05x15 - Rogue Miner

Episode transcripts for the TV show, "Gold Rush". Aired: December 3, 2010 –present.*
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Reality based series follows the placer gold mining efforts of various family-run mining companies, mostly in the Klondike region of Dawson City, Yukon, Canada, as well as in the U.S. state of Alaska.
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05x15 - Rogue Miner

Post by bunniefuu »

Narrator: in the gold fields
of the klondike...

Turin: oh!

...the hoffman crew's
going nowhere fast.

Losing traction.

freakin' kidding me.

Narrator: todd and dave
once again face a dead end...

I don't know what else
to do right now.

...until andy spinks
goes rogue...

Spinks: right now, I feel like
I stole my dad's car.

...to chase down big gold.

Got a little gold soup
going here.

At scribner creek...

I think I'm gonna be sick.

Narrator: ...parker schnabel
is frozen out of his far cut.

Might as well be in fort knox.

Narrator: and when
his excavator goes down...

Oh, come on!

...he's left
with nowhere to turn.

Where there should be gold,
there isn't,

And where there shouldn't be,
there's tons.

and at eureka creek...

...tony beets
takes a radical step...

...to get his 75-year-old
gold-mining monster rebuilt.

[ Laughs ]

at mckinnon creek,

Nearly four months
into the season,

The hoffman crew is finally
running without a hitch.

They're on gold-rich pay dirt
in their new haul road cut.

I always say I could smell gold.

I could smell it here.

This haul road cut
is phenomenal.

You know, I almost want to laugh
about it, because it's so good.

Narrator: last week, they mined
132 ounces, worth $158,000 --

Their best cleanup
of the season.

They now have 544 ounces,

Over halfway to their
1,000-ounce, $1.2 million goal.

Andy, this is dave.

How's it going over there
with the pay?

We're just, uh, kicking ass,
running dirt.

Things are good.

Turin: this has been just a real
blessing -- this haul road cut.

It's been, uh,
close to the plant,

Thawed out,
and it's paid really well.

Hopefully, we're gonna walk away
from this season

With pockets full of gold.

dave turin works into the night

To stockpile the richest dirt
he's ever mined.

Turin: I'm feeling
the pressure right now.

I have to prove to myself
that we can do it.

What the [bleep]

I see bedrock.

if dave's hit bedrock,

The haul road cut could be
almost out of pay dirt.

Turin: it's bad news.
This is bedrock.

with the haul road to the north,

And permafrost on all
three sides of the cut,

There's nowhere to turn.

Turin: another three or four
hours, I'll be out of pay.

We need more ground,

And we need more ground
opened up in a hurry.

Narrator: the next morning,
dave has hatched a plan.

The mined-out cut runs along
the south side of the haul road,

A vital artery
used by rock trucks

To transport pay
to the wash plant.

With the cut finished,
dave plans to dig up the road.

Turin: there could be a pile
of gold right under this road.

Todd: hmm.
And I want to go get it.

That's a big decision.

I don't know
if we should do that.

Why don't we think
about this differently?

If the gold's
diving under the road,

I doubt
it's gonna stop, right?

Why don't we go ahead
and put two dozers over here,

And we'll make a cut right
along this road?

All right. Let's do it.

Todd is betting
that the pay streak

Will continue under the road,

But instead of digging up
their major artery, he suggests

Just continuing the haul road
cut on the north side.

That cleanup on that other side
there was so awesome.

I expect, uh, some great things

About this little cut
right over here.

to get down to the pay streak,

Todd and dave need to strip at
least four feet of overburden.

They put both dozers on the cut
to give them the best shot

At keeping the wash plant fed
with pay dirt.

I got to keep this plant on,

And it's like we're just barely
one step ahead of the piper,

And it's just unbelievable --
the pressure.

I'm kind of biting off

A little more than
this little dozer can do,

But, uh, we don't have time,
you know?

We really need
to get this cut open fast.

Dave, this is soft down here.

Yeah, she's pretty soft.

[ Clanks ]


Whoa. Oh, no.


Losing traction.

dave's 54-ton d9 dozer

Sinks in the thick klondike mud.

Oh! [Bleep]

it's really stuck.

Andy, got a copy?

yeah, go ahead, dave.

I'm stuck bad.

And asking for some help
pulling me out.

Go ahead.
When you're ready.

andy's coming in with the 700.

We got a lot on the line
right now.

You know, we don't have time

To be pulling machines
out of getting stuck.

Okay, andy.

I don't know
if it's got enough pull

Or enough strength.

Come on, girl.

All right. We're working.
We're working.

We're working.

Come on, andy!
Little more.

Little bit more.

Whoo! I got it, andy!

Nice job, andy.

Thank you.

You bet.

this little gold channel

Obviously isn't gonna
give up real easy,

So this is gonna be tough.

Freakin' kidding me.

Not good.

Hey, dave.
I'm stuck over here, too.

When you start feeling
your tracks sink,

You know, you're at this,
uh, point of no return.

This ain't gonna work.

This cut's gonna be
a lot harder than we thought.

Yeah, I know.

Narrator: opening this new cut
just may not be possible.

this is just too wet.

It won't support
those dozers.

Dude, I was hoping you
and I'd bust this open

And get pay out here
real quick,

But...that ain't
gonna happen, is it?

I don't like this, dave,

But I don't know what else
to do right now.

15 weeks into the season...

...parker schnabel has mined
1,313 ounces of gold,

Worth $1.5 million.

He's now digging overburden

To get down
to the gold-bearing pay dirt

In a new section of the far cut.

So, right now, we're just
extending the far cut.

The pans have been looking good.

We're just trying to stay ahead.

Narrator: to have a shot

At a 2,000-ounce,
$2.4 million season,

Parker needs to be washing dirt
all day, every day.

Doumitt: I've got enough pay to
make it almost through the day.

They can't open up ground
fast enough

To keep this beast running.

I need pay.

We've gone pretty much 24/7

Since we started sluicing
this year.

at this stage in the season,

We definitely don't want
to run out of pay

And have to shut the plant down.

Narrator: parker's got all
his machines working the cut.

Parker: definitely all hands
on deck here.

I'm loading trucks with the
ec700 and getting the mud out.

Rick's down on the lower end
hauling off the shallower stuff.

That looks like pay dirt to me.

That little black gravel --
that should be it right there.

[ Chuckles ]

Well, it's a damn good thing
that it's not frozen.

Yeah, that's for sure.

Hey, chris,
you got a copy?

Rick and I found you
a little bit of pay dirt.

Roger, roger.

Well, that's it right there.

That's the first bucket
of pay dirt.

We're all expecting, you know,
really good results of this

Because it's all
really good gravel.

[ Clattering ]

Oh, come on!



Pretty [bleep] right now.

Narrator: at scribner creek,
rick has finally hit pay dirt,

But right when he needs
to mine it,

His excavator has broken down.

Well...[ Sighs ]

Busted a track link,
so the track spilt apart,

And then this giant --
this is a tensioner side,

So when the track --
when the track split,

The [bleep] tensioner shot out
with the idler wheel.

So it's pretty [bleep]
right now.

Narrator: to keep
the excavator's track taught,

A large spring on the tensioner
pushes the idler wheel

Away from the drive cog.

When the track link snapped,
the pressure

Forced the tensioner
and the idler wheel out.

Fixing a track is usually done
in a specialized workshop,

But this far from town,
mechanic mitch blaschke

Has no choice
but to macgyver a fix on site.

Blaschke: well,
these brand-new parts here

Are all meant
to be pressed together.

Uh, unfortunately,
out here in the field,

We don't have a pin press
for that,

So what we're gonna do here

Is just take off
a little bit of material --

Uh, just a few thousandths here
and there.

It's gonna allow
all these parts and pieces

To slip together
a little bit easier.

Not really the best scenario,

But, uh,
it's kind of the only one

We got out here at the moment.

Narrator: the new link is ready
to be fixed to the track.

Man: look at that.

That's how you want her
to go together.

Next, mitch attempts to push the
idler wheel back into position

Using just
the excavator's bucket.

Pull it.

Up a little bit.

In with the stick
and curl the bucket.

Up. You got to come up.

Give it. Go ahead.

Mike: there. It's in.

The most challenging task

Is pulling the 2.5-ton track
back into position.

What's the game plan?

You want to pick it
and pull it from here or...?

I'll show you
a little trick.

I kind of like doing it
on the sprocket,

'Cause the teeth
hold everything in place.

Oh, I got you.

Hook it from that end and then
chain it to the sprocket?

Yeah, exactly.

Narrator: mitch's plan --

Use the drive cog
on the excavator

To pull the track
back into place.

You want to pull tension
on this?

I'll see if we can get it
to start.

Blaschke: good.


That it?

Just take that chain off.

Let's put the strap
right through there.

So, I'll pull
a little bit of tension,

And I'll walk that way.

Going over it or...?

Yeah, you're good.

Works pretty slick.

Uh, it's back on there.

Now we just need
to hook it up.

How's that look
for joining her up there?

Yeah, you're tight now.

Want to grab the little pin bar
out of my truck

And we'll slide it
in there?

So, we've got our new link
in place.

We've got it attached
at one end.

Now we just have to, uh,
put the other pin in here.

That's pretty tight there.

It's 3/4 inch out
right now.

The biggest problem, mike,

Is how uneven the ground
is right here.

Let me back this off.
Let's try it.

Little more.

It's gonna be close now.

That's it.

mitch resorts to brute strength.

Couple more
and she's almost home.

whoo! That's it.

How's that look?

Looks good to me.
About even on both sides.

[Bleep] yeah!
'Nother one done!

we got our new link installed.

We're gonna throw a weld
on there for insurance,

Put the pad back on it.

That's it.

It's all back together
and ready to go haul some pay.

All right!
We're back in the game.

Blaschke: take it easy
on those tracks, though, man.

We need to get through
the rest of the season.

[ Chuckles ]
all right, all right.

over at eureka creek...

...tony beets is still
a month behind schedule.

If the brutal
klondike winter hits

Before he can resurrect
his 75-year-old dredge,

He'll have to wait until
next season to catch any gold.

To have any hope, tony needs

To get the 6-ton steel gantry
in position today.

Tony plans to pin the gantry
to the base

And then bolt it
to the top of the dredge.

If they can get the gantry up,
it'll be in position

To raise and lower
the bucket line

To deliver gold-rich pay gravel

To the trommel
inside the dredge.

Everything's still being rushed
a bit here.

Uh, I mean, we still got plenty
of work to do on the dredge

Before this here thing
should really go up.

It's pretty twisted up.

Narrator: tony bent the steel
gantry when he dismantled it.

Mike wants to spend another day
straightening it out,

But that's not how tony works.

[ Engine turns over ]

Tony directs as jerry steers
the gantry into position.

There's no margin for error.

something's not right.

It's hung up on that [bleep]
isn't it?

It's hung up.

it's not free here.

one of the twisted "i" beams

Is caught on the bucket ladder.

Tony's son, kevin,
uses a ratchet strap

To try to pull the beam
into position.

Krisher: got to go down
just a teeny tiny bit.

Okay, we're not hitting level,
so watch that one over there.

Little more. Little more.
Little more. Good.

Good. Good.

Good. Tap, tap, tap.

Narrator: all 4 of the 12-inch
pins are in position.

Tony pushes the crew
to finish the job.

go, go, go, go, go.

Rhodes: I don't know what
I'm supposed to be doing.

Beets: [bleep]


Narrator: at eureka creek,
tony beets has twisted

A vital "i" beam
on his 75-year-old dredge.

Rhodes: well, the least
you can do is fix it.

You're the one
that broke it.

As tony raised the gantry,
an inner "i" beam got caught

Against part
of the bucket ladder,

Twisting it out of position.

Krisher: this is another one
of those moments here.

Tony's got a little habit
of just kind of throwing himself

Into some of these jobs.

You know, sometimes, you got to
think things over a little bit

Before you get into them
too deep,

Because you run
into problems like this.

tony's solution is radical --

Torch the "i" beam off.

Krisher: we'll just have to wait
and see if it holds up or not.

It's pretty twisted up,

And that's a main part
of that structure

That holds up that ladder.

Narrator: with the bent "i" beam
out of the way,

They must now bolt the gantry
to the top of the dredge.

Man: the whole thing's
got to go that way.

Krisher: yeah. That way
probably four inches or so.

The twist on the gantry

Is preventing it
from fitting into place.

How's your side look?

This ain't good.

With kevin
in the only genie lift,

Tony has no choice but to climb
to the top of the 60-foot dredge

To force his side into position.

Lift up?

Lift it up just a hair
so we can get one side started.

Beets: good.

Kevin: oh, yeah.

[ Whistling ]

Slowly. Good!

Little bit up here.
Give me a little up.


[ Clattering ]

[ Clattering ]

[ Laughs ]


Another washer.

[ Clatters ]

I got to get you
a parrot.

[ Laughs ] ay?


at mckinnon creek,

The hoffmans have run out
of pay dirt.

Monster red sits lifeless.

Thick mud forced
todd and dave to abandon

Their new haul road cut.

They have to find
new ground fast.

Well, right now,
we don't have any options.

All I got left
is the higher cut.

We'll go in there and see
if that's ready to go.

Narrator: a quarter of a mile
east of the haul road cut

Is the higher cut.

They've run all the pay dirt
from the original section,

But two weeks ago,
they stripped an extension

The size of two football fields
and left it to thaw.

Now dave and andy will dig down
through the remaining overburden

To find out
if the pay dirt has thawed.

Turin: we got a lot on the line
right now.

You know,
and I want to get down to pay.

So what I'm gonna do is I'm
gonna, uh, dig some test holes,

See how deep we got to go.


Doesn't give up easy.

That grinding sound's
not music to my ears.

That means that gold's
gonna come out hard.

This is pay.

It's semi-thawed.

That's doable.

Bad news is
it's six feet below the top.

Six feet of difficult digging --

That's a lot of wear and tear
on our equipment.

Dave for todd.
Todd, you got a copy?

Hey, can you come out here
to the higher cut?

Todd: yeah.

How bad is it?

So, you can see the pay
right there.

It's six feet.

Oh, man.

I don't know
if that single dozer

Can get that much ripped
and thawed.

And I don't know
where to go from here.

It's a hell
of a judgment call.

I don't see us getting
to 1,000 ounces

Without this cut.

I don't know
what to do, dave.

[ Engine turns over ]

Narrator: the rest of the miners
have called it a night.

Spinks: right now, I feel like
I stole my dad's car.

I'm not gonna walk away
from this cut.

under the cover of darkness,

Andy spinks is ripping
at the six feet

Of semi-frozen ground
in the higher cut extension.

Spinks: you can either be
a chump or a champ.

If I break something,
screw something up,

And, yeah, nobody's
gonna be very happy.

If I remove enough dirt tonight,
maybe that will be the element

That they need to see
that we can still mine this.

Well, it looks
it's just gonna be me

And the northern lights tonight.

Narrator: at mckinnon creek,

While the rest
of the crew slept,

Andy spinks ripped an area
the size of a football field

In the higher cut extension.

Hey, andy,
can we talk a minute?

You've been at this
all night?

Dave, I don't want
to give up on this cut.

I got almost three feet
last night.

You dug test holes
in here.

You know the ground's good.

Two dozers in the daylight --
six, seven feet.

That puts us
on pay gravel.

All right.

If you're that determined,
andy, I'm gonna go with you.

Let's bring the other dozer
in here,

And let's get this done.

All right.

Despite pulling an all-nighter,
andy refuses to quit.

we can't afford to slow down.

Turin: andy took it upon himself
to go get it.

He's one of those guys
that's like a pit bull.

Once he starts on something,
he just doesn't let go.

And we're gonna just use
nothing but horsepower

To get this stuff up
out of the ground.

Narrator: by mid afternoon,

They've moved another
three feet of dirt.

Time for dave to find out
if they've reached pay.

I think we're at the gravels
right now.

We got to start
seeing some gold.

If we don't get this done soon,
we're gonna get froze out,

And then we're gonna lose
the whole thing.

This looks pretty good.

It's starting to show some gold.

I'm gonna go tell andy
we're on pay.

It's time to start
making some money

And hauling this to the plant.

Hey, andy, how do you feel about
hauling pay out of here today?

This might just
get us over the top.

We got to feed
that hungry monster,

And it's time to haul pay.

thurber, fire it up!

[ Motor turns over ]

the hoffmans fire up monster red

And once again
start running pay.

Todd: so, this is the first
scoop of pay dirt

Coming out
of the higher cut extension.

Freakin' good feeling.

Turin: two days ago, we almost
abandoned this cut, but andy --

The guy just doesn't give up.

And right now, it looks good.

east at scribner creek,

Parker's crew has been mining
gold-rich pay dirt

From the north end
of the far cut for two days.

This season, the far cut's
produced 1,080 ounces of gold,

Worth $1.3 million.

Well, I just hope this pay is as
good as it could and should be.

greg clears overburden

To extend the far cut further
north while rick loads pay dirt.

Ness: we pretty much
got this ground figured out.

We just need
to bust ass on this.

oh, not more frozen ground!

It's too late in the season
for that.

Well, this -- this ground
will not thaw on its own.

There's no way this bucket's
gonna tear through it,

That's for sure.

Hey, parker. Got a copy?

I'm hitting a bunch of frozen
ground in this corner over here.

It was ice where I first went
down, and then it dropped.

Kind of [bleep] us up.

Not good.
No, it's not.

now I need to figure out

What the [bleep] going on
with the [bleep]

Narrator: parker attaches
a ripper tooth to his excavator

To test the frozen ground
for himself.

Parker: it's all frozen.

Now we're screwed.

Mike, do you have
a radio on in there?

Well, we just hit
a bunch of [bleep] frost

That's right in the middle
of our whole [bleep] plan.

No, it was pulling
the machine around

With just the ripper
in the ground.

So it's pretty solid.

That's what it looks like.

So, I mean, it's --
what is it? August 21st?

That's the same thing
I'm thinking.

We're kind of [bleep] boys.

I think I'm gonna be sick.

This is like a week's
worth of sluicing

That we just found out
is all frozen.

It's worse than what I thought
was the worst-case scenario.

What can you do about it?

Light it all on [bleep] fire?
I don't think so.

Narrator: at mckinnon creek,

The hoffman crew works 24/7
to salvage their week.

Right now, we're gonna start
going through the night.

We're gonna push through this.

We're gonna -- we're gonna do
what it takes to get our goal.

We're all pumped.
We're ready to fight.

Narrator: in just two days,

They'll do their first cleanup
of the higher cut extension.

Kevin's determined to make it
a good one.

We're trying to, uh,
get everything we can

Through this plant
in a short amount of time.

The real work starts now.

Narrator: at scribner creek,

Parker schnabel
has hit a brick wall.

In the north end of the far cut,

His pay dirt has gone
from thawed to frozen.

Frozen ground is frozen ground.

Might as well be in fort knox
this time of year.

he has no ground left to mine.

All he can do now

Is clean up what they've run
through the wash plant.

Doumitt: that's it.

We're gonna run out this hopper,
start a cleanup.


Hey, young parker.

Doesn't look like
there's much gold in there.

Not this one, but the one
that you're standing in --

It was pretty good.

You can see the gold
in it.

You know, we might be in
for a pleasant surprise here.

I'll run this stuff down there,
rinse it out, clean it up,

And we'll see
how well we did.

All right. Sounds good.

Narrator: to stay on track
for his 2,000-ounce goal

With just four weeks
of the season left,

Parker needs 137 ounces.

How's it going
out there?

Oh, it's going all right.
How's that looking?

About to weigh this up.

I don't know
what our yardage was.

It's a pretty skinny
little cut.


I think it was around
6,000 or so.

More time screwing around
than sluicing.

That's, uh, 87 and change.

87 Ounces is worth $100,000.

It leaves parker 50 ounces short
of his goal for the week.

Pretty disappointing.

You know,
no [bleep] gold there.

Thanks, gene.

[Bleep] [bleep]

I mean, this really
is pretty disappointing.

I mean, I was hoping
for better than that,

But that's gold mining,
I guess, right?

Where there should be gold,
there isn't,

And where there shouldn't be,
there's tons,

So who the hell knows?

Narrator: at mckinnon creek,

The hoffman crew cleans up
after three days,

Having run 20,000 yards of dirt

From their new
higher cut extension.

Thurb, if this cut
doesn't show good promise,

You know, we, uh --

yeah, I know. I hear you.

We're toast.

So, maybe this
isn't the best,

But better have
some good news.

Dry it up and weigh it.

How we doing?

Hey, how's it looking,
you guys?

Well, we're gonna find out.

Let's weigh it.

to hit their 1,000-ounce,
$1.2 million season goal

Before the winter
freezes them out...

Jack: moment of truth.

Narrator: ...they need every
cleanup to average 91 ounces.

30, 40, 50...

...60, 70...

...80, 90...

138, Guys.

Whoo! Nice!
Todd: yeah! All right!

Whoo, that's great!

That's awesome.

138 ounces, worth $165,000.

Turin: 138 ounces, guys.
That's really good.

that's what I'm talking about.

What's the total, dad?

682 Right now.

Wow. No kidding.

Right on.
We're getting there, guys.

Narrator: their total --
682 ounces of gold,

Worth an impressive $815,000.

That's awesome.

Some of the best ground
we've ever ran.

If we can have ground like this
and keep going,

We're just gonna go
sailing right past our goal,

And, you know,
it's gonna be fantastic.

on the next "gold rush"...

...as the days and nights
get colder...

Oh [bleep]

...tony beets' dredge dream

Looks more and more
like a nightmare.

This is all garbage.

You could rip
that whole thing apart.

The hoffman crew continues to
work through the yukon nights...

I'm looking for a little bit
higher grade pay.

Narrator: ...to keep
1,000 ounces within sight.

The best pan
I've ever had out there.

Look at that.

Todd: holy cow.

This may just save our ass.

And over at scribner creek...

Parker: there's some ground,
but it's on an island.

Narrator: ...parker
fights tooth and nail...

back up, you [bleep] [bleep]

Narrator: ...to find
every last bit of thawed ground

On his claim.

I don't know what to do.

Narrator: then tony beets
drops a bombshell

On the young mine boss.

From now on, 20%.

Parker: work more for less.
Screw that.
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