02x14 - Dream Lover

Episode transcripts for the TV show, "Sister, Sister". Aired: September 6, 1995 – May 23, 1999.*
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Starring Tia and Tamera Mowry as identical twin sisters separated at birth who are reunited as teenagers.
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02x14 - Dream Lover

Post by bunniefuu »

(Man speaks indistinctly

(over intercom)

- Okay. Would you like fries
- with that?

- (Man speaks indistinctly
- over intercom)

Of course you can.

- Um, do you want that
- with cheese?

Uh, yes, I would.

I'm sorry. What was that?

Hey, has anybody

seen my buns?

Up close and personal.

Careful, Tia.

Stinky Steve at two o'clock.

- ♪ What a smell, what a smell,
- what a smell ♪

♪ What a mighty

bad smell. ♪

Come on, tamera.

Steve might hear.

- I mean, he's got feelings.
- He's a human being.


Look at you.

- Your condiments
- are all over the place.

I'm sorry. I...

Your hamburgers

are always lopsided,

and so is your uniform.

Get it together, girl.

Well, I'm trying to, b...

No excuses.

People, people...

Hard work and dedication equals

the sweet smell of success.

- I knew I smelled
- something.

Welcome to the team, sister.

- ♪ What a smell, what a smell,
- what a smell ♪

- Ugh!
- Ugh!


♪ Talk about a

two-way twister ♪

♪ shakin' up the family tree

with sibling synchronicity ♪

- ♪ never knew
- how much I missed you ♪

♪ I ain't ever gonna

let... you... go ♪

Would you like fries

or a pie with that?

Tia, what's wrong?

- I was dreaming,
- and, boy, was it scary.

What happened?

Well, I was in rocket burger.

- And you ate
- the food?

Ew, that is scary.

No, it was weird.

Nothing made any sense,

except my mom was there eating.

- But then the most
- embarrassing thing happened.

I was...

Uh... never mind. Good night.

Uh, uh, uh! Spill

the tea, girl.


Steve was there.

Stinky Steve?

Is there any other kind?

He turned around and said,

"would you like fries

or a pie with that?"


Tia, it's only a dream.

Mmm, and then

he kissed my hand.


- But, you know,
- that's not the worst part.

What could be worse?

Well, I...

I kind of liked it.

- Lisa, I think
- this is stupid.

- I don't like being
- set up like this.

- Now, look, ray,
- now we got to do something

To get you out of the house.

I'm tired of dusting you.

Ooh, I know

that voice.

It must be my Lisa.

Oh, hi, baby.

- Hello, sweetness.
- Mmm.

Come here.


Hey, why don't you guys

get a room?

Uh, tell ray about Lucy.

- Oh, ray, you're
- gonna love her.

She's-she's almost

as beautiful as my Lisa.

- I just want you guys
- to understand

I'm only here to meet her.

I hate blind dates.

- Ray, you're like a man
- lost in the desert

Turning down a glass of water.

I just don't want

to get stuck with a...

A dog?

Hi. I'm Lucy.

You must be ray.

Hi. I'm ray.

You-you must be Lucy.

- So Terrence has told
- me so much about you.

Yeah. Me, too.

- I mean... I mean... I mean, you.
- No, I mean...

- Is that real blood
- on your apron?

Is that a real

foot in your mouth?

No. That's okay.

- This isn't the easiest
- place to meet somebody.

- Sometimes I think
- I intimidate people.

Oh, no.

- It was just
- that I was expecting...

You're pretty.

Thank you.


Work it, ray!

- Maybe, uh,
- after you get off work,

Um, we can talk more.

That'd be nice.

Yeah, it won't

be so awkward.

- You know what?
- I have an idea.

- Oh, what do you say
- we double date?


- That's a great
- idea, Terrence.

- What do you
- guys say?

Ray? Lisa?

Oh, no, not again!

Tamera, what am I gonna do?

Why is this happening?




- What does a
- skunk mean?

I saw a skunk.

Okay, skunk, skunk.

Hello, girls.

Hi, Roger.

Look at this...

T-one and t-two.

- My double fantasies
- in the flesh.

- Roger, what are you
- doing here?

- I just came here
- to pursue higher education,

Universal truths.


You're disgusting.

I know. I hate myself.

- You girls
- studying dreams?

- Yeah, we're trying
- to figure out Tia's nightmare.


- You girls don't
- need those books.

- I can tell you all you
- need to know about dreams.

Yeah, right.

- No, no.
- I've been studying Freud.

- First I have to gather all
- the facts and details.

Like what?

Like what did you wear to bed?

Roger, will you shut up?!

Just ignore him.

- Okay, what else was
- in your dream?

I sleep in the nude.

- Get out of here!
- Now!

Shh! This is a library.

And some of us

came here to study.

Man, I need help.

This is so humiliating.

- Tamera, you've got to
- promise not to tell anybody

- That I dreamed
- about stinky.

Don't worry.

I promise I'll never tell.

I told.


What do you mean?

I'm really sorry.

How could you?

I couldn't help it.

- I was about
- to explode.

- I had to tell
- someone.

I would have told you,

but you already knew.

- I can't believe you did this.
- Who did you tell?

- Okay, see, now
- that's the good part.

I told the one person

- we can really, really
- trust to keep a secret.

- Denise!
- Did you hear?

- Mary Ellen was caught
- shoplifting,

- And Albert's girlfriend's
- cheating on him.

- See? She's so busy blabbing
- about everyone else,

- She doesn't have
- time for you.

You're so full of it.

- Tia, will you
- calm down?

- It's only between
- the three of us.

Hey, Tia, did anybody order

fries or a pie?

Albert, I'm not

taking orders.

Oh, I'm sorry.

- I must have been
- dreaming it!

Well, your girlfriend's

cheating on you.

Where is she?

- I can't believe you,
- tamera.

- Is there anybody
- who doesn't know?

Hey, uh, Tia?

- Okay, Steve,
- so I dreamed about you.

- And you kissed my hand,
- and I liked it.

But it's just a dream.

- It's got nothing to
- do with reality, okay?

You dreamed about me?

You didn't know?


♪ Lala lala Tia, lala lala Tia

♪ dream of me,

Mia Tia... ♪

Maybe he'll take you dancing.

Don't hurt me!

Lucy... you know, Lucy,

you look absolutely ravishing!

You, too, ray.

Thank you. Dance?

Oh, ray, you move

like a gazelle.

A gazelle with a bad hip?

- Yeah, well, uh, you know,
- I still have the moves.

- I just have to put 'em
- in the right order.

- You're getting pretty excited
- about this date, huh?

Oh, no, i'm

calm, I'm cool.

Think I should change?

No, ray, you're stuck

with just who you are.

- Tia, I said
- I was sorry.

- Sorry isn't good
- enough. I trusted you.

Okay, um, I'll clean up your

side of the room for a month.

- Are you forgetting
- who the sloppy twin is?

- Okay, um, I'll do
- your homework for a month.

You're the dumb one, too!

Tia, I know

that's your pain talking.

Girls, girls,

what's wrong?

- I told tamera a secret,
- and now the whole world knows!

She's exaggerating.

- You talking
- about that stinky dream?

- It sounds
- so exotic.

- Why don't you just go
- door-to-door

And tell every bozo

in the neighborhood?


- Tia, I found
- the solutions

- To those stinky dreams
- you were having.

- Roger, don't you ever knock
- before you enter someone's home?

Well, I don't like to hear,

- "go home, Roger"
- till I've earned it.

- Roger, you can't stay long.
- We're going out.

All right. Hot date.

- Are you gonna try out
- that new dance step

- I taught you,
- Mr. Campbell?

Oh, that's what

that was supposed to be.


Come on. Come on.

Come, come, come, come.

- Come on. We're
- gonna be late.

- Bye.
- Have a good time.

You girls be good.

Okay, what do you have, Roger?

It's a subliminal

message tape.

- You play it before
- you go to sleep,

- And it helps you clear your mind
- so you don't have bad dreams.

Roger, come on.

I'm telling you, it works.

- It's the newest
- scientific discovery.

Okay, fine. Let's hear it.

- (Seagulls cawing,
- waves crashing)

Close your eyes

and let your mind

shut itself off.


Picture yourself falling...


Onto a light, fluffy cloud.

That looks like Roger.

You don't have a worry

in the world.

You must love Roger.

Go home, Roger!

It always feels better

when you earned it.

I didn't know

we had a dimmer.

- Put it in
- this morning.

Nice move, ray.

Yeah, now lower

the disco ball.

So, I guess this double date

was a good idea.

Yeah, it's not that easy

meeting people these days.

- There's a lot of
- kooks out there.

I dated this guy once,

- he couldn't wait to
- get my dress off...

So he could wear it.

- Did you read about
- the guy who was chasing his wife

- Around the room
- with a snapping turtle?

- A turtle?
- You're kidding.

- No, no, really...
- Yeah, they charged him

- With as*ault
- with intent to bite.

That's unbelievable.

- Use a turtle,
- go to jail.

Use a turtle,

go to jail.

We got it, we

got it, ray.

- Yeah, I know one
- thing, though.

My baby wouldn't chase me

with no snapping turtle.

No, but I might

invite you into my shell.

Ooh, come get

me, turtle boy!

They do that a lot.

Well, I guess it's nice

when you have

that special someone.


- And when you find
- that right one,

You should go for it.

Do you think so?

Oh, absolutely.

You're right, ray.

I know romance.

Terrence, I love you.



Terrence who?

I'm sorry.

- I just had
- to say it.

- Every day,
- I see him

- In that short-sleeved
- white shirt

- And those pants
- that hug him

- In all the
- right places.

Do you know how hard it is

to butterfly a lamb chop,

watching that man


across the room?

- Well, I guess
- that means

- We won't be
- playing yahtzee.

Uh... look, if

my passion's

- making everybody
- feel uncomfortable,

- Maybe I should
- just go.


- Lucy, I had
- no idea.

- I mean, this comes
- as such a...


- Ray, i'm
- really sorry.

That's all right.

- I-I-I kind of
- sensed it all along,

And, well, once you said it,

I knew it was for sure.

Well, i'm... i'm

out of here.

- Look, I really didn't mean
- to make a scene

And ruin everybody's evening.


Uh, ray, could you take me home?


I don't have a car.

Unless, of course, Terrence...

I believe I said, "bye."

- I can take her,
- I'll get it.

- I'll take her home,
- it's all right.

I got it.

- You know, ray,
- I know you...

- You were pretty excited
- about this evening,

But it's a kind of

sad way for it to end.

- You think that
- was sad...

♪ Baby, I just got to tell you

♪ You know you got me

burning down the road... ♪


Tia, Tia!

- Wake up,
- wake up.

Wake up, wake up,

wake up, wake up!

I'm having that

dream again.

Oh, here.

Try some of this.

Maybe it'll help.

Peanut butter gets

rid of nightmares?

- No, but it'll make
- your mouth so sticky,

You won't be able

to scream.

Here, let me

fix you up here.

I don't know

what to do.

- I feel like everybody's
- laughing at me.

Oh, baby.

- I can't believe
- tamera told.

- Oh, honey, you know,
- sometimes people...

- They just...
- They just say stuff.

I'm sure she feels

really terrible.

She's smiling.

That's just gas.

Mom, why do I keep

having these dreams?

I mean, do you think i'm

perverted or something?

- Oh, Tia, just because
- you dream about somebody

- Doesn't mean
- there's anything to it.

I know.


- You dreamed
- about a guy?

Oh, yeah.

There was this

fireman once, and, uh...

- Oh, Tia, I can't wait
- till you hurry up

And get older,

so we can really talk.

- I wish I didn't have to
- go to work tomorrow.

- Oh, baby, sometimes
- these things,

- They just seem
- worse at night.

I bet by tomorrow,

nobody's even gonna care.

Hey, Tia.

Let me see

your shake.

- Always make sure
- you mix the syrup

- Completely with
- the ice cream.

Some things were just meant

to be blended together.

So, what are you

doing after work?

Leaving the country.

- I can't believe
- that guy.

Somebody needs

to say something.

Excuse me?

- That's how all
- this started.

- You're still mad
- at me, aren't you?


- Okay, fine,
- I'll go talk to him.

Nobody's gonna treat

my sister that way.

- Steve, we
- need to talk.

- Well, Tia,
- finally want

- To make that dream
- come true, huh?

Back off. I'm tamera.

Oh. Well, you know,

it's gonna be tough

- telling you two apart
- once me and Tia start dating.

That's not gonna

be a problem, beavis.

I want you to leave

my sister alone.

- What are you
- talking about?

She was dreaming

about... me.

She woke up screaming

in a cold sweat.

She's playing hard to get.

Steve... she

doesn't like you.

- Of course she
- likes me.

- Will you listen
- to me?

Oh, I know what's

going on here.

I see jealousy

rearing its ugly head.

Steve, she doesn't like you.

I don't like you.

Nobody likes you.

So, what exactly are you saying?

Don't you get it?

We all laugh at you.

- We even sing a
- song about you.

A song?


- "What a smell,
- what a smell.

- What a mighty
- bad smell."

That song is about me?


- I sing that song
- to my mother.


- ♪ What a smell,
- what a smell... ♪

Steve, don't...

- ♪ What a mighty
- bad smell. ♪

Don't cry.


- Steve, you have
- some frozen fries

Stuck to your butt.

That figures!

Steve, it's nothing


- We make fun
- of you 'cause...

- 'Cause you're
- the boss.

- It's our way
- of showing respect.

Aren't you gonna

brush those off?

Tia doesn't like me.

No one likes me.

That's not true.

I like you.

I-I-I really like you.

You want to go out?

With you?

You said you

like me.

- You really,
- really like me.

Come on, Steve.

When is it gonna

be my turn?

When is it gonna

be Steve's turn?

Okay, fine,

we'll go out.

Pick you up at 7:30.

Wear something tight.

- ♪ La la la la
- tamera ♪

♪ Me and tamera doesn't

sound good as Tia ♪

♪ but I don't care-a

'cause I got tamera. ♪

♪ I want to dance by your fire

♪ 'cause I just want to dance

by your fire ♪

♪ baby, let your love

take me higher ♪

♪ I want to dance

by your fire, baby... ♪

Ooh, you know, ray, if we put in

- a two-drink minimum,
- we could make some money.

Lisa, that ball is going back.

You're still licking

your wounds, huh?

I don't get it.

I thought everything

was going great.

Well, ray, it's her loss.

- Yeah, well,
- when I took her home,

- I did manage to get some
- of my dignity back.

You did?

Yeah, I made her

kick in for gas.

What a man.

- You're mighty cavalier
- about this whole thing.

- After all, it is your
- boyfriend she's in love with.

- Ray, I trust Terrence
- completely.

I know I have absolutely

nothing to worry about.

- Wait a minute, you got her
- transferred, didn't you?

That butcher went bye-bye.

Dad, wait.

You got to help me.

Honey, let me get

the door first.

- No, no, no, no,
- that's my date.

- And I don't want
- to go out with him.

Wait a minute.

- Did you say you wanted
- to go out with him?

Yes, but he's very...

But nothing, young lady.

- Have you ever stopped to
- think how he may feel

- Getting dumped out of
- the blue just like that?


- Well, you should
- think about it.

- He probably thinks everything
- is just going along great

And that you like him.

- You're laughing
- at all his jokes.

He bought a disco ball.

And suddenly,

- you say you fell in
- love with someone else.

He's crushed.

Hey, but you don't care!

You just butterflied his

heart with a meat cleaver!

Dad, you're scaring me.

Love can be scary.

- Okay, I'll go,
- I'll go!

That's my girl.

- Done with the fries,
- and I'm here for my prize.

- Have her back
- in 20 minutes.

- Tia, it was awful,
- just awful.

Please, don't tell anyone

I went out with stinky.

- Well, I think
- they're gonna know

- Unless you burn
- those clothes.

Yeah, you're right.


thanks for sticking up for me.

I owed you one.

And now I've paid you back

for life.

- I hope I don't have
- any more nightmares.

- Tia, I've got a feeling
- you're gonna be okay.

- Now that one of us has
- gone out with him,

The spell's broken.

You think so?

How do I know?

I'm the dumb twin.

- I'm really sorry
- I called you that.

- That's okay, it's
- all forgotten.

You also called me

the sloppy one.

Tamera, let it go.

Yeah, good night.

Well, it will be,

as long as I don't

dream about stinky.

Would you like fries

or a pie with that?

Go home, Roger!

Dang, even in a dream?

- So, everything
- turned out okay.

- I stopped having
- those weird dreams.

- And Steve found
- himself a girlfriend.

- Yeah, he
- and smelly Shelly

- Are getting along
- just fine.

Mom and Terrence

are still kissing.

They do that a lot.

- And dad finally
- got over...

- What was
- her name again?

- Lucy?
- Oh, yeah.

- Wonder what
- happened to her.

Price check on blubber.

Can I get a price check

on blubber, please?
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