01x09 - In Pursuit of Carol Thorne

Episode transcripts for the TV show, "The Rockford Files". Aired: September 13, 1974 – January 10, 1980.*
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Follows ex-convict turned private investigator from his mobile home in a parking lot on a beach in Malibu, California.
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01x09 - In Pursuit of Carol Thorne

Post by bunniefuu »

[Siren wailing]

I don't have a permit
to carry one of these.

Why don't you give it
back to me?
You're on parole.

Okay, out. Both of you.
Keep your hands in sight.

Move it.

Who's he?
I'm the inside man.

You mean he's got
a piece of it?
Of course.

If you feel that way
just don't look!

[Tires screeching]

You're nuts!

[Telephone ringing]

(Rockford on
answering machine)
This is Jim Rockford.

At the tone,
leave your name and message.

I'll get back to you.


This is the
message phone company.

I see you're using our unit.
How about paying for it?

I don't know
where Rockford is.

He wasn't following the bus
like you said.

You sure he's on her?


Is that you, Rocky?

Do you have any idea how hard
it is to keep people
out of a pay phone?

Rocky, I don't have time
for all this.

I even told them
I was a doctor.

Will you move it?
I don't want to get caught
without wheels.

It's the phone booth
on the southeast corner.

I'll help you keep
this one open.
All right.

[Telephone ringing]

Jimmy. Hey, it worked great.

I'm at a phone booth...

catty-cornered from
a car rental agency
at Ninth and Grand.

Bring it here to me.
I'll be there.

[Engine running]

Thank you, Rocky.
I'll see you back
at the trailer.

What do you mean you'll
see me? How am I supposed
to get back there?

Come on, out!

[Car door closes]


[Car honks]

[Music playing]

[People chattering]


I was sitting in this booth
before and when
I got out to my car...

I found out
I didn't have my wallet, so...

I came back to see if maybe
I dropped it on the floor...

or it wedged down in
between the seat or something.

Would you mind
if I take a look?

No. I guess not. Go ahead.
Thank you.

If you find anything
down there worth keeping...

I think I should be cut in
for half.

Would you be interested
in this?

Maybe I better get out
while you look.

I'm really sorry about this.

It's not so much the money
and the credit cards, it's...

There's some things in there
that are really irreplaceable.

I know. That's the worst part.

Pictures of your family
and things like that.
Not exactly...

What it is, is
three uncashed tickets
from the track.

Well, that's worth
looking for.

It's black.
Imitation alligator.

I'm a conservationist.

Hey, I think I found it.

Yeah, that's it.

Thank you very much.

Well, the least I could do
is pay for your lunch.

No. Really,
I kind of enjoyed it.

How many times do you get
a chance to help somebody
cash a winning ticket?

Are you interested
in the ponies?
Well, no.

I can't get away from
my job, and I've never
had the time for it.

That's a big mistake.

If you keep up on the jocks
and the bloodlines...

and don't bet on
claiming races,
you can stiff the averages.

What line of work
are you in, Mister...

Rockford. Jim Rockford.

I'm a
sports investment manager...

in off-track arrangements.

A bookie?
I freelance a little.

Sometimes write for the book.

Well, I'm Carol Thorne.

I'm a fashion photographer.

Waiter. Would you put
this lady's lunch
on my card, please?

Thank you.

You don't look like
what I'd expect a bookie
to look like.

Well, the business
is changing.

All those runty little guys
with their green cigars,
they're disappearing.

You have
an interesting profile.
I do?

Photographically speaking.

But don't worry.

I'm not going to whip out
my little Brownie
and snap your picture.

I'm on vacation. From Detroit.

I'm sort of out here
recovering from a divorce.

Oh, I see.

Hey, do you think
you can help me pick out
some winners?

I mean, if you have
all that inside information...

I'd love
to try my hand at gambling.


Well, what do we need?
I mean, how do we pick them?

It's easy.
We just get a newspaper.

Carol, there's just
a couple things you don't do.

One is bet hunches
and the other
is bet claiming races.

But it sounds
like such a cute name.

I don't see anything cute
about Nine Lives.
It's not much of a name.

I have a thing about cats.

Okay, I'll phone it in
and book it.

[Birds twittering]

[Phone dialing]

[Telephone ringing]

Yeah, this is Jim R.

I want to hit Nine Lives
in the fourth at ten-to-one
for a double sawbuck.

Cover it across the board,
will you?

Do you know how long
it took me to get back here?

Give me the line
on the seventh race
at Kensington.

I wish somebody would
let me know what's going on.

You gonna stay down
at that hotel tonight,
or are you coming back here?

Yeah. Good.

Yeah, what's the
post time on that?

You been drinking?
Yeah, I'll get back to you.

Stay off the freeways.

Well, it's done.

So you really are a bookie.

Yeah. Didn't you believe me?

It pays to be careful.

[Car honks]

[Knocking on door]

Police. We want
to talk to you.
Yeah? What about?

May we come in, please?
I don't like standing
in the hall.

Then you shouldn't have joined
the force.

I pulled your package,
Rockford. Ex-con.
I was pardoned.

No visible means of support.
Consort frequently
with criminals.

If I wanted to,
I could jerk you under
in about 10 minutes.

Why didn't you say
it was social? Come in.

I'm gonna make this quick.

You answer my questions
like a good boy...

or I'll find something handy
and pin it on you.

Will you come to the point
and stop trying to terrify me?

You been seen
with Carol Thorne.
We want to know why.

She's got nice legs.

Okay, Rockford,
you just hit your quota.

All right, I met her
a couple of days ago
in a restaurant.

She's a fashion photographer
out here on vacation
from Detroit.

We got along good,
I've been dating her a little.
That's all.

Is that what she told you?

She's no fashion photographer.
Got out of jail two days ago.

She did? How about...

I never
would have guessed that.

Guess we got more in common
than I thought.

You go near her again,
you're gonna have my foot
in the back of your neck.

Leave her alone.

We don't want you around.
The Department has reasons
of its own.

You got it?
Oh, yeah.

Could I see that badge again?

I didn't get too good
a look at it.

Looked like one
of those things
they hand out at Disneyland.

You've been warned.
Stay away from Carol Thorne.

Nice talking to you...


She's changed a little.

(Mr. Hoad)
Did she say anything
about Cliff?

Where he might be?

I didn't want to ask
about your son, Mr. Hoad.

If I'd done that,
she might have suspected me.

Mr. Rockford,
you must find him.

We've put off Mrs. Hoad's
operation as long as we dare.

I understand,
but there's one other thing.

Two men visited me last night
who claimed to be
from the LAPD.

They told me not to see
Carol Thorne again. They're
interested in her, too.

I think
you should tell that to Carol.

You do?
Well, of course.

She'll probably go to Cliff
and you can follow her.

She may be waiting here
for him.

She's probably sticking around
because she likes you.

Please, Mr. Rockford,
you will find him?

Yes, Mrs. Hoad,
I'll do my best.

You may be right
about one thing.

If I tell her,
she might go straight to him.

So at least it's worth a try.

One of us will be
at this number all the time.

Yes, sir. Mrs. Hoad.

Is he gone?



Dixie, you were never better.

But you never want
to push a mark like that.

The stakes
are $1 million dollars.

This guy Rockford,
he's a player.

You got to handle him careful
or he'll bite you back.

Okay, Miles.

What's next?

You're gonna have to stay here
in case he calls.

If the real estate man
comes around...

tell him we'll need the place
for another week.

Where're you going?
I got to keep tabs on him.

There's some cold beer
in the ice box.

[Music playing]

You got tomorrow's line, Jim?
Well, not yet, no.

There's a nice double entry
going tomorrow up
at Lexington.

It don't look good
in the form,
but they're going to win.

Thanks for the tip.
You're welcome.

I'm not very good with wines.
You pick one.

This is not a wine list.

It's the odds for the tracks
that are open
across the country.

They have
two wine lists in here.
This one's for the players.

Found some interesting ones
in the paper this afternoon.

Maybe you could,
how do you say it,
put me down on these.

Are all these hunches?

Don't you just love
the one on the bottom?

Oh So Sorry?
Is that a horse or an apology?

I think he's going to win.
He's not going to win.

He's gonna be
just like that stiff
you bet this afternoon.

Let's order.
You can book it later.

You don't order in here.
You eat the corned beef hash.

You eat anything else in here,
it's eight-to-five
that you die.


You're fun.
Just what I needed.

Even when a divorce is over,
it still hurts.

I needed to get away
from Detroit for awhile.


when I got back to my hotel
last night,
two men paid me a visit.

They were from the
Los Angeles Police Department.

I hope
you're not in any trouble.

They told me that you
just got out of prison and
they were interested in you.

They didn't want me
in the way and
they were very firm about it.

Maybe I should run along, Jim.

Carol, I did some time myself.

As far as I'm concerned...

if you haven't been
in the joint you're
not completely trustworthy.


I just hate to see you
work so hard with that...

from-Detroit nonsense.

I was framed.
Me, too.

No, I mean, I really was.
Yeah, I was, too.

So what else is new?

Look, it doesn't matter.
I like you.

So let's eat
some corned beef hash
and forget it, all right?


[Engine starting]

[Engine starting]

[Knocking on door]


We're not allowed to
have girls in our rooms.


I want to know who you are
and why you're following me.

I saw you back there
around Modesto.

I ran into the maid
you had watching the room.

For $10 she sold you out
and told me where to find you.

I'm an agent of the PRW.
You better give me the g*n.

PR what?

Parole Rehabilitation Watch.

Don't tell me you
haven't heard of it.
I haven't heard of it.

It's the Governor's
new program.

We contact new parolees
to make sure...

they're going to observe
the conditions
of their parole.

Like when I told you
I was a bookie...

you should have reported
that contact
to your Parole Officer.

I was very disappointed
in you there, Carol.

Unfortunately, now there are
two more parole violations.

Crossing a state line
without notifying
your parole officer...

possession of a firearm.

Better give me the g*n, Carol.

It's still not too late.
I have some influence
with the parole board.

Let me see your wallet.
Show me some ID.

We're not allowed to carry ID.
If we did...

Well, so much
for the good old PRW.

Let's get back to who you are.
Give me your wallet.

Who're you working for?

I'm not supposed
to reveal that. But I will.

It doesn't make
any difference now.
I've already blown it.

I'm working for Jonathan Hoad.

The Hoads feel that you know
where their son Cliff is...

and they want me to find him
before Mrs. Hoad
has to have her operation.


What does Mr. Hoad look like?

He's 5'9",
medium-built, a mustache.

Did your Mr. Hoad
have gray hair
with a little red in it?

Cliff's father is
fat and bald.

You're working
for Miles Keeley.

Miles Keeley.

He wanted to use you
to find Cliff through me.

I feel like
I just parachuted in.
What's going on?

You're being played
for a mark.

You might as well know.

Over three years ago,
Miles Keeley, Cliff Hoad
and two other men...

hit the Camp Pendleton
Marine Corps payroll.

They came away
with $1 million...

but the whole deal blew apart
in the end because of a fluke.

Cliff Hoad ended up
with the money.

Miles and the other two
just got away
with their lives.

I was in the joint
when it happened.

Cliff was scared that if
he tried to spend the money,
he'd get caught...

because the Government had
the serial numbers.

Cliff is a good-looking boy,
but he's, how shall I put it?

Intellectually limited.

Cliff and I used
to go together.

He's very handsome, but slow.

He was smart enough to know
that moving that money
would be dangerous.

He contacted me to come
and tell him
how to launder it.

Miles Keeley doesn't know
where Cliff is,
but he must know I do...

and he wants his money back.

Am I supposed to lap this up?
You have a phone number
for Mr. Hoad?

Call Information.
Cliff's parents
live in Burbank.

I'll bet it's not the
same phone number you have.

Burbank please.
I'd like the number
of Jonathan Hoad.


Thank you.

Don't let it bug you.
Miles has conned
some of the best.

I just hate getting stiffed
at my own racket, that's all.

The statute of limitations
has run out on that robbery.

There's a reward
for the recovery of the money.

All I want is the reward.

If Miles Keeley
is following me,
I'll need some help.

I'll cut you in. 20%.

20%? Okay. You got a deal.

Give me that
and just stay right
where you are.

What're you doing this for?
You don't know
how to find Cliff.

I made a little mistake.
I called...

Miles or Hoad or whatever his
name is and I told him
you were in Hawthorne.

Since we're partners,
I want to make sure
you stay out of trouble.

I'll go over and pick up
your bags
and we'll go find Cliff.

You don't need to tie me.
Open up.

Come on, you don't need
to do that.
Open up. Wide.


[Door rattling]

Hold it, Rockford.

You certainly get around.

How are things
down at the Department?

Where is she?
You're kidding.

She's my getaway-free-card.

You ain't got
a getaway-free-card.

You maybe got one chance
in ten thousand of surviving
the next 30 seconds.


I'm not telling you
where she is.

Let's check his pockets.

He's probably got a motel key
and she's probably
in his room.

I'll tell you what I'll do.
I'll make a deal with you.

20% of the recovery
if I tell you where she is.

Turn around.
Put your hands on the grill.

You're bush-league, Rockford.

She's not there, Miles.
I'm way ahead of you.

This has been
a real eye-opener for me.

You just aren't that good.

The destruction of a legend.

What a shame.

You talk about bush-league.

You travel around with this
Neanderthal throwback...

pushing people around
and frisking motel rooms
like a second-story man.

You go ahead,
just check my room
and when she isn't there...

you'll be out of luck.

Then if you're real nice,
I mean real nice...

then maybe I will deal
with you on a percentage.

What do you think, Miles?

Maybe we should take him
with us just in case.

That could be dangerous.

We take him out of here,
he could get cute.

What else can we do?

Okay, Rockford...

you've temporarily
saved yourself
from a swim in the toilet.

Let me tell you,
you try anything,
you get sh*t dead.

You got that?

Today's agenda's gonna be
a big one. We have to get
a lot accomplished today.

We got people corning
from all over the country.

How're you doing, fellas?
I'm Jim Rockford.

Just hit town
from Sioux Falls.

I was hoping you guys
could put me
on a gambling joint...

where the game isn't rigged.

I'd like a little
female companionship, too.

But I don't like
to pay for it,
know what I mean?

I'm sorry,
we're on a convention.
We got to get going.

I'd like you to meet
some friends of mine.

This is Miles Keeley.
Maybe you heard of him.

He's a notorious conman
and armored car bandit.

This is his friend,
Nate something or other.

He likes to pretend
he's with the
Police Department.

Very nice to meet you.

How do you do?
Likewise, I'm sure.

What do you say
we all go together?
Make it a party?

We really got to get going.

We better not.
We got to pick up
Margaret and the girls.

Margaret still has the flu
and the girls can stay
with your sister.

Get out of my way!

Don't let him get away, Nate!

Out of my way.
Miles, he's getting away.

How did you get loose?
Miles is
right behind me. Get in.

[Tires screeching]

You're gonna get us k*lled.

If you feel that way
just don't look!

[Tires screeching]

[Glass shattering]

[Engine sputtering]

[Tires screeching]

[Engine continues sputtering]

You're nuts!

I'm not gonna be the same
for a year.

Where is Cliff?
I think we ought to talk
about that.

We're not gonna talk
about that. We got a deal.
20% of the recovery fee.

That was when I thought
you were competent.

Where is he? Is he in Nevada?

I've changed my mind.

I don't think I want you
with me,
at least not for 20%.

That's tough.

I'm gonna stick with you
like a bad smell.


You better take it or
I'm gonna go into
a holding pattern...

until you get bored
and drop out.


You won't welsh on me?

For 10% I don't risk my neck.
I just stand around
and look tough.

I hope that will have
a calming effect
on your driving.

Come on. Let's go.
I'll tell you
how to get there.

I wish you had better ID,
Mr. Rockford.

My driver's license is in
the stolen car.
I told you that.

When did this couple
steal your car?

I was just coming out
of my motel.

I saw them getting in it
and driving away.



Is he okay?

Unfortunately, I'm not okay.

I am suffering from
hypercedric aneurysms...

and my medicine is
in the glove compartment
of the stolen car.

Unfortunately, Mr. Rockford
here gets his medicine...

from the Nettleton Clinic
in Minneapolis.

It comes in by mail.

Are you his attendant?

Male nurse.

If you could facilitate
the recovery of my vehicle,
I would appreciate it.

Larry, get that GT out on
the double. Medical emergency.
All available units.

We'd better get you
to the hospital.
It won't help.

They don't have
the proper medication.

When I get like this
the breathalyzer helps some...

but it's only a stopgap.

The thing we must do
is find my car.

We checked the California
registration. The car is
registered to James Rockford.

I guess you better wait here.
Now, don't worry.

We'll find your car,
Mr. Rockford.

If I might make a suggestion,
maybe I could ride with you.

That way when you get
the call...

I could get to my car
and medicine quicker.


[Siren wailing]

I don't have a permit
to carry one of these.

Why don't you give it
back to me?
You're on parole.

Okay, out. Both of you.
Keep your hands in sight.

What's the matter, Officer?

Out! Come on, buddy.
Move or I'll put
a pill in you.

Right now. Move it.
Come on, out!

Move it.

Move around to the front
of the car. Over the hood.

You too, lady. Right up front.

What's the matter?
Just move over!

Spread them.

[Police radio chattering]

[Siren wailing]

What is this?
It's a stolen car.

Stay like that
till the Lieutenant arrives.

This is not a stolen car.
This is my car.
No, it ain't.

Car belongs to a guy
named Rockford.
That's me. I'm Jim Rockford.

Not anymore. I think he is.

Jim. It's my son.

Damn it, Son, how many times
have I told you not to
take the car without asking?


Come on now, Jim.

You know your father keeps
his medicine in the
glove compartment of the car.

What's the matter
with you, anyway?

I'm sorry, Dad, I thought
I told you this morning.

Carol and I were gonna go
see Cousin Elizabeth.

I didn't remember
you telling me that.

Well, it doesn't matter.

I'll be okay in a minute.
They work fast.

It's all a big mistake
This is my son.

He and his fiancée,
Miss Thorne,
are up here with me.

Thank you, Officer.
You quite literally saved
my life.

Is that right?

Let me tell you something,

you've been pulling
on my boots with me
still in them.

If I weren't outside
the city limits and
all jammed up with work...

I'd pull you all in
and try to sort
this thing out...

but I ain't got the time.

Let's go.

Sorry to trouble you,
Stay out of my county.

[Car engine starting]

Okay, back up.

Get it.

Thank God you got here
in time, Miles.

He was forcing me to take him
to Cliff at gunpoint.

Come on.
Are you gonna believe that?

You have to deal
with me, Miles.

I'm the only one who knows
where Cliff is,
and Cliff has the money.

What about him?

I know what you're up to.
I could louse things
up good for you.

You'll have to deal with me.

If you think you're gonna get
a cut, you're out
of your mind.

It's okay with me.

Come on, Carol. We don't cut
him in, he'll blow
the whistle. It's cheap.

Let's split his action.
5% of mine, 5% of yours.

Come on, g*ng. Let's go!

Let's make up our minds.
It's a busy highway.

If a car comes along here,
I'm gonna make you
eat that g*n.

Yeah, he's right.

I think we can get his
$100,000 out of Cliff's end.

Won't cost us anything.
Let's get out of here.

Don't you think Nate could put
the piece away?

Yeah. We got a deal.
We don't need g*ns.

It does sort of give me
an edge that I like.

If he doesn't put
the g*n away, I'm not gonna
take you to Cliff.

Not put it away.
Get rid of it.

Good idea.

Get rid of it, Nate.

But, Miles...

We aren't gonna sh**t anybody.
I don't like bluffs.

When you've been called, you
ought to stop bluffing.
We've been called.

Get rid of it.

Mine, too.

How about him?

Don't worry about him.
He's afraid of g*ns.

[Engine starting]


Why'd you bring them along?
That wasn't our deal.

I didn't bring them, honey.
They brought me.

How you doing, Cliff?

I hope you been taking
good care of the money.

I didn't mean
to run out on you, Miles.

I'd have called you,
but I've been hiding
from the cops.

Don't worry about it.

You tried to rip me off,
but I understand.

I wasn't trying
to rip you off, Miles.
It's just that...

things got so mixed up
at the end there,
I just sort of...

wound up with the money
by accident.

Who's he?
I'm the inside man.

I set up the whole thing
and ran the information
out to Miles.

You mean he's got
a piece of it?
Of course.

He's what you call the brains.
He's getting 40% off the top.

That comes to about $100,000
out of your end, Cliff.

You never said anything
about him!

You never told me
you were gonna take off
with the loot.

It doesn't matter.

We're all together,
all five of us.

I ain't cutting him in, Miles.

I think you just brung him
along to cut me
out of my share.

He never had anything to do
with the job.

I ain't gonna take you to it
if he's getting a share.

I mean it.

I'm sorry, Jim,
I guess you're out.

What ever happened
to honor among thieves?

Shut up, mister.

If Carol told you the police
were looking for you,
she lied.

In a case like this
where no warrant was issued...

the statute of limitations
on robbery is three years.

Ran out on this heist
two months ago.

Even if the cops knew
you were in it,
they couldn't prosecute you.

You don't need any
of these people.

Just take the money
to the government
and collect your 10% reward.

That's $100,000
free and clear.

And no more hiding out.

As a matter of fact
the statute of limitations...

for armed robbery
is seven years.

Cliff, call a lawyer. Ask him.

You lied to me.

You're not
gonna believe him, Cliff?

He's the biggest liar
in this room.

Get out of here. All of you!

You're making a big mistake.

All of you, get out of here,
you hear me? Just get out!

We were supposed
to get rid of our g*ns.

I cheat.

Tie him up.

Okay, Rockford. In the chair.


You all right, Cliff?

Let's take this place apart.

Nate and Carol,
start in the bedroom.

I'll check his car.

Look for locker keys,
bank statements.
Come on, get going.

Are they gonna find
the money here?

Then I'd advise you
to cooperate fully.

They're gonna have
to k*ll me first.

You're making
a mistake, Cliff.

Believe me,
give them the money.

It's the only smart thing
to do.

You'd like to do
something smart,
wouldn't you Cliff?


It's good to get out
of that car.

Shut up. Where?

It's this way.
About a three hour hike.

All right, let's go
Wait up a minute.

Did it ever occur to you that
Cliff could be leading us
out into nowhere?

We may end up giving away
the whole bundle
just to get directions back.

I think he put Cliff up to it.

Why else would Cliff insist
that he come along?

You know
what's wrong with you, Carol?

You been on the con
for so long you don't have
any trust in other people.

Look, I'll draw you a map.

[Clears throat]

About a quarter
of a mile from here...

there's a cliff face,
sheer granite.

We bear right,
past this little
stand of trees.

We go over a stream here...

and then up this hill
and then down in the valley...

I hid the money
under a big white rock.

Okay, let's go.

Just the other side
of this hill.

It's under a big white rock.


Anything wrong, Miles?
What's wrong?

I don't believe it!

Oh, no!

I know that's where I hid it!

I haven't been here
in over three years...

but I know
this is the valley
where I hid it!

I wonder
how long this thing's
been here.

I know this is where I hid it!
I know it!

You're really stupid, Cliff.

I'm sorry.

Let's get going.

Why'd they rip the
whole thing apart? I told you
the money was under the seat.

Yeah, I told them that
but the Feds
have this procedure...

they use for going
through cars.
It's kind of spooky.

You wheel it in there
and before you know it...

a bunch of little guys
with crowbars
are ripping it apart.

I managed to save
the sun visors. They're in the
back there somewhere.

How much we get?

We got $10,000.
Here's your $5000.

You said we'd get
a 10% reward.

Yeah, we didn't get 10%.

We only got 1%.
I was lucky to get that.

Cliff, aren't you gonna ask me
to show you a receipt
or something?

I trust you.

Why? I could be lying to you.

Maybe they gave me
the full 10%
and I'm just stiffing you.

Did you ever think of that?

You helped me.

You told me about
the statue of limitations.

I got reservations back to LA.

I'm gonna see my folks
for the first time
in more than three years.

I can't tell you
how much that means to me.

I trust you. You're my friend.

Will you stop acting like
a super-mark
and look at the receipt?

Thanks, Jim.

See you, Cliff...

and stay out of trouble,
will you?

How much did you get?

What're you talking about?

You may have fooled Miles
with that reservoir gag,
but not me...

because I know what
a low-down liar you are
and Miles doesn't.

How you been?

To tell you the truth,
not too good.

How much did you get
from the Feds?

I still don't know
what you're talking about.
Feds? What Feds?

The Feds.

Come on, Jim. Fork it over.

Why don't you put
that thing away?

You're not gonna sh**t me
and I'm not gonna give you
10 cents.

You're not much of a guy.

The feeling's mutual.

You probably welsh
on your bets, too.

I never welsh on a bet.
That's different.

Then pay me $3,000.

I hit on three of those nags
I bet.


When you were being a bookie
and I was being
a fashion photographer...

you made a handful
of bets for me, remember?

Three of those came in.

One was a forty-to-one sh*t
that I've been following
for four years in prison.

Oh So Sorry?

They'd been running her
at a mile and a sixteenth.

When they shortened
the distance, I knew
she'd go wire to wire.

You owe me $3,000.

I've got it all worked out
for you.

I only got $5,000
out of this thing myself.

So you're $2,000 ahead.

Such horrible horses,
I didn't even book them.

The first three were horrible.
After that, they were
all winners.

You're really hard
on a man's ego.

Take me to dinner
and I'll fix that.

You're on.
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