02x10 - It's a Party Thang

Episode transcripts for the TV show, "Sister, Sister". Aired: September 6, 1995 – May 23, 1999.*
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Starring Tia and Tamera Mowry as identical twin sisters separated at birth who are reunited as teenagers.
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02x10 - It's a Party Thang

Post by bunniefuu »

- Thank you for choosing
- rocket burger

- For your junk
- food needs.

It was a pleasure

serving you.

A real pleasure.

Oh, for me?

Thank you.

- And be sure to come again
- and ask for ta...


Oh, hi, Steve.

Let me give you a tip,

you little mooch.

At rocket burger, your only

reward is a job well done.

- But, Steve, who can live
- on this salary?

Your replacement.


This goes to charity.

Hey, charity,

- want to go out
- tonight?

Hey, tamera,

- did you know that "tips"
- spelled backwards is "spit"?

That's about all I've got.

Sorry I'm so late.

- I could not get
- out of bed.

Hey, was Jackie's party

great or what?


- The party
- was bumping.

Yeah, where were you guys?

Yeah, where were we?

Well, uh, uh, we were bumping,

but, uh, we were bumping here

because we decided to help

stinky Steve close up.

- Yeah, poor guy
- wasn't invited.

Oh... that was

some party last night.

Women were clinging to me

like a cheap suit.

Those were

flies, Steve.

Female flies.

- Girls, thanks
- for closing up.

I'm so glad

you never go out.

Even he was


- Why didn't
- Jackie invite us?

I even let her cheat

- off me
- in math class.

- Oh, I think we
- found the answer.




You know, we should

throw our own party.

- Yeah, and we'll invite
- everybody.

- Yeah, 'cause we care
- about people's feelings,

And at our party, we

won't leave anyone out.

Hi, girls.

What's up?


♪ Talk about a

two-way twister ♪

♪ shakin' up the family tree

with sibling synchronicity ♪

- ♪ never knew
- how much I missed you ♪

♪ I ain't ever gonna

let... you... go ♪

- Party over here!
- Party over there!

The party's on.

Our first official party...

Next Friday, 7:30.

- This house is going to rock
- into another block,

And the best part is:

- We're finally going to be
- in the party mix.

Yeah, just think... if

we invite 50 people,

and all those 50 people have

a party and invite 50 people,

we will be

invited to, uh...


A lot of parties.

- Of course, first we had to get
- our parents' permission,

And my mom wasn't

all that excited.

Whoo, party!


Actually, for my mom,

that's not that excited.


Whoo, party!

Dad, on the other hand,

had a few reservations.

- 20 people only,
- has to be over by 11:30,

- No loud music,
- we'll put on slipcovers,

And clear liquids only.

But we finally got

everything worked out.

And everyone has

to use coasters.

The key to a good party is

- to get the perfect blend
- of people.

Just the right chemistry and

just the right personalities.


we wanted a lot of cute guys.

Party Friday night.

And leave

your girlfriends home.

- You know,
- just my luck.

- We're having our first party
- and Michael's in Iowa.

- I think it's great that
- his grandma's getting married.

She had to; She was

starting to show.

Hey, guys, I can't

wait until Friday.

- Is this going to be
- dressy-cas' or cas'-cas'?

I'm thinking semi-cas'.

- No, no, less than semi-cas'
- but more than cas'-cas'.

- So it's going to be
- semi-dressy-cas'?

Frou-frou cas' or grunge cas'?

- More like semi-
- funky-hip-hop-cas'.

Got it.

- See you later.
- See you later.

- Bye.
- Bye.

Tia, there he is... Martin mera.

Isn't he gorgeous?

You know,

if you two got married,

you'd be tamera mera.


He's so, so... whoa.

Hi, Martin, how you doing?

- We're having
- a party

- And I'd love
- for you to come,

- But if you don't want
- to go, it's no biggie,

- But if you do,
- I would...

Hey, I'll be there.

I'll be there, too.

All right.

I think

he really likes me.

Why, what did he say?

He said, "I'll be there,"

but the way he said it,

it was like he was saying,

"be my wife."

Hey, you know,

maybe we should invite Roger.



A little help here, people.

- All right, let's see, we got
- your barbecue potato chips,

- Your onion dip,
- your garlic dip.

Dad, no boy will want

to come near us.

There's a method

to my madness.


my pookie-poo, baby misses you.

- Lisa, it's
- only a picture.

- I know,
- but when my man's out of town,

I got to get it anywhere I can.

I know how you feel, mom.

You better not.

Have you girls thought

of a party theme?

No, not really.

- Well, every good party has
- a theme.

- I remember I had a mutiny
- on the bounty party theme.

Oh, it was great.

- We had a wicker
- and a tiki motif.

It was the talk

of the eighth grade.

- Look, captain bligh, they
- haven't even had the party yet

And you're already

sinking it.

- I suppose you have
- a better idea.

Mm-hmm, all you need is

some fine-looking men,

some greasy peanuts,

a red light bulb,

- some jamming music,
- and me.

- Now, that was the talk
- of the eighth grade.


♪ Alarm clock ringing

in my ear ♪

♪ it's the music

that I love to hear ♪

♪ a day of smiles

and shaking hands ♪

- ♪ I love the work,
- I love the work ♪

♪ Key in the door,

put up the shade. ♪

- ♪ Whenever I grab the
- microphone, I feel energy ♪

- ♪ the butcher throws on a
- fat beat and it's temptin' me ♪

Yo, yo, yo,

that's got to go.

Hey, cuz, if you

ain't down with that

- and you can't get with
- the rap community,

- Then let me tell you a
- little something right now.

I could always play a

little Lionel Richie.

So the big night

was finally here.

- The music
- was jamming.

Food was slamming.

And we looked

pretty durn good.

Tia, don't say "durn"

tonight, okay?

- Anyway, parents
- have been lectured.

Please don't embarrass us.

It was time for the party,

and everything was perfect.

Except for one

little thing.

Where is everybody?

Somebody should be here

by now.

- ♪ Old ray Campbell has a house,
- e-i-e-i-o ♪

- ♪ with a coaster over here,
- a coaster over there ♪

- ♪ here a coaster,
- there a coaster ♪

- ♪ everywhere
- a coaster-coaster. ♪


That was the only part

that was bizarre to you?

I don't understand it.

- Martin should
- be here by now.

- Well, girls,
- it's only 7:30.

You know nobody comes

to a party till 8:30.

You know nobody comes

to a party till 9:30.

Nobody's coming.

- Oh, sweetheart,
- there are a millions reasons

People could be late...

Uh, rush hour traffic,

they got lost, urkel's on.

Dad, come on.

Hey, urkel's 32 years old

and he's still funny.

I can't believe not even

one person has shown up.

Well, you can be sure that

Roger will be here any minute.

Oh, Roger?


- Well, y-you
- see, uh...

We didn't invite him.

Oh, like that's ever

stopped him before.

- Why didn't you
- invite him?

Well, uh, we didn't want

too many people.

Yeah, it's so

crowded in here.

Where is everybody?


I can't come

'cause I'm grounded.

It's so unfair.

My mom thinks

I mouthed off to her.


Shut up, mother,

and get out of my face!

Sorry, I can't come.

I'm really sick.


My hair, my hair, my hair!

Why did we throw a party?

- You know,
- at least before,

- We thought we were
- kind of popular,

- But now we know for a fact
- that we're...


Nobody likes us.

Oh, I like you.

- Mom...
- Lisa.

- Want to
- dance?

- Ray...
- Dad.

- You're just
- making it worse.

- Oh, now,
- let's stay calm.

- There's no reason
- to get upset.

Right, Lisa?

- I'm going to hunt those
- party-wreckers down like dogs

- And squeeze their heads
- like zits

- Until their little brains ooze
- out their ears.

- Oh, honey,
- I guess they're here!

I knew they'd come.

Do we look okay?

- Oh, you look
- beautiful.

- Now, come on,
- put on some big party smiles.

Come on.

All right,

time to party.

Party time pizza.

- Ray, I think this
- is the first time

I've ever been sad

to see a pizza.

Got pepperoni?

Oh, ray,

this is bad.

This is bad.

This is good.

- But this...
- This is bad.

I can't believe

nobody's here.

Poor little babies.

- Oh, but I know what they're
- going through, you know.

It brings back

all them memories for me.

The rejection... pain.

You, miss greasy peanuts?

- Ray, I'm having
- a vulnerable moment here.

- All right, all right,
- I'll listen.

I remember one

day, this guy

was supposed to take

me to a church picnic.

I sat around, and I waited

and waited and waited.

Never showed up.

- But I decided
- I was not

- Gonna let that
- guy ruin my day,

So after I ate the

pie and the cake

and the pork

chops, I decided

I was gonna get up,

you know, if I could,

- and call my
- friend, Herman.

- And Herman,
- he took me,

- And we had a
- good old time.

- You know what
- I'm saying, ray?

I don't have a clue.

Ray, let's go

Herman hunting.

- I still don't
- have a clue.

- Ray, let's go round
- up some kids.

Oh, you're right.

- Yeah, you take
- the West Side.

- I'll take
- the east side.


- Hey, wait,
- what about me?

Oh, yeah.

- I better lock up
- the liquor cabinet.

So, the twins

need me, huh?

- They really
- do, Roger.

- I had a dream
- about this once.

Just once?

Yeah, but it's

lasted 12 years.

- You know, Roger,
- i-I'm pretty sure

They sent you an invitation.

- There must have been
- some kind of mix-up.


I can understand

how an invitation

can get lost in the mail.

Especially when you live

right next door.

I mean, it could take years.

- All right,
- so they didn't invite you.

But we're all glad

you're here now.

- I got to tell you,
- I really hate it

- When anybody
- treats my twins badly.

They're sweet, sweet,

wonderful girls.

- You're a real
- gentleman.

I mean...

They're luscious.

- I crossed that line again,
- didn't I?

- You want to become
- a hood ornament?

I'll be good.

- Let's find those
- friends of yours.

Yeah, they're real excited

about coming to the party.

- Except I told them
- that the twins

Are my own private

love bunnies.

Dang, there's that line again.

- Shut up or get
- on the hood.

Steve... Steve,

what are you doing?

I'm getting funky.

Whew, whew.

- You can say
- that again.

Now, don't worry, Lisa.

- I'm gonna round up all my
- buddies in the fast food trade.

- We're gonna turn
- this party around.

'Cause I was born to be wild!

You sure you weren't born

in the wild?

Well... I'm ready

for action.

Hey, stop that!

- I'll put mace all up
- in your face, boy!

All right!

I'm ready to par-tay!

- You won't tell my mom
- about this, will you?

Oh, no.

I'm sure that poor woman

has suffered quite enough.

What kind of party is it?

Are we almost there?

What does Tamara have on?

- How much did you pay
- for this car?

- What does Lisa
- have on?

- Why didn't you get a
- top-of-the-line model?

How long did it take you

to grow that mustache?

- Hey, hey, hey, I
- think that's enough

- With the questions
- for now, all right?

Mom, what were you thinking?

- We won't be able
- to show our face in school.

- In one night,
- we've gone

From unpopular

to pathetic.

- So, I guess
- what you're trying

To say is thank you?

How could you do this?

It's so embarrassing.

- Well, none
- of those creeps came

- To your party
- and you were miserable.

- Now, you can't sit
- around here waiting.

- You got
- to get out there,

- And you got
- to make things happen.

- But you
- made this happen.

- Well, we're an
- extension of you.

What does that mean?

We're vamping.

Look, we just wanted you

to have a great party.

And we still do.

- Hey, what... what
- are you doing?

That's not a toy.

Relax, we just logged

into your e-mail.

- Hope you're into
- the big women.

- We just hooked you up
- on the big babe bulletin board.


Hey, would you like me

to Pierce your nipple?

- Dang, woman,
- you're bent.

Girls, come on,

let's go mingle.

Yeah, let's go mingle

with the dingles.

So, uh, you work

at hot dog hut.

How'd you know that?

You got that giant weenie

on your head.

Wow, you're good.

Well, it's nice

talking to you.

- This is the worst party
- we've ever been to.

Including aunt

Clara's wake.

- Ray, we have got to do
- something about this.

This is a disaster.

Steve, could you

liven up this party?

Oh, no, no, no.

Let that go.

Something else.


Plan b.


Hold my medallion.

Safety first.

People, people...

It's time to get funky.

Hey, that's my album.

- No, no, no, no, ray,
- that boy's a little mad,

- But this party
- needs a little madness.

Hit it!

Ooh, look

at that boy move.

He's okay, isn't he?

Oh, my gosh.

What is he doing?

This is so weird.

Hey, look.

- Everyone is
- getting into it.

This is so weird.

- Oh, my gosh,
- he's coming our way.

Come on down,

twin kittens.

You go, girl.

- Let's move,
- hot legs.

Why not?

- Lisa, look, they're
- having a great time.

Yeah, they must be.

- They don't even know
- we're here.

Shall we?

- Hey, if you
- can keep up.

- Dad!
- Mom!

Okay, we're gone.

Bye-bye, cool cats.



We're having a party.

This party is bumping.

Man, Roger's

really cool.

- Yeah, but let's
- not tell him.

- We don't want him
- to get a big head.

- Did someone
- mention my name?

Yeah, we were just

saying that...

- I know, you
- were making fun of me.

And you're gonna say,

"go home, Roger."

No, we were saying...

- We're glad that you
- came to our party.

- Yeah, and we're
- really sorry

We didn't invite you

in the first place.


I'm touched.

Now can I touch you?


Well, back to

square one.

- Hey, everybody,
- Steve's got his head stuck

In the ice machine.

- All right,
- party in the kitchen!

- Did we order
- more pizza?

- Hi.
- Hi.

Tia, they're people.

Real people.


Martin, you're here.

- Sorry we're late...
- This girl

From southfield high had

a party tonight, too.

Hey, tamera,

we're not unpopular.

We're not pathetic.

Hey, how come we

weren't invited?

- Yo, what's up?
- Hi.

We're so darn happy

you could come.

Tia, I warned you

about that word.


Well, let's just relax.

- Yeah, 'cause now the
- real party begins.


It's conga time!


- What is this, some kind
- of weird costume party?

- No, no, it's
- just, uh...

Grab a waist

- and take your
- place!

- Uh, just pretend
- you don't know them.

- Well, it looks
- like fun.



- Where did you find
- these geeks?

Hey, this is the

mardi gras for losers.

What are we gonna do?

- Hey, if these rejects
- are here,

Then we're leaving.

Well... you don't

have to leave.

We will.

Let's conga!

- We congaed
- the night away.

- And that conga line
- was more than a dance.

- It became a
- movement, a symbol.

- A cause
- for celebration.

- A lighthouse,
- a beacon

Calling all lost

souls to its shores.

It was like a bug zapper

- attracting every outcast,
- misfit and loner.

Except it didn't k*ll them.

- It was for everybody
- who thought they

Were a little bit


It swept the city.

It swept the state.

It swept the country.

It swept the world.

- Well, not really
- the world.

- I guess our imagination
- got the better of us.

- But we did make it
- down the street

- And crash into our
- neighbor's trash cans.

- It was fun, it was wild,
- it was crazy.

It was...


- ♪ Da-da-da-da-da
- hey! ♪

Oh, man, what a party.

- This place
- is a mess.

Let's take pictures.

- I feel like I got
- a conga hangover.

- I just want
- some peace and quiet.


I'll take a short stack.


Oh, not that short.


Where's the syrup?


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