06x06 - Treasure Island

Episode transcripts for the TV show, "Gold Rush". Aired: December 3, 2010 –present.*
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Reality based series follows the placer gold mining efforts of various family-run mining companies, mostly in the Klondike region of Dawson City, Yukon, Canada, as well as in the U.S. state of Alaska.
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06x06 - Treasure Island

Post by bunniefuu »

We're gonna start
kicking some ass.

on this "gold rush"...

Todd: we're gonna have
2,700 ounces of gold,

Or we're gonna die trying.

Oh [bleep]

Shut it down.
Shut it down.

-That belt's off.
-Hit the bypass.

Something's gone wrong,

You're throwing out,

Say, at least
a quarter of an ounce an hour.

Damn it!

That's a good pan.

I think I can get it done
in a week.

A week, rick.


There better be some gold in it
for it to pay off.

For [bleep] sake.

He's not a quitter.

What was that?

We're all sanding it.
We're gonna shut down.

What is the issue, jerry?

I don't want to talk about it.

Bunch of [bleep] [bleep]

Captions paid for by
discovery communications

Narrator: this season,
todd hoffman set a goal

That would double his gold take
from last year.

He's after
a staggering 2,700 ounces,

Worth $3 million,

And his crew
is feeling the pressure.

Thurber: all the guys

Have worked their butts off
during the week.

They're beat down.
They're tired.

I'm running on about 3 hours
of sleep the last 2 days.

-Let's do it.
-Let's go to work.

Man: hey, you guys.

We got the first load of pay
on its way out.

Hiatt: 10-4.


Narrator: the hoffman crew
can't afford to let up.

They're a quarter of the way
through the season

And only have 10%
of the gold they need.

We still got time.
We can hit that goal.

-Look at that mountain of pay.

Let's get it through the plant,
and let's get that gold.

All right.
Let's do it.

Narrator: to have any chance
at 2,700 ounces,

The crew has to run
300 yards an hour.

Todd has upgraded the wash plant
by installing a sand screw,

To keep sand
out of their holding pond...

...and a state-of-the-art
radial stacker

To distribute tailings
145 feet from the plant.

Hiatt: I'm watching it.

All the belts are running
and the shaker's shaking

And the water's flowing,
so that's all you could ask for.

Oh [bleep]

Shut it down.
Shut it down.

The small conveyor shut off.
Shut it down.

Aw [bleep]

That belt's off.


Hit the bypass.

She's stuck.

-You know how?
-Too much of a load.

What's happened, freddy?

Conveyor stopped.
Now it's loaded with material.

So now we got, uh,
quite a jam going on here.

a gradual buildup of tailings

At the base of the super stacker

Has caused
the conveyor belt to slip.

As the tailings built up,

The belt
eventually came to a stop,

Jamming the hopper feeder.

Turin: oh.

One thing we could do
is try to lower...

Lower it down.

But if we go up,
pull the pins, and lower it,

It might be enough to...

Trying to lower this conveyor
down and get it flatter

So it's not running
all that weight uphill.

Narrator: the belt struggled

To pull the tailings
up a 20-degree slope.

By lowering it to 15 degrees,
freddy hopes

That the belt will be able
to clear the tailings

Without slipping.

That's [bleep] loaded up.

-Hey, dave?

-I think she'll go now.

Let's get out of there.

Everybody clear.

Todd: everybody clear.

Right there. Hold up.

Keep going, dave.

Dodge: come on.

Here's where we break a shaft
or something.

[ Clangs ]


There. There.

I'm pinned.

Narrator: the stacker
is now at 15 degrees.

Okay. Everybody clear?


dave turin fires it up.

Hey, we got it.

I think we got it.

Narrator: the hoffman crew

Lost 4 hours
of precious running time,

But they're back washing rocks.

Todd: you know what?
We're hunting elephants.

And let me tell you something
about hunting elephants.

It's not gonna be easy.

Even if we have to break down,
shovel rock, fix stuff,

Weld stuff, I don't care,
we're gonna get there.

But at the end of the season,

We're gonna have
2,700 ounces of gold

Or we're gonna die trying.

Narrator: 10 miles east...

John: oh, this has been
a fantastically wonderful trip,

Mostly because
I got to visit my grandson.

Narrator: ...john schnabel is
heading home to haines, alaska.

Hey, I couldn't leave
without saying goodbye.

Oh, parker,

I really feel tremendously
uplifted because of this visit.

If anyone asks me,
I'll say it was

One of the best trips
of my life.

Bye, grandpa.
Take care.

Love you.

I love you, too.

John: sure it's gonna turn
out all right.

He's not a quitter.

Parker is gonna win.

Parker: you know what?

It's nice to have
my grandpa up here

And for him to be able
to see this and be a part of it.

You know,
he's the reason I'm mining,

So it's good to have him here.

Narrator: despite john's belief
in his grandson,

The young mine boss' season
is off to a disastrous start.

Parker has mined
just 73 ounces, worth $80,000.

This time last year,
he had almost four times that.

You know, this season's off
to a pretty rough start.

I'm hopeful that this season's
only gonna get better from here.

Ness: well, this is it.

Now that we're all on pay dirt,

It's gonna be my responsibility

To make sure
that we don't stop all season.

Narrator: the berm cut
is running out of pay dirt fast.

Ness: probably not
as much left of the berm cut

As we were hoping,

So we need to get
even more ground opened up.

It's exactly what
I'm planning to do.

if parker's foreman rick

Can't find new ground to mine
before the berm is finished,

They'll have to shut down
the plant.

What's going on, buddy?

We're about out of ground
at the berm cut,

And we need to figure out

How long
that's actually gonna last.

There's not much left in there,
is there?

We're getting
pretty limited here.

About a week.

So we need new ground,
like, fast, rick.

Where are thinking?

So, I was kind of looking
at this strip of ground left

On this side
of the river.

You know, it's a pretty narrow
chunk of ground,

And it's got creeks
on both sides.

It's like the last little island
we got here, right?

It's, uh...

Treasure island.
...treasure island.

You never know.

I just got a feeling
it's gonna be worth it.

Narrator: as parker and rick

Moved their way south
through the berm cut,

They found richer deposits
of gold.

Rick is hoping
that the narrow strip of land

They've dubbed treasure island

Will continue to produce
good gold.

A lot of ore
over in there.

Can you get it done
in a week?

Obviously, I'd always like
more time than that, but...

But we can juggle both.

We can have the whole crew
head to treasure island

And have that
all down to pay.

I think I can keep
the berm cut going

And keep the wash plant fed.

Well then,
let's do it in a week.

All right.
Treasure island.

Treasure island.

I hope you're right.
Yeah. Let's do it.

A week, rick.

All right.

Narrator: the only way

Rick can get the overburden
strip from treasure island

In just 7 days

Is to send in his entire crew.

Man: right on.
Let's get out of here.

Over to treasure island we go.

Parker: you know,
most of this is on rick's plate.

A lot of stuff going on,

And I hope he's able
to deal with it.

Narrator: rick stays behind
in the berm cut

To get the last of the pay dirt
to the wash plant.

So I've got everybody working
on treasure island today

Because parker is only
giving me a week to get it done.

I can't pull anybody
off that.

I'm just gonna have to
try and run

Truck and excavator today,

And see if I can keep up
with the wash plant on my own.

I'm loading myself today, chris.

I can't take anybody
off that island cut.

you're self-loading,

And you think you're gonna
keep up with this plant?

I'm sure gonna try.

It's gonna be a long day,

Narrator: to keep chris doumitt
and big red in pay,

Rick has to jump
from rock truck to excavator.

Oh, my god.

Right now, we've got
the wash plant dialed in

At about 110 yards an hour,

And it's just
purring right along.

Ness: well, the wash plant's

Our most important thing here,
you know?

That's what gets us the gold,

So it's got to run.

No matter what we're doing,
it's got to run.

Doumitt: there's a little bit of
a bumper for pay dirt right now,

But I'm talking a little bit.

So rick's got to keep hustling.

Ness: I think every time
I get up to the wash plant,

The last truckload that I
dumped up there is gone already,

So it's not looking like
I'm keeping up right now.

Holy [bleep] I'm sweating.

he's throwing the dice.

I think
rick may have bit off

Just a little bit more
than he can chew.

Narrator: in parker's new cut
treasure island...

Megan, you can just back up
towards my bucket.

Megan: okay. Let me move,
and then I'll back up to it.

...the crew is hard at work
stripping overburden.

Ruautt: a lot of things
have been going real smooth,

And the truck's
been running good.

I've been keeping
four trucks steady in rotation,

And I've got a good feeling

That there's some good ground
under us.

meanwhile, rick is on his own,

Hauling pay from the berm cut.

I got a little workout in today.

Narrator: and he's struggling
to keep big red fed.

Ness: yeah, the pay pile
is pretty sad up there.

Chris has just about
eaten through all of it,

And I am having a tough time
keeping up with him.

Doumitt: we got
to keep this thing running,

It's the only way
we pay the bills.

Hang on.

Hey, rick?
You got a copy, rick?

We got to come up
with something,

this isn't working.

You know,
it's a great effort,

But it's not working.

Ness: all right, man.
I'll work on a plan "b."


You know, I told parker
I'd keep that wash plant running

While we do this island cut,

And I fully intend on making
that happen.

what's happening, rick?

I was giving it hell,
but it just wasn't enough.

rick can't afford to take any
of his crew off treasure island.

[ Engine turns over ]

Ness: I've only got a week
to do this treasure island cut.

You know, now we've run
out of pay at the wash plant,

So I need to gather
all of our guys,

Get everybody in a machine.

And I'm gonna get mitch
and carl, our two mechanics,

And they're gonna
have to haul pay for me today.

I don't know how they're gonna
feel about that --

It's just gonna have to happen.

his only option -- convince
mechanics carl and mitch

To take a demotion.

-What's going on, fellas?

Hey, man.

So I got a problem, guys,
and I need your help.

Um, I told parker
that I'd clear

That treasure island cut
and keep the wash plant going,

And I need two more guys
in haul trucks.

We had quite a bit
on our plate today.


It's not really my job,
is it?

Well, no.

I know you got
a lot of stuff to do,

But today it's gonna
have to be your job.

You're the last two guys
I have.

We have two more haul trucks.
I need you in 'em.

We need to haul pay,
and we just got to hit it.

-All right.
-All right.

-Let's do it.

-Let's do it again.
-Fire these trucks up.

-Let's go.
-All right.

Well, rick wants me to run
the rock truck all day,

And, realistically,
it's not my job.

And I have a lot
more important things to do,

So a lot of money
to be in a haul truck, so...

a heavy-equipment mechanic

Is one of the most highly
skilled and highly paid jobs

In the klondike.

Rock truck drivers are
at the bottom of the totem pole.

Yeah, we got pay dirt, boys.

Looks like we're back
in business.

I really appreciate you jumping
in that haul truck, carl.

It's, uh,
it's helping us out big-time.

You got it, buddy.
This is kind of fun,

So thanks a lot.

Doumitt: hey, carl.

What say we put
some nascar numbers and stickers

Or that thing

And see
how fast you can drive it?

[ Laughs ]

See, rick, you could barely
talk him into doing it,

And now you're gonna
have a hard time

Getting him
out of that rock truck.

[ Laughs ]

Narrator: meanwhile,
over on treasure island...

The crew has already stripped
4 feet of overburden.

I can look across

And see all the rock trucks
going around in circles,

Hauling overburden.

I can see the dozers going,
the excavators.

It's crazy times
at scribner creek right now.

We even have mechanics
hauling pay dirt.

Narrator: scribner creek
is firing on all cylinders.

this is gonna be a good day.

We'll have enough pay up there
to run the plant,

And we'll continue moving
forward on that island cut.

What a day.

Narrator: tony beets spent
a fortune buying his dredge,

And this year, he's out
to earn it back.

A quarter of the way
through the season,

Tony should have banked
250 ounces of gold,

Worth $275,000.

-Oh, not too bad, tony.

Ah, as good
as could be expected.


-All right.

I'll get going on it.

everybody's working hard.

Everybody's going
for the same goal --

Just got to get
a little more organized here.

I mean, the thing's running.

It's what he wants it to do.

[ Thuds, rumbling ]

[Bleep] [bleep]

Oh [bleep]

What was that?

Hey, mike!

Go get gene!

Right now, the tailings

Are right up against the back
of the dredge.

We're all sanded in.

-Is there a problem?
-Come on.

Should I shut [bleep] down?

Okay. We got to.

Cheeseman: what --
what is the issue, jerry?

Hey, I'm asking.

It's with fine tailings.
They have no place to go.

We're gonna shut down.

Narrator: the bucket ladder

Churns through 100 yards of pay
an hour.

After the dirt
passes through the trommel,

The course tailings drop off
the back of the 85-foot stacker.

But the fine tailings that come
out of the short sluices

Have piled up,
beaching the 350-ton dredge.

Cheeseman: get her pulled over
as far as it'll go,

And then release the brake,
and I'll go walk down there.

-To dig out the fine tails?

Rhodes: he just gets
in these little tizzies.

You see him.

Bunch of [bleep]
[bleep] joke.

I don't want to talk about it.

to avoid yet another shutdown,

Gene goes for a quick fix.

oh, I'm just digging the fine
tails back behind the dredge.

This is a quick fix right now,

But this is also one
of the reasons why I'm here --

To figure out how to get this
thing -- to keep it dredging

And keep moving forward and get
these problems sorted out.

I'm looking for something they
can make a suction line out of

For the pump.

Trying to build a venturi pump

To pump our fine tails
out behind the dredge.

Narrator: 60 miles
from the nearest store,

Gene cheeseman is searching
for parts in tony's boneyard.

Cheeseman: I'm glad that
these plaster miners up here

Don't throw anything away.

This is just like
an old cup fitting.

You might need that or...

Just got to improvise 'cause,
otherwise I got to drive,

You know, 4-hour round trip
to town to try and find a piece.

Narrator: gene plans to pump
the fine tailings

Far from the back of the dredge,

But he can't use
a conventional pump.

you know, most water pumps

Aren't meant to handle, you
know, a lot of sand and fines,

So the venturi pump,

Using the vacuum created
by the water pressure

Going through a venturi
to pull the sand along.

Narrator: a venturi system
forces a large amount of water

Through a narrow section
of pipe.

This creates a vacuum

That should suck the fine
tailings through a drop pipe

That will sit
in the short sluice

And blast the unwanted material
clear of the back of the dredge.

Cheeseman: I know
the venturi pump system works.

It's just, do we have
all the parts and pieces here

We need to make one?

I mean, that's what I like to do

Is figure out
solutions to problems

And come up with ways to do --
simpler ways to do things.

And if it doesn't work,
back to the drawing board.

Oh, it's going all right.

Oh, I'm just kind of

Not -- not quite
got there yet.


Narrator: gene is ready
to test out the venturi system

He made out of spare parts.

Well, I think
when we turn the pump on,

It should draw the sand and dirt
in the wheelbarrow.

So if it's working,
we should see the water

Go down in the wheelbarrow --
I mean, it's --

Yep, yep.
I mean --


using high water pressure,

Gene's venturi system
should create a vacuum

That will suck the sand
out of the wheelbarrow

And spray it 20 yards away.


No, see.
There's no suction.

That's definitely
not working.

Not enough back pressure
on it there.


Yeah, let's just
shut her off there.

Yeah, I got her.


Narrator: gene's homemade
pump system isn't working.

To keep the dredge running,

They'll have to come up
with another solution.

Cheeseman: our venturi pump,
the way we we're --

Concept, what we designed
or made, didn't work.

Got to figure
out the calculations.

I don't know
how to figure that out.

Should have stayed in school,
I guess.

Hiatt: we got that super cut
down there.

We have a super cut.
We got a super plant.

We have to have a super mountain
of pay to feed this plant.

Narrator: 5 miles west,
the hoffman crew

Is running monster red
at a steady 300 yards an hour.

But last week's cleanup
of just 110 ounces,

Worth $120,000,

Has todd worried
about his gold recovery.

Something's gone wrong,

We would have had
a lot better cleanup.

There's something
going wrong.

But I know how much dirt
we ran.

And we should have had more gold
in that cleanup.

Doesn't matter where
we lose it -- it's still gone.

We can't afford to lose it.

I'll guarantee you,
if we don't fix it,

We're not gonna hit our goal.

The only thing
I can think of

Is you're carrying it over
in your fine tailings

Going onto the conveyor.

All I can do --
I'll grab a bucket,

I'll take a sample
of tailings,

And I'll let you know
what I find.

Yeah. Go take a look.

Well, first, let's find
where we're losing it,

And second, fix the problem.

-Let's do it.
-All right.

we got a serious problem.

We're losing gold somewhere.

It's either the sluice,
or it's up here somewhere,

But we got a freaking problem,

And we
need to figure it out now.

Narrator: freddy dodge
is a wash plant expert.

If the hoffman crew
is losing gold,

He'll find out why.

There's only one way
to find out -- test it.

Narrator: the only time a miner
doesn't want to see gold

Is when he's testing
his tailings.

Dodge: [ chuckles ]
look at that.

There's gold in it.

I flipping knew it.

Check this out, todd.

Well, look at that piece
and all that color.

That came out
of half a 5-gallon bucket,

So you're losing thousands
of times that per hour.

That ain't good, freddy.

You're throwing out,

Say, at least
a quarter of an ounce an hour.

-Well, I'll see what I can do.

You got to
shut the plant down.

Let's get it figured out.

Damn it!

Narrator: the hoffman crew
is flushing $5,000 a day

Out of the end
of their wash plant.

Shut it down.

I'm sorry, but don't
throw any more in there.

We're gonna stop,
try to resolve this.

All right, dave.

Let's shut it down!

Narrator: it's up
to their gold-recovery expert

To find the cause.

Hey, dave.

Check this out.

It's building here.


Aw, come on.

Problem is -- is just
got a dead spot right there,

And the sand's building
back in it.

the new diverter channel

At the bottom of the sluice

Is causing the water
to slow down

And sand deposits to back up.

As the sand collects, it
eventually covers the riffles.

With the riffles covered
and nowhere to settle,

Gold is washing
right out of the sluice box.

Todd: it's bunching up
down here on the end.

Hopefully, we can get this fixed
and can be rolling again.

Dodge: we could try it
with wood, you know,

Get the area smaller
so the velocity's higher.

Put a spoiler
and then do a 45 in the corner.

Try it.

Just put it in there
and just see if it'd divert it.

Narrator: freddy uses
and old discarded board

To reduce the angle
in the corner of the channel

That will hopefully speed up
the water in the diverter.

So, we've narrowed up this area

So we have more velocity
with the water

So it can make
this initial corner here.

Go ahead
and start everything.

[ Engine turns over ]

Okay, cap.
Uh, as soon as you see water.

Narrator: freddy's plan --

Increase the speed of the water
in the corner of the channel

So that the sandy material
gets flushed out

And the gold
can fall into the riffles.

Well, we're just watching
to see if it starts backing up.

It's always backed up,

So hopefully
it pulls the tailings out.

The velocity
is much greater there now.

-It's not hitting a dead space.

I mean, if it stayed like that,
it's not hurting anything.

If it'll stay like this.


That's working.

freddy's simple fix

Should save thousands
in lost gold.

you know, a wash plant's like --

Like a fine woman, you know.

When you get married,
it takes a little time

To figure it all out.

[ Chuckles ]

You like that one, dave?

Narrator: after a series
of breakdowns this season,

Tony beets' dredge

Has produced a disappointing
92 ounces of gold.

And now a buildup of fine
tailings has grounded his ship.

It sounds --
sounds good to me.

-It all makes sense.

All right,
I'll go get everybody lined out

And getting ready to do it.

Narrator: gene's complex
pumping system failed,

So tony's come up
with a quick fix --

Simply extend the fine tailings
sluice by 10 feet.

Well, I'm cutting
these old runs apart

So we can make our extensions
on the runs

So to get the tailings, fine
tailings, out further behind us.

Back up?

Narrator: tony takes over

Because if the dredge
isn't running,

It's not making money.


-Right, right.

You welded it, tony -- of course
I feel confident in it.

[ Laughter ]


[ Motor rumbling ]

gene fires up the dredge

To find out if tony's sluice
extension works.

Yeah, it looks like it'll --
should help out quite a bit.

Quick and dirty deal.
It'll get us through, so...

Yeah. Yeah, yeah.

I'm done.
I'm going to drink beer.

Parker schnabel's crew
has been working nonstop

For five straight days

To get down
to treasure island pay.

Man: still had a couple
of feet of overburden

And then to get down to pay
on treasure island.

Narrator: meanwhile, rick ness,
the crew's foreman,

Delivers the last rock truck
of berm-cut pay dirt.

yeah, the berm cut's done.

But now, next up,
is treasure island.

I fought for this,

And I'm really hoping
it's gonna be good.

Doumitt: this is it.

We're finished
with the berm cut.

Work this through the grizzly,

Shut the plant down,
do a cleanup, and move on.

We'll head to treasure island.

Catchy name.
Maybe it's got some gold in it.

how's it look, doumitt?

Well, the end of the run,
you know,

You can't expect too much.

I haven't been around
for much of this,

But that looks pretty good
to me.

It paid its way, I think.


See ya, doumitt.

Get to jigging.

Get that gold room
going, boy.

[ Motor rumbling ]

Narrator: parker and bailey,
his camp cook,

Clean up the final concentrate
from the berm cut.

Favron: I'm mostly just looking
for big pieces of gold.

Are you excited, bailey?

Do you love it?

I'm giving up my nap
for this, you know?

[ Chuckles ]

So you're gonna come
help me do this once a week?

Mm, sure.


Film that bucket.

Can you see in that bucket?

Can you see in there?

It looks good.

And we need a bucketful
of that stuff.

Um, yeah, that berm cut's
kind of been kicking our ass,


There better be some gold in it
for it to pay off.

despite a disappointing test run

Two weeks ago,

Parker decided
to mine the berm cut.

Parker: so, this is the last
of the berm cut, huh?

-That's it.
-That's it.

That's hot.

parker needs the berm cut

To pay off
to turn his season around.

He's run a total
of 15,000 yards,

Which should yield 135 ounces
of gold.


97.8 -- that's ugly.

-So we came up short.

-A lot.

98 ounces is less than $110,000.

It brings his season total
to 171 ounces,

Worth around $180,000.

Yeah, this
is just pretty depressing

When the bills roll in
and that's what we get.

-We'll turn it around.
-All right.

That's the business
we chose, I guess.

-Thank you, guys.

Narrator: parker's decision
to mine the berm cut

Hasn't paid off.

Yeah, the berm cut ended up
being pretty disappointing.

It was a lot of work
and not very good results,

So we'll do treasure island

That's got to pay out better

Because "a," we need it,
and "b," I pushed for it.

So if that sucks, too,

Then...bad decision on my part.

Narrator: a roller on the
hoffman crew's 105-ton d11 dozer

Has broken.

Man: the bearings
are completely gone.

I can barely lift
one side of it.

Narrator: to install
the 500-pound replacement roller

Out in the bush,

Fabricator juan ibarra
has to improvise.

Hey, randy.
What do you think?

This thing -- we can just
spoon it out, spoon it in.

Boom. Done.

Get it in, get it out.

[ Grunts ]

Okay, now,
when we come up this time,

We -- we need to go
right in the middle, okay?

Man: hold it.
We just got it.

We're there. Yeah.

Well, we just lower the cat down
onto the rollers.

Just watch it.


-Did it work?
-Yeah, we're in.

Dude! Give me
a high five on that.

Ness: well, the overburden's
been really deep

On this treasure island cut
the whole time.

I think there has been
a lot going on here,

And I've been kind of getting
a little stressed out about it.

rick promised parker he'd have

The new treasure island cut
down to pay dirt

Within a week.

He has half a day left
to come through for his boss.

All I've been digging
for the last week here

Is overburden gravel,

But this is starting
to change, man.

I think, yeah,
I think this is pay.

Hey, parker, can you come down
to treasure island?

I think I'm at pay dirt.

that's more like it.

I'm on my way.

parker's season depends on
treasure island producing gold.

Ness: yeah. I pushed really hard
for this cut, so...

We're down to pay.
We're testing it right now.

You know, it's really important
that treasure island pays off.

We got to start
turning it around.

I need this to pay off big-time.

yeah, the berm cut wasn't
all we had hoped it would be,

Which is a bummer.

But, you know, rick
did a damn good job on this one.

We needed -- we needed him
to pull through quick.

That's a good pan.

Ness: this one?

The pan to beat.

This is
what I was hoping for

Out of treasure island,
for sure.

Look at it all.
All through here, everywhere.

I mean, if it runs
through the plant like this,

We'll be having --
we'll be having a good old time.

Good job, rick.

[ Breathes deeply ]

So, that's it.

We made our week deadline, down
to pay dirt on treasure island.

We tested it.
It looks great.

I mean, it's a relief for me,

But it's also a boost
of confidence, man.

I think this is gonna be
a good cut.

Now we just got to
run the dirt, man.

Reap the rewards.

we can see a little bit of gold.

That's a good sign.

I'm hoping for a lot of gold,

the hoffman crew is cleaning up

After a rough week of mining.

Man: I was expecting
to see more here.

I think it's borderline --
I do.

[ Motor rumbling ]

You know,
the guys are working hard.

We need a break.

We don't need
another breakdown, so...

You got that right, man.

despite two shutdowns,

They managed to run

A respectable 18,000 yards
of pay dirt,

Which should yield
about 160 ounces.

You know,
what's gonna really matter

Is what that scale says
at the end of the day.

You run it, you dry it,
you weigh it,

And that's what you get.

there he co-- here comes jack.

Guys, I'm holding
more in my left hand

Than we got
all of our first season.

You know, 14 ounces.

-Well, that sucks.

Well, this makes it
a little better.

I mean, you know that those jars
hold 100 ounces.

Things like freddy and juan
doing their jobs, you know,

They're a blessing to us,

And god blessed us
with another jar.

[ Chuckles ]

[ Cheers and applause ]

So cool!

[ Cheers and applause continue ]

I love full jars.

So, what's our total,


-Oh, nice.
-Heck of a week.

-That's a good week.

[ Cheers and applause ]

It's fantastic.

for the first time this season,

The hoffman crew has hit
their weekly goal of 200 ounces,

Worth $220,000.

Todd: okay, guys.
We're on track.

200 Ounces a week,
we'll hit our goal.

I feel like
we're on a wing and a prayer,

But it seems like, every time
we run into an obstacle,

We're fixing it.

Maybe this is our year,

on the next "gold rush"...

Looks like they were trying
to rob a bank here

And got caught.

[Bleep] lazy operators.


Breaking them faster
than we can fix 'em.

we got a chance to prospect
the richest creek ever found.

I want hilarious gold.

What the [bleep]?

We didn't change anything.
We shouldn't have any water.


Tony: it's a disaster.
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