02x07 - Gold at Last

Episode transcripts for the TV show, "Gold Rush". Aired: December 3, 2010 –present.*
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Reality based series follows the placer gold mining efforts of various family-run mining companies, mostly in the Klondike region of Dawson City, Yukon, Canada, as well as in the U.S. state of Alaska.
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02x07 - Gold at Last

Post by bunniefuu »

Narrator: halfway through their
second gold-mining season...

Your team atmosphere
is negative.

...the hoffman crew has hit
one brick wall after another

In their hunt for gold.

We're gonna have to get
our ass in gear.


The american dream
is in our hearts.

Every single one of us
is taking a lot of crap.

[ Cheering ]

Man: go!

[ Laughs ]

as todd and his crew

Finally close in on their
first gold of the year...

It feels good. We're chasing
that pocket of gold.

...their loader breaks down.

Todd: no! No!

Narrator: down south
at porcupine creek...

Come get this stuff
right away!

Narrator: ...the dakota boys
push their bodies and machines

To the limit.

See you later.

And across the creek
at the big nugget mine,

The pressure to find gold...

Will you give us a minute?

...creates tension between
parker schnabel and his grandpa.

Don't shut my crew down
without talking to me!

Up at quartz creek
in the klondike...

...it's day 75 of
the 150-day mining season.

It's taken half the season,

But the hoffman crew finally
has their wash plant dialed in.

Dave: take an old
piece of equipment

That's laying
alongside the road,

You pour your heartache into it,

And you watch it come to life,
and it'll start producing gold.

I guarantee it.

It's a good day.

Overall, we're straight
kicking some ass.

Now we're at 100 fricking
yards an hour.

This is the american dream
right here.

We're doing something right,
and it's gold-bearing, so...

This is what we came to do,
and we're finally doing it.

the hoffman crew is hungry

For their first real gold
of the year.

Since moving to the klondike,

They battled to get their old
wash plant up and running.

We're not gonna sit here
and not hit the goal.

after a series of setbacks,

They made
the controversial decision

To switch out
their gold-trapping riffles.

The plan looks like
it just may pay off.

guys, check this out.

The hoffman crew
can now get gold

From the pay dirt
they feed into the plant.

With nothing to show for
the first half of the season,

They have no choice but to run
as much dirt as they can.

The loader carries four tons
of material in each bucket.

Chris pushes the loader hard
to keep the wash plant fed.

All of a sudden...

The loader conks out.

Chris: I'm down.

I won't be going anywhere
for a while.

Narrator: without it,
the plant has no dirt to run.

Dave turin is first
on the scene.

Chris: I think it's spewing
hydraulic fluid.


Clear. Go ahead.

[ Engine turns over ]

with hydraulic fluid leaking,

Chris is forced
to turn off the loader.

We don't want to be spewing
any oil on the ground,

So we're gonna get this up
on a level spot

Where we can get it
cleaned out, a little bit safer.

they can't let hydraulic fluid
contaminate the creek.

Todd only has one option.

Todd: we're gonna pull it
out of here,

Get it over here where james
can take a look at it,

So we're gonna go out there
and drag it back out of there.

Broken-down loader.

The life in a mine.

Got to get it out of there.

Our loader broke down.
We're pulling it out of here.

Narrator: todd plans to use
the 400 excavator

To pull the loader
out of the pit...

This cable won't break.

...but the loader weighs in
at 35,000 pounds.

look the frick out.

Can't see over here.

Make the break-off.

Man: tom.



No! No!

We're going 3 steps forward
and 10 steps back.

Narrator: for more power,

Todd swaps out the 400
for the d8 dozer.


And jim thurber attaches
a stronger cable,

Rated for pulling 20 tons --
or 40,000 pounds.

Man: look okay?

[ Engine revs ]

Todd: looks good.

Let's roll.

Watch that cable.

Thurber, you got your belt on?


Narrator: with the loader
safely out of the pit,

Team mechanic james harness
diagnoses the problem.

We may have lost a bolt,

And it's either coming out of
the bolt hole or the lock.

The loss of that bolt allowed
the seal above that to fail.

deep inside the loader,

A bolt has sheared on a plate
connecting a hydraulic hose.

The three remaining bolts
can't keep the seal intact.

With fluid leaking,

The loader's hydraulic bucket
won't work.

Getting at the problem
is not easy.

If I can get the bolt out
and we throw a seal in there,

We're done and we can go back

To trying to assume we have
some kind of a future

Finding some gold.

without the loader,

There is no pay gravel
for the wash plant.

[Bleep] [bleep]

Todd is forced to shut down
the entire mining operation.

The hoffman crew still hasn't
found a single ounce of gold

Halfway into the season.

[ Thunder rumbles ]

The crippled loader is
yet another major setback.

Chris: I think this is probably
about the most depressing day

I've had in weeks.

It's frustrating.

Almost starting to think
maybe we shouldn't be here.

Just too many things
are beating up on us.

down at porcupine creek
in southeast alaska...

The dakota boys prep
their derocker wash plant

To run dirt
for seven straight days.

It will be pretty exciting,
I'm sure.

You'll see.

Figure, within one week,

We'll have more gold
than they made all last year.

Got to have about 15 ounces
to make that work.

We'll see how many yards
it takes us to get there.

Hey, long as I can run,
I'll make the bet.

just a month ago...

Dakota fred made a bet
with jack hoffman.

I'm gonna mine more gold
in one week

Than you did all year.

It's taken the dakota boys
four weeks

To dial in their derocker.

But now it's fully operational,

Running up to 150 yards
of dirt an hour.

I feel charged right now.

to beat the hoffmans'

First-season total
of 14.6 ounces,

In just one week,

The dakota boys have to run
thousands of yards of dirt,

And they're going
to have to do it...

Be safe.

...without their business
partner, paul.

There are just two men left
to win the bet.

Fred digs pay dirt while dustin
takes it to the wash plant.

Fred: dustin's doing
a hell of a job.


It's rough,

But he's a young man,
he can handle it.

Narrator: he feeds
the derocker material...

And then clears the tailings,

The washed rocks
that the derocker discards.

Dustin: I feel like I'm playing
catch-up constantly.

dustin works two jobs at once.

But after six hours of running,
he's struggling to keep up.

Fred: dustin! Come get
this stuff in front of me,

Dustin, right away!


[Bleep] [bleep]

That freaks me out.

Narrator: dustin is fighting
a losing battle.

He just can't keep the derocker
free of tailings.

It's clear that the dakota boys
need three men working

Or they won't be able
to run enough dirt.

It doesn't work,

And that's why we had
three people.

To run with two people is...

It's less than half
of what you can do

Because not only are you just
doing twice the work,

You're going in between
the jobs.

Okay. We'll have to look around
and see.

That way, it'll be done.

What's that?

That way, it'll be done.


All right.
Well, we'll see you later.

All right.

All right.

Narrator: at this rate,
fred stands to lose a lot more

Than just his bet with jack.

Fred leaves a message

For the only guy in town
that can help.

I'll give you a call back
a little later on,

See if I can catch you
in the office.

Thanks, ken. This is fred.
Thank you. Bye.

No loader, no gold.

Narrator: at the big nugget mine
in southeast alaska,

17-Year-old parker schnabel
is clearing ground.

He's prepping a new dig site
200 feet up on the slope

Of smith creek hill.

That is awesome.

Halfway through
the gold-mining season,

Parker has found only 14 ounces
of gold, worth just $22,000.

Yeah! Oh, come on!

Since he took over
his grandfather's mine

At the start of the season...

Parker has had a hard time
finding pay dirt.

I've got everything I need
except dirt with gold in it.

Desperate for
a new source of gold,

Parker sunk $8,000
into a new dig site

Up on smith creek hill.

He dug down to bedrock,
but there was no gold.

Keep working
towards the better ground.

Eventually, you'll hit it.

Parker took his grandpa's advice

To keep at it
on smith creek hill.

A week ago,

He cleared overhanging trees
from an exposed wall.

Now parker plans to dig
into the side of the hill.

This is his last chance
to make smith creek pay.

Parker: I'm trying
to get close to bedrock,

So what I'm gonna do is,
take it all down

And then take it down some more

So that I'll hit the pay streak
if there is one.

Narrator: pay streaks
are channels of gold

That often sit on the bedrock
of ancient riverbeds.

Thousands of years ago,

Smith creek cut a path
through this hillside.

Parker believes
that when it dried out,

It left a trail of gold
on its riverbed.

If he's right, the pay streak is
buried deep in the alaskan dirt.

Looks like we found bedrock.

The plan was, find the back wall
and start following it down.

And...wouldn't you know it
but we actually did it.

We'll find some good gold
up here.

I feel like we will.

I feel like we'll find
good gold up here.

Narrator: if parker
has finally hit bedrock,

This dirt could be full of gold.

He wastes no time
stockpiling material

To run through his wash plant.

77 Days into the mining season,

Parker could be on
the smith creek pay streak.

Back up at quartz creek
in the klondike...

Mechanic james harness struggles
to extract a broken bolt

That shut down
the loader's hydraulics.

it's ugly in there.

And without the right tools,

There's no way to do anything
about it.

Narrator: for six hours, harness
has struggled to find a fix.

But working under the loader
has taken its toll.

Last season...

...harness pushed his body
to the limit,

And eventually, an old spinal
injury caught up with him.

My legs are shot.

Narrator: radical surgery
in the off season

Gave him a temporary reprieve.

At first light the next day,
james calls the crew together.

I was about in tears
under that thing last night

Trying to squeeze in there
and get anything done.

I just gave up.

That's not like you.

I know. It's a fight
I can't win right now.

I've...i've overdone it.

The surgery let me down
months earlier

Than it was supposed
to wear off,

And I need to go get some sh*ts
or some medication

Before I can go any further.

I was hoping to get a cleanout
before that happened

Because, you know, we really
need to know where we stand

On a lot of issues,

Mainly if we have anything
to divide up at the end,

And, you know, are we spinning
our wheels for nothing?

And, you know, a lot of
decisions have to be made.

I've always been a team player,

And I want to help you guys
no matter what,

But I can't do it
in the condition I'm in.

So I need a few days.
That's all I'm asking for.

I know you and I had
a couple blowouts earlier,

But get it done
and whatever you can get done,

And we'll be here
when you get back.

to sort out his back,

Harness is heading
2,000 miles south to oregon.

He's the only member
of the hoffman crew

That can fix the broken loader,
and he could be gone for weeks.

See you later.

drive careful, jack.

Jack: if this can help that
pain, I'm glad to see him go.

Hopefully, we can keep going,
you know,

And just struggle through
until he gets back.

Narrator: the hoffman crew
is running out of time.

They have to find another
mechanic to fix their loader --

And quick.

Narrator: at porcupine creek
in southeast alaska...

So, what we gonna do today?

...dakota fred and son dustin
are waiting on reinforcements.

I hope that's kenny.

All right.

Are you a sight
for sore eyes!

[ Indistinct talking ]

Good seeing you.

Narrator: fred has hired
local miner kenny waldo.

Kenny will operate the dozer

So the dakota boys can run
the maximum amount of dirt.

So, you gonna come out
and help us out today?

I'm help you guys out.

With kenny's help,

Fred might have
a fighting chance

Of winning his bet
with jack hoffman.

We got this
little thing going

With the former
residents here.

I...kind of boasted

That I was gonna get more gold
in one week

Than they got
all last year.

Are you close?

With your help,
I think we can do it.

All right. Well,
I'll give her a best shot.

kenny starts clearing tailings,

Freeing up dustin to collect
four tons of fresh material

With each bucketload.

Fred: he's getting one
every three minutes.

That's about
80, 90 yards an hour.

Kenny's doing a great job.
Top of the line.

Narrator: now fred has to hope
that there's enough gold

In the porcupine dirt

To beat 14.6 ounces
by the end of the week.

Quartz creek, the klondike.

With their loader broken
and wash plant shut down,

The hoffman crew is putting
the finishing touches

On their gold room.

okay, stop. Stop.

This year, the hoffmans are
automating their gold recovery.

Protected from the elements sit
two gold-catching machines --

A duplex jig and a gold table.

Last year,
we wound up using a gold pan.

in their rookie mining season,

The hoffman crew failed to dial
in their machines properly.

it's just unbelievable.

Narrator: the hoffmans
learned their lesson.

This season, their machines are
already set up to catch gold.

Jack: we wind up with a bucket
of material like this

That's loaded
with freaking gold.

Then we shovel it
into this hopper.

It's washed in that hopper.

It goes to the two jigs.

the gold-bearing dirt

Enters the top
of the duplex jig,

Where rocks and stones
are discarded.

The material then flows through
pipes into the jig

And onto a pulsating bed
of steel shot on a fine screen.

Only the heaviest material --
black sand and gold --

Falls through
into buckets beneath,

Ready for the next machine.

We come out
with this red bucket

From underneath here...

Like this.

It'll have concentrate
in it.

We take that bucket
over to this hopper,

And we feed it
into this hopper.

Narrator: the concentrate then
falls under the gold table,

Where jets of water
wash the dirt.

As the material works its way
down the table,

The constant vibration
of the machine

Separates the gold
from the black sand.

The gold should form into a line
in the central channel.

Jack: this table is
drop-dead fantastic.

It really works,
and I'm real happy with it.

I have yet to see
anything better.

Narrator: this year,
the hoffman crew

Should be able to capture
every grain of gold.

All they need to do now
is get back up and running.

Only thing missing from this
beautiful equation is gold

And running, so that's
what we're doing next.

Narrator: 600 miles south,
at the big nugget mine,

Parker is at his wash plant

Overseeing the cleanout of
the dirt from smith creek hill.

There's -- there's a lot
on the line kind of this week.

You know, we've been having
quite a few down weeks,

And I am worried.

Narrator: parker spent two weeks
prospecting at smith creek.

If he's on the gold,

Parker should see at least
an ounce of gold worth $1,600

In this processed material.

Parker: pretty poor.

Yeah. Gold prices are up
but not that high.

We need more than a few flakes.

I mean, that's only like $50.

It doesn't make sense.

It is what it is, you know?

I can't change
what's in the ground.

I can get there.

I can dig it up.

But if there's gold,
there's gold.

If there's not, there's not.

There's something weird about
that piece of ground up there.

Well, it takes around
300,000 years laying there

Waiting for us --

Why, there must be something
hidden underneath it.

Narrator: smith creek hill
isn't panning out.

In just four weeks, parker
has to go back to high school.

His season is slipping away.

at quartz creek in the klondike,

Todd hoffman has hired
two local mechanics

To fix the broken-down loader.

Without it, todd can't run dirt
and find gold.

it costs me $250 an hour.

It'll be $2,000
or $3,000 probably

By the time
this is all said and done.

Man: they wanted me to ask you
what the plan is.

Plan is to pull it apart
and fix her proper.

Fix it proper.

the mechanics discover

What the hoffman crew mechanic
james harness already knew --

A sheared bolt has compromised
the seal of the hydraulic hose

That controls
the loader's bucket.

The one that blew out
is this one here, so...

Jim: we got the guys,
and they have angle drills

And stuff we don't have,

So what was impossible to us,
they're gonna be able to do.

Narrator: unlike harness,

The new mechanics have the tools
to get to the underbelly

Of the loader
to replace the bolt.

The work takes eight hours.

[ Engine turns over ]


Looking good.
We got our loader back.

the fix costs todd $2,000,

But in the long run, he hopes
to get the money back in gold.

Jack: we're ready to go.

Everybody's ready to see gold
in that box.

This is a real good sight.
This is a real good sight.

All right.
Thanks, you guys.

Man: let's go!

Narrator: with the loader
and wash plant

Finally back up and running,

The hoffman crew is once again

Headed for their first
gold cleanout of the season.

I'm doing what I'm supposed
to be doing finally!

Starting again.

[ Engines turn over ]

Todd: looks like
we're gold-mining.

God, that thing
is hauling ass!

You can almost taste that.

That's good gold dirt
right there, man.

down at the big nugget mine
in southeast alaska...

Parker has fallen on hard times.

He followed his grandpa's advice
to mine smith creek hill,

But so far, no gold.

He is now running
reserve pay dirt,

Material saved for dark days
at the mine.

This is the security dirt,
I guess.

I think we can pretty reliably

Get around 3/4 of an ounce
of gold a day.

We'll at least break even.

Like last week, we didn't
even find a half-ounce.

Narrator: it costs $1,000 a day
to run the big nugget mine.

Parker is out of options.
He has to cover his costs.

While parker stockpiles
the reserve dirt,

Grandpa john runs it
through the wash plant.

John: right now,
we haven't had much success.

This material he's bringing here
I'm sure will produce gold.

Narrator: the wash plant runs
for six straight hours.

After running 100 loads
of grandpa's reserve pay dirt,

John calls it a day.

We might as well
shut this thing down.

But parker has more dirt

That he wants to run
through the wash plant.

Will you give us
a minute?


Don't shut my crew down.


Don't shut my crew down
without talking to me!

Who's the boss?
You are.

it doesn't feel like it.

Parker, I'm --

I don't want to --

I really appreciate
the help,

But when it comes
to telling the crew

The shut the plant down,
I think that I should be --

Have some input in that.

Well, I -- fine.
That's great.

I'm sorry.
I...i stepped out of line, then.

Let's put it that way.

Okay, let's see.

the pressure to turn a profit

Is taking a toll
on the 17-year-old boss

Of the big nugget mine.

So, I got --
I got an idea.

If you want to be in charge
of the plant and terry and gary,

I can just bring dirt
to the plant

Just like I did last year.

Oh. Please.
I did not wish to --

For the last few weeks,

That's been
what's going on anyway,

So we might as well
make it official.

John: he feels that I am
undermining his authority,

I guess is the right way
to phrase it.

But in my mind,

I wasn't doing anything
but trying to help him.

[ Chuckles ]

Sometimes we don't know
what we're doing.

I think that was
a little more aggressive

Than I should have been.

He's gonna take that
pretty hard, I think.

I might have been a little
too rough on him.

Narrator: after one day of
running grandpa's reserve dirt,

Parker just may see
his first gold in weeks.

Parker: four ounces.

Four ounces in a week isn't bad.

Narrator: four ounces,
worth about $6,400,

Enough to just cover parker's
running cost for the week.

Parker weighs the gold
he's found so far this season.

Parker: 18.7 ounces.

Pretty piss-poor.

I got to get back to work.

Narrator: parker needs 70 ounces
to break even this year.

In just four weeks,

He has to go back for his
senior year of high school.

He has to find gold now.

If he doesn't,

The big nugget mine
just may go out of business.

Narrator: at porcupine creek
in southeast alaska...

Dakota fred, his son, dustin,

And a new recruit, kenny,
are running dirt.

Right now, everything seems
to be going all right.

Be holding our breath
for another couple hours here,

See if everything
will hold together.

We're closing in
on that 15 ounces.

Narrator: it's the seventh
and final day

For fred to win his bet
with jack hoffman.

Fred boasted that he could find
more gold in one week

Than the hoffmans found
in their entire rookie season.

In a single week,

The dakota boys have run
5,000 yards of dirt.

It's finally time to clean out
their wash plant.

Shut it off.

Anything over 14.6 ounces
will give them bragging rights.

Think we got it, fred?

We'll only know how much we got
when we clean it up.

It'll either prove
me wrong or prove me
right. We don't know.

If they are on the gold,

It will be trapped in rows
of riffles

And special carpet
known as miners moss.

Fred: you're apprehensive.
You don't know.

You can't see it.

It's all hidden in that dirt
and mud and everything else.

My fate is in the box.

Here we go.
[ Engine turns over ]

Narrator: dustin loads seven
buckets of concentrated material

Into the cleanout trommel.

The trommel washes the dirt,

Separating out only the heaviest
material, like gold.

This refined dirt is then caught

In more riffles
and miners moss.

I'm pretty excited.

I think we have more
than we think we have.

It's taken me 2 1/2 months
to get to these seven days.

It's been a rough road.

fred shuts down the trommel.

Wait a minute. Wait.
Hold up just a minute.

Just let it sit there
for a minute.

After 82 days,

The dakota boys
will finally find out

If they have found gold
at porcupine creek.

I want to see a nugget.

Look at that big one
right there.

That one right there.

Yeah, there it is.

That is nice, huh?
Look at that.

There's a lot
of little stuff, huh?

Oh, god.
Look at all those flakes.

Oh, there's so many of them!
I love it!

Turn it.

Narrator: the dakota boys
can see good gold,

But the layer of miners moss
might have trapped even more.

All right.
There you go.

God, look at all
those flakes.


It's all gold flakes
in there.

We're gonna need every bit
we can get.

They're on the gold,
but the question is, how much?

Fred lost his home
in north dakota to floods.

He needs 70 ounces
just to cover costs this year.

well, I've invested very huge
part of any savings I've had.

We're gonna have to get a lot
of gold to cover these expenses.

[ Crickets chirping ]

to determine their week's haul,

Fred and dustin pan
late into the alaskan night.

Fred: water.

Oh, no way.

Tell me that's gold.

That's gold.

That's gold?

My first baby nugget.

in the middle of the night,

They are finally ready
to weigh their gold.

The dakota boys
need over 14.6 ounces

To beat the hoffmans' total
for all of last season.

All right.
We need a drum roll, dustin.

I can't do it.

[ Laughs ]
are we ready?

Five months last year,

Six guys working
in the same hole,

They got 14½ ounces.

There goes 14½.



18.9 -- oh.

[ Both laugh ]

18.9 ounces in seven days.

Take that, hoffmans!

[ Both laugh ]

Fred has won bragging rights
over the hoffmans.

But more importantly,

The dakota boys have found
$30,000 of gold

In their first full week
of running.


Proud of you,
proud of everybody that helped.

I'll tell you what, it's really
been a hard row to hoe.

But, hey, I'm happy.

[ Both laugh ]

I think tonight
is a three-beer night.

[ Both laugh ]


The dakota boys are now on track

To pull in almost $300,000
in gold

Before winter chokes off
porcupine creek.

Good job, fred.

While the dakota boys celebrate
long overdue success...

...600 miles north
at quartz creek...

...the hoffmans' repaired loader

Is bringing pay gravel
to the wash plant.

Todd and his crew are finally
back up and running,

Headed for their first payday
of the season.

it feels good to be running,

Chasing that pocket of gold,
you know?

this is a critical stage.

Everything we've done
comes down to this.

We do this wrong,
it's all for naught.

after running 1,000 yards

Of the top layer of pay gravel
through the wash plant,

Todd shuts down.

It's time for their first
big cleanout of the year.

'Cause look, right there.

I see gold in here, dave.

Look at it all sparkling.
That's gold.

That's all fine, fine gold.

It's all over in there.

[ Man laughs ]

Greg: right now, we know
there's gold in the sluice,

But nobody knows how much.

That'll be kind of a benchmark
for the rest of the season.

You know, are we gonna make it
or break it?

Narrator: there are specks in
the hoffman crew's sluice boxes,

But no one knows
just how much gold

The first 1,000 yards
of pay gravel holds.

The answer is in 50 pounds
of muddy concentrate.

The hoffman crew's future
sits in this tub.

quartz creek, the klondike.

Over halfway through their
second gold-mining season,

The hoffman crew is deep

Into their first cleanout
of the year.

sniff out the gold for us.

Narrator: the result will make
or break their season.

Okay, guys.
This is a big moment.

It's our first cleanout.

Let's let fred
do his thing, guys,

And everybody pay attention.

Let's get her done.
Let's do it.

We're ready.

Narrator: todd's recruited
gold expert fred dodge

To run the duplex jig
and the gold table.

Todd needs fred to extract
every last bit of gold.

First, fred loads the dirt
into the jig.

Dodge: just trying to keep
a constant feed

So our material's in our feeder.

We're putting it into a slurry,

Then it's going down
to the screen deck.

Our screen deck's
cleaning our material

And getting
our fine material out.

Then our fine material's
gonna carry through

And into our keg.

Our light material's going up.

Our heavy material's going down.

It's a simple process
that works extremely well.

Todd: fred, does this look like
pretty rich material,

Or have you seen
any gold?

Time will tell.
We'll see here in a minute.

Who knows, huh?

You can see how clean
our material is.

Our screen's doing
an exceptional job.

Narrator: once all of the
material is run through the jig,

The refined concentrate
gathers in buckets below.

And it's looking good.

What is that going
right through the bottom?

Is that gold coming
through here, fred?

Yep. You can see some gold
in there.


Here's our fine gold.

So now we've got the majority
of our heavies

And our gold.

You can see the gold in it.

That is fan-damn-tastic,
you know?

is that about it, fred?

Yeah, we're done
with this process.

Narrator: the final step
in separating the gold

From the dirt is the gold table.

Todd: so, let's get
the table rolling, huh?

Dodge: see what's in
your fine stuff, todd.

this is the big-time.

[ Machinery whirs ]

looks like we're ready.

These grooves are catching
our material,

So I'll be able to cut the gold
right out of it,

And we'll get rid of the rest
of the material.

Is that it, dad?

That's it. That's the first
chunk that came down,

Dropped down,
and went back up here,

And it's coming down.

Let it go.

There it goes.
It's in the bucket.

Guys, we're doing it.

We're just starting,
but we're doing it.

Hey, guys.
Let's see what you did.

Narrator: after an hour

Of running the material
through the machines,

It's time to total up the gold.

Dodge: here we go, todd.
Let's see how much gold you got.

Four ounces.

Man: yee-hah!

Jack: good lord.

four ounces -- or $6,500 --

From only 1,000 yards
of pay gravel.

With their operation now firing
on all cylinders,

The hoffmans should be able
to process 1,000 yards a day.

If they can average
four ounces a day

For the rest of the season,

The hoffman crew will walk away
with over $400,000 in gold,

Enough money to feed
their families over winter.

Overall, man,
I feel pretty happy.

Almost 1/3 of what we did
last year,

And it's our first cleanup.

They told us
we couldn't get in here

And get set up and actually run
any gold this year.

We got four ounces
on the top.

We're set up to end this season
very successfully.

These cleanouts are gonna go
from 4 ounces

To 10 ounces to 15 ounces
to 20-ounce cleanouts.

We're gonna have cleanouts,
mark my word,

That are bigger than what we did
all last season --

In one cleanout.

Guys, we got to work twice
as hard as everybody else.

And we can put several hundred
ounces in our pockets

By the end of this season.

Let's get to work.

With 67 days left in the season,

The hoffman crew can still
strike it rich at quartz creek.

Greg: that was incredible to see
the gold on that table.

We know something now.

We know that there's gold.

We know that we've got depth
to go yet.

I mean, that's the goal.
That's where the gold is.

Chris: the american dream
was based on the fact

That if you want it bad enough,
you can have it.

Everybody here risked a lot.

But the opportunities
for the returns are phenomenal.

Todd: four ounces
is not bad to start.

By the time we get down
to our real pay dirt,

We're gonna have our game down.

We get everybody going again,
we'll be rocking in the morning.

So, I got to get going here.

Narrator: in the second half
of the mining season...

Todd: hey, guys.
This is our final push.

Narrator: ...time is running out
on all three planes.

We're gonna run and run and run.

Man: easy, jack! Whoa!

Narrator: the miners race
to get to the gold.

let's get to 100 ounces.

I can't keep chasing the dream.

disaster strikes.

My grandpa's had a heart attack.

tempers flare.

Get out of the way!
I've had it!

Stop! You know what the [bleep]
stop is?

[ Metal clatters ]

I don't want
to even talk about it.

and the authorities clamp down.

"We got to shut you down
'cause of some damn paperwork."

It's ridiculous.

Narrator: and as the winter once
again descends on the miners...

We're getting our butts kicked
by the winter.

Narrator: ...they fight the
frozen north to the bitter end.

Jim: desperate times
require desperate measures.

Come on.


That's our first
klondike nugget.


This might just be
the pot of gold

We've been looking for.

If you don't have the guts,

You know, you don't
deserve the glory.
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