05x10 - Grandpa John

Episode transcripts for the TV show, "Gold Rush". Aired: December 3, 2010 –present.*
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Reality based series follows the placer gold mining efforts of various family-run mining companies, mostly in the Klondike region of Dawson City, Yukon, Canada, as well as in the U.S. state of Alaska.
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05x10 - Grandpa John

Post by bunniefuu »

Parker: my grandpa,
he's an amazing man.

He's been such a huge
inspiration to me.

John: well, the greatest thing
that I feel I've done

Is instill in my grandson,
"you gotta try.

Don't ever give up."

Parker: where I am now, I owe
100% of it to my grandpa.

John: parker has been
extremely successful.

I'm proud of him.

Parker: spending time up
at the mine with my grandpa,

That's probably the greatest
gift that he's ever given me.

And I always wanted to follow
in his footsteps.

I can only hope that someday
I can be half the man he is.

Hey, grandpa.

Hello! Parker!


Give me a hug.


Narrator: for two decades,

John schnabel
has been an inspiration

To his grandson, both as a man
and as a gold miner.

Now, the 94-year-old mining
legend has traveled 600 miles

To visit his grandson
at his yukon claim.

John: there's a lot of pleasant
things in life

I like to still do,
and one of 'em

Is to come
and see how you're doing.

Thank you.

I get the same feeling.

Why don't I go take you
on a tour of the place?

I'd appreciate that.

So here's our operation.



That is an impressive area.

God, this is just unbelievable.

Well, you weren't screwing
around too much

When you were 20, were you?

Oh, no. I was working
like an idiot like you,

All work and no play.

You gonna get big,
you gotta think big.

So, when I come here and see
this, it's very uplifting,

And I feel you are in the --

In the same category
as my ancestors and myself.

Parker just turned 20,
and that is interesting

Because it's
about the same age as john was

When he left his home
and moved to alaska.

To take off
and head to the yukon

Was no different than
john schnabel going to alaska.

You look at that similarity and
that vision that they both had,

And you think,
"these two peas in a pod."

the resemblance, physically,

Between john and parker
is shocking even to me.

When I see pictures
of the two of them, it is like,

"Wow, that is, like, a mini-me."

I think parker and john both
have always liked

That kind of similarity thing.

I think that they have gotten
a big chuckle out of that.

You know, they're alike
in a lot of ways.

You know, they're alike in
a lot of ways.

I would like
to have been around

Something like this
when I was younger.

You know, a lot of people ask me
why we went so big this year.

Oh, well, because you said
you like the challenge.

Well, yeah, I mean,
that's part of it,

But I think a lot of it
is that that's been running

In the family
for a long time, too.


Narrator: born in 1920,

John grew up the son
of a kansas wheat farmer.

I was, uh, raised in a rather
poverty-stricken atmosphere.

Our biggest challenge was
to make enough money

To buy a loaf of bread and a --
a piece of cheese.

Narrator: by the time
john was a teenager,

The united states was in the
midst of the great depression,

And his family had
lost the farm.

my father had gone to alaska.

And so I packed up everything
I had, and, uh,

I came to haines, alaska,
on a steam ship.

On march the 10th, 1939.

I'm 19 years old,
husky, and worked hard.

I was free,
and I was in a place

Where I had a chance
to be a success.

So, parker, I think it's
a wonderful thing you're doing.

There's not many teenagers take
on something of this magnitude.

Thanks, grandpa.

Narrator: by building on
the skills he learned as a child

On his grandpa's gold mine,

Parker mined almost $1.5 million
in gold last season.

We're a long ways from a couple
years ago at big nugget, huh?

Oh, god, yes.

I congratulate you.

John: I actually bought
big nugget mine

As a destination to take
my children in the summertime

Where they could
dig the gravels,

Find a little gold.

Roger didn't respond to it,
but my grandsons did.

Nancy: parker wanted
to go to the mine

And wasn't potty trained,
and john said,

"When you're out of diapers,
you can come to the mine." So...



I don't remember it.

You don't remember it at all?
Not one bit.

Parker got organized and, um,
figured out

How to get rid of the diapers
and got to go to the mine.

It was, you know,
the no-mom zone.

There were no rules.
There was no restrictions.

So we go up there,
and there's nobody there but us.

And so we just had a --
had a heck of a good time.

it was like his playground.

And then, the interest
in the mining just evolved.

You know, he was -- he was up
there having a great time

And doing a little panning,
and he was up there

Having a great time
and doing a little mining.

John: he'd find a good spot
where the gold was accumulating,

And I said to him, "whatever
ends up here is yours."

First thing I know,
he's getting gold.

So, from then on, he spent all
his youth and every summer

At big nugget mine.

I normally do about 20 to 30
of these each way.

Get kind of limbered up
a little bit, you know?

You want a couple eggs, parker?

You're gonna have cereal
or what?


It looks like a person,
doesn't it?

Get that light out of my face.

Morning, parker.

Nancy: one of the things
that was fun for parker

Up at big nugget all those years
was hanging out

With -- with grandpa.

And so, as he got older,
and he started

Spending more time kinda
hanging with john,

I realized how connected
they were,

That that bond was bigger than
I even saw.

Narrator: parker quickly took to
the business of gold mining.

That's about a...

I would judge
close to a half an ounce.

A little over, I bet.

275 Grains.

That's, uh...
I was right.

Pretty close. Yeah.

You know, that first season,
I had a lot of good times

With my grandpa.

He had a great time.
Parker has taken

What started out as a really
fun thing to do

In the summer,
work on equipment,

Hang out with your grandpa,

Not have your mom telling
you what to do.

Um, I mean, I think he was
learning a lot

Without really knowing it.

Narrator: john allowed
the teenager to develop

His operating skills
on old equipment.


I think parker is a unbelievable
pleasure to watch.

Narrator: he was given
more and more freedom.

Then, when parker was just
16 years old,

John handed over the mine
to his grandson.

I've had 25 very good,
productive years at the mine.

I have faith in your management
that it will be successful.


It's a big day for me.

I must be doing something right

For my grandpa to put
this much faith in me.

It's quite an honor
because he's an amazing man.

Really, well, he is a hero, but
that's what he's always been.

Nancy: I think parker probably
always had it in his heart

That he wanted to make

And I think john recognized
that and, you know,

Gave him that opportunity.

I think that's what john's
about, you know,

Looking for that, um, spark
in his kids and grandkids,

And trying to help
fulfill that.

It'll be my claim to fame.

Roger: parker started to
take over the big nugget.

If anything, he had the drive
and the ambition and the desire,

And that covered a lot of
indiscretions, you might say,

As far as lack of experience.

Parker: when I first took over
big nugget,

It was eye opening, you know.

I mean, to be completely honest,
I think that I was too young.

A-ha-ha! There we go.

Boy, made me learn fast.

I'm rockin'!


That's not good.

Narrator: for 12 years,

John schnabel taught his
grandson how to mine for gold.

Now, he's come north to see
how parker's doing

In his second season mining
the legendary klondike.

John: what you've got is
pretty classy stuff.

I have to admire your operation.

It looks like you got it down
pretty good.

Thanks, grandpa.

I can remember, way back when,
you finally took over the mine.

Why, the first thing you --

You said, "grandpa,

"You only run 200 tons a day.

I gotta have 600."

Narrator: when parker started
running big nugget,

John would keep a watchful eye
on him, but no matter what,

16-Year-old parker
was responsible

For the mine's success
or failure.

I don't see anything yet.

a few flakes is all we got.

I doubt if we made
a dollar.

In no time at all, parker was
running the mine at a loss.

Well, if there's nothing in
that, we might as well go home.

It's a test.
That's what it is.

Just keep working toward
the better ground.

Eventually, you'll hit it.


Have patience.

It was really pretty interesting
to watch parker, uh,

Take off with the mining because
it also provided a opportunity

For my father to,
um, teach somebody.

Well, once you
give your opinion,

You back off and let them
do their thing,

And they decide to accept it
or reject it.

And they're entitled to,
I think, learn the hard way.

after failing to find gold,

Parker made a bold move.

Hup! Here we go.

He built a road
up smith creek hill

To see if it would deliver
a pile of nuggets.

But parker had more lessons
to learn.

Goin' up.


Wow, I'm pretty lucky.

Narrator: john stood back as
parker attempted to get himself

Out of a jam.


But parker only made matters

Getting his excavator
stuck on the truck.

Come on!

Come on!

Thank god.

only after parker failed

Did john step in
to offer a safer solution.

I strongly urge you to hook
on to the back end with a cable.

Pull it out backwards.

Put it around and we'll
hook it back

To the other end
of the truck.

There ya go.
That's the right way.

Narrator: with 91-year-old john
in the driver's seat,

They pulled the rock truck
out of the ditch in seconds.


I --

I'm gonna go home.

It proved one thing, that even
when he made a mistake,

He didn't cry and lay down.

And he even learned to
appreciate my advice.


Oh, I'm happy we got it
out of there.

I kind of like the role
when -- grandfathers play

Because it's rewarding,
and sometimes --

And sometimes,
it's frustrating.

As your father said to me, "dad,
let me make my own mistakes."

And I think you've got a lot
of the same blood in you

That he has.

Oh, and I make a lot of
my own mistakes.

Well, everybody makes them
every day,

No matter how perfect
you are.

Yeah, but usually,
when you're 20,

Your mistakes don't cost
50,000 bucks a piece.

Narrator: parker's first season
in charge of big nugget

Went from bad to worse.

Despite his best efforts,

The teenager just didn't
find enough gold.

33 Ounces.

It looks like a lot of gold,

But we spent a lot of money
to get it.

Narrator: grandpa let parker
call all the sh*ts

And face the music.

Here's the issue --

Lots of bills.

These are
your responsibilities,

And they're,
you know, they're piling up.

And then, I get -- I get
something that says

"Seriously past due," parker.

Well, there's still --
seriously past due.

I can't pay 'em.

You need 45 grand.

So you --
what? I'm supposed to

Try to find 30 ounces
of gold in a week?

Yeah, right.

I'm sorry,
but that's the number.

I share your disappointment.
We have to face reality.

He owed money, and he couldn't
pay that debt off.

Nancy and i, we sat down
with my dad, um,

And discussed, how easy are we
gonna make life here, you know?

We gotta make sure that he knows
what it takes to really

Live life properly, and things
can't be just handed to him.

I planned, in my mind,
"how am I going to instill

In my grandson, uh, a sense
of commitment to others?"

The schnabels refused
to bail parker out.

The young mine boss
had to take responsibility.

you wanna know my problem?

I'm starting to run out of ideas
and places to dig.

Narrator: parker needed to find
30 ounces, or $45,000,

To pay off his debts.

He'd worked hard, but failed
to find the gold.

So we dug quite the hole here.

Parker had only
one more option --

Turn to his grandpa's

The problem is, we got down
to bedrock,

And there's -- there's
no gold.

That happens to lots of people
and to me, too.

I dug down, got nothing.

I moved over 100 feet,
I got lots.

Parker, uh, that slope indicates
that the main channel

Is over that way, and you'll
come across it pretty soon.

That means we've got a lot
of dirt to move.

Nothing ventured,
nothing gained.

My father, he never gives up.

If it didn't work, have another
plan and go after that.

parker was like a sponge.

He's getting a heck
of an education.

There's just no doubt about it.

Parker: I thought
it was gonna be easy,

But I thought wrong.

I'm gonna have to work...
A lot.

following his grandpa's advice,

Parker and his crew dug deep...

In search
of a gold-rich channel.

John: I was a workaholic.

My son became a workaholic,
and parker is a workaholic.


Holy cow,
look at the nuggets there!

That's what we're
used to seeing.

Good job, guys. You found that
channel we're looking for.

Quarter ounce of nuggets.

Narrator: with nuggets
in the pan,

Parker's hard work paid off.

He'd taken responsibility
and, with a little help

From his grandpa, found the gold
he needed to pay his debts.

Well, the greatest thing
that I feel I've done

Is instill in my grandson,
"never forget.

You've gotta try.
Don't ever give up."

So we're gonna dig
the whole damn thing out.

Narrator: john schnabel
is spending time

With his grandson parker
up in the yukon.

Nothing is more important
to either than family.

When we sit here,
it brings back memories

Of so many years
that we spent together.

How many ideas we shared.
It's pleasant history.

Remember that time when
my brother and dad came up,

And we built that road
up to smith creek?

Oh, I remember.
I was scared to death.

Narrator: the road
up smith creek

Was waterlogged
and unstable.

John stepped in
to keep his family safe.

That don't look
solid to me.

I see the water coming
through the rocks. Well --

I mean, can we clean it up
and use that same road?


The hill is dangerous.

You sh**t down there
like a toboggan,

Flop into this river
and join the rest of the people

Wherever heaven is.

What, now we have no way
of getting up there,

No dirt to run
through the plant.

It's damn tough

To see someone die
because of your judgment.

I've had a dozen people k*lled
working for me.

I don't want to see you have
to go through that.

No way.
You don't --

You don't know how you're
gonna feel when you go

Up to somebody's wife and tell
her there's been an accident.

I love you.

I don't want you to have
to walk through

Some of the miseries that
I've had to walk through.

Responsibility is a burden,

Let's build a safe road and take
that out of the picture.

And, whatever the cost,
it's a damn sight cheaper

Than somebody being hauled
out of here on a stretcher.

You're right.

My father would do everything
he could to protect him,

But you lose that whole concern
for a split second,

And somebody can die.

I don't want to lose my son,
you know?

I don't want to lose either one
of them,

So safety's a big deal.

Narrator: grandpa insisted
on a new, safe road up the hill,

But parker couldn't build it
without his father and brother.

I'm gonna go to a safe haven
and blow this thing up.

Fire in the hole!

My dad's just kind of a always
full-speed-ahead kind of guy.

I like that because, when he's
up here, we get a lot done.

He's the best at what he does.

What makes these schnabel men
so unique right now

Is that there's three
generations of them

Interacting regularly.

They all have this common
interest and these --

This common skill set.

And I think how unbelievably
rare that is.

Oh, my grandpa's here.
Now we've got the a-team.

I'm ready to do whatever they
want me to do.

It's like the best feeling ever.

You're sitting in there with
people from, at the time,

Like 17, 18 years old
all the way to, like, 91,

And it's three generations
of the same name all working

And actually all
participating in something.

You're talking about, like,
a 75-year gap, and it's --

It's crazy
and it's amazing.

It's, like, a really,
really good feeling.

we're close to the top!

We're gonna do it!
We're gonna do it!

See why I've got my dad up here?

He kicks ass.

It was a great experience
just to come up

And do that, and I'm always
available to help parker

If he needs it.


Parker, he has learned already
that he cannot do it alone.

That formula holds true.

We have, presently, a very,
very close-knit family

That works wonderfully well

I'm deeply appreciative
and thankful

That we had
these years together.

That's one thing I miss being up
here is working with you,

Working with my brother
and working with my dad.

It was over the course
of, what, 10 years?


But, you know, it's a bummer
to have to get away

From that, but...

You gotta go
where the gold is, right?


John's influence on parker,

I see it in the having goals,

That always looking
at the next thing.

Parker, he took a trip
up to the yukon,

And once he saw that,
that's when we lost him.

Because he came home,
and he said,

"I'm playing
in the wrong sandbox."

Narrator: at age 18,

Parker made the biggest decision
of his life.

The young pioneer left his
family and his home to set up

His own mine in the gold fields
of the klondike.

Nancy: parker, being 20,
going off to the yukon

At about the same age
that john was when he left home

And came to alaska, that --

That whole coincidence
is not lost on us.

He had to have bigger goals,
bigger production,

And so he made the decision to
quit big nugget mine.

Parker: thank you, you know,
for the last few years.

It's taught me a lot.

I look upon you like the eagle
when he flops his wings

And flies out of the nest,
he never comes back for help.

You're gonna be on your own.

You're gonna be a success.

I hope you're right.
I know so.

Parker: I wish I could just take
my grandpa with me,

But if I'm gonna be serious
about gold mining,

You know, the yukon is
the place to be.

Narrator: grandpa john believed
parker was ready

To blaze his own trail,
just as the original gold miners

Did back in the late 1800s.

That's a fantastic step away
from everyone that he knows,

That he has had worked with.

That didn't shake him at all.

He went and proved
that he could cope with it.

Narrator: john taught his
grandson everything he knew,

But nothing could prepare parker

For life without
his beloved grandpa.


Did something
happen to grandpa?

He's in the hospital right now?

Narrator: parker schnabel
would not have achieved

The success he has
without his grandpa,

But john is 94,

And they both know
their time together is limited.

Well, I'm glad
you made it up here.

There's few people in life
that are meaningful to me,

And you're one of them.

You make me feel better
just coming up here.

No, I hear ya.

I get the same feeling.

How's your health doing?

Me? I'm mentally 35 up here,

But the rest of me
is a little older.

I hope you don't have to face
some of the problems I have.

Narrator: just three years ago,
john suffered a heart attack.

At age 17, parker was forced
to confront the fact

That he could
lose his grandpa.

You know, my grandpa's probably

The most important person
in my life.

And for something to happen
to him just all of a sudden

Is pretty tough to, um...

I don't know what I'll do
without him.

You're not gonna live forever.
You know that.

But you want him to live more.

You want him to live more.

Parker: he's old, and...

You know, there's
a good chance that

Every time I see him might be
the last time.

And, one of these times,
it will be.

We never know when we're gonna
suddenly see the light,

If you want to use that term.

But I never give up
on my family.

Love, uh...

My family all show
great love towards me,

And the least I can do
to return that love

Is try to stay here.

What you need is to let us
take care of you, okay?

Just let us do it.
It's a thrill, dad.

Yeah, I'm emotional, that's all.

Well, I think it's great.

Narrator: just days after
surviving his heart attack,

John arrived back home in haines
to rejoin his family.

Parker, I've had some very
difficult periods in my life,

And I think the most difficult
was when I finally realized

I was, uh, a victim of --

As the doctor was very unkind,

He says,
"you have aggressive cancer."

I looked at him and says,

"Can't you find
a better adjective

Than the word 'aggressive'?"

Yeah, it's, uh...

I know, this winter, everybody
was pretty worried.

Narrator: last winter,

John was diagnosed with
fast-growing prostate cancer.

John: this'll probably be
my last trip up to the mine

Because the doctors are
sending me up all the medicines

To go on the chemotherapy,

And chemotherapy to me
is su1c1de.

Narrator: john feared
he wouldn't survive the winter.

John: we can't live forever.

Narrator: his dying wish

Was to give smith creek
one last shot

With his grandsons,
parker and payson.

You know, it's the least
I can do,

Because look
at where he's gotten me.

If he wants to figure out what's
in some hole in the ground,

Well, by god, we're gonna go
figure out what's in

Some hole in the ground.

Hey, parker, payson,
this is grandpa.

I come up to see what you guys
are doing,

And my, I'm impressed.

Is that my dad I hear?

I'll be darned.

Roger, I didn't know
you were up here.

Narrator: even roger got
on board to help his father

Before winter closed in.

I'm truly surprised
to see you all

Working up there on that
dirt pile.

Looks great.

Know this is a big dream
of yours, and hopefully,

We'll make it come true.

I think we all share
that thought.

You know, if there's two things
my grandpa loves,

It's his family
and taking on a challenge.

You know, last fall, I think
that's why he was so stoked

About what we were doing.

My brother and i, and even
my dad, were all pitching in,

And it was a huge challenge.

And, you know, we fought
a little bit,

But we worked together
to make it happen.

And I think that meant
a lot to him.

You finding anything?

What do you think, grandpa?

Oh, my!

Ooh, that is beautiful!

Here's another one!

Isn't that awesome?

I won't be able to sleep.

either the chemotherapy

That he feared so much...


...or the big chunks
of smith creek gold

Gave grandpa john
a new lease on life.

I think people have a lot to do
with how long they live.

He's always got a project
that he's working on.

He's always got some five-year
plan about how things

Are gonna be with the
smith creek or this or that.

But he's always scheming

Roger: at 94, I don't see
his mind deteriorating much.

You know?
He's sharp as soon as tack,

And I think that challenges

And him testing himself
and keeping himself active

Keeps him going.

Nancy: put on your boots
and do something.

That's like the nugget.

He never stopped having purpose.

He never stopped having goals.

the mine is tied to my health.

This is, uh, a, really,
health farm for me,

Mentally as well as

Narrator: up in the yukon,
john schnabel is checking out

Parker's high-tech
gold table...

Oh, wow!
That's a pretty big stream.

...a far cry from the gold pans
john used at big nugget.

John: I wish
I had a recovery system

When I was mining
like you've got here.

Look at that yellow stuff.

I can remember how you
used to grab the dirt

Around the recovery plant
and pan it.

I never really knew what your
guys thought of all that.

What was i, 14?
I didn't need it.

I know, but you needed the fun
of being successful.

I'm getting that now.

Narrator: parker's yukon
operation is so successful now

That, in one good week,
he gets more gold than john got

In a whole year at big nugget.

You're doing it.
I'm proud of you.

Narrator: john schnabel is up
visiting scribner creek,

Taking in the scale of his
young grandson's gold mine.

John: god, your operation here
is just unbelievable.

There's quite a lot of people
digging a lot of dirt.

Parker: yeah, there is.

How is that v10 you got

The new one?

It's a nice machine.

It is?

Did you get a heavier, uh,
excavator this year?

Yeah. I think that's why
this season,

It's so much different
than last year,

Is that we're just able to do
the yardage, you know?

I hope that, uh, your cleanup
is increasing, too.

So this is the far cut.

It's big.

In theory, that should be
a quarter million dollars

Worth of pay sitting there
waiting to get hauled up.

Well, hurry up.

No, I hear ya.
You know, we're --

It's a little risky opening up
this big of an area.


I mean, we don't have any
test holes in it.

We don't drill any of this.

That's the risk you take
or reward you get,

One or the other.

Narrator: last season,
parker went north to the yukon

To mine with his grandpa's
blessing and 100 ounces of gold.

After seven long months, when
parker finally returned home,

He couldn't wait to present
his take to his grandpa.

You know, again, it'll just
be nice to put the gold down

In front of my grandpa

You know,
tell him how the season went.

P-- parker!

Hey, parker!

It's great to see you.
You, too.

You look -- you look good.

Thank you. I feel a lot
better when I laugh.

Wait till you see this.


Look at this!
Oh, my...

Look at all that good stuff!

I'm going to the yukon.

Holy criminy.
That's over 1,000 ounces.


Oh, my gosh!


I never have seen that much
gold in my whole life.

I'm overwhelmed.

Narrator: in his rookie season
in the klondike,

Parker turned 100 ounces of gold

Into over 1,000,
worth almost $1.5 million.

Parker's success would not
have been possible

Without his loving grandpa.

Growing up alongside
john schnabel at big nugget mine

Has made parker the man
he is today.

Well, parker,
I brought a gift for you.

Oh, yeah?

Oh, man.

That's the sign
from big nugget, huh?

It was a symbol of success

For me, so I brought it up
to give to you

Because I'm proud of you.

So, give me a hug.

Well, thank you for coming up,

Well, you -- you make
my determination

To live long enough to come back
and see you next year.


Parker has been
extremely successful.

To accomplish
what he's done,

I'm proud of him.

Parker: you know, my grandpa
does have a lot of faith in me.

Keeps me on the right track,

And it keeps me focused
on the goal.

Roger: parker might continue to
parallel my father,

And if that continues to happen,
he'll be a great adult,

And he'll live a happy life.

I think that seeing that
relationship that john has

With parker and all those years
of being together, it's great.

It's -- it's -- it's a gift.

Parker: I had some good times
with my grandpa, you know?

He's an amazing man, and I can
only hope that someday

I can be half the man he is.

To get where I am now,

I owe 100% of it
to my grandpa.

I couldn't ask
for a better mentor.

You've gotta try.
Don't ever give up.

So, I'm gonna die with
my boots on, as they say.

on the next "gold rush"...

Whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa!

Tony beets is four weeks
behind schedule.

It's unrealistic.
You're a dreamer.

But in just one day...

He cracks the whip

And gets his dredge plans
back on track.

Todd hoffman runs
the first dirt

From his biggest ever cut...

A thousand ounces,
here we come.

...but drives his crew
to the brink.

I'm done.

And over at scribner creek...

Rick, what's up?

...disaster strikes.

He's been in an accident.

Come on!

Parker! Parker!
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