving.

Let's go try
another spot.

There's got to be virgin
back in here.


I brought that drone
up here.

I was thinking if we took
the drone out, flew it up above,

We can kind of get a good look
up on the hill here.

May be a little virgin patch
up there.

You can cover more ground
with that in an hour

Than we can in a week walking
around in this thick stuff.

[ Drone whirring ]

hunter is bringing prospecting

The legendary eldorado creek
into the 21st century.

Take it as high
as you can get me.

The drone allows the hoffmans
to survey the valley

From 200 feet
above the trees...

Good, hunter.

...something the old-timers
could only dream of.

What's up here?
Look at that.

Dodge: huh, wonder if it's
an old bench up there --

An old bench on the side.

A bench is where the creek
used to be.

It may have been
up there 10,000 years ago.

It may have been up there
a million years ago.

See where those spruce trees
are on the bench?

-We know that's virgin.

Those spruce trees
are 150 years old.

It hasn't been mined there.

Let's go for a little hike
and see what's up there.

the hoffmans may have just found

The last virgin ground
in eldorado creek.

Is this it, you think?

That sure looks like that bench
you had on that drone.

You see where it goes up?

You can just see
it starting to flatten.

We're right up from where we
were flying the drone.

It was just to the left of us,
up the hill

A couple hundred yards.

jack's dream is alive.

All we got to do is find
one place that they missed.

And, you know,
it could have all the gold.

This could be the fault.

Tell you what, I think
I might wait here on this one.

I'm built for comfort,
not climbing.

-It's pretty steep right here.

Well, this is
definitely virgin ground.

Those trees
are 150 years old.

Let's punch a hole
right here, hunter.

See what lives
under this.

but in the klondike...

Oh, geez.

That's not good.

...virgin ground
never comes easy.

Ooh, feel that --

Let me try a pick.

Even the roots
are frozen.

Hey, todd.

Ground's froze solid.

We sure as heck
aren't digging it with a shovel.

Schnabel: you know, any other
machine could have broke down,

But when the wash plant goes,

You know we're not getting
any gold.

Narrator: at scribner creek,

Parker schnabel's
tailings conveyor is jammed.

And his wash plant
is shut down.

That's probably gonna take us
a couple hours to get it going.

But let's get it cleaned up and
back together as fast as we can.

I must have did something wrong
yesterday to deserve this,

That's for sure.

Six weeks into the season,

Parker has only 171 ounces
of gold,

Worth $180,000 --

Half what he had this time
last year.

Hey, guys?

In an attempt
to turn their operation around,

Parker and his foreman, rick,
call a meeting

With mechanics mitch blaschke
and carl rosk.

You know, the gold's just not
coming in like it needs to.

I mean, we're spending it.
We need to start making it.

as you know, at berm cut,

We didn't get the numbers
out of it we hoped for.

So, you know,
we really need this to pick up.

You know,
we've all been working hard.

But the gold
just hasn't been there.

We need all the trucks
on the road.

We need to keep
this [bleep] running.

If you guys can keep
everything running, you know,

We're gonna
start seeing some gold.

We need to start doing
over 100 ounces a week.

Just be on it.
You guys can handle it.

Rosk: you betcha.

We'll do whatever we can.

Narrator: but before they
can get even an ounce of gold,

Mitch and carl
have to fix the wash plant.

I think we'll be able
to get it back up and going.


The tailings have backed up,

Which has jammed the conveyor
and dislodged the drive bearing.

This happened from [bleep]
lazy operators.

When you see rocks
stuffed up in there --

People should be shoveling
around here, so...

-You lined up?

We've got our new bearings

We're gonna fire
this conveyor up.

We're back to sluicing.

Narrator: now the pressure's on
to keep the plant fed.

Yeah, let's get that stuff
up to the plant.

Narrator: the crew begins
to move pay in the new cut

That parker's dubbed
treasure island.

If it doesn't live up
to its name,

Parker is in trouble.

So we know
what we're sh**ting for now,

And it's 100 ounces a week.

And the only way we're gonna
get there is if everybody

Just pushes harder --
just start running more dirt.

Bam -- you got a bank
of ice right here.

Oh, man,
that is a big chunk of frost.

Hopefully I can break
that up a bit.

[ Bleep ]
I'm sending it.

We got to get [bleep] done.

This is ridiculous.

It's solid ice.

Just [bleep] everything up.

[ Groans ]

Oh, that sucks, man.

That thing [bleep]
the tailgate right up.

Ripped the thing clean off.

-That's ugly.

That's ugly.

Rick and parker
have made it pretty clear.

Priority number one --
keep moving dirt.

These trucks
are our biggest part of that,

So we got to keep them running.

mitch is fixing the tailgate
that rick just broke.

A few more bolts and this

Will be all back together,
ready to go.

parker needs 100 ounces a week

To turn his season around.

To hit this target,

Each rock truck has to haul
over 2,000 yards of pay dirt

To the wash plant every week.

Hey, mitch,
I got some bad news for you.

The rock truck
is flat on the front left.

That sounds about right
'cause this one's almost fixed.

And now we're gonna
go change tires.

All right, well,
you can take this one,

And I'll go take a look
at that other truck.

To keep him on the road,

Mitch hands over the truck
he just fixed to tyson --

A rookie driver.

[ Bleep ]

They did this one in good.

Let's start
breaking the wheel down.

Man: okay.

You got to get this truck

Otherwise, we're gonna
end up leaving pay.

And none of us want to do that.

We've done all the work
to get to it,

And we want to get it out of
the ground and up to the plant.

mitch brings in the last
spare tire from the yard.

all drivers, you guys need

To start watching
for each other.

If it looks
like somebody's got a low tire,

Let him know
so he can take a look at it.

We're out of spares,
so just keep an eye on things.

Come in a little bit.



the second rock truck is fixed

And gets right back to work.

But almost immediately,

Tyson limps back with yet more
damage to his new truck.

Two tires in [bleep]
20 minutes -- same guy.

Like, obviously,
he's driving over [bleep]

That he shouldn't be.


Looks like a blown up tire.

They did that one in good.

Looks like they were trying to
rob a bank here and got caught.

These guys just think these
trucks are invincible 'cause

When they break them, they
park them and grab another one.

They're breaking them faster
than we can fix them today.

They drive it like it's stolen,

But we shouldn't be [bleep]
kicking them, right?

Drive 'em like it's your own,

Take care of it
as it's your own.

I've tried
to be nice to the guys, right?

Now I'm on my last straw.

Blaschke: we're gonna try and
take this one up to the plant

And dump the dirt
and take it back to the yard.


These guys keep this up,
we're gonna be hurting.

Narrator: mitch and carl
have already fixed two trucks,

But now a third has a flat

And they're all out
of spare tires.

well, I'm no truck mechanic.

But I'm pretty sure it's not
supposed to be like that.

mitch heads back to the yard.

Hey, whoever just went
across the bridge,

Back up to my truck.

Your left rear tire
is about flat.

I'm just -- caught it
out of the corner of my eye.

Saw one of the tires on it's
almost flat.

We've gone all season
without blowing a tire.

That's our third tire today.

mitch is out of options.

To keep the dirt moving,
he has to improvise.

What we're gonna right now
is just try

And put a plug in this tire.

Hopefully we can get
it to seal up, quit leaking.

If this patch doesn't work,
then we're out of tires

And we're gonna be parking
this truck.

And we're definitely
not getting all this pay out.

But if we can get this patch
in here right,

It should hold for a while
till we can get a spare tire.

Narrator: in the klondike, if
you can keep machines running,

You make money.

Blaschke: throw some air
in there. See if that will hold.

if you can't, you go broke.

that's gonna be good enough
for today 'cause we just

Got to get this thing
up and get it running

And try and get that 100 ounces.

There we go.
This one's good to go.

Roll out, buddy.

One more fix.

you know, it is what it is.

The truck drivers
are pushing their trucks,

And it's taken its toll
on their machines.

This is gonna be good ground.

We got to hope that our --
you know, our machines hold up.

How you doing, pup?
What are you doing?

What a good dog.

I'd pet you,
but I got my hands full.

Narrator: after a month
and a half of dredging,

Tony beets has only 92 ounces
of gold, worth around $100,000,

Barely a dent in
his million-dollar investment.

Gene cheeseman and crew

Have to get the 75-year-old
dredge dialed in.

Fire it up.

-What the [bleep]

Cheeseman: stand back!


Shut her down.

Thurber: there shouldn't be
this much water up in the pan.

No, that's way too much.

I was able
to shut that one valve down.

You got
to be kidding me.

It didn't change anything.

We shouldn't have
any [bleep] more water.

Narrator: gold should collect
in the first three feet

Of the dredge's sluice.

But if too much water
hits the sluice too fast,

The gold will be swept
down into the bottom mats

And out of the dredge.


tony's kids, monica and kevin,

Arrive for a cleanup.

They'll pull the mats
to find out

If gold is blowing
out of the end of the sluice.

-Yeah, then you know.

Sounds good.


When it's comes to cleanup
or some [bleep] job,

You can be guaranteed it's me
and monica that's got to do it.

oh, that was great.

I don't get days off,
and so days don't matter.

Weekends don't matter.

Tony runs his kids
12 hours a day, 7 days a week,

7 Months out of the year.

Go, kevin.

Now comes the fun part --

Hauling them all the way
to the truck.


Man: is that how
you grew up, as well?


Normally, we don't do
a full-blown cleanup.

We only do the top two mats.

Unfortunately, the water is not
working the way we'd like.

So we got to clean up

Which is a pain in the ass.

Narrator: if there's gold
in the lower mats,

They'll know it's getting blown
right out of the dredge.


This is one place

Tony and his kids
don't want to see gold.

look at this, chick.

Uh, do I want to?

There's gold
in that [bleep]


-See that flake?
-I see.

Right there.

Kevin: there's definitely gold
in there.

I can see it clear as day.

Ideally, there shouldn't be
anything in there.

But, right now,
there's gold's all the way

Down to the [bleep] bottom.

up the legendary eldorado creek,

Jack's dream
is hanging by a thread.

Most of this ground's been

And so they're gonna
have to find small benches,

Like up in this area.

the only virgin ground

The hoffmans have found
is frozen solid.

To get down to pay,

Jack has brought in an excavator
from a neighboring claim,

And todd has a rock truck
on the way from mckinnon.

Todd: is this what
we saw from the air, huh?

Dodge: we come up here earlier,
we made it to there before.

this is virgin over here.

Well, that's virgin.
That's virgin.

I'd like to take
a bulk sample of it,

Take it back,
and see what we've got.

I think one rock truck's gonna
be about 5,000 gold pans.

That's a heck of a test.


Our best chance
is right here, right now.

let's get started.

the excavator will allow jack

To punch
through the frozen ground

To get down to pay gravel.

it's just our last hope.

If there is anything down here,
we'll find it.

I'm seeing
some interesting stuff.

Gold is where you find it,

And that just
might be right here.

I don't want
just a little bit of gold.

I want crazy gold.

I am chasing a dream,
and I know that.

I've got reasons for it.

It's not for me.
It's for my family.

It's for everybody.

Todd: hey, welcome
to eldorado, dave.

Hey, I know you
didn't want to bring this,

But the only way we're gonna
find out what we got here

Is just take
a big bulk sample.

at least run a test.

Then we know
one way or another.

I'm tired of chasing dreams.

It's one truckload.

But you haven't showed
me anything yet.

I haven't seen
any evidence of --


What do you think?

Think there's any gold here?

You know, it could be
something special.

At least take
one truckload of it,

And let's see what's
in it, dave.

We'll never know
until we run the sample.

It's 25 yards.

We'll get it
to the plant.

Well, so, that's it.

We'll do it for jack.

We'll do the sample for jack.
-All right.

All right, you're good.
Straight back.

Narrator: hunter helps
his grandfather load the truck.

Todd: he's probably the coolest
grandpa a kid could have.

Jack wants to run some dirt,
we're gonna run some dirt.

Just the way it is.

First bucket, todd.

That looks good.

Lots of bedrock.

The 25 yard test
takes just 10 minutes to load.

But then dave has a long, slow
drive back to mckinnon creek.

To test jack's eldorado sample,

The crew has to stop
running valuable pay dirt

From the super cut.

Kevin, last bucket.

We're shutting down.
We got to pull the mats.

Hiatt: yes, sir.

Here's the last scoop,
you guys.

All right, here we go.

Tony's dredge is shut down.

There was too much water
in the sluices,

And gene feared
they were losing gold.

To be sure,
they cleaned up the lower mats.

too far down the runs, huh?

I think getting rid
of some of that extra water

Is gonna be
the first step.


Gene tasks
new crew member matt beaudry,

Big mike's younger brother,
with fixing their water problem.

Yeah, so being a mechanic
in the yukon,

It's a lot of problem solving.

Nobody has a [bleep] dredge,

So that's a whole new bucket
of problem solving, right?

So we got to go the boneyard
and see what we can find.

There's a piece.

Holy [bleep]

That should give us our length.

This is pretty much
just a simple bypass.

So I cut into the main
water line here.

This is a 12-inch pipe.

So we have 6-inch gonna
be discharge out the side.

So we'll have a valve right here
so we can control it.

Narrator: the water pump
only runs at one speed.

Matt's plan --

Divert half the water out
through a bypass pipe

Before it reaches the sluices.

Cheeseman: well, we got
our bypass in there.

You know,
we got it all welded in.

We're ready
to fire up the water

And see
if it made a difference.

[ Machine turns over ]

I like the looks
of that a lot better.

matt's simple bypass works.

Half the water from the pump

sh**t out the side
of the dredge.

And the water in the sluice
is now under control.

yeah, no, it does.

I could be changing tires
and oil and grease

Clear to my elbows.

But, no.

I'm all wet.

the hoffman crew has stopped
catching gold with monster red

To run a test on jack's pay dirt
from eldorado creek.

Hiatt: so they shut us down.

They're having us pull the mats
'cause they want fresh mats.

They want all these mats clean
so we can run 25 yards

From eldorado.

You know,
I'm all for better gold,

But we're doing pretty good.

You seem
pretty grumpy to me.


I am grumpy.

Let's finish this dream.
-All right.

Then we'll move on
to the next one.

Narrator: the eldorado test

Is doubling the workload
in the gold room.

Today's a little different here.

I'm shorthanded right now.
I'm not a killjoy.

I hope they
do find something big.

I mean, you know,
it's a dream -- jack's dreaming.

And I just hope it doesn't
turn out to be a nightmare.

Narrator: it's finally time
to run the eldorado dirt.

This is for jack, okay?

Let's run the eldorado.

Let's find out if there's gold.

There it goes.

I hope it's good.

It's been my dream --

Something that we
could do together.

And, uh...

Feel the pressure on us.

There's eldorado
going through right there.

Hiatt: just seems like
a lot of work for nothing.

Now we get the fun job
of pulling the mats

With roughly 25 yards
run through the plant.

Narrator: because monster red
runs 300 yards an hour,

The 25-yard eldorado test
takes less than 15 minutes.

But pulling all the mats
takes an hour and a half,

Leaving the wash plant
shut down for over three hours.

It's a lot of work to pull
these mats for 25 yards of dirt.

It's actually a bunch
of crap.

Hiatt: you know, while they
were there digging this all up,

Putting it
in one rock truck,

We were actually here
getting gold.

So, this cleanup,
it's gonna be a big deal.

It's a big one for us.

It's a big one for my dad.

We don't get 100 ounces,
I don't know.

-I know.
-We just don't know.

We didn't pan
or anything.

I mean, that's the only
virgin ground we found.

We had ground like that,

We wouldn't even
have to go mine it.

We'd just go
pick it up.


My basic dream
is to just find some crazy gold.

You know?

Not just marginal gold,
I'm after crazy, you know?

And I want it
to be just...hilarious.

You know,
I want hilarious gold.

Turin: how's it look?

Narrator: dave joins
the hoffmans to find out

If they've discovered the source
of the gold in eldorado creek.

How much we got?

After running 25 yards,
this is not what I expected.

What I am used to is
these two troughs right here

Having so much gold in them

That they kind of start
spilling over.

And I'm not seeing that at all.

-Is that it?
-That's it.

There's nothing --
just nothing.

There is absolutely
nothing here.

Hunter, I'm sorry.

You know, it's just --
it was our dream.

You know, I thought we
were actually gonna kick butt.

But it's
not happening, man.

Hunter: even though
we didn't get anything,

I'll go on a treasure hunt
with you anytime.

You guys
are forgetting something.

We pulled the mats this morning.

Narrator: dave has already
cleaned up the concentrate

From their week at mckinnon.

Todd: how much?

we did 138 ounces while you guys
were prospecting at eldorado.


In my opinion,
this is where it's at.

Narrator: 138 ounces
from mckinnon creek

Is worth $150,000.

Jack's bulk test
from eldorado produced nothing.

Mckinnon creek has gold.

We need to concentrate on it,
focus on this, keep going.

we know there's gold here,

But what's the plan
for eldorado?

In my estimation,
hunter, eldorado is dead.

at scribner creek...

That's called
a run flat.

...the mechanics have come up
with a punishment for tyson,

The rock truck driver
who blew two tires in one day.

Can I go get that guy
to go start shoveling
around the plant?

'Cause I'm mad now.

Dude, I don't care
if he breaks shovels.

We got plenty. Go put him
on a shovel at the water plant.

Watch, he'll get the shovel
stuck in the tail wheel

Or something
and break it down.

The standard punishment when
a truck driver messes his up --

He gets to go shovel out
the wash plant.

rick said I would come over here

And shovel this out
for the next hour

Until the rock trucks are fixed.

-You having fun?
-Oh, yeah, always.

Great fun.
That's why I came up here.

Anyways, I better
get back to it.

Lucky day.

It's going.

Narrator: tony beets' dredge
has run pay dirt for a full day

With the new bypass reducing
the water flow in the sluices.

Tony has ordered a shutdown
to find out

If gold is still making it
down into the lower mats

And out of the dredge.

Looking pretty good.

Yeah, no, it's a big improvement
from what we had.

They're not losing gold.

Tony checks the top sluice

To find out
if they're catching any.

Yeah, I can see it.

-Geez, look at this one.


I've never seen --

Kevin: only 'cause
you asked so [bleep] nice

So, uh...what do you
got for me?


Dad, I think you got to learn
how to count.

That's more than 15.

That's okay, all right.

Yeah, our poor mechanics
are being run ragged.

We've got trucks breaking down.

We've had problems
with the plant.

after a week of breakdowns,

It's time
for parker's first cleanup

From his new cut,
treasure island.

Morning, youngster.

-How are you doing?
-Looking good.

-Looking real good, yeah.

You want
to see something cool?

We have gold puddle after gold
puddle after gold puddle.

[ Laughs ]

Come here, carl.

Watch this.

Rosk: holy [bleep]


That looks good, eh?

[ Laughs ]

I think
we found a treasure.

Narrator: parker has only mined
171 ounces of gold this season.

If treasure island can deliver
the 100 ounces he's hoping for,

It'll be a big step
towards getting his season

Back on track.

-Hey, boys.
-What's up?

-Hey, man.
-How's it going?

-Pretty good.
-Good now.

-That looks pretty nice.

Schnabel: I don't think
we need to worry about our...

That shook the table.

...hundred ounces a week,

At least not this week.


And we've been
having a lot of breakdowns.

We've been fighting equipment
and tires

And all
that kind of stuff.

And it's been hard
to keep things running.

Yeah, we had
a lot of tire problems.

And, just, you know,
a lot of little things

That just kept
pulling us away.

A few hours here,
a few hours there,

But it looks
like it all paid off.


Good job
'cause you kept the plant going.

And it was not an easy week
to do that really.

Yeah, we wouldn't have the --

We wouldn't have that there
without you guys.

That's for sure.

So that's 100
right there, huh?

That's what
we were aiming for.

All right.

There's still
a lot more in there.

Narrator: in the klondike,
good mechanics are priceless.

Mitch and carl
proved their worth

This week by keeping
parker's operation running.

So we're at 200.

Then got another 31.525.

If it keeps
paying off like this,

I'll change tires all day long
if that's what it takes.

And that's another 25.3.

So what's that total?


Narrator: 256 ounces,
worth around $280,000.

Parker's crew has not only

Exceeded his
100-ounce-a-week goal --

In just seven days,

They've more than doubled
their gold total this season.

Treasure island
is living up to its name.

We're moving forward now.

We're back on track
where we should be.

Hopefully the rest
of the season goes like this.

24 Hours ago,
I was like, "oh, $2,500 tires.

I don't know."

-Got a few tires in there.
-We'll order some tires.

That's just the beginning --
there's more dirt

Than we thought
in treasure island, you know?

256 Off the first one --

We're gonna go get
the rest of it.

-Good job.
-Good job, man.

Good job.

[Bleep] unreal.

-More of that.
-Let's keep her going.

on the next "gold rush..."

gentlemen, I got good news.

Want to run
this thing night shift.

12 Hours isn't
what I was promised.

We don't give a [bleep]
what you guys think.

When you're dealing
with a greedy, ignorant man,

[Bleep] like this
is gonna happen.

All frickin' mud.

Shut down.
Last bucket.

We got problems in the cut.

Todd: I think we might have
just screwed ourselves, guys.

I'm not arguing with you,
but that's pay.

You either trust me to get
the job done, or you don't.

That's a pretty good
little haul, huh?

Schnabel: geez.
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