02x04 - Slippery Slope

Episode transcripts for the TV show, "Gold Rush". Aired: December 3, 2010 –present.*
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Reality based series follows the placer gold mining efforts of various family-run mining companies, mostly in the Klondike region of Dawson City, Yukon, Canada, as well as in the U.S. state of Alaska.
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02x04 - Slippery Slope

Post by bunniefuu »

just outside the arctic circle,

Seven down-on-their-luck miners

Are into their second
gold-mining season,

And this time,
it is make-or-break.

If we don't make it this summer,
we're done.

Narrator: deep in debt
and with no jobs back home,

The hoffman crew fights
to keep their dream alive.

This is the big one.

Got a lot of guys and a lot
of families counting on us.

they've risked everything

On a new claim
in the northern wilderness.

That virgin ground
has never been touched.

They've rebuilt
a broken-down wash plant.

That should do it.

But they still have no gold.

Now they have to make up
for lost time

And get mining the klondike way.


This is a whole
nother ball game.

and in porcupine creek,

The dakota boys
also race to get mining...

Until father and son lock horns.

[ Imitating fred ]
"what the hell you doing?"

At the big nugget mine...
Parker: rocking.

...the man in charge,
16-year-old parker schnabel

Pushes his machines
to the limit.

Well [bleep]

When this thing goes down,
everything goes down.

If you can get down to it,
you're earning it.

at the quartz creek gold claim,

Way up north in the klondike,

The hoffman crew
is already 36 days

Into a 150-day mining season.

And finally,
they start digging for gold.

Greg remsburg
is on the d8 dozer.

He must clear the vegetation
off of the virgin ground

East of the creek before
they can actually start mining.

Remsburg: whoa! Geez.

Right off the bat,
he's in trouble.

Holy cow.
Whoa. Whoa.


This is crazy.


It's 100,000 pounds
sliding sideways.

It may be summer
in the klondike,

But this close
to the arctic circle,

The ground is frozen year round.

It's called permafrost,

And beneath it
lies the klondike gold.

Thought to have been formed
around 1 million years ago,

This layer of frozen dirt
is close to 8 feet deep

And is hard as concrete.

Beneath the permafrost,

The hoffmans' hope
is a pay streak,

A layer of gold-rich gravel
sitting right on the bedrock.

To get to the gold,

They have to remove
the 8-foot layer of frozen dirt.

If I can't get traction,

Then I'm not gonna be able
to push any of this dirt away.

If I get up
this little hill -- whoa!

Problem is, the virgin ground
is on a slippery slope.

I'm telling you what --

This is like nothing
I've ever seen.

I have absolutely no control
of this machine.

I'm sliding sideways.
Can't even stop.

Hey, todd, you copy?

Todd: I copy.

I'm slipping and sliding
all over this place.

It's like pushing
on an ice rink.

greg throws in the towel.

I think todd overlooked
a major, major detail here.

Maybe we're doing it wrong,
you know?

I don't know.

I don't have all the answers,

We can't get to the gold.
It's impossible.

Narrator: four weeks ago,
the hoffman crew had to leave

Their old claim
down in porcupine creek.

They relocated 600 miles north
to the klondike.

Everything from this side
is virgin ground.

Found it.
We got ourselves a mine.


But breakdowns...
[ Machinery rattles ]

What's wrong with you?

...and delays...

Cost them five precious weeks
of mining.

the season's short.

We want to get going
as fast as we can.

Narrator: running costs average
$1,000 a day.

Every day
they're not finding gold

Puts the hoffman crew deeper
in the financial hole.

Desperate to find
level ground to mine,

They survey the other side
of the creek.

got the map?

Yep. Got it.

But most of this area was mined
by a gold dredge years ago.

God lord. Look at the size
of that thing.

Between 1935 and 1950,

This roving wash plant processed

7 Million cubic yards
of pay dirt,

Taking out of this valley
over $1 billion worth of gold

At today's prices.

It left behind giant piles
of worthless rocks

Known as tailings.

Bad news is that, man,
they got a lot of the gold.

The good news is I don't think
it caught it all.

Now we just got
to find it.

The crew has to find flat ground
that the dredge never reached.

You know, unfortunately,
the map doesn't say,

"Find gold here."

One way to tell is

If there's big spruce
on the property.

Then the dredge
didn't get there.

Let's walk down this way
just a hair.

That is
an old dredge tailing.

See how it laid.

deeper into the brush,

Signs of dredge tailings

I don't think
it got through here.

And todd spots
another good sign.

See, now, up here,
this is a very old forest.

These are all old trees.

And there's a tree
that's old.

Dude, this was not mined
up here.


This is all virgin ground
right here.

This whole section
right here.

This is a lot of ground.

Narrator: the icy slope
east of quartz creek

Has proven too steep for the d8.

Todd now plans to mine
the flat ground

West of the creek,

Just off the path
of the old dredge.

He thinks that the mature trees

Indicate that the dredge
never mined this area.

With time running out
on the season,

Todd has few options.

since it's all flat,

This will be
a lot easier to mine.

I don't think the permafrost
is as bad over here,

But we'll find out.

Narrator: 600 miles south
at porcupine creek,

Dakota fred is the new boss.

Fred: another beautiful day
in alaska.

[ Laughs ]

We're just starting brand new.

We're taking all this crap
out of here.

Narrator: when fred bought
the porcupine claim,

He brought in his own crew.

Get that thing
out of here!

He tore down the wash plant
they used to separate

The gold from the dirt.

[ Laughs ]

Five weeks into the short
alaskan mining season,

Fred's got no way
of washing dirt -- yet.

Today, he inspects
a piece of equipment

That may just buy him back
the time he's lost.

This is our secret w*apon.
This thing is a derocker.

It will handle big old rocks.

That other plant they had
up there was just too wimpy.

This is the lamborghini
of wash plants.

the derocker will replace

The hoffmans' old shaker
and trommel.

Gold-bearing rocks and dirt

Will drop onto
the derocker's undulating deck.

High-pressure water jets
will then wash off

The gold-bearing material.

The gold and fine dirt will fall
through gaps in the moving deck.

The washed rocks will fall off
the end of the derocker,

Leaving gold deposits
in the sluice boxes.

The derocker is designed
to handle much larger rocks

And process up to four times
as much dirt

As the hoffmans' wash plant
last year.


Parker and you hoffman boys
up in the yukon, look out.

Fred paid nearly $30,000
for the derocker.

Three weeks ago,
it was in pieces,

But now it's ready to be
put to the test.

[ Engine turns over ]

[ Metal grinding ]


[ Engine shuts off ]

Not completely together,
is it?

Dustin: should have hit it
with a hammer or something.

fred's already ripped out
the hoffmans' old wash plant.

If he can't get
the derocker running,

He'll be out of luck
this season.

[ Engine turns over ]

It's gonna work.

[ Laughs ]

On the road
to the big nugget claim,

Another miner ups the ante.

[ Horn blares ]

16-Year-old parker schnabel
is sinking $10,000 a month

Into a turbocharged,
intercooled a25c dump truck

To make his operation
far more efficient.

Half of the guys I've seen
come up to porcupine, you know,

Aren't there the next year,

And the hoffmans
are a perfect example.

Narrator: a month ago,

Parker took over
the big nugget mine

From his 91-year-old

Thanks, grandpa.

He has already found 10 ounces
of gold worth around $16,000.

So, that's not bad.

Narrator: but he needs
at least seven times that

To keep the mine
from going bust.

But first,
16-year-old parker

Has to drive his new dump truck
onto his mine.

No license.

I don't know if you need one.
I hope not.

[ Clanking ]

parker quickly bottoms out
the 40,000-pound truck.

what happened?

Uh, it's a little higher
than we thought,

But I think everything's fine.

That's why that's there.
Hit it on stuff.

Narrator: with its
50,000-pound payload,

This truck could be
a game changer.

With the old dump truck,
you had one man working all day

To haul enough dirt
to run the plant.

With this truck,
that will cut that time in half.

Narrator: up ahead...

Fred: ready?
Dustin: ready.

...the dakota boys'
mining season

Hangs in the balance...

Parker's rush for gold
grinds to a halt...


...and the hoffmans
hit the skids.

I'm trying to put
a good face on.

I don't have
much traction.

But, to be honest with you,

I'm a little bit nervous
right now.


in the klondike,

The hoffman crew
is already 37 days

Into the short mining season,

Desperate to make up lost time.

Dave turin strips
the new flat ground

West of quartz creek.

Dude, you're getting through it
over there, dave.

But 8 feet of frozen dirt

Stand between the hoffmans
and any gold.

what we're doing right now

Is we're stripping
the top layer of ground off.

You didn't see this
at porcupine.

He's trying to get down
to our pay gravels.

So dave's got to keep pushing
this section,

Pushing it off, pushing it off.

there's a fine line

Between running
one of these hard

And running efficiently.

Narrator: the d8 dozer burns
$1,000 of diesel a day.

The hoffman crew has no idea
how long it will take

To reach the pay gravel

Or even how much gold
will be in it.

My gut's telling me within
this area of virgin ground here,

We're gonna get 200 ounces.

And I think it's gonna produce
down on the pay gravel

Somewhere around
30 to 50 bucks a yard.

if todd's right,

He's standing on around
$320,000 worth of gold.

Todd's dad, jack hoffman,
is driving 600 miles south

On his way to porcupine creek,
his old mine.

The hoffman crew left behind
a generator plant

When dakota fred
took ownership of the claim.

Now fred wants the plant
off his land.

I got a time frame that I've got
to be out of there by

With that gen plant.

That isn't right, but that's
pretty typical fred, you know?

Narrator: the first thing
jack sees when he pulls in

Is his old wash plant in pieces.

I thought he'd be running.

Looks more like he
just kind of took it all apart.

Narrator: the hoffmans sold
their old working wash plant

To dakota fred.

Bring it up.
Bring it up.

They spent all last season

Building and dialing in
their plant.


And just a month ago,

Right before fred
took over the claim,

It was finally producing
good gold.

We're gonna have as much
out of this one clean-out

As we had all season.

Narrator: fred's new derocker
hasn't arrived yet,

And until it does,
the dakota boys can't run dirt.

[ Laughs ]
I hate to say this,

But I don't think
he's gonna get any gold.

There she is.


Fred's already offered
the hoffmans

$10,000 For the gen plant.

That's the way
she came out.

But jack wants more.

what were you thinking?

The absolute bottom dollar
is $15,000.


There's no way
we can go that.


I mean, you know,
it's just way out of line.

When you taking it out?

Uh, I don't know exactly
for sure.

Last year,
fred worked for jack.

Now they're bitter rivals.

It just kind of tells me
that maybe he's a cheapskate.

Narrator: as jack leaves,
fred proposes a wager.

I'm gonna mine more gold
in one week

Than you did all year.

100 Bucks says I mine more
than you do in one day.

You're on.

Got it?
All right.

You're on.

All right.

Fred: more gold in one day
than I get all season?

Well, I guess if I have a stroke
and die, it's possible.

Otherwise, he ain't got
a snowball's chance in hell.

It's basically w*r.

Narrator: jack visits his
old neighbor, parker schnabel,

To see if he wants
the gen plant.

jack hoffman.

Hey, parker.
How are you, bud?

What are you doing
in these parts?

Oh, came up to take care
of some business,

And then I thought
I'd come down and talk to you

About the gen plant.

Oh, right. Yeah.

So, we are
interested in that.

What are you
thinking about?

Do you have some idea?


Rather than messing around
with it,

I'll do that with you.

All right.
All right?

Got ourselves a deal.

Jack refused
fred's $10,000 offer,

But jumps on parker's.

what do you think?

What's your prediction
on fred?

If they don't get a plant
and get it up here,

He won't be doing

You know,
I hope he does okay.

Yeah, right.

[ Chuckling ] yeah.

I better
get back to work.

[ Laughing ] oh.
You shouldn't be worried.

You're running.
You're the only guy running.

With 10 grand in his pocket,

Jack begins the 11-hour drive
back up to quartz creek.

Fred was offering me $10,000,

But, you know, fred hasn't done
anything for us,

So -- other than s*ab us
in the back --

And so I just decided, you know,
I'll give it to parker

For the same price.

for the savvy parker,

The gen plant is just
another way to make a buck.

I'll sell it for $12,000,

Pocket the 2 grand and take
the $1,500 worth of fuel.

So...that was easy.

southeast alaska.

The big nugget mine.

40 Days into the 150-day
mining season,

Parker schnabel's way ahead
of the hoffman crew

And the dakota boys.

[ Laughs ]
there we go.

so far this season,

His wash plant has produced
10 ounces of gold

Worth around $16,000.

His new dump truck
allows parker to carry

Twice as much pay dirt
to the wash plant.

But to fill it, he pushes
his excavator to the limit.


[ Thud ]


There goes a panel.

[ Metal grinds ]

You got to be kidding me.

There's hydraulic fluid
flying everywhere.

I don't know what happened,
but I can smell it.

Well [bleep]

That's not good.

Boy, that's a long hose, too.

When this thing goes down,

Unless we have dirt
at the plant,

Everything goes down.

This [bleep]

Narrator: without a constant
supply of pay dirt,

The mine shuts down.

Parker needs a new hose fast.

It's too thick
to be made in town.

Gonna have to hunt
a long time.

Do you think we might have one
laying around?

Something like that --
I don't think so.

You're having a bad time,

I feel sympathy for you.
What are you going to do?

parker's under pressure to save
his grandfather's mine.

He must find at least 75 ounces
of gold worth around $120,000.

600 Miles north...

The hoffman crew
has finally cleared trees

To expose the frozen ground

Between the hoffmans
and the gold

Is a thick layer
of rock-hard permafrost.

That permafrost
is pretty tough stuff.

Narrator: dave plans to use
the dozer's ripper

To penetrate the ice.

He needs to break it up
then push it away.

But no one knows if the d8 dozer
is up to the task.

Back in the off-season,

Todd was outbid
on a more powerful d9 dozer.

[ Auctioneer calling ]

Oh, geez.

All he could find
was a smaller d8.

This is a lot lighter machine.
It's got less horsepower.

This is a better ratio
than the d9h.


Todd: all right, man.
We'll take it.

Very good.

Now the crew finds out
if the $37,000 d8

Can do the job.

[ Beeping ]

she's ripping it good.

Turin: I got full penetration
with my ripper.

That's good.

I got good traction.

I'm not slipping
on top of it.

That's good.

That is a big
freaking chunk of ice.

the ripper works,

But no one knows for sure if
there is any gold under the ice.

Turin: I think
there's gold under there.

It's a matter of how much.

All through this valley,

It looks like all the miners
are finding gold,

So hopefully we're sitting
on the right spot.

Narrator: day 41.

At porcupine creek,

The dakota boys
face their own moment of truth.

It's been a long time coming.
It seemed like forever.

We'll be mining
by the end of next week.

[ Horn blares ]

Narrator: dakota fred dropped
almost $30,000 on this derocker.

Fred: whoo-wee.

Pull it right through there.

The secret w*apon's here now,

And we're gonna
put it into action.

the derocker is replacing
the hoffmans' old wash plant.

Fred: put two of those half-inch
chains together.

If father and son can safely
get it off the trailer.

We're just gonna try to drag it
off the end and set it down,

Turn around,
pick up the other end,

And drive out
from underneath it.

Hopefully this works.

Narrator: but the trailer
is only an inch wider

Than the base of the derocker.

Ah, it looks good.

the biggest problem may be

That it might shift
off of the trailer

And fall to the left or right.

Narrator: dustin has to
rig the chains just right.

Oh, why we pulling
on that?

But fred is in
the driver's seat.


Where would you
pull from, fred?

From those eyes
on the side.

You know you can't lift on them
that direction, right?

I'm just gonna kind of
hold up and pull.

You're gonna pick it up?
A little.

No, you can't do that with
no shackles at that angle.

We're not pulling up
on them.

You're not gonna
lift it up at all.

At the angle those are at,
we're pulling straight.

Fred's the boss,
and I'm just the lackey,

But at the same time,

I got just as much time invested
in this thing as he does.

Narrator: the derocker weighs
around 35,000 pounds --

Twice what the excavator
is designed to lift.

[ Metal grinding ]

[ Whistles ]

get back a little bit.

Well, I don't know

If I'm gonna be able
to pick it up.

[ Metal creaks ]

[ Metal groans ]

[ Clank ]



Yeah, nice and slow.
[ Laughs ]

I was just about to give up
on it when it let loose.

It's starting
to come now.

Reset your finders.

one small slip now...


...and the dakota boys
will not just be out $30,000 --

Their mining season will be over
before it begins.

[ Metal scrapes ]

The hoffman crew
has spent four days

Ripping permafrost
and pushing dirt.

8 Feet below the surface,
they hope to find

Hundreds of thousands
of dollars' worth of gold.

Right now I'm about 4 feet deep.

We've got to get down
to the gravels.

That's where the gold
should start.

Narrator: jack hoffman returns
from seeing dakota fred

In porcupine creek.

you know, I don't know

Whether fred's got
a screw loose or what.

He says,
"here's the deal --

"I'm gonna get more gold
in one week

Than you get
in the whole season."

I threw down
the gauntlet, too.

I told him, I said,
"we'll get more gold in one day

Than you get
in the whole season."

So, guys [laughs]
I'm leaving it up to you.

Fred gets more than
30 or 40 ounces this summer,

I'll be surprised.

You know what?

We will have a clean-out
in one day

That will be more than fred gets
for this whole season.

I'll guarantee you that.

back in southeast alaska,

Fred's crew has a chance
to pull ahead of the hoffmans

If they can safely unload
their derocker.

Fred: whoa, whoa, whoa!
I cannot lift that thing.

I'll try it, but --

Are we ready?


[ Metal groans ]

There it is
right there.

[ Metal scrapes ]


I'm gonna pick up

And take the weight off
the front end.

Paul is gonna drive out
from under it.

I think.

All I got to do is
just hold a little weight.

I just don't want

That chain getting caught
on the trailer.

How's that?


Looking good!
I got a hold of it.

You're good.

The derocker's in place.

The dakota boys
are finally close to mining.

I didn't think it was necessary
for jack to know

What kind of equipment
we were working with.

Little particles of gold fall
down in that little magic box,

And they're transformed
into something in my pocket.

[ Laughs ]

Gold crazy!
We're gold crazy!

Narrator: across the creek
at the big nugget mine,

Parker's still waiting on
the new hose

He's ordered for his excavator.

I got to figure out
something to do.

There's not much I can do
without an excavator.

I can't believe it.
10 Ounces.


Narrator: 10 ounces of gold
is worth around $16,000.

Parker needs at least 75 ounces
this season

For the mine to turn a profit.

[ Sighs ]

back over at porcupine creek,

Dakota fred pushes dustin
to dial in the sluice boxes

On their new wash plant.

Just lay it down.

Good job, fred.

Get out of the way.
All right.

These sluice boxes are basically
the thing what catches our gold.

You can wash rocks all day,

But you don't have your trap
set properly,

The gold just goes right back
out with the material.

from the derocker,

The fine material
containing the gold

Will wash out
into the sluice boxes below.

If the angle of the sluice boxes
is set correctly,

The heavy gold is trapped
by the riffles.

Set the angle too steep
and the gold washes right out.

But the pressure
to get mining...

Move that big rock
down there you threw.

And that one, too.

...is taking its toll.

I'm getting hungry.

Backbreaking labor
without any sign of gold

Is pushing dustin over the edge.

My finance situation
is not looking good.

I'm tapped out completely,
and I need to see some gold

In order to keep my bills
running --

Just to be able to pay my bills.

This isn't like
a 9:00-to-5:00 job.

I've been working
10 to 12 hours a day

And haven't seen a penny.

I've been here for over a month,

And it just simply
hasn't paid a single dime.

Dustin: so, we have two spots
to pick up the tailings?

Not gonna work
any other way.

That sounds ridiculous
to me.

I just spent the last
45 minutes, half-hour

Leveling this out
for it to go in there,

And you still don't think
I know where it goes.

That's some funny

the closer they get to the gold,

The harder fred pushes his son.

Fred: dustin!

I can walk and hear.

Just [bleep] stop.
That's [bleep] enough.

Dustin snaps.

I'm just exhausted.
Been pushed.

Do this kind of stuff,
work with fred,

You're gonna go a little nuts.

Fred doesn't mean it,

But the way he is can just
piss a person off sometimes.

I love him to death, but...

Just sometimes,
he can get to you.

When you ask me a question,
you go,

[Imitating fred]
"what the hell you doing?"

That [bleep] starts
[bleep] wearing on me.

You need to stop
that [bleep]

But you're pissed off
about everything I say.

You get all bent out of shape
before I say a word!

I am not being

I apologize
if it sounds like it is.

[ Imitates fred ]
"what the hell you doing?"

[ Normal voice ]
that does not sound

Like condescending [bleep]
to you?

What the [bleep]

You would like me to talk to you
like that all the time?

just hours from running dirt,

Dustin walks off the claim.

At porcupine creek
in southeast alaska,

It's now day 42
of the 150-day mining season.

Work on the claim
has come to a standstill.

After a fight with his father,

Dustin left the mine and
headed to haines 30 miles away.

The following morning,
he's back.

Dustin: did a lot of thinking
last night.

I had time to myself.

And I had clean sheets for
the first time in a long time.

I had a shower and a bathtub,

And gave me
a lot of time to think.

Narrator: their new derocker
is nearly ready,

But fred can't run it alone.

After four weeks
in the wilderness together,

Dustin confronts his father.

So, I'm sorry
about yesterday, fred.

Well, i...
[ Clears throat ]

I snapped.
And I'm sorry for that.

You didn't deserve that.

I wish
I could take it back.

I'll be a little bit
more careful from now on.

it's not even that.

I should have
handled it better.

So, I love you,
and, you know, I just --

Love you, too.

[ Clicks tongue ]

We got a big,
big project out here.

Yeah. I know.

Oh, lord.
It's getting to me, too.

Good to see you back.

Good to be back.

the dakota boys are united
in their search for gold...

For now.

30 Miles away at haines airport,

Parker meets an important flight
out of juneau, alaska.

I'm waiting for the hose.

It's supposed to be
on this plane.

I don't see it, but it's here.
It's got to be here.

There we go.

Come on!

Narrator: with a new hose
for his crippled excavator,

He races to make up
for lost time.

[ Engine turns over ]

Time to dig some dirt!

Pull that rock out of here.

Narrator: the big nugget mine
is back in operation.

North in the klondike,

The hoffmans work the land
near an old gold dredge.

They've cleared an area
the size of a football field,

And with nearly 1/3 of
the mining season already over,

They're hoping they're finally
just inches from pay dirt.

This is where our gold's gonna
start showing up is in --

just below that.

Should be in
this sandy stuff.

The claim owner's father,
marlon mcneil,

Arrives on the claim.

Fellas, what have you
been doing here?

Mcneil has seen millions made
from mining in this valley

And knows where to dig
and where not to.

I wanted to take a look.

I'm just a little bit concerned
about that.

Last week,
todd scoped out flat ground

He was sure the dredge missed
60 years ago.

Todd: dude, this was not mined
up here.

This is all virgin ground
right here.

This whole section
right here.

He spent five precious days
of the short mining season

And thousands in fuel

Clearing the land he thinks
is rich in gold.

My gut's telling me within
this area of virgin ground here,

We're gonna get 200 ounces.

but marlon mcneil's about
to blow a hole up todd's theory.

What do you think?

That's been dredged.

They did go across it.
The evidence is here.

mcneil is clear.

The old dredge did work
this section west of the creek.

There's precious little gold
left in the ground

They've worked so hard to clear.

There was big trees
growing out of it.

That's the reason we --

Well, that had plenty of time
for trees to grow out of it

Long after the dredge.

See, the dredge shut down here
in the early '50s.

Oh, was it?

Well, there were some spruce
trees in there.

They grow fast.

I tell you,
they'll grow pretty fast.

Those could be
60-year-old trees, huh?

But you're saying don't even
bother with that?


Narrator: todd stumbles on
an old dredge cable,

Confirming the terrible truth.

Here's this great big
football field

That's all stripped
and ready to go with no gold.

I'm trying to put
a good face on it,

But, to be honest with you,

I'm a little bit nervous
right now.

Narrator: with almost 1/3
of their make-or-break season

Behind them,

The hoffman crew has not found
a single flake of gold.

At quartz creek,

The hoffman crew is six weeks
into their second mining season.

They just wasted five days
clearing ground

That was dredged 60 years ago.

Now they've no choice
but to return

To the icy hillside
east of the creek.

There's the permafrost.

Hope it doesn't kick my butt.

just a week ago,

Greg remsburg
got a wild ride on the d8...


Holy cow.

...as he tried to clear
the vegetation

From this slippery slope.

This time, the crew's
most experienced operator,

Dave turin,
is in the driver's seat.

Turin: we practiced that side.
I don't like practicing.

I like playing in the real game.

[ Beeping ]

It's really tricky over here.

Did you see that thing
spin right there?

Todd: yeah.

Sitting on top
of that permafrost,

It's like a dang
ice-skating rink here.

Narrator: dave needs to remove
8 feet of dirt

To reach the pay gravels.

If he can't get a grip
on the virgin ground,

The hoffman crew
may just be out of options.

600 Miles south
at porcupine creek,

The dakota boys
are much closer to finding gold.

They're ready to test their
new wash plant, the derocker.

To power the water
through the plant,

Fred spent $20,000
on a 6-inch pump

Capable of propelling
1,200 gallons a minute.

Battery hooked right.

Fuel, oil.

let's see what you got.

[ Engine turns over ]

We got water, fred.

Fred: [ laughs ]

Looks good
from out here.

Oh, man,
that's a lot of damn water.

Wow! Damn, fred!

Is it supposed to have
this much water in it?

All right.

Getting their new derocker
up and running

Nearly pushed father and son
to breaking point.

But now, 43 days in,

They're finally ready
to mine gold.

I'm dirty. I'm tired.

I've been working for 14 hours,
and I couldn't feel better.

All right.
We did good.

We got it working.

Yeah, boy!
I'm telling you.


Narrator: neighbor
parker schnabel stops by

To check out the derocker
in action.

Hey, boys!

He's the only miner to have
found gold so far this season.

He already has 10 ounces.

He's ahead, but the dakota boys
are right behind him.

Parker: yeah, I guess now
the race is really on.

Now it's time to get serious.

Looks like
niagara falls.

There you go.

[ Laughs ] whoo!

Can't wait to get some material
in that thing.

Come on!

Narrator: at quartz creek,
up in the klondike,

Dave turin fights for grip
on the icy slope.

I'm on the permafrost now.

You see the way
it starts sliding?

I don't have much traction.

See there? Whoa!

Think we'll call it a day,
or what?

Narrator: if dave can't find a
way to clear this virgin ground,

The hoffman dream dies here.

Todd: can you drive
through there?

I'll keep trying.

We got to have
somewhat of a plan.

Yeah, we do.

Dave improvises.

I think the key to running
that d8 on this permafrost

Is to rip it first.

Narrator: but ripping here
on this icy slope is high-risk.

Because of the angle
of the slick slope,

The d8 has no traction.

Dave decides to first use
the ripper

To break the permafrost
into chunks.

Then he will attempt to get
a grip on the broken surface.

But he has to penetrate
the ground with the ripper

Without toppling
the 84,000-pound dozer.

Big challenge. Huge.

I'm up for it.

I've overcome bigger obstacles
than that.

Todd: we're gonna kick ourselves
in the butt,

And take it up another level.

This it not an easy game.

Narrator: the hoffman crew's
gold-mining season

Rests on dave's ability
to maneuver the d8 dozer.

so, here we go.

Good luck, dave.

Thanks, todd.

Dave punches the ripper
into the dirt.

Immediately, he's in trouble.

There we go.

I've got to rip it

Just to make sure
I can keep traction.

Otherwise, it's just like
ice skating.

I just sit there
and spin.

This is a whole
nother ball game.


I've got something that I can
get some traction on.

He seems to be able
to really dig in it.

You can see it
break in chunks.

Narrator: dave has the d8 firing
on all cylinders.

The hoffman crew
now has a chance

To turn their season around.

You earn it, man.

If you can get down to it,
you're earning it.

but they still don't know

If this ground is rich in gold.

go, go, go, go, go.

For now, they can only rip,
strip, and hope.
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