06x01 - Blood, Sweat and Gold

Episode transcripts for the TV show, "Gold Rush". Aired: December 3, 2010 –present.*
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Reality based series follows the placer gold mining efforts of various family-run mining companies, mostly in the Klondike region of Dawson City, Yukon, Canada, as well as in the U.S. state of Alaska.
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06x01 - Blood, Sweat and Gold

Post by bunniefuu »

Todd: last year,
I brought my guys back

From the brink of bankruptcy.

We mined more gold than all of
our previous seasons combined.

This year, for the first time
ever, we finally got here early.

I've got my dad and my son
hunter with me.

And my crew, my brothers.

This is gonna be our year.

Parker: last season, we dug over
$3 million worth of gold

Out of the ground,
but it came at a price.

I got so focused on the gold

That I drove my guys
into the ground.

Some of my best men quit.

And, honestly,
that was my fault.

So this season, I have to do
more than just get the gold.

I have to figure out
how to truly lead a team.

[ Wind whistling ]

Narrator: as the klondike winter
comes to an end,

A new gold mining season begins.

This is gonna be the best year

Narrator: the hoffman crew
is set

To have their best season yet.


They break ground
before anyone else...

First cut of the season, andy.

And open up the biggest cut
of their careers...

Let's make a super cut.

On a mission to mine twice
as much gold as ever before.

We're gonna conquer this thing,
2,700 ounces.


Tony beets kicks off his season
with a a fistful of gold.

A 75-year-old gold-mining dredge
ready for action...

And a family dead-set
on bringing history

Back to life.

Despite his monster gold
take last season,

Parker schnabel

Is staring failure in the face.
-I'm scared.

He loses the man
responsible for his success...

I'm not coming back.

we're in trouble now.

Narrator: and is forced
to hire a bunch of rookies.

Not much mining experience
standing here.

Then, the battle
with his landlord...

You can't tell me to take it
or leave it,

Then tell me
to take it or leave it again.

into a full-scale w*r.

Captions paid for by
discovery communications

Parker schnabel is out
on the chilkoot inlet

Just east of haines, alaska.

The gold mining season
is fast approaching,

And he's planning
to buy his own claim.

But already, he's in trouble.

He's tracking down
his old foreman, gene cheeseman.

Gene's working on a dock job
that I can only get to by boat,

So I'm going to go see him

And get it straight from him
what his plans are.

-It's good to see ya.

Narrator: over the last two
mining seasons, gene's

Helped parker get a staggering
$4 million worth of gold.

-Thank you, gene.
-It's been a good year, gene.

-[ Cheering ]

But by the end of last year...

I'm just going to do it, gene.
It's the way it's going to be.

A lack of respect
from his young boss...

I'm not going to take any
[bleep] from the little punk.

...forced gene to quit.

Gene: no, I'm done with parker.
I'm not coming back next year.

if gene's not with me,

I have no idea
what I'm gonna do.

Hopefully I can mend things up
with gene and --

And make him want to come back

Because he's been the key
to our success.

And if we buy our own ground,
gene will make that difference,

You know?

Well, it looks like there's some
sort of job site going on here.

It must be him.

Communication is neither gene
nor I's strongest point,

So these kinda conversations
are a little tense at times.

Well, I guess here goes nothing.

-How's it going?
-Good, how are you doing?

Good... How are...
Good to see you.


I just -- first of all,

I wanted to thank you
for last year, you know?

You --
you did a damn good job.

And, uh, it was --

It was impressive
working with you.

And it's been --
it's been a real pleasure.

And I know I made a lot
of mistakes

Last year dealing with
you guys and --

And dealing with you

And, um, I should have
communicated better with you,

And there was tension.

And I regret
a lot of it, but...

[ Clears throat ]

You wanna know something,
you just gotta ask me.

We're looking at buying ground,
and there's...

You know how much risk that
would be, I mean, you and I

Have talked about it a lot.

And I don't even want
to think about

Trying to do it
without ya.

I need to know if --
if you could come back up.

You know, I didn't particularly
care for how things went down,


What was -- what was
the biggest issue last year?

You and I have a different
way of doing things,

You know, from managing people

And managing how we run
a business or how you run --

And -- and -- and I don't know
how to run a business.

Well, I understand that.
I understand that, parker.

But it's your business.

I'd make suggestions to you,

And I'd say,
"this what I think we should do

Or what I would do," and you
were doing them a different way.

And is -- is there any way
you can come up?

[ Exhales, clears throat ]

Afraid I'd have to say no,

I'm not coming back.

I see.

All right, well,

That's going to make
my life pretty damn tough.

I would like to thank you
for the last two years.

You've taught -- you've taught
me a hell of a lot, and --

And I'll always
be grateful for that.

Thanks for the opportunity.

Thank you, gene.

And -- and I wish you
the best of luck.

You too.

We're in trouble now.

Gene: you know, it was an
accumulation of things,

You know,
just a lot of little things.

And I have a different
philosophy on how to do business

And treat people than he does.

He'll figure it out.

Narrator: parker can't run
a successful mine

Without a foreman.

Gene will be a tough act
to follow.

You know, I thought he would
say, "yeah, well, things

Are going to need to change,
but I could do it."

Just a no,
that's kind of a closed door.

You can't do much with that.

Which really screws up
my entire mining season.

six hundred miles north,

In the yukon, the hoffman crew
is off to a head start,

Mining 2 full weeks
before the start of the season.

First cut of the season, andy.

This early in the year,
the ground is still frozen.

Dave turin and andy spinks
are ripping the permafrost

And stripping a new cut
ahead of the spring thaw.

We're just going to go that way,
probably 500 feet,

Open up
just as much as we can handle.

What do you think?

You don't think being this
earlier in the year

That we can bite off
a little bit more?

How about we do 500?

And then, uh,
once we get it own to gravel,

Let's just go get another 500.

Yeah, copy that.
Better safe than sorry.

We can't afford
to do anything stupid this year.

We'll start slow and easy.

And then, uh, if we can bite off
a bigger chunk,

Then we'll go from there.
-Let's get both dozers on this.

This is the earliest
we've ever been out here.

It's going
to be the best year ever.

We're stripping,
everything's going good.

The only thing that makes me mad
is todd took off.

It -- it -- it's pretty tough
when he expects us to stay here,

Keep plucking away.

Yeah, he just can't stay focused
and stay on a plan.

He always wants to chase
the next best thing.

just 10 miles north,

Three generations of hoffman
men -- todd, his father, jack,

And his son, hunter,

Are exploring new ground
up the legendary eldorado creek.

My gosh, guys.
This is it.

The history of this creek,

Is that there's more gold

Here than any place else
in the yukon.

This place has got a lot
of history, I'll tell you that.

This is the richest documented
creek in north america.

Wait, I'm going to do something.

Don't, hunter.

If you hit your noggin on that,

You'll be eating peaches
and pears.

There's a bed frame
over that window

Like bars --
what are those?

Those are stamp mill parts
right there.

That drill bit?

Yeah, that's an old drill bit.

less than 3 miles down valley,

In august, 1896, prospectors
found piles of gold nuggets.

News of their discovery
triggered a stampede.

More than 100,000 men

From around the world headed
north to seek their fortune.

Since then, klondike gold miners

Have unearthed
over $24 billion worth of gold.

The hoffmans are at eldorado
to meet their claim owner,

One of the region's foremost
geologists, peter tallman.

His company
owns these historic claims.

Look at that hat.
That's awesome.

Come on in, man.

-Nice to see you, hunter.
-Yeah, you too.

How do you like my camp?

It's pretty awesome, you know?

We've been hearing about
this creek since we were kids.

How much gold do you think
is really left up in this area?

The second largest nugget
in the klondike

Was recovered
just right there.

This is one of
the oldest claims around.

Yeah. We've identified a whole
series of bedrock faults.

And I can point --

Wait a minute.
What are you talking about?

This particular rock
is coming from bedrock

With a chunk of gold in it.

Are you freakin' kidding me?

The fault is providing a source
for what's in these creeks.

And gold's
sticking out of it.

This came
from right over here?


It's pretty cool.

Narrator: in a fault line,
heat and pressure combine,

Creating a channel of
super-heated water and minerals.

Gold can collect in the channel,

Which eventually
cools into a quartz vein.

Over time,
streams erode these veins,

Carrying millions of dollars
in gold

Down into the valleys below.

Do you believe
that there's a fault up here?

I think that's a certainty.

There's a million ounces
in the rock somewhere.

There's been 20 million eroded
under the rocks.

So somewhere, there's got
to be some of that left.

It's one of the last areas
on the planet

Where nobody's been able
to find the bedrock source.

Do you think we can come
to some kind of a --

A deal on this place?

I'd consider it. Yeah.

There is gold here
in the creeks,

And it's still available
to be mined.

I'll take it.

If it has good gold, oh, my god.

This would be a treasure hunt
of all treasure hunts.

I wanna do it.

And I'm trying to work it out

So hunter can be involved
in this thing.

It'll be hard.
Hunter is going to be pressed.

I mean, everybody's at mckinnon,
and you gotta mine there.

And we can't afford to send
a bunch of people over here,

So I'm willing to just come back
and me and grandpa can test.

This might be our future
right here.

You've really got
him sold on this place.

Well, get over to mckinnon
and --

And do some real work
and get lots of gold there.

We're going to do a lot of gold,
for us and you.

Right, well, gentlemen,
I'm going to get out of here.


Hey, uh, my dad
loves this place.

He would love
to come out here.

And he's not getting
any younger, let's be honest.

So what do you think?

You -- you got to prove
to me that --

That you can expand
mckinnon creek.

And it's gotta be bigger
than it was last year.

You'd be open to it?

I'd be open to it.
Tell you what,

Tell me you can double
what you did last year.

[ Laughs ] dude!

Double, come on,
make your work for it.

-And you can --

That's 27 hundred ounces.

That's a lot of gold.

Focus, and then
you got this, no problem.

I think I can do it.

We'll work something out.

Sounds like a deal, man. Thanks.
Right on.

Enjoy the rest of your stay.

Narrator: to secure
what could be

One of the sources of all
the gold in the klondike...


...todd's promised
to double his gold total

To 27 hundred ounces...

Let's go.

Worth almost $3 million.

I don't like flying.

Tony beets has big
plans for his season.

Last year,
tony spent a million dollars

To bring his 75-year-old
gold mining dredge back to life.

Seriously, it's good to be back.

It's nice to get back and get
some gold out of the ground.

Now, he owns the only working
gold bucket dredge

In north america.

But tony isn't satisfied.

We're headed towards
the summit.

No, seriously? No.

And I mean, really,

I cannot believe you're looking
at another dredge.

Tony has brought minnie
to see a second dredge,

Hoping she'll agree to buy it.

And why do we need
a second dredge? Why?

This is becoming, like,
an obsession for you.


I mean, we buy one today,

We'll buy one next year
too 'cause

Three is better
than two too?

You keep this up,

We're going to be working
for the rest of our lives

To pay off these
suckers, because...

No, no, no, no, no.

That's true.

Here you are.

I wanna see something
come out of one

Before I buy another one.

Pretty good.

And I hope I'll never have
to say "I told you so."

No, no, no, no, no.

Narrator: parker schnabel
is at a crossroads.

Just when he's about to risk
every cent

He's ever made mining
buying his own klondike claim,

He's lost his secret w*apon,

Gene cheeseman,

The man who made his $3 million
season possible.

Unless you're on fire,
slow down.

He's asked his parents
and grandpa john to big nugget,

The old family mine,

To discuss his plans
for this season.

-I need my corporal here.
-[ Laughter ]

Oh, my, this is nice.

Do you want some coffee?

Yes, please.

Roger, do you want coffee?


So I wanted to give you guys
a little update

About what's going on
with me and my mining season.


What's goin' on?

I just met with gene,

And he's done.

So he'll not be there
anymore, huh?

I think that bridge
has been burnt.

He's got the wisdom behind him,
gene does, that you don't have.

And that's not -- there's
nothing you can do about that.

That's life.
-All right.

But greg remsburg
is not coming back.

Mike beaudry, our --

Our mechanic,

Is leaving, as well.

And rick's mother
has brain cancer.


-I feel horrible about it.
-You bet.

And, um... Because he's been
there for me for 3 years now.

You know, he could --
he could leave for --

And have to be gone
for the whole season.

And be prepared that
that might just happen.

And then I -- I -- i, of course,
would support him in that.

But it's just gene and rick
and all those guys,

They were dang good
at what they did.

I may have been one
of the problems around there,

But one thing I did do was put
together a good group of guys.

They knew how to move dirt.

But it's just -- I've been
in the process of buying ground,

And I'm in a position
where we can.

But I'm not going
to go into debt

When I'm having crew issues

And I'm having personal issues
and whatnot.

It's just...
[ Sighs ] I'm scared.

Well, I just want to back up
even further, to last season,

When you had gene
and you were working big

And you had lots of equipment.

And I don't think
you were happy.

And what I saw last year
was maybe not your best self.

-You got great gold totals,

But, you know...

I learned from my mistakes, mom.


Well, that's great.

Uh, yeah.

But you know I'm serious.

I know.

And I'm not --
this isn't for the camera.

I know.

Do you wanna mine?

I do enjoy mining.

I -- no, I love it.
I love it.

And you wanna go back
to the klondike,

And you wanna mine this season?

What -- what are you gonna do?
What's the plan?

Basically, the way I see it,
we have two options.

We can either proceed
as planned, buy ground

And take that on...

But without gene,

I don't think I'm in a position

To start the season off just
pourin' myself into debt.

And the other option is go back
and mine with tony beets,

As much
as I hate that I'm saying that.

But might be
the lesser of two evils.

You just need to appreciate
what you're walkin' into.

That -- that's all.

He thinks he's the king
of the klondike.

I guess he does.

So, what do you wanna do next?

What do you wanna
do this season?

I don't know.
I don't know.

Parker has to tell us
what he wants.

Then, we can all be supportive.

I -- I agree.
Well put.

I don't know.

Don't forget,
you've always got support here.

I know that.

And you can always
come home.

-[ Laughter ]
-thank you, mom.

This meeting right here
has given me some insight.

Right now is not the time
to go out on a limb

And be making -- taking big
risks and piling it into ground

When I don't have a crew.

And, you know,

You know...yeah.

It's, uh, it's gonna be a fight.

for the last 2 years,

Parker has rented a claim
from tony beets.

But their relationship
has deteriorated to the point

Where they haven't spoken
in 5 months.

Can't believe I'm about
to do this.

The last phone call I wanna make
in the world right now

Is to tony beets.

[ Line rings ]


I just wanted to give you
an update on what's goin' on.

And I'm havin' a lot
of issues this winter.

And, um, i, um,

I'd really like
to just come back.

Right now, that ground's all
I've got to go to. So...

Tony beets controls gold claims
across the klondike.

At the end of last season,
parker schnabel

Told his landlord that he was
buying his own ground.

But parker has lost key members
of his crew,

Forcing him to backtrack

And ask tony to renew his lease
at scribner creek.

Hey, what's up?

Like, as in parker?


What does he want?



He did pull a decent amount
out last year too.

No, i...

Okay. Will do.

See you later, dear.

Tony has run a successful
mining operation

At paradise hill
for a quarter of a century.

In the gold room, his son,

Kevin, feeds the spiral wheel
with gold concentrate.

Look at this stuff.

It can clean gold perfectly.

But you gotta have the patience.
It takes a long freakin' time.

Basically, it spins,

And, gold being
heavier and harder to wash away

Doesn't fall down
as quickly as everything else,

So it makes it up
to the top hole

Into a little basket
in the back.

else gets washed down.

This is nice and boring.

Don't get gold fever.

Don't get excited
till you got it.

Don't pour it in.
You'll mess it up for me.

Yeah, don't move it.


[ Laughs ]

It's so pretty when the gold
gets to the top.

Kinda mesmerizing,
and the...

You could stare at it
all day.

You know, it's nice
to see the gold.

But it's also nice to see the
whole family doing it together.


Give me some better ground,

[ Laughter ]

And then you're away from us
for a month

And you go,
"when are you coming to visit?"

Uh, uh, uh.
You're full of [bleep].

It's pretty amazing.

I think if some families
had to spend this much time

With each other
in such close --


They'd probably
k*ll each other.

-Yeah, right?
-Yeah, right.

-There you go.

-That's not bad.
-That's not bad at all.

-That's pretty [bleep] good.
-No, that looks awesome.

[ Laughter ]

how much you think there is?

Narrator: two hundred ounces
of gold is worth $220,000.

And with tony's ambitious plan
for the season,

The beets family
needs every cent.

Yeah. It's nice.

The beets and the hoffmans
are already mining.

But parker schnabel
is still at home.

He's lost his foreman,
gene cheeseman,

And reluctantly decided
to return to scribner creek.

But first,
he needs to renew his contract

With his landlord, tony beets.

Parker: so I just got in
a new contract from tony

With some changes in it,

None of them good,
but what can you do?

He's just
a power-hungry [bleep].

So that's all right.

Narrator: parker has neither the
contract nor the crew he wants.

But at least now he has a claim.

I'll sign it, make him happy,

Deal with all their b.s.,
Get the job done.

Narrator: he can finally set out
for the yukon.

We're minin',
so that's what counts.

I wear the same thing every day,

Don't really need
this many clothes.

Yes or no?

How cold is it up there?

I'm not gonna wear a hat.

Is that a no?
-That's a no.

Look at that.

-Who's this?
-Really throwin' it back.

I think that was --
that was eighth grade.

I don't even know
why I still have that.

I -- I do.
I'm still in love with her.

Guess since we're going
gold mining

I should probably have
some gold pans.

Nancy: I'm just tryin' to
pretend he's not really leaving.

It is the most tumultuous start
to his season ever.

And that worries me.

I think gene's always been
a big key to his season.

And the reality of that person
being gone will be,

Um, be something
he'll need to overcome.

It just seems like everything
is in question.

Oh, my mom and dad
don't like to say anything.

But they don't like me leavin'.

Well, I've gotta look
at the bright side.

[ Laughing ]

Dozer, baby, are you nervous?

You get to go.

I'm with you all the time.

I know.
Thank you.

Take -- take care.

Thank you, grandpa.

You're wel--
[ stifles sob ]

-You okay, dad?

-Are you okay?

Okay, good.

I have to be a little sad.

But i, uh... I am, uh,

Really glad he's under way.

And so we're on the way
to success.

If we don't start,
we're never gonna win.

So he's on the way.



-I love you.
-[ Laughs ] I know you do.

And I love you too.

Take care.

Oh! Be careful.
Please be safe.

I will. Love you, mom.
Love you, dad.

Yeah, and take care
of yourself.

-Thanks for the help.
-I know you'll be fine.

It's times like these
where I really depend on my mom

And dad and grandpa
for the support they give me.

I'm in a good headspace for it,
I think.

Narrator: twelve hours
and 637 miles later,

The 20-year-old
reaches his klondike claim.

good old scribner creek.

I mean, it's good
to be back here for sure.

You know, it's like home.

The last two years,
we've pulled over $4 million

Out of this hole.

It's always weird,
in the springtime,

Showin' up, havin' not seen
anything for 5 months.

So hopefully we still
got a mine site.

I'm a little nervous.

There's a lot
of -- lot of iron here.

Oh, yeah.
-For the past 5 months,

All of parker's heavy equipment

Has endured temperatures
as low as minus 50 degrees.

He needs to fuel up
before he can find out

If they've survived
the brutal klondike winter.

It's good to leave the fuel t*nk
full because the fuel trucks

Can't get out this early.

Last fall, we had 30,000 liters
of fuel in this t*nk.

And that's $40,000 worth
of fuel.

So hopefully it's still here.

It's a $40,000 question.

Two hundred and twenty-five.

Good news.

We needed some good news.


Good to be home?

It's pretty far from glamorous.

But, uh, yeah.

This has been my home
for a couple years, you know?

Dozer. [ Whistles ]

He gets that half.
I get this half.

I never cleaned up his side
of the building.

parker's quarter-million-dollar

D10 dozer is the linchpin
of his operation.

I've missed this old girl.

It's really weird that this is,

Like, a normal thing for me,
like, "oh, yeah.

This is my d10."

I mean, as far as money goes,

This is the most important thing
on the site, you know?

I paid a lot of money
for it last year

And wanna make sure that it
made it through the winter well.

You know, the biggest risk
is, in the winter here,

It's like minus 50.

And if your antifreeze freezes,
that's no good.

Well, let's see
if something will start.

[ Engine starts ]

Like -- like it
shut down yesterday.

I have a -- pretty much
a love-hate relationship

With the klondike.

It's like a girl
that just keeps rejecting you,

But you know it's worth it.

We stripped a big cut
here last year

And didn't get to sluice it.

And now,
it froze over the winter.

So we need to get the snow off
and put a few rips in it

If we can to get the place
opened up, you know?

But with gene not coming back
nor mike nor greg

And probably not rick,
this could all be for nothing.

Narrator: spring finally arrives
in the yukon.

After months of cold
and darkness, the snow melts,

And the river ice
begins to break up.

At scribner creek, new blood

Parker lost some of his best men
over the winter.

-Look at this.
-How you doin'?

But he's managed to scrape
together a bunch of rookies.

-You must be emily.

-How's it goin'?
-Oh, doin' dandy.

-How was the trip up?
-Oh, it was long.

-You must be carl.
-Yes, sir.

Nice to meet you finally.

-You look like a mechanic.
-Yeah, I'm already dirty.

-Mechanic's hands.
-Already dirty.

but there's one veteran

That parker
didn't think would show up.

Oh, [bleep].

Didn't expect
to see you right now.

[ Laughs ]

You know
I couldn't stay away.

Never been so happy
to see you, man.

How are you doin'?
-I'm good, man. I'm good.

-That's good. How's your mom?
-She's good.

She's good.
We left in a good spot,

And she knows
that I gotta be up here.

And I'm ready to be up here.

Good. I'm glad.

We got a bunch of greenies here.
-What's up, fellas?

Have you guys
all met each other?

How you doin', guys?

Oh, bunch of young 'uns.
Are you younger than rick?

I think so, 30.

You're the oldest one here.

Not much mining experience
standing here.

One year, five?

Three. Four?


-I had one.

When I'm the most
experienced one around

And rick is the second-most
experienced one around,

That's gonna be a challenge.
All right.

Well, you know, this season
is gonna be a rough one.

But that doesn't mean we can sit
here and pout about it, right?

You know, I get in a funk.
You know that.

What should I do differently,

Your attitude
controls this whole place.

That's it. 100 Percent.

It all starts there.

When the plans run 24/7,
it's tough, right?

And I -- and I take that way
more personally than I should.

So I'm gonna try to step back

And let you guys
do your jobs, all right?

If you don't know
what to do, ask.

But if you think
you have a plan, do it.

-Sound good?

Rick, can I talk to you?


So what I'm
thinkin' we should do

Is try to get the rest
of that berm all the way

Back to that back creek.

We know that's good ground,
so that's --

Let's just start there, right?

I hope that these guys
can handle it.

I know the last season
ended pretty bad, you know?

It was rough.

-I -- I learned a lot from that.

-And, um, and I apologize.
-Appreciate that.

So you know how losin' gene
can affect the operation.

It's not gonna be a walk
in the park.

-No. But I'm up for it.
-I'm glad.

Welcome back.
-Thanks, buddy.

Let's get it.

Narrator: in the past,
parker relied on gene cheeseman.

Now, he'll have to step up

And make all the mining
decisions on his own.

His first move -- send the young
g*ns out to the berm cut,

Where he mined 478 ounces
of gold worth $0.5 million

At the end of last season.

We do have some rookies here,

And it's gonna be a lot
of trainin'.

I'm actually happy
to do the training

Because I like to think

I got quite a bit more patience
than parker.

So, yeah,
I think we got a better chance

At keepin' some of these guys.

Last year, parker made a fortune
with a crew of expert miners.

This season, he could
lose it all if he and rick

Can't whip their rookie crew
into shape.

It's gonna be tough,
but, hey,

What's easy,
especially around here?

The hoffman family
is back at mckinnon creek,

Ready to start mining.

We gotta double up the gold.

So everything else doubles,

And the workload doubles.

And I will not let them down
on the gold room.

Hunter, I know it's a lot
of manual labor, but that's

Where I need your help.

I'm willing to help out with
whatever they need me to do.

Let me talk to dave first
before we do anything.

[ Horn honks ]


-Glad that's over.

-Hey, todd.
-How are ya?

-How are you?

-You made it.

Where's dave and andy?
-They're out on the cut.

-They're workin'.
-The cut. Okay.

You know andy.

I'm gonna run down there
and see 'em real quick.

I'll be right back, guys.
-Oh. All right.

We'll see you when you get done.

Narrator: dave and andy have
worked for three straight weeks.

They've stripped the first four
feet of overburden

From their new
225,000-square-foot cut.

It's amazing how, when it's
cold, it starts drippin',

How much easier this is
than fighting the --

The warm sunshine
and everything else every day.

At night, it's frozen up again,

And we can push all night long.

Once we get this mud off,
we're good to go.

Drainage is lookin' good.

We're startin' to dry up
on the, uh, gravel already.

We got most of the mud off.

So we're safe.

We're gonna be sluicin'
early this year.

Hey, dave.
You got a copy?

Hey, todd.
How you doin', man?

I'm doin' good.
You got a sec?

-Good to see you, man.
-What's up, man?

-How are ya?
-I'm doin' good.

Let's go up and look
at this thing.

Yeah, things are goin' good.

Look at that,
how much we got the gravel.


I mean, that's pretty good
progress in that amount of time.

I'm gonna tell you something
as a friend,

And I don't want you
to punch me in the face, okay?

I committed with peter
for 2,700 ounces.

I'm gonna throw it out
there on the table.

You did not.
Why didn't you consult us?

It's too late.

You did it again, didn't ya?

I might've screwed up.

But I shook hands on it.

I can't get out now.

You're askin' an awful lot.

When I'm standin' here,
I'm lookin' at this cut,

It seems impossible, okay?

I'm gonna give you that.

Do you got
your range finder?

I do.
What do you need?

Tell me where that corner is.

Where's the bucket?

Can -- can you sh**t
that in there with your scope?

-It's 500 feet to that bucket.

Now, sh**t that tree line
down there.

-The tree line?

That's 1,500 feet.

We need the biggest cut
we've ever seen.

That's three times, todd.

If we could pull this off,

This'll be the most gold
we've ever seen.

This is our one chance.
Let's take it to 1,500.

Let's make a super cut.

It could be incredible, man.

Last season, the hoffmans
opened up the higher cut,

As big as three football fields,

The biggest cut
they'd ever mined.

Dave and andy are opening up
an even bigger cut,

The size
of four football fields.

Now, todd wants to triple that

And open a super cut

As big as 12 football fields.

If we go 1,500 feet
and you start to lose that cut,

We lose the season.

Todd is rolling the dice.

If the hoffman crew can somehow
pull off the super cut,

They'll mine more gold
than ever before.

But if they can't remove
the overburden fast enough,

The entire cut will turn
into an unmineable sea of mud.

Dave: todd hoffman.
We got a good plan goin'.

He comes back and says,

"Let's go three times bigger."

It's ridiculous.

Narrator: dave moves
the boundary marker

1,000 Feet further down valley.

I think it's crazy.

That's three times the cut
that we had already planned.

That's triple the risk.

Everything from this point
on has to go perfect,

Otherwise that cut melts out
and we go home a failure.

Narrator: at eureka creek,
it's the moment of truth.

Oh, yeah, after spending
all that time

On every single bolt and nut.

Tony beets is about to find out

If his gold dredge has survived
the bitter yukon winter.

After you, kapitan.

[ Laughs ]

It actually looks
about the same.

About a third, give or take.


[ Engine cranks, starts ]

Last spring, tony bought
the dredge for $1 million.

He ripped it apart,

Dragged it 150 miles
then put it back together.

On the last night
of the season...

He brought the 75-year-old
monster back to life...

And got his hands

On the first gold mined
by a dredge in the klondike

For over 30 years.

That's pretty cool, tony.

[ Whirs, starts ]

[ Whirs, starts ]

Just like we never left it.

[ Horn honks ]

...get on this thing.

Minnie: hey.

I don't know --
is this monica's?


I know.

[ Laughs ]

You're not running this sucker,
are you?

You need to shut this down
before you run this.

[ Whirring stops ]

I mean, you know --
you cannot run it the way it is.

No, you cannot.

You need safety stuff on first.

The only time I've seen
it was at night last year.

And I didn't realize
how unsafe this actually is.

Some of these things should be
marked so people can see 'em.

We should have fences around
here so people cannot fall off.

We should have railings
on the ladders.


How much do you think
it's gonna cost

When somebody slips and falls
or gets k*lled?

It is scary.

There is no one more anxious to
see gold in the box than me.

-'Cause it pays bills, right?

If you guys get in a hurry,

You're gonna run over here,
run over there, off you go.

I'll see you at home.

Tony will have to wait
a little longer for his dredge

To catch gold.

But this time, it's not winter,

It's his wife, minnie,
that shut him down.

[ Engine starts ]

Minnie: it's dangerous
on the dredge.

And tony wants to make money
as soon as possible.

But safety first, please.

It's just the way it's gonna be.

Todd hoffman has made a promise
his crew is struggling to keep.

To get new claims
on the legendary eldorado creek,

He told his landlord
that he will mine twice the gold

He got last year.

To hit his new 2,700-ounce,
$3 million gold,

His crew
is opening up a super cut.

But the ground is thawing fast.

Well, we're fightin'
the permafrost that's meltin'.

It's so stinkin' wet
and slippery.

The dozer just can't hardly
seem to get traction.

To get
to the gold-bearing gravel,

Klondike miners rip through the
frozen overburden with dozers.

Once exposed to the sun,
the overburden starts

To thaw enough for them
to doze it out of the way.

But if the cut is too big,

They'll lose control
of the melt,

And the overburden
will turn into deep sludge

That will sink the dozers
before they can clear it.

Dave and andy are in a race
to remove the melting overburden

Before the entire cut floods.

We got waterfalls comin'
out of this ground right now.

And, uh,
and that's a lot of water.

It's too much.
If we don't get this water

we're gonna lose this cut.

It's simple as that.

Dave calls an emergency meeting
in the cook shack.

Hey, guys.

Tell me what's been goin'
on out there.

-Just not goin' well.
-It's saturated with water,

And it squirts everywhere.

And you just can't handle it.

I think the weather
turned on us, guys.

It's 60 degrees today.

Last year, we stripped
the higher cut with trucks.

Could we haul it out?
-Have you seen what's goin' on?

Logan, it's meltin' out.

How are you gonna get the trucks
up there?

Obviously, we don't have
a frickin' handle on it.

It's not workin'.

You doubled up the cut.

You doubled up the gold.

And that was your choice.
-That's right.

I'm tellin' you right now,
we don't have a chance.

And here's the other thing --

You're not goin' to eldorado.

We need the help here.

If we're gonna
make it this year,

It's gonna be off of this gold.

It's a dream that jack has.

And what we -- none of us
would be here without jack.

Let's -- let's be honest.

My dad wants to go up there
and prospect.

But I'm not going
to abandon our team.

We're a family.

I will not go anywhere
unless you give us the go-ahead.

And it'll have to be
when we have a handle

On that big frickin'
muddy mess right down here.

Right now, dad, and I gotta
be honest with ya, okay?


It doesn't look good
at eldorado.

No. It doesn't.
I know that.

I'll figure something out.

So we gotta go out there
and kick ass on this cut.

We got water everywhere.

If we don't get the big pump
in here, we're in deep trouble.

Narrator: dave brings in
their largest pump.

It can move 4,000 gallons
of water a minute.

Dave, just keep her low
and drag her over here.

Todd and logan.
Todd and logan.

I need you to run down
that excavator quick.

Get around the back
and get rid of that water now,


while they set up the pump,

Todd has logan dig a channel

To prevent any more water
from entering the super cut.

-You guys, stand back!
-Get back!

Get back!

-Hold up.
-We get one bolt, we're good.

-Let's get one and a nut.
-Here's a nut.

This is the biggest pump we got.

We got no other option
but this right here.

If this doesn't work,
I don't know.

[ Tool whirring ]

So we got the big pump set.

We'll be pumpin' here shortly.

I think we might be
out of the water.

Fire it up!

[ Whirring ]

Did you hear logan?

Dude, what's goin' on?

-Yo, come on.
-We got a serious issue.

We got an excavator
almost underwater.

Grab the polaris.

Get out of my way!
[ Shouts ]

[ Radio chatter ]

Logan broke through some ice
on the excavator

And put the excavator underwater
and he can't do anything.

We gotta get him out.

Holy crap.

What the frick?

Narrator: at mckinnon creek,

Logan pierce
has fallen through the ice.

Holy crap.

His excavator bucket
is the only thing keeping him

And his $150,000 machine
from sinking into the pond.

And they have no idea
how deep it is.

You okay, logan?

[ Filtered voice ]
it's really cold.

The water was halfway
up the cab.

I'm propping
myself up right now.

Frickin' kidding me.

I was walking out on the ice

And might have broke free,
and it's really deep.

Hang on. We'll get you out.
Don't move.

It's bad. It's deep.

Hey, calm down.

We're gonna
get it out, okay?

[ Ice cracking ]

it's cracking on this side.

Water's comin' up.

I don't know if this ice
is gonna hold me up any longer.

We need to hurry up
and get this thing out.

You wanna come in behind
and kinda dig him out.

-See if he'll crawl out?

-Comin' through here.
-Okay, guys.

Clear out.
He's comin' through here.

he's gonna dig you out,

And then you'll back
yourself up, okay?

Logan: 10-4.

Todd: dave's gonna dig
out the back end.

Hopefully logan can push off
on the ice

To track backwards and get out.

If it starts going wrong,
logan's got one job,

And that's to jump
out of that cab.

Take your seat belt off.

It's off.

Narrator: dave must dig logan
free without breaking the ice

Under his bucket, the only thing

Keeping his 48-ton excavator
from sinking into the pond.

Be ready to jump
out of there.

[ Ice cracking ]

I know.

Rev it up.

Try to push your boot down.

Now straight down,
just like that.

Now anchor it down.


Now push and back up
nice and easy.

Don't just hammer it.

Nice and easy.

[ Wheels scraping ]

Okay. Stop.
Stop. Stop. Stop.

[ Bleep ]

logan can't get any traction.

He's only digging
himself deeper into the pond.

How 'bout if I try to get
some of the water out of there?

Yeah, maybe.

We're gonna go ahead
and dig a trench

And see if we can drain
some of this out.

We'll see what happens.

Narrator: dave's new plan --

Drain enough water
out of the pond for logan

To drive straight out
without submerging the engine.

think I'm getting frostbite.

My feet have been in ice
for about an hour now.

Not feelin' too hot.

Little touch-and-go right now.

If logan's tracks can now
reach the bottom of the pond,

He could have an escape route
straight ahead.

Todd: hey, logan,
are you on the ground?

-I think so.

Okay. Reach out.

Hook your bucket right
here on the bank.

Hook it.

Bring yourself
right towards it. Clear.

Everybody clear out.

[ Scraping ]

Reach out again.

Come on.

[ Revving, screeching ]

Come on.

Up, up, up.

You got her, buddy.
Bring her out.


I gotta get these boots off.

What have we learned
from that one?

Thick ice might not always
be so thick.

Never take an excavator
on ice.

We got lucky this time.

Next time,
we may not be so lucky.

Besides, she was a little dirty.
He needed a wash.

Hey. Get in there
and warm your feet up.

-[ Groans ]

Man makes a mistake, it can cost
a piece of machinery,

And, worse, it could cost
somebody their life.

Thank god he's all right

And we got him out.

Narrator: parker schnabel is on
his way to paradise hill.

He's been spending
$10,000 a day

For two weeks
mining scribner creek,

And he still hasn't received
a signed copy of his lease

From his landlord, tony beets.

Tony's just a pretty unstable
person, you know?

It scares me a little.

Tony has the worst driveway
in the world, you know that?

[ Barks ]
[bleep] off of me.

How you doin'?
Good to see ya.

[ Bleep ]

You got me by the fingers.

Oh, yeah, yeah, yeah.

Uh, it was all right, I guess.

It was my grandpa's
95th birthday last...

About two months ago.

Yeah. Yeah, that was good.

james is not comin' back.

We've lost
a few other people. So...

-So don't feel bad.

Yeah, so I'm not gonna
be buyin' ground.

So that's why I asked for
another contract 'cause it...

When --
when we left in the fall,

It didn't seem like you had
any problems with us.

Well, and that's the only thing
I'm curious about,

Is did -- did I do something
wrong last year?

I'm just confused why there's
so many more restrictions

In this year's contract.

So I -- I'm just curious
if I did something...


So you can --
you can keep power over me?

No, no, no, no, no, no.

All right, well, I mean,
I've put myself in a position

Where I don't have much
of a choice at this point.


Yeah, let's go ahead.

I have to show you something.

It's basically the same thing.

That yellow piece,
you need to read that.

"Neither parker schnabel
nor any other companies

"Of which he is a shareholder
shall mine any other claims

During the term
of this agreement."

Other than that,
you read the whole thing.

-I'm not signin' that.
-Okay. Good enough.

I already signed a contract
and sent it to you guys.


It's not...

You can't -- you can't tell
somebody to sign a contract,

I sign it, send to you
and then say, "oh, sorry.

You're out of luck."
I've already got...

Hey. This is not...parker.

-I've already got...
-This is not us.

-I'm not signing that.
-Then it doesn't matter.

-Okay. Good enough.
-That is entrapment.

That -- that is the definition
of entrapment.

-You sent me a contract.

-You told me to sign it.
-Minnie, I am... Minnie.

-They came up...
-Listen, look, you...

-I know what I'm saying.
-Let me...no, no, no, no.

Told -- you told me
to sign a contract.

I signed it. I sent it to you,
and now, you're changin' it?

It's not valid
until tony signs it, right?

I'll have -- okay.
A judge can tell me

To stop mining then...

Because you can't tell somebody
to sign a contract...

You can't tell somebody
to sign a contract

And then not sign it
after they're at work.

I'm already at work.
I've already gotten dirt

In the gr-- I've already got
money in the ground.

Tony will talk to a...

Have a judge tell me that,


Why would you change
the contract after I signed it?

That is just the -- the clause.

It basically says
the same thing.

You cannot mine two properties
at the same time. You --

I can't even go back home
and mine big nugget mine.

I signed the contract.

You can't tell me...
Say, "take it or leave it."

I signed a deal...
Change the deal

And then tell me
to take it or leave it again.

But you sent me it to sign.

And I went to work.

You... What is -- what is
so important for that...

Because I wanna go home and mine
with my grandpa if I want to.

The -- the...

But you can't tell me
to take it or leave it

And then change it
after I sign it.

I'm -- I'm -- I'm gonna --
I'm gonna hold off --

I'm gonna hold off on this.

Um, if you want me to stop
working today then...

Get a judge
to tell me to stop.


Yeah. Okay.

So, uh, so -- so...

To-tony, um...

Back up.

A judge needs
to tell me that.

Minnie: yeah?

Parker: okay.

That's a whole new level
of [bleep] from tony.

Narrator: at mckinnon creek,

The hoffman crew finally has
a handle on their water problem.

They've removed
a colossal 100,000 yards

Of overburden
from the super cut.

Andy: we're gettin' close
to the gravel.

Another week or two and we're
gonna be able to sluice.

andy digs a drainage ditch

To prevent any more flooding.

Andy: we gotta keep lowerin' our
water ditches so we can, uh,

Keep dryin' out our cut.

I noticed that I'm gettin'
into a lot more gravel,

Which is kind of exciting

Because that means that we're
gettin' closer to the gold.

When you find quartz,

That's where gold
comes out of -- quartz veins.

And that's a big chunk
of quartz right there.

Todd, you got a copy?

Yeah, I got a copy.
What's goin' on?

Hey. I was just cleanin' out
this ditch for our drainage,

And, uh, I just dug up
some big chunks of quartz.

We may be closer to pay dirt
than what we thought.

I'll be right down there.
I gotta take a look at this.


[ Motor rumbling ]

Look at this, todd.

Are you freaking
kidding me?

how deep are we right here?

It's probably only 2 or 3 feet
deeper than the cut.

We better test it, see if we can
get a sample of it.

Let's try it.

Look at it.

All this garnet. [ Laughs ]

Dude, pan it.

There's some chunky gold
in there.

-Dude, that's a good pan.

[ Both laugh ]

Let's start haulin' pay.

Dude, last year,
we did the same thing,

And we almost lost our ass,

That's a lot
of freakin' gold right there.

I know, but what do you think?

I think we made the mistake
last year

Of running
too many top gravels.

So I think we need to go
a little bit deeper.

We cannot afford
to throw gold away.

I say we start
runnin' it right here.

I'd rather run the good stuff
and get what we need to get.

-What do we got to lose?
-We got money to lose, dave.

-Time and money.
-I'm with andy.

I think we're startin'
too early. I really do.

You're the one
that said 2,700 ounces.

It wasn't me.
We need to start runnin'.

Give me a test run.
Let's run a week on this stuff.

Tell you what --
let's just do a 1-day run.

If it's good,
we'll keep rollin'.

-All right. I'm good with that.
-You okay with that?

to test their new ground,

The hoffman crew stops stripping

And starts hauling pay dirt
to the wash plant.

I think it's a good idea
to test this.

I'd hate to throw anything away
that does have gold in it,

That's for sure.

Oh, no. I understand what dave's

But you know what?

There's some of those top
gravels that have gold in it.

And just get rid of it
and get down to the good stuff

And, uh, run
what you need to to make money.

This is our bulk test.

I gotta prove that there's
good gold in that cut.

We wanna know exactly
how many yards and how much gold

Comes out of it.

Then, we make a decision.

We got a monster cut.

We don't wanna
have a monster mistake.

Screen's comin' on!

[ Whirring ]

Heat conveyor!

they fire up monster red

For the first time this season.

[ Rattling ]

Okay, jack.
We're good to go.

First bucket. Here it goes.

running the operation

Costs thousands of dollars
a day.

If their new pay
is worth less than $10 a yard,

The hoffmans
will be losing money.

I was the only one
that said to run a test.

I hope I'm right.

I'd hate to run this
and not have much gold.

Narrator: at eureka creek,

Tony's crew works overtime
to make their dredge safe

Before they can start her up.

To speed things up,

Tony has hired master welder
"big mike" beaudry,

Who worked for parker last year.

Parker, you know, he's, uh,

He's a young guy startin' out.

And he doesn't have
quite the leadership experience

That a lot of miners do.

So it's made things
sometimes difficult at work.

Narrator: one end of
the trommel screen is damaged.

Big mike's first job is to
weld in replacement panels.

Jerry helps turn the trommel
with the forklift.

We've wrapped this cable
around the trommel

So we can rotate it real slow
and safe

So they can weld up these plates
in there.

[ Sparks crackling ]


Narrator: but while big mike
fetches the last panel,

Mike krisher takes the forklift
to move some lumber.

-You good?

[ Bleep ]

Been settin' up
for this all day,

And as soon
as we're welding on it,

The bobcat [bleep] right off
right when we needed it most.

Yeah, we're [bleep] welding.

Well, I thought we talked
about it at coffee.

I thought we were ready

To go around
and around till we're done.

20 [Bleep] minute job,

And it
takes two [bleep] hours now.

We need to use that, too.
It's not his.

It's supposed
to be shared around here.

That's part of our job,
you know,

Tryin' to get this thing done.

Lack of communication.

Nobody's [bleep] the boss
around here.

Narrator: the gold mining season
is underway,

But tony's dredge
is still in dry dock,

And his crew is in chaos.

And you wonder why tony
yells at people.

Narrator: tony heads out
on a mission to whitehorse

300 Miles south

To fix his personnel problems
once and for all.

[ Door squeaks ]


How you doin', tony?




Is it dry now?

-I'm only one guy, you know?
-Yeah, yeah.

I need a good crew.
You know,

And have all the resources
I need to do the job, you know?

-All the spare parts and tools

And, you know, that's --
that'd be one of my concerns.


You know?

I like that idea,
but it's a...you know,

There are not too many
of these -- the --

The dredges around.
It's a challenge, something new.

[ Clears throat ]

if it doesn't make dollars,

It doesn't make sense.

Yeah, I'm on board.


Narrator: at paradise hill,

Tony beets has just received
news that could ruin his season.

Tony hired gene cheeseman
to run his dredge.

But gene worked for parker
last year,

And his old contract

Had a non-compete clause
that's still binding.

Uh, honestly, uh,
it kinda pisses me off.

It's really gonna --
really gonna screw me over.

Hey, why don't you tell him
to hang on for a bit?

And then we'll sort it out.

And we'll call him as soon
as we figure it out.


I can hang on for a little bit.

I guess I'll be waitin'
to hear from you, tony.

All right.

We'll figure it out,
because we do need him.

So...and you're in my way.

Yeah. Yeah.

-Oh, gotta go.
-'Kay, see you there.

Well, apparently,

Parker has a non-compete
with, uh, with gene,

Meaning gene
wouldn't be able to work for us.

So parker is not releasing him.

So we'll have to kind of
sit down with parker again

And see what he really wants
and...for gene.

If that's how he wants to play,

You know, then, he's gonna
get treated accordingly.

Narrator: for two years,

Parker's been mining
on tony's scribner creek claims

That have already been

Worked over
by two other mining operations.

But tony has plenty
of other land.

You know, they have
virgin ground that's drilled

And real good,
real productive ground.

And they're offering it
to everybody except me.

just south of scribner creek,

Tony owns a large tract
of gold-rich virgin ground

That parker has wanted to mine

Ever since he arrived
in the klondike.

Gene and tony both want gene
working on the dredge.

And the dredge needs it,
by the sounds of it.

Gene and I have a non-compete
that prevents him from working

At certain operations
in the klondike.

So for the time in, well, ever,

I've got some leverage
with tony.

So I'll try to cash gene in
for some ground.

Narrator: parker is scouting out
the best of tony's virgin claims

Before he makes his demand.

a lot of ground down here.

It's just a matter
of figuring out what's what.

Oh, yeah.

Bottom 123, bottom 124,
bottom 125, bottom...

So we're at 138 right now.

And I want 1,000 feet that way.

So I want 124 up.

So that's 14 claims.

I'm thinkin' tony's not gonna
like what I want 'cause

That's 2 more miles of ground
than we've got right now.

We'll see.

At the end of the day, you just
have to fight for what you want.


parker heads to paradise hill

To try to persuade tony
to make a deal.

You know, I'm trying
to be careful because it's...

A fine line between a...grenade
and leverage with tony.

You know, this could all blow up
pretty easily, I think.

But that's the risk you take,
I guess.

[ Door squeaks ]

-Knock, knock.
-Knock, knock.

[ Door closes ]

Yeah, I'm just wondering
how we're gonna get this done.


I need ground.

That's all I need.

I wanna pull out 124 to 135.

I went across the creek

And walked that stretch
of that diversion.

And so that's where
I was hopin' to get to,

Is that ground in there.

The 644 to 165,
what I want right now.

Well, that's not
really binding, right?

Like, last fall, I didn't think
there was gonna be any changes.


I don't have
a signed contract.

But it's just, like...

-You want on both.
-Keeping me on a choke chain,

You know, is what it is.
I...when you're in a time...

And, oh, every year,
we get to change the lease.

[ Chuckles ]




at scribner creek,

The last of the river ice
is breaking up,

And parker
is feeling optimistic.

Aah! [ Chuckles ]

Now I don't know how to get off!

I need an oar, but not that I
could steer this thing.

But I don't know.
I'm goin' crazy.

I'm not...
I'm just gonna pull you in.

[ Both chuckle ]

Should I do it?

So now
I've gotta get back across.

-Even though...
-I'm tired of strippin' ground.

It's nice
to be sluicin' again.

Let's see
what the gold looks like.

-What do you think?
-I just don't freakin' know.

Narrator: the hoffman crew
is about to find out

If dave turin was right
that there's gold

In the top gravels
of their new super cut.

I'm nervous.
I wanna see some gold.


I don't know, todd.
That looks pretty good.

See gold.

I see a little bit down this --
this direction right here,

But not much.

We're not seein' a lot
down here.

let's start pullin' these mats

And see what we really
got in here

'Cause I think dave was wrong,
but that's why you do test runs.

So this is it.

So this is just a test run,

But we'll be running a lot
of yards.

And I'm gonna
have to do cleanups

Probably every single day.

So this is gonna be my job
all summer.

So just roll it up, little,
tiny burritos, and leave 'em.

Don't just throw 'em in the back
of the truck.


We just do it the same,
old, boring way.

Do it that way because it works.

It'd be nice
if we had music to listen to.

Well, do you have any or you
have that jack...rap?

What's it called?
Crap or rap or...

It's, uh, one letter
from "crap."

-So I know...

What would you guys listen to?

Oh, classical stuff,
like, uh, the carpenters.

Yeah. Air supply.
Pretty cool.


Sarah brightman.

Just amazing.

It's gonna be
a long summer, I'd say.

It's already long enough,

And... [ Whispers ] yeah.

[ Grunts ]

Narrator: most gold is found

In the deep gravel
close to bedrock.

But dave insisted on running
top gravel,

Which generally contains
little gold.

To be worth mining,

This pay dirt has to deliver
at least $10 a yard,

So dave's 1-day test needs

To produce at least 20 ounces
of gold worth $22,000.

Anything under 20 ounces,

That means we're in trouble
in this cut.

-In my opinion,

We have too much
higher gravel on it.


I think we gotta stick
right down on the bedrock.

See if it was a good idea
to run the top layer.

We'll find out.

Every time we do this,
what do we get, though?

Our first cleanup
of the year.

-It's never good.
-It's usually less than 5...

Like, 5 ounces.
I hopin'...i know it's...

-We even had one...
-There he is.

-Hey, guys.
-Did you get it finished?

Yeah. Got her.

Are you guys gettin' faster
at cleanups or slower?

[ Chuckles ]


13, 18, 9...21...

Hey, there we go.

2, 3, 4...


-25, 26...
-Oh, yeah.

That's 29.


That's what we need.

-Really good.

Dave, I think we oughta run
the pay right where we're at.

Yep. We got a lot
of work to do.

Happy, dad.
Hide the gold, and let's go.

-Yeah. All right.
-All right.

[ Laughs ] nice.


Well, I'm ecstatic.
That's the first time in 5 years

That we've had
a good first cleanup.

First gold of the season,
and it --

And it actually mined better
than the drill holes showed.

And if that's a sign
for what's to come,

We're gonna kick some ass.

parker is back at paradise hill.

He's prepared to release
his ex-foreman, gene cheeseman,

But only if tony will lease him
new, virgin claims.

It's not ransom.
It's business, just like them

Putting me on ground
that has been mined twice

And making me
clean up all the edges

And all the crap, right?

It has nothin' to do with...
Anything personal.

The reason that this is
happening is because I just --

I need to be able to know
that I have a season next year.


[ Cell phone chimes ]

Narrator: the revised contract
arrives from tony's lawyer.

We're gonna -- we're --

These claims, we're gonna
be able to get into them...

Do a little chunk
if we -- if we want to?

That works for me.

So when's gene comin' up?

Right. No, I'm happy.

But it was a fair...

Well, I mean, you've got --

You've got the right man
for the job.

-[ Laughs ] there you go.
-No, honestly,

He's great to work with.


All right.
I'm gonna hit the road.

-You'll see --

You'll see some e-mails
from me.

Thank you, tony.

Two for you, one for me.
They're initialed.

-We happy?
-I'm happy.

-Are you happy?

We got gene,
and that's good, too.

And I'm kinda lookin' forward
to having him on the dredge.

Yeah. I think so, too.

Narrator: this season,

Parker wanted to
start his own klondike empire.

when he lost half his crew,

He was forced
to abandon his dream.

But with some tough negotiating,

The 20-year-old just secured
himself 12 virgin gold claims.

Went great. I've got ground.

Tony's got a dredge captain.

Everybody's happy.
Shouldn't take this.

I'd give them a damn near
million dollars in royalties.

You'd think they'd be happy
to lease this ground, but...

[ Starts engine ]

That's what it took.
So...got the job done.

on the next "gold rush"...

I christen you "minnie's a.t.m."


Bingo! We're in business!

I hired a new guy,
mr. Gene cheeseman.

How's it goin', buddy?

Gene ain't gonna be my boss.

I don't know how much gold
this dredge is gonna get,

But it's definitely
a tourist attraction.

Parker, your grandpa
has a very slow heart rate,

And the procedure for him,
there are risks.
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