02x03 - Show Biz

Episode transcripts for the TV show, "Emergency!". Aired: January 15, 1972 – May 28, 1977.*
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Series follows two rescuers, who work as paramedics and firefighters in the Los Angeles metropolitan area.
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02x03 - Show Biz

Post by bunniefuu »


Wonder when they're coming.

When who's comin'?

Come on. The crew
with the fashion models.

Oh, sometime today.

I don't know what you're making
such a big deal out of it for.

They're only gonna use the
rigs for a backdrop. That's all.

Yeah, but I thought maybe they
might need a— a technical adviser...

Someone to watch
out after the girls.

Girls. Here we go again.

You're getting yourself turned
on over absolutely nothing.


You call a bunch of
beautiful models nothing?

You know, the trouble with you,
Roy, is you've been married too long.

[Alarm Blaring]

[Dispatcher] Squad 51.
Man trapped in a ditch...

at the Quarter—Mile Ranch,
number 65 Old King's Road.

Number 65 Old King's Road,

Cross street 211th. Time 0922,

[Stanley] KMG—365.

[Engine Starts] [Siren Wailing]

[Siren Continues]

[Siren Stops]

Hey, hurry. He's bleedin' bad.

He's right over
there. Tractor fell over.

Got too close to the— to the edge,
and, uh, it went right over on him.

Pinned both his legs. Yeah. Is there
any way we can get that tractor off?

Well, you might be able to use
this truck, but the grounds so soft.

[Gage] Tell you in a minute. No. There's
no way we're gonna bring a truck out here.

It's my fault, I guess.

How do you figure? Oh, I
don't mean about the tractor.

I mean about me not
looking for him sooner.

I guess, uh, that's the end of my
job, you know. He's a tough boss.

There's no way we're
gonna get that squad up here.

I couldn't get a doc for you,
Mr. Hammond. They sent these guys instead.

Is he hurt anywhere but his
arms? What about his legs?

No. I think they're okay.
Dirt's pretty loose under there.

Do you feel any pain anywhere?

It's not very good. Blood
pressure... 88 over 42.

He's gonna need Ringer's fast.

You think he's going into shock?

Rampart, this is Rescue
51. Come in, please.

Rampart, this is Rescue
51. How do you read?

Rampart, this is
Rescue 51. Over.

We 're gonna have to make that fast,
I'm gonna have to start this I.V, quick,

Rampart, this is Rescue 51.
How do you read me? Over.

How did you get us on the phone?

— There's a phone in
the house on the hill. —

Rampart, this is Rescue
57. Come in, please,

— Did you phone an ambulance too? —
Yeah. They said that they were sending one.

I think we're in a dead zone.

Those hills over there.

Who you tryin' to call? I thought
you guys could take care of him.

Rampart, this is Rescue 51.
How do you read me? Over.


Well, why you just sittin' here?

I'm gonna go up on
the ridge over there.

How do? I'm Dr. Alexander Knott.

With a “K.“ K—N—O—T—T. I
wonder if I can be of help?

— Are you a medical doctor? —
Do I look like a Ph.D. in computers?

We got— We got a
man here. He's in shock.

He's gonna need an I.V. Are you
willing to accept him as your patient?

I said I'm a doctor. I can see
the man is hurt. You're in my way.

How's his blood
pressure? It's 80 over 38.


— You know how to use
that thing? — In my sleep.

All right.

Roy, it's no good. It's no
better up there than it is here.

I'm gonna go up to this
house. I found a doctor.

— You mean the doctor
found you. — Fortunately.

This is my partner, John Gage.

This is Dr. Alexander
Knott. With a “K.“ Doctor.

My patient now, son.

Ninety—five over 50.
He's looking better.

— Maybe you ought to think about
getting that weight off his feet. — Right.

— Yeah. — Whatever you
do, don't drop it any further.

Who is that guy?

For the present
time, that's our boss.

We're gonna need some
blocks to put underneath this jack.

All right.

Boy, I wish you guys would
leave a note where you're goin'.

[Sheriff] Ambulance
is on its way.

[Siren Wailing In Distance]

Who's that?

[ Gage] Why, that's
Dr. Knott, with a “K ”

He just happened by.

Sure. I know him. He still
makes house calls out this way.

Okay. It's startin' to move. I'm gonna
need somebody to stable it. All right?

[Siren Continues ]

Oh, uh, Doctor, can you move out of
the way? We're gettin' ready to jack it up.

[ DeSoto] Oh, gee!


Hold her there. We got a problem.
Roy, the doctor's collapsed.

Here. Get this man up
underneath this tractor here.

[Indistinct] Lean back.

[ Knott] I knew it'd catch up
with me one of these days.

John, you want to get the
O2 and the scope? All right.

Where does it hurt, Doctor?

Heart. Right there.

Left arm's getting numb.

Pain is worse than all
the books put together.

No history of any
cardiac trouble? Nothing.

Never sick a day for anything.

Except indigestion.

Bothering me the
last couple of weeks.

Sheriff, you want to hand
me that drug box there?

Thank you. You're welcome.

[ EMT] Are we taking
one or two? [ DeSoto] Two.

Depressed S.T. segments.
Looks like ischemia.

Yeah. Well, that
accounts for the pain.

— No abnormal beats. — Well, the B.P.'s
okay. It's a definite ischemic pattern.

What's that?

♪ Gage} Lack of oxygen
to the heart muscle,

You feel any more
pain anywhere, Doctor?

— It helps if I shut up.
— Ischemia diminishing.

E.K.G. regular. What do you say we set
up an IV. In case angina picks up again?

Yeah. Sounds good. Let's go with,
uh, D5W T.K.O. and then transport.

Any objection, Doctor?

In this department,
you're the expert.

Did you check the legs?
Just superficial bruises.

— And the fluids
keeping him out of shock.

— Never thought I'd
see you a patient, Doc.

Keep it under your hat, Charley.

Could ruin my practice.

[Siren Blaring]

[No Audible Dialogue]

What do you got?

A car accident. She
went out of control.

Hit a little girl. Didn't do herself any
good either. Yeah. Well, put Morton on it.

I'm gonna need you on two cases
the paramedics are bringin' in. Right.

Trouble. Gage called again.

His cardiac patient's feeling
so good, he wants you,

He said he doesn't need hospitalization.
He's got too much work to do.

What are his symptoms? It adds up to
angina pectoris, but it's his first attack.

Carol, will you find Dr. Morton
for me? I believe he's in X—ray.

Tell Gage to sit on him till he
gets in. He's our patient now.

Well, that's the problem, Kel. The
man's his own patient. He's a doctor.

Well, tell him he's already paid for the
ride. He may as well relax and enjoy it.

I'll be in 4 until Morton
relieves me. Right.

♪ Gage} Rampart
Base, this is Rescue 51.

Go ahead, 51. Dr. Knott insists
we 're making a big mistake,

He says I may know more
about arrhythmia than he

does, but he taught
medical law for six years,

Correction. Seven years.
And he knows his rights,

Tell the good doctor
that all the law in the

world won't help his
angina and bring him in.

Joe needs you in 4, Mike. — Is that
the accident victim, Laura Crandall?

Yeah. Concussion and
possible internal injuries.

It's worse than that. The
kid she hit died en route.

[Gage] Rampart, we've had a
discussion, and we're comin' in.

— 10—4, 51. —John
Gage, boy salesman.

Tractor driver's stable.
We stopped the bleeding.

Dr. Knott here helped us with
him before he had his attack.

Are you Dr. Brackett?
Yeah. That's right.

You run Emergency? Easy.

You're just a youngster. I'm
old enough to be your son.

Let's get you inside.

[ Morton] 130 over 40.

I want to know.

It's not gonna make any difference to my
recovery. I'll get better, no matter what.

I just want to accept
responsibility for my actions.

We've just had a
report. I'm very sorry.

Then I did k*ll her.

The child died on the way to the hospital.
Nobody's saying that you k*lled her.

She apparently died as a result
of the collision with your car,

but that doesn't mean
that you're responsible.

Thanks, Doctor, but I
was there. You weren't.

I can still see her sitting...

on the sidewalk, you know?

She was playing with some kind of
doll's house made out of cardboard boxes.

You'd better rest.

Do you know what I'm saying?

She didn't run out in front of me. I drove
up on to the sidewalk, and I k*lled her.

Do you understand
that? I k*lled her.

Dr. Early, Dr. Brackett
needs you in 3.

Did you aim for that
sidewalk on purpose?

How's Dr. Knott? The only thing he
hasn't done is thr*aten to sue the place.

He's in better shape than Hammond.
Sounds like he'd rather be home.

He would. And he doesn't even have
a bunch of models waitin' for him either.

You and your sex fantasies. Ah,
ah, ah. You're jealous. You're jealous.

No. I tell you. I have a patient
in the next room to take care of.

And I have a patient to take
care of, and you're uncooperative.

Your tractor driver's
okay, Dr. Knott.

He doesn't have a
heart problem like you do.

A mild pain is what I have. —
That's not the way I heard it.

I told this young lady
the whole story. Ask her.

I've heard two stories, Doctor,

and the one the paramedics told me
included some symptoms you left out.

Well, I'm feeling fine
now, and I have a lot to

do, and I want you to
release me in my own care.

— No chance. — You don't understand.
I can't afford to be hospitalized.

— Surely you don't mean financially.
— I mean my practice, my patients.

— What you need right now is a rest.
— For me, a rest is as good as retiring,

and retiring is
as good as dying.

Doctor, we all know, including
you, that doctors make lousy patients.

Now, you've probably had
a heart attack, however mild,

but until we check you
over thoroughly, you're gonna

have to fight your way
past me to walk out of here.

— I want out. — No.

There's such a thing as
a lawsuit, Dr. Brackett.

And there's such a thing as being
alive to conduct one, Dr. Knott.

I know that was
her car out front.

All advertising people
drive with their top down.

Ah. What do you think?

About what?

Don't worry about the
releases. I'll take care of that.

And these are our paramedics,
John Gage, Roy DeSoto.

Fellas, say hello to Billy
Zimmer from L.C.B.N.O.

— Hi. — Gentlemen,
how do you do?

Where are the, uh—
Where are the models?

Later, Gage. Later.

Gage, how tall are you?

Oh, I'm about—
How are your teeth?

— Smile. Wider. — Oh.

Let's see inside.
Uh—huh. Perfect.

Now turn to the left.

Uh—huh. Mm—hmm.

He'll do, d*ck.
Thanks very much.

We'll sh**t this afternoon.
Much obliged, Captain. Yeah.

And, Gage, don't go getting
yourself damaged or anything, hmm?

Oh. No.

What the... What
was that all about?

Oh, don't play dumb, Gage. You've
just been selected male model of the year.

Yes, Virginia. There
is a Santa Claus.

Could I see that smile
once again, please? You...

That's very nice.
[A /arm 3/517th

Squad 51, a drowning,
number 15 Rumsey Road.

Number 15, Rumsey Road.
Cross street Bayview, Time: 1325.

Squad 51,10—4. KMG—365.

Now don't go gettin'
yourself damaged, Johnny.

[Siren Wailing]

[Siren Continues]

[Siren Stops]

Well, if it's a drowning, it's
either in the pool or the bathtub.

Well, let's check
the back. All right.



No. You don't understand. It's not
me. It's my Albert. He's on the bottom!

I'll get it. I'll get it.

He was tryin' out
his new wet suit.

Enough weight on
his belt to sink a whale.

Pulse is okay. How
long was he in that water?

I—I don't know.
About 20 minutes.

He—He said he had 20 minutes
in his t*nk. Must have run out.

Why didn't he just stand
up and grab on to the side?

Well, it's eight feet of water, and he's
not very tall. Has he been sick lately?

Oh, he's never been sick
in his life. He's very active.

No heart problems?

[Coughing] He's comin' around.

— How's he doin'? —Ah.
He's gonna be all right.

There's no buoyancy. Lousy...

That's what you get
for buyin' things on sale.

[Groans] Oh, it
hurts to breathe.

— Where exactly?
— Right across here.

— Heart? — I'm not sure.

Let's get 3 BP.
And check the EKG.

See where that ambulance
is, will ya? Right away.

Pulse is 120. Regular.

— What's wrong? —
We're not sure yet, ma'am.

Thanks, Johnny. Five minutes.

3.49. '5700 over 60.
He is“ going in to shock.

Rampart, this is Rescue 51.

Rampart, this is Rescue 51.

— Go ahead, 51. — Rampart, we
have a male, approximately 50,

just recovering from
a near drowning.

He's developed shortness of
breath and chest pains on inspiration.

He is pale, dyspneic,

Pulse 120, regular. SP.
100 over 60 and holding.

Looks like he's
going into shock.

— 51, did you just pull
him out? — Negative,

Rampart. Oh, a
couple of minutes ago.

He was okay, then he grabbed
his chest and started groaning.

No history of disease
or heart trouble. Nothing,

We'd like to start an /, V, Has
he been in an accident recently?

Oh. Y—Yes.

Two weeks ago. Uh, he
was ridin' his motorcycle,

Drove it into a ditch.

Rampart, patient ran his bike
into a ditch about two weeks ago.

51, check for trauma
in the extremities.

— Did he injure his
legs? —Just a bruise.

Rampart, patient has
suffered a blow to his right calf.

— Severe confusion and hematoma.
— We'd better start with that I.V. quick.

51, it sounds like a
pulmonary embolism.

Start D5W T.K.O., and
transport as soon as possible.


Have Gage monitor on the way in. Call me
if there's any complications. I'll be in 4.

Fascinating. One doctor and a hundred
radio—controlled assistants in the field.

You're supposed to be in bed.

Bed? Nothing doing. I'm getting
out of here today. Brackett said so.

A pocketful of nitroglycerine,
and I 'm a free man.

Feel a pain, pop a pill.

The wonders of modern medicine.

[ Chuckling]

You know where Carol is?

— No, but I'll call her. — Oh,
she's down there. I'll get her.

[Woman On RA, ] Stat [dent
doctor, Treatment Room 3,

He's not a bad guy if you
don't try to tie him down.

Well, he's been a pussycat ever since
Kel told him he could go back to work.

— What do you need, Joe.7 —
I've got an unknown illness here.

I'd like Carol to arrange
a complete workup

while I prepare to
take that embolism in 6.

Carol, Dr. Early needs some help
with this patient. Yes, Miss McCall.

Would you come this
way, please? Yeah.

[ Woman On PA, ] Miss Jones, Receptionist
please, Now where are you going?

I just overheard this man's symptoms,
and I think I know what's wrong with him.

— If you do, you're the only one that does
around here, buddy. — You said headache,

dizziness, blurred vision,
sweating and sick to your stomach?

— You got a—a numb feeling about
your nose and mouth? — That's right.

— You work in a farm, maybe an
orchard? — You didn't overhear that.

— But is it true? — Yeah.

— You been doin' any sprayin'? — No. All
I've been doin' is prunin' some nectarines.

[ Woman On P.A.]
Dr. Luis Alvarez,

Dr. Luis Alvarez.

He's unconscious. The pressures
the same, and so is the pulse.

In there. Did he swallow much water?
Oh, no. He coughed it up long ago.

His pulse is 72.

— What's on the other side of
your orchard? — Well, there's...

a highway, a dry
river and a ranch.

Right. Insecticide
poisoning. Probably parathion.

No doubt drifted across
from the ranch next door.

They been doin' any
crop—dustin' over there?

Well, it could be. Well,
come— come to think of it,

there was an airplane flying
around there last Monday.

It's pretty hard on
the nervous system.

I'd run atropine if I were you.

Is that the, uh, famous
Dr. Knott with a “K"?

That's a doctor?

Oh. Now, you want to look
at my nose? Right there.

The only way that we can find
out how serious a blood clot is...

is to find out where
it is, Mrs. Peever.

Well, d—didn't the radio say
somethin' about pulmonary?

Here. Let me explain
something to you.

Now, there were some indications
of, uh, embolus in the lungs,

but they need special tests
before they can confirm that.

You talk like a
doctor— In generalities.

Mrs. Peever, we can't be more
specific until we know more.

Now, the doctor should be
through with him any minute how.


Okay. Okay.

You're certainly the right
shape for a model, Johnny.

Skinny as a pin.

How'd you know? You
can tell by looking at you.

No, no, no. That
isn't what I meant.

Oh. The whole hospital
knows. Ever since Roy got here.

Incidentally, Johnny, you've
got a chunk of loose hair.

Have you ever thought
of using bear grease?

How's the scuba diver?
Oh, he's okay. He's okay.

That's good. He's
a lot better off than

you're gonna be when
I get through with you.

I was just spreading a little
advance publicity for you.

I know. When I need
a P.R. man, I'll tell ya.


Mr. Peever's— is probably
due for an embolectomy.

Dr. Bracken"; pretty
confident, but...

Dr. Early's not so sure he's
gonna make it through though.

— Did you talk to his wife? —
Yeah, well, the best I could.

I mean, she's half
mad and half scared.

I can't say as I blame her with
that daredevil husband of hers.

Speaking of daredevils,
look who's here.

Well, if it isn't the two
gentlemen that put me away.

Well, seems to me you were
in charge of that case, Dr. Knott.

That I was. And a more
ornery patient I never had.

Anyhow, they're
letting me out of here.

And I hope never to
see your two faces again,

except over a glass of
sherry of course. [Beeping]

[Dispatcher] Squad
51, LA. Squad 51.

Squad 51, if available,
return to quarters.

10—4. Well, it looks like they're
waitin' on me at the station.

Yeah. Chester Morris had
the same problem all the time.

Except his hair didn't stick
up in the back. Chester M...


[ Engine Starts] [ Door Closes ]

Everything all set.

Roy, go find him, will ya?

[Dispatcher] 70—4, Carpenter 2,
Meet Division 4 in the parking lot.

They're waiting for you
on the set, Mr. Gage.

Get me some tissue, please.



[Sighs] Go stall
'em for me, please.

Will you wait a minute?

All right, girls. Your
makeup looks just fine.

I think the dresses will be
perfect against this truck.

Oh. Here you are,
Gage. Come over here.

I want you to try these on.

There we go. Here we go.

Somebody give him a
hand here. There we go.

That's my elbow.
In the sleeve, Gage.

There we go. Fine.
Let's get the collar down.

There we go. Now sit right
over here. Watch yourself.

Hold this ax. Ah.
No. Turn it around.

There we go. Uh, down. Up.

Now try to look
professional, Gage, huh?

[Dispatcher] Engine 747,
70—4, Uh, Captain, can we

get some more firemen
up there in the background?

You bet. Good.

Uh, Mike, hop up there. Roy,
why don't you climb aboard the rig.

Now, boys, you probably won't
even be seen in this. So just look busy.

Except freeze when
he sh**t. Okay?

— Hi. My name is Johnny
Gage. — Hi. I'm Cathy.

I'm Zanni. Short for Susanne,

— Oh. — Did you
cut yourself shaving?

Uh, will it show?

Well, I don't know. The
camera sees everything.

A little pancake'll
cover that up.

Hey, Tully. Hand me my bag.

[ Dispatcher]
Battalion 7, Engine 95,

Engine 41 are drilling
at Main and El Segundo.

Hold still.


— Perfect. — Hmm. Thanks.

[ Wolf Whistle]

All right, girls.
Let's sh**t it.

[ Shutter Clicking]

Uh, Gage, don't overdo it.

[Alarm Blaring]

[Dispatcher] Engine 77—
That's not us. Go ahead.

You can reload, Tully.

[Dispatcher] ”and 52nd Street,
Who's the cute guy with the mustache?

Who.7 —Him.

Oh, he's just another fireman.

We||, what are you? —
I'm a fireman paramedic.

Good thing you are,
the way you shave.

Okay, okay. Let's
get back to work, girls.

[ Dispatcher] Boat 27,
what is your location?

Well, you see, the
truck carries the ladders,

and the engine carries the
hoses and the water basically,

Then there's a snorkel, which is a truck
with a kind of hinged platform on it...

that goes up 85 feet.
[Giggling, chattering]

— Uh, right, Gage?
— Oh. Excuse me.

Um, excuse me just
for a sec. Thank you.

[chattering] Then we have our rescue
squad, which is a specialized unit.

[Alarm Blaring]

— [ Dispatcher On Speaker]
Engine 51, Engine 6. —Oh!

Rubbish fire. 14833
Rachel Boulevard.

14833 Rachel Boulevard.

Cross street 15th. Time 1640.

[ Trucks Departing]

[ Siren Wailing]

♪ Gage} That was a rubbish fire,

I don't go to rubbish
fires. I save lives. Oh.

Carol. Oh, hello, Dr. Knott.

Well, there you are.

Well, I hope you're not
here as a patient again.

Not on your life.

I come to see Art Hammond,
that tractor driver, you know.

He's still my
responsibility. Well, you'll

be happy to know that
he's ready to go home.

Is he now? Well,
I'm glad to hear that.

How is that fellow the
firemen pulled out of the pool?

Mr. Peever. Recovering nicely.

He's well enough to
argue with his wife again.

She wants a new dress. He
wants a new wet suit. [Laughs]

I want a full series. Tell Marvin to send
them down as soon as they're dry. Right.

Dr. Brackett. Well, you just
can't stay away, can you?

Well, you know, I never
learned to play golf.

I can't play bridge worth a
hoot, and bowling's a bore.

Of course, there's always
scuba diving. [Chuckles]

What can we do for you? [Groans]

— Carol! — Oh, no.

Let's get him in 6. Where
are your nitro tablets?

I left them home.

Nitroglycerin stat. Oxygen.

[Groaning] Easy.
Easy, old—timer.


Okay. Go.


No arrhythmia.

Check that B.P. fast, Mike.


If this doesn't put you
out to pasture, nothing will.

I don't care about your
regulations! Where is she?

The doctors are with her now.
She m*rder*d my only daughter!

I don't know anything about
that. Sally, get Security.

What do you mean
by bullying one of my

nurses? Who is it you
wanted to see and why?

Laura Crandall. The woman
who ran my daughter down.

She's in here somewhere, and I want to
make sure she knows what she's done.

She knows.

She's just as upset as you are.

Her car went out of control.

— The police have cleared her. It
was an accident. — She was drunk.

Perhaps you'd better check
the autopsy report, Mr. Langford.

Laura Crandall.

She just died from
a brain hemorrhage.

I don't know why it should
function perfectly well

for 70 years, and then
break down twice in one week.

Do you know how many times a
heart beats in 70 years? No. Do you?

No. But I could figure it out.

I have something more
important for you to do.

Dr. Brackett says not a chance.

I'm not going to bring you any
chewing tobacco, no matter what.

What's a fella supposed to do
lying in this impersonal prison?

Pretending you're offended
isn't going to help a bit.

Now you heard what the
doctor ordered. He said

you could read or listen
to music, and that's all.

You're the meanest nurse
I've ever had to work with.

Correction, Dr. Knott.
You're not working with me.

You're working for
me, and I'm the boss.

And I'm not gonna let you
use your bedpan for a spittoon.

[ Buzzing]

Hello? Yes. Yes,
sir. I'll be right there.

Doctor, don't do that!

— Something wrong? —There sure
is. A bit of the catheter's broken off.

Quick. Hand me that bell cord. I thought
you knew better than that, Dr. Knott.

Now you stay put.
I'll be right back.

If we're lucky we can get
it with a simple cutdown.

I have complete
confidence in you, Nurse.

Dr. Early, I need your
help. A broken catheter.

Dr. Knott bent his arm.
About an inch came off.

You think you stopped it? I got a
tourniquet on as soon as I could.

Get a portable fluoroscope.

You've got yourself a bright
nurse, Doctor. She thinks fast.

That's the difference
between her age and mine.

— [ Carol] Did I get it in time?
— We'll see soon enough.

He said you think very fast.

getting a little tight.

There it is. Good girl.
It's close to the surface.

We can get at it easily.
Let's do a cutdown.

Now, Doctor, I suggest you
think seriously about retiring.

It's really a shame you
didn't get her number, Gage.

I thought she kind of liked you. Of course,
you being the big model star you are,

you figure you can have
thousands of them anyway.

They were both so skinny, I
could put 'em in the same stokes.

What is the medical term
for your problem, Gage?

Igor it.

Sour grapes.

[Alarm Blaring]

[Dispatcher] Station 57, man
trapped on a (If)? at the movie studio.

3100 Korbel Canyon Boulevard.

3100 Korbel Canyon Boulevard.

Nearest crossroad is the
Hollywood Freeway. Time 1102.

Station 51,10—4. KMG—365.

[Sirens Wailing]

[Sirens Continue]

[Sirens Continue]

[Sirens Stop]

I'm Boris Miller, the director.

We were trying to make a shot of the
wagon comin' around that bend there.

All of a sudden,
the tongue broke,

and the wagon sailed right off,
took two of our best stuntmen with it.

They're down there.

We've got some of
our people down there.

Eridger's got a broken
shoulder, I think, and, uh, Irish—

Well, he's seriously hurt
and trapped under the wagon.

Trouble is, we're— We
were afraid to move him.

Yeah. Looks like you can get down
there easily enough without ropes, DeSoto,

but I don't know how we're gonna
get them up. Maybe we can lower 'em.

— If he's got a back
injury, it's not gonna be

easy. — Let's bring a
ladder truck into the bottom.

You got a good roadbed down there. You
can get right up close, under the falls.

Okay. Let's get goin'.

I'll call for the truck. I'll get you
an ambulance and guide 'em in.


L.A., Engine 51. We need a ladder
truck at this location to lift off victims.

Can you give me an ETA?
[Dispatcher] Engine 51,

L.A., all ladder trucks
in your area unavailable.

Approximate E.T.A. 30 minutes.

Yeah. Engine 51. Hey,
Captain. Why don't we

use one of our studio
cranes to get 'em down?

Can it reach 'em? Oh, easy.

Let's get it in there then.
Don, we need a crane

in here on the double to
get Irish and Bridger off.

[Don On Walkie—talkie] Okay.
I'll have it here in five minutes.

L.A., Engine 51.
Cancel the truck.

10—4, Engine 51.
LA. clear. KMG—941.

Get down there and help
him. He needs it more than I do.

[DeSoto] All right.
There's two of us. [Gage]

Don't worry about it. We're
gonna take both of you.

This thing's about
ready to go over.

Is there any way of
shuttin' this water off?

The wagon sheared the
valve off when it went over.

We 're gonna have to latch up this thing
fast before it takes him over the falls,

[Dispatcher On Radio ] Trucker 70,
respond with Engine 69. Brush fire,

Cranberry Road,
near Devil's Canyon.

You just take it easy. I'll
get you out of here in no time.

— If this thing goes over, I'm
askin' for a bonus. —Why not?

Are they coming?
Where does it hurt?

Doesn’t. Just numb.

Kind of got a
tingling in my legs.

Don't feel much
from the waist down.

[ Dispatcher On Radio]
Engine 115, truck with Squad 20.

Cave—in, Two men trapped.

Rampart Base, this is
Rescue 51. Do you read?

Hey, man. You're takin ' one big chance.
What do they pay you for this kind of work?

Right now, not enough.

[ Dispatcher On Radio]
Station 88, drowning.

Rampart, we have an emergency.

Hold on. Roy, don't move!

[Dispatcher] Attention,
Squad 9, Engine 76, Engine 24.

I think we can hold
it, Johnny. Maybe.

All right. Let's dump it.

All right. Let her go.

What? Let her go!

Are you okay? Just numb.

All right. I'm gonna go
back up to the biophone.

Lopez just went up for the
backboard. All right. Good.

— Rampart, this is Rescue
51 again. —Go ahead, 51.

Rampart, we're up
to our knees in water.

We can't determine whether
there's any internal injuries or not.

We'd like to start an
I.V., though, just in case.

10-4, 51. Start D5W.


[Dispatcher] Station 40, Engine
703, Engine 25, Battalion 29.

House filled with
smoke. 12603 Jaymar,

72603 Jaymar, Set it down.

Brackett okayed D5W—
As soon as we get out

of this homemade creek.
Here comes the crane.

Joe, he's in no shape to
still be practicing actively.

After 50 years, what else is
he going to be except a doctor?

What are you gonna
do when you retire? Well,

comb the beaches of
some South Sea island.

What about you? Travel.

I'm gonna visit every
place I marked on the map

during med school. 109
countries, seven mountains,

both poles, the five
longest rivers and,

if they're taking
passengers, to the moon too.

Hey. That's an idea. Maybe you could
get a job as a doctor on a spaceship.

Gives me an idea. A friend
of mine owns a travel agency.

Wait a minute, Joe.
You're too young to retire.

I wasn't thinking about me.

Well, thanks to you, my dear,
I survived that broken catheter,

and I got a couple more years
of good doctoring left in me.

Maybe. Well, if you ever need a
nurse, you know where to find me.

And a crackerjack one at
that. Well, thank you, Dr. Knott.

Bye—bye. Bye, Carol.

[ Woman On PA]
Mrs. Smith, 65, please,

Well, if it isn't Dr. Knott
with a “K." Dr. Knott

with a one—way ticket
out of here, you mean.

— I've got a great
destination for you. — You

know what you can do
with that old—folks home.

Uh—uh. I was thinking about a 12—month
cruise aboard the S.S. Queen of California.

— Ah. — Not even as
official ship's doctor?

— Ship's doctor? —
Signed and sealed.

— You don't get seasick, do
you? — Oh, I don't know for sure.

— Oh, modern medicine will take
care of that fast. — You're all serious.

Of course.

Captain Henderson said he'd
be very pleased to have you

aboard for sherry at your
convenience, Talk about it.

Yeah, I know, but that movie
studio is still a strange place.

I mean, what those
people won't do for a living.

I don't know. It seems to me we take just
as many chances as those stuntmen do.

I know, but we have to. [Dispatcher]
Battalion 9, call Research and Planning

Johnny, the guy from the ad
agency wants to see you in the office.

And, uh, you too, Roy,

You'd better watch it, Gage. They'll want
to put you in the centerfold next. Quiet.

[ Dispatcher] Squad
3, what is your status?

Anything wrong, Mr. Zimmer? We're
just gonna have to reshoot the whole thing.

— The whole thing? Why? Was
it the lighting? — Not the lighting.

[Clicks Tongue] The client
just won't buy you, Gage.

— The client? — Says you
don't look like a fireman.

They sent me back to
do the whole thing all over.

I'm, uh— I'm gonna
need another man.

The client selected DeSoto here.

Spotted him in the background
of some of these sh*ts,

Says he, uh, really
looks like a fireman.
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