02x12 - Put to the Test

Episode transcripts for the TV show, "Sister, Sister". Aired: September 6, 1995 – May 23, 1999.*
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Starring Tia and Tamera Mowry as identical twin sisters separated at birth who are reunited as teenagers.
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02x12 - Put to the Test

Post by bunniefuu »

High school

is full of a thousand

different fears

- that can strike
- at any moment.

And we're not even

counting the mystery meat

in the cafeteria.

You can be terrified

to ask for a date.

You can be terrified

of having a bad hair day.

Or you can just be

terrified of life.

- But the granddaddy
- of all high school terrors

Is the s.A.T.'S.

- And to deal
- with this impending doom...

Some of us took

the hi-tech highway.

Some of us took

the spiritual road.

Some of us took

the studious approach.

And then there was me.

♪ Talk about

a two-way twister ♪

♪ shakin' up the family tree

with sibling synchronicity ♪

♪ never knew

how much I missed you ♪

♪ I ain't ever gonna

let... you... go ♪

Okay, girls, one more

vocabulary word.

- Mom...
- Lisa...


Okay, "conflagration."

Oh, isn't that something

that comes out of your nose?

Conflagration means "fire."

That's right, Tia.

Oh... conflagration.

That means fire.

Well, you girls ready

for those s.A.T.'S?

- Yeah, I'm just doin'
- some last-minute drilling.

At this point, Lisa,

I don't think it does

much good to cram.

What you know is,

well, what you know.

Oh, man, I'm in trouble.

There's our bus.

- Good luck, girls.
- I know you're gonna do well.

Take it easy.

- You don't need
- any extra pressure.

- Just go in there
- and be dauntless.

- That means "positive
- and confident."

Yeah, daunt away.

- Yes, dad.
- Okay, mom.

And don't exacerbate

your worries by doing

anything incongruous.

Yeah, what ray said.

- Exacerbate means
- "to worsen."

- Incongruous
- is "not fitting."

Oh, honk, honk.

- That's onomatopoeia: - "Words
that sound like - What they are."

- Yeah, buzz, buzz,
- chirp, chirp, beep, beep.


If two buses meet at point a

at the same time, and one...

Let it go,

Mr. Cram man.

Yeah, I guess

it's all up to them now.


Oh, this is so exciting.

My baby's so smart,

she'll probably end up

at "hah-vud."

That's how they say

that there, ray, "hah-vud."

Well, it'd be great to go

to an Ivy league school.

Yeah, I hope Tia remembers

her geometric equations.

I just hope tamera

remembered her pencil.

Excuse me.

Excuse me, Doug.


Watch your hands,

you little spider head.

No, no, I was just trying

to get into my locker.

- If I was going
- to touch anyone,

- It'd be
- your gorgeous girlfriend.

You dogging my woman, boy?

No, no, I'm a dog.

- I gotta go
- chase a car now.


He must have

one ugly mother.

Nobody talks

about my mama.

- Oh, man,
- what did I just do?

I think I just had

a psychotic episode,

but I'm better now.

What's your problem, maggot?

Right now, breathing.

- Let's just see
- how smart you are

- When I rip out
- your spleen.

- You don't have to rip it out.
- I'll just give it to you.

How you doin'?

I'll see you after school.

- Don't try to hide,
- 'cause I know where you live.

Yeah, well,

you better run, you punk!

Okay, students,

we will now begin

the s.A.T.'S.

- Remember to read
- the instructions

For each section carefully.

Now turn over

your test booklet and begin.

Tia, do you have

an extra pencil?

I'm so nervous.

I hope I don't get a zero.

You get 200 points

for just getting

your name right, tamera.


All right, time's up.

Now, that wasn't

so bad, was it?

- Don't say
- you heard it from me,

But you know

Arlene Davidson?

- The plumber's truck - has
been parked outside - Her house

At lunchtime

all week long.


Hey, somebody had

to unplug her drains.

Lisa, you sure are doing

some fancy stitch work.

Is that for you?

Well, I don't want

to jinx it,

- but tomorrow I'm gonna try
- and sell some of my dresses

- At that new
- boutique "marjé's".

- They ought
- to snatch it right up.

sh**t, I'd like to step

into this one myself.


you'd have to be

catapulted into this one.

Hi. Bye.

Oh, no, no, no, no,

come on in.


say hello to ray.

Hi, ray.

Hi, everybody.

I hope you don't mind,

it's "hem and haw" club night.

Course tonight we doin'

more hawin' than hemmin'.

- Well, I guess
- I must be heaving.

I mean, leaving.

Oh, ray, you're welcome

to join us if you'd like.

- There's plenty
- of room right here.

You can help me

tat my doilies.

Uh, thank you,

but I'm all tatted out.


Ooh, Lisa,

he's a real cutie pie.

Yeah, I wouldn't mind having

a slice of him à la mode.

- It's been a while,
- hasn't it?


Yeah, yeah.

- Let me get
- some fabric.

Aah! What, what...?


- What... what're
- you doing here?

I thought this was

the twins' hamper...

I'm sorry.

Oh, Roger.

Okay, I'm hiding out.

See, I went crazy

and pushed this bully

at school.

Now he wants to k*ll me.

Poor baby.

- Well, Roger, these bullies,
- they thrive on fear.

- If you stand up to him,
- he'll back down.

He once beat up a buick.

- Roger, get back
- in that basket.

- Whatever possessed you
- to mess with this monster boy?

He said something bad

about my mother.

Your mama?

That is low.

Oh, yeah,

come here, baby.

Oh, come on.

Oh, puh-lease!

- Look, Roger,
- just use your wits.

You're smart, you're crafty,

you can outrun him.

Or maybe I'll just

hide out right here.

During the next few weeks,

Roger used his wits,

his cunning and his ingenuity

to avoid Doug mangler.

But we had

our own worries...

as we awaited the results

of the s.A.T.'S.

Okay, Tia,

this is it.

Ooh, I can't wait

to see what you got.

And the winner is...

I got ten-eighty.




Mom, what're you doing?

This my ten-eighty dance.

Mom, it's ten-eighty

out of a possible 1,600.

Uh... I better make it

a slow dance.

Oh, come on, honey,

ten-eighty is not that bad.

It, it's...

It's in the 68th


- Oh, come on, hey, that means
- when you walk down the street,

- There's 68 people
- you can feel superior to.

Oh, yeah, and what

about the other 32?

They're probably butt-ugly.

Oh, I'm never

gonna get into Harvard.

Oh, honey, the only people

that do good on these tests

are snotty-nosed eggheads.

My baby's a genius!

Tamera, what did you get?


Can you believe it?

- Of course
- we believe it.

You're a smart girl.


- Tamera, that puts you
- in the 96th percentile group.

- That means when - you walk
down the street, - You're better than...

Ray, ray, we've already

crunched those numbers, okay?

Well, Tia,

if I got fifteen-ten,

- you must have gotten
- a perfect score.

Yeah, that's

just what she got.

Hey, who wants dinner?


I got ten-eighty.

You did?!

Oh, well, um...

That's still good, Tia.

Hmm, we've already decided

that scores are not

the important thing.

The important thing

is how you feel inside.

I feel lousy, mom.

Me, too, baby.

Come on, guys.

Who cares about scores?

- Congratulations,
- tamera.

- Tamera, I'm happy
- for you.

Me, too.

I am so happy.

Even though it's not

that important.

No, it's not

that important.

But it's nice.

- Ooh, yeah,
- it's real nice.

But not important.

- No, it's definitely
- not important.

- You know, - for the first time
- In my life,

- I really did well
- on a test.

I feel dauntless.

That means...

I know what it means.

Honey, are you okay?


It happened, and somehow

I'm just gonna have

to accept this.

There's gotta be a mistake.

- Are you sure
- there's no mistake?

But you don't understand.

I'm the smart one.

- I'm the one who knows
- what conflagration means.

I'm sorry, Tia.

- I've got
- another appointment.



tryst, assignation."

You're bruising my arm.


"Contusion, hematoma."


Excuse me, I'd like

to speak to marjé.

I am she.

Well... I am me.

Lisa Landry,

designer of haute couture.

- Oh.
- What house are you with?

The, uh...

House of pancakes?

- Oh, look, let me show
- you one of my dresses.

I really

don't have the time.

Uh, well, uh, it's 10:30.

Now, see this dress?

This dress is perfect

to just dance the night away!

- And it's wrinkle-free,
- so you be stylin'

When you make

that walk of shame

to your car the morning after.

And with this dress,

there will be a morning after.

I'm sorry, Ms. Landry,

but the marjé woman

has a special...

Je ne sais quoi.

Well, this dress

has "quoi" up the yin Yang.

Oh, darling!

That dress!

Heads will turn!

Yeah, the other way.

Well, Ms. Landry,

I believe

our business here...

Is complete.

Well, I got

a lot of other stuff

I could show you.

- Come on out
- to my trunk.

Perhaps your fashions

would be more suited

for, say... Ikea.

Ikea doesn't sell clothes.


Ooh, that was cold.

Tia! I got an a

on my math test!

Being smart

is so scintillating!

That means...

I know what it means!

To quote the great

philosopher descartes:

"I think, therefore I am."

I should've started

thinking years ago.

Tamera, where

are you coming up

with all this stuff?

The library...

It's amazing.

It has all kinds of books.

And you know what?

- They give you
- this little card,

And you could take

the books home.

Get out of here!

- Hey, Lionel, I've been
- looking all over for you.

- My man, my friend,
- my homey.

Who are you?


- Remember you used - to steal
my lunch money - In the fifth grade?

I can see it went

to good use.

- Anyway, Doug mangler
- wants to k*ll me.

You're toast, little man.

I know.

Listen, I was wondering

if you'd consider

being my bodyguard.

- I'm willing to pay.
- How much?

Uh, I can give you

my allowance for the next

four weeks.

- I get eight dollars a week,
- so that would be...

$12... how about it?


You're one

sharp land mass.

- So, when can you start?
- Start what?

Being my bodyguard.

Hey, you just asked me

to consider it.

- I did,
- and the answer's no.

But my money.

Why don't you go cry

to your hairy-chested mama.

Nobody talks about

my mama's hairy chest.

Oh, man, I got

to get some Prozac.

- There you are!
- You're a dead man!

I-I want to live!

Oh, honey.

Cheetos won't solve

your problems.

Pringles will.

Thanks, mom.

Once I was so depressed,

I ate two tennis balls

- before I realized
- they weren't even pringles.

Honey, uh,

I noticed you got c's

- on your last couple
- of tests.

You know, what's

the point of studying?

Well, you used to get

all a's before those

stupid s.A.T.'S.

Mom, accept it.

I'm not as smart

as we thought.

Oh, Tia, come on, now,

you just can't let

just one little thing

make you feel bad

about yourself.


Like that marjé lady

at the boutique.

I didn't give her

a second thought.

- With her dandruff
- and her bad breath

And that gussied-up wart

she calls a beauty Mark.

But see, Tia,

the point is...

Our lives our crumblin'

around us, baby.

Oh, what a great day!

Oh, happy pappy's home.

Look here... I

got some college

brochures for tamera.

Here's one from Howard,

Wellesley, Harvard...

I mean, hah-vud.

Not that that's important.

Oh, it's okay, ray.

- We're all happy
- for what's-her-name.

Look, I'm sorry I've been

carrying on like this.

- It's just that tamera's
- getting so smart,

And, oh, I'm so proud

I could burst.

- Yeah, well, clean up
- after yourself.

Yello? Uh-huh.


I understand.

Thanks for calling.

No, no, no!

Ray? Ray, what is it?

The school computer mixed up

Tia and tamera's s.A.T. Scores!

Yes! Yes! Yes!

I knew you were brilliant!

Fifteen-ten, fifteen-ten!

Say it again!


Oh, not that

that's important.

I better go break

the news to tamera.

- Well, maybe we don't even
- have to tell her.

- I have to...
- I'm her father.

I have to be there for her.

- I'll give you 20 bucks
- to tell her.

I didn't think so.

Congratulations, Tia.

Thanks, ray.

Sorry about tamera.

Yeah. I'm really

sorry, too.

I'm not smiling...

This is a spasm.

You know.

Ooh, see, Tia?

You are smart.

Yeah, but I still

feel bad for tamera.


It's a sad, sad day.

But, baby, you hot!

And you're going

to hah-vud.



Say it again!


- Tamera?
- Dad!

Did you know that one

of the great pyramids

in Egypt

- had to be totally destroyed
- and reconstructed

Because it was built

facing the wrong

astronomical constellations?

- Well, I hope
- they paid them overtime.

Oh, dad,

you're so insouciant.

Yeah, that's me.

Anyway, uh... I-I just got

a call from your school.

Do they want me

to tutor?

Uh, not exactly, honey.

- It seems there was a mistake
- with your s.A.T. Score.

I scored higher?

Well, not quite.

A-A little lower.

- Like 1,500?
- Lower.

- 1,499?
- Lower.

I don't like this game.

Honey, they mixed up

your score with Tia's.

Oh, man,

I knew this was

too good to be true.

Well... ten-eighty

is not that bad.


I feel...

What's a big word

for yucky?

Oh, come on, tamera,

you can take the test again.

I thought I was smart.

Oh, and you were... are.

- It's like those people
- who built that pyramid.

I mean, they thought

they were doing a great job,

and they were.

- And then they found out
- they had made a few mistakes,

So they had to undo all

their work, stone by stone,

- and start over,
- and when they finished,

The work was good,

and they were happy.

I don't get the analogy.

There is no analogy.

- Look, the important thing is,
- you know what "analogy" means.

Two weeks ago you just

would've said, "huh?"

But now I have proof

that I'm stupid.

Sweetheart, don't ever say

you're stupid.

Could a stupid person

get an a on a math test?

I was just lucky.

No, no, those s.A.T.'S

made you...

- Made you feel
- more confident.

- You've always been smart, -
you just never thought - You were.

Dad, I feel so bad.

I know, honey, I know.

I feel so pretty.

Hi, handsome.

- I got you!
- You're mine!

I'm not that kind of girl.


It's rogina!

- And this
- is sexual harassment!

- You're not getting away
- this time.

Outside, now!

- Move it, butthead!
- He's mine!

- Man, you gonna take that
- from him?

- Hey, get out
- of my face.

- Did you hear what he just
- said about your mama?

- Your mama!
- Your mama!

- Your mama!
- Your mama!

- Your mama!
- Your mama!

- As long
- as it's not my mama!

- (Grunting,
- blows thudding)

Over the next few weeks,

- everything was getting
- back to normal.

Tia got smarter.

E equals mc squared.

Shut up, Tia.

And Roger was safe

to walk the streets again.

Hey, guys,

looking good.

As for me, round two.

I had decided to take

the s.A.T.'S again.

Turn over your

test booklets and begin.

I studied,

I had more confidence,

and I did a lot better.

But you know...

- Do you have
- an extra pencil?


Some things never change.

Good afternoon.

Oh, it's you.

I told you...

- Now, look here,
- I just came by here

To tell you

I don't need you.

- I know my work is good
- and that my designs

- Appeal to women of style,
- taste, and elegance,

Who you wouldn't recognize

if they spit on you.

And as far

as I'm concerned, marjé,

your stuff here

looks like it comes

from tar-jé, okay?

- Okay? And I'm going
- to take my dresses

- To other places...
- Fine places.

I would never ever

do business with you.

Darling, that dress

is fabulous!

Uh, make the check

out to "cash."
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