02x02 - Get a Job

Episode transcripts for the TV show, "Sister, Sister". Aired: September 6, 1995 – May 23, 1999.*
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Starring Tia and Tamera Mowry as identical twin sisters separated at birth who are reunited as teenagers.
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02x02 - Get a Job

Post by bunniefuu »

- Ooh, Tia, look,
- here's one.

It says,

"advertising agency

- seeks a person
- with artistic ability..."

I've got that.

- "...good communications - skills..."
- Got that.

- "...and a master's degree
- in business."

I was so close.

- In high school there are two
- important things a girl needs:

A boyfriend and money.

We have neither.

Do you have

to tell them everything?

- Unfortunately, an allowance
- just isn't enough.

And when you run out...

you get the lecture.

I hate the lecture.

My dad always says...

- You have to learn the value
- of money, young lady.

It doesn't grow on trees.

And my mom...

Honey, in my day,

all I got was a dollar,

but I worked that dollar.

- Child, I squeezed that
- George Washington so hard,

Martha got jealous.

So we decided the best way

for us to get money

was to get a job.

- We'll work on the
- boyfriend thing later.

- And that's the biggest news
- in our lives right now.

Oh, yeah,

and one more thing.

- My little cousin, tahj,
- is staying with us

- For a couple of weeks while
- his folks are on a cruise.

And, of course, we're

tryin' to make him feel

like he's right at home.

Tia, tamera,

here's your laundry.

- And I put extra softener in,
- just the way you like it.

Oh, thanks, tahj,

but this laundry's too heavy

for you to carry by yourself.

Yeah, next time

make two trips.

Good idea.

- Isn't he cute?
- Isn't he cute?

♪ Talk about

a two-way twister ♪

♪ shakin' up the family tree

with sibling synchronicity ♪

♪ never knew

how much I missed you ♪

Use the free code JOINNOW at

♪ I ain't ever gonna

let... you... go ♪

Hey, tahj, what ya doing?

I'm categorizing Tia

and tamera's cds.

Where do boyz ii men go?

My room.

I don't get it.


You know, tahj,

you shouldn't let

the girls

take advantage of you.

- You're a guest
- in this house.

You understand?

Yes, aunt Lisa.

- Good. Now go get me
- some iced tea.

Lisa, we finally found

the perfect job.

"Fun-seeking females needed

for telephone service.

Must have a pleasant voice."


"And a special appreciation

for the opposite sex."


What's the matter?

Well, look at the number.


- Oh!
- Oh!

- Ew!
- Ew!

Hi, everybody.

We're looking for a job.

I'm fine, thank you.

- Do you know anybody
- who's hiring?

- Girls, you really
- don't have time for jobs.

- You have your studies,
- your homework, your chores...

Lisa, do you know anybody?

You know, if we earned

our own money, we'd be

more independent.

Yeah, and we'd be able

to buy you guys great gifts.

Ooh, imagine that, ray.

Furs, jewels, cars,

and maybe a nice tie for you.

- I think they're too young
- for jobs.

Everybody always says

we're too young.

I got the same problem.

Dad, just give in now.

You know we're gonna wear

you down eventually.

- Okay, okay,
- maybe you girls could use

- A little responsibility,
- a little independence.

- Thanks, dad.
- You can come work for me.

- You?!
- You?!

Oh, come on, ray.

These girls don't

wanna work for you.

- The people that work for you
- don't wanna work for you.

That is not true.

Is it?

- You?!
- You?!

- Yeah, we could have a lot
- of fun working together.

- It's tough finding
- a good job out there.

Dad, give us a little credit.

Yeah, we're bright,

we're capable.

And we can get

a job on our own.

- Thanks for the job.
- Thanks for the job.

And thanks for not laughing

at us when we came

crawling back.

Oh, you'll see.

It's gonna be great.

All righty, out here

we have the heart

of the whole limo operation.

It's an alley.

Yeah, but it's my alley.

Ah! That's where

we keep our hoses,

soap, these are the sponges,

and over here

we have the towels.

We better write this down.

Dad, isn't there something

else we could do,

like run the front office?

- You wouldn't want special
- treatment, would you?

- Yeah.
- Yeah.

- Let me introduce you
- to some of the guys.

I hope they're cute.

Slim, Ernie, this is

my daughter tamera

and her sister Tia.

- They're gonna be
- working with us.


Nice to meet you, girls.

- Same here.
- Same here.

Hey, there, tamera.

I got your nose.

Well, don't blow it.

Dad, are there any other

guys working here?

Yeah, who still

eat solid food.

Yeah, well,

there's skippy here.

Skippy, these are my girls.

- No, no, no, they'll be
- working here after school.

- Well, enough
- of this chit-chat.


- Skippy, you want
- to put this "art" away

While the girls are here?

- And, um, tell the other guys
- to watch their language.

- I can't believe it.
- My little girl,

Working side

by side with me.

- It wasn't so long ago
- I was changing her diapers.


It's okay.

Skippy still

wears a diaper.

I told you this place

was going to be fun.

I need help.

- I've been telling you that
- for years.

- I was wondering
- if I could borrow

- Some big,
- sparkly earrings.

- You want some high heels
- to go with 'em?

- They got to be round
- and hanging, with diamonds.


what are you up to?

Well, there's this girl

at school... Tyra.

- No, she's more than a girl.
- She's a goddess.

- Hmm, two of us
- living in the same city.

Hard to believe.

So what's the problem?

Well, I, I gave Tyra

my mom's diamond earrings.


Are you crazy?!

- I thought they were just
- cheap costume jewelry,

- Kind of like
- the stuff you wear.

- Well, I don't have
- a chump like you

- To give me
- the good stuff.

Yeah, I am a chump.

- See, my mom wants to wear 'em
- for their 12th anniversary.

Which is strange,

seeing as I'm 14.

- Now, listen, you've got
- to march right up

To your little

fatal distraction

and get your jewels.

That's going to be hard.

- I mean, Tyra wears 'em
- every day.

- It's almost
- like we're going steady,

Except no kissing,

no dating, and no talking.

- You know
- what your problem is?

It's that classic struggle

between the woman you love

and your mother.


I watch ricki lake.

- Roger, you know
- what you got to do?

Get rid of my mother?

- No. You got to march right up
- to that little tart

- And just tell her...
- But I can't.

Just be brave, Roger.

Now, you can do it.

Well... you are tough.

You are aggressive.

You're the man.

You are... Roger.

Yeah, I am, huh?

He's a dead man.

Tag his toe.


we struggled working

at my dad's limo service

for over a month.

It was a week.

- Felt like a year.
- Yeah.

We even started to understand

what skippy's grunts meant.


You know, working

for your parents

is really lame.

But it was the money

and the experience and, uh...

- Did we mention
- the money?

Anyway, we were determined

to make it work.

And dad says...

If life gives you a lemon,

find a lobster

to squeeze it on.

So we worked harder

than we ever had before.


you missed a spot.


if it's not clean,

I get mean.

We learned the precision art

of auto detailing.

We bonded with skippy,

slim, and Ernie.


And we tried to keep

a positive attitude.

A-one job, girls.

It's great having you here.

Can we have a raise?

No, but you can go to lunch.

Right after you wash this.

Oh, man, I just heaved.


Do you smell that?

We smell like turtle wax!

You know,

what's with this line?

It's hardly moving.

Hey, you!

Working women

here on lunch.

Look at that counter girl

flirting with that guy.

You know,

she ought to give out

fries with that shake.

Well, actually,

he is cute.


So is he.

And so is he!

And so is he!

- Tia, check out
- that guy behind us.

He smiled at me.



Do you smell turtle wax?

I hate our job.

- You know, I wish
- we worked here.

What is taking so long?

Let's go, let's go!

Sorry about the wait.

What wait?

See, I'm a little shorthanded.

What's the problem?

Well, see, I had to let go

a couple of my employees

because they were stealing.


Excuse me?

- No, no, no, it's just that
- we're looking for jobs.

- We are?
- Tia, keep up.

- Well, uh, do you have any
- experience in food service?

- No, but we always
- wash our hands

- After going
- to the bathroom.

It's the law.

- Could you excuse us
- for one second?

What are you doing?

We have a job!

Tia, look at these guys here.

Now picture Ernie,

slim and skippy.

- You know,
- we're very responsible.

And we'd be here early.

- We'll even stay
- after the place closes.

Why would you wanna do that?


because we're idiots.

Oh, sounds like

you'll fit right in.

- I don't know
- what it is, but...

- I feel
- like taking a chance.

Don't fight the feeling.

- All right, then. - Why don't you guys
- Come on back

- And we'll get
- the paperwork started.



We have a job!

We have paperwork!

- Oh, man, how
- are we gonna tell ray?

Uh, don't worry.

My dad won't care.

So, girls,

what do you think?

Love it.

Okay, we loved the sign,

but we still hated the job.

But before we could quit,

my dad said the worst

possible thing.

I really love

having you girls here.

You are the sunshine

of my alley.


- That's such
- a responsibility.

- And there was
- only one answer.


we didn't know

what it was.

- So, while we were trying
- to figure it out,

- We had to be
- in two places at once.

- Twins can do that,
- you know.

But not very well.


- That's me.
- Where's tamera?

I want to train her

on the fry machine.

Oh, uh...

Uh, she's back

in the meat locker.

I'm sure she'll be...

Wait a minute!

- Is that guy
- stealing ketchup?


- Hey, wait a minute.
- Ketchup's free.

Oh, boy, is it cold

in that meat locker.

- You know,
- you can hang meat in there.


That's me, tamera.

- Well, now,
- where did Tia go?

- Boy, it's a job
- keeping up with you two.

It's two jobs.

Tamera, where's Tia?

- Dad, you would not
- believe this.

Um, Tia is so dedicated

that she's actually

cleaning under the car.

Is that right?

- Tia, how's it going
- under there?

Dad, she really needs

to focus.

Oh, okay, when she finishes,

tell her to do the gray caddy.

No problemo, padre.

Come on, Tia,

get your raggedy butt

out here.

Hi, uh, tamera's

working out back.


Hi, uh, my sister's

working out back.


What are you doing here?

It's your day to be there!

Stop that!

- I better get
- to the limo place.

Well, hurry up.

I don't want your dad

getting mad at you

thinking it's me

while I'm here being you.

I'm getting a headache.

How's it going, tamera?

Oh, everything's great.

- You just missed Tia.
- She was cleaning...

What's that hat you're wearing?

What hat?

All right,

all systems are go.

- Have you spotted
- the target?

Okay, I got her

in my sights.

I'm zeroing in.

God, she is beautiful.

Roger, concentrate.

I am.

Shut down your hormones

and prepare to do battle.

Help me.

You are aggressive.

You are tough.

You're the man.

You are Roger!

Yeah, she doesn't know

who she's fooling with.

Thanks a lot, Lisa.

Now, bring them back alive.

Tyra, we have to talk.



Those earrings

look beautiful on you.

Thank you, Robert.

It's, it's Roger.

But I could change it.

- Uh, Tyra, what I'm trying
- to say is...

I really like your shirt.

And I like your earrings.

Someone gave them to me.

- But, as beautiful
- as they are,

- They'd look
- even more beautiful

On a beauty like you if,

if I got them cleaned.

Thank you, Ronald.

It's Robert.

But the thing is,

I clean them

in the shower.

You, you shower

with my earrings?

Every morning.

Hmm, no answer.

She must be some babe.

I made you some snacks.

Tahj, you have got

to stop waiting on us.

Mmm, pizza rolls.

- Tough day
- at the office, girls?

Mmm, wait a minute.

Something smells funny.


No, no, no,

no, no, no...

You know...

One of you girls

smells like...


- And the other one
- smells like...

A rocket burger

special number two...

Heavy on the pickles.

What is she,

part bloodhound?

Mom, we were trying

to keep it a secret,

but we got these great

jobs at rocket burger.

You been getting free fast

food and didn't tell me?!

We didn't want dad

to find out, so we're

working both jobs.

But girls, that is crazy!

- Oh, well, when were you
- planning on telling him?

We just didn't wanna

hurt dad's feelings.

Well, I can understand that.

Men do have fragile egos.

- You just have
- to break it to him gently.

Hi, everybody.

Ray, the girls quit!

And sometimes you got

to blindside them.

You did?

It's got nothing

to do with you, dad.

- But I thought we were having
- such a great time.

Well, yeah,

- it's just that Tia
- and I wanna work

- Where the people
- are a little younger.

And where

it's a little more fun.

I'm young, I'm fun.

Oh, you were serious?

- Dad, it's just
- that we were doing

A really good job

at rocket burger.

You found another job?

Did I say that?

- Well, wasn't that smart
- of them, ray?

They didn't dump you till

they lined up another job.

- Yeah, that was, uh,
- really smart of you girls.

Yeah, great planning.

It's okay?

Of course.

- As long
- as it makes you happy.

- Oh, great, we're gonna be
- working at rocket burger!

- I'm so psyched!
- Yes! I'm so excited!

They're really sad

on the inside.

Think so?


Okay, it's 2:45.

Tyra just finished gym,

- so she should be stopping
- to get a drink of water,

Then heading to her locker

to put on more lipstick.

It's Wednesday,

so she'll be wearing

"rhapsody red."

You got it bad, huh?

I got a hole in my heart

- and my love
- is leaking on my shoes.

I'll call the janitor.

There she is.

- You're not gonna embarrass me -
and tell her you're my mother, - Are you?

- No! Besides,
- as young as I look,

- She wouldn't
- believe me anyway.

Could you tell her

you're my girlfriend?

- Keep dreaming,
- Don "Juan-a-be."

What are you gonna do?

- I'm just gonna go talk
- some sense to her.

- You know,
- woman to woman.

Woman to woman.

Good idea.

Give me those earrings,

you little gold-digger, you.

Better be glad

they weren't pierced.

Tyra, would you like

to go out this Friday?

- There's a bracelet
- in it for you.


Coming, honey!

She gets so jealous.

Any room on that couch

for another potato?


- I'm just watching some
- home movies of tamera.

Oh, she looks just

like Tia did when

she was a little girl.

- One word, Lisa.
- Twins.

That's her fourth birthday.

Ooh... ooh!

- A little rough
- on that boy, wasn't she?

Oh, yeah, that was Roger.

That boy was whipped

even back then.

- She used to love holding
- my hand all the time.

Wouldn't let it go.

People grow up, ray.

They get older.


Ooh, now, who is that

fine-looking man?

That's me.


People really

do get older.

How about if I make you

some popcorn, grandpa?


Hi, tahj.

Look at the way

she's washing that wagon.

She doesn't even know

what she's doing.

She missed a spot.


I know you'll be

going home soon,

but while you're here,

- you wanna learn
- the limo business?

I pay.

- You think
- I'm gonna take money

- To be
- a temporary substitute

For the child

you feel you're losing?

Three dollars an hour.

Hi, dad.

So, we felt bad about hanging

our dad out to dry.

- But, hey,
- it was a career move.

Yeah, and our jobs

at rocket burger

are really taking off.

Of course, we still had

to do some cleaning.

But we were cleaning

for Mike.

Hi, Mike.

- Hey, you know, I don't know
- if I told you girls or not,

- But I'm gonna be going
- away to college soon.

Can we come?

So, I wanted you

to meet Pete pruitt.

- Now, he'll be taking over
- for me starting next week.

- And I'm sure you guys
- will get along just fine.



You missed a spot.

It it's not clean,

I get mean.

How could this

happen again?

What can I say?

- I'm a pawn
- in the feminine hand.

Listen, you've got to get

those earrings back.

Just remember,

you're tough,

you are the man,

you're Roger!

Yeah, she doesn't know

who she's messing with.

Please, Lisa, please!

- I need
- those earrings back.

Oh, Roger, come on.

I got a hot date tonight.

- And when he starts
- nibbling on my ear,

- I want it
- to taste expensive.

But my mom...

- She doesn't need them - till tomorrow.
- It's only one night.

What could happen?

A lot.

I hope so, Roger.


Get me some iced tea.
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