05x16 - The Monster Lives

Episode transcripts for the TV show, "Gold Rush". Aired: December 3, 2010 –present.*
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Reality based series follows the placer gold mining efforts of various family-run mining companies, mostly in the Klondike region of Dawson City, Yukon, Canada, as well as in the U.S. state of Alaska.
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05x16 - The Monster Lives

Post by bunniefuu »

Narrator: up north,
in the klondike...

We're getting pretty desperate
for pay dirt.

Narrator: parker is forced
to roll the dice.

They've got
a whole new world.

But it's on an island
on the other side of the creek.

Narrator: but getting
to his gold-rich island...

Come on. Back up!

Narrator: ...proves tougher
than he thought.

Parker: now we're screwed.

then, to make matters worse...

...tony demands a bigger cut
of his gold.

guess that's the tony way --

Work more for less.

Narrator: and at eureka creek,
tony's dredge

Is dead in the water.

You're trying to revive
the dead.

Narrator: his electrician
declares it's all over.

Oh... [Bleep].
This is all garbage.

Narrator: but tony ignores
the risk of disaster...

You could rip
that whole thing apart.

...and flips the switch...

...to bring his 75-year-old
gold-catching monster

Back to life.

Everybody, stay the hell
away from this thing.

Narrator: at mckinnon creek...

This pay gravel's right there.

Narrator: ...the hoffman crew
hits a hot pay streak.

What'd you find?
The best pan I've ever had.

Holy cow.

Narrator: but when they lose
two rock trucks...

Something went clunk.

...they have no choice...
Oh, man!

...but to abandon
their most lucrative ground.

Come on!
That's a fatal blow right there.

Narrator: scribner creek,
the klondike.

Parker schnabel has

An impressive
1,402 ounces of gold,

Worth over
a million and a half dollars.

But there's
only four weeks left to reach

His 2,000-ounce,
$2.4 million goal,

And he's out of pay dirt.

Chris doumitt loads the last
of the stockpile

Into their wash plant, big red.

we're dumping for pay dirt.

We're gonna be shutting down
here in a bit.

You know, not -- we're not gonna
get 2,000 ounces

If we start doing that.

Rick's just gotta give me
some pay.

That's all there is to it.

Hey, rick, you got a copy?

Yeah, go ahead, chris.

Just giving you
a heads up, man.

We're -- we're making a long run
to the end of the pay pile.

[ Static ]

Narrator: rick ness scrapes up
any remaining pay dirt

In the far cut.

Rick: there's not much ground
left here.

I figure I can scratch up
maybe enough pay

To keep the plant going
for one more day.

I mean, that's no kind of
long-term plan,

But it's all I got
to work with right now,

So I'm doing it.

So hopefully parker can come up
with a new plan.

Narrator: everywhere else
parker's tried to mine,

The ground
has been frozen solid.

We're gonna need one more chunk
after the far cut, huh?

That's the way
it's lookin'.

Narrator: parker
and foreman gene cheeseman

Head out to hunt
for thawed ground

On the far edge of the claim.

There's some ground,
but it's on an island

On the other side
of the creek.

So it's, uh, hard to get to
is the only problem.

Yeah, I understand.

But there's a tag
of ground over there for sure,

I mean,
underneath that berm,

There's a lot of ground.

Yeah. Well, I mean,
as skinny as it is

With the water
on both sides of it,

It should be all thawed.

Narrator: the berm that parker
plans to mine

Is a small island
between two creeks.

He's hoping the water
that flows around it

Will have drawn the cold
out of the overburden,

Thawing the pay dirt beneath.

We gotta get pay
to the plant,

And I don't think
there's anything here

That's that difficult
other than figuring

How we're gonna get it
across the creek.

Right, and I can
take care of that.

[ Engine rumbling ]

Really, to sluice through
the end of the season,

We need 10 more football fields.

That's a lot of ground.

And we're scrambling
to get new ground open,

So we're going after the berm.

I figure this has
a better chance of being thawed

'Cause of all the water
around it.

[ Rumbling ]

Come on. Back up!
You, [bleep] [bleep]!

Narrator: but getting through
the creek to the island

In an 85-ton dozer
is no easy task.

Parker: everything over here's
wet and muddy.

And I'm trying hard
not to get stuck.

[ Rumbling ]

It's like that right there.

[ Bleep ] [ bleep ]

[ Engine groaning ]

Now we're screwed! Hey, gene?

I've got the dozer stuck trying
to get up on the other side.

So you need help
pulling up there, or...


Gene to the rescue.

You'll have to turn this way
a little bit!


Just another few feet!
Turn that way a little bit.

Easy! There you...

Now we're getting

Right there.

Right on!

When you almost got stuck,

The back of your cutaway
was almost underwater.

Just saturated with water...

And you get
in those sandbars.

I really doubt
we can just go

Back and forth
through the creek.

they can't mine the island

If they can't get
their equipment onto it.

We need a good road
to get over there.


Well, if it's a matter
of getting a big culvert,

Then we can do that.
Well, sounds good.

I'll just get the pipe
right over there,

Then if we put
the road across,

Then we can just tie it
right in.

All right.

parker and gene's plan --

Place three large pipes,
or culverts, into the creek,

Then build a new dirt road
over the top.

Mechanic mitch blaschke
brings in the culverts

With the 220 loader.

You know, this is real important

We get this in here and get this
berm cut opened up here.

We're running low on pay
around here,

And this is
some good-looking ground.

Hey! Sit her down there,

You got that there
in one piece.

gene adds a third pipe.

Gene: wanna have some insurance,
I guess.

Then we'll get the loader

And just start packing
the stuff down there.

Narrator: then gene and mitch
construct a roadway

To the berm island.

oh, that's going good so far.

Put some more material
on top of it,

And we'll be driving over
in no time.

Hey, mitch,
don't drive out on that yet.

Keep dumping there.



What do you think?

Looks like it's working.

Water's going through
a pipe?

Nice job.

We almost got all the way
across the water.

This bucket here should get us
across the other side.

Narrator: after five hours
of moving dirt,

The road to the island
is complete.

Well, we've got a whole
new world open to us.

Narrator: now parker and crew
can move equipment

Onto the berm island to find out
if it's the answer

To their 2,000-ounce gold.

Parker: it's nerve-racking

Because you're going into
a whole new area,

And you have no idea
what to expect,

Because we don't have
drill holes in this.

But, uh, it's the only
thawed ground that we know of,

So we have no choice
but to go after it.

And it needs to pay off good.

Narrator: 10 miles west,
at mckinnon creek,

The hoffman crew is over
three-quarters of the way

Through the season,

With only two-thirds
of the gold they need

To hit their 1,000-ounce,
$1.2 million goal.

Dave turin extends
the higher cut,

But the pay dirt is showing
less and less gold.

This ground isn't the best.

It doesn't have a lot of gold.
It turned out marginal.

But right now we have to rely
on this. That's all we got.

I don't know if it's enough
to get our 1,000 ounces,

But we just gotta keep going,

And if we run lots of it,
it's gonna help.

So I'm just trying to keep
as much dirt going to the plant

As we could get,
but that frees todd up

To go looking for
some better ground,

And that's what he's good at.

a quarter of a mile west,

Todd hoffman and andy spinks

Are back at some of their most
lucrative ground of the season,

The haul road cut.

We need another good cut
like the haul road cut.

Narrator: the crew hit
a gold-rich pay channel here

That led to one
of their best cleanups ever,

Earning them
an impressive 132 ounces,

Worth $158,000.

Now todd's looking to mine
the north side of the road.

If that pay channel is
under the road

And through that cut,

Not only will we hit a thousand,
we'll go way beyond.

There's only one way
to find out.

Just open the ground up.

Narrator: last week,

Todd and dave were forced
to abandon stripping here...

Hey, dave, I'm stuck over here,

Narrator: ...after both dozers
got stranded in the mud.

This truck's gonna be a lot
harder than we thought!

Just trying to doze in here
is not gonna work.

So let's get all this off
with the excavator

And tall trucks.

We'll haul out all the dirt
down the gravels

To our dump site,

And then we'll push that
with the dozer.

Let's do it.

Narrator: if the gold-rich
pay channel continues

North of the road,
they may still have a shot

At a 1,000-ounce season.

We gotta push through
the night.

We gotta keep strippin'.

Dave's at the other cut
right now.

He's actually able to keep
the plant running.

I'm looking
for higher grade pay,

And we're both just kinda
working together,

Trying to find the best pay
we can.

Narrator: after a tough night
in the cut...

This had better work.

Narrator: ...todd finally sees
what he's been looking for.

[Bleep] the pay gravel's
right there.

Todd to thurber.

Yeah, go ahead, todd.

Hey, I need you to come
down here real quick.

What do you got, todd?

This is it right here.
I just hit pay gravel.

You see it right here?

Yeah, I see it in here.

You take a section of that,
pan it real quick.


Right now we're, uh, spending
a lot of time and money

To get to this point,
so obviously,

We hope it pays off.

There's no flippin' way.
Oh, my word.

That is over the top.
Insane amount of gold.

You know, you keep going,
eventually you're gonna win.

This looks like a win.
I gotta show todd.

What'd you find?

The best pan I've ever had
out here. Look at that.

Holy cow.

That's -- is that nice?

You're on
to something good here.

That channel must come
through here.

So if we stick right here,
we'll be fine.

That's incredible, dude.


That is awesome!

Narrator: todd's perseverance
has paid off.

If this ain't the channel
coming through here,

I don't know what is.

You never know, but this may
just save our ass.

Narrator: at eureka creek,

Tony beets and his crew
have been rebuilding

Their 75-year-old gold dredge
for 5 weeks.

With most of the large pieces
in place,

They now face
their toughest challenge --

Getting the dredge
to actually run.

dredges across the yukon,

Operated on complicated

Mechanical and electrical

Controlled from the wheelhouse.

The dredge master ran
the bucket lines and winches

That pulled millions of dollars
in gold

Out of the ground.

Now tony needs to install
the dredge's control systems,

And there's
no instruction manual.

He turns to machinists
mike krisher...

What's up, tony?

...and jerry rhodes.

Hey, tony, how you doing?

Well, I think we got
everything as far

As the mechanical linkage
here to hook everything up.

We can work on the linkage.

We're pretty good
on the linkage,

But the electric we're
kind of a dead end on.

No, the electric stuff --
that was old, antiquated stuff.

I don't think we can make
that work anymore.

No, we'll have to find somebody
that knows something

About the old electric motors

And find somebody
to get 'em running.

Narrator: the antique motors
haven't been run

In close to 30 years.

Without the motors, the dredge
is effectively dead.

tony drives to whitehorse

To track down
the last electrician

That worked on his dredge.

Good. You?

I did.

I've never worked
on a dredge before.

My dad was the last guy
to wire that in 1981.

He was the last man to wire
dredge in the yukon.


Narrator: tony was hoping to
find the last living electrician

That wired his dredge,

But instead, he's found his son.

I don't know.
We'll have to see.

What's your time frame?

[ Inhales sharply ]
I guess I could jump in a plane

And meet you
out there tomorrow.

Narrator: back up north,
at mckinnon creek...

The hoffman crew
is split in two.

Dave excavates
low-grade pay dirt

From the higher cut
to keep the wash plant fed.

On the north side
of the haul road,

Todd strips overburden
in their new cut.

With time running out,

Todd and crew are under pressure
to get down to gold-rich pay.

Todd: we're working it
pretty good here.

We're actually opening up
quite a bit of ground

With just two trucks,
and so far,

Knock on wood, we're running
into a lot of thawed ground.

This late in the season,
that means a lot right now.

Hopefully, we're, uh, gonna be
in great shape.

Narrator: tyson moore,
a rookie crew member,

Hauls overburden for todd.

Yeah, I'm new to the team.
You know,

I was excited to take
the opportunity to come up here.

I just gotta prove myself
to the guys,

Show 'em that I wanna be here.

Logan pierce, todd's nephew,
drives the other truck.

[ Creaking ]

What is that?

[ Creaking continues ]

[ Bleep ]

Hey, steve?
Steve, you got a copy?

Go ahead.

I think something really just
went wrong with my truck.

All right, logan, I'll come
and take a look at it.

Right now we can't afford
to have

Any of these rock trucks
go down.

it's nothing too major.

Steve, it's not
looking good, man.

What happened?

I was just rolling along,
and something went clunk.

Oh, man. Let's take a look.

Oh, sh**t. Here it is, man.

Yeah, dude, I think we lost
that bearing in there,

'Cause it's
sheared all the bolts off.


So this drive line
right now

Is just gonna be
flopping around.

So that'd be the noise
I heard.

Yeah, that's probably
your noise.

It's plain and simple, man.
That bearing's out.

It's gonna be heck
to get the parts here.

This truck's down.

back at the haul road cut,

Todd now has only one rock truck
to haul overburden.

Well, if one goes down,
it's devastating

To our little operation,

Totally frustrated right now.

I mean, we're running the plant
still, but we're down a truck.

This is not good.

You know, things are tough,
but we gotta get that gold,

And we gotta make our goal.

We're gonna make it happen.

It's about running as fast

And as hard
and as long as you can.

That's how we're gonna do it.

[ Groans ] oh, man!

Narrator: tyson's driven
his truck over the edge

Of a 50-foot drop-off.

Tyson: this is bad.

Narrator: he attempts
to pull himself to safety.

[ Engine revving ]

Come on!

Narrator: at mckinnon creek,

Rookie crew member tyson moore
has backed his rock truck

Off a 50-foot pile
of overburden.

[ Groans ] oh, man! Come on!

Narrator: he needs help.

Listen, I am stuck bad.

This thing is not moving.

Not good.

When you get in the spot
that -- that's like that,

Just stop
and ask for help

So you don't do
any more damage.

Sometimes like that,
if it gets that far off,

You know, the minute

It doesn't go into gear
or something, just stop.

We can't afford to lose
that truck now.

Narrator: dave brings in
the 700 excavator.

Well, we'll try to grab
the back corner lift

And pull at the same time.

Keep it from rolling over.

Narrator: steve has almost
20 years experience

With heavy equipment.

Well, as soon as dave
gets on me,

I'm gonna hopefully drive it
out of here.

Okay, go ahead. Nice and easy.

Narrator: dave first supports
the weight of the truck

So steve can dump
the 40-ton load.

Dave: easy.

Narrator: one false move
could send steve

And the rock truck
off the edge.

[ Creaking ]


And he's out.

Got it!
That was a close call!

I don't know if the truck's okay
or not. Let's see.

Something's come apart
in this front dip.

Got the housing busted.

[ Bleep ] [ bleep ]

It's a big crack
in the housing.

Uh, you can't run it
like that.

This truck's down.

It's a major repair.

There's a lot of things
I can fix,

But this -- I can't do it.

I'm not a miracle worker.
There's no way.

Means we're down
to two trucks now,

And we can't run
with two trucks.

Narrator: dave needs
the two working trucks

To keep monster red
running with pay dirt

From the higher cut.

The crew has no choice
but to abandon

Stripping gold-rich ground
in the haul road cut.

there will be no stripping

And no hauling pay
at the same time.

It can't be done.

[ Clunk ]

Narrator: 10 miles east,
at scribner creek,

Parker and crew
have been stripping

Their new berm island cut
for the last 24 hours.

So this is our first bit
of gravel on the berm cut,

And the good news is
it's thawed,

And we're still a ways
off bedrock,

So we won't really know
what's in it yet, but, um...

It's a good sign
that it's thawed.

Narrator: over at big red,

Chris doumitt runs
the last pay dirt

Rick has scraped up
from the old far cut.

Hey, rick, you got a copy?

[ Static crackles ]

Yeah, go ahead, chris.

Hey, I'm down to about
an hour,

Maybe an hour and a half
of pay left up here.

Uh, how are you looking
over there?

Yeah, I'm really not liking
what I'm seeing here.

Doggone it.

Well, I know chris is worried
about us running out of pay,

And I don't blame him,
'cause we are.

There's, like, nothing here.

The bedrock
is almost undiggable.

It's just trash in my bucket,

And there's barely any gravel
on it,

So i-i don't know.
This is all trash.

[ Rumbling ]

back on the berm island,

Parker is on a mission
to get down to pay dirt

To keep big red running.

We do need this ground
to be good,

And we do need a lot of ground
to be thawed

If we're gonna get to 2,000.

So I'm actually really excited
to see what's underneath here

Because to me, it looks like
there's a big old area here

That is gonna be pay.

[ Rumbling ]

Hey, gene?
I've got some bad news.

It's frozen pretty good.

I'm amazed at the amount
of groundwater in here

That this is frozen.

I didn't think that
it'd be frozen

At the pay level.

Narrator: their worst nightmare
has come true.

The river water did not thaw
the pay dirt.

We're in trouble.

And I don't know
what to do.

We're screwed.

west, at eureka creek...

Tony's electrician,
james mckrell,

Flies in to try to get
the motors on the dredge

To run after 27 years
of sitting idle in the yukon.

This is the first time
james has laid eyes

On the antique gold machine
his father once repaired.

Oh, that looks like
a big project.

And it looks like you're
trying to revive the dead,

But...i think it'll be --
be something to behold

Once all the wheels
are turning on it.

Tony, how the hell
are ya?

...i think.

Some old stuff.

Doesn't look like nothing's
happened to it since.

Tony, that's a round
rotor motor.

That means there should have
been a big resistor grid

That went with this.

Yeah, definitely.

Ohh... [Bleep].

This is the heart of it all.
This is what makes those motors

Spin at different speeds.

Tony, this looks like
it's been dropped.

You got broken resistors
and stuff.

This --
this is all garbage.


Narrator: at eureka creek...
This is all garbage.

...tony beets' reckless approach

Has destroyed
the electrical system

That runs the motors
on his gold dredge.

I can make 'em turn,

But I can only make 'em turn
at one speed.

I don't know how
that's gonna work.

Narrator: running the old motor
at only one speed

Will give tony minimal control
of the dredge's winches

And bucket line.

A whole list of things, tony.

If those motors haven't been
run since the '80s...

And they're half seized up,

You can burn out the motors.
You can burn out your generator,

And you can rip
that whole thing apart.

No big [bleep] deal, I guess.
All righty.

Narrator: james gets to work.

It's up to him to bring
the old winch motor

Back to life.

I don't know about this.

This motor hasn't run
in decades, so, I mean,

Any number of things
could go wrong here.

Oh, I don't know
about this, tony.

Well, it's not the way
I'd do things,

But everything checks out
electrically as far as...

...meter goes.

All right. Let's do it then,
I guess.

James: everybody stay the hell
away from this thing.

Narrator: if the antique motor
seizes up,

There's no way the dredge
will run this season.


[ Click, whirring ]

[ Laughter ]

Narrator: for the first time
in 27 years,

The winches turn.

Yeah, that's what we want.

Well, it's running,
so I think we got it.

Oh, yeah.

[ Click ]

Yeah, it's pretty impressive
to see that thing running.

Finally put a little electricity
to it, and, uh,

Everything seemed
to take right off,

So it's a good sign.
We're getting closer.

Yeah, this went really well,
surprisingly really well.

I'm glad to see this thing
turn that easily.

I wasn't sure that it was
gonna work.

It's running.

Narrator: in less than a day,

James has breathed life

Into the million-dollar monster.

It turns at one speed, but I
hope it does the job for ya.

Well, let's hope the rest
of it goes like this.

See ya, tony.

Narrator: for the first time
this century,

The viking ship has
the power it needs

To catch gold.

[ Engine powers up ]

[ Engine roaring ]

Narrator: 5 miles east...

At scribner creek,
parker's desperate attempt

To mine the island failed
when he hit frozen ground.

Chris doumitt loads the last
buckets of stockpiled pay dirt

From the far cut.

It's a pretty big disappointment
about the berm cut,

Which was supposed to carry us
over for the rest of the season,

But I guess it's frozen solid.

You can see how far I gotta go
to get pay.

The half acre's
just about empty,

So we're getting
pretty desperate.

I've got about an hour's worth
of pay left, and that's it.

Narrator: finally...

He's forced to shut down...

[ Powers down ]

That is gonna be painful.

...and clean up the mess.

Last mat of the cleanup.

We're gonna take this down
to the gold room

And see what we wind up with.

Narrator: parker is 598 ounces
short of his season goal.

He has no thawed ground
and no pay dirt left to run.

it's depressing, you know?

We can kiss all this goodbye
and go home early.

with the gold cleaned up,

Parker heads north
to see his claim owner.

I'm just heading to tony's
to weigh up this week's gold.

[ Sighs ]

I mean, it's been a rough week.

2,000 Sure seems like
a hell of a long ways away.

[ Door alert beeps ]

Hey, tony.

How you doing?

Yeah, meet you up
in your shop?

to hit his 2,000-ounce goal

In the last few weeks
of the season,

Parker needs at least 150 ounces
in every cleanup.

So we're at 1,402 starting.


Better than I thought
it was gonna be. 80...90...

Make 100?

Uh, yeah.



There you go.

Narrator: 106 ounces of gold

Is worth $127,000,

But it's 44 ounces short
of parker's weekly goal.

All right, we'll figure out

Your cut on that.
That brings us to 1,508.

Oh, yeah.

Thanks for reminding me.

parker's scribner creek contract

that tony's cut increases

From 15 to 20% once parker
hits 1,500 ounces.

Yeah, I forgot.

Not surprised.

Government at tony beets'.


parker's at 1,508 ounces,

Worth over $1.8 million.

There's 14.7.

Narrator: but with tony taking
a bigger cut...

And 1.6.

...parker has to give up
nearly $20,000 worth of gold.

That's 16.3 total.

For you?

Well, you could.

Yeah, but...

Screwed. [ Laughs ]

Yeah, I mean, not only is all
the ground we've got frozen,

But now I get to give
tony beets an extra cut

For...nothing, really.

You know, I guess that's
the tony way --

Work more for less.

Well, dozer, life just got
a little bit harder.

[ Starts engine,
alert beeping ]

Maybe I'll see if tony
will buy you a bag of dog food.

I'm sick of this [bleep].

Narrator: at mckinnon creek,
the hoffman crew

Is down to just two rock trucks,

A devastating blow
to their operation.

Well, the trucks
are what strip the ground.

The trucks are what haul
the pay dirt.

I mean, this whole operation
really runs on trucks.

So...that can't help
the gold total.

Narrator: at mckinnon creek,

Two of the hoffman crew's
four rock trucks

Are out of action.

The crew can no longer haul
pay dirt and strip overburden

At the same time.

Dave can keep
monster red running

With the two working
rock trucks,

But todd's forced to abandon
the new gold-rich haul road cut.

We're going for 1,000 ounces,

But if we don't have
enough ground open up,

You know, you can't get gold
without stripping,

So maybe we get that
third truck running.

Narrator: todd needs
his mechanic steve

To come through
like never before.

I don't care if you gotta
"mad max" it,

You need to get
this thing going.

the drive line is broken.

I don't see any way
we're gonna be able

To just patch this one.

What if we just did this?

You got 6-wheel drive here.

What about pulling
that back drive line

And just run
on the front wheels?

Narrator: the a30 rock truck
is a 6-wheel-drive vehicle.

Todd suggests removing
the drive line

That powers
the four rear wheels,

Leaving the 25-ton rock truck

With only a third
of its pulling power.

Do you think that
there's a possibility

That this thing will move
without the back?

I think it's possible.
All right. Let's try it.

I'll get on it.

[ Clank ]

Narrator: steve removes
the damaged parts...

And disconnects the drive line.
[ Clank ]

So right now, yeah, it's, uh,
it's definitely not fixed,

But, uh, technically we could
get this thing out there

And start hauling pay dirt.

Narrator: steve pulls
the 2-wheel drive rock truck

Out of the yard
and back onto the claim.

Steve: well, so far, so good.

It's gonna be
a whole different story

When I get this thing loaded.

Narrator: logan loads
20 tons of pay dirt.

Todd: thanks, man.

The 2-wheel drive rock truck
now weighs 45 tons.

Steve, you got a copy?

Yeah, go ahead, todd.

We'll see if it'll come out.
[ Static crackles ]

We've got about three-quarters
of a load on this thing,

So it's about three-quarters
of its capacity.

See how she pulls up
out of the higher cut.

Here we go.

If this goes okay,
we've got it made, I think.

Dang it!

Well, it lost traction.

May have to get
a little more speed on it,

See what happens here.

I don't know if this is gonna
make it, but it's got to.

We need that truck.

Steve, try it again.

Do it one more time
before we give up on it.


Give her hell, steve.
Give her hell.

Yeah, go, go, go, go,
go, go, go.


[ Laughs ] all right!

We're up out of the cut.
This is a good thing here.

Yes, sir.

Happy with that.

Hey, it worked!

Yeah, it worked.

We don't need drive lines.

Drive lines are overrated.

We don't need 'em, man.

Good job.
Keep the pay going.


Narrator: todd's radical plan
has worked.

Now he can get back
to the good gold

In the haul road cut.

It's done better
than it thought.

That'll keep us haulin'
pay dirt.

You know what? Sometimes you
gotta do things

A little unorthodox,
and that's just the way it is.

Narrator: back at camp,

Jack hoffman is cleaning up
the concentrate

From the higher cut.

It's gonna be
a real nail-biter.

Narrator: to hit 1,000 ounces,

The hoffmans need at least
82 ounces every week.

Hey, dad, how's it lookin'?

Guys, it's 98.


[ Laughter ]

Dude, that was way bigger
than we thought.

I mean, it's not our best pay
in the world,

But it's not bad
for that higher cut.

Narrator: 98 ounces is worth
almost $118,000.

That brings us to a grand total
of 780.

All right. We're close.

220, 220, We're there.
We're sh**ting for 200 there?

Now that's what
I'm talking about.

Yeah, nice.

Better than I thought.

Solid. It's an ounce per 100.

98 Ounces is great cleanup,

So we got a chance here
at 1,000 ounces,

And you know what? One more
chance to redeem ourselves.

I'm not gonna fail at this.

I take that serious.

on the next "gold rush"...

It's a horse race right now.

Narrator: the hoffmans put
the pedal to the metal.

So we're gonna push the crew
hard as it can go.

Narrator: but when jack makes
a mistake...

I didn't drum that!

Didn't go through
the grizzly bar.

It had to!

their operation is crippled.

that's a bunch of [bleep].

Narrator: tony puts in
his 85-foot stacker.

But his crew gets careless...

No! I said stop!

...and his season is left
hanging by a thread.

Stop [bleep] around!

Narrator: and with nowhere else
to turn...

We're running out of time.

...parker's foreman gene
diverts a river.

From the looks of the creek,
it hasn't been mined underneath.

Narrator: ...that leads
to buried treasure...

Could be the best gold
on the claim.

Narrator: ...and one
of parker's best cleanups ever.

Can you mine more like that
every week?
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