02x15 - Frozen Out

Episode transcripts for the TV show, "Gold Rush". Aired: December 3, 2010 –present.*
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Reality based series follows the placer gold mining efforts of various family-run mining companies, mostly in the Klondike region of Dawson City, Yukon, Canada, as well as in the U.S. state of Alaska.
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02x15 - Frozen Out

Post by bunniefuu »

up in the frozen north,

Three crews continue their
battle against the elements

To strike it rich.

this ground is tough,

But it's got the richest gold
in it down at the bottom.

with the klondike about to
freeze out the hoffman crew...

I don't know what we're
gonna do. It's solid ice.

...they hit their best
pay streak of the season.

[ Laughs ]

Holy smokes.

but it may be too late.

that's a pocket of gold.

Their equipment is losing

The fight
against the frozen ground.

Get out from under here
right now.

At porcupine creek,

The dakota boys' wash plant
takes a direct hit.

Mayday. Mayday.

The entire thing
came off.

[Bleep] me.

and at the big nugget mine,

Parker butts heads
with his dad.

And don't be smart with me.
Parker, I'm here to help.

If you don't want
my help at all,

I'll just get mom,
and we'll go home.

I knew this [bleep]
was gonna happen.

In the klondike, it's the end
of the mining season.

Most of the gold miners

Have shut down
and winterized their equipment.

But at quartz creek,

The hoffman crew
still needs gold

From the ground
that's rapidly freezing.

Holy smokes.

they're staying put to hit

Their 100-ounce goal
for the season.

But they're quickly figuring out

Why all the other miners
are long gone.

These valves split wide open.

They did?

All three of them
are gone now.

Oh [bleep]
how bad are they split, thurb?

[ Metal clatters ]

Todd: the water that was inside
the ball valve --

You see how the ice just expands

And just pushed out
the side of the metal.

Still got the ice in there.

you wouldn't think that ice
could break steel like that,

But it can and it does.

So, it's just the way it is.

Got some makeshift stuff
that'll work,

But, you know,
our pond's frozen.

Our pay dirt's frozen.

Pipes are busting
'cause of the cold, you know?

When do you call it quits?

Here he comes.

last week, dirt from the hoffman
crew's second dig site,

Cut 2, gave them
their biggest cleanout yet...

15 Ounces.

No way!
No way!

Narrator: ...15 ounces of gold,
worth $24,000.

Double figures!

All right!
Freakin' kidding me!

That brought their total
to 70 ounces,

Worth over $110,000 --

Their break-even number
for the season.

Every ounce from now on

Just goes straight
in your pocket.

the crew could be looking

At their first real payday
in two years.

Now they need another 30 ounces
to hit 100,

If they can bust
through the icy ground

On their second cut.

How's the pay dirt
over there?

Turin: still frozen.

I think the only thing we can do
is go from noon till 5:00

Or 1:00 till 6:00
or something like that.

That's the only thing
we're gonna be able to do.

Let's try to get four or five
hours in today,

Because I think we're
right on some good pay.

I do, too.

The hoffmans are counting
on the 11 hours of daylight

To thaw out their pay dirt.

Thurber can't wait to see
just how good this dirt is.

Holy [bleep]

Dude, show me this.

[ Laughs ]

That's the best pan
I've ever seen. I don't know.

Let's scoop
everybody together,

And I want to take a look
where you got this.

Dude, those aren't
little pieces, either.

No. Dude, I've never panned
raw gold like that.

that had to feel good.

Holy smokes.

Dude, he just fricking
hand-panned that.

that's a pocket of gold!

You know, there's more of those
all through here.

Look right here.
Lookit here.

It's just pocket,

But look at this pocket
right here. Boom.

Kicks you right in the gonies
right as you're leaving,

But it's better
than striking out, you know?

We're just --
dude, we're not done.

Got plenty of time.

I guarantee you
we found a pocket.

This is what I've been
fricking hoping for right here.

I think so.

Narrator: 600 miles south
at the big nugget mine,

Time is also running out

For 17-year-old high-school
student parker schnabel.

He needs to find enough gold
to save his grandfather's mine,

But temperatures are plummeting.

[ Grunts ]

It's just getting so cold at
night now that in the morning,

When the sun starts shining
on the frozen stuff,

That it just, like, burns
all that steam off.

It's all just a lot of signs
that winter is on its way.

Down you go.

Narrator: parker found only
35 ounces of gold this season,

Worth around $55,000.

We haven't had that much gold
in the pan in all summer.

[ Laughs ]

But he spent a whole lot more
getting it.

I see less dollars
than what we spent.

It's pretty easy math.

Narrator: he dug three
new sites in search of
gold, but struck out.

Summer's over.

Narrator: since returning

For his senior year
of high school,

Parker mines evenings
and weekends

On big nugget's last corner of
virgin dirt, smith creek hill.

It's important that we have time
this fall

To figure out what we've got.

I can't spend the next eight
months wondering what's up here.

[ Engine revs ]

The biggest problem is
that we just don't have

A lot of good weather,
you know what I mean?

We won't have very many days
like this.

[ Engine sputtering ]

Now, why does it sound
like [bleep]

[ Engine stops ]


It seems I've ran out of fuel.

And that's not always
the best thing to do.

parker runs to get diesel

And refuels the loader.

[ Engine sputtering ]

What the [bleep]

[ Engine stops ]

but it won't restart.

Parker: I don't know.

Something's wrong.

It must be a fuel issue.

[ Engine sputters ]

My dad would k*ll me.

[ Engine stops ]

[Bleep] [bleep]

and, just his luck, his dad's
on the way to see him.


your dad's on his way.

Is he? [Bleep]

That helps.
My dad -- he'll laugh at me.

But I'm gonna get it going
before he shows up.

Narrator: when parker ran
the loader out of diesel,

The fuel lines and the fuel
filter filled with air.

The air lock stops the engine

Drawing any diesel
from the t*nk.

One way to break the air lock

Is to fill the fuel filter
with diesel.

But first parker must remove it.


I'm just trying to use this,
like, banding for packages.

And it was just laying
in the loader.

[ Sighs ]
oh, god.


So, there's our problem.
No fuel in it.

Narrator: the fuel filter's job

Is the screen any dirt
out of the diesel.

Refilled with fuel, it should
get the engine running

Before parker's dad shows up.

[ Engine sputters ]

[ Engine turns over ]

Doesn't sound too bad.

[ Engine sputters, stops ]


Hi, parker.

What's up?

What's the problem?

Yeah, I ran out of fuel.

And now it's stuck.

And when did you run
out of fuel?

At the beginning
of your shift?


Is this, like,
pretty common, parker,

To where you're in the middle
of your shift

And you run
out of fuel?

It's happened twice this year.
This is the second time.

Well, you know, it sort of puts
a kibosh in the show,

But of course
you know that by now.

You can see it.
Yeah, obviously.

So, let's go ahead.
Let's get her fixed.

Have got a prime there?

If you want to start on that,
I'll work on this.

Well, you prime -- you got fuel
in it now?


I wouldn't be screwing
around with it

If I didn't
have fuel in it.

Well, it looks to me
like you've got a filter --

And don't be smart with me.

You know, you're working
on the filter, parker,

And I'm here to help.

If you don't want
my help at all,

I'll just get mom,
and we'll go home.

I knew this [bleep]
was gonna happen.

at the big nugget mine,

Parker schnabel has let
his loader run out of fuel.

[ Engine sputters ]

And it won't restart.

Parker: how about I'll work
on this since I broke it?

I'm not trying to be
disrespectful or anything.

But, I --
I'd rather do it.

Roger: parker,
get me a 15/16 please.

I will help you
with this.


When the loader
ran out of diesel,

The fuel filter
pulled in sediment

From the bottom
of the fuel t*nk

That could have caused
a blockage.

Let's go ahead
and burn it right here.

Parker should have
burned off the waste

Before refitting the filter.

The filter
that you have now --

Have you changed it at all
since you've been here?


All right. Give me a little bit,
and help me flush this out.

Pretty good shape.

That's good.
That's good.

Guess I didn't
fix anything.

Like I said,
I just break things.

[ Engine turns over ]

Roger gets the loader
running again.

So, what do I do now?

Go home.

Are you
under control here?


You're heading home now
to do your homework?

I will in a little bit.

You need to do
your homework, son.

Okay, um...yeah.

Well, obviously
he's embarrassed.

You know, he ran out of fuel,

And then I just twisted
the knife, you know?

I twisted the knife
by ribbing him about it.

And I probably didn't need
to do that.

But it's instinctive.

[ Chuckles ]

Narrator: it's afternoon

On the quartz creek gold claim
in the klondike.

Dave turin struggles to rip
the frozen dirt in cut 2.

Eventually he creates
a small pile

For the loader to scoop up
and haul to the wash plant.

But it's hard work.

hey, chris, I'm cold.

Want to trade jobs?

Dave is racing
the arctic winter.

Turin: we're expecting snow
from what I heard,

So we're trying real hard
to get cut 2 over with

Before the weather
scares us right out of here.

Narrator: the klondike
is freezing by the day.

Turin: two weeks ago,
I'd get close to a foot of thaw.

Now I'm having to rip

Absolutely every square inch
of this pit.

Tell you what,
it'll be a nice season

If we could get
to 100 ounces of gold.

[ Clang ]

Whoa. Whoa!

This is not good.
I'm gonna lose this sprocket.

the 85,000-pound machine
is slipping and sliding

Because its tracks are loose

After a season
of relentless work.

The teeth on the drive sprocket

Are no longer engaging properly
with the track.

Oh, this little dozer
is on its last legs.

As I'm ripping, I hit one
of those chunks of ice.

And that ice
is just like conc--

I mean, it's worse
than concrete.

It's just solid.

I've got to really be careful.

I don't want to break
that little dozer down.

The minute this goes down,

We might as well just pack
our bags and go home.

There, it just did it again.

I don't know. Todd and I are
gonna have to talk about this.

We're about done
with this dozer.

It ain't gonna go.

What happened?

Todd, I think we're to the end
of the ropes, man.

I don't know what to do.

I was trying to push up
pay dirt...

...and it's just slipping.

It's just flipping.
Bam, bam, bam.

I can't even get
up a ramp now.

Oh, sh**t.
What do you think?

Harness: this thing's basically
completely worn out.

The only chance we have to use
this any more this year

Is to take one
of these links out,

Just like you'd do in your
bicycle chain on your bike.

And you have to be able
to put it back together,

So you have to take
a whole link out.

Okay. Well,
just be careful, dude.

You get hit by one of these
flopping over tracks

And it's gonna k*ll you.

Narrator: harness plans
to shorten the track

By removing
one of its metal plates.

Once tightened, the track
should engage properly

With the teeth
on the drive sprocket.

this isn't an exact fix.

It's a situation
where we're desperate.

Otherwise I wouldn't do this.
I'd really repair it right.

But this is
like putting a band-aid

On something
that actually needs stitches.

But it's too late in the game.
We're out of time.

And if I don't hurry up
and get this going,

The guys are gonna be on me

'Cause they're ready
to go again.

with the dozer down,

The crew needs to figure out
how to dig out the pockets

Of gold-rich pay dirt
in cut 2.

Hey, guys. I know everybody's
tired and everything.

Let's just push through this.

The dozer's down.
James is working on the dozer.

Greg, it's all in your court
right now.

You're gonna have
to just keep scratching dirt.

todd wants the 400 excavator

To do the dozer's job
of tearing up frozen dirt.

Todd: we got 70 ounces.

You know, our running costs
are covered.

Now it's all gravy.
Let's just go get it, all right?

Let's go, guys. Let's go.

It's getting colder,
and we got to beat this freeze.

We got to get as many yards
through it as possible.

I still got a lot of dirt
down here in cut 2.

To keep going, we're just gonna
have to really grind it out.

Every day could be my last,
you know?

So that's what we're doing.

Narrator: on the quartz creek
gold claim in the klondike,

The hoffman crew is
on its best pay dirt yet.

Because the d8 dozer is down,

Todd hoffman sends in
the 400 excavator to rip cut 2.

Scratch every ounce of dirt
you can get.

Good job, greg.
See you.

this is not our first choice,

But it's what we got to do
right now.

We're not gonna quit.

We're gonna forge ahead,
get through this,

Get what we can,

Because the nights are getting
nothing but colder.

Narrator: dave delivers
greg's dirt in the loader.

Chris feeds it
into the wash plant.

He's running
about 84, 83.

Todd: really?

Chris, can you go
a little quicker?

The crew needs to run
at least 100 yards an hour.

He's going
a little quicker,

But he needs
to speed her up.

How's it going, dave?

Kind of warmed up
a little bit.

It's kind of nice and warm
in here.

You could speed it up,

Todd checks to see if the 400

Is doing the d8 dozer's job
in cut 2.

Hey, how you doing there
on the pay dirt, man?

Are you able to keep up?

Yeah, I'm keeping up
right now,

But I'm just about out
of material on the deck,

So I don't know
what we're gonna do.

I may go down there and just try
scratching what I can,

But, I mean,
it's solid ice.

Okay, well,
do what you can.

All right.
I'll get what I can.

Remsburg: this is the last
machine we want down here

Scraping on the ice,
trying to pile up pay dirt.

It doesn't have the power.

It just -- it doesn't have it.

after two more hours,

Greg and the 400
grind to a halt.

How's it going down here?

I've got everything scratched up
that's thawed.

It's just frozen, though.
Look at the humps you got.

Yeah. I just can't do
anything more.

It's tearing teeth up.
All right.

It'd be my opinion
we get out of here.

I'll talk to todd.

We're kind of done
until we get a d8 dozer,

It looks like to me.

Todd, I'm coming around.

I need to talk to you
about cut number 2.

what's going on?

Turin: hey, we're done
with cut 2 for the night.

There's no way I can get
any more out of it.

Greg's just ripping up, and he's
wore out those teeth.

They were smoking hot
when I got out.

Oh, really?

[ Engine shuts off ]

Todd: tonight greg
did the best he could,

But he just couldn't get
any more pay dirt.

So, if we don't get this dozer
going, we're screwed.

it's obvious without the dozer

There won't be any more gold.

The pressure's on harness.

It's been a little bit
of a struggle,

Lots of things going wrong.

Damn thing's rusted solid,

Bent, or mushroomed
out of place.

There's nothing I can do
about it.

Things are not looking good
with this one.

Narrator: on the porcupine creek
gold claim in southeast alaska,

The dakota boys are
at 68 ounces of gold,

Worth over $100,000.

They are still 32 ounces short

Of their 100-ounce goal
for the season.

Back to work.
[ Grunts ]

snow is in the forecast.

Dustin hasn't shown up for work.

Fred goes to find him.

The dead.

[ Nasally ]
I'm pretty sure I'm dying.

[ Laughs ]
how you feeling?

Very horrible.

I think it's the fever that's
getting to me mostly.

Dustin's running a fever
of 101 degrees,

But fred's desperate
to keep mining

Before winter abruptly ends
their season.

Here's the first snow

Man, when that stuff starts
creeping down that mountain,

You better look out.

Hey, I'll tell you what.

Some of that dirt is
looking really good

Around the corner there.

Really good.

We're gonna have to run it
to find out.

I know. I know.

I've heard you say stuff
looks good before

And it wasn't, so...

We never know.

I feel like the walking dead
right now.

I know.
I'm gonna go lay down.

Go lay down.
I'll see you later.

I'll check on you
in about an hour.

All right.
All right.

The dakota boys are on their
hottest pay dirt yet.

Dustin: holy [bleep]

Last week,
they hit a bedrock pay streak

That gave them
their biggest cleanup ever...

Whoa. 17.6.

...over 17 ounces,
worth $28,000,

In just two days.

But the pit got too steep
and too tight

For them to dig anymore.

I can't turn around right now.
My ass end is hitting the wall.

Narrator: to create
a new, safer access road,

They move 20,000 yards of earth.

what's on my mind right now?

Getting this dirt out of here

And getting down
to the bottom of this hole.

at lunch, fred checks to see

If dustin's ready
to get back to work.

How you feeling?

Still sick.

I don't know what it is.

Maybe it's cabin fever.
[ Chuckles ]

Fred talks dustin
back into the loader.

[ Scoffs ]
he's like...

[ Chuckles ]

"Dustin, I need some help.

"I know you're sick,
you might be dying,

But I can't lift this."

So, you know,
and it just keeps going.

the dakota boys once again

Start running
their gold-rich bedrock dirt.

[ Laughs ]
I love it!

I feel good!

[ Coughs ]

but dustin is off his game.

[ Metal scraping ]

Mayday. Mayday.

what's the problem?

I ripped off one of your [bleep]
wing walls,

And there is now
a gigantic boulder

Sitting in the middle
of a sluice box.

[Bleep] [bleep]

Dustin has dropped in
a giant boulder

That's demolished the derocker's
wing wall.

Wow, that's a big hit
right there.

I had a rock positioned

Just in the wrong place
inside my bucket,

And I couldn't see it.

When it came out,
I guess it landed

Right on the top edge
of this thing

And ripped it right off.

Narrator: the wing walls trap
the pay dirt and the water

On the derocker's deck.


with a section missing,

The dirt and the gold
will fall out the side.

Absolute stupidity.

they have to find a fix

Before the winter closes in.

Pretty [bleep] pissed off.

Equipment and mother nature are
just plotting right now...

[ Laughs ]
trying to shut me down.

Narrator: at the quartz creek
gold claim in the klondike,

The hoffman crew is on their
best-ever dirt in cut 2.

But it's frozen.

They need to rip it
before bad weather

Forces them
to quit for the year.

The only machine that can move
this iced-up dirt,

The d8 dozer, is broken down.

[ Horn honks ]

Team mechanic james harness

Couldn't get it fixed
fast enough,

And todd has called in
neighboring miners to help.

Todd: hey, dave.
Turin: yeah?

Why do I feel like a little boy
around these guys?

I feel like
he's wiping my butt.

Yeah, I know.

These guys are
ready to rock, man.

They have all their stuff --
impact wrenches.

It takes quite a bit
of heavy stuff

To work on, you know,
big equipment like this...

[ Tools whirring ]

...whereas for us,
we don't do this every day.

It could take us days.
We don't have days.

We got winter setting in.
It's very, very cold out here.

And I'm sure james
could have fixed it.

The thing is time.

Narrator: harness is left

With the menial task
of insulating a pump.

Harness: I guess my whole deal
on that repair over there

Is that I feel
a little bit betrayed.

I don't like being
pulled off something

After I've got it
half done, though.

I felt todd was starting to get
the hang of being a leader,

And he's done nothing lately
but disappoint me.

And I'm really fed up with it.

holy shnikes!

Oh, drove it home!


I know I pulled you off
on this thing, dude,

And I know
you're mad at me.

But listen to me.
We didn't have the tools.

Did you see them all guys
swinging at that thing?

Well, that's one way
to do it.

I don't know.

I just made a decision,
and I know it wasn't popular,

And I know
I hurt your feelings.

I want to tell you I'm sorry.
I didn't mean to do that.

We good?

You want
to poke my eye out

With a pencil right now,
don't you?

I don't think
that's blunt enough.

[ Laughs ]

Maybe a two-by-four, huh?

You'll get over it.

Narrator: within three hours,
the d8 is fixed.

All right.
Back on the road. Whoo!

Got to start sluicing,
get some pay dirt.

Feels good.

Oh, it turns nice.

No skipping.

the hoffman crew now has a shot

At getting
another 30 ounces of gold.

They could still hit
their target of 100

If the big freeze holds off.

Nice to have the dozer back.
Here we are on the road again.

We really have
a realistic chance

Of hitting 100 ounces here
before we get out of here.

now they've run for three hours,

They can see if the pay dirt
in the sluice boxes

Is as rich as they saw yesterday
in thurber's pan.

[ Engine shuts off ]

Dude, lookit here!
Holy [bleep]

Thurber: look at all
the gold in there.

We hit something special.

I found a chunk of gold
down here.

Holy cow.
I know.

Anywhere you look
is good,

But here,
right through here,

All these areas
right through here,

That's just crazy --
it's piled up.

Todd: gosh, thurb,
this looks good.

Better watch
what you pray for.

You just might get it.

down at porcupine creek,

Fred hurt is determined

To run his best dirt yet
before it snows.

Dustin: whew. I barely have
the steam for this, fred.

Hey, all right.
I'll take care of it.

No, I can do it.

It's just gonna take me
a little longer than usual.

But dustin's
still running a fever,

And he's just crushed the wing
wall on their derocker

With a massive boulder.

It's a big setback.

It's not
absolutely catastrophic,

But it feels like it
'cause I just broke something

With, like, two days
left of running.

It feels pretty bad.

they need the excavator

To put the wing wall
back in place.

All right. What we're gonna
have to do -- pick it up.

And hopefully it'll stay on
just enough to hold it.

[ Coughing ]

Fred, I really don't feel

With you standing there.

It's not gonna get me
if it comes loose.

[ Metal creaking ]

Ohh, god.
Scared the [bleep] out of me.

Pick it up a little bit.

That's all I got.

Now fred will have to weld

The entire wing wall
back onto the derocker.

Pull them down.
Pull them down.

Hold it.
That way a little.

It's gonna come flinging off.
I'm at a pretty odd angle.

Bring it over to you
a little bit, please.

Go any farther
and it's gonna fling.

Just hang on a minute.

Don't hold onto that thing
when it goes.

Fred, we should trade.

Hang on a minute.

Just give me a chance
here a second.

Swing. Good.


Narrator: at porcupine creek,

The dakota boys rush
to fix their derocker.

new game plan.

They're on their best dirt,
but they need to run it

Before the alaskan winter
forces them off the claim.

This is what I was
thinking --

If we connect this to this

And get it
actually pretty short.

You mind giving me
a shot at it?

All right.

We're gonna have to see
if this is gonna work.

Yeah. There you go.
That's better.

Stay right there.
Hold on.

Want me to come down,
or not?

No, no, no.
Just stay right there.

I got a bind on it,
so it's not gonna go down.

Just [bleep] stay right there
for a second.

Now can you let it down
a little bit?

Slowly, please.

You're freaking
me out, man.

That looks like it's
about right.

Finally the dakota boys
get the wing wall into place.

We got it. All right.

Fred works while dustin
gets some rest.

I'm gonna [bleep] revert
back into a fever

If I keep staying out here
like this.

Both he and the derocker
are in bad shape.

All right.

But fred can't bear to waste
another second of running time.

Let's go!

[ Engine turns over ]


Looks like it might run
all right.

Let's go ahead and do it.
You feel okay?

Did you get
something to eat?


All this time working's
got me down,

Like, got me sick again.

But we haven't been working
for three hours too much.

[ Laughs ]

Out in the cold, fred.
Labor work.

Are we gonna run,
or what are we gonna do?

Yeah, that's fine, but don't,
you know -- all right.

All right,
we'll go a couple hours?

Those four hours
you got out of me --

Oh, come on now.

I mean, you know,
we're talking...

Fred's on the gold,
and he won't quit for anything.

there goes the beast.

The beast is cranking off again,

And we're probably gonna be
working into the nighttime,

A little bit here
on night turn.

Oh, what a lovely sound.

I love that sound.

Narrator: at quartz creek,

The hoffman crew is chasing
their 100-ounce goal.

Todd: how's it going?

We'll keep her going.
It's really good pay dirt.

There's a lot of ice balls
up here on this right side.

They're running nonstop
in shifts

So their water and dirt won't
have the chance to freeze up.

We really don't dare
shut her down.

If we shut it down and it
freezes up, that's gonna be it.

Narrator: harness keeps watch
while chris delivers dirt.

Jack feeds the wash plant.

thanks a lot, chris.

But in scooping up
the pay dirt,

Jack has exposed
one of the steel legs

Supporting the hopper.

whoa! Easy! Easy!

This whole thing
could collapse right now.

It's only standing
on one leg.

the steel leg is one of two

That props up the hopper,

The massive mouth
of the wash plant.

The hopper's packed
with tons of dirt.

If it collapses,
their season is over.

I'll go over there,

I'll move that up,
and I'll try to lift it.

You tell me how much.

I was thinking
of having chris

Come up
under the conveyer frame.

No, let me do it
with this.

But you need to be digging out
while he's holding it up.

Jack insists he can fix
the problem single-handed.

But I don't want him --
don't have him lift it.

Matter of fact,
just have him stop.

Jack wants
to do it, so --

I guess.

I'll be over there
doing tailings.

I would like to probably do it
a different way

With lifting it up
and making it stable,

But nobody else wants
to do it that way,

So they can do it
their own way.

Narrator: harness is once again
being ignored.

I don't know what the [bleep]
you expect me to do, jack.

It's ridiculous.


You know, if you dig that out,

It's gonna [bleep] collapse
on you.

This is stupid.

but jack is gung ho.

This is the best way to do this.

he plans to lift the plant

And put the loose leg back
in place with one machine.

We got to be able to --
what do you think?

We got to be able to lift it

And then pull that leg back
at the same time.

I already got the leg back.
It's all there.

Okay. How are we gonna
support it now?

We got to get something
under this leg,

Or the second you let go of it,
it's gonna come back down.

Harness takes over.

Hey, greg. Could you have chris
bring me a load of rock?

Can you hold the leg up

Out of the way to the right,
a little bit,

So he can dump it
right there?

Then we can pack it down
a little bit

And set the leg
on top of it.

Jack: up?
A little bit.

Get out from under here
right now.

I don't want you here.
You're gonna get hurt.

This could fall on you.

Thurb, behind me.

Too much stuff
going on at once.

Hey, go ahead and dump her
right there, chris.

That looks good.

Look good?

I think so.

What happened?

The foot gave out and some welds
came loose up above,

So I got to go up
and weld them.

How bad is it?

Bad enough.

You leave these kids
for a few minutes,

And they screw everything up.

I was just trying
to go get lunch.

The problem is right now

That every hour that we lose
is about 1,500 bucks.


Narrator: thurber realizes

They're losing more
than just time.

They stopped feeding the wash
plant to fix the hopper leg.

But someone left
the water running.

How long did they let
the water go?

They may have
just flushed out

All of the gold trapped
in the sluice boxes.

Hey, dad.

When something happens, you got
to shut the water off.

If something happens,
water, boom.

Jack: I know that.

Todd: if you run our particular
box with just water in it,

Without material
going through it,

You will blow out your gold.

There should be
three ounces in here,

And I'll guarantee you there
ain't three ounces in there.

to replace the flushed-out gold,

The hoffman crew
must run more dirt.

But the big freeze could hit
at any moment.

at the big nugget mine,

Parker schnabel needs
to find a new pay streak of gold

At smith creek hill.

He could be close.

Okay, yeah. The material
is changing a little bit.

We've been finding some pyrite
and quite a bit of boulders.

So, we're gonna run
a little test.

It'll give us an idea
of what's here.

gold deposits are often found

In the same strata, or layers,
as pyrite and boulders.

All right.
I'm gonna go run that stuff.

It's taking a lot of work

To get down to this material
that we're testing.

There's a chance that there
could be gold in here,

So we'll find out here
in about two minutes.

parker has dumped a lot of money

Into smith creek hill.

He needs it to pay.

so, we're probably spending

A good 18,000 bucks
on smith creek, I would guess.

That's a scary thought.

I went up there expecting...

15 Feet to bedrock.

We've gone --

We've gone 25,
and we've dug 10 more.

And we haven't found a thing.

Well, I guess...

[ Sighs ]

I guess we'll keep digging.


Three flakes.

Oh, well.
That's the way it goes, right?

Yeah, um...

I'm disappointed...

Just that that's the way
this is going.

I mean, nobody wants it
to be this way.

So, it's kind of tough, but...

We deal with it.

There's nothing we can do
about it at this point

Except keep digging.

Narrator: back at quartz creek,

The hoffman crew has run

Another three hours of pay dirt
from cut 2.

30 Ounces short
of their 100-ounce goal

And with the season ending
any day now,

They need a double-digit return.

You guys freezing in here?


I don't know if they're
forecasting snow or what,

But it's cold.

How's it looking?

It's looking
pretty dang good.

I just wish we had

A 10-day run of this material,
you know?


Right now there's
more gold in it

Than I've seen
for a long time.

how'd it go in there?

Well, guys --
turin: how'd we do, jack?

Well, we got
just under 12.

Oh, really?

We got 11 1/2.



That's good.

double figures.

11 1/2.

Okay, what's that
put us at, guys?

What is that?
That's at 81.57.


Here it is.

Narrator: 81 ounces of gold
is worth about $130,000.

Now, listen --
I'm gonna let you hold it.

You drop it...

[ Chuckles ]
you get to clean it up.

And it better be
the same weight.

It's heavy.
Ooh, yeah.

Holy smokes.
81 1/2, Huh?

Yeah. 81.57.
Feel that baby.

Don't get it too hot. I don't
want that glass to break.

Got her?

81 1/2.

We're 18 1/2 ounces, guys,
to our goal.

dear lord, we are thankful for
what you've provided for us.

If the weather keeps going
the way it is,

We'll be at 100 ounces,

And we can go home
with our heads high

And be proud of what
we've accomplished here.

Good job, fellas.
Nice job.

All right.
Bring it up top.

Remsburg: we're gonna take
every bit we can get.

And whatever the klondike's
willing to give up,

We're gonna take it.


I can't believe it.

I don't want to leave
at 81 1/2.

I don't want to leave at 95.

I want to leave at 100.

It's getting colder,
but can we do it?

We'll probably die trying,
but we're gonna get it.
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