06x05 - Jack's Gold Shack

Episode transcripts for the TV show, "Gold Rush". Aired: December 3, 2010 –present.*
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Reality based series follows the placer gold mining efforts of various family-run mining companies, mostly in the Klondike region of Dawson City, Yukon, Canada, as well as in the U.S. state of Alaska.
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06x05 - Jack's Gold Shack

Post by bunniefuu »

up north in the klondike...

Get outta there!

Parker schnabel
has almost no gold.

This thing's been a pain
in our ass for 2 years.

Make it happen.

Narrator: and he's taking his
frustration out on his crew...

I don't know if one of you guys
wants my dog dead.

Do you?

You don't have to yell at people
all the time.

until his 95-year-old grandpa

Gives him a wake-up call...

If you got a team,
you got everything.

Forcing parker to turn over
a new leaf.

[ Laughing ]

I'm glad you're all here,

[ Laughing, cheering ]

At mckinnon creek,

Todd hoffman and crew are back
on track for a record season.

We're gonna go flying
right past that 2,700.


They're running more pay dirt...

[ Horn honks ]
than ever before...

We finally got to almost
300 yards an hour.

We're doing it.

Narrator: until they realize
that their settling pond

Is turning
into a tailings island.

Todd: hey, dave,
we got a huge problem here.

And todd is forced
to take drastic measures.

That's gonna save that pond.

It's gonna save our lake.

If this doesn't work,
we're done.

At eureka creek,

Tony beets is banking
on a million-dollar season.

But when his 1938 gold dredge
starts falling apart...

[ Creaking ]

I think tony and gene
need to run this

Piece of [bleep] for a day
all by themselves.

Don't stand around
and whine about it.

Just get the [bleep] thing

Narrator: tony takes charge...

To ensure that his next cleanup

Produces a pile of gold.

Ha ha!

Captions paid for by
discovery communications

Seven a.m. At scribner creek.

Parker schnabel
is under the g*n.

Five weeks
into the mining season,

He has just 7 ounces
of gold worth less than $8,000.

This time last year,

He had more than 20 times
that amount.

And his bills are mounting.

A recent test of the berm cut
was disappointing,

But parker has gambled
and decided to mine it.

If we keep production high,
we're gonna have a great season.

So we just gotta keep things
moving, whatever that takes.

Narrator: new foreman rick ness
is working hard

To build up morale
with his young crew.

If we give it our all,

The attitude is gonna --
it's gonna be there.

The fun's gonna follow.

Parker, you wanna add something?

The one thing I do wanna
pitch in

Is somebody hit a barrel
of coolant in the yard

And hit it hard
enough to put a hole in it,

And there's coolant
all over the ground.

I don't know if one of you guys
wants my dog dead

Or bailey's dog dead because you
need to notice that [bleep].

Do you want my dog dead,

Of course not.

Do you?

No, because I don't care
about [bleep] barrel of coolant,

But my dog dies,

And the whole thing
about having fun,

That goes out the window
pretty fast.

All right, let's go to work.

Even thinking
about that makes me livid.

rick is parker's right-hand man,

But he doesn't always agree
with his boss' management style.

I told him
he didn't have to be there.

I had it covered, you know?

But he kind of drug
the attitude down at the end,

And that was kind
of not what I was looking for.

But, you know,
this is his operation,

And that's his prerogative.

Willie: you don't have to yell
at people all the time.

Just talk to them
like they're normal --

Normal people, and that --

That goes a long way.

despite the tension,

Rick has
the operation running smoothly.

Rick: all six of our trucks
are online.

We got three excavators
in the cut.

Both of our cats
are running great.

They got everything dialed in.

I mean,
we're set up good right now.

I feel great about today.
Time's flying, sun's shining,

And I got a pocket
full of rocks.

[ Laughs ]

just when parker's operation

Is starting to fire
on all cylinders...

[ Screeching ]

[ Bursts ]

The 50-pound prewash bar...

-Get outta there!
-...flies off.

We gotta shut the plant down.

We're having serious problems
with the prewash.

Hey, shut down!

Hey, parker, this is mitch.

You got a copy?

You need to get up here to the
wash plant as soon as possible.

We got some problems.
-Oh, [bleep].

So what the hell
happened to this thing?

This prewash
is just falling apart.

Parker arrives with his grandpa,

Who's on the claim
to advise his grandson.

Parker's feeling the strain.

Every hour the plant
is down costs him

Another $1,500 in gold
he hasn't mined.

What'd you break now?


You know, we put a lot
of band-aids on that prewash,

And it might be time
for surgery.

I think the best solution's
to build a new one.

-A new spray bar?
-A new whole box.

-A new prewash?
-A whole new prewash.

The biggest problem is,
I bet it's gonna

Take us four or five days
to do it right.

Parker: you must be joking.

We can't afford the plant to
stop running even for an hour.

We just need to be [bleep]
running dirt, all right?

I mean, it'll run,
but it's not --

This thing's been a pain
in our ass for two years.

Make it happen.

Parker ignores mitch and demands
a quick fix.

I know parker sometimes
doesn't like hearing answers

Like "shut it off," but,

Uh, you know, we gotta take care
of this plant.

This is what makes us
all our money.

And, uh,
if we don't take care of it,

It's not gonna take care of us.

We're having crew issues.

We've lost several people,
both quit and fired.

It's just one thing
after another.

I don't know
how to deal with them.

Grandpa john has run crews
since the 1940s.

If you treat crew
like slaves,

That's a bad approach.

Can't please everybody.

Sometimes, I'm just trying
to please the fuel company

By making sure
I have a check for 'em.

Don't give a [bleep]
about money.

If you got a team,
you got everything,

And so I leave you
with that thought.

All right.

Ten miles west, the hoffmans
have already banked 170 ounces

In their ambitious quest to hit
2,700 ounces worth $3 million.

We're doin' it.

To double their best gold total

Todd's opened up a supercut
the size of 12 football fields.

He's pushing his plant
to the limit,

Running 300 yards
of dirt per hour.

But to do that,

He needs a staggering 3,000
gallons of water a minute

Out of his man-made lake.

Hey, dave,
can you come down by the pump?

We got a frickin' huge problem


What's up?

At 300 yards an hour,
this is gonna fill up.

Some of it's already --
-it's already clear out there.

It's creeping way out.

We only got so much water,

And we're filling up our lake
with tailings.

I have no idea what to do.

the sand and fine material

Coming out of the wash plant

Are rapidly filling the lake
they draw their water from.

We gotta get about 200,000 yards
of tailings in this pond.

And at that rate,
it ain't gonna happen.

We finally got to almost
300 yards an hour,

And it's kicking our ass.

Now we're gonna run
out of water.

Five miles east,

The only working bucket-line
gold dredge in north america

Has been running dirt
for three weeks.

Tony beets' new foreman,
gene cheeseman,

Clears the ground ahead
to provide a constant supply

Of pay dirt.

The dredge just slowly working
its way down the valley,

And I'm getting the next area,

Just keep working on the area
ahead of it.

Under instruction from
retired winchman gordon martin,

Mike and jerry

Are responsible for operating
the massive machine.

But they're struggling to keep
the ancient dredge running.

Nope, going down.

Come on, you miserable [bleep].

Just go and release now.


You can start the winch.

[ Click ]

I believe things
need to be repaired.

Gene's in charge.

Jerry fights
to move the bucket line sideways

To reach new pay dirt.

What the [bleep] going on?

It quit winching, I think.

[ Screeching ]

It shouldn't be
making that noise.

It's limping.

[ Screeching continues ]

What the hell?

[ Thud ]

Bucket line is off.

for the third time this season,

The bucket line
has come off its track.

This is [bleep].

Oh, yeah.

[ Bleep ]

Should I shut the plant down?


Could it be we got too many
buckets on there,

And the chain's too loose?

It's been three times now,

So there's gotta be something

I don't know. I'm about to let
the experts run this.

I think tony and gene
need to run this piece

Of [bleep] for a day
all by themselves.

Narrator: for the third time
in just three weeks,

Tony beets' dredge is shut down.

Once again, the bucket line
is off its track.

So we should really find out
what's wrong with the system.

Gene: this is a waste of time.

I'm not really 100 percent
sure why it's coming off,

Whether it's operator error

Or got too many buckets
in the line.

I don't know.

Guess I just do whatever
it takes

To get the damn thing done.

Winchman jerry rhodes demands
they solve it once and for all.

It's time that, uh, we
figure out what the problem is.

Take one bucket out of the line
and see if that fixes it.

Even if it takes all day
to do this, we should fix it.

But foreman gene cheeseman
ignores the cause of the problem

And goes with a quick fix
to keep running.

Hey, you guys,
stay off more off to the side.

If that comes off there,
it can whip, you know.

[ Rumbling, creaking ]

Keep lifting as he's backin' up.

Are we tight on that side, mike?

Pull on it if you can.

What's the hold-up?

The bucket line lifts up,
but it won't move forward.

[ Thud ]

I'm gonna try picking up on it
again so we can get some slack.

Can we get that line
any tighter on that side?

Gene is forced
to change his plan.

Attach the chain
to a lower bucket

So the crew
can pull the bucket line forward

And around the end
of the bucket ladder.

We're loose on that side.

Well, I'm gonna
be pulling on it this way.

But the cable's loose.

I'm going to be pulling
the boom this direction.

Can you get that line
any tighter on that side?!

Start winching, jerry.

[ Scraping, creaking ]


Come on.

[ Scraping, rumbling ]

Easy, easy.

[ Clank ]

Okay. Okay.

Go ahead and fire up.

[ Clank ]

[ Rumbling ]

There's something
wrong with the system,

So we should really find out
what's wrong with the system,

Or every two days now,

We're gonna be putting the line
of buckets back on.

We'll just deal with it.

There's gotta be one person

And it's my job.
I'm not a tinkerer.

I like to get [bleep]
done and move on.

Todd hoffman is pushing
monster red to its limit,

Running 300 yards an hour
in a bid

To hit a record 2,700 ounces.

But the tailings
from running that much dirt

Are clogging up
his man-made lake.

Todd might just have a solution.

[ Horn honks ]

A buddy of mine loaned it to me,
believe it or not.

I don't own it, so, uh,

I'm borrowing it,
so I gotta be careful with it.

I just hope it can do
the yardage.

Every hour, we gotta move
out a pile the size of a house.

That's gonna save that pond.
It's gonna save our lake.

We got a sandscrew.

We're uptown now.

Narrator: a sandscrew separates
sand from water.

The plan is for the mixture
of fine tailings and water

That come out of the sluice box

To pour
into the sandscrew's base.

The tailings will sink
while clean water

Will flow back into a drainage
gully and out into the lake.

Meanwhile, a pair
of giant screws will rotate,

Driving the tailings
up the sandscrew

And out onto a conveyor,

Where they'll eventually
join the coarse tailings.

Let's set it up, freddy.

How the frick
do you put one together?

That's what I'd like to know.

Even ikea comes with a little
tool set and everything

So you can put it together.

But the sandscrew isn't designed
to fit directly onto the end

Of a sluice box.

Freddy's building a chute that's
gonna attach to the bottom

Of the sluice right here.

It's gonna take all of our water
and sand and contain it

So we can get it fed center
in the middle of that sandscrew.

Monster red
was designed to have water

And fine tailings
pour off the end of the sluices.

Freddy and juan's solution?

Construct a steel channel
to divert the water

And fine tailings
down into the sandscrew.

We're crooked this way, juan.

Really what I need
to do is get higher so I can get

That bottom one in, that corner.
-Let's go down.

Let's twist
it a little bit 'cause

We're rock hard this way.

We'll rock it a little bit
that way,

And then
we'll be in good shape.

We're lookin' pretty close now.

Yeah, that's good now.

Perfect, dave.

Perfect, juan.

Do it.


We got about 20 holes here
we had to measure,

Hanging on our ear
over the edge right here.

So far, they're lining up.

What do you think?

I think we did it, buddy.

I think we did okay.

See if it works.

If it doesn't,
I guess it's my fault.

I've done things
like this quite a few times,

So I'm fairly confident.

But something always seems to
bite you in the ass in the end.

Ho -- hold it!

Freddy lowers the sandscrew
to sit at exactly 35 degrees.

Little bit, todd.

Whoa, whoa!

Perfect, guys.
-Good job, freddy!


There's only one way
to find out if the sandscrew

Will extract the fine tailings
from the sluice water --

Fire up monster red.

I'm always nervous 'cause,

When you think you got
it all dialed in,

You end up
with a problem somewhere.

You know, all the planning,
everything we've done,

Comes down to this moment
right now.

[ Horn honks ]

[ Rumbling ]

So far, so good, juan!

That's a lot of water.

See that water coming over?
-Dang it.

It won't handle the water.


Hit the bypass, quick.

Let's shut it down!

Don't give it any more.

We got 3,000 gallons a minute

That are -- that's trying
to get off of that sandscrew,

And it found a way, all right.

Fine tailings are choking
the hoffmans' holding pond.

They've installed a sandscrew
to fix the problem,

But it can't cope
with 3,000 gallons a minute.

I was hoping that that'd handle
all that water,

But I was wrong on it.

So the water's actually
overflowing off the top

Of this lip here
and actually gonna

Start taking out
this little embankment we have.

We could actually start
losing the --

The side of the -- this hill

And potentially lose the screw
into the side of the --

The lake, so we gotta make sure
that it's draining properly

And draining back into the lake.

We're just gonna
fix it and get going.

We've gotta use what we've got
and not [bleep] about it

Because we don't have
much of a choice.

Narrator: freddy's come up
with a plan --

Add two 10-inch pipes
to the base of the sandscrew

To triple the clean water
flowing into the pond.

Dave, I'm lettin' go.


We have these two 90s.

I think they're cast-iron 90s.

They're not really weldable,
but we're gonna weld 'em on.

I'm gonna
have to weld it to mild steel,

So expansion
is gonna be at different rates,

And it -- it's just not good
to weld on it.

You know,
we probably got a 50/50 chance

That the piece of junk
won't just break off and fall

On the ground.

If this doesn't work, you know,

We're gonna be fillin' up
this, uh, pond with sand,

And then that's it.
We're done.

[ Horn honks ]

Fire it up.

Okay, comin' on up.

About, uh, 850.

Dave: fingers crossed.

There she goes,
up to the top.

Come on, baby.
Take it.

Todd: this had better work.

It's doin' its job.

Fine tailings are coming
out of the top of the sandscrew,

And all the clean water
is pouring out of the pipes

And into the holding pond.


Todd: this is gonna work.

All in all, I'm pretty damn
happy with this morning.

A couple little glitches,
but you know what?

It's time to make some gold.

On parker's claim,
morale is at an all-time low.

His season has been a disaster,

And he's taken his frustration
out on his crew.

But parker has a plan
to rebuild team spirit.

For the first time all season,
he shuts down early.

Uh, we're covering up
all the holes so that the clutch

Doesn't get wet
and make us sink.

I mean, we've done a lot
of hard work this season,

And there's a hell of a lot
of hard work left to do,

But, you know, work hard,
play hard, right?

My grandpa's always said to take
some time

To have fun and bond
with your crew.

And, you know,
it's one thing saying it,

But it's another doing it.

[ Taps ]

Time to do it.

How many holes are down there?

I had to put two rolls
of duct tape into this thing.

We're looking forward
to having some fun today,

So hopefully, nobody gets hurt,

And we just have a good day.

Now we get to play,
so play we shall.

What'd you pay for it?

-Fifteen hundred bucks.

-Who'd you buy it from?
-My dad.

[ Parker laughs ]

I'm ready.

[ Engine starts ]

[ Revving ]

[ Laughing ]
watch out, dylan.

[ Laughing ]

Oh, he's going
right off the hill already.

Parker's snow machine
is first to hit the water.

[ Revving ]

Oh, carl's don't sound good.

Carl's out!


-Carl's done!
-[ Laughter ]

No, no!

[ Laughing continues ]


It's a big party time
for everybody.

All these miners, you know,
they're putting in a lot

Of hard hours, so it turned into

A kind of a contagious day off.

[ Cheering, shouting ]
oh, no, parker's done!

Parker's done, too!

[ Laughter ]

That was a quick $1,500.

[ Laughter ]

Thanks. Cheers.


Parker took his grandpa's

Building team spirit
is already paying off.

I'm honestly blown away.

Like, it's night and day.

If he's having fun,
quite honestly,

Everybody's having fun.

You know,
it's all about his attitude.

His attitude carries this place.

So a night like tonight is --

Is great for everybody.

[ Laughter, cheering ]

Tony beets has invested
his reputation,

A year of his life,
and $1 million

On his 75-year-old gold dredge.

It's going.

Tony's bucket line
keeps coming off its track,

And his winchman,
jerry, has a theory.

When we went
to put this together last fall,

We didn't have enough buckets to
make the chain no matter what,

So we put three buckets in.

We don't know if we should've
put maybe just two in,

Not three.

gene is finally coming around

To jerry's way of thinking.

The bucket line is too long.

So I think the best thing
to do is try and pull

A bucket out of it.


Narrator: it was jerry's idea
to remove a bucket,

But gene and tony
are going to do it without him.

I haven't talked to tony
about the problems we have here.

Gene's in charge.

[ Creaks ]

[ Rumbling ]

They get the pin halfway out,
but it's stuck.

No, it's pulling the buckets
off the side.

Last inch there.

Gene has these simple answers.

I guess just go smash the ladder
with a sledgehammer

Whenever it sticks.

Man: go, gene, go.

Next, they close the gap
and reconnect the bucket line.

[ Clank ]

Tony: ahh!

Ahh! Okay!

Ha ha!

[ Laughs ]

It's about time somebody did.

[ Starts, revs ]


Okay, see you.

Parker's young crew is
reinvigorated and hard at work.

It's their third day
of hauling pay from the berm cut

To the plant.

No, things have been going real
good down in the berm cut.

As you can see off to my right,
I don't have very much left.

Hopefully, it pays off for us,

And we, uh, find a lot of gold.

Narrator: parker's decision
to make teamwork a priority

Is starting to pay off.

Felt nice that parker kind
of took us out

And gave us a fun night
and showed us how to have fun.

[ Laughs ]

All the excavator operators

And dozer operators
and equipment operators

Are all doing a great job.

I feel like they've made
me feel a little bit younger.

Ha, little bit.

[ Rumbling ]

Ooh, kinda bumpy.

Oh, [bleep]!

Narrator: but just when things
are beginning to look up,

Matthew knopp
rolls his rock truck.

Hey, guys, I need help.

My truck's [bleep].

-That's bad.

The whole cab almost went.
I'm lucky.

It almost pulled the whole truck
down into a ditch.

And I gotta get access
back there right now

So I could hopefully
get back there and lift it up.

I'm just worried that I don't
have enough room up here

To maneuver.

Nope, that ain't gonna work.

Uh, brennan, I'm gonna
need you over here, man.

I can't get this with just one
machine, and I just --

I can't get it on my own.

Yeah, you bet.

All right, I'll come down.

Yeah, well, we get it back
on all six wheels

And get it the hell outta here.

Narrator: rick needs help from
brennan in the 460 excavator.


Yeah, real easy on that.

Just try to match
what I'm doing just --

As I pull, just push.

[ Thud ]
[ bleep ]

We're just gonna
have to work together,

But I think we can get it.

Come on.

Just a little bit more.

Nice job, buddy.
Good teamwork.

It took both brennan
and I working together

As a team to get it out.

But that's -- sometimes, that's
what it's gonna take, you know?

We're a young crew.
We're gonna learn together,

And we're gonna make --
make mistakes together.

I'm lucky nothing [bleep] up.

It's all good to go,
so I can get back to hauling.

That truck's back on its tires.

Looks like we're back
in business.

Narrator: parker's young g*ns
don't have much gold,

But they're starting
to pull together as a team.

[ Laughs ]

Tony beets' 1938 dredge
has been running pay for a day

Since its bucket line was fixed.



Operators gordon,
jerry and mike

Are still struggling to keep
the vintage gold-mining machine


Let gene and tony operate this
by themselves for a day, right?

That would be the best thing
that could happen.

If this dredge
was fully operational,

Three people's enough on here.

But right now,
when almost no system

Is working the way it should be,
three people isn't enough.

in the cook shack,

The rest of the crew
waits for tony's wife, minnie,

To arrive with the results

Of the all important
weekly cleanup.

Tony has invested
over $1 million in the dredge,

And so far,
it's only made back 88,000.

To break even,

He needs a 50-ounce cleanup
each and every week.


That's it.

That's it.



Narrator: eleven ounces is worth
just $12,000.

Just kind of disappointing.


We weren't very consistent,

But we ran and fixed
the bucket line, so I mean,

All we can do
is get better, so...

Try it again next week.

At mckinnon creek,

The hoffman crew is building
a new gold room for jack.

It's gonna
be absolutely drop-dead cool,

You know?

If we're gonna do cleanups
every day, I need a bigger room.

So we built jack's shack.

And it is absolutely
what I wanted.

In their new gold shack,
jack, thurber and hunter

Are hard at work
cleaning up this week's gold.

Okay, hunter,
I'll take some more.

Pour it into it.

You get gold on your feet, okay?

I'm sorry,
but you gotta wash it off.


Okay, you can quit swimmin'.
It's over.

Okay, stop.

I'll tell you what,
I don't know if we're gonna

Make the 200 this week.

To hit their $3 million,
2,700-ounce goal,

The hoffmans
need 200 ounces per week.

Hey, guys.

This is the first gold
from jack's shack.

So, uh, wish it was more.

How bad?

I know this isn't
what you were planning on,

But this is 110 ounces.

In three days.

installing the new sandscrew,

They lost half a week
of running dirt.

You know what?
I think we did pretty good

For the time we had down.

It's not all bad news.

We were down for three days.

With that sandscrew,
if we'd have ran the whole week,

We'd have had beyond 220.

Don't think of it
as that bad of a deal.

Hey, freddy, thanks
for your work, man.

Good job.

-Thanks, todd.
-You too, juan.

Better get to work.

Thanks, guys.

For the amount of yardage
that we put through,

110 Isn't too bad.

Narrator: 110 ounces
brings their total to 280,

Worth over $300,000.

This season, parker schnabel
has only mined 7 ounces of gold.

But he's celebrating
his grandpa's last night

On the claim

With a king crab feast
for his crew.

[ Indistinct conversations ]

That's a lot of crab.

Those are big ones.

Parker: I think they're done.

They're done.

What do you do?
I'm just running rock truck.

Oh, thank you!
You're welcome.


[ Laughs ]


Is it good?
That's good.

[ Indistinct conversations ]

You are having a good time.

I think everybody is.

Well, I know, but without you
being a leader,

They wouldn't have
that good time. [ Laughs ]

Parker: yeah, that's true.
[ Laughs ]

[ Chatter ]
what's up, boy?

Not a whole lot.

Finished up the cleanup,
got some gold.

It's been a rough spring,
you know.

We've lost some people.

I didn't even know
if we'd have ground.

And I'm glad you're all here,
you know, honestly.

Narrator: despite a bad test,
parker took his grandpa's advice

And decided
to go all in on the berm cut.

Their first cleanup

Will determine
if he made the right move.

We just did our first run.

What was it, 7,000 yards?


And we pulled some gold
out of that.

For parker
to get his season back on track,

The 7,000-yard run

Needs to produce
around 70 ounces of gold.

That right there is 66 ounces,

So that's not great
for the yardage we ran,

But the thing that has me happy
about it is these.

-What is that --
-[ laughter ]

-Oh, those are good.

Like, we're on the right track
with those.

Oh, yeah, those are nice.

Narrator: 66.6 ounces
is worth over $70,000,

But the nuggets are a sign
of big gold to come.

That's amazing.

Look at that, john.

Every time
that we've found anything big,

It's been good, so I'm hopeful
that it's only getting better.

[ Laughter ]

How many more of these are
we gonna have?

-Hopefully like 30 more.

You know,
you guys made this happen,

And I'm glad you guys
are all here.

I am.

A crew is the team,

And if you become a team,
you can't help but win.

-It's gonna be a good season.
-It's gonna be.

-Thank you, rick.
-Yeah, buddy.

-Good job, man.
-Thanks, buddy.

Narrator: with his beloved
grandpa's guidance,

Parker is finally
building a team

That just might get him back
in the game.

Parker has got a fine team.

I think he's learned to realize
that he's part of that team.

He has to work with others
to win.

First gold weigh of the season,

Uh, I think it went really well.

We've got an outstanding crew.

We're all -- you know,
everybody's young.

Everybody's excited
now that we've seen gold,

And, uh, I expect great things
from this season.

On the next "gold rush"...

Oh, [bleep], shut it down.
Shut it down.

-That belt's off.
-Hit the bypass.

So if it ain't making it
to the sluice box,

It ain't making it
into your wallet.

Treasure island.

That's a good pan.

Twelve more hours of this,
I'm gonna be shot.

He's not a quitter.

What was that?
We're all sanded in.

We're gonna have to get
medieval on this thing.

What is the issue, jerry?

It's not a [bleep] cruise ship.
It has to make money.
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