03x18 - The Motherlode

Episode transcripts for the TV show, "Gold Rush". Aired: December 3, 2010 –present.*
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Reality based series follows the placer gold mining efforts of various family-run mining companies, mostly in the Klondike region of Dawson City, Yukon, Canada, as well as in the U.S. state of Alaska.
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03x18 - The Motherlode

Post by bunniefuu »

'At the edge of the Arctic Circle,

winter descends overnight,

threatening to shut down
the mining season.'

This box is froze up.

'It's crunch time
for all three mining crews.'

Do you want to go home
stupid or smart?

'The Hoffman crew has one last chance
to reach their 1,000 ounce goal.'

Does anybody have any pay dirt left?

'And as usual, Jack refuses to quit.'

We're not going to roast weenies.

'He hatches a radical plan
to combat the cold.'

This is gonna be
the fires from hell.

Woo! Hell, yeah!

'At Porcupine Creek,
the Dakota boys struggle

to get every last ounce
out of the glory hole.'

I don't think we have enough gold.

'Fred risks it all...'
Hey, Dustin, give me some help!

'..in the face of another brutal
Alaskan winter.

Alongside his son, Dustin,
they flat out refuse to give up...'

I got one last thing to try.

'..until they hit their goal
for the season.'

Whoa, whoa, whoa!

'And at Big Nugget, Parker Schnabel

makes one last push for profit.'

Right now, every day counts,
every ounce counts.

'But with the big freeze closing in,

all three crews have just days left
to strike it rich.'

Now's the time when we separate
the boys from the men.

'In the Klondike, the mining season
is rapidly coming to a close.

Night temperatures have dropped
as low as -10,

and the Hoffman crew
is struggling to run dirt.

The pay dirt is frozen.'

You want me to turn it on?
Yeah, fire it up.

That's good.

There will come a time
when this box is froze up,

the ground's froze up that we're
gonna have to say, time to leave,

but until that time, we're trying
every drastic measure we got

to get that pay out of the ground.

It's our last big push.
There's still a chance.

'With winter banging down their door,

Todd and his crew
have 721 ounces of gold,

a long way off their 1,000-ounce
goal for the season.'

Find anything you can,
grab what you can,

anything that's not frozen
just scratch it up.


I set a huge aggressive goal

of 1,000 ounces
and I want to make sure

I get every little piece
of gold out of every stinking

nook and cranny on every cut
we opened up.

'As the crew scrapes up any remaining
pay dirt, Todd checks Cut 1.'

That ain't good.
That ain't good at all.

What we got?
It's froze up solid, Todd.

You got anything back here?
I scraped it all.

Can you keep checking?
Can you go around the edge

and maybe even, I don't know...

I've checked it all,
I've scraped it all.

We got one load out of here,
maybe I can get another one.

I'll give it my best shot.
All right, do your best.

'Cut 1 is frozen solid.

Todd's only hope is to find thawed
ground somewhere else.'

Hey, Dave, what ya got
down on the gold channel?

Todd, I'm done, I got nothing, man.

Hey, Greg, I can see you
on that bench.

What ya got? Getting anywhere?

Todd, I'm sorry,
it's all still frozen.


Does anybody have any pay dirt left?

Can you get me anything?

OK, guys, go ahead, bring
your equipment in and shut it off.

This is it.

Unless we can think
of a different plan,

that'll be the end of our season,
our third mining season.

'The entire Indian River mine
is frozen.

But Jack Hoffman refuses to give up.

The gold channel they discovered
in Cut 1 is hard as rock,

but it's the richest ground
they've ever had.'

Listen, the old boys,
back in the 1800s

used to build fires down
in their pits.

That was the only way they had
of thawing it out, you know.

We gotta try that.
You must be joking.

I think it will work.
It will light this whole valley up

and it will melt this down, we're
gonna get this ground, get gold.

But, Dad, that was 1898.

The old timers did it
and it worked.

The chances of it working are slim.

It's no good bringing
a campfire in here.

I'm not talking about a campfire,
we want this sucker hot.

We won't roast weenies,
we're gonna melt this ground.

It's gonna be the fires from hell.
We're just inches away from it,

and I'm not leaving it here,
I want to take that home.

What do ya think, Dave?
it's up to you.

I've never heard anything like it,
it's crazy.

I'll tell you right now
it takes guts.

If we don't try it we'll never know.

Do you want to go home stupid
or smart?

As a last resort, let's give it
a try. OK, let's go.

'The Hoffman crew is prepared
to take extreme measures

to get 1,000 ounces of gold.'

In the end, nature's going to beat
us out, everybody knows that.

We want to know how much gold we'll
take with us on the way out.

A huge fire. I mean, seriously,
to thaw out ground?

That's crazy, that's absurd. People
will look at this and go

that's the dumbest thing
I ever heard,

but I think there could be
something special in here.

Let's try it. If we're gonna take
a chance at starting a fire,

we're gonna build a big fire.

'South at Porcupine Creek,

Dakota Fred needs another
21 ounces of gold

to hit his 160-ounce goal
for the season.

He's convinced that there is
a massive deposit of gold

at the bottom
of an ancient waterfall.

But a solid layer of rock and earth

lies in the way of progress.'

Woo, it's a long way down there.

Well, I'm reading 102ft right here,

I would estimate right
at 100ft vertical out there.

We're at the limits of our space

and what the equipment can do.

You wonder how deep
that waterfall can go.

Lord, have mercy.

'But Fred has devised a new plan

to try and reach his gold target
for the season.

He's going to dig up the ramp
that leads down

into the bottom of the glory hole.'

All of this ramp material
from here on down

is all very good material to run.

The ramp has served its purpose.

We need 21 ounces to reach our goal.

We're gonna take that whole ramp
out of here.

It's not digging easy,
I can tell you.

We're right at the limit
of what this thing will do.

'But with every bucket of gold-rich
dirt that Fred scoops up,

the ramp gets more treacherous.'

Wow, it's scary as (BLEEP),

especially when you got a 25ft slope
in front of you.

You get you a little scared.

Like that!

'The ramp is crumbling
underneath him.

He has no choice
but to abandon his plan.'

Well, (BLEEP),

I got to get off this angle.

Got to reach over here
and help myself out a little bit.

Let's go. Come on.

Whoa, I've got nothing to grab
a hold of.

'Fred is now stuck.'

Hey, Dustin, give me some help!

Stand there for a second.

Dustin, put your fork
in the ground up there.

I got to hook behind the thumb.

Plant it!

Thank you.

I got something right there,
right there.

I'll do the pulling.

Come on! let's go!

(BLEEP). Whoa.



'AT Porcupine Creek,
Dakota Fred is in trouble.

The access ramp to the glory hole
is crumbling underneath him.

He's been forced to give up his
last-ditch attempt to get gold.'

I can't go no more.

You can't drag me.
You need to stay stationary.

I'm over the hump now. I'm out.

Take a look over
the edge over there.

I couldn't get that last little bit.

That's it for the season,
that's the final bucket.

'Abandoning the glory hole means
the Dakota boys

could fall short of their 160-ounce
goal for the season.'

All right. Damn shame we had
to leave all that (BLEEP) dirt.

We're close, but... yeah.

Yeah, I couldn't get it. Oh, man.

'Fred's giving up, but Dustin
isn't ready to stop mining just yet.'

I don't think we have enough gold.

I got one last thing I can try.

I might dredge
the bottom of the hole.

'A month ago, Dustin flooded
then dredged the glory hole

to suck out any gold
that the excavator missed.

Now, with the glory hole
10 metres deeper,

Dustin hopes to find
even richer dirt.'

It's a last-ditch effort right now.

'It's us trying to make our goal
at all costs.'

It's going to be tough to get
this dredge across the canyon.

It looks like a hell of a drop.

I'm not sure if I can
do this or not.

'When Fred ripped out the bottom
of the ramp,

he left the drop off
dangerously unstable.'

Fred left it to where
I can't get back down there.

I've got to put her over a ledge.
I may not be able to do this. OK.

I can't reach to put
the dredge over the edge.

Let me walk down
and set it down out there.

Be careful.

How do I look? You're pretty close.

You might be able to go
a tiny bit more.

Look out!


Watch the corner of this.
Yes, ma'am.

Holy cow!

Hang on.

It's all right, we're almost there.

Let's go. OK. It's actually
a good spot right here.

'The water is just above freezing,

much colder than the last time
Dustin went dredging.'

It's gonna be really cold,
I'm a little nervous about it.

The water's just a few degrees
above frozen

so it's liquid ice, basically.

I really hope that I can spend
an hour or two in here.


Come get the nozzle!

Don't get cold too soon!

'A pump sucks sediment up the hose.

It's then forced across the riffles
in the sluice box

where any gold should collect.'

I hope they get something.

Maybe a half-ounce or...


Can you feel the bottom?!

Woo! Pretty good spot there?

Oh! Ahhhh!

Look out, whoa, whoa, whoa!

Watch your back, Mel!
I got it, I got it!

'The hose that pumps pay dirt into
the sluice box has come loose.'

Oh! What happened?

Did it break the hose? All
I need is a screwdriver. I got it.

Be careful!

Come on, baby, let's get some gold!

I'm seeing good material
come out of the box.

'After two freezing hours,

Dustin has dredged everything he can
from the bottom of the glory hole.'

That's it, we need
some gold out of this.

'The success of their season
now depends on

what has collected
in this small sluice box.'

Done everything I can do to get gold
out of this ground. Everything.

'Nearby, in Haines, Alaska,

Parker Schnabel has been summoned
to an important meeting.'

It's almost the end of the season.
I'm heading into town

to see my mom and Grandpa.

See how we did on the books,

we found a lot of gold this season,

we're pushing to break even
at this point.

'So far this season, Parker
has mined 161 ounces of gold,

worth around a quarter of
a million dollars.'

How you doing?
I'm doing fine, thank you.

You're looking great. So are you.

He might feel better
than you are going to.

Here's the issue - lots of bills.

These are your responsibilities
and they're piling up,

and then I get...
I get something that says,

"seriously past due", Parker.

Seriously past due.
I can't pay them.

You need 45 grand.

So I'm supposed to find 30 ounces
of gold in a week? Yeah, right!

I'm sorry but that's the number.

I share your disappointment.
We have to face reality.

So you either find gold so I can pay
these bills or you borrow money.

I'm not ending this season without
bills paid. I'll deal with it.

'Parker is 30 ounces short
of the 190 ounces he needs

just to cover his running costs
this season.'

It's just kind of a nightmare.

It is late in the season
and it's been a long season

and it's tough to stay disciplined,

but now's the time

when you separate
the boys from the men.

'With a new urgency, Parker
begins digging at Emerson Trench.

For the last two years,
Parker's tracked down

every remaining yard of pay dirt
at the Big Nugget mine.'

That does not cover
the expenses of the mine.

What the (BLEEP)!
I'm starting to run out of ideas.

'But last week, his luck changed

when he tested Emerson
and found what may be

the mine's only remaining
pay streak of gold.'

Oh, my gosh!

You may have just saved
your bacon, Parker.

'Now to have any chance
of breaking even,

Parker needs good gold from the final
few yards of dirt at Emerson.'

The whole basis of this dig
is that there's an old channel

that cuts through
this part of the valley

and with this cut we're making
is basically right on the line.

'All that remains of Emerson Trench
is a narrow pay streak

at the base of a steep wall
of bedrock.

It's shallow, but it could hold
enough gold

to put Parker back into the black.'

Yeah, we're getting boxed in.

All we can do now is
take it down to bedrock,

but I honestly think that
there's some good gold here.

We've dug pretty much
everywhere else.

I wouldn't do this if I didn't
think that the money was here.

I'm not ready to stop.

This will be the last dig
that I do here.

Right now, every day counts
and every ounce counts.

'In the Klondike, the Hoffman crew

have one last chance
to get 1,000 ounces.

Jack has an unconventional plan.

The crew will attempt to thaw out
a frozen channel

of pay dirt in Cut 1

with a massive bonfire.'

That's the best pay we've ever had.

I don't want to quit, I want
to try to get this melted down

and get that material
off to that plant.

The bigger the fire,
the hotter it is.

If we don't try it,
we'll never know.

If it gives us a few more yards,
a few more ounces, we'll take it.

Right here in front
of my bucket, Mitch.

This one's for Jack,
I'm not sure it'll work

but we'll give it our best shot.

Will it work?
I give it a 10% chance.

I can guarantee you one thing.

We're the only idiots
in the Klondike right now

trying to thaw our pay dirt out
with a bonfire.

We're all clear, we're all clear.


We'll light a little bit of the
diesel, it'll help it get going.

It will get real hot real quick.

Yeah! That worked good.

All clear. Go ahead, Mitch.

My face is burning, you know.

So if my face is burning
everything else here

is burning, it's getting hot.

'The Hoffman crew is 279 ounces
short of their 1,000-ounce goal.'

Heavenly father, we ask that
you would just melt the ground

and yield up just that much more
gold that we need.


This is some hot pay dirt and I mean
literally it's hot and on fire.

It's definitely warm.

If I get an extra foot
or two foot of thaw

and I'm down to bedrock, it worked.

'The permafrost in the gold channel

has been frozen solid
for thousands of years.'

Digging pretty easy right now.

'It looks like Jack's plan
might just have worked.'

I'm serious, I'm really surprised.

I'm down two feet
and I haven't hit frozen ground.

Do you see where my bucket is here?

Look how deep it is right here.

That's bedrock. 90% of your gold
is on bedrock.

That's exactly what we wanted.
Ha, ha! It worked!

This has a possibility
to be a game changer.

I hope it gets us
to that 1,000 ounces.

'Fire it up, Dave!'

Last day of sluicing.

'The Hoffman crew need another
280 ounces from this pay dirt

to hit 1,000 ounces.'

I think we're gonna get
just what we need.

You know, the young guys,
they don't listen sometimes,

but this time they did
so I give them that credit

and the dumbasses, you know,

I don't know how many times
I have to say it, you know,

but they finally tried it
and it worked.

I totally believe that when we shut
down you'll see nothing but gold.

It's going to be astronomical.

'South, the big freeze
has hit the Big Nugget mine.

It plunged to -10 degrees

and Parker Schnabel still needs
30 ounces of gold

just to break even this season.'

We're here and it's cold and
we've got a lot of bills to pay,

and I can't leave here with debt.

OK. Well, I'm going
to turn the trommel on.

'In temperatures
plummeting below freezing,

Parker battles the treacherous ice
and frozen ground at Emerson Trench.

He needs every last
remaining bucket of pay dirt.'

That layer down there is probably
two feet thick.

I might be able
to make it through the day.


That's bedrock. Jeez.

'At bedrock no more digging
can be done.'

(BLEEP). I guess that's it
for the dirt.

'The pay dirt has finally run out.'

Why can't it just give us something?

Go and take that one to the plant.

We'll see if it's good enough
to get what we needed.

So that was Big Nugget's
last bucket right there.

Hey, Gary, go ahead
and shut her down, huh? OK.

Let's take a look at what we've got.

'Parker goes straight
to the wash plant's jig

to look for signs of gold.'

If there's a few ounces up here
and a few ounces down there,

it might get us what we need.

I mean, it's nothing spectacular.

What the...

Our sluices are all frozen down.

Yeah, those are frozen pretty good.

'With his sluice boxes frozen solid,

Parker's chance of getting 30 ounces
of gold is slipping away.'

We're not going to get anything
if it's all frozen.

This mine has only ever had
one week above 30 ounces

and I don't know if we've got it.

'Over at Porcupine Creek
the Dakota boys

are facing the end of their season.

They need just 21 ounces of gold

from what Dustin dredged to reach
their goal of 160 ounces.'

Are you worried?
I'm a little worried right now.

I don't know if we did it. Me, too.

A quarter of a million dollars
in gold if we got up to 160.

Today, we're pulling out
all the stops and...

There's nothing else we could have
done. What's taking him so long?

It's k*lling me.

'Dakota Fred weighs their take
for the season.'

All that hard work it comes down
to what,

five plates of gold right here.

As to whether we made
our 160 or not...

You got a lot of money laying there.


Oh, Lord.

Hey, guys. How you all doing?



163 ounces... Nice! We made it!
..and change.

(LAUGHS) Oh, my God, look at that.
Can you believe that?

Feel that. Feel the weight
on that thing.

Your dredge paid off.
Good job, y'all.

Oh-ho! Ten pounds of gold.

That is so heavy.

Yeah. Look at it sparkle.

I'll tell you what,
I'm proud of you guys.

Y'all did it. Y'all did it.

We're the best team,
I am proud of my team.

Woo! I'm telling ya. We got it!

'Overnight, the Alaskan winter

tightens its grip
on the Big Nugget mine.

Getting the 30 ounces Parker needs

just to break even
will be even harder.

He must clean the last gold of
the season out of his sluice boxes,

but everything is frozen solid.'

It snowed close to a foot overnight
so we need to thaw it up.

They don't really want
to come out, do they?

You see that, that's solid ice. Ahh!

'Any gold Parker might have
is locked in the sluices.

He needs hot water to melt the ice.'

All the water is froze,
so we got snow.

Looking good.

This last material we ran
that came off the bedrock

had some pretty
good-sized nuggets in it.

Very, very nice, that's the way we
want to end our season right there.

Oh, wow! Look at that!

Came out of the Big Nugget box.

So I'm sure there's
a few more in the buckets.

That's a nice chunk of gold.
Good start!

We're in the right spot
and we ended the season

in a good place. We might hit it.

'It's -12 and the temperature
is falling fast.'

Frozen gold.

'It's far too cold to pan the gold
rich concentrate at Big Nugget

so Parker decides to take it home.

For the last time this season,
he leaves the mine

that has been in his family
for the last 25 years.'

It's pretty bitter-sweet, really.

There's not any good ground
left, you know.

There's not another season
left for me here.

'I grew up here,
this mine's taught me a lot,

especially about myself.'

I hate the thought
of not mining here.

I hate the thought of not being
with my grandpa

and, uh, I mean, my grandpa
will say he doesn't care,

but he'll be sad.

This place has kept him alive.

That scares me, you know.

I don't know
what'll happen without it.

'In the back of the truck
sits the dirt

that will make or break
Parker's season.'

At Indian River in the Klondike,

the Hoffman crew is running
the thawed-out dirt

from the gold channel,

the best dirt they have seen
in three seasons of mining.'

This could be
what gets us over the mark.

This could make
our 1,000-ounce season.

We're just about out of pay dirt.

I hope this dirt
will put us over the hump.

Whoa, Dave!

Crap! We've got a big rock
hung up in the pre-sh**t.

Dang it. We got bedrock.

'Frozen chunks of bedrock are wedged
in the sh**t above the shaker.'

We got big rocks like that getting
through the grizzly.

It's the best gold of the year
but it's bedrock,

it's the hardest stuff to run.

'If they keep running, they could do

irreparable damage
to their wash plant,

but Todd's in no mood to give up.'

Get every last bit
through that hopper.

Just keep going until I'm ready.
Get to 1,000, you know.

'Over the next four hours,
the Hoffmans force

the last of the bedrock
through the wash plant.'

I'm afraid to tell you, this is
the last bucket I can get.

This is all I can come up with.

Last bucket, David. Do you want
to shut the plant down?

Yeah, shut it down.

Mitch, you got the water by pass?

This is it. End of the game.

Now we're going to tally the score.

It's been good. I hope
it's enough for 1,000.

We'll come close.
We bust our butts trying.

We ran enough dirt.
I say we did pretty dang good.

It is kind of emotional.

It's weird not seeing
this machine running.

Whatever's in the box,
that's the last bit of gold.

One big frickin' clean-up
and we can get to 1,000 ounces.

'At home in Haines, Alaska,

Parker pans the last
of the Big Nugget gold.

With the mine closed for the season,

he needs another 30 ounces
just to be able to pay off

the $45,000 he owes.'

Hey, fella. Hey, Dad.
Hey, guys. Howdy.

How are you doing, Grandpa?
I'm doing fine.

That's good. So here's
what we got for the week.

We're at 161 ounces, and we need
190 about to break even.

'Parker adds his final clean-up
to this season's gold.'

Oh, look at that.

192 ounces.

So you got a 2-ounce profit.

You can pay yourself
20 cents an hour!

No, I'm happy. Congratulations,
I'm real proud of ya, good effort.

For all the roadblocks that we ended
up dealing with, that's pretty good.

We tried everything we could,
that's for sure.

'Parker's gold is worth
over $300,000,

just enough to cover his costs
for the season.

But with no more good ground
at Big Nugget

and the mine closed for the season,

Parker has one last thing
left to do.'

Hey, Grandpa,
here's the key to the gate.

Oh. So I'm gonna give that to you.

In case I ever go up there, huh?
Yeah. Next year. (LAUGHS)

Yeah. There you go.

Thank you for
the last few years. Um...

you know, I've... I've really,

It's taught me a lot.

I've learned a lot more in the last
two years than anything else

could ever have taught me,
that's for sure.

I think you taught it
mostly to yourself.

Well, either way,
you gave me the...

Opportunity. Yeah.
I'll go for that.

The opportunity was there
and you did fine.

It'll never be like it has been
so far, which is pretty sad.

Some of the best times in my life
have been up there, you know.

We used to...
We had a lot of fun, you know.

Go where you can get
the best return for your time.

I hear you. You know,
if I'm in good health,

I'll come see you.
I'd love that. (CHUCKLES)

Well... Bye, Grandpa.


'In the Klondike, the Hoffman crew
has shut down the wash plant.

Jack cleans the last gold
of the season.'

How's it looking, Dad?
Oh, it's going to be really close.

Looks pretty good.
Let's frickin' weigh this.

All right.

'They've mined 721 ounces
of gold this season,

but to hit the goal
they set for themselves,

they still need
a 279-ounce clean-out.

The most they've ever got
in a single clean-out is 200.'

15, 20,

30, 40,

50 ounces,

60 ounces,...

'Outside the tent, the Hoffman crew
anxiously awaits the news.'

We've been mining for five months
and the build-up has been intense.

What did we wind up with
at the end of the season?

We were all pushing it to the end

and hopefully,
we get that 1,000 ounces.

If we fall short,
it isn't we didn't try.

'Every ounce of gold they've pulled
out of the Klondike

this season is now in Todd's hands.'

This is like carrying
a sack of concrete, Dad.

Hey, guys, they laughed at us
when I said

we were going to go gold mining
three seasons ago.

We didn't listen
to these frickin' people

and everybody telling us
we can't do it. Guess what,

we're starting to frickin' do it.

OK, guys, if we hadn't started that
fire down there...

You know, I know it sounded stupid
but if we hadn't done that cut,

we'd have been hurting.

We got 81 ounces. Oh, yeah!

We got a grand total
of 803 right now.

803! Yeah! Dang, that's cool.

It's not 1,000 ounces, but guys,
that's 1.2 million in gold.


Nobody thought
we'd get to this point.

This is going to feed everybody
here's family.

It is not a joke. Everybody that's
laughed at us up to this point,

they can just kiss my ass, because
that's a lot of gold in here.

Now we can honestly say, we are

I can make a living at this,
gold miners.

It was a battle this year
and I was proud

to be alongside all of you guys.

We pulled $1.2 million
out of the ground.

Woo! Hell, yeah!

You've become part of the family,
you know. I love all you guys.

Got a pile of stuff to get in this
truck. Gotta get it out of here.

Well, we're ready to go.

'Jack loads up the gold
for the long trip home.

He plans to smelt it down for each
of the men back in Oregon.'

'I've always been the keeper
of the gold and I will'

have to keep it a little bit longer

'then they'll get their reward.'

'But he doesn't leave the crew
in suspense.'

Hey, guys, I just want you to know
what your take is going to be.

Greenhorns on the team,
there's ten ounces for each of you.

First-year miners, 20 ounces.

The guys who've been here with us
for three mining seasons -

Chris, Dave, Thurber, Greg -

I appreciate everything you've done.

It's 30 ounces, that's $48,000.

You'll have to trust me
with the gold.

I hope you guys are good with it.

I'm proud of every last one of you,
I'd have you on my team any time.

Have a good trip.
I'll see you at home.

You know, I'm not rich,

but, you know, we're going
in the right direction,

'we're not a bunch of screw-ups.'

You know, we're miners.

And, uh, the light at the end of
the tunnel isn't a train coming.

I've made a year's wages in
five months. I'm a happy camper.

I think it's cool,
especially when it goes up

to 3,000 an ounce
in a couple of months.

All right, bud, you ready?
Yeah, let's go. All right, man.

Miners everywhere know what it takes
to get stuff out of this ground.

It does not give it up easily.

'We pulled $1.2 million
out of the ground.'

It's pretty phenomenal.
And it does not give it up easily.

'But for one miner,
there is never enough gold.'

We pulled $1.2 million out of
the ground at ten bucks a yard.

But you won't become
a millionaire on 10 bucks a yard.

At 60 bucks a yard to $100 a yard

you're going to kick some ass.

I have got to go get us
better ground

and it may not be in North America.

This mining crew right here,
these guys I love,

we're like a little ship out
on the ocean, like The Mayflower.

We will find some little corner
of this earth

where we can go get gold
and become wealthy

and I'll find it.

Mark my words, I'll find us a place.

Even if I've got to go to the ends
of the earth, I'll find it.
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