02x12 - Bedrock Gold

Episode transcripts for the TV show, "Gold Rush". Aired: December 3, 2010 –present.*
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Reality based series follows the placer gold mining efforts of various family-run mining companies, mostly in the Klondike region of Dawson City, Yukon, Canada, as well as in the U.S. state of Alaska.
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02x12 - Bedrock Gold

Post by bunniefuu »

Narrator: deep in debt
and over two-thirds of the way

Through their second
mining season...

Let's go!

...the hoffman crew is desperate

To hit their goal
of 100 ounces of gold.

Easy, jack!
Easy, jack! Whoa!

What the frick?

Despite poor results...

I mean, these guys
aren't gonna make wages.

...all seven men
have forged ahead.

We may not set any records,
but we cannot fail.

[ All cheering ]

now, against the odds,

Todd and his crew
must open up a new cut...

every blade I'm pushing

Gets me that much closer
to cut number two.

...before their stockpile
of pay gravel runs out.

Hey, jim, last bucket!

Narrator: but the threat
of another failed season

Forces one member of the crew
to quit.

Back off,
and you back off.

Remsburg left?

Down at porcupine creek...

Don't stop [bleep]
with it, fred.

...the hoffmans' rival,
"dakota" fred,

Continues to butt heads
with his son, dustin.

I got to get away from you.

Bad as a woman.

and a visit to one of the
klondike's most successful mines

Forces high school senior
parker schnabel

To reconsider his future.

Schnabel: I've never seen
that much gold in a pan.

I'm digging
in the wrong creek, man.

Narrator: on the quartz creek
gold claim...

The hoffman crew is 107 days
into a 150-day mining season.

get that over here.

They're stockpiling
the last of their pay gravel

From their first cut
on the claim.

Doumitt: I think we kind of hit
the bottom of the barrel.

This is it -- this is
the last two shovelfuls.

Nobody's here to push up dirt.

I don't even think there's
any material left to push up.

when the stockpile runs out,

The wash plant will have no
gold-bearing dirt to process.

Doumitt: this is it.

It's gonna go to todd

And we're gonna run what we got
and that's it.

Narrator: since they arrived
in the klondike,

The hoffman crew has only found
28 ounces of gold,

Worth around $45,000.

I'd like to see it up five times
what we're getting.

they spent the last 7 weeks

Removing over 7,000 tons of dirt
from their first cut,

All the way down to bedrock.

So, this whole pit here
is just about played out.

Narrator: and they've just
started clearing the frozen mud

On a second cut.

And you want to open up
a second one in two weeks?

Not only do I want it,
I think you guys can do it.

now the crew is 72 ounces short

Of the 100 ounces they need
to go home with a decent profit.

They must get down to pay dirt
on their second cut

Before their stockpile runs out

And the wash plant
has to be shut down.

Well, you know, it's not
something that we didn't know.

I mean, we've -- we've --

We've known we had a limited
amount of pay dirt,

And here we are.

We've got a couple days left,
at best,

And, you know, we've got to do
something about it.

So, second cut, here we come.

Narrator: greg remsburg,
in the 400 excavator,

And dave turin, in the d8 dozer,

Are in charge of opening up
a second cut.

They need to remove 8 feet
of worthless, frozen mud

Before they reach the gold-rich
pay gravel beneath.

Remsburg: we're gonna get it
opened up, run it,

And just hope that
it has something in it.

Narrator: as dave and greg
race to strip cut two,

Todd feeds the wash plant

Another bucket
of stockpiled pay gravel.

The guys are already
on that cut.

They got a little bit of it
knocked off already.

Got to get down to pay dirt.

Otherwise, we're screwed.



Threw the track.

Damn it.

Narrator: the d8 is the only
machine the hoffmans have

That can rip through permafrost.

Without it, getting down
to pay gravel in the second cut

Will not be possible.

Each one of these pins stretches
a little bit as it grows old,

And you can take up
somewhat of the tension,

But we can't take
all of the tension out of it

'Cause I'm all the way
past the spring.

So you got to really be careful.

I was making too tight of a turn

And just slipped off
the back idler.

[ Beeping ]

the d8 is stuck in the middle
of the klondike wilderness.

Dave and greg's only option

Is to force the track back on
with the 400 and hope it holds.

Turin: now go back out
towards me, greg.

And now pull it
towards you.


Right on that tooth --
right on that link.

There -- right there.
Push it.

Got it.

[ Engine turns over ]

The d8 is back up and running --
for now.

But the most experienced
operator is leaving the claim

At the end of this shift.

Dave and his wife, shelly,

Are heading back to oregon
for three days

To check in
on his family business.

Turin: greg and I
opened up cut number two,

But we're a long ways away.

We've got
some serious work to do.

We've got probably one or two
days of sluicing left,

And then from there, they should
be all hands on deck,

Getting that second cut done.

Well, I'm running the dozer.

That's never as good as when
dave's running the dozer.

it's now up to greg

To remove the last three feet
of frozen mud

Across an area half the size
of a football field

In an aging dozer.

Todd: greg is --
is our operator right now,

And he's very good
at what he does,

So he'll be here, I'm hoping,
for the remainder,

And he'll take care of it.

the success of the season rests
squarely on greg's shoulders.

At the hoffmans' old claim
in porcupine creek...

The dakota boys are mining
at breakneck speed.

With only 21 ounces
so far this season,

Dakota fred is frantically
digging pay dirt.

Prime real estate here.

Narrator: his son, dustin,
is piling it into the derocker

At over 100 yards an hour.

it's a big day for us

'Cause we haven't had
a single breakdown yet,

Which is a pretty big deal.

family friend darren zuck

Is clearing the tailings
as quickly as he can.

when things are working right,

When they finally
all work together,

It's a really good feeling.

It's a really good feeling.

Narrator: two weeks ago,
a mining inspector

Shut down porcupine
for seven straight days.

You just tell me how anybody
would feel other than angry.

I ask you to hold the thing
so I can weld it.

Don't talk to me like that
right now.

Narrator: father and son...

...took out their frustrations
on each other.

I need some help from somebody

That'll at least listen
to what I ask them to do.

Narrator: now the dakota boys
have just 43 days left

To get the 100 ounces they need
to cover their costs

And go home with a profit.

It's getting close enough
to the end of the season

When we need as much run time
and daylight as we can get.

Otherwise, fred's blood pressure

Will go right through
the frickin' roof, you know?

That ain't no fun for anybody.

fred is 65 feet deep

Into the pit
he's been digging all season.

Fred: just like digging potatoes
out of the ground.

Yeah, that's some 400-pound,
500-pound potatoes there.

Big rocks, big gold.

[ Laughs ]

these big boulders are a sign

That fred is finally close
to bedrock and lots of gold.

Thousands of years ago,

The river at porcupine creek ran
through the pit fred is digging.

It wore down rocks
to form smooth boulders

And deposited
a gold-rich pay streak

Between the boulders
and the bedrock.

Now the derocker is dealing
with these bigger boulders...

...putting it under more
and more strain.


Whoa, whoa!

Shut it down!

Well, it wasn't that easy.

All right.


Derocker's only moving
about an inch and a half

And rocking
back and forth.

Something's not right.

What did you do?


Fred: now we're shut down,

So if we're not washing rocks,
we ain't making no money.

We're going backwards.

This has just gone --
it's out of hand.

It's...k*lling our operation.

Narrator: at porcupine creek
in southeast alaska,

The dakota boys' derocker
is once again out of action.

What the hell
do we know about this?

Dustin and darren investigate
the switch system.

It's not operating
the way it should.

Under the articulating deck
of the derocker,

A hydraulic piston moves the
wheels forwards and backwards

To create the wavelike motion

That shifts the rocks from one
end of the machine to the other.

But now the piston
is hardly moving.

A switch on the side
of the derocker,

Which controls the movement,
has vibrated loose,

So the deck can't process
the rocks.

Just every single piece
of equipment

Has broken down
one way or another.

Narrator: the dakota boys have
lost valuable time this season,

Including two weeks
due to mechanical breakdowns.

It had to have moved, right?
I'm guessing.

Narrator: if they can't fix
the derocker quickly,

They could face financial ruin.

If you got an idea...

Make it happen, scotty.

I'm gonna have to
figure out this switch

Before I can make it
work right.

This is ridiculous
that I'm doing this right now.

Narrator: dustin tries
realigning the switch

So that the hammer
hits at the right moment.

But without a manual,
it's trial and error.

Let's try it again.

[ Engine turns over ]

Despite dustin's best efforts,

The switch
is still not working properly,

And fred's patience
is running out.

I see you itching.
Go for it.

It has to start in here
and ride up.

This is twisted.

Don't start [bleep] with it,

Shut it down.
Shut it -- shut it down.

[ Engine turns off ]

driving me crazy.

That -- that's b.s.

Okay, before you --
I don't know what I'm --

Go ahead.
Go ahead. Say it.

I was just gonna say if you can
just give me a couple minutes

Without you doing
this thing

That you want to grab
and give me hints,

I'm pretty sure I can make it
work if you just --


[Bleep] [bleep]

What size is that, dustin?
Do you have any --

You'll figure it out.

[ Chuckles ]
I got to get away from you.

Yeah, I don't know
what dustin's problem is today.

Bad as a woman.

[ Laughs ]

It's a weird competition thing
between fred and i.

If it's my idea,
it's a bad idea.

Narrator: fred thinks he's found
the correct angle of alignment

For the switch to work.

Fred: we had to add
a little shim in there.

Made out of wood.

And we did a little adjustment
to this strike plate.

Try it.

Macgyver's my name.

Got it?

Well, of course, with
a little southern engineering

With the wood.

Only thing missing
is the duct tape and the wire.

the derocker switch is firing.

The dakota boys
are back in business.

Fred: yee-haw!

Everything's running okay.
So far, so good.

back at quartz creek...

The hoffman crew is rushing
to open up a second cut

Before the stockpiled pay dirt
from cut one runs out.

You know, this second cut is
really the key to the season.

It's gonna make or break us.

This is really the last chance
we've got this year to get gold.

with dave turin gone,

The pressure is on greg to keep
their old, tired d8 dozer going.

He has one week to clear an area
that should take two.

Todd: I had a talk with greg
this morning,

And I said, "you know what?

"I know I'm in a hurry, but we
can't do it without the dozer.

Keep the dozer going.
Keep it alive."

jack is back in his beloved 400,

Trying to move
as much mud as he can.

we're hammering it out.

We're trying really hard.

Come on, baby.

[ Engine sputters, turns off ]

[ Engine grinds ]

Think the dozer
might be out of fuel.

running out of diesel

Sucks air and dirt from the t*nk
through the fuel system.

It can seriously damage
the engine.

Thurber: that's gonna be
a heck of a project

To get fuel back through
all the lines on that thing.

You do not run diesel engines
out of fuel.

It's gonna take a lot of work to
get that thing up and running.

without a working d8,

The hoffman crew can't get down
to the pay gravel they need

To save their season.

How come the dozer
ain't running?

Where'd greg go?

greg ran out of fuel.

If he's done serious damage
to the dozer,

Then he -- then he's --
he could've just screwed us,

So I'm gonna go find out
what's going on.

[ Sighs ]

My mind's not here.

My mind is in sandy, oregon...
With my family.

Last few days, I've been just
wrestling with my two choices --

One, stick it out,
hope for the gold,

Or two is to go back home and
try to make something happen.

I don't feel good
about my chances at home,

But I'm starting to feel less
hopeful about my chances here

And providing for my family.

What'd you [bleep] do?

Well, at the very least,

I ran the dozer low on fuel,
maybe out.

I'm up on a slant, so...

Dude, you run that sediment
through the system, man,

You could've
just straight screwed us.

at quartz creek in the klondike,

Todd's oldest friend,
greg remsburg,

Has run the d8 dozer
out of diesel.

He's put the whole hoffman
operation in jeopardy.

[ Sighs ]
here's the deal...

I just --

Dude, tell the --
back off, and you back off.

Let's go over here.

[ Sighs ]

Here's the way I see it --
I got two options.

Either I stick it out here
and hope for that second cut

Is gonna put a bunch of gold
in our pockets,

Or I go home and I try
to scratch something together,

But, you know,
I don't even have a truck here.

Todd: I know.

I can't even afford
to go down to the airport

And buy a plane ticket
out of here.


And I don't know.

I'm just --
I'm just perplexed.

My head is just about ready
to explode.

I don't -- I don't know.

I know what's right, but I don't
feel like I can do it.

If you got to go, dude,

We'll get the money together
and go.

I'll talk to the guys
and put some money together,

And if you got to go,
you got to go, you know?


Yeah, I will.

All right, man.
Appreciate it.

We'll see what happens.

I'm down, but that
doesn't matter to me.

I fight really good
with my back against the wall,

So just frickin' pour it on me.

I don't care.
I'm gonna get it done.

Narrator: with greg quitting
and dave still in oregon,

Todd is down
to two crew members,

And his most important piece
of equipment is not running.

I feel it's a big loss
to the team and personally

Because greg's
one of my closest friends.

We're at the point where
we're running out of pay dirt,

And if he's not here,
so be it.

I mean,
not much we can do about it.

I got to go.
I got to get away.

Narrator: opening cut two
looks more and more unlikely.

Todd: hey, jim, last bucket.

Narrator: adding insult
to injury, the hoffman crew

Is on their last load
of pay dirt from cut one.

If I can't figure
this frickin' game out...

...i don't know
what I'm gonna do, so...

after the last yard of dirt

Runs through the wash plant,
thurber shuts down the pump.

Cut one is dead.

yeah, we're done.

Todd's ran the last
of what material we had,

So we'll take a look at what's
in the boiler box and riffles

And kind of try to put together
a plan to see what we do next.

[ Birds squawking ]

you can hear the geese flying.

They're getting
the heck out of here.

Leaves are turning.

It's like a light switch here --

And we'll be in winter
before we know it.

They can easily, before august
is over, have snow here.

[ Squirrel squeaking ]

Narrator: 100 miles south,

17-Year-old parker schnabel
is closing in on the klondike.

Before he goes back to school,

He needs to smelt
all the gold he's mined.

This season
has been the worst season

As far as production goes
at the mine in a long time.

[ Whistling ]

Narrator: parker mined every
available area of big nugget,

But he only found 35 ounces
of gold, worth around $55,000.

Last week, he turned the mine
back over to his grandpa.

I-i'd want you to be...
Oh, I'll take care of it.

...in charge and control.

I understand that.

I got to get back to work.

Parker arrives on the outskirts
of dawson city

To smelt his gold.

The go-to guy here
is don kinsey.

Before parker's gold
can be smelted,

Don adds flux to the gold ore.

This is soda ash.

And the other material I'll add
is borax, which is a soap.

So, once again,
you're cleaning the gold.

Narrator: don transfers
the gold-and-flux mixture

Into a heat-resistant crucible.

He places it into a furnace

That is over 2,500 degrees

I've never -- never watched gold
being melted or poured

Or any of that kind of stuff

Narrator: when the gold ore
reaches 1,948 degrees,

It begins to melt.

what's that for?

this is a carbon rod.

What I can do with that rod
is give it a feel

And see if it's going
to liquid nicely,

Then, therefore, telling us
give it a little more time.

Gold is virtually inert, so it
doesn't react with the flux,

Unlike the impurities,
which combine with the flux

And rise to form a slag
on the surface.

Don pours
the red-hot gold mixture

Into a mold lined with vegetable
oil so it doesn't stick.

Stay calm.
Nobody panic.

As the gold cools, a dark crust
forms on the surface.

This slag contains iron
and a small amount of silver.

Okay, here we go.

Don breaks the slag
from the gold.

After three months
of backbreaking mining,

Parker's hard work is boiled
down into one solid bar of gold.

34.34 ounces.

All season we worked to get
that, and you know what?

Might not be happy with what
we got, but it's pretty cool.

Narrator: at quartz creek,

Only 39 days
of the mining season remain.

But the mine is at a standstill.

Dave turin returns from
his business trip in oregon.

I was hoping we'd be
working our butts off,

Getting the second cut
ready to go

So we could get some more gold.

But I don't see much happening.

Dave, welcome back,

I got -- I got some hard stuff
to talk to you about.

Greg's gone. Greg left.

Remsburg left?

Remsburg is now at home.


He's worried
about his family.

Is he worried
about money?

Well, sure.

We're gonna have snow
coming down,

And you're gonna be
basically our horse

To get us
to that next cut.

Narrator: the hoffman crew

Desperately needs to find
another 72 ounces of gold

To go home with money
to support their families.

I think
we're running out of time.

They're under pressure

To strip the mud off cut two
and get down to pay gravel.

[ Engine grinding ]

this one's gripping.

They can't do anything

Until mechanic james harness
fixes the d8 dozer.

He purges the air
out of the diesel-fuel lines.

Not all of them
are cooperating,

And I don't want to have
a problem with the lines.


[ Engine grinds, stops ]


[ Engine grinds, stops ]

Jack: ready?

[ Engine grinds, revs ]

[ Engine stops ]




[ Engine grinding ]

[ Motor turns over ]

dave turin gets straight
to work ripping cut two.

every blade I'm pushing

Gets me that much closer
to sluicing out cut number two.

it will take around a week to
clear two feet of frozen mud.

we're still alive and we're --

We're kicking and we're fighting

And we're gonna keep doing it,
you know?

We got a lot of people
depending on us, so...

Narrator: with no pay dirt
to run through the wash plant,

Thurber takes random test pans
from around the claim.

I have seven colors in my pan
right here --

Handful of dirt.

Narrator: what thurber
has stumbled on in cut one

Just may transform
their whole season.

Hey, todd.


I went up
to the first cut.


And I panned, and I found
gold on the deck.

Right there?

On the deck --
right behind that bedrock.

God, dude.

thurber's random discovery

That there is gold actually
in the bedrock of cut one

Contradicts everything todd
has learned about gold mining.

We have not gone deep enough
in the first cut.

Thurber's panning
really coarse gold.

You know, I thought
we were done down there.

Todd: oh, gosh.
I don't know what to do.

Gold tends to sink
through the gravel

Until it hits solid bedrock.

This means
the richest pay streaks

Are usually at the bottom
of the pay gravel.

This is where the hoffmans
stopped digging.

What they didn't know

Is that water can seep into
the bedrock's hairline cracks.

Over time, this water
freezes and expands,

Creating fractures large enough
for the gold to fall into.

If the bedrock on cut one
is fractured and full of gold,

The hoffmans' season could go
from bust to boom overnight.

40 Miles north of quartz creek,
in dawson city,

Parker schnabel
is on the road again.

This time, he's touring

The impressive
klondike mining operations.

The dredges that have done this
must be huge.

parker failed this season.

He did not hit the pay streak
he needed

To secure the future
of the big nugget mine.

It's time
for some soul searching.

I've never seen an operation
outside of porcupine.

he's visiting one of the biggest
gold operations in the region --

Tamarack mine,
owned by tony beets.

Hi, tony.

Parker. Tony beets.
How are you doing?

Good. Good to meet you.
There you go.

Tony runs dirt through his wash
plant 23 hours a day, every day,

And that adds up
to a lot of gold.

How many ounces is that?


That's more
than 200 ounces.

[ Laughs ]

I've never seen
that much gold in a pan.

[ Laughs ] ay?

If things don't work out
at porcupine,

I might crawl up here,
beg tony for a job.

[ Laughter ]

He says he gets
like two to four ounces an hour.

I'm -- I'm digging
in the wrong creek, man.

If I want to play
with the big boys...

I got to get up here
where the big boys play.

Narrator: at quartz creek,
the hoffman crew suspects

They've missed thousands
of dollars worth of gold

In the bedrock of cut one.

If the bedrock hits...

They call in their neighbor,
expert miner guy favron,

To get his opinion.

Hey, dave, we got
a real miner here.

We got a real miner?

Good, finally. Somebody that
knows what they're doing.

So, we got this stuff.

Favron: oh, that's bedrock.
It's all --

It all looks like bedrock to me,
even over to that --

I don't think this material

Was holding gold
all the way down, even.

That's what we're looking at

It's just sandy.

We're actually hammering
the bedrock pretty hard now.

It just keeps paying.

How deep
are you going into it?

We'll probably be
a good four feet into it.

Are you really?

So, keep going in this?

Keep going?
Keep going down?

Well, if there's gold,
keep going.

If there's no gold,
just get the hell out.

[ Laughs ]
oh, okay.

Narrator: the crew stops work
on cut two immediately.

Dave takes the d8
back to cut one.

Turin: this is just penetrating
down into the bedrock.

It's real critical that we get
the water out of here

So I'm not pushing this stuff up

'Cause the water
will wash the gold down.

Narrator: todd starts feeding
the bedrock pay dirt

Into the wash plant right away.

So far this season, cut one
has been a disappointment.

But they will soon find out

If thurber's accidental
discovery deep in cut one

Will make them all rich.

everybody's in a good mood.

That first cut
just keeps giving, baby.

now that everyone's working,

No one can be
in any kind of bad mood.

We're doing
what we're here to do.

Narrator: the prospect
of a season-saving cleanout

Has the crew
more determined than ever.

I think that there might be
more gold left in the cut

Than what we got out.

down at porcupine creek,

The dakota boys are feeding

Their final bucket of pay dirt
of the day

Into the wash plant.

wash them rocks, baby.

After three 10-hour shifts,

The derocker has crunched
through over 4,000 cubic yards

Of their best pay dirt yet.

Now it's time for dustin
and the crew

To clean out their sluice boxes.

Ooh, we got gold!

Fred: it's getting bigger.

Zuck: yep,
it's getting bigger.

Anytime you get larger flakes,

Of course, it makes up
for a lot of small ones.

[ Laughs ]

Narrator: fred has mined
21 ounces of gold this season,

Worth about $34,000.

Gold soup coming up.

But he's spent $60,000
to find it.

All we're doing
is drying it out.

Without more gold,
dakota fred will go bankrupt.

To hit their target
of 100 ounces,

He needs 2 ounces a day.

That means at least 6 ounces of
gold from this 3-day cleanout.

All right, here we go.


9.1, plus...


13 ounces, worth nearly $21,000,

Is twice what fred
was hoping for.

Their season tally
is now on course.


Fred: 21.3.



34.5 -- 34.6 -- 34.5 ounces
we got right now.


13 Ounces every 3 days
for the rest of the season

Would give the dakota boys
over $250,000.

Their luck
may finally be changing.

We find a little gold
in between breakdowns.

[ Laughs ]

Narrator: at quartz creek,

The hoffman crew is doing
the first cleanout

Of the gold they nearly left
in the bedrock of cut one.

I think it'll be
a fair cleanout.

We'll find out here shortly.

That's a good sign.

You always want to be
able to hear it.

[ Gold rattles ]
that's nice.

Narrator: jack and thurber
rinse the miners moss

From the sluice boxes.

Look at the gold there. See it?

Right here, just --
yeah. Yeah.

I think this cleanout looks
better than the last time.

It -- it looks pretty cool.

they run the gold concentrate
through their duplex jig.

The pulsating cylinder
full of ball bearings

Separates the heavier gold
and black sand

From the lighter dirt.

Shut it down.

Any larger nuggets are picked
out of a miniature sluice box.

Yes, sir.


If the size of the pieces mean
anything, it's getting better.


As a line forms on the gold
table, expectations soar.

it looks pretty good.

You know, this is the first
two scoops that I've put in,

And it seems to be
nice and even.

Narrator: to get the 72 ounces
they need to make a profit

In the remaining 38 days
of the season,

This 3-day cleanout

Has to deliver
at least 6 ounces of gold.

This is looking good.
Isn't that cool?

Looking good.
Things are looking real good.

I love it.

Yeah, I saw the last one,
and this looks better than that.

And we had, what,
8 ounces last time?

I think
we're gonna beat that.

There's some big chunks
in there.

Looks like
double digits to me.









Come on!

That's so close!


9.25, and then thurb's
got some.

Oh, I don't know. There could
be 3/4 of an ounce there.

Harness: blow it off the paper
into this pan.

Half ounce.

Jack: half ounce.

[ Laughter ]

Now we're getting

Narrator: the 9 3/4 ounces
of bedrock gold

That the hoffman crew
almost left behind

Has everyone encouraged.

I'd like to have
a bunch of these.

They now have almost 38 ounces,
worth around $60,000.

Holy crap.

If they continue
to have cleanouts like this,

The crew will split a profit
of about $110,000.

In probably three days
of running, we beat --

We got half
of what we got last year.

now we're getting close.

I can see a real possibility

That we're gonna be over
100 ounces, and that's exciting.

Right now is the time to really
push and try to hit for the end

'Cause we've got
very little time left.

I know that we could
accomplish our 100-ounce goal

By taking that next cut.

How do we know what we can do

Unless you actually get up
to the plate

And swing --
and swing for the fences?

It's a big gamble,
but you know what?

I don't want to limp
out of here.

I want to go out of here
like a pro.

I want to go out of here
like a king.

Come on. Let's go.
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