02x14 - In the Black

Episode transcripts for the TV show, "Gold Rush". Aired: December 3, 2010 –present.*
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Reality based series follows the placer gold mining efforts of various family-run mining companies, mostly in the Klondike region of Dawson City, Yukon, Canada, as well as in the U.S. state of Alaska.
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02x14 - In the Black

Post by bunniefuu »

seven down-on-their-luck miners

Hunt klondike gold...
[ Whistles ]

...on the edge
of the arctic circle.

This just ain't a gamble

This is now a necessity.

but winter is closing in fast...

Todd: damn it.

Narrator: ...and the miners
are only halfway

To their 100-ounce goal.

We're out of time, we're out of
money, and we're out of season.

[ Wind whistling ]

Now, with just two weeks left
in their second season,

The hoffman crew
risks life and limb

To run all day and all night.

Todd: no, no, no!
Whoa! Whoa!

and the battle-weary miners

Finally hit a pay streak
that could change everything.

Ha ha!

Down at porcupine creek,

"Dakota" fred
is on his best gold yet...

Prime real estate here.

...but 70 feet down is no place
to get an excavator stuck.

Don't try this at home.

and at big nugget,

The future of the mine

Lies in 17-year-old parker's
hands once again.

If there's nothing
at smith creek,

I don't know what'll happen
to big nugget mine.

Narrator: in the klondike...

...the hoffman crew is facing

The end
of their second mining season.

They're finally running dirt
from their second cut.

And to hit their 100-ounce goal,

They need it
to be their best yet.

Todd: the bottom of cut 2
is gonna be rich,

So we're gonna
kick some ass here,

And we're not gonna fail
at this.

We're gonna get a bunch of gold.

Shut it down.

[ Engine shuts off ]

Narrator: todd stops the run
to examine the sluice box.

Todd: dude, look at this, greg.

Remsburg: oh, look at that.
Look right in here.

here's a full riffle.

Oh, yeah.
Heck, yeah.

This looks good
down in here.

It's gold.

1, 2...

over the last 4 1/2 months,

They've pulled 47 ounces of gold

Out of their first dig site,
cut 1.

[ Laughter ]

But they quickly
ran out of gold-rich dirt.

Hey, maybe we're done.
Three weeks ago,

They started clearing
the frozen mud

From a second dig site, cut 2.

every blade I'm pushing

Gets me that much closer
to sluicing out of cut number 2.

they got down to pay gravel

And have spent five days running
it through the wash plant.

Now is the moment of truth.

Their first full cleanout
from cut 2

Determines if they leave
quartz creek with any profit.

we're working on cut 2.

This cleanout right here --

We not only have
a lot of material,

It's a good cleanout.

So I'm expecting
in the double digits.

I'll try to cut my estimate
in half,

And I'm going
at 10 1/2 to 12 ounces.

the hoffman crew has to find
nearly 2 1/2 ounces every day

To hit their 100-ounce,
$160,000 goal.

Jack: I believe this cleanout
is gonna be really nice.

Todd: here he comes.

from five days' worth of dirt,

They need at least 12 ounces
of gold to stay on track.

Jack: guys, i-i, uh, I'm
a little discouraged with it.

Basically, what it turned out
to be is 7.34 ounces.


I'm really disappointed
at 7 1/2 ounces.

Thought for sure
we'd have at least 10.

They need to increase their haul
by at least an ounce a day

To go home with any money
in their pockets.

Todd: well, guys,
we have almost quadrupled

What we did last year,
but, still, I don't know.

We got to get to 100
before we get out of here.

Chris: until the weather
pushes us.

Harness: let's do it smart.
What's it gonna take?

Turin: well, I think what
we're gonna have to do, todd,

Is we're gonna have to
commit to go run it.

That machine
should not shut down

If we're gonna continue
to run this.

We just got to keep her going,
and, uh...

And get the good pay.

I don't know
if we can pull it off,

But if we can,
I'd love to just go for it.

Okay. Who's in?

Jack: okay. I'm there.
Harness: all right.

to hit 100 ounces...

Todd: let's go!

...the crew has to go
from running 8 hours a day

To running 16 hours a day.

Todd: fire it up!

[ Engine turns over ]

We have to go for it

And just go as fast
as we possibly can

And run as much
as we possibly can

For as long as we possibly can.

Narrator: but they've never
pushed the wash plant this hard.

Todd: give me more!

[ Engine revving ]

Let's go!

Uh, no water.
No water, thurb.

Shut it down.

[ Whistles ]

Damn it.

[ Engine shuts off ]

Dude, we're out
of frickin' water.


Look at that. We don't
even have any storage.

And there isn't any.
It's just not --

It's just all mud.

Our water system
is not working now.

We're too muddy.

running longer and harder

Drains the holding pond faster.

Without clean water,
the wash plant can't run dirt.

And we've got the gold-bearing
dirt sitting there, waiting.

Everything's ready to go.

It's frustrating.
We have gold at our fingertips.

It's just we can't get it.

down in southeast alaska...

...dakota fred is digging deeper

Than anyone ever has
at porcupine creek.

He thinks
he's finally at bedrock.

We're about 8 feet below where
the hoffmans reached last year.

last season, jack hoffman
dug down to 70 feet,

Searching for a glory hole he
thought held millions in gold.

But the season closed him out
before he struck it rich.

What the hoffmans had
was not the glory hole.

It was just a hole.

Narrator: fred bet the farm

On finding the best gold
deep in the old hoffman hole.

Fred: this is the deepest stuff
we got.

We hope that it's gonna
be really good.

Narrator: but getting down
to bedrock hasn't been easy.

Fred started out running dirt

From a wide area
across the claim.

He changed his strategy

When he found that gold
got better the deeper he dug.

Just keeping on digging deeper
and deeper and deeper.

Narrator: it paid off
when he hit 50 ounces.

Whoo! 50.7!

With $80,000 in gold,
he broke even for the season.

Now, if the bedrock material
stays good,

Fred and the dakota boys
could go home with a fortune.

I would really like to know
what this material is running.

This will tell me
whether it is worthwhile

Continuing in this situation.

after two days running just
the gray material from bedrock,

Fred calls for a cleanout.

Dustin: this is the deepest dirt
that we've had.

Could be the best gold ever.
Could be the worst gold ever.

You'd never know
until after you ran it.

I'll be damned. Look at that.

Okay, well,
that's a bunch of gold.

All this line right here
has got flakes of gold in it.

I'm seeing gold
all over the top sluice box.

We've obviously
got into some bigger gold.

that's what I like to hear.

Yeah, yeah,
that's what I like to hear.

[ Laughing ]

damn nice. Look at that.

That's a good show right there.

my guess -- 5 ounces.

How much?


That's it?

Eh, I just see a few flakes
here and there.

You are so full of it!

[ Laughs ]

I'll give you a pile of them
right here.

Look at that. I've never
been able to do this before.

I can scoop them up
right now.

This is nothing but gold
up here.

Look at this.
This is insane.

9 Ounces.

[ Chuckles ]

Fred: might be a little bit
in here, too.


Oh, nice!

I'll be damned.

All right.
We're gonna do it here.

Narrator: fred has 50 ounces
of gold in the bank --

Only halfway
to his 100-ounce goal.

For him to have any chance of
hitting $160,000 worth of gold

In the last couple of weeks,

He has to get at least 7 ounces
in this cleanout.

Come on, baby!

17.6. Good job.

That's more than twice
what we've been getting.

Only a couple days

A couple days running.

Hoffmans took a year
to get 15 ounces.

There's 17.6 sitting
right there!

[ Laughing ]

I love it.

fred has pulled $27,000 of gold

From the bedrock dirt
in just two days.

At this rate, the last two weeks

Could net the dakota boys
120 ounces,

Worth almost $200,000.

Up at quartz creek,
the hoffman crew

Is having trouble
with their water supply...again.

A month ago, dave turin
addressed the water shortage

By pumping the groundwater

into their first dig site

Over to their intake pond.

Fire it up.

That clean water that's coming
out of our cut over there

We're pumping into here.

Narrator: but there
still isn't enough water

To run for 16 straight hours.

Because cut 1
is out of pay dirt,

Dave comes up with another way
to use the pit.

Turin: we're gonna flood it
and use that for a reservoir

For our clean water
so we can sluice.

We'll flood the pit
up to the pump,

So first thing in the morning,

We'll flip this pump on,
flood our intake

So we got nice, clean water
so we can run all day tomorrow.

Narrator: a pump
has been keeping the cut dry.

With the pump now switched off,

Groundwater springs should
pour in overnight and fill it.

This area, half the size
of a football field,

Will become a reservoir
for clean water

That can be pumped
into their intake pond.

Turin: definitely is a love-hate
thing with this water.

Sometimes it's your friend.

Sometimes it makes your life

by the next morning,

Dave's plan delivers
a reserve...


...of another
160,000 gallons of water.

Turin: we solved the problem.
We got clean water to run with.

[ Engine turns over ]

Narrator: it should be enough
to allow the miners

To run dirt from cut 2

Nice, clean water.
I like it.

As long as we keep
this water supply up,

We should be able
to run long days,

So that's gonna help us
get to our goal

And close out the season,
hopefully, with a bang.

Todd: start it up.

[ Engine turns over ]

That looks good.

Here we go.
We're gonna run.

We're actually gonna
be done with cut 2, huh?

we're getting close.

What the hell
are we gonna run?

Narrator: now they've doubled
their run time,

They're getting through the pay
dirt from cut 2 twice as fast.

So, I got pay dirt on 2
all the way up,

And it actually looks like
we're gonna get through it
in about a week.

So we got to get cut 3 down,
or it's over.

Narrator: dave and greg
have already started

Clearing the vegetation
on a third cut

South of cuts 1 and 2,

Where toronto and quartz creek

But that's on hold
while the crew and machines

Are feeding the wash plant
cut-2 pay dirt.

To be honest with you,
I think we're gonna have to

Start stripping cut 3 up

Guys aren't gonna like that,
but I don't really care.

Narrator: todd's plan

Is to stockpile the pay dirt
from cut 2 by day

And clear away the overburden
on cut 3 by night.

now, we're gonna run tonight.

And, greg and dave,
let's get over on 3,

See if you can peel it
and get down to some pay dirt.

Try to strip it,
break through there.

I know that dozer's
on its last legs,

So do what you can,

Keep it safe, and, uh...

And let's see what happens, huh?

[ Sighs ]

come on. Let's go.

Narrator: dave and greg

Are now faced
with the daunting task

Of operating 175,000 pounds
of machinery

In close proximity to each other
on slippery ground

In the pitch dark.

Greg, I'm gonna come over
to your right

And see if I can pick up
that pile.

What the frick?


I'm stuck in the mud.


Remsburg: that soft muck
that just acts like quicksand.

And guys have lost
entire machines.

[ Radio chatter ]

[ Vehicle beeping ]

Got a really hard time seeing.

Turin: easy.


Stop! Stop! Stop!

[ Clattering ]

Turin: if we break the dozer,
we're done.

I think we're all going home.

This is getting ridiculous.

Uh, this isn't working.
It's too muddy, too dark.

I just don't have enough light
to see what I'm doing,

And right now
it's just a joke.

It's totally frustrating.

Hey, greg.

We're done.

I can't do anything.

I can't see.

Call it a night.
This is ridiculous.

Turin: sorry, boys.
We're gonna break something.

Narrator: at porcupine creek,
dakota fred is digging

In the best material
he's ever seen.

The rich, gray dirt
from the bottom of their pit

Netted him
an astonishing 17 ounces,

Worth $27,000,

In just two days of running --

More than the hoffmans got
in their entire first season.

Go, fred, go!

Fred, I've got the water
running just right,

But I can't stop for very long,
so try to keep up.

Narrator: but the 80-foot hole
is now so steep,

The bottom has narrowed
to a small ledge.

[ Crash ]

Come on. Damn.

How come I can't back up with
that damn thing back there?

I can't turn around right now.
My ass end is hitting the wall.

Stuck in a hole!

Aw [bleep]

Dustin: looks like you can
back up your left track.

My left track here
will not back up.

Dustin: he's having a little
problem with turning around

Because it's a little tight.

It's boxing in on him.

The deeper he goes,
the closer the walls get.

He just doesn't have the room

To turn his machine
all the way around.

in his race to get as much of
the gray material as possible,

Fred has boxed himself in.

Over the season,
as he dug deeper and deeper

Into the steep-sided hole,

His operating platform
became smaller and smaller,

Leaving him no room to turn.

If he tries to dig out the side,

He risks collapsing
the 80-foot walls

On himself and the 270.

[ Metal creaking ]


I would never do that
with -- ooh.

[ Motor whirring ]

There you go, fred.
Get it!

[ Laughing ]

Fred: this is
serious business.

This is not [bleep]

I can't back up. Damn.

Not a chance.

Can't even get
that damn thing to go.

It won't go!

Just set down,
pull up a little bit.

[ Metal creaking ]

Narrator: the 270
is the dakota boys' only means

Of getting at pay dirt.

If it's stuck in the pit,
there will be no more gold.

A few more times.

I could pivot around one more
time to get on top here.

Fred has no choice but to try
and pull himself to safety.

[ Vehicle beeping ]

That's good. Good.

There it goes.

The pit they've dug
is too steep

For him to work in any longer.

Fred: we're gonna have to
abandon the real deep material.

We're not gonna go back
to the bottom of the hole.

It's just too boxed in now.

Dustin: so, it took us four
months, but the hole's done.

Narrator: at quartz creek...

...the hoffman crew is on an
all-or-nothing push to the end.

But running late into the night

Is worrying
dozer operator dave turin.

Yeah, last night,
it was impossible.

It was getting dangerous.
I didn't have enough light.

Greg was swinging with the hoe.

There's no way we
should continue to do
what we were doing.

It's just too dark.

So I'm gonna get harness
over here

And see if,
between the two of us,

We can come up with a solution
to get more light on that dozer.

On cut 3 over there, you know,
I'm running into a lot of mud.

Problem is, I got
really bad lighting on that.

All I have is two
on the front,

And they shine
right on the blade,

So I can't see over the top
of the blade.

I need something up high
that's looking down in front.

The only thing
we've got around here

That's gonna have any power
is those.


Those are like
a million candle power, so...

What if I take
a couple of those off

And stick
up on the top of it?


in the middle of the klondike,

Parts aren't easy to come by.

Harness is forced to scavenge
from his pride and joy --

His truck.

Harness: if they can't see,
they can't work, so...

It affects all of us.
And it's a danger factor, too.

I mean, I don't want to see
somebody get hurt.

[ Sawing ]

It's worth it to me
to sacrifice a couple of lights

And keep things going
to get some more gold.

[ Engine revving ]

The beast lives.

Narrator: with the new lights
on his dozer,

Dave att*cks
the new dig site, cut 3.

well, I haven't gotten stuck.

It's a lot better night

Than the last night
that we were out here,

Trying to strip in the dark
and in mud.

I got it stuck three times.

I haven't even been stuck yet,
so it's a good day.

Narrator: dave pushes off
the worthless overburden

And dumps it
into the now useless first cut.

But even with the new lights,

It's hard to see the edge
of the 30-foot pit.

Remsburg: easy, easy.


Careful near that edge, dave.
That's a 30-foot free fall.

Turin: it's just
a big, black, dark space,

And I'm a little bit nervous
about this.

[ Radio chatter ]

Okay. Stop right there.
Stop! Stop!

Whoa, whoa!

Whoa, whoa, whoa,
whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa!

dave turin is stripping cut 3
in the middle of the night.

He has almost driven the dozer
off a sheer cliff.

You look like you're gonna
just flop right over.

And that goes down
about 30 feet, so...

Turin: do you have anything
that can mark my edge down here?

Tell you what --
I got a couple flares.

I'll throw a couple flares.

That's a good idea.
Thanks, todd.

Well, dave just keeps getting
close to the cliff edge,

And he...

He always scares the heck
out of everybody 'cause he's...

he's kind of a daredevil.

So I'm gonna put
some flares here.

We're gonna mark it a little bit
so he knows where he can stop.

Hey, dave,
I want you to move up here.

Tell me where
you want these flares.

I'll kind of direct you
over here.

About right there?

Turin: yeah.
Yeah, right there.

Put a flare there.

Put one about 5 feet
on the left side,

5 Feet
on the right side.

That way,
I'll stay between them,

And then I know
where the edge is.

there you go, dave!

Turin: I don't know what he's
looking after -- my dozer or me.

It is a little bit scary
right here, though.

I don't want to lose dave,

But I definitely don't
want to lose the dozer.

Sorry, dave.
Here's two more flares.

All right, thanks, todd.

All right, dave!

Narrator: at 2:00 a.m., While
dave strips in the pitch dark,

The rest of the crew runs dirt
through the wash plant,

Desperate to up
their season's gold total.

These guys don't want
to stop. They want to
work through the night.

They're putting more
through here

Than has ever been
put through it,

Faster than it's ever happened.

Narrator: running the wash plant
in the dark

Is just as dangerous
as running the dozer.

[ Metal screeching ]

Thurber: jack!

Got a big rock!

Stuck in the feet!

Todd: shut it down!

[ Engine shuts down ]

Dude, that rock was huge!

Jack: oh, yeah.

'Course, the biggest
rock we ever seen has
to go in there tonight.

Jack stuck a huge rock in there,

And it just got jammed in there.

Narrator: thurber tries to free
the boulder with a crowbar,

But it won't budge.

Running the conveyor
for a second

Could jerk the rock free.

Real short, just boom-boom!

but it's a dangerous maneuver.

Harness is down at the controls,

But he can barely see or hear
thurber from his position.


Stop [bleep]

[ Engine shuts down,
crowbar clatters ]

You know
what [bleep] "stop" is?

You don't pay attention to
what the [bleep] you're doing.

That's what's going on.

Harness: regardless of what
happened, I couldn't hear you.

You said on-off, on-off,

And so that's what I did
until you told me not to.

there's no excuse for that.

That is just --

If I had assumed
he knew what "stop" meant

And hopped in there, he would
have busted my legs off.

I'd be a lot shorter,
if not dead.

Narrator: the crew shuts down

To take a break
and check the sluices.

would you look at that?

Look at this chunk right here.

Turin: no way.
Is that gold right now?

That's gold. Dude!


Nailed it!

There is some great gold
in here. I think we did good.

Remsburg: it was
a good run, you guys.

I think so.
It felt good.

Great run.

I'll tell you what --
we'll run the crap out of it.

We'll do one cleanout out of it,
and we'll see what we get.

All right, men.
Nice run, you guys.

Let's go hit the sack.

in alaska, parker schnabel

Has just finished
another day of high school

And is heading
to his other full-time job --

Running the big nugget mine.

I think that this
is a pretty big challenge,

To juggle school and the mine.

It's gonna be pretty tough.

The only way I don't burn myself
out in this first week

And then have a month to go
being miserable

Is to just take everything
head-on and go after it.

Narrator: two weeks ago,
parker handed the mine

Back to grandfather john
and returned to school.

Running a gold mine
for three months

To sitting in a classroom.

but just days later...

[ Siren wails ]

...91-year-old john
had a heart attack,

Followed by lifesaving surgery,

Placing the future of the mine
back in parker's hands.

Parker: I was supposed to
just go to school,

But I have just been thrown
right back into it.

Narrator: parker's attempts
at finding new gold-rich dirt

At the big nugget mine
have failed.

Veteran john believes

That the ground
on top of smith creek hill

Is the key
to the mine's survival.

From his hospital bed,
my grandpa said

To do whatever it took

To find out what was up
at smith creek this fall.

I don't know what we'll do

If there's nothing
at smith creek.

I don't know what'll happen
to big nugget mine if...

If we don't find anything.

Narrator: to save the mine,
parker and his team

Have to shift thousands of tons
of worthless dirt and rocks

In the hope of hitting
a gold-rich pay streak.

The plan is to kind of slope
this down off the hill, right?

So what we'll do
is knock this hill out,

Take that slope -- this slope --
all the way on down to the bank.

I think
it'll work just fine.

We're all pulling for john
to get back here, of course.

This is his life.

at the end of the day,

John schnabel
makes a surprise visit,

His first
since his heart attack.

I'm glad
you could come up here.

Me too. [ Laughs ]

John hasn't seen

The progress parker has made
on smith creek hill.

You know what
I really would like?


Have you got that
four-wheeler down here yet?


Take me up.
I want to see smith creek.

John: my goodness.

I never dreamed it would
ever be this wide up here.

I'm impressed.
And I am --

I really thought
this little canyon

Wouldn't be more than maybe
50 foot wide, at the best.

My goodness.

[ Laughing ]
it's 150 feet wide.

You know, smith creek --

It's kind of an all-or-nothing
deal for the whole mine.


I mean, it might be something
that's just not worth it.

I think you're close to finding
out what you've got here.

It's very encouraging.

So, let's head
back down the hill.

I've seen it all.
All right.

Well, I sure appreciate you
taking me up here, parker.

I can't help but feel

This is gonna be
a well-rewarding experience.

Man, you've poured out
a lot of material.

[ Engine turns over ]

No, I'm all right.

it would k*ll me if he never
found out what was up here,

Because we've both wondered
for a long time.

My mission
is to make sure he does find out

Before anything happens to him.

Narrator: across the creek,

The dakota boys are panning
the last of the gold-rich dirt

That fred had to abandon
when his excavator got stuck

At the bottom of their hole.

Say, paul, we got to
get back down to bedrock.

God. That deep gray material
right on top of that bedrock --

That's some good stuff.

Hey, I say dig, dig, dig.

Get back down there.
Let's go for it.

I'm gonna get back down there
and dig that spot out.

It just has to happen.

Narrator: fred comes up with a
new plan of attack for the pit.

He will come at it
from the only safe side,

But this will involve moving
a massive amount of earth.

What we're gonna have to do
is go back

And expand the hole back
about a 40'x40' area.

The way we're gonna get to it,
we're gonna build a roadway

And go around
the back of the cabin.

Eh, let's peel
a little of this off here.

fred uses his 270 excavator

To build a new access road

Around to the far side
of the pit.

Fred: man, it's almost like
the interstate out here now.

the road allows dustin and paul

To join fred on the northern
edge of the pit.

Hell, I'd say,

If we get it down as far as
those two big rocks down there,

I say start processing it
from there on.

from this side of the hole,

Fred plans
to strip away layers of dirt

To open up the pit.

This will allow him to build
a new, safer road

Back down to the gold-rich
pay dirt at the bottom.

Fred and his crew have to move

An incredible
20,000 yards of dirt,

Enough to fill more
than 100 swimming pools.

what's on my mind right now?

Getting this dirt out of here

And getting down
to the bottom of this hole.

Just keep digging down, fred.
Down is the answer.

Fred: dig, baby, dig.

Don't try this at home.

after three long days,

The team finally reaches
the bottom of the pit.

Fred: right at the end
of the teeth right there

Is where the gray material
starts -- right there.


Ha ha ha! Love it.

Narrator: once again,

Fred is digging
the gold-rich, gray pay dirt

That gave them
an epic 17-ounce cleanup,

Worth $27,000.

Dustin wastes no time

Getting the bedrock dirt
over to the derocker.

The dakota boys are on the gold.


But with the season
rapidly drawing to a close,

It's going to be
an all-out sprint

To turn any kind of a profit.

In the klondike,

The hoffman crew
has been running 16-hour days

In a race to the finish line.

Remsburg: we're all tired.

We've been up late
and we get up early,

And, you know, we're just --
we're tired.

Narrator: with just days
of mining left this season,

And with only 55 ounces of gold,

The crew is eager to find out
if doubling their running time

Is going to pay off.

okay, I'm gonna scoop.

This is my last scoop.
I'm gonna shut everything down.

[ Engine shuts off ]

That's it!
We're cleaning up.

You can shut all this off!

Hey, how we doing up top,
above the riffles?

Narrator: every second
the wash plant is shut down,

The crew loses gold.

Todd wants to be back up
and running as soon as possible.

We got to do this side,
this side, and then, boop!

[ Grunts ]

There. Now we can get
the last one.

[ Indistinct conversations ]

Nice one.

Eh, we got a few little nuggets
here and there.

Yeah, those are good.

Take it.

We'll take those.

They're all good, man.

There's one.
There's two.

as night falls, jack works alone

To extract every last speck
of gold from the cleanout.

Meanwhile, the rest of the crew

Continues battling
the cold and the dark

To feed pay dirt
into the wash plant.

Hey, uh,
todd and the rest of you guys,

I'm going to meet you
by the fire.

I have a final tally here
for you.

Okay. We'll shut her down.

And we'll be over there
in a minute.

Jack: all right.

All right, jack. I'll, uh --
yeah, I'll be right there.

Todd: chris!

I don't have super-high hopes
on this cleanout

Because of all the stopping
and starting

And the water issues.

But I'm guessing 5 ounces. 7?


I was hoping
to see at least 10.

I think we'll get
8 ounces tonight.

There's got to be 4 or 5
in there.

Well, we'll find out.
Where's jack?

Here he comes.

Ah, geez.

Narrator: after four days
of running dirt day and night,

This cleanup has to produce
over 10 ounces of gold

If the crew
is to have any chance

Of getting to their goal
of 100 ounces for the season.

Lookit. He's hopping.

Todd: yeah, right. Give it
to us straight. How many?

How'd we do?

what do you think?

Give us double digits.

chris is going 10.

You really want to know?

Yeah, we want to know.

yeah, two hours ago.

15 Ounces.

No way!
No way!

[ Laughter ]

Double figures!

All right!

That's all right!

Thurber: 15 ounces!

[ Laughter ]

15! All right!

Are you kidding?

Harness: holy --

How in the frick
did we get that?

How did you get 15 ounces
out of that?

That's our best one ever.

[ All talking at once ]

Todd: 15 ounces, guys!

We're gaining.

Last year this time...

We were at 14.6.

We have a total
of 70.06 ounces.

Every ounce
that goes from now on,

It just goes right
straight in your pocket.

You know, we're way past
what we need

To take care of stuff,

And it's just extra.



Narrator: 70 ounces
is worth about $110,000.

Their running costs
are now covered.

After two seasons
of trial and tribulation,

The hoffman crew
is finally in the black.

They are now profitable
gold miners.

Harness: it's gonna start
to pay off from here out,

So anything we get
is gonna be a bonus.

And I think
that makes anybody happy.

Todd: 100 ounces
is within our reach, guys.

Let's not let the weather
beat us to the goal, you know?

Let's frickin' beat it.

Remsburg: this afternoon, we're
sitting around wondering...

[ Breathes deeply ]

..."Are we gonna make it?
Can we make it?"

And now I think we can.
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